Hindu-Muslim marriages: Is the trend changing in America?

anon says: November 18, 2012 at 11:40 am


I didn’t mean to offend you but I wanted to clarify the reasons why people are kind of hesitant about certain muslims. So that you can offer better advice.

The reason people are not exactly comfortable with non muslim women marrying muslim guys is because
a) muslim guys coerce and somehow force conversion. It has happened numerous times in history. Being a girl in this relationship, at some point you are forced to concur, even if you don’t agree with the religion.

b) muslim guys will not respect your hindu traditions. Even if you respect his muslim traditions. Unfortunate

c) They will force you to raise the kids islamic, without any touch or knowledge about your birth religion. This is unfair to the non muslim in the relationship. It’s in fact very hurtful for her, because at some level we are all sentimental about the culture and the spirituality path we grew up in.

d) They bring up conversion as a threat to break up or divorce. Very hard if your in a neck deep relationship or already have children.

I once had a close friend, who married a muslim through the nikaah. The family asked her to say in some ceremony that the gita is false. Her parents were helplessly watching. She couldn’t do much but go with it. Whats the point of islam being a peaceful religion if a lot of muslims behave this way?

e) Conversion from islam to any other religion is punishable by death in most islamic countries.

I myself have lots of close friends who are muslim and have high regard for them. But in terms of marriage, they don’t treat you as equals. Yes, we respect your beliefs about islam, and everyone else’s beliefs about islam too. But we also want respect thein return from muslim partners. Isn’t this fair?

If you have chosen to date a non islamic girl, you have to give her the rights and freedom, and respect/ support her in following her faith. You can’t have the cake and eat it too. If you can’t respect her faith, then its only right that you never dated her in the 1st place.

This trend is kind of changing in american muslims, partly due to easy divorce, and prenuptial agreements, so even girls have an upper hand. But it’s not so in many other places where tradition plays a huge role, even India. And in other muslim countries, you can forget about it.

Again, I am really sorry if any of this hurt you. I was just trying to provide you with what really happens in an inter faith relationship. So that you can offer better advice to everyone involved and remind them to be sensitive. -anon

38% of Hindus marry to Christians, Jews and Muslims in America
45% of Muslims marry outside their faith in America

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  • Satyen
    November 19, 2012 3:53 pm

    It’s loud and clear. All the women including the Muslim women must ask the first set of questions to her boy friend or would be husband as follows:

    Do you have regard for Muhammad?

    Do you think he committed no mistakes in his life and he is the best
    person ever walked on the face of the earth?

    Do you consider him a prophet?

    Make sure you get the answers straightway, not in an ambiguous way. If any of the above questions are in affirmative, you can immediately know about the person’s views towards a woman and you must keep away from him. If, all the answers are in negative, there is no question of Shahada. Non Muslim women should be still beware. There is a concept of Taqiya in Islam that allows the Muslims to tell a lie to convert somebody in Islam. Usually they don’t reveal their intention at early stages of friendship. So be careful and don’t be attached with them emotionally or physically.

    The above questions are of immensely important. As long as a person has affirmative answer to any of the above questins, he always has the chances of straying away from the path of good husband. Even Muslim women who know the reality of Muhammad, need to ask these questions to increase the chances of an oppression free conjugal life.

  • November 19, 2012 8:19 am


    Domestic violence is an ongoing, debilitating experience of physical, psychological, and/or sexual abuse in the home against women.

    Although Islam promises women protection from such problems, the reality in many Muslim homes is different.
    The most common form of abuse is emotional and mental abuse. In Muslim homes, this includes verbal threats to divorce the wife, to remarry, or to take the kids away if she does not do exactly as she is told; intimidation and threats of harm; degradation, humiliation, insults, ridicule, name-calling, and criticism; false accusations and blaming her for everything; ignoring, dismissing, or ridiculing her needs; neglect and the silent treatment; spying on her; telling her she is a failure and will go to hell; twisting Islamic teachings to make her feel worthless because she is a woman; restricting her access to transportation, health care, food, clothing, money, friends, or social services; physical and social isolation; extreme jealousy and possessiveness; lying, breaking promises, destroying trust; etc.
    Emotional abuse can take place in public or at home and can continue in physical or sexual abuse.

    Although it’s completely contrary to the example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Muslim community nonetheless tends to dismiss the seriousness of mental abuse, rationalizing it as a petty argument between husband and wife, and saying it’s not serious unless he hits her. In reality, mental abuse does severe psychological harm to many Muslim women. It destroys their self-esteem and makes them question their self-worth; some have mental breakdowns and go insane.

    There are a number of factors that make many Muslim men abusive.

    – Abusers are often part of a cycle, picking up the habit after watching their own fathers abuse their mother.

    – For cultural reasons, some Muslim men accept the idea that it’s normal for a man to hit his wife and that she is no more than a piece of his property.

    – Some Muslim husbands abuse their wives as a result of frustration resulting from economic hardship, political oppression experienced outside the U.S., problems with the children, or an inferiority complex.

    – Some abuse their wives because they want them to be more “modern” and less Islamic by removing their hijab (Islamic dress), while others are abusive because they want the opposite.

    – Some Muslims with superficial ties to Islam don’t know that abuse is unacceptable due to their weak faith, poor Islamic knowledge, and lack of interaction with the Muslim community.

    – Tragically, some Muslim men actually use Islam to “justify” their abusive behavior. Focusing on rituals, considering themselves to be Islamically knowledgeable, and disregarding the spirit of Islam, they wrongly use the Qur’anic verse that says men are the protectors and maintainers of women to go on power trips, demand total obedience, and order their wives around. They disregard the Islamic requirement for the head of the household to consult with other members of the family when making decisions.

    Then, if their wives dare to speak up or question their orders, these men misinterpret a Qur’anic verse that talks about how to treat a disobedient wife and use it as a license for abuse.

    In reality, the Qur’an and Sunnah provide clear instructions on what procedures a husband must use in conflict situations where the husband is innocent and the wife is rebellious and at fault. The first step is a peaceful discussion between the two of them about the problem and solutions. This is intended to soften hearts and eliminate misunderstandings. If this doesn’t work, the next step is for the husband to tell his wife his expectations in a firm, decisive manner. If the rebelliousness and disobedience continues, the husband is supposed to leave the bed, which is really a punishment for both of them for not being able to resolve their differences. If that fails to solve the problem, representatives of both sides meet to try and arbitrate. As a last resort, if he thinks it will prevent divorce by letting the wife know how serious he is, the husband can use a light slap on the hand or shoulder but not on any other part of the body, and it shouldn’t leave a mark or scar. Anything beyond this is Islamically prohibited.

    This procedure is to be followed only when the wife is the cause of a serious problem and the husband is innocent, compassionate, and well-behaved. If the husband is the cause of the problem, he has no right to do any of this.

    Unfortunately, Muslim wives often accept un-Islamic treatment from their husbands because they don’t know their Islamic rights, and they don’t realize their husbands are crossing the Islamic line.

    Abusive men are completely disregarding the Islamic teachings of kindness, mercy, gentleness, and forgiveness, just as they are disregarding the example of

    Abused Muslim women also keep quiet out of a feeling of hopelessness and a belief that no one will help them, out of financial dependence on their husbands, out of a desire to keep homes together for the children’s sake, or out of love for the abusive husbands. Other Muslim women accept the abuse as a fact of life and learn to live with it.

    Of those who reach a breaking point and seek help, many Muslim women turn to imams but often find them unhelpful. Imams often tell these women to be patient and pray for the abuse to end. Some imams make the abused Muslim women feel guilty, telling them they have brought the abuse upon themselves and instructing them to go home and please their husbands. Other imams, who are sincerely but mistakenly misinterpreting Islam by putting the importance of family privacy above any harm that might come to the individual woman, tell the women it is wrong for them to discuss their problems with anyone other than their husbands. The imams’s reactions stem from ignorance, cowardice, or friend-ship or blood relationship with the abusive husbands. Relatively few imams have had the wisdom and courage to tackle the problem head-on. As a result of this, many abused women don’t bother turning to imams for help.

    Many women go even further, leaving Islam altogether because the Muslim community fails to live up to the Islamic promise of protection, brotherhood, and sisterhood.

    A lot of work, but the problem is serious enough to warrant a lot of work. The Muslim community has shamefully tolerated abuse for a long time. How much longer will Muslim families (and therefore the Muslim community) be weakened by abuse? How much longer will abusers be allowed to run free and unpunished in the community? How much more abuse will Muslim women have to endure before the community decides that enough is enough?

    The Muslim community has clearly failed in its obligations to protect many Muslim women and to bring many cruel Muslim men to justice. The community needs to deal much more effectively with wife abuse in order to stop the immediate suffering of people in abusive situations and to help build healthy Muslim families.

    • November 19, 2012 9:46 am

      Wow….yet again poor Muslims, both men and women, can not understand their faith properly nor can follow it.

      But they want all others i.e. Non-Muslims to enter their faith !

      Typical Muslim mentality !

      I have a better explanation for all this confusion among Muslims i.e. Jews are behind all this.

      • zaheer
        November 21, 2012 2:54 am

        no muslim in this world needs your stupid advice. You can keep your advice to yourself. muslims have the quran and the hadith to help them leaf their life happily. you just keep listening to the rss and other muslim bashers and keep muttering stupidity kike this. whenever i need a laugh ill come to see your stupid comments.

      • Aisha
        November 25, 2012 1:59 pm

        How can a false faith and a true faith be equally viewed? it can never be even by you.
        If you are in a righteous faith will you ever except the wrong? never i guess but if you are a stupid.

        And islam is the only true, logical faith among all the existing faiths.

        • November 25, 2012 10:07 pm

          Yes it is very logical because Koran tells its followers not to ask questions. (Verse 5:101)

          It must me one hell of a true faith ! After all it carried out 19,980 terrorist attacks in since 11/9/2001…Most of these are suicide bombings…unable to give a good reason for Muslims to live on this planet it gives plenty to die.

          What is the proof of Islam being the only true faith?

          Let me guess…Huhhhhhhhhhh………KORAN SAYS THIS.

          Only retards can go with this kind of logic..

    • Aisha
      November 25, 2012 2:12 pm

      Biased research and stupid outcomes!
      Hey! This scenario is in every part of the world why r you only pointing muslims?
      Moral degradation is not only seen in muslim communities but also in Hindu, Cristian, Budhist communities. Actually it can’t b judged by religious mentality. Why r u stupidly doing so?
      Ur conspiracy is very nude and weak. leave it. ok?

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