Indian: My Girlfriend is a Practicing Muslim

indian says: May 19, 2015 at 8:26 pm

Love sees no boundary and rules, if her love is true for you she will get you by sacrifices. People will try to misguide you, especially pro Muslims. But you know the best, you are best the way you are, she likes you because you are Hindu, she will be blessed to marry you.

My girlfriend is a practicing Muslim wears abaya and niqab, she tells me how much trouble her sister is in. She married there relative. She in in living hell, most Muslim married women face hell daily. So save her from hell if you really love her. -Indian

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • Mohamed
    May 26, 2015 11:00 pm

    My name is Jared, and I converted to Islam one year ago. Before I became a Muslim, I was a Christian, a non-practicing Christian, really just a spirituality in the back of my mind. I was really never a lot into Christianity, the kind who went to church every Sunday and Wednesdays. I celebrated Christmas, I celebrated Easter. That was what I was, a non- practicing kind of Christian. I really only knew what I saw in the media, it was really nothing more than what Fox said to me, what CNN said to me, what all these different media corporations say to me, this is what Islam is, this is what the Muslims do, this is who the Muslims are. I never bothered to myself speak to Muslims, I never bothered to myself read the Quran or do any of these types of things, I really didn’t have a chance to do until I came to Fort-Collins. The only reason I knew Islam even existed was because Fox News told me that there were people out there to hurt me, and they were called Muslims. If you did not try to put the thought in my mind that a religion existed, I wouldn’t have come to it. If you ask questions,like why does it say this in the Quran, or why does Prophet Muhammad say we should do this, Islam is not afraid to answer them I was first studying about all world religions in an eastern religions course. I was learning about Hinduism, I was learning about Sikhism, I was learning basically all the religions from the eastern half of the world, except Islam. That was the only thing that was not included in the course.Through the help of a young Muslim in the free writing course, I got my hands on a copy of the Quran, which I still have to this day, and I just read it and it reminded me a lot of the Old Testament. I was able to arrange a trip to a masjid during Jumu’ah , I was not aware it was Jumu’ah , but when I got there was Muslims everywhere. It was hectic, they were trying to prepare food for Jumu’ah, they were trying to clear way for the khutbah , it was wild, it was a homey kind of wild, everybody knew everybody else, it was a family kind of thing, it made me feel a lot more comfortable, especially since I was really nervous.I wanted to know who are these people? What are they practicing? What did they really believe? They said they were these monsters, the people who wanted to hurt everybody else, and were waging a holy war on us, and that is the complete opposite of what I found. It was none of that. And I listened to what they believed, and I listened to who they were, spoke with them, and it was so convincing, every word was just so convincing, it changed my life. The main thing that convinced me to become a Muslim was the sincerity of the whole religion. In Christianity, it’s not OK to ask questions, if you say what if Jesus wasn’t the son of God, that’s looked upon very poorly. But in Islam, if you ask questions like why does it say this in the Quran, or why does Prophet Muhammad say we should do this… Islam is not afraid to answer them. It’s not like oh, Jesus is the son of God accept as truth, and that’s it. It’s OK there is only One God, and we know there is only One God because He has proven it to you in the previous words of previous religions, in works that you see every day, in the Quran that you hold dear. Both the sincerity of the people and the sincerity of the teachings really convinced me to become a Muslim. Family Reactions As I was becoming a Muslim, as I was gradually converting, I was honestly too afraid to speak to my parents about it. It was almost two months before I said anything to my family. I mean it came up when my mom was saying something like you know “they are just a bunch of terrorists”, and I was like “Mom, I am a Muslim, I am not a terrorist.” And it was just heart- breaking because it really just tore up my whole family. My mom, she practically disowned me, still till this day, my step-dad does not actually think I’m a Muslim… It hasn’t really affected my relationship with my brother. He seems really understanding, he has accommodated me, he knows that I don’t drink alcohol, which I used to before I became Muslim I did drink, and after I became Muslim I said to him if I’m coming over try to keep some soda stocked in the fridge. We hang out, we play ball games, we play video games and things like that, and there is no need for alcohol. We order a pizza, we get a cheese pizza, I ask him for a different cutter so they don’t get any pork or anything like that on the cheese, but other than that it has not changed. We are brothers, we are close as we have ever been, we have more in-depth conversations. Among my entire family, he has been the linchpin to me just to stay with my family, to talking with them, discussing with them because he has been so accepting, he has been a brother… Even after I became a Muslim, my family hasn’t really noticed the change, and I don’t think it’s because I am not acting as a Muslim around them, even though they bang me right in my face I would just turn the other cheek, and I’ll say mom it’s not true, please have some patience, just listen to me, let me speak for a minute, and even with all this I think that they are just closing their eyes, because like I said the area I came from is very Christian, it’s on a straight Christian path. If you aren’t Christian, you’re incorrect, that’s basically where I came from, and it’s made convincing them a very difficult task… I’m not really trying to convert my brother to Islam. He asks questions, and I explain it to him in the best of terms that I can, and without trying to sound pushy. If he converts, Al-Hamdulel-Allah , that’s good, I will be very happy for him. I would love to be the conduit that he uses to become a Muslim, if he ever decides to become a Muslim, which I do hope he decides to become one, but I would never say if you don’t become a Muslim I won’t love you, or if you don’t become a Muslim you are not my brother, or I’ll kill you or something stupid like this. He’s my brother, he will always be my brother, and whether he becomes a Christian, or he becomes a Muslim, or whatever else he becomes he’s still my brother and I will still love him… At Work While I’m working, I don’t hide the fact that I’m a Muslim, I mean it’s caused some controversy with some fellow workers of mine… I know it’s a little unorthodox, but I absolutely refuse to sell pork and alcohol. And working in electronics, it’s not as hard to do as one might imagine. If pork and alcohol come through, somebody wants to get their beer, their ham back in electronics, because they all done shopping they have a hard drive, they have pork, they have bread, they have eggs, usually what I do is that I put the rest of the stuff through, and I ask somebody else to finish the transaction for me, I say I finished everything, could you please come and sell the pork or sell the alcohol for me, I’m not going to do it because it’s against my religion to purchase it, it’s against my religion to sell it, it’s against my religion to buy it, to eat it, to drink it, consume it, so I don’t do it myself. If I say hey Alex, hey Anna, come finish this for me, usually it doesn’t spark too many questions, like OK whatever he’s not 18, not 21 or whatever, but there are the odd customers here and there who say why are you not passing out, and I kindly explain to them well I am a Muslim, so it is against my religion for me to sell these products to you, even though I’m part of Wall-Mart, I do like to avoid the things that are against my religion at all costs…

  • May 21, 2015 6:08 am


    If your GF is a practising muslim, forget her. She will not match your aspirations as life parter.She must be guided by evil teachings of islam but not able to dare to get rid of.

    Allah is the ANTI – GOD worshiped Muslims. Allah is the ANTI – GOD of war, murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, rape, slavery, torture, hate, terror, brutality, savagery, maiming, stoning, cutting off limbs, mutilations, looting and pillaging, extortion, sexual depravity, child molestation, intolerance, bigotry, sharia law, oppression and submission of women, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, wife beating, honor killings, inequality of infidels,that infidels can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of Allah will ascend to a sexual Paradise of big eyed, big breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity.

    • Aakash
      May 21, 2015 8:56 am

      Oho…..Dear Indain….time to give test of ur loyalty….
      Ur pal Kartar demands u to let off ur GF……
      Coz she is a MUSLIM……….plz do as he says……

  • mac
    May 20, 2015 11:10 pm

    LOL admin deleted all my comments, admin is afraid of truth, he wants to hide truth and mis-guide women

  • May 20, 2015 5:34 pm

    Hi Indian,

    We have created this non-profit web site to promote pluralism and tolerance. We believe interfaith marriages will be longer lasting if there is Interfaith Marriage with Equality. Actually we do not have any problem people converting faiths as far as that is fully “informed” decision. However, we believe, love-proselytism (love-Jihad?) is sin. Fake-conversion for marriage to please a church or an imam (or Pandit or in-laws) will only bring disasters later in life.

    On your case, we could see that you have issues with Islam. If so, it is difficult to believe that a practicing Muslim girl is in love with you. Is it only because of her frustration due to her sister’s situation? Ask her if she believes in Muhammad’s teachings, the Judgment Day and Koran. Does she believe Allah can be expressed in a form of Krishna? Please spend good deal of time on clarifying all these points raised.

    Parents play a major role in marriages, especially in interfaith ones. Are your parents okay accepting a practicing Muslim in their home?

    Are her Muslim parents okay accepting you who may not have favorable views on Muslims? You do not want you to make your married life a battle ground like on this post!

    Do not underestimate society, parents and deep rooted religion. We wish you the best.

    Now on mac. He was exactly on the other side. He hates Hindu practices and still was in love with a Brahmin. It is good that love ended because it would have created disasters for two families.

    Indian, now assume mac is your brother-in-law whom your wife loves. In relationship, you cannot fight but have to educate others on your viewpoints. Practice it right on this post and that will help you in the future.

    • mac
      May 20, 2015 11:13 pm

      I didn`t hate hindu practices, but it people like you who made me aware of it what hindu practices are, btw i hate anti environment activities like cracking bombs, playing with color, i hate anti-women practices like rape, i hate antihuman practices like caste system, i hate rapist so, i have to hate brahma, the god of hindus, okay, thanks

      • Aakash
        May 20, 2015 11:22 pm

        Caste system……antihuman…..
        100% true……..
        A curse of hinduism…..caste system….

      • May 21, 2015 3:31 am

        What are your views on polygamy, talaak, glorifying one certain man out of proportion, pedophile practice, plane highjacking, driving non-Muslim out of Islamic majority states/countries, ….?

        • Aakash
          May 21, 2015 4:20 am

          To whom is that question directed?? Me or mac??

          • mac
            May 21, 2015 8:13 pm

            If comment was directed towards me then here are my opinions…

            Polygamy – a good thing, it saves chastity of women, unlike other religion where man can fuck any number of women without any responsibility, in islam, you are not allowed to keep any relationship with any women outside marriage, so it`s one on one, if any man wants relationship, then only way is marriage, for marriage, he has to take permission from first wife, in this way it is transparent, also in islam both wives has equal rights but no country give any rights to maid, if any men did you that doesn’t mean you get share of his property, but in islam women has right.

            Talaq- it`s a gift of islam that it gave rights to man and woman to get rid of their partner if relationship don`t work out, it is islam who first gave right to women, the right to divorce(talaq) her evil husband, later other societies copied it like western countries. Islam gave that right in 7th century where as rest of the world realized after 17th century.

            pedophile practice, plane highjacking, driving non-Muslim out of Islamic majority states/countries, ….?

            Why you are asking this to us, Islam has nothing to do with above mentioned practice.

  • May 20, 2015 9:30 am

    Mac, Haque, Pakhi, Mohammad, are the birds who flock together because of similar mindset, characterstics, taste and islamic evils. Here is a text of New York times, where girls are raped to produce new generation of islamic terrorists.

    Hundreds of women and girls captured by Boko Haram have been raped, many repeatedly, in what officials and relief workers describe as a deliberate strategy to dominate rural residents and possibly even create a new generation of Islamist militants in Nigeria.

    … more at

    The New York Times

    • Pakhi Begum
      May 20, 2015 12:58 pm

      According to American media, “terrorists” had destructed twin towers in USA but several American scientists and intellectuals including defence experts have proved “IT IS INSIDE JOB” So don’t believe media report(s) blindly. Was your father a supporter of Jarnel Singh Vindrelwala? Can you tell me why did anti Indian punjabis keep arms and ammunations inside golden temple complex? Why do the sikhs allege/ claim/say that they were killed in different parts of the country, specially in Delhi, after the death of Indira Gandhi? How did she die? Indian intelligence reports say that large number of sikhs got training in Pakistan in terrorist activities. Do you agree? Harjeet before asking me any question please answer to my questions/queries. After that you may ask me any question and that I assure that you will satifactory answer(s)to quench your thirst.
      Pakhi Begum

      • May 20, 2015 5:05 pm

        Yes, we have also heard that 9-11 was done by Jews just to make certain community look bad. Further we have also heard that actually it is Jews who are ISIS. Very amusing!

        • Aakash
          May 20, 2015 8:16 pm


          are u being sarcastic or have u really heard that jews are behind all this?

          • May 21, 2015 3:14 am

            Yes, it is truth that we have read those statements. We have also heard that none of plane terrorists was Muslim (and view a counter view). You may say those who drove your parents out of Bangla Desh were not Muslims.

            Aakash, a coin has two sides. One has to read and hear both sides of stories and make one’s own judgment for what is (could be) truth.

        • Pakhi Begum
          May 20, 2015 10:00 pm

          At times you speak the truth. Even Al Baghdadu, the creator ISIS is/was a JEW.
          Pakhi Begum

    • Pakhi Begum
      May 20, 2015 10:21 pm

      Harjeet or PARAJEET,
      You have said enough. Come on now, answer to my queries. If needed, consult all anti Muslim anti national readers and leaders of the blog. May be you are Khalistani but do answer to my queries and questions.
      Pakhi Begum

    • indian
      May 20, 2015 10:28 pm


      let these idiots bark, when they mourn death of Osama bin laden. They love daud Ibrahim, we can’t expect them to be in sane senses. All they think is Muslims are saint, the world is hell bent on d
      “defaming” Muslims. May be they are just plain ignorant or doing it purposely. They teach us how peaceful Islam is, by showing sentences, instead of showing what they do. Then hide behind ” bad apple” theory. And rule#1- show everything wrong in the world is because of Jews and then Hindus and then Christians. None of them open their mouth when terrorist behead Christian, in the name of their Allah, or rapes, that’s when they come up with “don’t let terrorist win” drama, while secretly supporting them. Why didn’t they teach peace lessons to there terrorist groups, no rallies, no fatwa ( a significant effort).

      Moral of story – everyone except Muslim is a problem to humanity, ignore these morons, lets focus on tearing their dis-information campaign. Peace.

      • mac
        May 20, 2015 11:34 pm

        First of all, why dawod is bad, he plan bomb in Mumbai which took away many innocent lives, he did it in reaction to mass massacre of muslim that took place in 1992 in Mumbai and in all over India by hindu organization like RSS,VHP,SHIV SENA and no one got jailed, why not punish both dawood and bal thakre,advani etc, in India only criminal from minority community get punishment, we are yet to punish murderer of Rajiv Gandhi, if the murderer of rajiv gandhi was muslim, then he would have been punished by now and all Indian muslim would have been blamed for it, two Sikhs killed Indira Gandhi and in response Hindus openly killed thousands of innocent Sikhs, some poured petrol on Sikh and burnt them alive, in Gujarat also, muslim women were raped by Hindus in open streets, but no justice yet, the criminals like babu bajrangi openly confessed in national TV that he did all these crime, but now modi govt backed by hindutva forces released him, same was done in Assam Neile when 5000 Muslims were slaughtered in 6, no justice yet

        This indian guy is telling lie, he is saying that no fatwas were given against terrorist, while in reality, thousands of fatwas were given against terrorist but media hide them to portray bad image of islam.

        Tell me why yet no Hindus have issued fatwa against Ram who killed many people in Lanka, why no fatwa against Krishna who molested young girls, why no punishment for Brahma for raping his own daughter sarwaswati? why no punishment for Kali,Shiva who did so many wrong against humanity?
        Shiva killed his own son ganesha? why?

        Why still today hindus worship these people who did many anti-human activities?

        • indian
          May 21, 2015 6:13 am

          Blah blah blah make stories from anti Hindu sites. I hope you know that repeating lie 10 time doesn’t make it truth. You will not accept the reality of what Muslims do, so stop blabbering if you don’t have answers. And lol man, how much you can generate non sense, you are gifted 🙂

          @admin – have a look what this guy has written, may be you want to do something about it.

      • May 21, 2015 3:24 am

        Superbly said. It is well composed statements and beautifully said. Yes, we have also heard that “Muslims always pose themselves as victims but they don’t realize that actually it is others”.

  • mac
    May 20, 2015 7:14 am

    LOL, this guy who was anti muslim anti islam now panning to marry a muslim girl, then why should i become saint, so many hindu girls in the queue of getting my approval. Admin, should I proceed?

    • indian
      May 20, 2015 8:03 am

      Do you know why Muslims are —deleted by Admin, sorry!

      • Aakash
        May 20, 2015 11:46 am

        Admin…..why are u deleting these lovely comments…..??
        The are so true and so genuine….why are u erasing a wonderful blogger’s wonderful comments?? Plz dont do it…

      • indian
        May 20, 2015 12:23 pm

        @admin – Any possible explanation please?

        • May 20, 2015 5:19 pm

          Indian and mac, we value your contributions. Sorry to remove some of comments (including from Kartar and others).

          Normally we have kept on side line and let all express as is, including somewhat dirty words and religious bashing. However it discourages many new readers and we have heard complains.

          Moderating is hard because it could add a bias factor (that we don’t have intention). However, we wish blogger remain mindful of language and respect for others belief. There is lots one could say with soft language, please try.

          If you wish, you could exchange your e-mails and can discuss more in a private setting.

          Please continue informative discussion that other interfaith lovers should know. Thanks!

          • Aakash
            May 20, 2015 8:08 pm

            Thats so kind of u admin

    • Pakhi Begum
      May 20, 2015 10:27 pm

      Brother Mac,
      I know that girl who is a maid servant and hindu and the name is Shenaz.

  • Mohammed
    May 20, 2015 4:28 am

    No chance at all…

    Practicing muslim wont be relationship with the cheapest guys. .

    both are such a frauds. . .lol

    • Aakash
      May 20, 2015 5:40 am

      😀 😀

    • indian
      May 20, 2015 5:53 am

      Oh this has become a topic now ! Well on the contrary she likes me as I am. Her agony is my source of finding about Islam and its distortions and actual reality of Muslims. You mohamad ( or what ever name you logged in with ) are free to say anything you like, reality won’t change. And talking about cheap – you distorted Muslims, violent creature has to be dealt with this cheapness, that’s what you morons understand. You get what you deserve.

    • May 20, 2015 6:38 pm

      Hi Mohammed,

      We never asked you this. Were (are) you (ever) in love with a girl? Do you have (had) soft corner for someone?

      • Mohammed
        May 21, 2015 4:24 am

        He he he admin.. . what a wonderful argument. if we say some thing against them u become so angry. .

        what about those people who are abusing to us such as kartar,chand osamani,indian etc you are accepting those comments..

        This shows that how u r anti islamic person and religious fanatic …

        pakhi sister said correctly. . you are no1 anti islamic person who loves to rape daughter like hindu dharma did..

  • Aakash
    May 19, 2015 8:46 pm r u planning to get married…..??
    Are u running some organization for Interfaith Marriage…..for their support??

    • indian
      May 20, 2015 5:58 am

      Depends when her parents agree, which I don’t think will ever happen. So you should probably ask when is running away. Answer is not yet.

      • Aakash
        May 20, 2015 6:57 am

        Dont u think that if u run…her parents might file a case on u and ur family….which could be taken away only if the girl says that she was nt kidnapped and she went away on her will…..nw which girl will speak against her larents….especially against her mother…..

        • indian
          May 20, 2015 7:57 am

          Yes Mr common sense

          • Aakash
            May 20, 2015 9:01 am

            I didnt get ur answer properly….is it “Yes i knw the conciquences”
            or is it “yes my girl will skeak against her parents”??
            Which one is it….???

  • May 19, 2015 8:39 pm


    How far are you in your love relationship? How are you planning to get married?

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