I’m in a Christian-Muslim Relationship in States

Minnie Says (April 26, 2010 at 3:14 pm)

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing (Salman). I’m in a Christian-Muslim relationship here in the States. I care so much about him. I’m giving it my all to learn about Islam, and try to understand why he feels certain ways about things. Thank you so much for sharing. It gives me hope! And thank you Salman for that story it meant so much to me!

Admin replied (April 30, 2010 at 7:57 pm)

First find out who you are. Are you a “proud” Christian or just a “born” Christian? How much your childhood Christian teachings mean to you? How much you care for your Christian heritage?

The Salman and may be Seema Maheshwari’s examples on this site gave you “HOPE!” Does it mean you are looking for an Interfaith Relationships with Equality?

Instead of assuming any thing, why don’t you two sit down and answer step-wise to what is stated on this web site (from Hindu-Muslim relationship page – slightly modified for you):

Islam has very strict requirements for marriage. A Muslim may expect an intended … spouse to
1) Convert to Islam by taking Shahadah oaths before marriage (Nikaah) – are you okay to have an irreversible conversion from Christianity to Islam by Shahadah?
2) ..be given a Muslim name- are you okay if given a new Arabic name?
3) expect the children to have Arabic names – is that okay?
4) children have Sunat (religious circumcision) and raised in the Islamic faith – no Baptism or Sunday church visits, is that okay?
5) will not allow ..Lord Jesus picture.. displayed in your living room – is that okay?
6) there is no other marriage ceremony – do you wish for a church wedding?

If you both have true “LOVE” instead of “love for man-made rituals,” propose a civil wedding (like Salman did). Let’s hope you and your intended spouse are open-minded like Salman and Seema.

Now lets look at a deeper issue…


Christians generally believe Lord Jesus is a (son of) God and that FAITH IN JESUS is the only way to achieve salvation and to enter into heaven. Contrary to that, Koran teaches to have FAITH IN ALLAH (God). Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle (4:171). Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! (19:34). Further, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88). Unbelievers are those that say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (5:70) and “God is one of three” (5:72). Unbelievers will get “Hell of Fire.” Further, Allah told….”Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51)

Which God will rule in your intended married life?
1) Will (Lord) Jesus (Christ) going to be a son of God or just an apostle?
2) Will your children have SUNAT or BAPTISM?
You must decide only one of two for both questions above. There is nothing like….”both” or a middle ground like SUN-TISM!! If you decide “none” for these questions, on the Day of Judgment, both Gods will be unhappy and you and your spouse will “not achieve salvation” and on top will get “Hell of Fire.”

Tackle the inter-faith problems directly….don’t sweep them under the table. Don’t assume that you will resolve differences sometime after you get married. Pre-marital problems generally grow into “Hindenburg class disasters” after marriage. If you are not convinced for this last statement, watch interesting videos here.

Minnie’s Reply (May 3, 2010 at 2:42 pm)

Thank you for this. This is what I was looking for. I wanted more and a direction to follow things in. I’m religious, I beleive in God and Jesus, but I’m lacking in strong conviction. Tarek is pushing for me to learn more, and he is there when I have questions. He was thrilled when I took upon myself to learn more. We havent gotten to the bigger issues yet, but we will.

I am very open minded. My mother is a devote Christian and my father was a Wiccan. So yes I grew upo in a household of two religions so I’m very open minded. If and when the time comes for these decisions to be made they will be and if it means that much to him I have no problem for our children to raised that way.

We are both divorced, I have a child already, he does not. So this is a new learning experience for the both of us. My only thing is, right now I have no feeling to convert and he understands and has never asked me of this. I don’t think he ever will, but we will see.

Thank you (Admin) for this above. It means a great deal to me.

Readers, what will you advise Minnie or Tarek? What would be a fair arrangement to deal with religious differences? What would you do if you are in such a situation?

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  • September 5, 2014 2:58 am

    hi i m zaheer i m a Muslim … ma girl s Christian marthoma caste… and i m tamil and she s from Kerala … give some suggestion.. to me wat do .. bevause i loved her lot

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8442

  • Madhu
    June 5, 2013 6:01 am

    It is undeniably true that Islam of Sharia Law and sunnat is the most oppressive in the world today. Where Christian crusades have ended the Islamists are still conquering looting pillaging raping and converting whole countries and wiping out the first resistance to them which comes in form of civil war : wiping genocide of shia kafirs. Though they are sometimes described as Muslims are infact officially made heretics by official Islam by their actions by wiping them out and genocide.
    In History official Sharia sunnat Islam has killed raped millions billions of Hindus Christians Shias and Sikhs to name a few including Buddhists and even the Chinese Bulgarians and for centuries.
    They also Killed murdered raped countless including their own supposed beloved prophets grandchildren Hussain & his daughters and children. Why? Because they resisted forced cruelty inhumanity. These all died for their true faiths. Humanity belief in self. Official Islam does not allow you to follow your own spirit, to love all mankind. Hindus true spirituality did. And though corrupted like most religions along the way it stood for following your own spiritual path and love of all. Lord Jesus also was the true picture of love so that’s why he was crucified because his true message was love all mankind. Spirituality. These in political Christianity and political Islam is a crime. That’s why Jesus was crucified instead of the murderer. That’s why Hussain too was martyred because he too was epitome of love and not joining murder and power and politics as that Would mean giving up all humanity and selling them down murderous conversions by the swords. So Hussain too rejected the shaking of hands with official Islam sunnat which is converting and raping the world today.
    Hussain chose martyrdom of himself and first his family and children rather than making a deal with official Islam. He did not give up his true faith and he did not sell humanity for the sake of personal comforts instead suffered torture of seeing his loved ones being killed one by one. Lord Jesus is not representative of murdering crusading Christians, Nor is Hussain to be confused with awful converting murderous inhumane Sharia Islam.

    Though there names have been used to convert rape and murder humanity and that is the greatest tragedy here.

    Hindus have been corrupted by Caste system. And they too then suffered.

    Though the true Hindu faith is spirituality find your own path to God the least racist or oppressive in its true form.

    Christians who follow the way lord Jesus truly was are a minority though merit to humanity.

    Those who follow the true Islam of Hussain and true christian life and live abd die like Hussain and Lord Jesus too are the reason humanity and love are still alive despite the religions that hijack their names and preach inhumanity cruelty racism & fascism for the sake of Land, power riches and control.

    All faiths have same spirituality at the true core. However, greedy jelous corrupt power crazed murderous treacherous men have stepped in to use their names to spread hatred violence and inhumanity. The very thing they stood against. That is the tragedy.

    The least tragic of them all are Hindu faith, the oldest of our ancestors.

    Hussaini true Islam is minority. Dying breed. And not at all racist inhumane or fascist. Infact they will be the first to die for Hindu faith than before any Hindu comes to harm. If you harm any non Muslim you harm Hussain personally. That is what he was taught. Love of all mankind. That was his message. And though his grandfather’s name and message has been so corrupted by converting official Islam. His name like Lord Jesus his actions will forever remain unblemished.
    Many will die for what he believed. As many will Die for Lord Jesus. And many will die to uphold Krishan Bhagwan and the Hindu faith. Today we are dying to protect our faiths from Official Islam.
    Which is a true terrorist and threat to humanity.

    So the truth about inter marriages is that the more we divide ourselves as superior or inferior we forget our humanity. For Krishan Bhagwan Lord Jesus and Hussain were never racist to any humanbeing.

    Live like these noble characters and die for your true faiths and never be converted or forced by anyone. Be true to yourself.
    Only then can you be true to your children. Do not fear what official Islam says and dos. Live your life fearlessly or like a slave to official Islam with no soul.

    Live your lives the way you want. Like these noble in history and bring your children up to uphold humanity.

    The faith ofter much searching that feels truest is Hindu Faith and Slkh faith as the sikhs were the true to die to stand against tyranny and oppression of official Islam saving Hindu faith and true Islam faith of Hussain is practised best in sikhi. Not in official Islam. Official Islam is a disgrace.
    But remember most people with Islamist names are converted hindus and Sikhs and Christians who should be allowed to return to their true faiths like the Chinese have. But not to be hated for their names. It is in fear they live that’s why they cling on to the names as they may protect them from the sword of official Islam that not only stands still over India but now even still the western world.

    Though I am an ardent admirer of Hussain and Lord Jesus I live like them loving all mankind. My son is born Christian as his father but attends the Gurdwara and the Hindu temple and Imambaras and churches and sings in them all. He is Harry and Hari he is Sikhi & Hussain and Jesus like. Loving. Learning to sing Bhakti to all. Racist to none. It is possible to love all faiths and people because they are all facets of the same diamond. Facets of the same God. Humanity and love to all. And may God destruct the evil forces of every political official cruel religions starting with official Islam that is an enemy of Hussainis Christians Hindus Sikhs Buddhists Jews.

    Give it a rest. Everyone else is happy to live and let live. Official Islam do the same. Stop killing Shias. Hussainis. Hindus. Christians. Jews.

    Then Buddhists won’t start becoming violent after many centuries of peaceful ness they too are having to stand and fight.
    Shame on you official Sharia law. Sunnat.

    If we fear tyrants. Tyrants will do whatever.
    Saif Ali khan if he can’t stand up for his mother and her faith and his own true faith then it will be hard to stand up for your kids.

    So stand up and be the true faith of your ancestors.
    Which by the way is also the same spirituality of Hussain & Jesus too:
    Love & Humanity.

    If you can do that and stand for these and die for these then you can marry whoever with a true heart. However, if you let down the mother, children and wife then you can hardly save Kareena from the same fate.

    Kareena, protect yourself from Official Islamic laws. Don’t curse your selves with those laws. True Hussainis and decendents of Hussain don’t bother with those cruel laws so don’t you fall for them. There is nothing wrong with your faith. It is the most beautiful of all because it is your baap dada who loved you.


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