I’m Jain-Hindu girl in love with a Muslim….

i’m zoya a jain-hindu girl in love with a bihri muslim guy.
we love each other and his family is very easy going and broad minded.
his sister has married a hindu too…
ameen zamindar is very good guy, i love him n we wanna marry each other but my mum is not agreeing at all n we cant tell my dad as of now.

his family loves us together they are supportive, but my side people will not accept. please help me!!!!

Zoya says: December 18, 2011 at 11:39 pm

hi seema,
…see my answers:
Q: How are you planning to get married?
. A. with families of both of us being present.
Q: If Islamic wedding, are you willing to convert to Islam:
. A. I don’t mind, his family will not ask me to do so.
Q: Are you also going to have a Hindu-Jain wedding too?
. A. Yes, thats is not important… his sister had a hindu wedding.
Q: Will the Muslim guy enter your Hindu-Jain temple?
. A. he has been so many times.
Q: His sister married to a Hindu. How? Did the Hindu converted? Did they have Hindu or Islamic wedding, or both?
. A. thay had hindu wedding,, she follows both religion. for his family religion is not imp. nor the custom which our wedding follows… they re very open minded….
Q: do you live in the US or India?
. A. i stay in India
Q: Approximately how old are you?
. A. m 22

seema maheshwari says: December 19, 2011 at 6:55 pm

If you lived in the U.S, I would have said that go ahead and get married and wait for your parents to either come around or break contact with you. But you live in India. It’s very hard if not impossible to break away for ones family. I got back from India two weeks ago and on any given day I would see 10-20 relatives and talk to at least ten more on the phone.

You are also only 22 and unless your boy friend is wealthy, you may need your parents financial support.

I met a couple a few weeks ago. They are both Hindus but from different parts of India. They had been dating for years. The girls parents, while not thrilled, had given their blessings but the boys parents were adament that he would marry within his own caste. They told the boy that he had to choose between them and the girl. He chose her and they walked out. The couple went to a temple the same day and got married. Now, they have no place to live and no contact with the boys family. Not only did the boy loose his parents but he also lost his Chachas, Chachis, Mamas, Maamis, cousins etc? Was it worth it?

Do you have a family member who is supportive of you and can intervene on your behalf?

zoya says: December 21, 2011 at 9:11 am

u re so true….
from my family no body would support, my mum said its not possible…
my main concern is Ameen, my parents may find a nice guy for me but ameen wud nvr fall in another relation n nvr agree for arranged marriage,,, he is very sensitive,very broad minded n strong though..
but he has his theory which is very different….
how shall i make an decision!

seema maheshwari says: January 1, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Zoya, I hope the New Year brings happiness and finds an end to your dilemna. Since you are still young, wait a year or two before making a decision. If you parents see that you are set in your decision, they may support you.

DO NOT do anything drastic that you may regret later.

Readers, what would you say to this Jain girl Zoya who is in love with a Muslim?

Also read: Jain-Muslim marriages, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Gourav jain
    June 23, 2018 7:29 pm

    Hello, jain is not a religion, but its a thinking.which takes away from this world.which gives you eternal happiness.if a jain girl marry with ANY other religion, she will lost such a great thinking.i think zoya u r doing, with yourself
    Be positive.understand fron world, what they get by marry with other religion, especially in your case

  • luckyblogger
    February 17, 2018 10:58 am

    Dear Zoya

    I am not saying anything is good or bad but there are certain things I will tell you from my own experience

    1- Religion matters especially when you have a kid as you want to hbae a way to raise them.

    2- You are not a strong believer but for your kids you will be the same for your future husband

    3- no matter what movies say its always the girl who has to adjust as its better for the family and to maintain that singularity

    4- social persecution will happen even worse abroad as people are already against muslims

    5 whether you convert or not your kids will be muslims as they will mostly stay with your in-laws and kids imitate really well.

    6- Your identity will be lost as nobody will care if you are a Jain as after marrying a Muslim you will be a muslim and you will take his surname and belong to his family.

    Think carefully is it worth it?
    marriage is never between two people it sbetween two families.

    You will lose yours while he will have everything on his side. IS A MAN REALLY WORTH IT?

    God bless and yes you are too young, get a job earn money and be financially secure as any marriage can fail so you need to safeguard.

  • Brooke
    February 14, 2018 6:34 pm

    What’s up it’s me, I am also visiting this site on a rsgular basis, this web site is really good and the viewers are really sharing nice thoughts.

  • shahid
    August 8, 2017 8:06 pm

    Plees give me help

    • August 9, 2017 8:05 am

      How? Give us details what is your situation.

  • November 30, 2016 7:12 pm

    Dear Zoya,
    Your situation is a classic example of young Hindu/Jain girls undergoing the dilemma of loving a Muslim boy. Let us analyze the relevant problems in order to explore the suitable solution.

    I am expressing my views not for just you but also for all those girls involved in interfaith marriages.

    The two insurmountable problems faced by the girls are getting the parents’ consent and Muslim boys or their families insisting on the girls’ conversion to Islam. There is another issue that fuels the above problems is social acceptance of the interfaith marriage.

    Though the above mentioned issues are seemingly the only ones, there are other serious issues which are overlooked. The reason is the concerned girls are not matured enough to foresee the issues of their married life.Also the present day education system doesn’t equip them to handle such issues.

    If I were to go through this type of predicament, I approach in a manner written below.

    Let’s enumerate objectively the lifestyle changes I will have to make for this married life. Try to find out as many points as you can think of. Examples are:

    1. Food habits – Vegetarian/non vegetarian, eating beef, halal food etc.
    Cooking non veg, beef etc.
    Serving non veg to the family members and relatives etc.
    Being the witness to the ritual killing of animals on the occasion of qurbani,

    2. Dress code – wearing hijab, burqa, jeans etc.

    3. Allowed to study in university.

    4. Allowed to work in an office environment, earn the livelihood.

    5. Religious freedom: Worshipping the Murtis and going to the temple is allowed.

    6. Celebrating the festivals such as Holiday, Deepavali, Dashahara etc. Any compulsion to fast during the whole
    month of Ramadan.

    7. Maintaining the relationship with parents/Siblings and relatives.

    8. Religious Conversion and marriage type.

    9. Last rites – to be buried or cremated.

    10. Raising the children – Circumcision; Naming – Arabic or Indian name; education type – Arabic, Madarasa or modern

    11. The possibility and ease of reverting back to the previous religion in case I didn’t like Islam.

    12. Chances of divorce and going back to parents/Siblings.

    The above mentioned issues are just the examples. You may have many more issues. Be brutal and objective in foreseeing the issues without any emotional attachment.

    The next step is to arrange the issues in the order of relevance to you. The most important issue must be given more importance.

    Thereafter, discuss the issues with your would be life partner and his family members because you will have to pass your life with them as well.

    Lastly, you give a serious thought and try to find out if this marriage is going to work for you. Also take suggestion from your closest friends and family members, associated with your present religion. Give them a patient hearing to their reasoning.

    Take time and then decide after weighing the pros and cons.

    Life is yours and you are responsible for making it a blissful one or a cause to repent.

    All the best.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11813

  • Manoj sharma
    December 25, 2015 8:48 am

    Am not jain but i like jainism because they dont belive in any aadambar they know real meaning of meditation this is the best and oldest religion.

    • December 25, 2015 9:20 am

      We are glad you like Jainism. Yes, there are many good qualities in that religion worth appreciating. All religions have some thing or other good to offer. We believe in respecting all faiths and taking best from each and every one of them, but we are against religious exclusivism – that “there is only one good faith and that is mine” and “there is only one god and that is mine”. Later are childish talks.

      • Mohammed
        December 25, 2015 8:18 pm

        what a logic of your statement admin
        “There is only one God and that is mine”

        if there is only one God then how comes its personally mine?
        You are beliving too many Gods. . right then we can say the logic. .that God is mine, this God is mine, Krishna is mine, Ram is mine, vishnu is mine etc. .
        Its look like a childish. . If too many Gods are there then definetly will be fights among them. .

      • Darpan Mehta
        February 20, 2016 7:29 pm

        Everyone in India is a Jain, Jainism is the only way of life of India. Raja Janak, Sita’s father was a follower of Jina i.e. Jainism. Hindu texts are a witness which says that Tirthankar Neminath, 22nd Tirthankar of Jainism was a cousin of Lord Krishna of Hindus. If the cousin of Lord Krishna of Hindus is 22nd Tirthankar of Jains, then imagine how old is Jainism. Buddha himself was a Jain. I will suggest you to read about JAINISM because that is your actual religion. Just imagine a 22nd Tirthankar of Jains is called as a teacher and his cousin is called as a GOD by Hindus, so it clearly tells that what is real religion i.e. way of life and what is man-made belief as only positions are given by in man-made system not in a real religion which is a natural way of life just like you are sending this petition to a GOVERNOR, a man made position in a man-made system. SO STOP SPREADING YOUR HIDDEN AGENDA. Jainism rejects the idea of a creator deity that could be responsible for the manifestation, creation, or maintenance of this universe. According to Jain doctrine, the universe and its constituents (soul, matter, space, time, and principles of motion) have always existed. All the constituents and actions are governed by universal natural laws and an immaterial entity like God cannot create a material entity like the universe. Jainism offers an elaborate cosmology, including heavenly beings (devas), but these beings are not viewed as creators, they are subject to suffering and change like all other living beings, and must eventually die.
        JAINS never asked for minority status earlier as Jainism is the only religion of India and all Indians are Jains as Jainism is a way of life and not a man-made belief. Now Jains were declared a minority on a demand from those people who are just calling themselves Jains as other Jains who are people like you have become threat for the entire Jainism since they do not accept themselves as Jains rather call the oldest natural religion as a part of Hinduism with a hidden agenda.

        • mac
          February 21, 2016 11:58 pm

          Everyone in the world in born a muslim, the word `muslim` is an arabic term which means `one who submits` to god

  • Bharatesh
    November 5, 2015 11:30 pm

    Dear All,

    There is only one religion. All religion established, establishing and will be established will agree that there is something which is supreme to us. Simple e.g. I existed from my mom and dad, my mom-dad existed from their mom and dad….and so on… means there exists a root which you call as GOD/ENERGY/PARAMATMA/BRAMHA/SHIVA/VISHNU/ARIHANT/BHAGAWANTA…..if you know and under stand this it is enough to live happily today, tomorrow and day after….

    • Mohammed
      November 6, 2015 3:42 am

      currently which Religion are you belong to?
      What do you mean a Religion for you?
      Do you belive All Religions are same?

  • November 4, 2015 9:33 am

    hello i am a muslim n i want to marry with jain girl she also want to marry me …. is this possible in india

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10692

    • Mohammed
      November 4, 2015 4:06 pm

      Its not possible in islam

    • January 22, 2016 9:13 am

      You have to convert to Jain-Hindu, which means you have to follow the path of non violence, believe that all faiths are true and everybody has their own way to get to the same point and you have to stop killing animals for their meat. You can read your Qur’an if you want but you have to stop the arrogance like “Your faith is wrong and mine is correct” kind of talks. And also you have to stop condemning idol worship. If you don’t want to worship an idol it’s fine but you don’t have to instruct anyone or suggest anyone that it’s wrong. Unless you fulfill these few basic requirements don’t even think of marrying a Jain girl.

  • Yogesh
    April 15, 2015 4:20 pm

    I don’t know if you have already decided but if not I beg you don’t do it. It will be best thing that you will do with your life. Don’t marry a muslim at any cost. Before marriage they appear good but after marriage you get to know the reality. If you marry a muslim I bet it will be biggest regret of your life. Won’t give you detail but would give you a suggestion “Marry someone for whom humanity is greater than religion”. That is not found in muslims. yes you read it correct in “Any Muslim”

    • Mohammed
      April 16, 2015 12:54 am

      Islam is far superior than humanity. . . .

      No muslim is a muslim which he doesnt have any humanity. . .
      humanity is the low level of islam unlike other religion

  • Shreyas S. Shrikant
    September 12, 2014 10:05 am

    Go ahead, Zoya believe in your love. I am with you. Love conquers all. Marry him even though he belongs to the religion other than yours, love is a committement and we should obey our words.

    • Krish
      August 18, 2017 3:58 am

      Then spread hatred against India and Hindu’s. Spread anti-national activities. Most of converted women are more violent than orign muslims

  • Half Brown Half White
    July 26, 2013 9:45 pm

    Haha you guys are all nuts
    Drink some Gatorade
    And lay off the Hatorade

  • kiran
    June 23, 2013 1:03 pm

    i too loved jain girl.. im a hindu.. if jainism is a old religion & not hinduism.. then why u guys worship the hindu gods & goddess.. like lakshmi devi,ganapathi,lord shiva.. u dont know how much i was suffering now.. i have been crying from last 1 year.. she left me now becoz of this caste feeling of her parents.. i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jainism……………..

    Reply at: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5924

    • June 23, 2013 8:03 pm

      This is the first Jain-Hindu love issue we come across, can you give more details for it?
      Can you send this link to your girl friend, if we could teach her something?

    • March 2, 2014 2:09 am

      Buddhism and Hinduism are original branches of Jainism

      Jai Jinendra!
      Jainism existed much before Hinduism and Buddhism. Jains believe that Jainism is an eternal religion and that is factually now backed by old and most advanced/recent researches by specialized Indian and western historians that show Jainism might have even existed 5 lakh years back. It easily proves that both Buddhism and Jainism were actually branches of Jainism, where Buddhism is quite similar to Jainism in many respects. Moreover, Hinduism might have been a mixture of local and some Jain beliefs.

      Even a common man who understands and read religions to get educated knows that Jainism is a religion where Jains do not believe in this kind of binary or black and white classification (see syadavada). Human beings are human beings, pure and simple and religion is a way for them organize their thoughts and actions, nothing more. Jainism means Kshraminic way of life and that was extremely tough to follow and thus some Jains came out with a concept which was very parallel to Jainism; which is called as Buddism and later after some more period, some more Jains even discovered easy way to avoid hard and tough Kshraminic way of Jainism and thus this easy concept let them even eat stuff like dry fruits etc in fast etc and it is also called Brahminism way or Brahminic culture and in modern day world also known as Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma.

      Jainism is the oldest and eternal religion of world with no start date and which will never end; thus please stop fighting with each other about origins and branches of respective school of thoughts which you are naming as religions. Let us all live in peace with harmony and non violence; which is the essence of Jainism and humanity and do not try to malign each other with any hidden agenda.

      Buddism and Hinduism came out of Jainism but they all give good messages and we should read and absorb those messages and likewise Sikhism also give good messages of love, compassion and brotherhood. I also salute Christianity as most of the westerners follow Christianity and most of the westerners are progressive and with open mind, so it tells everything about Christianity.

      It will take a long time to discuss the essence of Jainism. But the main differences between Jainism and Hinduism are:
      1) Jain don’t consider some one has created or can destroy Universe.
      2) There is no concept of Brahma, vishnu, shiva (the three main gods) in Jainism.
      3) Jains consider 24 “Tirthankars” as their supreme gods. They have taken birth as human being and then attain “Moksha” by virtue of their leaving wordly possession and “tap” , and not by worshiping any dietary.
      4) The scared books of Hindus (like Gita, Puran etc) are totally different from that of Jain sacred books (Jinvani etc).
      5) The main teachings of Jainism are vastly different from other religion.
      6) The “Dev” in Hindus or angels in Muslims and Christianity, who lives in heaven, are immortals. While in Jainism they are mortal and die like any living being.
      7) The philosophy of worship i.e. is also different. Worshiping in Hinduism believes in surrender to some higher entity, while Worshiping in Jainism is merely instrumental in self-realization. Emphasis is more on securing samyaktva i.e. rationality rather than ritualistic worship.
      There are hundred of more differences between Jains and other religions. And that’s why, even Osho has said that Jainism is Unique and different than any other religion.


      Warm Regards to All,
      Jainam Jayati Shasanam!

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7712

      • kiran
        September 14, 2014 6:14 am

        K…im a hindu belongs to lingayath caste(vegan)….if i want to marry jain girl as u told i need convert to jainism…so what is the procedure to convert n where i should visit..?

        • September 15, 2014 10:01 pm
        • Sanjay
          October 21, 2015 3:31 am

          It is not a complicated procedure. You just have to accept Jainism. There is a formal conversion ceremony, that is quite simple. The main thing will be the change in lifestyle (no meat, no roots, no alcohol etc), and theologically the differences in beliefs are great, but in practice they don’t amount to too much. Jains don’t actually believe in a God, they do pray to yakshas, and devis, which are considered some form of beings with some special powers. It can seem a bit confusing to an outsider, but you can pray to a great many devi-devtas from Hinduism as a Jain. Sri Raam is equal to any ‘god’ within Jainism, Sri Krishna is a future ‘god’, You can pray to Lakshmi and Saraswati, but not to Vishnu. You might want to visit a Jain Sadhu to understand all this in detail.

          • admin
            October 21, 2015 7:30 am

            Interesting “Jains don’t actually believe in a God, they do pray to yakshas, and devis, which are considered some form of beings with some special powers”. So what is a difference from Hinduism? Actually Hindus believe in the Ultimate (God) but Sun, moon, Rama, Krishna and Saraswati are different powers (davis and devtas). Islam also believe in the Ultimate (Allah) but don’t allow any Spiritual humanly forms (except they Glorify Muhammad at every step, but not pray. Thus technically is different). Please shed more light on the differences.

          • Kuldeep
            August 20, 2016 6:50 pm

            Haha…I am not a jain but I respect Jainism…Fail to understand if Jainism is so great why would you find most of the looters in Jainism.most of the builders in North are Jains who use corrupt practices to loot innocent people in broad day light and swear by Jainism and it’s principles…swear by it don’t eat non veg ,walk bare foo etc..so all religions are useless unless you are not self realised

      • Ramachandra Rao
        February 18, 2015 10:16 am

        Dear Samir Singh Bhandari,
        Your argument has no basis. Jainism is a dying religion because only people born as Jains continue to practice it. No body every converts to Jainism. Jains have nothing but ego to claim they are oldest. Even if that is correct all that old is not necessarily wise. I know a lot of Jains who are living a life that they don’t like to. But it is rotten systems that you follow that troubles them. you live in a fools paradise. We don’t mind if you want to continue.

  • March 18, 2013 11:23 pm

    hello u r jain girl so u hv mariied with jain boy as ur heritage n ur reponsibilty of ur religious were u hv stand for proud of ur forfather

    • dkr
      March 21, 2013 11:32 pm

      I think that as long as the people concerned are happy (she/he/their family), there is nothing wrong with two people of any faith getting married. It is a nonsense to give the example of a Muslim man taking up with another woman, I know a Jain man who treated his wife exactly the same way as this Muslim man is said to have done. So what if anything does this example prove? Nothing!

      To me as a Jain, the main *observable* that differentiates Jains from non-Jains is eating habits: differences there lead to profound differences in lifestyles which can cause one of the couple to do things that Jains would never consider doing and can sow marital, familial and broader social discord. Fortunately, there exist civilized ways to deal with this, most important being the character of the two people involved.

      To my kind it is unlikely that any civilized person would do something deliberately calculated to inflame the sentiments of their life partner, so at the margin, a Jain woman marrying a Muslim man would probably lead to no major changes in the lifestyle of either the woman or the man or either individual’s natal family. If so what’s the big deal? The Jain learns how her faith has taught the same great insights that Islam has and the Muslim learns how his faith has interpreted the same great insights that Jainism offers. And even if there are differences, these are interesting topics of conversation on rainy days and cold evenings.

      By the way, allow me to say, especially for non-Jains, Jainism does not prohibit anyone entering a temple or working with each other or from doing what they do in their personal lives. A couple of examples:

      1. In my family’s temple, the artisans who built it and who I will use to restore it, all are local Muslim craftsmen who are world famous … they are flown all over the world to work for other temples and on private homes. We have lived for over 250 years peacefully with the community of craftsmen and they are a matter of intense local pride.

      2. Our temple priest is a Bengali (Hindu) Brahmin who is a non-vegetarian: this is not unusual since very few Jains become pujaris.

      3. Some of the temple guards in various Jain temples are Muslim (and their families have been doing this since Mughal times).

      In my view, there is nothing to be gained by the kind of strong feelings and language some people have offered: mazhab nahi sikhata doosron se bair karna. I was taught that one is Jain only by one’s mental commitment and one’s own karma, not because one is born in a Jain family. [This is a very important point: I know many Jains who eat meat *and are ashamed of it or hide it* … I esteem them quite a bit less than all my Jain-origin and non-Jain friends who eat and live honestly and openly as non-vegetarians according to their personal beliefs and principles.]

      Above all, Jains do not believe in this kind of binary or black and white classification (see syadavada). Human beings are human beings, pure and simple and religion is a way for them organize their thoughts and actions, nothing more. So I think this couple should be congratulated on having let their true feelings for each other break through the debris of preconceived notions and prejudices, for having reached out to each other and, in my view, they should do exactly what makes them happy and proud.

      Were this my sister or daughter or aunt, I would say that her husband will be welcome to come and eat off the same thali in my family any day (a Jain way of showing respect for a son-in-law of the family) and we consider ourselves pretty staunch and devout Jains.

      • Shark
        November 21, 2013 10:42 am

        Thnx alot for all tht u wrote down. M muslim n same is my condition. Ur note raised my confidence to marry my luv who is jain. Thnx alot.

        • November 23, 2013 6:44 am

          Are you going to ask the Jain to take Shahadah for your Nikaah?

  • zahid
    January 25, 2013 2:04 am

    Women and Islam
    In Islam, men and women are moral equals in God’s sight and are expected to fulfill the same duties of worship, prayer, faith, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. Islam generally improved the status ofwomen compared to earlier Arab cultures, prohibiting femaleinfanticide and recognizing women’s full personhood. Islamic law emphasizes the contractual nature of marriage, requiring that a dowry be paid to the woman rather than to herfamily, and guaranteeing women’s rights of inheritance and to own and manage property. Women were also granted the right to live in the matrimonial home and receive financial maintainance during marriage and a waiting period following death and divorce.
    The historical record shows that Muhammad consulted women and weighed their opinions seriously. At least one woman, Umm Waraqah , was appointed imam over her household by Muhammad. Women contributedsignificantly to the canonizationof the Quran . A woman is known to have corrected the authoritative ruling of Caliph Umar on dowry. Women prayed in mosques unsegregated from men, were involved in hadith transmission, gave sanctuary to men, engaged in commercial transactions, were encouraged to seek knowledge, and were both instructors and pupils in the early Islamic period. Muhammad’s last wife, Aishah , was a well-known authority in medicine, history, and rhetoric. The Quran refers to women whopledged an oath of allegiance to Muhammad independently of their male kin. Some distinguished women convertedto Islam prior to their husbands, a demonstration of Islam’s recognition of their capacity forindependent action. Caliph Umar appointed women to serve as officials in the market of Medina. Biographies of distinguished women, especially in Muhammad’s household, show that women behaved relatively autonomously in early Islam. In Sufi circles, women were recognized as teachers, adherents, “spiritual mothers,” and even inheritors of the spiritual secrets of their fathers.
    No woman held religious titles inIslam, but many women held political power, some jointly with their husbands, others independently. The best-known women rulers in the premodern era include Khayzuran , who governed the Muslim Empire under three Abbasid caliphs in the eighth century; Malika Asma bint Shihab al-Sulayhiyya and Malika Arwa bint Ahmad al-Sulayhiyya , who both held power in Yemen in the eleventh century; Sitt al-Mulk , a Fatimid queen of Egypt in the eleventh century; the Berber queen Zaynab al-Nafzawiyah (r. 1061 –1107 ); two thirteenth-century Mamluk queens, Shajar al-Durr in Cairo and Radiyyah in Delhi; six Mongol queens, including Kutlugh Khatun (thirteenth century) and her daughter Padishah Khatun of the Kutlugh-Khanid dynasty; the fifteenth-century Andalusian queen Aishah al-Hurra , known by the Spaniards as Sultana Madre de Boabdil ; Sayyida al-Hurra , governor of Tetouán in Morocco(r. 1510 – 1542 ); and four seventeenth-century Indonesianqueens

    • spearhead
      January 25, 2013 5:47 am


      • sadiq
        February 18, 2013 12:32 am

        greetings to all,please to advise this die hard lover.donot make this mistake,which will never be able to work out.in the end no one will be happy. just think what will happen with the kids.

        they never be able to adjust themselves in any religion neither they will be complete muslim or jain.they much more i can say but end of day i can just guide/advise ,u have final say,dont be so selfish,think of ur real life after a week of weddings above all your kids,thank you for your time

        • February 18, 2013 9:38 am

          Excellent advise! Please comeback to guide others.

          Yes, these youth can’t think more than a few months of sex/fun but do not realize what it takes to raise children in two faiths.

  • quartz
    January 19, 2013 4:29 pm


  • ascent
    January 19, 2013 4:14 pm

    First of all, ZOYA are you joking? Is this a fake question? Has the muslim family done some black magic on you? Do you want yourself to land in HELL by taking this non-sense decision? See, Jainism is a unique religion, obtained by a select few and it teaches you to live and perform karmas so as to minimize violence, no other religion has such rich heritage and such profound depths, islam on the other hand is symbol of total violence. Even a muslim woman has agreed how hopeless her life has been after marriage. Even a muslim man has agreed that you should not marry into islam. Remember things like love and youth are a story of 2 days but once you get married you are stuck there. Do you want to suffer and repent for a lifetime, then land in hell and suffer again. If your answer is yes then you can go forward with your decisions. Remember worldwide muslim youths try to impress girls of other religions and marry them as they just want their family to grow. Many muslims have also been arrested in this regard, as I have read in most of the leading news-papers. But girls, not only of Jainism but also of other religions must be very careful and not fall prey to such shameless acts. Remember the broad-mindedness of the family you are interested in is just a lure to get you in their family and treat you as they wish for your remaining life.There are talented, loving, friendly, handsome, rich and loyal boys in Jainism also who will care for you better. So search for Jain grooms, you will definitely get them.Moreover the supreme religion of Jainism will be with you protecting you from all evil and negativity if you marry into a jain family. Wish you get the brains.(ACTUALLY I COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS QUESTION)

  • suhail
    January 13, 2013 1:41 am

    Islam has given an esteemed rankto women. Allah Almighty announces in a verse, Should one of them, or both, attain old age in your lifetime, do not say”Ugh!” to them (as an indication of complaint or impatience), nor push them away, and always address them in gracious words. (Al-Isra Surah, 17:23)
    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announces, Heaven is under the feet of mothers. Let us touch briefly on the objection that some put forward saying there is o equality between men and women in Islam.
    Allah Almighty has instances of wisdom in infinite numbers. He creates in whatever way He pleases. He may give some peopledifferent capabilities and talents from others. No creatures can ever interfere with this will.
    Allah Almighty has not created men and women equally in all ways. To try to make these two genders equal in every way is only possible to change the nature of genders, which is impossible. The male and female natures differ from each other inmany ways. Considering the fact that judgments are made on behalf of majority, we can say that: men are superior in terms of strength, courage, and boldness whereas women are superior in compassion, tenderness, and fidelity. Both men and women may excel each other at some ways. Within family, the excelling sides of both are combined and thus the needs and happiness of the family are met.
    Since men are superior in strength, Allah Almighty, in the first place, has held men responsible for the family and protecting them from any kind of danger both physically and spiritually. This truth has been clearly written in the Holy Book: Men (those who are able to carryout their responsibilities) are the protectors and maintainers of women inasmuch as God has endowed some of people (in some respects) with greater capacity than others and inasmuch as they (the men) spend of their wealth (for the familys maintenance). Good, righteous women are the devoted ones (to God) and observant (of their husbands rights), who guard the secrets (family honor and property, theirchastity, and their husbands rights, especially where there is none to see them and in the absence of men) as God guards and keeps undisclosed (what should be guarded and private). (An-Nisa Surah, 4:34)
    Islam, on the one hand, wishes men to answer the needs of women, on the other hand, wishes women to be obedient totheir husbands. The verse above teaches us both the superiority of men and the virtue of women.
    However, being the head of the family is one thing, being superior in the religion is quite another thing. According to the Holy Quran, the criterion of the superiority is not gender but taqwa. Taqwa in short means fearing Allah, avoiding from sins, abstaining from the behaviors, manners, and words that He disapproves.
    For a family to continue its welfare and harmony it is of great importance that man be the head of the family and woman obey him. Absolute equality ruins the harmony in thefamily through when women do not obey their husbands, spoils the welfare and happiness, and mostly causes divorces.
    Just as it is necessary for a woman to obey her husband, it is also necessary for a man to maintain his wifes rights. It is a fallacy that in Islam women are slaves to men. On the contrary, inIslam women have more pleasures than men do. Because in Islam men are obliged to provide alimony for women in a case of divorce, whereas womenare exempted from that. Islam has given the duty of raising a child to women, which is the most essential and pleasurable thing for a woman to do. That is why Allah Almighty has given the feeling of compassion more to women than men have.
    Today what some call freedom of women has only brought about womens falling into debauchery and misery. However, Islam has protected their honor by ordering to remain chaste.
    Some circles present the Islamic order of veiling as the restrictionof freedom of women.
    First one need to know that veiling is not only an Islamic rule, but it is a rule of all divine religions. Nuns veiling themselvesis a clear proof to that.
    Veiling is not peculiar to women; it is a natural necessity for the whole humankind. It is impossible to see naked people around in any country. The point of debate is on its limits. In Islam women are obliged to cover all their parts which could evoke men sexual feelings. In this way, they protect their honor and chastity in the world, and win eternal bliss in the hereafter. On the other hand, when women wear immodestly, they lead men into sins, and according to the Islamic rule the one who causes is like the one who does, the same sins that men commit also go to women. The Islamic order of veiling protects women from such dangers.

  • suhail
    January 13, 2013 1:41 am

    Let’s look at what some well respected Indians had to say about Islam, Muslim, and their prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
    Mr. Mahatma Gandhi:
    “Someone has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent Islam — Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospelof brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the Adventof Islam. They may claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of colored races then their dread is well founded.”
    And in “Young India”, he wrote:
    “I wanted to know the best of one who holds today’s undisputed sway over the heartsof millions of mankind….I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life.”
    Miss. Sarojini Naidu, Poetess, in Ideals of Islam:
    “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for in the mosque, when the minaret is sounded andthe worshipers are gathered together, the democracy of Islamis embodied five times a day when the peasant and the king kneel side by side and proclaim, God alone is great.” The great poetess of India continues, “I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes a man instinctively a brother. When youmeet an Egyptian, an Algerian and Indian and a Turk in London, it matters not that Egypt is the motherland of one and India is the motherland of another.”
    Prof. Ramakrishna Rao, in”Muhammad the Prophet of Islam”:
    “The personality of Muhammad, itis most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet. There is Muhammad, the Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the Statesman; Muhammad, the Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the Prot ector of Slaves; Muhammad, the Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; Muhammad, the Saint. All in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero.” … Muhammad is the “Perfect model for human life.

  • suhail
    January 13, 2013 1:03 am

    Let’s look at what some well respected Indians had to say about Islam, Muslim, and their prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him):
    Mr. Mahatma Gandhi:
    “Someone has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent Islam — Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospelof brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the Adventof Islam. They may claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of colored races then their dread is well founded.”
    And in “Young India”, he wrote:
    “I wanted to know the best of one who holds today’s undisputed sway over the heartsof millions of mankind….I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to this friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great life.”
    Miss. Sarojini Naidu, Poetess, in Ideals of Islam:
    “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for in the mosque, when the minaret is sounded andthe worshipers are gathered together, the democracy of Islamis embodied five times a day when the peasant and the king kneel side by side and proclaim, God alone is great.” The great poetess of India continues, “I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes a man instinctively a brother. When youmeet an Egyptian, an Algerian and Indian and a Turk in London, it matters not that Egypt is the motherland of one and India is the motherland of another.”
    Prof. Ramakrishna Rao, in”Muhammad the Prophet of Islam”:
    “The personality of Muhammad, itis most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet. There is Muhammad, the Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the Statesman; Muhammad, the Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the Prot ector of Slaves; Muhammad, the Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; Muhammad, the Saint. All in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero.” … Muhammad is the “Perfect model for human life.

  • suhail
    January 13, 2013 12:56 am

    *. “My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of Ramayana”. Mahatma Gandhi
    *. “The Ramayana and Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian Nights Story” Jawaharlal Nehru
    *. “Rama is not a god; but he is a hero” Rajagopalachari, First Governor-General of India and agreat Brahmin leader.
    *. “Ramayan is not a divine story; it is only a literature” (Kaliyuga Kamban, T.K. Chidambaranatha Mudaliar). Babri Masjid was demolished by Rama Bhatkas claiming that it was his birth place.
    Lord krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree top just to get a panoramic view. Does he have divine immunity from looking at naked women?
    The Gita, a Holy book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste girls begged for the return of their clothes, Lord Krishna demanded that theycome out of the water with theirhands raised instead of covering their bodies.
    Oh my innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to god? Is this God capable of indulging in such ungodly acts? Will Hindu mothers tolerate their son imitating god Krishna??
    The “Times of India” reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called “The Riddles of Hinduism” by Dr. Ambedkar.
    The report said that various statements contained in the bookaroused the ire of some Brahmins, particularly the author’s observation on Rama & Dasharth’s many wives and also Krishna’s moral character. (The Riddles of Rama and Krishna is available from Dalit Saithya Academy, Bangalore-3).
    According to Hinduism, god Shiva’s head is the source of the river Ganges and his head is also the place where the moon is located (if this was really a fact then why should America send astronaut Neil Armstrong 240,000 miles away to the moon)
    According to Puranas, goddess Parvathi, wife of God Shiva, sought Shivas’s permission to have a baby When Shiva refused,Paravathi took dirt from her body and created Lord Ganesh. (The late E.V.R. Preiyar used to c

  • Amar
    December 31, 2012 5:53 pm

    अगर तुम्हारे मां बाप ने अच्छे संस्कार दिये होते तो तुम बजाय अपनी देह के,मर्यादा की सोचती| उन उज्जड़ों के पास खोने के लिये है ही क्या जिसे तुम से बचायें| दूसरी तरफ उन जंगलियों की संतति सुधरेगी| तीन चार बच्चों के साथ “तलाक तलाक तलाक” है तुम्हारा भविष्य|

  • chirag
    October 25, 2012 8:54 am

    zoya@ ,firstly u should not do marriage with muslims n all coz jain/hindu is a great religion ….baut sare bande mil jaegee…..n muslimss do love jihad n alll firstly do marriage and thn thy ditch…..u hav twoo chooz if u will marry a muslim guy….ur parentss will not be with u…n wen a muslim guy will divorce …..u will be nthng….i m reguesting u to go and ask ur gurus and then decide…….plz..
    dont take ur step fast….first think and then takeee….take care

  • anonymous
    October 19, 2012 10:14 pm

    hi everyone…

    @zoya, this is not a topic that you can discuss on a public forum and come up with a solution. you need to talk to the guy concerned and really think for yourself. the most important thing is that your relationship should be strong enough to go through all kind of problems. and secondly you need to be confident that you will stay in love with the guy even in the future. i want to warn you and say that these matters need consideration not just from your heart but also your mind.

    i think you are really young too. stand on your feet first. you need to be well equipped for the future. no matter who you get married to, you must be self dependent. complete your education and become financially independent and then you will be in a better place to make these decisions about your life. Also ask your bf to do the same.

    i want to say that inter-religions marriages are very hard. i am a hindu and i married a jain guy at the age of 28. at first his family seemed very liberal. but with time, they want me to perform all jain rites and rituals and say jain greetings etc. its not a big thing. but its not easy to put your faith in a new religion and its definitely not natural. its fake and it is disrespectful to any religion to take the name of any respective God without the “shradha” for the god.

    end of the day its a choice that you have to love by fr the rest of your life. you need to think about it on your own!
    good luck!

  • Abida
    September 24, 2012 9:56 am

    hi Zoya,

    I donot think that you will be happy with your muslim BF. Principles of Jainism and Islam are two opposite poles. Jainism belives in non-violence, Islam in Violence, Jainism pure vegetarian, Islam non-vegetarian, chopping animals, fish, cow, goats, Jainism respect to womem, Islam no freedom of movement,job, confined in burka, Jainsim believes in single marriage, Islam 4 wives allowed to males, Talak not easy in Jainsim, whereas in Islam any time at the sweet will of husband, Wife in Jainism Goddess, in Islam sex doll only.

    Being a muslim, I understand the mental agony the wife has to pass through. Your decision is not rational. I am warning you and even then you want to spoil yourselves dont loose a single second to go to hell.
    your well wisher, Abida?

    • seema maheshwari
      September 24, 2012 12:45 pm

      Abida, that was a really late comment on Zoyas situation. If you are a muslim then please accept my condolences. It seems that you have been a part of a tyrannical muslim family, where women are used as sex toys and mistreated. Forget about advising Zoya, Abida, you should seek help.

    • Amir
      October 18, 2012 1:47 am

      In my neighborhood, there is hindu family.
      They are always fighting.
      Their Bahu is living in very miserable condition.
      Man is a drunk.
      He beat his wife regularly.

      Thus I conclude.. All Hindu are worst creature on earth.

      • believer in god
        October 18, 2012 2:05 am

        @Amir:all muslims are bad creatures.Hindus have some exceptions.but muslims are cruel creatures.because they follow Quran which teaches them to be cruel.people like u should better leave India if u hate Hindus so much.India will remain the symbol of Hinduism and other religions except Islam.go n live in ur Saudi countries if u luv Islam so much.all Indians are hindus and will remain.Bollywood Muslims are better humans than you.but muslims like you who have double standards shouldnt be allowed to stay here.Salman and other muslims who respct Hindus are good human beings.they are an example for us all.we Hindus should learn from Pakiistan how to terrorise other religions and make them flee.even we should do same to jihadis.and so called ‘Believers’.

      • October 18, 2012 2:13 am

        You have rights to say what you wish, but such blunt statement like “All Hindu are worst creature on earth” will only lead to loss of your credibility.

        How will you answer if someone will ask “how about a Hindu named Mahatma Gandhiji?” or “how about Osama Bin Laden?”

      • Aryan
        October 19, 2012 11:46 pm

        Look who’s talking – how many non muslim terrorist blow up twin tower , how many bomb cities, bus and train….

        therefore i conclude some 99.99% muslims are terrorist, kidnappers, rapist, women beater, cruel, idiots peace haters and much more

        • zak
          October 24, 2012 2:22 am

          Zoya u dont have to discuss such personal topics publicly.. there are two types of people one will give good advice and second educated but narrow minded people will misguide you like abida and others. take decision at ur own

        • chirag
          October 25, 2012 8:55 am

          yaaa aryan ur aaree really right…they do all this thing only…

  • Adi Mian
    September 17, 2012 2:14 pm

    Chck the guy…
    Is he a good guy? ??

    Done thn.. yu happy aftr eva…
    And yeah…

    Mahavir swami son said in pali language…
    ” I m nt the last buddha the last buddha vill be knwn as Maitra”
    Muslims call thier prophet.. muhammed .. beloved.. habeeb.. most praizd.. tareef kiya huwa.. buddha means prophet in pali language … muslims knw muhammed as last prophet..
    Wish yu great lyf….

    • Proud to be Jain
      October 18, 2012 12:32 am

      Jainism has “tirthankars” and there were 24 tirthankars and there will be more tirthanks as long as the truth of world will exist but they will follow attain “KewalGyan” as per Jainism (the Jain theory) and then they will become “tirthankars” and “Buddha” is the god in Buddhism (the buddhist theory) so please do not write misleading things for public here.

    • believer in god
      October 18, 2012 1:54 am

      @Adi: dont preach false things.Jain thirthankar believed in non violence.even killing the smallest insect is evil for Jains.n see ur Muhammad.he killed so many humans.Thirthankars left social life for attaining moksh and ur muhammad he married a six yr old girl and had sex wid he at his age of 56.he raped women.Tirthankars on the other hand saved people from commiting such crimes.only the chosen ones can attain moksh or heaven.they were celestial beings.when mohammed was born did God cum n celebrate?i dont think so.they must be crying on the other side.how can ur so called Muhammad be God’s preacher when he was a criminal at large?killing innocents was his biggest sin.Jainism is far higher than Islam.the entire world believed in idol worship right from start.even adam n eve worshipped the creations of God.so please stop preaching this bullshit of How islam is great.its kills the humanity of human.

  • Anil
    August 15, 2012 3:04 am

    This Question is totally fake, this has been posted by some hindu, which can be clearly seen in the heading “Hindu-Jain” girl. Jainism is the oldest religion but some Hindus has a hidden agenda and that’s why they make such threads with a hidden purpose to bring Jainism under the belt of Hinduism. The fact is Hinduism (vedic culture) is born from Jainism as Jainism (Kshraminic culture) is the oldest religion of the world.

    This Question is also fake as Jain girls never marry outside their community unlike Hindu girls unless the guy follows Jainism.

    Guys, Specially Jain Brothers and Sisters, please stop reacting to this thread since its totally fake.

  • Sam
    August 15, 2012 2:31 am

    Hi there,

    First of all you are a Jain and not Hindu. Jainism (Kshraminic Culture) is the oldest religion of the world and after some hundreds of years some Jains came with a new concept of Brahminic or Vedic Culture which is now called Hinduism and later these Hindus were converted to Islam which are now called Muslims. So everybody involved in your issue is Jain by roots and do not ever call yourself Hindu since you are a proud Jain.

    You can not marry this muslim Guy until he leaves his religion and comes back to his original roots of Jainism and make sure that even his parents and siblings also comes back to Jainism, then only you can marry him.

    Jainam Jayati Shasanam!

    • kapil
      August 26, 2012 5:06 am

      girls who marry muslims r curse on hinduism,is there any lack of nice,good lodking hindu boys? marrying hindu girl is a type of revenge that muslims take on hindus, dont give stupid excuses that love is blind, love has no religion

      • August 26, 2012 1:21 pm

        In Hindu-Muslim mariages, in most cases, love has only one religion and that is ISLAM. Sharmila Tagore‘s life is the best example. Will Kareen Kapoor follow the same path?

  • I Am MR. JAIN
    August 8, 2012 5:14 am

    zoya dont marry this bullshit muslims !!!!! actually it must be bullshit musl’SIN’

  • Satyen
    July 21, 2012 5:32 pm


    Sorry to hear your situation. Can you email me please? I am also a Brahmin. I would like to help you and your family. I will be waiting for your email.


  • Arhan
    June 8, 2012 7:27 am

    Dear Zoya
    If U really love him than U can Marry him… n Don’t thing abt relegion and society coz love has no relegion no language … I also luv a Jain girl will marry her n plz try to make it arrange marriage… u can make it… 🙂

    • June 8, 2012 9:49 am

      It is the same message will you give to Shamim who is in love with a Hindu?
      Would you marry to a “Jain” girl, or convert her to Islam then marry to a “Muslim” girl?

    • Mr Jain
      August 15, 2012 2:40 am

      I am also looking for a nice Muslim girl. I am a highly educated well settled Jain Guy, so send me the bio data of your sister or your cousins or anyone whom you know in your related families who have attained the age of marriage and we can know our families and sit together and we can have an arranged marriage as well.

      Jainam Jayati Shasanam!

  • Veer Khan
    May 21, 2012 3:54 am

    Dear Sister Zoya,
    plz, don’t take such step ever. Jainism is a non-violent religion while islam is full of violent religion. if you marriage with him it is shame of this great religion Jainism. Also you must think about what you future children learn, how will be their future, do you think what they innocent children learn from islamic teachings (learn islam is necessary for them because they born in a muslim family), there are heavy possibility that they become a jihadi, a terrorist, or a suicide bomber. why you want to spoil their life. you should marriage if he and his family leave terrorist religion islam, and accept Jainism or Hinduism. you can see there is not a single terrorist in Jain family, accept islam. there are many guys who leave islam because they really love their girlfriend, so why can not your bf do so.

  • Akshay
    May 17, 2012 2:39 pm

    why you wanna loose such a great religion “Jainism”. Are you crazy??? What is love.. its just a attraction for few days.. Believe Me, if you’ll marry him…, you will get few 5-7 babies and he will make your life miserable. Islam is good and I am not against Islam but, My experience is that people of Muslim Community are majorly dominating. For them, a girl/women is just a machine to produce babies. Rest on you. I had read a lot about both Islam and Jainism before replying… so, I suggest you don’t take such step in the name of love… because love is eternal.. love is of soul… its not bounded to body and not even bounded to materialistic life. You will rest happy for few years but had you thought of your future. A man in Islam can marry more than 1 to 12 girls depending upon the constitution of countries… can you live with such a environment????? I suggest you, approach a jain saint and talk to him.. he will surely help you… don’t do the crime.. Think of the Reputation of the Parents. People outside india don’t have customs, shy, culture… They are just living the life of Cats and Dogs… They marry, do sex and then divorce and gets another in a year or couple of year. don’t be silly. Think by brain…. be happy… believe on panch parmesthi and believe the truth. Live the Truth…. regards

    • May 17, 2012 4:32 pm

      @ Akshay,

      Tell me how Islam is good.

      If you have not read about Islam, then do not say such things.

      According to Koran, all Non-Muslims are not humans but living animals.

      • Amir
        October 18, 2012 1:56 am

        This srinivas seem to be a muslim-hater.
        By the way , where he read that ‘living animal’ quote.

  • Shaad
    May 3, 2012 2:47 pm

    I have the same problem like you….
    I am a muslim guy and my girl friend is Jain..her family can never accept our relationship…. we cant do anything except to wait for the best 🙁

    • May 3, 2012 8:11 pm


      Are you willing to marry a “Jain?” Did your parents agreed to your marriage with a “Jain?” Can this Jain bring Mahavir Swami’s murti (idol?) to your home and do pooja/bhajan every day? Alternatively, is your intention to convert her from “Jain to Muslim” by shahadah before your Islamic Nikaah?
      If you are sincere for your love, you could do a lot. Go convince her parents that you are not a love Jihadi but sincere for a Jain-Muslim married life with equality.

    • Tom
      November 29, 2012 6:10 am

      Hi frnz hi zoya m a catholic i too luvd a jain grl but dnt put ur legs on two boats 2 get sumtng u hve 2 loose sumtng its da greatest fact in da world so decide nd go head m sure u cant get both dude..

      • November 29, 2012 10:02 am

        How are you planning to marry the Jain? Does she has to convert for marriage? Does she has to agree to raise children ONLY Catholic. Remember, this “fake” conversion will ruin your both’s life, don’t do it. Marry without any pre-Nuptial agreement, free and clear, that is a true love.

  • agni
    May 1, 2012 7:16 am

    jains are not hindus
    jain religion is older than hinduism/vedism
    don’t marry the muslim boy as the customs of jains and muslims are entirely different.
    due to which this marriage won’t last long
    so it isn’t intelligence to be in short term shadi

  • Shamim
    April 25, 2012 1:24 am

    Salam , Shamim here i m in you difficult situation but my boyfriend is a hindu. My parents dont like he talking to me, actually its high time and they are forcing me to marry a guy in my area, javed. I m in crying day and nite. I just want to marry Rahul and spend my life with him, and no one from my family is supporting me for marriage with him, due to his religion, i dont want him to change. My dad has given me warning to stop seeing Rahul. Its 1week that i saw him, i cant think anything else now. I m educated, i love my parents, but I cant stand there torcher anymore for marriage to javed, i will run away or die one day i dont know. Rahul is earning his family is nice and he will take care of me. What should i do i have very less time, i dont want to leave him

    Reply to Shamim at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1438

    • Abhi
      April 25, 2012 3:58 pm

      Shamim, what stops you from meeting him, if you love him and he loves you i think you should follow what your heart says. Bye take care.
      This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1438

    • April 25, 2012 5:56 pm

      Shamim. no one should ask you to leave your parents. On the other hand, if you are an educated adult, no one should be able to force you to marry anyone.
      What about the boys parents? Will they help you and support you?

      This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1438

  • Amar
    April 22, 2012 7:24 am

    Zoya My sister Please do not marry him. Until he converts to Hinduism, He will now or later will ask/force you to convert. Never leave hinduism and your parents, they are the once who have sacrificed everything for you.

  • suma usa
    April 12, 2012 5:33 pm

    the musslims who say go ahead marry the muslim man will not say samething if situation is reversed. The say the hindu boy must convert to islam first before marrying the muslim girl. Anyways, at 22 world looks very different to you. As someone said, whatever others say, you will brush it aside, as if you know it all. Can you have any way of living on your own if it comes to that, like educational background for example. A hindu woman marrying a muslim man and be dependent on him financially would change the setting irreversibly for her. She cant exercise her freedom any more. Be good to your parents, you have to count on them in future. Whatever you do, dont sign the papers of religious conversion the cleric will demand of you; if a muslim cleric were to perform a muslim wedding you have to sign a document of conversion first, a minute before the weddding. No escape there. In my relative’s case, they didnt tell this to my female relative in India. She was alone and her parents were not allowed inside the room she couldnt think, she signed and today she feels humiliated. Now separated,now she is with the ‘same’ parents she was up against. As I said, hindu girls are the easy meat in India and even in England (for muslims).

  • April 12, 2012 5:03 pm

    There will be exceptions. Talking about a whole situation is not same as talking in general sense.

    Look at Islam. Full of double standards i.e. a Muslim guy can marry a Non-Muslim girl but a Muslim girl can not marry a Non-Muslim guy.

    In present day society, in the long term, this law means certain death to Non-Islamic cultures because it has double effect, increases Muslim population by decreasing non-Muslim population. Because women are at the center of procreation. I will not get in to feminist issues but it is how norms in society are.

    Similarly, Muslims can convert others to Islam but Muslims should not leave Islam i.e. Muslims leaving Islam are to be killed.

    May be Seema can answer me this. Please tell me one thing that Koran says good about Non-Muslims esp. idolaters.

    We do not see the effects of this system in India and west but those living in Islamic countries can feel the discrimination they suffer both legally and in their personal relations. to understand what I am saying one can read the below link:


    Seema might have married a Hindu guy and may be happy too but she is not following Islam. In fact she is already an apostate. In Sharia, her husband will face the death penalty.

    Lets not base our opinions on individual basis but based on Islamic system. Opinion poll after poll showed that Muslims are becoming more Islamic.

    Can any one believe that 80% of Muslims are in support of Sharia law prescribing death penalty to apostates?

    That is where Islamic beliefs come, not some individual stories.

  • SP
    April 7, 2012 9:10 pm

    omg!seema the ignorant again.how can you think hindus and jains are same religion.
    dear Admin take seema out and put a knowledgeable person who is a student of comparative religion.

  • March 28, 2012 8:07 am

    hi my name sohail my age 28 pak my city karachi my mob number 03132482288 ur call me only girl

  • siddiq
    March 22, 2012 2:54 am


    ms. zoya you are free to marry whom ever you please. allah created people differently so that we can get to know another, learn one another,to love one another,the soul has no race, creed or colour.for a religion that belong to god wil not prohibit the intermingle of different races or belief.only cultural climates habors seperations,for the lack of spiritual knowledge helps the devil to create in one`s soul dividson which will eventually racism,bigotry,anomosity,hate and so on.for no soul is better than the next. but one`s character,that is built from the inside out,is way better then the one wwho`s character is built from the outside in. when is born into this world they are born with no knowledge.the knowledge we build we build from,comes from the outside of our bodies and into our souls.we are born with intellect but it needs knowledge for it to work for us.research into what islam has to say about the situation, then research the other religion and see what it has to say,then let your god given intellect work from the knowledge you have obtain.we have a hidden moral system stored inside of our intellect that seperates the wrongs from the right no matter of the situation.its up to us chose.god did not leave us unprotected,while also protecting others from choices.do not let cultural doctrines that are man made impede or become a religious decision based on veiws of others that lacks the spiritual knowledge to remove the satanic elements that confines the mind enlarges the unhappiness that creates anger.you live for yourself,and not for others cultural hangups a religion that teaches seperatism is of the world and not of the spiritual world.

    • ajit
      April 23, 2012 4:48 pm

      Abe chutiye, apni bahen ko hindu se shadi karne salah dega kya hijde?. Humari aurato to galat salah kyu de raha hai fir.

  • anonymous
    February 17, 2012 5:26 am

    hii seema..

    I am also a (marwari) jain girl. I love marwari brahmin boy and we both are working in good firms. His family seems supportive of us. But in my family, nobody knows till now. I have told only my mother’s sister and she seems to understand me. She also tried to talk my mom indirectly into this but my mother told her that my family would never support love marriages. I am very afraid to tell my father about him. He is very agressive and doesnt listen to anybody. He does only what he likes.

    What should i do? please help.

    P.S. zoya i understand what you are going through. but dont worry we will find our way out of this.. 🙂

    • February 23, 2012 12:00 pm

      Dear Anonymous, at least both of you are Hindus. Give it time and do not do anything you will regret later.

      • anonymous
        February 27, 2012 8:17 am

        hii seema..

        actually, jains are not hindus. jainism and hinduism are completely different religions. that is why, my family will not give me the consent for this relation. and that is the reason the jain community is so strict because we are a minority in india. the commnity throws out the families who dont abide by its rules. the main problem is if i go ahead and marry this guy my family will have to face problems finding alliance for my sister in our community..

        • February 27, 2012 9:07 pm

          Dear Anonymous, I know of a lot of Hindus who are married to Jains, so I assumed that it was acceptable. My Husband’s family was also concernrd that his younger sister may have problems marrying, with a Muslim Bhabhi in the house. However, she chose her own husband and it was a non issue.
          As I wrote earlier, don’t do anything rash. Give it time.

          • anonymous
            February 28, 2012 1:28 am

            yea…i am doing that only waiting for the right time. but i am very scared of my father and his anger.

        • February 29, 2012 5:11 pm

          Dear Anonymous, being afraid of your father and his anger opens up another painful topic. May Indian women and children, living in India or elsewhere, are subject to tryannical male authority. There are untold atrocities against women and children, many sanctioned by our culture and religions.
          Canada, USA and England have increasing rates of domestic violence amongst Indians. As I mentioned, this is yet another painful topic.

        • aloysious
          March 15, 2012 2:22 pm

          “Jain” is a strand within the large faric of the Hindu Civilzation. So is “Sikh.” So are the Vaishnav, Shaiva, Smarata, Shakta sampradayas. They are all elements of the beatiful Hindu Civilization. There is no such term as Hinduism. “Ism” is a tearm coined to divide and confuse people. Please do not focus on differences but on commonalities… All the philosophical traditions that have taken birth in the soil of Hindustan are ours. Bhagwan Mahavir and Rishabdeva are as dear to us just as “Nanak Deva” and “Bhagwan Buddha” are. “Sri krishna” is ours and sa are “Sri Ram” “Shiva” and “Shakti.”

  • Emelie Jönsson
    January 30, 2012 9:41 am


    I work as a researcher for Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, UR, which is one of the Public service companies of Sweden. We are making a TV-series with four programs about ethics and moral from a religious perspective, and the target group is pupils in High school here in Sweden. Our reporter/producer Erik Sandström is travelling the world to meet people with different religions and he is coming to Kolkata, India in about a week.

    I wonder if you would like to participate or help me finding a young couple who are from different religions and has a hard time because of this? We would like to interview them and tell their story, and we will be discreet and understand that this is a delicate matter.

    Please get back to me.
    All my best regards
    Emelie Jönsson

  • jaan
    January 17, 2012 9:50 am

    I would suggest you to read the suggestions of Ali Sina and suggestions of Ali Sina to those women who have been in the similar situation.





  • Rahat
    January 14, 2012 10:06 am

    Help me pls i lov jain girl

    • admin
      January 14, 2012 11:59 am

      Can you provide more details? It is not clear what you are asking and it will help if you elaborate little more.

  • January 1, 2012 10:00 pm

    Zoya, I hope the New Year brings happiness and finds an end to your dilemna. Since you are still young, wait a year or two before making a decision. If you parents see that you are set in your decision, they may support you.
    DO NOT do anything drastic that you may regret later.

    • zoya
      January 7, 2012 8:18 am

      thanks a lot Seema,

      i will try n wait, but my parents are wanting me to get married soon,, they are looking for guys

      • Roma Roy
        February 20, 2012 12:30 pm

        Hi Zoya..
        I was going through your message, i would like to share my personal experience with you..i got married to a muslim guy 8 months back, left my family n everything for him…I also thought he n his family are very free for all things..he n his family members loved me very much befor getting married, but after marriage it was very different n they have a very harsh n rude nature…i could not live with him, it was impossible..No hindu girl can live or spend her life with a Muslim boy…
        Pls Pls dont go agents ur family members….I went agents them n today i m suffering a lot..I have just applied for Divorce n now i m staying with my family n very happy with them…

        If u want to know anything more, pls email me on my Id, i will help u out..


        Do not reply here, instead reply at No Hindu girl can spend her life with a Muslim boy

        • February 23, 2012 12:22 pm

          Dear Roma,

          “A Hindu girl cannot live with a Muslim boy” or vice versa, is a harsh statement and too generalized. A lot of my family members are married to Hindus and ironically the ones who are divorced were married to Muslims.

          The upper class Indians,whether Hindus or Muslms have a similar life style. They are not entrenched in dogmatic beliefs and are accepting of others. Therefore an interfaith marriage has much higher odds of working out among them.

          You have suffered, and hopefully, you will meet someone who will love you for who you are.

        • Kajol
          May 31, 2012 4:59 pm

          Dear ROma
          I got your email details froma forum on interfaithshaadi.org. I hope you dont mind me emailing you.
          I am in a bit of confusion right now. I have beenseeing a muslim egyptian man for the past 5 years. He has been good to me and now says he wants to marry me. I have met his family and friends and he has met mine. However, i am hindu and he is muslim. I need some advice on whether or not i should marry him as he expects me to convert to islam and also any children we have in the future will be muslims.
          please help

          Many thanks


          Do not reply here, instead go to He expects me to convert to Islam

          • June 1, 2012 3:11 am

            You want to call that a marriage?

        • Gaurav
          August 2, 2014 1:33 pm

          Hi Roma

          I need your help my cousin is not understanding what she is doing she is 21 and and she is in affair of 3 months with a Muslim guy who is married and got 3 kids and he left them. We and our family made her understand a lot of things but she says I will run with him if you didn’t let me go with him I ll do something with my self I want to get marry to that guy and that guy is also pressuring her. But as per the indian govt laws we cannot stop her. I read your blog I hope if you can make her understand and share your experience with her. She is going to marry heron front of Judge by Tuesday or Wednesday Monday her parents are going to police station to do the paper work and going to handover her daughter to him it’s been last 8 days we are trying to make her understand that guy already married got 3 kids and nothing is there in his pockets. Why I am asking your help cause if a women share an experience with a women that effect a lot . Hope She understand . This is our last try.

  • Adil
    December 26, 2011 11:30 am

    hey go n marry that guy

  • December 16, 2011 5:59 pm

    I had written a comment once that interfaith marriages in India are happening more frequently among the upper classes.

    India Today had once done a survey on religion. It found that the poor were worried about having enough food and a place to live and had no time for religion. The rich were busy with their high powered lifestyles and didn’t care about religion. It was the vast Indian middle class that defined religion and morality. Thus the saying, “middle class values”. The middle class mindset is very hard to change and most of us fall in that category.

    Zoya,do you live in the US or India? Approximately how old are you? My advice will depend on those answers
    Seema Maheshwari

    • zoya
      December 18, 2011 11:39 pm

      hi seema,
      Thanks a ton for reading my problem,,,
      see my answers:

      How are you planning to get married?
      A. with families of both of us being present.

      If Islamic wedding, are you willing to convert to Islam:
      A. I dont mind, his family will not ask me to do so.

      Are you also going to have a Hindu-Jain wedding too?
      A. Yes, thats is not important… his sister had a hindu wedding.

      Will the Muslim guy enter your Hindu-Jain temple?
      A. he has been so many times.

      His sister married to a Hindu. How? Did the Hindu converted? Did they have Hindu or Islamic wedding, or both?
      A. thay had hindu wedding,, she follows both religion. for his family religion is not imp. nor the custom which our wedding follows… they re very open minded….

      do you live in the US or India?
      A. i stay in India

      Approximately how old are you?
      A. m 22

      • December 19, 2011 6:55 pm

        Zoya, first of all you have an unusual name for a Hindu. My cousin is named Zoya but she’s a muslim and her family were great fans of the USSR.
        If you lived in the U.S, I would have said that go ahead and get married and wait for your parents to either come around or break contact with you. But you live in India. It’s very hard if not impossible to break away for ones family. I got back from India two weeks ago and on any given day I would see 10-20 relatives and talk to at least ten more on the phone.
        You are also only 22 and unless your boy friend is wealthy, you may need your parents financial support.
        I met a couple a few weeks ago. They are both Hindus but from different parts of India. They had been dating for years. The girls parents, while not thrilled, had given their blessings but the boys parents were adament that he would marry within his own caste.
        They told the boy that he had to choose between them and the girl. He chose her and they walked out. The couple went to a temple the same day and got married.
        Now,they have no place to live and no contact with the boys family. Not only did the boy loose his parents but he also lost his Chachas, Chachis, Mama, Maamis, cousins etc? Was it worth it?
        Do you have a family member who is supportive of you and can intervene on your behalf?

        • zoya
          December 21, 2011 9:11 am

          u re so true….

          from my family no body would support, my mum said its not possible…

          my main concern is ameen, my parents may find a nice guy for me but ameen wud nvr fall in another relation n nvr agree for arranged marriage,,, he is very sensitive,very broad minded n strong though..
          but he has his theory which is very different….

          how shall i make an decision!

          • ashfaq
            March 10, 2012 3:55 pm

            Hi Zoya,

            Can help you with your marriage? financial support ? let us know

          • Shamim
            April 25, 2012 2:08 am

            Zoya my sister i wish ia could help you. Its unfortunately not possible, muslim boys and girls cannot marry any Hindu boys and girls, its against islam, this is same problem in my case too, unfortunately i am thinking to run away any marry my hindu boyfriend. For you the problem wud be his family, later they will not accept you, my brother married a hindu girl and divorced in just few months, she was not comfortable with us our customs rituals etc. Please decide now and 22 is not rite age, you should wait for another 2 years. –Shamim

        • pankaj
          March 26, 2012 4:55 am

          Hi zoya,
          don’t marry a muslim guy.
          according to your religion u r vegitarian and u believe in non-violence.
          and muslims are non vegitarian. after marriage u forcefully to eat non-vag. don’t leave your reliogin. just chant navkar mantra everything is ok.
          pls reply.

          • ARMAAN
            April 1, 2012 4:17 am

            if your love is true and pure and if u both think that u can live together forever then no need of argument just go for it and for all your kind information i want to tell you that it is not necessary for everyone to eat non-veg, it depends on the person if he/she wants to eat or not. no one have the rights to force you to do anything in Islam.

          • ajit
            April 23, 2012 6:41 am

            Hey sis,
            Pls dont take such step ever………i have a reason to write over here!! i was a very open minded man till this happened to me.I am born to a Hindu Brahmin + well educated family. My sis married to a Muslim sum 2 yrs back.We were shocked ….now we were like… how we wud be dealing with society & relatives. we kept this all secret & tried to bring didi back….during those days i remember i hadnt had food for 4 days and still it was difficult for me to have some.I fell from 90 kgs to 63 during those days.My frnd used to ask me what has hapend to me….from a gyming bull to sick patient ‘s look!!
            we locked us in our flat for days in a fear if some wud ask or know about didi…..the cry of my mom still echos in my ears……my dad….he was never so low ever as he was then……!! i remember a nite when no one was sleeping even when the lights were off….. all of a sudden a huge cry….. i ran to the other room..it was my papa…my hero…those tears!!
            Nways we got her back after some time and sumhow divorced her in Delhi hi court!! when we traced that Muslim guy in UP who looked & talked so innocently had a Muslim wife and a daughter. Man…when i further traced him he was in relationship with his wife’s sister.
            I am cutting short the further story……….After few months of normality he again managed to infatuate my sis and now my sis is absconding for almost 1& a half years now.My mom barely living(on bed now) and papa now a socially unaccepted person even my uncles dont speak to us anymore.But now it up to me …..to take revenge or let him enjoy and continue destroying others families.
            Now i have only one aim in my mind……….i know i will succeed.I dont care for any one now as nobody dose for us.I know i will destroy my carrier but at the same time i cant let anyone go who has thrown my parents in such a condition & i swear to god i will not spare my sis as well if i get to see her again.
            I read this post and it jus blew me off ….. reminds me my those days….when i read i felt very low again.I felt like ur my sis who is going to take this step….and their is still a chance of stopping this from happing n bring my those days back.
            I am 23, I love my self,i love my life……but i have no other option to chose!!
            Pls sis dont take such step pls. u still hv time, their is a good life ahead…..but ur 1 step can lead u n ur family into hell.
            i am a geniun person not a fake story maker…i may be having a opinion keeping my case in context.
            But i dont why iwanna help u by suggesting n may be that why i have typed so much.Yes may be ur r not in real trouble but pls dont take this step.

            Comments at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2140

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