I married my muslim girlfriend after a year hard fight

Raman says: March 3, 2013 at 2:56 pm

I married my muslim girlfriend after a 1 year hard fight with both my and her parents. We knew we would face big problems in the early days infact we even decided to split but the power of true love never let us and we were ready to face the consequences as expected. It was very hard for me especially with the job I do in Air force but nothing stopped us.

You need to be very patient,and talk with her about how to go about this, best thing is to talk to the parents directly and assure them that you will take care of their daughter and will not let her down, sounds easy but not. When I went to talk to her parents their family pushed me out of the house in front of the whole neighbourhood and my parents were not happy at all either, both our family went into the fight but we never gave up we were firm in our position. we consulted many consultants both legal and religious ones all of them gave us positive thoughts. we fought and stood really firm with only thing in our mind, I am for her and she is for me. It wasnt easy, sleepless nights, lots of fights and there was even a point where I nearly resigned my job in the airfoce. Without taking steps nothing will happen, stay committed and be there for eachother.

Finally, around a year later my parents gave me the support as I convinced them for long and with their help I married her. her parents are still against us but we have hope they will understand us one day. We are happily married now and soon to be blessed with a child.


More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • November 2, 2017 8:10 am

    Hi, my boyfriend who is Muslim has recently left me because he believes that he can’t have me. I am a hindu, I don’t follow the religion. so therefore I’m not a religious person. me and my ex wanted to get married but our parents weren’t accepting us. We have been together for 2 years and even though he has left me, I continue to fight for him. I know to marry a Muslim I would have to convert and I was happy to do so. Though converting just to marry someone isn’t right, I had the intentions of learning Islam properly after I had converted and we were married. We were going to run away, get married and not tell our parents but he has given up. He still loves me and he still wants to be with me but he just wants our parents to accept. which I don’t see happening. He hardly talks to me, he tells me to move on and to forget about him but I can’t because I love him so much. He tells me if it is written then it will happen and if its meant to be Allah will make it easier for us to be together.

    I don’t know what to do, whether I leave him alone to think. He wants to get married soon and I’m scared he will never come back to me though I never did anything wrong to him. I feel as if he’s going to forget me and marry someone else. He tells me not to message him, that he is trying to get away from me so now he has blocked me and he wont even meet me in person to talk about this. we have only been texting and I feel so heart broken.

    someone please give me some advice. Thank you

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13016

    • Krish
      November 3, 2017 3:33 am

      What your muslim husband is done with oyu is very correct.. have you seen any muslim girl converted to Hindu to marry a guy.. why are you so cheap lady destrying Hinduism just because of your temporary love. You are responsible to destroy Hindustan also.

      So cheap half mental lady and you should face the situation based on your bad karma

  • August 20, 2017 4:45 pm

    I am Adi. I am in love with Hindu girl Since 7 years. I am Muslim. We are in Medical Profession. In short, my family is ready. My family belongs to normal middle class but from her side her father is not agree & he is politician connected. I am affraid if I go ahead for marriage. His father will give trouble to my family in India. I am out of India. except me all are in India even my gf, both families. Too much marriage talk for her & she refused. her father said he doesn’t allow to marry with me. he said he will commit suciside or kill her (just talking).
    I do not Understand what to do next? Please help me out & give best Solution.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12716

  • Gabrial
    June 12, 2017 11:20 pm

    I am in love with a muslim girl both love each other . And need each other badly. But these days my gf is trying to quit because she is dammn sure that she has only 2 choices one is me and other is her family .she needs both . But she had to chose one she chossed her family and is trying to be far from me . My thinking ability has stooped .she doest want her family to be insulted .she still loves me alot but she cant do any thing and i m helpless beacuse i love her and respect her dcsions . Plz any one can help me with this

    • June 13, 2017 7:22 pm

      What is yours and her’s faith? If this is a Muslim-Christian relationship, what are you going to teach your children– Is Jesus Son of God or not?

  • nor
    May 31, 2017 6:23 pm

    we both are muslims and know each since 2 years and got in relation with each other since last year , but my bf says to others i’m his sister, i dont understand why does he do that, because i think its wrong to lie too much: can you give me suggestions

    • June 1, 2017 2:09 pm

      Hi Nor,
      Yes, this is concerning. Ask him directly, why not?

      Probably he does not have guts to face reality with others. He may be like a lion with you but he may turn out life a lamb with his parents. Go meet them ASAP and find out if he is really ready to defend you and support you when needed. Best wishes.

  • September 10, 2016 4:43 pm

    I am currently in the same situation, my girlfriend who is Muslim have been struggling with this as she does not know how to bring this up to her parents or how it will work out and is afraid if we stay together any longer it will hurt and she is giving up as she has lost any hopes of us being together as her parents have told her she will be disowned. I don’t know what to do, I respect the Islam religion and was actually planning on converting for her but as well for me and also to benefit our chances of being able to marry each other. Although we are still young we truly love each other and have been through so much together. I’m not sure how to calm her or at least reassure her that still some hope.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11539

  • Pankaj kumar
    June 21, 2016 11:42 am

    i dont think so… i believe in love .. not in any religion.. m not against GOD. but today i want to ask all the muslims or hindus who dont support inter religion marrige. if your allah and hindu god relly said that inter riligion marriges is not allow… so why didi they give the heart to all the human. same fellings emotions why??? do you hvae any kind of answer.. direct answer…. why they dont make us diffrent whyy….. god made us diffrent or we maid us.. forget the elder or old people. lets take the example of a samll kid baby..will a muslim baby not cry if a hindu woman feed him?her.. ??? whyyyyy .. now where is alllah and god.. .. i am not insulting the allah or any god.. i am insulting the human who have been forget about the humanity…. relation is love.. religion was never greater then a love.. because riligion is alive till love is alive.. if the love is not goood so you should never love your riligion tooooo…..

  • Neshar ahmed
    December 19, 2015 12:27 am

    i m in love with a hindu girl..m 18 now…will it be cool to approach her dad wen i have a job??? will he accept me ever as i am muslim??

    • admin
      December 19, 2015 7:56 am

      Yes, you should. Go for it!

    • Mohammed
      December 19, 2015 9:46 am

      Bro Neshar,

      According to Islam, A muslim cant marry to a non muslim(mushrik) .. Its completely prohibited in islam..

      if u want proof i will give . . Check it in the quran
      in surah baqrah chapter 2 v 221
      “And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you”

      Still you have think out of it !!

      • kelsey
        March 7, 2016 12:06 am


        I am sorry, but where in this verse does it say: you must profess to be a “practicing muslim?”

        It says: until he believes in ‘Allah alone.’ Allah is God. Until he believes in God alone, which does not mean: have a paper signed saying you now practice a conventionalized religion.

        In fact, the word Islam means: submission. No where in the Qur’an does it use the word Islam to signify an organized ‘religion’ to be identified with. It is used as the verb: submission– submission to Allah and Allah alone. That is Islam!

        There are countless verses in the Qur’an that are BADLY misinterpreted and culture has been built on many of these misinterpretations. So I urge you all to do your own research and discover these misinterpretations instead of blindly following something that may not even be required/prohibited by Allah- in fact, Allah says in the Qur’an that: making something prohibited (haram) that Allah allows (halal) is a major SIN.

        So, do your RESEARCH on what is real TRUTH, what is real haram and halal- you will be surprised on what you find and about how many things are misinterpreted (if you have a curious and open mind).

        All the best…

        • Mohammed
          March 8, 2016 2:30 pm

          I dont know what u have read wrongly with my above statements.. Its in plain english

          I want to ask you a question..
          Does in Islam a muslim can marry a non muslim without conversion. . permissible/non permissible..

          Quran give us a fact and logics..how a muslim can marry with a non muslim?. .
          if still marry can happen with different faiths then how they live happily in their life.. The way the different belives.. except fighting there wont be any other else between them.. If they practises their religion..

    • amatullah
      April 20, 2016 5:42 am

      Hi raman,
      Just wanted to ask what happened in the end? Have her parents accepted you guys yet? Happy to hear the stayign firm can work and at least one side of the family can be happy ..
      did they reject you bcs u are not muslim?
      Have you considered islam ?

      Take care

      • April 20, 2016 8:52 pm

        Are you in any love relationship?

  • August 14, 2015 1:11 pm

    me and my bf we both are muslims but I am Ansari and he is KHAN, his parents are not accepting me and scolds him everytime he whenever he tries to speak about our marriage.. though my parents have no problem with him.. he is trying to convince them from last 2 yrs but everytime they give some or the other excuse(looks ,stars,education etc)
    being the eldest son and the only earnibg memver of his family its impossible for him to go against them.
    even they had warn him strictly to stop talking to me as well and should get seprated but we both love each other alot.
    kindly tell me how should we convince his parents…?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10354

  • Satheesh
    April 16, 2015 4:01 am

    Raman Bro,I m also loving a Muslim Girl…
    I want to Marry her…
    we Both r 19…
    I m ready to Convert to Muslim…
    pls help me Someone…
    my WhatsApp 8220593599…
    I need her,she is my life…
    her parents Stopped all conversations between us…
    I m looking to Commit Suicide..
    without her I m nthng…
    pls help me Someone…
    I m Satheesh from Madurai,tamilnadu..

    • mac
      April 16, 2015 7:15 am

      Bro Satheesh, yes you can marry her since you are accepting islam. But you must accept islam from heart not just for her.

      And if you convert to Islam and want to marry her, then even her parents can`t stop you as forceful marriage in islam is not allowed.

      And bro, please never think about suicide, suicide is not a solution in any situation. Always keep hope, and pray to Allah for help.

      See here, cookie is easily geeting married with her muslim lover https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8508

      Aakash Mallick, also 19, same age, converted to islam https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9562


      You can contact me here

    • Aakash Mallik
      April 17, 2015 7:53 pm

      Bro….first and formost…..no suiside……its going to kill u for aure but just think how ur girl’s life would become after that……now for ur relation if u wanna do that without conversion…..u have 10% chance of success…..if u convert…then ur chances of success become 80%….rest 20% depends on how good person u r both mentally and financially…as for any normal marriage would be…..
      U r nt alone……and there have been many successful cases….
      I accepted Islam frm my heart….and the creayor will guide me to my love….
      So just dont convert coz u love the girl…..convert coz u love the religion….

  • March 14, 2015 10:04 pm

    Great job sir. She will be there for you. Just do t leave her after she has lost everything for you. Bro I hope you convert to islam. Our women will stick by their man no matter what. Stay away from these white women. They don’t know how to keep a man. They just fight and stress you guys out and cheat on the regular.

  • January 22, 2015 8:06 am

    I am Christian man and i have a Muslim girlfriend that i love so much but she told me i have to convert (change to Muslim) before we can talk of getting married
    am worried because i don’t want to let go of her and at don’t want to change because she ask me to… i don’t know what to do… can i get some advise plz..

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9133

  • sahil
    January 7, 2015 4:00 pm

    I m in love with same girl for over 10 years we both are muslim she is arab and I m afghan her family is keep refusing us I have been talking to them for last 5 years but its not goin anywhere I don’t know what to do?

    • January 7, 2015 8:34 pm

      Which country do you live in? If you are in the West, just be financially independent and go marry her. Parents will have to come to terms later.

  • shoumallya paul
    December 4, 2014 11:52 pm

    Really u r lucky one.. right now I face this thing… my GF is Muslim amazing thing is that they all r except our relationship but from my family no on except our relationships… I don’t know what to do yet… I job in police… need help

    • December 5, 2014 7:12 am

      First we salute to your professional work to maintain laws and order.

      Can you tell us what are three main concerns of your family for you marrying a Muslim? We will get back to you after your answer. Thanks

    • January 4, 2015 2:59 am

      I’m in such a similar position. My girlfriend is a Malaysian Muslim and I am catholic, not very devout if i’m honest but I do have my own beliefs. The problem is that we are in love, however there is a law in Islam that she isn’t allowed to marry me as I am not muslim. She never really informed me of how serious it was until recently and its all come at once, how on earth was I supposed to know!? And now apparently there is a whole lot of pressure for me to convert and I didn’t even know until recently how devout she was. I mean, we used to drink alcohol together at parties, we have sex and we sleep with each other. I never knew this would be a problem to her and then she says how she’d be living in sin if we were to marry and me not convert. I don’t understand, I’m religious, but what god would dam people to hell just for falling in love and wanting to be with each other just because we aren’t the same religion, it infuriates me and it has caused many arguments. I don’t want to have to sell out my beliefs just cause Islam is so black and white its not fair? If anyone is in the same position as me, please let me know how you’re coping!!
      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9020

  • Raquib
    May 5, 2013 5:16 pm

    Salaam alaikum. Congratulation. You are lucky to make it happen. Alhumdullilah.
    I am in the similar situation. I am a Bangladeshi Muslim and my fiancee is a Pakistani Muslim. My family and I are from Bangladesh. She and her family are Pakistani. She was born in the USA. Her parents are from Pakistan. She has a beta thalassemia for taking blood transfusion. We both love each other. I love her very much. I promise to Allah that I will take care and love her in marriage. We were referred by one of my elder Muslim friend who got us for marriage proposal to let her parents know about me. We accepted each other based on our same religion and match our character. She and I NEVER caused any problem. I asked for her hand of marriage. We engaged before meeting her parents. She fought so hard to convince her parents to accept me even though her parents always keep so many wrong guess about me without asking me questions. They prejudiced me unless my fiancee tried hard to convince them. Finally her dad contacted me to come and meet with them to talk. I visited their house first time. We sat down and talked to get to know each other. We had a nice dinner. They asked me if I have previous relationship. I told them I DO NOT want to bring up anything about past. Past is FINISHED. Future is what we want to focus for the sake of marriage. In the past, I really seek for marrying a Muslim woman. Anyway, her parents hope my parents accept my fiancee who has thalassemia. After the first meeting with her family, then I talked to my parents. I tried to convince my parents to accept my wife to be for her thalassemia. They were not sure to accept. When they came to visit my town. I encouraged my parents to meet her family. Her family was willing to meet us too. We all family met and talk. It was really great time for both side to accept after my uncle and aunt convinced my parents to accept my fiancee. Later my dad and mom finally accept her and informed her parents. After few months later my parents and brother came to visit my town again to meet my fiancee’s family. We invited them to my new house to meet my relatives (mom and dad’s side). Everyone was so happy and feel giving us a blessing for our upcoming marriage. My fiancee’s dad made a reservation for wedding this summer. He reserved a place. We were exciting and happy. We had a good engagement party with everyone. Later my parents and brother returned to their town, we continue our relationship while her parents allowed me to visit their house to see her and spend time with them. They measured our body side for wedding dresses to make to order from Pakistan. My parents are planning to get her a dress and her parents get mine one. My parents and her parents discussed over the phone about money for wedding dresses. They all made a commitment for 3 main dresses for my fiancee. That it. It is like dresses exchange. My parents agreed to give money for 3 dresses (mendhi, nikkah and wedding). My parents humbly give money for 3 dresses which are expensive. Her parents only give will me ONE wedding dress. Not reception dress. They are so greedy. They want my parents to buy everything. Know what happened later?? Her parents demanded my parents for more money for extra 10 more fancy and expensive dresses for my fiancee!! That means they broke our verbal agreement and commitment. They changed their mind and refused to accept 3 dresses’ money. They want more than that. It is sin in our religion from them being lying and making up price for dress. They think my family are rich in which they NEVER NEVER asked our budget limitation. That show how terrible my fiancee’s parents are. My fiancee were very upset and hurt from her own parents who threatening to cancel the wedding if not giving them money. Even though my fiancee and I knew that we NEVER have problem with each other. Why parents brought up drama for to break our wedding plan?? Her parents lied to my parents that they did ask them what is my parents’ budget limitation. Really in fact, they never ask! They told them they will cancel the wedding if not sending them money for dresses. That is called THREATENING! Her parents now are against our wish to marry. Oh my God. They again made up their guess about me by saying so many negative prediction and comment about me being control my fiancee and make her slave and not help her! It is all lie. I LOVE her so much and she loves me so much. Why should I control her to be my slave? Their assumption is wrong! My parents were so upset. They asked me to go to my fiancee’s family house and discuss again. I went there last time to talk to them. So, I noticed they started to telling a lie about my parents. I knew I do not believe them. They said when will my parents give them more money?? I told them calm down and we want a peace. Not demanding money. That time we now understand that her parents are very materialist! They don’t believe in idealism such as caring for human value to achieve. You know why?? It is all because of my fiancee’s older sister who got married to her husband. Know what happened? After marriage, her husband lied to her family that he did not have a job and money to support his wife! That gave my fiancee’s parents worry about her next wedding with me. That is called they judged me in their wrong idea. That is the reason why they demanded money from us to give my fiancee best dresses in which her sister did not get great gift from her husband’s side. They gave her cheap gift and okay looking dresses. I do not know why her parents worry for??!! I DO NOT care about her sister’s wedding situation. It is not my concern. My concern is ONLY ME AND MY FIANCEE’s future in marriage. That it. Her parents’ are very hard head and stubborn and so selfish. They ruined our happiness and wedding plan by starting to bring drama to my family about materialitic issue! My fiancee had been depressed and cried a lot. I had depressed too. Even I wept and pray Allah for help. I work hard to get His listening to me for getting her parents’ approval. Even worst is that her parents demanded my fiancee to see her email privacy. They were shocked and upset about my dad and her had previously contact. Because my fiancee asked my dad for help to convince her parents so hard. My dad could not do that. But he go ahead talked to her via email and gave her an advice about if thing does not work out then she can do her own because she is an adult. She is 26 and I am 32. Her parents violance the Islamic law of marriage. That is why my parents stopped talking to my parents anymore and disregarded them because of the email! My God…..everything messed up. She asked my dad for help, THat is all. Her parents thought my dad tried to tell her to run away from them and marry me. NO! It is not true. He only told her an advice. That is all. Not telling her to escape from parents. Her parents have complicated mind not to understand the points. I wrote letter of apology to her dad and asked for forgiveness. Her dad NEVER answer me. She told me he read but never answer me. They think I played game. Oh my God. I decided to go ahead to give them money for dresses. But too late her parents not accept because they told her I should had told them before. But how can I know?? I cannot predict in future about what will happen. My fiancee is now fighting so hard to convince her parents. My fiancee feels that she does not trust her parents because of their being lying and hidden from her. My parents and family were very upset and broken heart from her parents’ threatening to cancel the wedding. My fiancee and I had been struggled and struggle to convince her oppressive parents to approve our marriage. They did not listen to her and against her wish to marry me. Right now it is VERY hard to convince her parents. So much pain for us. I already bought wedding ring. There is no help for us to convince her parents. We have only 3 months left until wedding. I cried for help when I seek Allah’s help. She and I never have any problem with each other. Only parents did. They are the one who brought up drama to break our marriage plan. They started it. Not us. Not our fault. It is so much difficult for us…… 🙁
    We are broken heart. Still we won’t give up unless we find the way to win her parents’ approval. Also her parents lied that my parents do not care about my fiancee! It is not true! My parents love her! My family love her too! They want to welcome her to our member. Why cannot her parents be appreciated? My family spoke highly of her parents! I ALWAYS RESPECT HER PARENTS! They show us very little respect. No courtesy, no manner, no caring for us. What wrong with her parents??? My fiancee felt fed up with her controling parents. They controlled her life because they think she is weak and thalassemia woman cannot marry. They limited us to contact each other. I don’t know what caused her parents to change their mind to be oppressive. We all are same Muslim. I NEVER been against her family. Also they convinced her brothers and older sister to against me! Now all of them against me and my family by convincing my fiancee not to marry me. They made up lie to my fiancee about I have women in the past who I was engaged! Oh my God…..I never been engaged. She is only the first one I engaged. We are innocent with great love and heart. We never hurt my fiancee. My fiancee knows that and trust me. Her parents really HURT us. God know they did. 🙁
    We have so much hard time to fight right now. Islam allow girl’s right to choose husband to marry. Her parents cannot be against her wish. But even thought we are good people and God fearing, her parents still are very materialist and against us. Only money makes them happy, not think about human value. Seems like they have full of Satan around them to love money. Why money for dresses are important than us??? My fiancee does not care about money. She care about me for love and marriage. I do the same. I am willing to give up money for her. But her parents never listen to us. It too late. For God’s sake…..We are hurt and broken heart….what can we do? Still we won’t give up….Everyone got happily married with beautiful wedding. We are unlucky. We are so sad…..

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5382

  • March 8, 2013 8:01 am

    Hearty congratulations Raman.

    You are really a great lover and did not leave your GF in lurch.
    Hope both of you shall raise family blissfully in all ups and downs of life.

  • raihana
    March 6, 2013 12:53 pm

    I am a muslim girl, now Iam 24 year old. My boy friend is hindu. now I am doing my post graduation. My parents doesnt like my affair, they want me to marry a muslim guy and lot of proposals are coming now. at a point they were about to stop my studies, so i had to lie that i broke up with my boy friend to complete my studies. now they think that i broke up with him, but i told them that i cant marry anyone else. now they are saying i have to get engaged if i want to work after the post graduation. but i cant marry anyone else, and i dont want to run away with my boyfriend. i want my marriage to happen with both our parents. my mom is all against hinduism, she doesnt know much about them, she believes that they idol worshipers only, islam cant adjust, you will go to hell fire. she is saying that they should have gotten me married much earlier, shouldnt have let me study. but i was a always good girl in my family, was the studious kid in the entire family, but i don’t know with this single thing they forgot all my achievements in life,i dont know how will i convince my parents. my dad is very quiet now, he doesnt talk to me much. all these are killing me.but i cant leave my boyfriend also. i dont know what to do

    Reply to Raihana at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4643

    • Ramesh
      July 3, 2017 8:49 am

      Hello raihana can u please tell me what have to do after this situation?
      Because im in trouble and same situation like u
      Must reply me please

      My girfriend is muslim and im hindu..

      • July 4, 2017 8:41 pm

        We changed your name for your privacy.

        We can help, can you give more details? Are you willing to convert to Islam?

  • March 4, 2013 7:17 am

    Congratulations heartily Raman.

    You both struggled hard to achieve your mission for noble cause.
    God bless you both for happy and blissful life, as husband and wife.

    May I know good name of your beloved and sweetheart wife?

  • Akshay
    March 4, 2013 5:21 am

    Dear Raman,

    You are lucky person as your Love was with you and committed that SHE IS FOR YOU AND YOU ARE FOR HER’, thats the reason you succeeded.

    In my case though i was ready, i was ready for all risks, i would have spoken with her parents, engaged grood, but my Muslim girl friend was not at all ready and she started telling ” My parents will die if they come to know about our love, i loved you so much, those were the best days of my life, which will not get again, if you want to kill my parents, you can do what ever you want”

    So I am/was not able to speak with her parents, i asked her to come with me so that we can lead our life far from all, again she started telling the same………..Her love was true, My love was true, she loved me so much, has decided to marry a Muslim guy becoz of this society, religion and parents.

    I believed in love, i loved her, our souls got married, now she will go with some one. my love my wife will be going with someone…

    SACRIFICing the LOVE?

    I have become mad………. she will get marry within few days…Love is blind, people should not fall in love if they are not ready to get marry with their loved ones. love means to be with loved one forever


    • Satyen
      March 8, 2013 3:33 pm

      Dear Akshay,

      Your anguish is not a permanent one and will wither away slowly in course of time. Time is the best healer. Every day the sun sets down and rises over again the next day. So have patience and this trying situation will gradually give way to happiness to your life. You are not the only one to have experienced this phase of life, but many many couples have undergone this type of agony. Be brave and go deep inside yourself, think of who you are and peace will slowly come to you. We all have phases of sorrow and happiness, people die and babies are born, but the life goes on.

      Just don’t be mad but be a person with senses. One day you will be bereft of all these agonies. Be in the company of Sadhus and sanyasis if you believe in them. Go to a Math or Ashram if you believe in them.
      Read the life story of Vivekananda, Dayananda or Ramkrishna and observe celibacy for some time and you should be fine. Happiness lies in sacrifice, not in acquisition. Live for others as well, not for yourself alone.

  • March 3, 2013 8:44 pm

    Congratulations Raman.

    A few questions: How did you got married? What is plan for your child (name? formal religion? religious teachings?)?

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