I am Indian Hindu and She is Indonesian Muslim

Abinash says: February 12, 2016 at 10:13 pm

hi , my name is abinash iam an india and a hindu. My Girlfriend shes from indonesia and shes a muslim girl we cant to merry but without getting converted and without even to let her parents know about our marraige.
we will later on try to agree our parents for us.

Can we Merry to each other in indonesia without getting converted?
Can we Merry in some other countries if we can not merry in indonesia?
After Our Marraige, If her parents try to lodge a police case then what will happen?
Can we settel here in india after our inter-religion marraige please help me please

I have another question if me and my girlfriend ran out of house and get merry here in india after that what will happen?
if her parents lodge a case there in indonesia well can they do anything to us?
and if we will get merry here in india then we will get settel here but will our marraige will be legally accepted there in indonesian government too?
i just want to say that we love each other even we are ready to leave our parents but after our marraige can we live freely without any problems from police or if her parents lodge a case on us that all my questions please reply

Sharis Laws that all non-Muslims should know, Malaysia and UK laws, A Hindu cannot marry a Malaysian Muslim, Singapore marriage laws, Indian marriage laws, DON’T Fake-convert (focus on Malaysia laws), Koran on Hindus?, Islamic Nikaah without conversion is not possible, InterfaithShaadi does not recommend this: I am in Singapore and married to a Muslim without conversion,
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  • Vipin
    January 9, 2020 1:23 am

    Dear admin, kindly stop to misleading thise couples who are really seeking for guidance in life. They can love each other it is good thing but marriage is about different thing. Let’s suppose that all Indian girls are your sisters and what if she wants to marry a foreigner of different religion.
    I strongly say tha those couple can never be happy together. Bcu this life is not just only for two people. This dedication of family.
    More, those all girls or guys who are marrying with non-Mulsim in India, are totally crazy in their lust which is totally sin (ZINA) bcuz the level of their IMAAN (honesty to Allah who gives us all amd everything) is too low to make them to realise what they are doing. If any muslim get marry with others religion man or woman they are completely in zina bcuz marrying someone without NIKAH is not allowed by HIM (our Almighty).. .
    I hope it is enough for those all muslims who are crazy for this 60 to 100 years of life.
    I am also non-muslim but I respects all religion. I don’t want to marry any muslims girls bcuz our Indian conditions are not suitable for them even our Indian women are not enough safe. So I recommend you all please find a great soulmate in local who is really easy and best for tomorrow.

    • January 10, 2020 8:14 pm

      Hi Vipin,
      From your writing, we can see that you understood Islam well and concerned with loosing out Muslim girls by interfaith marriages. Go tell all Muslim boys and girls that the Koran (24:30) forbids them to look at people of other sex. If they follow Koran, then they cannot fall in love to start with and there will not be other issues as you expressed.

    • Shuham
      January 22, 2020 7:39 pm

      Dear Brother,

      No need to include muslim religion Zina and all, i know lot of muslim celebrity girls married to CHINESE MENs and they have kids . some follow muslim religion and some hindu.

      Its all about love in the end couple only have to live together, and for good life need money, care and love. I am not saying we no need to follow the religion rules we have to but in some how this rules are not good for humans. If one muslim can fall in love with hindu or vise versa .
      So, first of all they are human after that comes religion. To love someone don’t judge by religion.

      I hope we all understand and step out from these religious based marriages and all that .
      To marriage need partner who care about you respect you and never left you alone.

  • Gokusan
    July 19, 2019 9:34 pm

    First of all in Islam it is Haram to marry non muslim without conversion. So of you are a practising one the marriage would not be possible and you would be committing Zina if you move forward with the marriage.

    Regarding in Indonesia it is not possible.

    • July 21, 2019 9:57 pm

      Dear Gokusan,
      In Islam it is even sin to date (24:30). You have to know that not all follow Islam rigidly like you. Even you don’t perform namaz all five times a day as Allah prescribed for you. Tell us how many times you performed namaz from all 35 times you were supposed to do in last week? We know you will not want to reply and find some excuse to avert it. She already express her wishes, “Is it possible to us to get married there without convert”, why are you pushing her against her wishes. Is that for vote power?

      • Gokusan
        July 23, 2019 12:47 pm

        I have given that answer earlier. It is irrelevant whether I do or don’t. I just preach w what Islam says take it or not is upto her. You can’t be a Muslims if you marry a polytheist. Period.

  • Fransisca
    July 19, 2019 12:21 am

    Hi, am sisca muslim indonesian
    And having an India Marathi Hindu Boyfriend
    We plan to get married in indonesia (jakarta)
    Is it possible to us to get married there without convert , we wanna stay in our religion

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15452

  • vicks
    December 26, 2017 2:37 am

    Seems Mac and Mohammad adevertising Islam and very much into Dr Zakir Naik..See guys there is only one religion which is love and nothing else. If two people want to stick together and want to live quite silent life with each other than i think even mohammad and allah also agree on this. They are superior lowers and not common humans who dont understand the meaning of affection and care. so grow up and stop being radicalized and stop fearing on the name of god …again grow up and be human first then try to be preacher.

  • Yash ohlyan
    September 29, 2017 9:25 am

    my question is this..

    how can I go to indonesia (like how can get visa for indonesia , any reason plz tell me ) and how can I get merry with my gf (from Indonesia) .

    • September 29, 2017 6:25 pm

      Is this an interfaith love? Have you meet each other? What are religions of two of you?

      Contact Indonesia Embassy in your country. All tell then about your intention.

  • Dharm
    May 24, 2017 12:18 am

    I am Dharm from india,i am hindu then my gf from Indonesia and she is muslim, we want marry with each other and after want to settle in india,our parents also support our love,i want to know which documents we have need for marry in india

    • May 24, 2017 12:07 pm

      Are you planning to get married by the Hindu marriage laws or the Special Marriage Act 1954? Check if Indian government wants her certificate of being single from her parents. Do you know marrying to a Hindu for a Malay is consider illegal in Malaysia? Read Malaysia laws here.

      • Honey
        July 21, 2017 12:55 pm

        Hello friend
        Plz I’m ask u some personal questions

        • Admin
          July 22, 2017 10:33 pm

          Please go ahead. Use any made up name and do not disclose your city thus there is no issue with confidentiality.

        • August 13, 2018 5:04 am

          Iam Indian Hindu boy and my girlfriend from Indonesian Muslim girl…. Can we get married without changing our religion if it if possible so what document required

          Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13768

          • Aries
            December 6, 2018 6:52 pm

            Go singapore and married there

  • January 25, 2017 3:23 am

    Hi ,

    Anyone please help as i need an urgent advive. I am indian Hindu and my girlfriend is Indonesian muslim , we love each other and want to marry.Please guide witg your suggestions.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11971

    • Ronnie
      February 14, 2017 3:00 am

      Contact me on my email oozjatt@gmail.com

    • janan
      April 21, 2017 2:16 pm

      Bro ….me also facing that problem….but I can’t get way till yet. …she also saying I convert in Islam but I’m not ready to convert in that religion that’s it…..but I’m so love my lover…..

      • April 22, 2017 4:47 pm

        We modified your name for your privacy.
        Which country are you from? Malaysia?
        Why she is asking you to convert to Islam, even she knows you are not a Muslim from the first day?

        • biswajit
          May 20, 2017 10:49 pm

          Hello sir,
          I am an Indian and my gf is Balinese. We both are hindu. We want to get married here in India and settle in India. The problem we are facing is that her mother is not agreeing with her love relation. Still we want to get married. I just want to know if there is any way to get singlehood certificate in Bali without parents signature
          Please let me know if you have any idea I would be grateful. Thank you

          • May 21, 2017 11:36 am

            Check at the India marriage bureau if they need Balinese certificate of being single. They may accept your passport and two witnesses as all documents for marriage. Check it out in India.
            Can you contact Balinese authority that you need single certificate for your job in India for medical coverage reason, or find some other excuse about it.
            Will Balinese authority accept your marriage certificate from India when you decide to return and settle there?
            Can you try to convince your future mother-in-law about you? Be respectful to her because after all she is mother of fiancee. Best wishes.

  • Rakesh Sharma
    March 3, 2016 10:10 am

    Hai abi it’s my email send me persnal email may be I help u my issue same like u .

  • Abinash
    February 23, 2016 11:51 pm

    i want to talk with you are you on facebook its something personal

    • admin
      February 25, 2016 8:42 pm

      Hi Abhishek,

      If you are confused about why mac is asking all these irrelevant questions, you need to know that he is trying to convince you (a Brahmin) to become a true Muslim. Now you may ask what it means by being a Muslim? Answers are below:

      1) Not all Muslim follow mac’s ideology, but mac wants you to be like ‘mac’ (read in details). Are you ready to be like him?
      2) You may ask what is the difference between Hinduism and Islam? Both believe in one Ultimate Reality (paramatma, Isvar, God, Allah, or what ever name one uses) but Hindu also follow Ram, Krishna, Laxmi, etc as devtas while in Islam there is only one name, MUHAMMAD! You cannot be a Muslim or pray to Allah unless you utter ‘Muhammad’.
      3) As a Muslim, you are supposed to help recite your children every day the Koran. Before you commit to that, you need to know what Koran says for unbelievers (read here). Are you ready to believe Koran is 100% truth?
      Bottom line, are you ready to be 100% Muslim (0% Hindu)? If not, clarify with your girl friend and her parents about your intention.

      • mac
        February 27, 2016 2:03 am

        Admin when you are gonna publish ‘Others on Mac’, why you are not neutral on mac and islam?

        • admin
          February 27, 2016 8:18 am

          mac, are you not comfortable with what you said on https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8129 ? Is there any statement you made that you think is not good?

          • mac
            February 27, 2016 5:38 pm

            You didn’t answer my question. Btw i am not like you, i don’t run away from questions. Everything what i said there is truth and i even today i defend it, truth sometime might be bitter but i am the person who is in lifetime love with ‘truth’ . But many things i said there was in context, you can’t take them out of context, there were occasions where many hindus came here and wrote things like muhammad pbuh was pedophile,lusty that is why he married young aisha, married multiple times,etc in that context i had to told those bigot that look krishna married 16K women, ram married sita @ 5 and so on.

          • mac
            February 27, 2016 5:50 pm

            Except for pakistanis, i don’t believe that and no pakistani intimated me , i made that silly comment in rush when i saw the news of girl killed brutaliy in pakistan but i immediately said sorry and took back my word but that didn’t stop admin from cherry picking as admin can’t face us intellectually thus cherry picking out of context things to make argument against me. I again repeat, if anyone says muhammad pbuh for marrying 9 women as rapist than krishna becomes bigger rapist for marrying 16000 women.

      • abhisek
        February 27, 2016 10:53 am

        hello admin listen naa i jus need a last help from you i dont care for this whole world yeah we had cleared all our problems together everything is ok between us ahhh you dun get worry about all that no i dun want to be a person like mck ok whteva

        admin, listen in wht visa mah gf will come to meh ok my point is first of all we are thank ful to you admin tht u helped meh a lot but admin now we have a new problem…hw she will come to me and how we will get merry coz listen now its ok that we cnt merry secretly ok without letting her mom dad knws her mom knws and she supports us coz she cn understnd love she says to her daughter i will support you but her dad may nt support so after our marraige we will manage to agree her dad too and mah mom said yes and mah dad he dun knw anythng so after mah marraige i will inform him to

        admin if she will come india with a tourist visa then if we will merry then wht abt tht visa naa? it will nt valid for many days naa so tell me full procedure to merry with my girlfriend i jus need a last help ok so help me tht hw we will merry and hw we cn merry and hw she will cm to meh? jus everythng in details temme please

        • admin
          February 27, 2016 3:31 pm

          We wish we have a simple answer. There are so many factors play role in any one immigrating from one country to another. It requires many documents and generally takes a long time. Best is to contact a local travel agent who is handling visa and also an immigration lawyer. Best wishes.

  • abinash
    February 23, 2016 1:07 pm

    Guiz dont fight
    Miss.Rabia thnx for you suggestion
    Yeah u r right too
    Mr.Mac i dun knw why u dun like with hindus ..infact u may dont like me after knwing tht iam a brahmin too
    Mac Bhaijaan i dun knw wht all going on …but i even dun want tht mah gf hv to leave her mom dad and religion too
    Her mom had accepted it even after knwing tht m a indian and a hindu coz she can understnd wht is real love bhaijaan she jus want to let her daughter too wid someone who loves her daughter truely by heart Mac Bhaijaan i dun knw wht u may thinking abt meh but dun get angry on meh …
    Do u knw i respect islam and hindu both religion i respect every religion..
    As for you ewa religion is superiror thn all same for us our religion is big …
    I just askd tht i love mah gf even she loves meh more then her prnts her religion everythng but she even says i will nt leave mah religion coz m a muslim afterall even i say tht i will nt leave mah religion coz m even a hindu afterall …Mac Bhaijaan u may nt like meh calling uh bhaijaan but no problem if u dun like meh but hy i never thinks anyone like hes hindu hes muslim hes this and tht Mac We love eachother ..we dun care fo anyone we dun need to be certified tht we r real hindu muslim or not ohk i jus askd admin tht we love eachother and we want to live with each other …why u guiz started fighting haan?
    And hy u wht u think of ewrself why u said to meh like…”Dear brother Abinash, are you a religious hindu or secular hindu?” U calld meh brother naa do m clling uh bhaijaan coz person who gvs respect also deserve respect ..so listen m nt a religious hindu ok i love mah gf shes mah everythng and we jus want to be happy with eachother amf hy wht u said muslims when dates non mulim they will cll nt pure muslim bro in which century u r still living haan?
    Bro love dont see religion caste color …
    we lub eachother…we cn even sacrifise wht all we must hving…bhaijaan i respect islam m a hindu a brahmin but i love mah muslim gf ….

    #Admin iam sorry
    #rabia sis thnx
    #Mac Bhaijaan dun understand meh wrng

    • mac
      February 23, 2016 7:39 pm

      Do you support/like narendra modi?

      • Abinash
        February 23, 2016 11:41 pm

        no i didnt support ok did i said to you tht i support haan?

        • Abinash
          February 23, 2016 11:44 pm

          Mr.Narendra Modi Is Our Prime Minster …i dun think i have any right to say anything on him hes our prime minster afterall

          • mac
            February 24, 2016 1:03 am

            I didn’t ask your opinion on modi as PM but as a person.

            Btw india is democracy, here you can like,dislike PM, criticise PM, didn’t modi himself criticise ex-PM manmohan singh, didn’t people criticise ex-PM? You have every right to criticise him.

    • mac
      February 23, 2016 7:40 pm

      Do you eat beef?
      If yes,why yes and if no, why no?

      • Abinash
        February 23, 2016 11:43 pm

        no i cnt even think to eat beef.Its my personal choice i dont want to eat any innocent animal , I Love innocent animals and i cares for them too no i hdnt eat beef brother mac and yes i will nt even goin to eat in mah future too

        • mac
          February 24, 2016 1:14 am

          Do you eat fish,chickeen,etc? Do you eat kitkat,etc?

          Do you play cricket,football?

      • February 25, 2016 9:19 pm

        mac, what is truth to this statement that Muhammad never eat beef! View..

        • Mohammed
          February 25, 2016 10:01 pm

          Do you thought that we are fools to belive you admin..

          Fake videos never makes fool to us.. dont worry admin.. .we are not fools and brainwashed like you people who try to stop from the truth

  • mac
    February 21, 2016 5:33 am

    Dear brother Abinash, are you a religious hindu or secular hindu?

    • Abinash
      February 23, 2016 11:46 pm

      Bro m A Hindu ok ..i dun think tht i hv to tell uh tht m a religious or a secular bro i respect mah religion thts it

      • mac
        February 24, 2016 1:09 am

        You are hindu i know, i wanted to know whether you are secular or religious, because you are forcing your gf to become secular&irreligious by making her disobey allah in the name of love, so i wanted to know whether you are also secular in the name of love.

  • Abinash
    February 14, 2016 1:07 am

    thnx for replying i have another question if me and my girlfriend ran out of house and get merry here in india after that what will happen?
    if her parents lodge a case there in indonesia well can they do anything to us?
    and if we will get merry here in india then we will get settel here but will our marraige will be legally accepted there in indonesian government too?

    i just want to say that we love each other even we are ready to leave our parents but after our marraige can we live freely without any problems from police or if her parents lodge a case on us that all my questions please reply

    • February 14, 2016 9:26 pm

      If you live in a free society, like Singapore, India or West, there is no religious issue. You can marry any one as far as you are at legal ages. Yours or her parents can’t do any thing to you, at least legally. You can happily married for ever there. However, when comes to Islamic countries, it is a different deal. You can get away for a while but if you plan to settle there and raise family, it will be an issue there.

      We do not know much specifics of Indonesia but read all above suggested articles about Malaysia, probably same both places.

      This is what we said earlier. These Muslim countries and Islam are very unfair to all others. Once Muslims are majority, they pass all Sharia laws that favors Islam only. Here, they made a law that Muslim can marry only Muslim, means the non-Muslim has to convert and thus this way they could expand Islam. Ideally they should make a law that any Muslim who date a non-Muslim will be flogged 100 lashes (because it is against Islam). Malay and Indonesian Muslim boys and girls are out loving non-Muslims because they know that nation’s laws are in their favor. Love with a Muslim in those countries is a trap, forget such unfair affair.

      • mohammed
        February 18, 2016 3:31 am

        Its wrong to say this.,

        Islam clearly says.. There is no force convertion and also not to marry with non muslims, then how u come up to say for force converstion in order to marry with muslims

    • Nadim
      May 9, 2018 11:49 am

      Bhai! tere ko agar sachha pyar hai to dar Q raha hai. karle shaadi. Jo hoega wo dekha jaaega.! par always be true. chodam patti wala khel nhi karna. pure zindgi wala karna

  • February 13, 2016 10:20 am

    Hi Abi,

    Yes, you can marry in India or in Singapore, but you cannot later settle for good in Indonesia.If you wish to marry and settle in India, then there is no problem, except you will have to go through complex immigration process. However, don’t think of marring and settling in Indonesia.

    • Abinash
      February 17, 2016 7:11 am

      thankyou so much http://www.InterfaithShaadi.org iam very thank full to you guiz
      thanx a lot , firstly we thought that we can not merry to each other we was depressed we was thinking that we can not ever merry to each other and it will just remains a dream for us but thnx a lot for providing all necessary info to us and yeah we want to get merried here in india not in indonesia she want to settel with meh here coz even she knws her dad will kill us if we will even go to him , i was thinking that if we will get merried here in india then even after that if her parents will lodge a case in thier country indonesia then it will may not considered as a legal marraige because it will register here in india so i was in a doubt so no one cant do anythning to us naa even indonesian governmnt? and to merry here in india who will gave permission to her? Is indonesian governments permission is necessarry to merried to a hindu and an indian guy? I jus lastly want to know that?

      how to get merried?
      i mean she will directly cm to meh or will we have to take permission from indonesian governmnt too and one morething if she will cm to here to india then at what visa she will come? if she will cm here to india wid a tourist visa then it will not valid forever naa? then hw she will live with meh foreva here in india and wht are all the necessary informations and steps please jus reply thanx a lot for helping us and now please help a little more

      • February 18, 2016 8:23 pm

        Do not build lots of hopes, interfaith marriages are always complex.

        Malay government is not going to interfere with two people marrying in India. Two government has lots bigger issues to deal with compare to two people marrying with their wishes. However, if you or she returns to Malaysia, yes, they could take steps according to their laws.

        Best is if she comes to India on a student visa. This way you have little more time. Talk to an immigration lawyer in India for advisement.

        Now lets address the main issue. Are your parents ready to accept a Muslim in their Hindu home? Did you got their permission for your plan/strategy? If your parents don’t approve your marriage, do you have sufficient money to live independently and away from parents?

        Has she been to India? What will happen if she does not like in India? What will happen if she get sick due to pollution in India? What will be her fall back position in event she wishes to return back to her country?

        • Abinash
          February 20, 2016 6:17 am

          hi, shes not from malysia shes frm indonesia and no she hdnt been to india yet parents no they didnt get agreed on us but we can live independently if she will came with meh i even dun knw if she will get sick…

          • Rabia
            February 21, 2016 1:45 pm

            Abhinash, I can tell you that your parents (hindu) will give you and the girl a very hard time if you come to India with her. Unless you are a real man and know how to stick up for your woman, which my husband did, your Muslim girlfriend will be miserable with her Hindu in-laws mistreating her, expecting her to change her name, religion…etc. So think very hard before you do something stupid.

            Admin brought up an important point: “Are your parents ready to accept a Muslim in their Hindu home? Did you got their permission for your plan/strategy? If your parents don’t approve your marriage, do you have sufficient money to live independently and away from parents”

            Legally, once in India, nobody can touch you two and you can get married in court under Special Marriages Act. But her parents, if they don’t accept her choice, may try to harass her. She will also have some trouble and time to adjust to Indian culture and it’s dominating and interfering ways.

          • mac
            February 22, 2016 5:26 am

            Dear Rabia, salam wailaikum……..

            Pardon if i am wrong and i don`t wanna be wrong when i am writing about you but i don`t know why felt a smell that the things which you wrote above might have faced by you in your real life as your in-laws are also hindu and as you said you will be required to act as hindu to please them, isn`t it? It means they didn`t accepted you as muslim girl.

            Now i may be totally wrong, or partly wrong, but again, the question is if i am true will you accept the fact, no, because muslim girls married with hindu boys are PHD in lying and hide reality to some how prove that they are in heaven disobeying Qur’an to prove Qur’an as useless 7th century bullshit, and muslim girls having hindu husband will deny what i just wrote but deep down the heart they know what i wrote is exactly the fact.

          • Mohammed
            February 22, 2016 7:10 am

            when a muslim marry to a non muslim, They are no more a muslim, A real muslim never marry non muslim, A real muslim never break a islamic law

          • mac
            February 22, 2016 3:54 pm

            Yes muhammad bhai, a muslim having non-muslim spouse is not just a muslim, can’t be a muslim, and never will, if they are muslim then quran is false and if quran is true then they are not muslim, now many will say i am judging peoples, but i am saying what quran says. Many muslims who has non-muslim spouse are ignorant about the quranic term ‘munafiq’ , they only know ‘kafir’ and ‘momin’ and since they believe that they believe in kalima or other islamic rituals and shahada so they can’t be regarded as kafir and they then feel safe about their marriage. But allah has given a term ‘munafiq’ for such people and also said munafiqs will be in lowest layer of hell because they knowingly refused to obey allah in their life. In one verse describing munafiq, allah even gave reference of namaz, it means even a namaz performing person can be in lowest layer of hell for hypocrisy, read verse 4:142 if you think i am making this up. So those muslims having non-muslim spouse, you may think you are chanting allah’s name here and there, saying inshallah,mashallah,etc, your relatives might also be saying these to you seeing your haram marriage photos in facebook, but that will not legalise marriage to allah as allah clearly forbidden such marriage in verse 2:221. So you think you believe in shadah(hypocritically), you may think you performed namaz once in a day or week, you may think you kept fast,etc……but remember you are gonna be judged as per verse 2:221 and about verse 4:142 i already told above. So you people may think you are fooling allah or justifying your haram marriage by giving this and that excuse, but allah is not human to get fooled, allah is watching everything, your everyday zina!

          • admin
            February 22, 2016 9:17 pm

            Hi mac, is your message to Rabia? She is trying to be as best Muslim as she could in her given condition, is that not enough for you? What is wrong if she is trying to make best out of her current married life and living a happy and proud married life. Why it has to be “convert him or get divorce”?

            As far we are concerned, mac should learn this to be a true Muslim himself first, before preaching to others: Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girls, they are supposed to lower their gaze . Koran (24:30)

          • February 22, 2016 9:31 pm

            Hi Abinash,
            Rabia gave you a very honest and truthful opinion. Do not underestimate your parents and community.

            One other point: The GUILT FACTORS
            You will have guilty feeling from several angels. 1) If you try to please your parents, you will have guilty feelings for your (then) wife, 2) If you run away from your parents and go live with this Muslim girl, you will always have guilty feeling for betraying your loving parents, and 3) If somehow you managed to solve issues #1 and #2 above, the Hindu and Muslim societies will always say something negative about your Hindu-Muslim happily married life. They will show you Gita and Koran that you are going against it. So where will these guilty feelings end? Like Rabia is doing, go enjoy your married life without trying to please the society (there is no end to it!). Best wishes.

          • mac
            February 23, 2016 7:20 am

            Wow admin, why so angry?
            Anyway my message was for all muslim boys/girls having non-muslim spouse in general.

            You told Abinash not to please the soceity, then why should both Akash to please soceity(including you) shouldn’t follow islam? Why dr.shameena shaikh shouldn’t convert her bf to please admin?

            Lowering gaze, yes you quoted quran rightly and it does says so, and i believe and obey that verse. And if untentionally i dön’t , then that verse doesn’t say that i will be in hell because in next moment i may obey the verse, see this is small issue while marriage is a big issue, there you actually involve in physical relationship with a non-muslim man and give birth to child who are often raised as non-muslim, thus it is bigger sin to disobey verse 2:221 of quran than verse 24:30. If i disobey verse 24:30, and then i can realise and stop disobeying it further and ask forgiveness to allah, but what about disobeying verse 2:221, can he/she divorce her nonmuslim wife/husband everyday? Thatiswhy they shouldn’t get married in the first place, and if they do unknowinly, then either convert your husband/wife to islam not by force or blackmailing but by rational discussions,debates,arguments,logic&reasoning, and if it fails then cut relation from him/her or else remain as munafiq. It’s their choice, not my problem.

          • February 23, 2016 7:59 am

            Tell us if mac is using a ‘religion of convenience’ by picking and choosing what works for him? Do you agree to his this statement “then that verse (24:30) doesn’t say that i will be in hell because in next moment i may obey the verse, see this is small issue..”? Does it mean it is Islamic that mac keeps fooling around with Hindu Brahmin girls in college but what Rabia did is un-Islamic?

          • mac
            February 23, 2016 10:40 am

            First of all admin, you made things up, you assumed it and then putting it in my mouth. I never fooled any brahmin girl in college, infact i never proposed any girl, all proposal came from their side, and i didn’t respond to many proposals too. Ever since i came across this verse 2:221 i am clean, i don’t have any relation with non-muslim girls and neither did i start any new one though many girls even to this day showing interest on me, but i never look back to them(Quran 24:30).

            Also you cherry picked what i said, i gave full explanation of verse 2:221 and 24:30 in my last comment, if i look at girl and bad thoughts come in my mind, that’s when the verse is applicable, from next day a person can stop looking at girls with bad eyes and ask forgiveness to allah, now you tell me what about those who married non-muslim and disobeyed quran, what quran 2:221 says about them?

          • Abinash
            February 23, 2016 11:49 pm

            Rabia, Thnx for all ewa info but no my parents will not misstreat her and if so then we will live far to mah parents we can live independently …Where you from indian or out owf india?Hy you merried with a non muslim as iam trying to merry with mah gf ? Are you on facebook?

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