Here a question is raised for who is a true Muslim? Is that a Shia or Sunni? Is that an Arabic or Bangla Desi?

Samsuddin (Aligarh Muslim University) says: June 24, 2013 at 1:40 am

I not agree fully with you that Islam is criminal ideology. Every religion have little or more drawbacks. I accept the fact that ancient Islam was based on barbarism on non muslims but today we are moderate. You can see in Islamic country of middle east situation is rapidly changing and people there thinking how to make Islam moderate. Woman there are also being given more freedom, equality and participation in political systems.

Our prophet have also said that Burqua is not forceful on woman but is own decision of woman to wear it whom maulvis have given wrong interpretition.

I would also like to accept that people who has converted in Islam from other religion basically in Africa and South Eastern asia (Pakistan, Afganistan, India and Bangladesh) not fully understand Islam and act in the way which defame entire Islam. They become more violent in the name of Islam however Muslims of middle east country are liberal and honest.

Original follower of Islam in middle east countries are normally rich, honest and more ideologistic. Bangladeshi muslims (or better say KAFIR Muslim) has defamed our great Islam in the world by doing all the acts which Islam never allow. They goes in Arabian contry for job and do there thef, crime and defame Indian region muslims. Real follower of Islam always accept the truth and never lie. I also suggests Asian muslim to really understand Islam and Quoran who have very little knowledge about it. -Samsuddin


Shafiq says: July 2, 2013 5:57 PM

I am staying in Gulf countries since last 10 years. I don’t agree with your comments. Most of the Arab Muslims hate Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Indian Muslims on the ground that they are all converts , not original Muslims. There is not human rights on the poor people coming from these countries. Most of the gulf Arabs are highly polygamist, marry multiple times, divorces are very common and engaged in unnatural sex like sodomy, visiting Dubai or Bahrain or Thailand frequently. There is lots of discrimination at work places against other countries people (Muslims or non-Muslims). I believe, they are in wrong path. They will be perished soon …It is eye awakening for Our Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Indian Muslim to leave them alone..We must follow our Islam ..Not dictated by Arabs.-Shafiq


Tenali Says:

You are under illusion! For any book based religions, you are either a follower or non-follower. There is no other path. One enlightened Muslim has written a book called ‘Islam: The Arab Imperialism’. It explains the ideology of Islam. It can be found at


Muslims always claim that there is discrimination in Hinduism and hence they became muslims. If this is so, why there is this discrimination between Arabs & non-Arabs, Sunni’s & Shia’s etc. Even after they converted, they still carry the family names like Nayak, Batt etc. Does it not mean, you are carrying the differences to so new religion? Though there are different sects or philosophies in Hinduism, it wouldn’t advocate resolution of differences using violence.

Our current history taught in schools does not depict the truth. If native people of the subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Afghanistan) study history of last 1000 years with an open mind, I am sure they would return to their roots (i.e. Dharmic religions) instead of following some other region’s nationalism.


Satyen says: July 4, 2013 at 6:44 pm

Dear Shafiq,

It’s a reality that Indian Muslims are more humane. The reason is still they don’t follow Muhammad to that extent as the Arabian Muslims follow because the Indian Muslims still have the shades of their Hindu ancestry. In other words, they are still partially Hindus under the banner of Islam and not a Muhammad follower to the hilt. Unfortunately, slowly but steadily, they are drifting towards the Arabian culture in the name of Islam as Islam represents nothing but the Arabian culture modified by Muhammad! This development will cause the transformation of the Indian Muslims towards the Arabic Muslims. The symptoms are visible. The examples are as follows:

1. Circumcision

2. Arabic beard with no moustache

3. Arabic cap

4. Burqa/Naqab

5. Learning Arabic language

6. Arabic style dresses for males and females

7. Hardening of Quranic beliefs

Entry points of a culture are through the dress, language, food habits, belief systems etc. In this way, Muslims in India represent the slavery of Arabic culture as it has been thrust upon them, either physically or mentally. Mental slavery is recognized by the people’s pride in foreign culture and deriding their own. Indian Muslims take pride in narrating how they have become superior by following Muhammad.

The Indian Muslims have not understood this fact so far and it’s high time they understood it otherwise it may become too late once they forget their true identity i.e. Hindu ancestry. Needless to say, they will be lost to the horrendous life style of Arabs.

The Arabic culture has enveloped the Muslims of India and in a few generations, when they will have shed the remaining shades of Hindu ancestry, the Indian Muslims will become the replica of the Arabic Muslims with the same characteriscs mentioned by you.

So, come to the roots of your ancestors to have the better life style for you and your progenies.

I have utmost respect for Allah but I hold Muhammad for misguiding his followers, away from the compassionate Allah. By the way, why do we need Muhammad for praying Allah? Who introduced Muhammad between the Allah and His creation? It was Muhammad who made himself a middle man!

Think on the aforementioned points with a cool head and do for your upliftment. Choice is yours.

Allah may guide you to the true path, away from the Arabic Muhammad’s slavery! -Satyen

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  • Sam
    July 11, 2013 8:37 am

    All Muslims,
    Why are you frustrated…no matter what you say Islam is a dirty religion and whoever follows it will be fooled for life. UK soldiers head was chopped by Muslim in the name of your Allah, a Christian professors hand was chopped by Muslims in name of Allah, Indian army soldiers head was chopped by Muslims, Chinese girl was shot and killed in Pakistan by Muslims, apart from that beheading of Daniel pearl, killing of innocent hostage by Muslim terrorists in name of your Allah, Chechnyas Muslims terrorist killed many Christians in Russia..there is a long list of what Muslims have done in your allahs name. So now don’t give that bullshit that Islam is peaceful, what Muslims do do not represent Islam, bullshit. Whatever Muslims do totally represent truth about Muslims. Its good that Israel is true answer to you Muslims atrocities on non Muslims. Anyways you are going to answer rubbish, which we all waiting for you bullshit answers and by the way. What’s the punishment for Muslims who leaves Islam, acc to sharia law?

  • Secular
    July 10, 2013 11:31 am

    Fuck the wahabi Salafi Arabs

  • July 8, 2013 3:38 am

    I am very confused reading various blogs by muslim and non muslims both. I am follower of Islam and deeply faith in fact and truth going beyond religion. Though I have no deep knowledge of any religion including Islam but I respect all honest and kind hearten peoples in the world. I doesn’t want to participate in debate on Prophet and about my non muslim ancestors but also can’t blindly faith in quran.

    Quran has been written in Arab Country by that person whom we never seen. We are quite different in culture and blood with respect to Arab Muslims. We also not belongs to the culture of Prophet who birthed in Arab. We can’t be part of that Islam which is followed in Middle East/ Arab world.

    We are the part and follower of “Indin Islam” which has different faith than Arab Islam. Indian Islam has all the right to judge and debate on Quran written by Arab People/ Mohammad. There are many drawbacks in Quran supporting barbarism in the name of Islam and Mohammad which is beyond the rule of Allah.

    I think our brothers should open eye what is happening in world by follower of Islam.

    • Satyen
      July 8, 2013 7:47 pm

      Dear Irfan,

      I fully agree with you on all you said. I also believe that we should not be blind follower of any religion and rationality must be applied before accepting the religious teachings, keeping humanity above all.

      I wish there were all the Indian Muslims like you. Let’s spread the religion of love and affection with rationality and keep the God above all. When I mention God/Allah, I mean He is perfect in all respect and doesn’t lack any virtues such as compassion, omniscience, omnipresence, impartial and so forth.

      However, I don’t have any respect for Muhammad and his creation Quran as it puts forth the condition to believe Muhammad as the middleman to reach Allah! In fact I consider him as a root cause of so much bloodshed of Muslims and non-Muslims alike along with the unpardonable torture to the female folk! I just want my Muslim brothers and sisters to be rescued from the slavery of Muhammad’s nefarious designs.

      May Allah give us strength to serve His creation without any selfishness!

  • Satyen
    July 4, 2013 6:44 pm

    Dear Shafiq,

    It’s a reality that Indian Muslims are more humane. The reason is still they don’t follow Muhammad to that extent as the Arabian Muslims follow because the Indian Muslims still have the shades of their Hindu ancestry. In other words, they are still partially Hindus under the banner of Islam and not a Muhammad follower to the hilt. Unfortunately, slowly but steadily, they are drifting towards the Arabian culture in the name of Islam as Islam represents nothing but the Arabian culture modified by Muhammad! This development will cause the transformation of the Indian Muslims towards the Arabic Muslims. The symptoms are visible. The examples are as follows:

    1. Circumcision

    2. Arabic beard with no moustache

    3. Arabic cap

    4. Burqa/Naqab

    5. Learning Arabic language

    6. Arabic style dresses for males and females

    7. Hardening of Quranic beliefs

    Entry points of a culture are through the dress, language, food habits, belief systems etc. In this way, Muslims in India represent the slavery of Arabic culture as it has been thrust upon them, either physically or mentally. Mental slavery is recognized by the people’s pride in foreign culture and deriding their own. Indian Muslims take pride in narrating how they have become superior by following Muhammad.

    The Indian Muslims have not understood this fact so far and it’s high time they understood it otherwise it may become too late once they forget their true identity i.e. Hindu ancestry. Needless to say, they will be lost to the horrendous life style of Arabs.

    The Arabic culture has enveloped the Muslims of India and in a few generations, when they will have shed the remaining shades of Hindu ancestry, the Indian Muslims will become the replica of the Arabic Muslims with the same characteriscs mentioned by you.

    So, come to the roots of your ancestors to have the better life style for you and your progenies.

    I have utmost respect for Allah but I hold Muhammad for misguiding his followers, away from the compassionate Allah. By the way, why do we need Muhammad for praying Allah? Who introduced Muhammad between the Allah and His creation? It was Muhammad who made himself a middle man!

    Think on the aforementioned points with a cool head and do for your upliftment. Choice is yours.

    Allah may guide you to the true path, away from the Arabic Muhammad’s slavery!

  • Arman Hussain, Kharagpur west bengal
    July 4, 2013 3:32 am

    It is only fact that Arab Muslims are King and Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi Muslims are their servant. They fears us in the name of Islam and Kuran however they himself never follow Islamic values. They have not any respect to ndian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi muslims and their girls. They purchase poor Bangladeshi muslim girls and brutally sex with them like monsters. We muslims are foolish who say ourselves belonging to their community. Their physical look, colour and thinking never match with we muslim.

    If you go and live with them only then you can know we are more human and islamic than they monsters peoples. 50 TO 60 years old Arab monsters keep 10 to 30 year old bangladeshi poor muslim girls for sex only.

    • Tenali
      July 4, 2013 4:15 am

      This is the problem with you guys! When you know that these Arabs treat you as slaves, why do you marry off girls to them? If you are cheated once, it is the other guy’s fault. If you are repeatedly getting cheated, then it is your fault. I was expecting one of the following responses from native Muslims ( who converted ).

      – Fight for reforms with in the community and ensure that there are equal rights for every one ( irrespective of religion, sex or sect ).


      – Return to your roots where atleast you wouldn’t be forced to follow these evil practices.

      Pls understand that Status Quo is not an option. Choose one of the above paths and align with the 21st century world!!

  • July 4, 2013 3:12 am

    Dear readers,

    Numerous studies have reported on the negative impact of perceived discrimination on health of Arabs and Muslims (Ahmed, Kia-Keating, Tsai, 2011; Rippy & Neuman, 2006). However, it is unknown if discrimination is experienced at similar rates among co-religionists. To date, there have been no studies exploring perceived discriminatory experiences of Muslims by ethnicity. This study assumes that Arab Muslim student will report similar recent discriminatory experiences compared to other non-Arab Muslim students.

    Respondent-driven sampling was used to recruit self-identified 156 Muslim under-graduates to complete a web-based survey (2010-11) at one large U.S. urban commuter university. Arab Muslim student (N=55) were compared to non-Arab Muslim students (N=101) on an 8 item measure assessing past year experiences of perceived discrimination. Additionally, the two groups were compared on potential confounding measures of demographic variables, religiosity, social influences, and acculturation. Frequencies, analysis of variance, and step-wise regression models were used.

    Arab students reported significantly greater number of past year discriminatory experiences than non-Arab Muslim students (2.25 vs. 1.51; p=.030). On the past year discriminatory measure, negative attitudes in public places were reported significantly more by Arab students than non-Arab students (p=.048). Arab students were more likely to report differences in racial profiling, interrogation by law enforcement lasting one hour, and being singled out at the airport/border for one hour which approached significance (p
    Muslim Arab college students reported higher level of perceived past year discrimination than non-Arab Muslims student. Discrimination continues to occur and may contribute to identity formation among Arab Muslim emerging adults. Additional studies are needed to understand the impact of the discrimination on Arab youth identity and the coping mechanisms utilized. Limitations of this study include reliance on secondary data analysis, the lack of objective verification of perceived discriminatory experience, impact on identity, and sampled

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