Interreligious Marriage: Do not Impose One’s Religious Beliefs on Partner

Inter religious Marriage: Do not Impose One’s Religious Beliefs on Partner

In the Western world, adults have the opportunity to date individuals from other faiths during their college years. Therefore it should come as no surprise that in North America about a third of the young generation of Dharmics (Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs) marry Abrahamics (Christians, Jews and Muslims). This trend is expected to rise in the years ahead.

There is often a large gap between the expectations of parents and children about the child’s choice of a life partner, at least initially. Thus, when an Abrahamic life partner is selected, Dharmic young adults will frequently make decisions without prior advice, guidance, or consultation with their parents and vice versa.

It is safe to say that most youths are not sufficiently knowledgeable about others’ faiths and how they differ from their own faith. Further, parents are often ill-equipped to guide their new adults in this critical transition, resulting in irrational
arguments between generations.

In the predominantly first-generation immigrant Hindu and Muslim communities, some parents with unmarried children may look smugly at others whose child has an interfaith spouse without realizing that it could happen in their own home.

We need to recognize that interfaith marriages are a matter of chance, regardless of the religious training given in childhood. Parents of interfaith married couples also need to learn to live with a new reality.

Parents who have children in interfaith marriages are reluctant to publicly share their experience, resulting in a loss of critical knowledge for the benefit of each community. It is hoped that wealth of knowledge collected at about complexities in interfaith marriages will be of value to many communities.

Not all interfaith spouses try to impose their religious beliefs/practices on their counterpart in marriage, but it is critical to find out the facts sooner rather than later. It is also important to recognize that despite all the potential marital pitfalls, a successful and fulfilling inter-religious marriage is possible. One effective way to achieve this is by not imposing one’s religious beliefs on the other partner. –Admin,

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1 Comment

  • November 29, 2017 8:07 pm

    I would like to contribute to this post.
    I am hindu and my wife is from a muslim religion. We live in Australia. She follows western culture.
    My assistant in office is a very highly educated girl who has done masters is also a muslim girl who respects me as her own family. This girl in my office is currently dating a hindu boy. If a person lives in a western nation, studies, works and befriends people of other faiths, it increases the chance for that person to get into relationship with someone out of their faith.
    If demanding someone to marry only if that person converts, it would be like demanding a certain fee before marriage happens. This means there is no true love. There is no guarantee that after conversion that person will have complete faith in the new religion.
    To have a lasting married life, i believe women need to accept whatever culture their man follows otherwise issues arise when naming their children or attending any functions outside her culture. If this change cannot happen, then don’t get into the relationship. A women will forever live with in their man’s house and will have to maintain good relationship with his family and friends.
    My wife blended well with my hindu culture is because there are no strict rules to follow. We did legal marriage and then celebrated our marriage in a big way with our friends and relatives.

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