I am a Hindu now: A former Muslim’s life story

Madiha says: — June 25, 2010 @ 7:58 am

I was born into a very staunch Muslim family in the US. Learning to read the Quran the moment I could read. I was under the misconception that if I did not do as Allah told me to do, I would be punished severely. I was also told that if I didn’t wear modest clothes I was being immoral. Right from a little girl I wore the head scarf. My friends would ask me why, and I would tell them “because God said so’.

As I grew strictness of my family started to go out of hand as they started disciplining me in just about everything. Pointing out to me things that I should do and forced me to do whatever they wanted. I was allowed no freedom outside as well as within the house for the most stupid reasons. My father also refrained me from going out. I was not allowed to speak to the opposite sex but being stubborn, I did just that. When my father found out, about me talking to a guy, when I was 14, my grandmother scolded me and even called me a prostitute. I cried for hours, her words cutting me deep. Once My garandfather and grandmother went to meet our relative, that day I wore jeans and T-shirt and went out with the consent of my mother. I enjoyed with my school friends. When I came to home I saw my grandmother was at home and she was abusing and beating my mother for allowing me to go out without Hijab. My grandmother called me prostitute again and again.

I remember during Bakra eid (sheep slaughtering festival), my mother and myself used to confine into room and used to cry while my family used to celebrate and taking rejoice in killing innocent animals. My mother and myself were nothing but prisoner of our own house. I grew up seeing beating and abusing of my mother by my father and his family.

My majority of school friends were Non-muslims, I was very much comfortable with Hindus, Sikhs and Christians. When my grandmother got to know about this, my grandmother scolded me and my mom and told me that we are not allowed to be friends with kafirs. When I asked her why? she said Hindus are filthy, Jews and Christians are apes and pigs and they are not Humans, they follow satan. I was shocked.

Around the age of 14, I realized how much of life I was missing out on. How my father commanded that I do my prayers 5 times a day and never play any sports because they would only lead me to the devil. One night I was talking to my parents about college and my father said that I would never go to college because he had chosen a boy for me and I was about to get married to him as soon as I turned 18. I was shocked….my mother ran out of the room crying. I began to plead with my father to let me go to college. But he said no. When I asked him why, he told me that Muslim women are not supposed to be educated or go to work. They are supposed to be good wives, who never disagree with their husbands and be good honorable women. I couldn’t belive my ears. This man was still living in the dark-ages.

The next day after school I went to the mosque to talk with our Maulvi Sahab. When I told him about my father’s irrational behavior—he agreed with him. He told me that if all the Muslim men in our community thought like your father, we would be in a really good place right now.

I was stuck and didn’t know what to do. I kept thinking about it till late that night. At around 2am my mom came to check up on me and found me crying. That night I came to know what a sick religion Islam was. She told me that she had been a well educated (Doctor) Hindu woman who had fallen in love with my father in India. During their courtship my father had told her that he was very broad-minded and did not want her to convert when they got married. Against my grand-parent’s wishes she married him and did the Nikaah just so her mother-in-law would like her. Thats where her nightmare began. Her In-laws would not let her go out of the house. No one could come and visit her. She was confined in a home where everyone would spit on her for being a ‘Kafir’. They made her read the Quran and do Namaz. If she didn’t they would beat her. My father would come home and force himself on her. When she would ask him not to, he would tell her that it was written in the Quran, and she was nothing more than a slave to him. After about a year of their marriage, they left for the US. My mom was already pregnant with me.

When I was born he was not too happy with my Mom. He said that if he had married someone of his own faith he would have had a boy for sure. Giving him a girl was the way Allah was punishing him for marrying a Hindu.

When I heard all this I began to hate my father and Islam. I promised to get my mom out of this situation and also never ever end up like her. When I turned 18, along with the help of a lawyer, I managed to get my mom and dad divorced. My mom actually went back to school and has a flourishing practice now.

As for me, you might say that I reverted. I am a practising and loving Hindu now. I have changed my name (new name is not given with the fear of punishment of death for apostasy). I live a life full of love and adoration for a God who does not preach hate, who encourages me to think and gain knowledge, who shows me the way without fear and who loves everyone no matter who they are.

At the age of 23 I got married to my Hindu boy friend and now we have one beautiful daughter. My loving hubby is a great guy, he gave me complete freedom and my rights which my father and his family never gave me. My hubby’s family treat me like their own daughter, and even treat my mom as a part of our family. I thank God for all these.

Unsolicitated posting by – Madiha

Madiha’s other comments: Hell, I have gained, Muhammad & my Cat, Want to marry a Muslim?, Rape, Excellent Muslim Husband, What Islam wants?, A typical Muslim

Also read: Nirmla, Vikas, Dee, Roma, Kareena, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Shah
    May 19, 2021 10:19 pm

    Fake story. Islamophobic. Complete misrepresentation of Islam. The prophet sallallahu alayehi wa aalihi wasallam said: gaining knowledge is compulsory for all Muslims. He also said which means whosoever raises three or two or even one daughter properly and marries her off, he will enter paradise. I hope this helps. May Allah guide us all aameen.

  • Shireen
    September 22, 2019 8:18 am

    Hanna, what have you been smoking.. who told you all that?

    I mean seriously… Don’t you have common sense?

    Allah will throw the rain of fire… And we can barbeque all non believers… Lol…

    The question is, what is it that YOU, believe in…???

    Your the only religion who multiply like cockroaches.. and.. say your the fastest growing religion, well yes it’s true..

    Tell me this, how many families stay in your room?

  • Vins
    September 22, 2019 8:01 am

    Dear Asif…

    Bro how old was ayisha? When Mohammed married her and started playing with her..??? You know the.. secret games..lol…

    Dude, stop flaunting…

  • Yousuff
    September 4, 2019 11:34 am

    This is a formulated story just to degrade Islam. Beacause a true muslim ( In view of Islam )
    1) never hates a girl child and girl child is prefared over a boy in islam
    2) Never beats his wife
    3) Never says people of other religion following satan
    4) Never says to not to do frindship with non muslims
    But whovever has done this doesn’t know that islam is the most spreading religion in the world , people like u cannot stop this bcz there are so many people out there who think logically and observe the nature and to find out who is the creator of all this and end up confirming none other than Allah if they study and research properly and by the grace of Allah.
    I dare you to study Islam and dare you to share this girl’s real info, U cant because its a fake profile.

    • Akaula
      September 8, 2019 5:32 am

      Why why use Taqiya to fool people. I have read Quran and Hadis, Both inhuman, violent and anti every one excepting Muslim Man.

  • Dollie
    February 7, 2019 5:03 am

    This info is worth everyone’s attention.

  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 9:35 am

    No doubt even Aishwarya Rai was forced to marry monkey & trees.

    Hindu girl forced to marry dog to get purified:


  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 9:34 am

    ~** This kind of “below human standard” humiliation of women, u will not find anywhere in world. Every seen such things in any religion,robbing dignity of women?


  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 8:57 am

    What Islam says about baby girls?

    Who is preferred between boy and girl? Of course girl in Islam but killed in Hinduism:

    The Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ‘ayahi wa sallam, said:

    “Whoever has three daughters whom he provides shelter for, supports and marries off, Paradise becomes absolutely binding for him.” It was said, ‘What if they are two (daughters)?’ The Prophet said, “Even if it’s two.” (Ahmad, Bukhari)

    The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said:

    “Whoever supports (i.e. raises) two girls until they reach adolescence (and get married), he will come on the Day of Judgment (like this) – him and I,” and he interlaced his fingers. (Muslim, Tirmidi)

    Boy Or Girl Child, Which Is Better? – An Islamic Perspective :


    The blessing of daughters in Islam:


    • luckyblogger
      March 1, 2018 9:07 am

      for real? there are numerous cases where when a girl child is born the muslim women gets an instant talaq. shutup

    • Tera Baap
      March 19, 2018 12:18 am

      F…. Muhammed ( Piss be upon him )

  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 8:52 am

    //When I was born he was not too happy with my Mom. He said that if he had married someone of his own faith he would have had a boy for sure. Giving him a girl was the way Allah was punishing him for marrying a Hindu.//

    It exposes more and more about Hindutva groups who run fake profiles. No dobut Godse used to circumcise before killing Gandhi to blame to Muslims. Hindutva will remain as coward.

    Let’s see statistics how women are killed before born:


    Contrary to general populous blame to Muslims for rise of population(which is not much deviated from world wide population growth rate), Hindus failed to see big social issues and imbalance created due to killing of non-preferred gender women.

    As per 2011 census child female sex ratio per 1000 boy:
    National = 918
    Hindus = 913 (well below national figure)
    Muslims = 943 (huge above national figure).

    Thus, for every 1000 boys Muslims have 30 girls more than Hindus. Means 30 Hindu girls killed for every 1000 boys. Means 28,434,000 (24.434 millions) Hindu girls killed for total Hindu population of 94.28 crore(942.8 millions). Imagine the generations & further reproductions which can be produced by 28,434,000 mothers have been killed.



    This gender imbalance is not only causing huge impact in Hindu population and it has become a national issue of unable to find bride.

    “India’s craving for boy babies leads to bride shortage”:


    Issue is so serious that It has become Election portfolio for many political parties instead of development agenda.

    “BJP leader promises brides from Bihar for Haryana youths”


  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 8:43 am

    How many fake profiles of Hindutva in all over internet?
    U & ur mom cried and confined to “room” while killing animal? Is US lawless like India where animal slaghter can be done at home? In entire developed world – EU and US, animal slaghter is not allowed at home but ONLY at licensed slaughter house.

    How much hindutva groups are suffering from virus of inferiority complex? U dont do anything to save 60 million women killed before born but u make fake profiles and post shit to brainwash Muslim girls? Isn’t it cheap and below human standard?

    U cried for killing 1 animal in ur family to “feed poor” during Bakra Eid, but how much u cried for following world’s most inhuman, low level killing of millions animals “to please GODs/GODDESEs ?


  • Asif
    December 5, 2017 6:28 am

    Who will hv lowest literacy rate if reservations r abolished? – Obviusly its Hindus.


    1. India’s Muslim population is growing slower than it had in the previous decades becoz many Muslims opting for smaller families.

    2. Hindu population = 96.63 crore = 966.3 million (79.8 %). This huge, explosive Hindu population may boost right wing to consider India as a HINDU Nation. This Hindu ONLY population (966.3 million) is more than population of “any” country in world except China, it refutes the Right wing’s claim that Muslims produce more as “none” of Muslim country in world has even 15% total Indian Hindu population.

    3. Indian Muslims -17.22 crore = 172.2 million (14.2%) make the 2nd Majority community good reason for people in power to deprive Muslim of reservation in education and job as in case of Maharashtra but govt supporting reservation for Marathi.

    4. plus point to push is 17.22 crore are also contributing in nation building as they pay equal tax and receive less benefit. Less benefit becoz – MAXIMUM or ALL RESERVATIONS ARE FOR ONLY HINDU CASTES. Even Dalit Muslims are denied their right to SC/ST reservation based on “faith”. That’s not enough, there is attack on only two Muslim University – JMI & AMU inspite of the fact that there are more than 8000 Universities in India.

    They shout n abuse literacy/education of Muslims when since independence only Hindus are uplifted through reservations. Be fair in reservation system or abolish it completely and see the result. After Jat, now Patel Community will be given reservation soon. THE MOMENT ALL THESE CASTE BASED RESERVATIONS FOR “ONLY” HINDUS ARE REMOVED, IT WILL BE TAKEN BY MUSLIMS/CHRISTIANS TOO, WHICH MEANS SHARP DECREASE IN HINDU BENEFITS – LITERACY/EDUCATION/JOBS, perhaps less literacy rate for Hindus than any other religions if you subtract 22.2% SC/ST reservation (almost lowest caste Hindus) + 27% OBC reservation (almost lower caste Hindus) = at least 40-45% reservation benefits for Hindu Castes will be decreased & freed for other religions. Then only there will be fairness for all religions.

    PS: I just put a point, I have no problem with reservations for downtrodden Hindu castes, in fact all backward groups need to be uplifted. But its unfair to shout & blame particular faith group for problems when benefit is restricted to other faith only.

  • aiman siddiqui
    November 8, 2017 2:25 pm

    Islam is a Beautiful religion. You mst have not read the translation of the Quran. Or maybe your story is fake fake. The more people will educate more they will convert into Islam.

    • Sujesh
      December 3, 2017 12:38 am

      Yeah.. that’s why Muslim men and women are hardly educated.. I hate this religion for what it is.. it is forcing it’s people to be medieval..

      • mac
        December 5, 2017 5:16 am

        If one is educated but believes cow as mother and hates others for eating beef based on his beliefs and supports violence on beef eaters to the extent of murder, then no matter what degree he/she might possess, he/she is not educated.

        • Hanah Khan
          December 6, 2017 2:49 am

          ‘King of Critical-thinking’, please have a look at the verses of absolute love:
          And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- îaram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
          And as for those who disbelieved, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.”

          We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.
          Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment

          The venomous eruptions are revolting and unending. This is just the tip.
          HeavenGoer, your Book’s guidelines on love and peace is really giving goosebumps.

        • mira
          March 16, 2018 6:40 am

          I am Hindu and every time I thanks god for making me Hindu
          Supreme personality of Godhead sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita
          “The humble sages,by virtue of true knowledge,see with equal vision a learned,gentle Brahman,a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog eater(outcast).BG 5:18

          Our Sanatan dharma teaches to see everyone with equality,love & respect for everyone(human/animals, believer/non believer, relatives/strangers, friends/enemy etc).
          All world is a family.

  • Boron
    November 4, 2017 9:24 pm

    A brilliant article by Maria Wirth exposing isis/islam & hypocrisy of christianity…

    Can we be honest about the motive of ISIS terrorists?

    Politicians worldwide steadfastly maintain that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and most liberal non-Muslims share this opinion. Several Muslims, too, express the same view. They label the terrorists ‘misguided youths’ but don’t seem to be interested who or what misguides them.

    On the other hand, those who joined ISIS are clear: “We follow the true Islam”, they declare with full conviction and ridicule those who think otherwise.

    Who is right?

    Is it difficult to discover? Killing people who go peacefully about their daily lives clearly goes against human nature. So why do they do it? Apart from some pathological cases, the reason is that they are convinced that they do the right thing. Of course, these youths are misguided, but by whom or what?

    To be fair – the Islamists are not the first to be misguided. Communists and Nazis were misguided by divisive ideologies, which made them believe that, if certain people are dead, a glorious future awaits them.

    Christians were misguided by their baseless belief that heathen and heretics are an eyesore to their god and are better done away with if they refuse to join the “true faith.” Thanks to the pressure of a more enlightened civil society, they had to give up torturing and killing in the name of god a couple of centuries ago. Yet many Christians still wrongly believe that they have to convert the whole world to Christianity – if not by force, then by allurement and deceit.

    Prime Minister David Cameron recently described the ISIS as “one of the biggest threats our world has faced”. So surely it is of utmost importance to understand what drives them. The German ‘SZ- Magazin’ (link below) carried an eye-opening interview with a would-be ISIS-Jihadi that gives insight into their mindset.

    It is about Erhan, a handsome, almost shy youth of 22 years, of Turkish origin. Some of his friends are in Syria. He tried to join them but didn’t succeed on his first attempt. A few years ago, he became dissatisfied with the lukewarm “Euro-fake” Islam that his parents practice. His father doesn’t even pray, he rued, and his mother distorts the Quran so that it fits her interpretation. He wanted to follow the ‘real’ Islam and started to read the Quran. He grew a beard, prayed 5 times a day, went to the mosque and even wore a turban to school. His classmates asked him what happened, and he told them about the Quran. They never asked him again. “I had expected more criticism from them,” Erhan said.

    He and his friends were banned from the local mosques in their Bavarian town because they kept lecturing the Muslims there that they don’t follow the Quran correctly and need to oppose democracy. However, the ban convinced them that they were on the right path, because “in the Quran is written that there will be opposition”.

    Erhan is convinced that Islam is the only true religion, and he wants ISIS to create a state where “the Quran is lived as Allah wants it”. In his view, the present Islamic countries, like Turkey, are not really following what Allah wants. When the interviewer reminded him of ISIS’s brutality, he replied, “If one kills for a good cause, it is legitimate”.

    One of Erhan’s friends, David, recently died fighting in Aleppo and another one, Philipp, became a suicide bomber after he was injured. “Were you sad?” he is asked. “At first a little, but I also envied them, because I know where they are”, he replied, but he strongly rebuked the notion that it is because of the virgins. “Honestly, if only women were to be gained, I would not do it. I do it for Allah.”

    He comes across as a naïve young man who wanted to make his life meaningful and found guidance in the Quran. He connected with like-minded youngsters. They checked out several groups and became convinced that ISIS is the best to join because its goal is clearly in tune with the Quran: the goal to spread the Islamic State further and further till the whole world is for Allah.

    “Oh believers, fight them until there is no more mischief and the Deen of Allah (way of life prescribed by Allah) is established completely” (Quran 8.39)

    “Oh believers, fighting has been made obligatory for you much to your dislike. It is quite possible that what you dislike is good for you… Allah knows and you do not.” (Quran 2.216)

    “Those believers who stay at home – having no physical disabilities – are not equal to those who make Jihad in the cause of Allah with their wealth and person. Allah has granted a higher rank to those who make Jihad… They have special higher ranks, forgiveness and mercy. Allah is forgiving, merciful” Quran 4.95/6

    Could Erhan and his friends have any doubt what these and similar passages mean? Does it need an Islam expert to interpret them? If the experts had come to the conclusion that those passages were meant exclusively for the contemporaries of Mohammed and not for all time thereafter, they should have said this loud and clear long ago – too much blood has been shed over the last 14 centuries, much of it in India. But those experts kept quiet. Does it follow that the Quran exhorts Muslims to fight till the “Deen of Allah is established’?

    The command to fight the enemy appeals to young men. Islam is far more successful than Christianity to make men stand by their religion. Christianity is seen as a religion for women and children. At least that was the impression I got in my youth. Men generally went to Sunday mass in small town Bavaria, but they made sure not to look pious. They considered it a social affair to meet friends. Only the clergy can afford to look pious. It is different in Islam.

    A German police study which questioned 45,000 students between 14 and 16 years of age about their level of religiosity and their readiness to be violent, confirmed this:

    Girls were more religious than boys in all religions except in Islam, where boys were more religious than girls. Further the study found that that those who considered themselves more religious were less inclined to be violent in all religions, except – again – in Islam. There the boys who considered themselves more religious were more inclined to be violent.

    Even small boys like toy guns. Bigger boys want a good reason to fight. A divine command to fight those, who are evil, is the perfect reason for many youngsters. Further, there is the ‘divine promise’ that it will be a win-win situation: if one dies, one is guaranteed to enjoy paradise and if one lives, one may benefit from the wealth and the women of those killed.

    There are many passages in the Quran where the unbelievers are portrayed as most despicable, for whom perdition and eternal hellfire are certain. Even the torture in hell is described in horrific detail:

    “There are the two adversaries (the believers and disbelievers) who dispute with each other about their Rabb: as for the disbelievers, garments of Fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured over their heads, which will not only melt their skins but also the inner parts of their bellies, and there will be maces of iron to lash them. Whenever, in their anguish, they cry to escape therefrom, they will be forced back therein, and will be told: “Taste the punishment of conflagration!” (Quran 22.19-22)

    Do such passages explain the savagery of ISIS? Have the vivid images of hell over the centuries instigated the brutalities of the Christian Inquisition and of the Muslim invaders in India and elsewhere? Was there such brutality against civilians before the arrival of religions which claimed ‘eternal hellfire for unbelievers’?

    If Erhan succeeds in going to Syria, he is ready to behead unbelievers and also Muslims who are not following what Allah really wants, he said. He does it for Allah, not for the virgins. Secondary incentives may exist. His friends in Syria share photos via Facebook. “They live in luxury, have computers, guns, snacks”, Erhan said.

    This may sound attractive not only for young men, bored with the monotonous life in the west. For girls, too, it may be appealing to get ‘brave’ husbands and become part of a community of young people who have a genuine cause that is ordained by God himself as it were. Some German girls from a Christian background are also drawn to those intense, handsome men who are not shy to talk about Allah. “Only yesterday we converted a girl”, Erhan said.

    It is difficult to see in him the ruthless terrorist. But he may turn out to become just that – a ruthless killer. He said that he would kill even his parents if they oppose the Islamic State. “In 20, 30 years the Islamic State will be in Germany and gradually will cover the whole planet”, he is sure.

    Are we not responsible to stop these youngsters from destroying themselves and others? Yet is it possible as long as those passages are considered the word of Allah? Even if ISIS gets defeated in near future, new terror groups will continue to draw legitimacy from those passages, and powerbrokers can motivate youngsters for their own interests, making them believe that Allah will be pleased. Those passages have tremendous potential to mobilize youngsters for a cause that is worthwhile and just in their eyes. They don’t realize that they are used – like the US used the Taliban to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.

    Erhan’s parents in Germany, his uncle in Turkey, imams of the local mosques – all tried to prevent him from turning radical. But what can they tell him? That he should not take the Quran seriously? That Allah didn’t mean what he said? Erhan considers those imams who are against ISIS as old, confused men. And logically he has a point, but it could also make him wonder why older Muslims, including imams, do not opt to become suicide bombers even if they have a serious illness. Are they not convinced that paradise is guaranteed by killing others?

    “What can stop you”, the journalist asked him.

    His answer: “Nobody can stop me.”

    He is right. No outsider can stop him. If a Muslim tries to influence him, he will see in him a hypocrite who tests his faith in the ‘true’ Islam. And if an unbeliever tries to influence him, he is sure that he only wants him to leave the right path.

    But there is one thing that can stop him: it is doubt. Once doubt springs up on its own, it is not possible to regain the former blind belief. I know this from own experience, as I also once believed in eternal hell and that God wants everyone to be Christian. If Erhan starts wondering whether the compassionate Allah really wants all this killing, he can easily come out of the grip that blind belief has on his mind.

    Curiously, this option of doubting the doctrine is not considered even by western ‘unbelievers’ who are portrayed so badly in it. Why? I can only guess that there is too much at stake for the powers that be. If Islam comes under a cloud as not being the only true religion, Christianity will also come under a cloud, because both religions have a lot in common. The Abrahamic God will need to be questioned whether he can possibly be true. This will be a major earthquake.

    For centuries both religions have violently enforced their version of “the only truth” and demanded unquestionable respect. How can they allow their dogmas to be questioned? They managed to hold on to them for so long. They managed to get altogether over 3 billion people into their fold. How can they admit that dogmatic religions generally do not make human beings better, but on many occasions worse? They managed to successfully demean those traditions that are closer to the truth, especially India’s tradition. How can they let all this go waste?

    So what is their solution? Put the head into the sand and declare: “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Terror has no religion” and continue to hit out at those who are in a position to question your truth, so that they become defensive and won’t dare to challenge you for a debate.

    The viciousness with which Christianity and Islam attack ‘Hindu fundamentalists’ almost seems to indicate that both consider Hindus a greater enemy than ISIS and other equally violent groups. To some extent they are right. India’s wisdom can expose the weak basis of their belief systems. This seems to be a great fear for them. The religions who claim to be the only true religions fear a genuine debate on what the truth is. The don’t want to hear that truth cannot possibly be linked to only one name and only one concept, and that truth cannot possibly be dependent on some ‘correct’ thoughts in human heads. It is the eternal, indivisible, one consciousness in all.

    By Maria Wirth

    Link to the interview in the magazine http://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/texte/anzeigen/42259/Ich-glaub-das-steht-irgendwo-im-Koran

  • Arnab Mandal
    August 1, 2017 12:49 pm

    I think we should stop squabbling on the matter of religions.
    I, as an ex-student of Ramakrisha Mission which was established by Great Indian Monk Swami Vivekanada, can easily say that every religion is pure and equal which lead to the same address popularly known as ‘Paradise’. Swamiji himself told this in World Religion Congress in around 1985. He also told that we should put death knell to all type of religious fanaticism and orthodoxy to know the actual meaning of religion.
    I think it is us humans who give more importance to the negative aspects than the positive ones. And most of the comments in this blog post show that quite evidently. This nature of human has been used by several propagandist to create hatred in the societies and communities and they have been successful in doing this.
    We are human and gifted with something called intellect, we should use it wisely to choose the positivity in everything otherwise we will stagnate and will be the reason of our own extinction.
    On the light of Darwin’s theory on evolution, I can say that in order to avoid the existential crisis of religions, we must pass on the postivity of religions to our next generation and make them able to Live Laugh & Love.

  • Saj
    July 3, 2017 11:24 pm

    Bakra Eid is the celebration of Hajj not slaughter of the sheep lol fake you are 100% fake

    • Dilip
      August 14, 2017 10:15 am

      Bakri Eid is not slaughter of animals??. Bakri means goat right? every year in Bangladesh road become red river during bakri Eid.OMG.. You are making fool yourself no one else..

  • Hena
    March 31, 2017 12:37 pm

    my cosine wanted to marry me. …and he tried to rape me many times even 3 times he successfully done his work so I hate mushlim religion. .now I am hindu and I am happy now. …I take this decision for my children. .my daughter. .I can’t see her in that drain

  • Hena
    March 31, 2017 12:26 pm

    I was mushlim. .but now I am hindu. This is my love marriage to hindu. when I was in mushlim society I saw that even my cousin want to make sex relationship with me but in hindu society everybody can see that no one see any family girls or women from bad nature. …Now I am happy because I have taken best decision of my life. ..Here is no any social pressure. …I m thinking that how a hindu girl survive in mushlim family and I think she is mad if anyone likes Muslim society. …

    • March 31, 2017 6:46 pm

      Hi Hena,

      Can you tell more about you? People will challenge you that this is a fake story, what would you say? Which country you are from? Please get back.

  • Junaidh
    February 26, 2017 3:13 am

    First of all i am saying you are father only made sin… beacause islam doesnt oppose girls bieng educated … and second one is its clearly said in hadees … a girl should not get married to any men without her consent… and third one islam says a girl should nit travel without a mahram if the way is not safe without.. mahram means protection of father, brother, husband, or grandpa or the one she cant marry as per relation… but islam says a girl can walk alone if you are sure about the way is safe… in this hadees prophet says ” allah the one who controles our soul will accomplish this reigion that mean a girl will come alone from heera ( a city from iraq ) to makkah(city from saudi arabia) and she spin ka’aba alone..”(musnad ahammed 4:19397:19400,swaheehul buhari:4:56:793)
    See… how islam says and describes a womens freedom… and that prophet words means islam will accomplish its core aim when a lady get independent to travel anywhere in the world… what iam saying is its you are wish which religion you choosen to follow.. and fourth one is you said your father forced to wear hijab and coveribg dresses…my opinion during stoneage era man was nude… he didnt follow any culture… but if we are going through hystory we can see human people started wearing dreses as a part of culture… so wearing dresses is a part of culture …. if u wear more dresses to cover your body it means ur more cultured.. the miracle is its all said by a man or prophet before 1400 years ago when his society was completely illiterate and addicted to drugs and alcohole… fifth one u said islam prohobited from girls biend educated… u know most hadees was studied and reported by a girl aysha(r)… prophet says u should travel to china(far from saudi @nd no road routs) ti achieve best knowledge… MAYBE YOU READ QURAN … BUT U HAVENT TRIED TO STUDY IT … IF U COULD STUDIED THEN U WOULD HAVE BEEN TEACH YOUR FATHER TOO…

    • Hanna Khan (former Momeen):
      February 27, 2017 12:32 am

      Shameless, merciless, conscience-buried ‘scholar’: Preach your philosophy to the little buds who have been taken as sex slaves by ISIS & BokoHaram, non-Muslim girls who are being regularly kidnapped in Pakistan and forcefully converted and married, stoning and flogging victims of the entire Islamic world!

      And of course, don’t forget to lecture the world on how women are treated equally in Islam: polygamy, triple talaq, no alimony to divorced wife, halala, peadophilia, four male witnesses to prove rape, a woman’s testimony is only half-valued than that of a male, muta marriage, sex slavery,no woman could head an institution where even a single male is present, women could be beaten by husband …

  • mahavir jain
    December 29, 2016 11:53 pm

    All foolish Muslims,
    If you are thinking that Islam is going to last for long than… You are wrong.
    Reason…. Day by day people are being educated, they will surely choose freedom, and will
    Not tolerate cruelity any more.
    Muslim mullas are forcefully trying to change the religions and here lots of educated
    Muslims are leaving your religion.

    After few decades Islam is going to remain in some poverty and terrorist regions.
    I love hindus, christians, jains, buddhas, shiks but I hate (jihad terrorist)……. Or islam

    • December 30, 2016 4:00 pm

      Mr. Mahavir,
      The fact is Islam in the fasting growing religion, including in the West and almost any other country. Why?

      • Buhaha
        March 17, 2017 3:04 am

        Mr./Ms. admin:
        If at all Islam is the fastest growing religion, it is only because of two factors:

        1. Muslims are reproducing like the PIGS that they are;
        2. Non-Musims who come from communities that have been oppressed, convert to Islam because they believe the LIE that in Islam there is equality for all.

        You seem to imply that the reason for the growth of Islam is the genuine greatness of this PIG-SHIT belief system, but all knowledgeable persons that there is nothing truly noble about Islam.

        • Rabia
          March 17, 2017 3:38 am

          Wow, what an enlightened response from a very enlightened man… you truly opened our eyes, Buhaha.

          The two reasons you mentioned only apply in India, not elsewhere. You said “the communities who have been oppressed convert to Islam” assuming you are talking about lower caste Hindus and Dalits etc. Only applies to india, not any other country. Please do give examples if you had some other place in mind.

          Can you please also enlighten us as to why so many Westernerns in Europe and North America and Australia convert to Islam of their free will? Are they also oppressed and seek liberation from the non-existent caste system in their countries? Are the Muslims in these countries also “reproducing like pigs”??

          if you are going to say stupid hateful nonsense, at least think the whole thing through and support your comments with facts – I would love to hear your thoughts about why and how people born and raised in western societies are adopting Islam – is anyone forcing them???

          May God give you some guidance so that you can overcome the hateful mindset you live in.

          • mac
            April 2, 2017 12:59 pm

            Professor Arthur Alison is the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the University of London. For several years he had been the President of the British Society for Psychological and Spiritual Studies. In the course of his study of religions, he got acquainted with Islam. When he compared Islam with the religions and creeds he had studied, he found it suited his inborn nature and satisfied his requirements. He was invited to the First Islamic International Conference on the Medical Inimitability held in Cairo from 29th September to 6th October 1985, under the auspices of the Egyptian Medical Syndicate. In the conference, he presented a paper on the psychological and spiritual methods of therapy in the light of the Holy Quran, in addition to another paper on sleep and death in the light of Verse 42 of Surah Az-Zumar (39) which he presented in collaboration with Dr. Mohammed Yahya Sharafi. The facts, presented in the conference, were an eyeopener to him. At the concluding session of the Conference attended by Shaikhul Azhar Jad AI-Haq, the Egyptian Minister of Awqaf, Dr. Mohammed Ahmady and Dr. Mohammed Yahya Sharafi and in the presence of Press Reporters and T.V. Correspondents, Professor Arthur Alison stood to declare that Islam is the religion of truth and inborn nature with which Allah has created man. Then he uttered the two testimonies (Shahadatain) saying: that he bears witness that there is no god, but Allah and that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.
            In an interview given to the Arabic weekly, AI-Muslimoon of London, he narrated the story of his conversion to Islam saying: “In the course of my study of psychology and related subjects as the President of the British Society for Psychological and Spiritual Studies, I got acquainted with religions. I studied the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and some other religions and creeds. When I studied Islam, I compared it to other religions. “During the Conference on ‘Medical Inimitability in the Qur’ an,’ I could realize that the difference was great. Then I was convinced that Islam is the most proper religion that befits my inborn nature and conduct. In my heart, I had felt that there is a God controlling the Universe. He is the Creator. “Therefore, when I studied about Islam, I found that it did not conflict with reason and science. So, I believed that it was the revealed religion from One and Only Allah. As I witnessed the truth, I uttered the two testimonies. The moment I uttered it, I was overwhelmed by a strange and ineffable feeling mingled with ease, comfort and satisfaction.”
            Prof. Arthur Alison

          • Krish87
            May 9, 2017 12:59 pm

            Rabia its easy to shut ur eyes and think only allah guide u, well let me tell u the fact about ur opinion on so called India. Hindus are well educated, loving caring people.. while muslims from arabs who invaded (ur so called Mughals invaded our lands and made my India poor, uneducated, misdirected and hateful.. kindly go wash quran out of ur brain first before talking publically about India.

          • Rabia
            May 10, 2017 2:14 am

            @Krish87, there was no “Reply” button to your comment, so I am
            Replying to my own comment and hoping you will see this. I don’t know why I’m easing my time on people whose heads these words won’t go into, but maybe it will help you, though I highly doubt It.

            You said to me “Hindus are highly educated, loving & caring people… kindly go and wash the Quran out of your brain before talking publicly about india”

            My advice to you, in return, is to kindly wash RSS propaganda out of your brain first, and if you want to learn about Islam, to learn it from the source, not from what you see in india. Historically you hate Muslims and I do understand why, you share a bad history with them and wish they never came to india. Sadly, neither you nor I can change history…

            “Hindus are highly educated, loving & caring people” – surely, some of them are. In fact, all my friends are. And some of them, like the ones my friend was unfortunate enough to meet, have forbidden her from working after marriage (her first broken engagement) and some of them have demanded hefty dowries, (the reason for her second broken engagement).

            These are very educated Hindu families who have lived abroad and claim to be “educated” and “liberal”. And they still practice oppressive customs like this. Don’t justify this saying it’s “culture”, then one can also come and say “child marriage is a custom” and I would be against that too.

            In Islam, if Muslims were practicing it properly, these “bahu cannot work / give us money to marry our son” would not have happened because a) Islam gives the woman the right to work, and whatever money she earns is her own money and b) in islam, the dowry is Given to the girl because it’s a way to protect her, NOT an excuse for the boy’s side to get gold, cars etc etc.

            Now what am I trying to say here? There are different ways to look at things.

            Your hateful BJP-type mindset has been exposed to a very limited worldview about Islam so you are obviously getting defensive about your motherland and cannot tolerate someone else criticizing someone’s opinion. And then you get offended when Aamir Khan spoke about “growing intolerance in India” – the truth does hurt, doesnt it?

            If you can go beyond this “Muslim versus Hindu” tag and see individuals for who they are, you will see that human beings are good or bad, and maybe it’s not their religion that makes them bad but their own ignorance. I have found İndian Muslims to be ignorant about their own religion, from my exposure to them. Even something as simple as how to perform ablution before prayers, they are not doing it properly because they are very poor and cannot afford running water. Just like many Hindus are also ignorant about their religion. Basically we are all screwed 🙂

            I hope that you wash the RSS propaganda out of your brain before you talk about Islam/Muslims. Luckily not all Indians are like you. So there is hope for you people after all.

            May Krîshñä be with you.

          • Rabia
            May 11, 2017 11:34 am

            @Krish87, where did you learn your Indian history??? You said ” while muslims from Arabs who invaded (ur so called Mughals invaded” – the Mughals are NOT mine.

            More importantly, Mughals were NOT Arabs… If you’d read a little history, you’d know this.

            Some sources say they were a Turkic mix (from Timur & Genghis (Chingiz) Khan, some sources say
            they had turkic and persian origins… As an Indian, I expected you’d know better than a non-Indian like me.

            To you people, its all the same… All Muslims are bad. Bhagwan help you.

          • Dilip
            August 14, 2017 10:29 am

            Rabia… I am damn sure that you are not knowing the fact rather you knows only your muslim mulla’s view.. thats your muslim community problem.
            Here is the answer for islam is a fastest growing religion and fastest dying religion too.
            1. Multiple child reproduction due to multiple wives.. In India, survey said that 4 child per parent where as Hindu/Budhism/Sikh/Christian are having 2.5 average child reproduction.

            2. Love Jihad… Many stupid hindu girls marrying muslim just for love, some success, some girls suicide, some diverse.

            3. Converting by money funding by Arab Wahebi muslims, In Kerala, West Bengal, UP states, if a muslim man marry a Hindu brahmin gild will gte 6 lacs.. Imagine, it was caught by NIA, please google it.

            4. Muslims are laiblity for earth. Why I said, fastest dying country, because Syria, Uganda, Somalia, Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afghanstan, Iraq, Yemen etc are many countries, who are refused to Western are mass converting to Christian, check in google.

            5. Most of the msulim countries, there is no happiness, no freedom,no liberal, hard rules, no education, no women freedom, force to read quran etc are main problem in Islamic coutnry… So peoples are scared about islam. esecially women.. I dont know your educational, esecially your outlook but this is fact is that more islam means more violation and end of humanities.

          • kesarlal
            September 30, 2017 2:16 am

            Hi….I have.read all the comments and after that I realized
            Only.hindu.is great religion.I m proud.to be.and.hindu and.indian too

            I.will.come.India.very.soon once.I come.will.meet.uu rabia do guving u hindu romance fun.
            Thn u will.be.happy having sex.with hindu.

            Bullsets u will.

            Will.u come rabia for.having.with.Me.

      • Krish87
        May 9, 2017 12:56 pm

        The fact that islam is spreading rapidly are because of these few reasons..

        1:- Love Jihad
        2:- Forcing to do Jihad
        3:- Women being seduced into creating more muslims regardless of thinking if their kids being born Jihadi
        4:- Rapes, Murders of western people to keep them quite and surrender to Islam or else ready to die as kafirs.

    • asif ahmed
      July 22, 2017 9:36 am

      and i hate jainism religion of nudeity

      • Dilip
        August 14, 2017 10:32 am

        The most hatred religion is Islam. check google. You have not mention why hate Jainsm.

        I am a Hindu and Jainsm is part of Hinduism.. Jainsm is a beautiful true religion, they never kill any one that is Ahimsha..

    • asif ahmed
      July 22, 2017 9:43 am

      i hate jain ?? bcoz it is not religion

  • October 20, 2016 4:02 am

    i was a muslim but now i am hindu becouse there is no rule of religion you go temple or not you do worship or not its your choice ..but you should be a good person and nature and your karma should be good ..you should be honest with people they believe everything creat by god so respact human and animals ..according to bhagwat gita we cant eat mutton and chicken cant kill anybody and cant do relation extra maritual they believe on one marriege ,hinduism history is they never attack of any other country and religion for religion no religion can say we destroyed by hindus ..thats a good thing of hinduism its a peacefull religion example -mahatma gandhi and mahatma Budha and swami vivekanand was hindu

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11667

    • October 20, 2016 8:26 pm


      How is this possible? Do you know you could be in deep trouble if you go public with this statement because Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57) Sorry you do not have liberty to express yourself! What did your parent’s taught you? Who taught you about Hinduism?

      • October 22, 2016 12:48 am

        i dont fear to mullas becouse i know lord ram with me ..according to hinduism we born for die but with our good karma we can get nirvana .and now i proud that i am hindu ..my family knows that i accept hinduism and my sister is taking hinduism .two year before with my muslim friend (now he is also accept a hinduism) i heard bhagwat geeta and we both friend admire to lesson of geeta then we decided that we will go ESCON and after one year to take knowledge about hinduism we accept hinduism ….god wants that i go for good way thats why i am hindu ..you know now i am completly vegetarian .. becouse hinduism dont allow to kill animals and human ..and there is no boundation we can live like bird ..but karma should be good.

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11667

      • jeet bhardawaj
        December 29, 2016 11:12 pm

        I must say admin you have choosed a great step.This will help you to grow towards and humanity .I will not tell you how bad Islam is because you know it better.

  • Muslimah
    September 19, 2016 10:48 pm

    Shame on you girl..hijab and dressing of muslimah is just to protect you..women is considered as siddiqa which means some one who hold higher position in a man heart..those dressing were just to keep you safer from the eyes of evil..I truly believe you and your family never undrstud Islam and our great prophet (pbuh)..I’m proud to be a ummah and I proudly carry hijab coz I belong to Islam.. Its my luck that Allah SWT has given m Dis beautiful religiom

    • Samar
      September 26, 2016 1:36 am

      Lol don’t worry. Its a FAKE story. Can’t you see those “famous words has been used ” which always anti-Islamic people use. Don’t worry and even if its a true story so Thank God she left. Her ignorance is astonishing because NOWHERE she mentioned she understood Islam. So basically she was a already a Non-Muslim. But its a fake story so don’t take it as literally. May Allah bless you ????

    • hafiz
      December 12, 2016 12:35 am

      good words muslimah.u said it right.who will eat a toffee which lies unwrapped in the mud.but if it is wrapped we will eat it.This is the case of those who put hijab and dress modestly.others are just like the unwrapped toffee

    • Saif Aly
      December 26, 2016 6:32 pm

      Why don’t you go wear your vest and meet your 72 vesta virgins in heaven ok twat. Good luck, and BTW say hi to your buddy OBL from me…sucker.

  • Jonathan M Cunningham
    September 18, 2016 2:50 pm

    Wow so many attacking the author. Geez leave her alone and stop defending Islam a religion of a fake God/Demon that promotes hate and suffering and takes the rights of women away. Rape seems to okay in Islam and punishes the victim. Such a sad nation because Islam is not a religion it’s a supposed nation created by Muhammed a molester

    • hafiz
      December 12, 2016 12:46 am

      hahaha jonathan.I cant control my laughter.are u living in this world?are u blind?or are u acting as if u r blind.dont u see people around the world getting attracted to islam.coz they are not a numskull like you.they have brains.morover isn’t it a fact that u christians are liers.u made jesus as god while the bible clearly says that he was not cruised or killed.pity on you christians……and try to understand islam before blabbering something

  • Mumtaz Sayed
    July 11, 2016 6:25 am

    Really very sad. You obviously didn’t study Islam well and clearly your Father was not well equipped to educate you. Lack of knowledge is bad.

  • April 15, 2016 8:57 pm

    I am a Hindu but that does not mean I critisize any other religion. I respect every religion and I believe that if there are any controversies in the holy books like Gita, Quran, Bilble etc. it surely is false. Because according to every religion, their holy books was written by the God himself and I strongly believe that no God preaches anything that is wrong.

    And I am sure as hell that no God preaches to disrespect other human beings or religion.

    And for those who are critisizing others’ religion either have not read their real holy book (which teaches them not to critisize others on the basis of their birth or religion or caste) or they are too sick and obsessed with their dumb mindset that they manipulated the teachings gave by their God.

    And it hurts to see Hindus, Muslims, Christians and people of other religions criticising each other. I dare say to them that they are not only humilating other religions but also their own.

    A free advice for those ‘sick’ people, for your sick deeds you are going to ‘narak’ (for hindus) ; ‘jahannum’ (for muslims & ‘hell’ (for christians) and if you don’t wanna go there, try doing some good deeds or live by your God’s ideal.

    Acc. to Gita (the holy book of Hindus), “every ‘karma’ you do in this life is directly linked with the consequences of your in the afterlife ” & “if you want to please Bhagwan try to live by his idols, respect him and the others he had made.”

    The same goes for Islam and Christianity.

    Acc. to Quran (the holy book of Islam), “if you respect the ideals and principles of Allah and if you live by them, Allah himself will be taking care of you.”

    Acc. to Bible (the holy of Christians),
    “Jesus will take care of you, if you take care of yourself (by doing good deeds), if you care for his Children and if you abide by the rules of nature.”

    For the ‘manipulative’ ‘sick’ people, the above lines, does not mean that any God is partial. Allah, Jesus or Bhagwan (whatever you wanna call the all-mighty God) treats equally all his children, its the children who chose their own consequences.

    Its just a basic law of physics, ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ (So if you do harm to others, beware your God is always there to help the others to nullify your harm.)

    And its a basic statement too, ‘As you sow, so you reap’. (Beware what you are giving to others is gonna come back to you too).

    And those who are trying to create misunderstandings between various religions, either you have read the wrong ‘fake’ & manipulated book or you have read some crap from the internet or you are totally dumb.

    And for those who are smart enough to understand that no God is partial to his children, should understand that the book is fake and is manipulated to do good to a specific group.

    And here are some controversies that I read almost everywhere on the Internet, where there is discussion about religion.

    Most people say that in hindus, there is caste for different people by birth. But thats wrong, there is no discussion about one’s caste in the holy book Gita.
    Bhagwan treats everybody equal and preaches that we are known by our Karma ( deeds ), not by birth.

    In Islam, ‘Kaafir’ is a controversial word. People argue that being said ‘Kaafir’ is an insult, but my friends it only means ‘non-muslim’. And those who feel insulted being called Kaafir are either weak in vocabulary or they don’t want to be treated different by their muslim friend. ‘And also there is no term like ‘Kaafir’ in the holy book of Quran. Beacause as I said, God treats everybody equal.’

    You would be thinking why should one listen to me, so just know few interesting things about me.

    I and my family belong totally to hindu background but my family believes in four religions, namely Hinduism, Islam, Christainity and Sikh. My grandmother is a constant follower of Islam and she has been doing that since long. She never missed the evening prayers called ‘namaz’. (Once I tried to ask about how long she had been doing this, and I was slapped hard by my mother, yelling at me as if I was trying to disrespect any religion; may be she thought that I was trying to reason with as why my grandma instead of being a Hindu following Islam. Literally, I was gnawing at that moment because I was just ‘five’ back then. I never tried to ask anything ever about the equal treatment to all religion by my family.).

    Many other of my family follow all religions. The best example I can give you is my elder brother, for the first seven years of his life, he was a dedicated Hindu, visiting to temples with my father more often. He was very much delighted by Bhagwan. ( He had read the whole of the Holy book Gita.)

    Next seven year of his life, he was a pure believer and strong follower of Islam. He had been to almost every mosque in the cities we had been in those seven years. He had been to ‘dargah’. He went to do prayers (Namaz) on Fridays (Jhumma). He had read the holy book Quran.

    Next seven years of life i.e. after 14 years of age, he is practicing Christianity, he is 19 at the moment and had read Bible and goes to attend the evening prayers at the Church, a day in a week.

    As for me I am not much onto religions but that does not mean I don’t respect them. But anything I know, had been told to me by my family. And I am a regular visitor to Temples, Mosques (& Dargahs), Church and Gurudwaras.

    And you know I am proud to be an Indian and I am 18 at the moment, a b-tech student and there are two places in the world where I would love to be, ‘Saudi Arabia (Land of Dreams, an Islamic country)’ and/or ‘U.S.A. (Land of Opportunities, a Christian country).

    So according to the concept of the ‘manipulative”sick’ people, I might not be allowed in any of the countries because I’m niether a Muslim nor a Christian, but hey! Newsflash, my cousin is in Saudi, she is leading a great life there and my uncle is in Los Angeles, America having a great life.

    And for general, in every society there exist a few bad men who try to eradicate the whole society. But that does not mean the whole society is bad. Likewise there may be a few ‘fake & sick’ religious persons, who would be troubling you on the basisi of you religion but that does not mean the whole country is sick, does it?

    Beware of those few.

    And for the post above, Madiha if your story is true,

    And if your mother was facing violence at the hands of your father, and you were deprived of your freedom, you should have complained to the police about that and could have set an example for all those who bear such sadistic things silently. And there is no connection between religion and such things. You cannot blame religion or God for your sadistic acts or the one you face. Its your mother’s weakness that she cannot stand against wrong and its your father’s fate that he would have to face hard consequences for disrespecting his wife and thus not respecting his God.

    And about ‘Hijab’ in Islam, the same goes for Hindu women, there is ‘Ghoonghat’ in hinduism, just another term to protect a woman’s modesty.

    Its not like I’m being orthodox or something and I strongly don’t believe that beacause of filthy men, woman have to be bound of their freedom. But its not me its the society that blames women for anything and everything.

    And if your story is a fake, and you are a Hindu or Muslim or of any other religion, making up this story just for ‘provoking’ Hindus and Muslims against each other, your are already sucessful and you don’t have the need to do so because Hindus and Muslims are pretty much against each other already (because of sick minded people like you). But beware whoever you are, Your God is watching you. And you will have to pay for that.

    May your God give you all senses and bless you all!!

    Love #Humanity and yell out loud #WeAreTogether.!!!

    Thats all.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11170

  • Hindu Atheist
    April 6, 2016 5:00 pm

    There’s a reason all religions(that don’t burn a compartment full of civilians) prosper in India while they are wiped off Pakistan.

    • Prithivraj
      January 23, 2017 7:36 pm

      I’m a born Hindu. and I’m proud to be one of truest and strongest religion member. about other religion . on Christian jesus was son of the God and God was mahadev (shiva) he was praying him and telling people God send me to protect u it was correct. about islam nothing exist we don’t know that who is there God they exist alien hahahah

  • Real Human
    March 28, 2016 12:06 am

    First of all,
    1). If you are afraid of the punishment which will be given by Allah to you are for your own best. Even our teachers and parents give us punishment if we do wrong deeds. Its a way to teach people what is correct and what you should do. Our parents and teachers say that if we do the right they’ll appreciate it and if we’ll do wrong deeds they’ll punish us. But in some other religions that (wrong deeds) are free of punishment, and this may be the right “FREEDOM” you did want. Ok now I’ve got it.

    2). The second topic is about “HIJAB”. The almighty has set some limitations for girls and women. He has made men that they got sexually excited very rapidly if they see a girl and it is very important if they want to reproduce (i.e. falling of semen is related with sex excitement). And if the girl shows her body to a man by different ways they absolutely get excited. Which is a major cause of “RAPE”. Islam DOES NOT teach raping, but it has mentioned a way to get protected from it. Being a man I also get sexually excited if see a woman/girl in those type of clothes but i control myself while some can’t. Hence, Islam saves a girl’s dignity.

    3). Talking with opposite sex is prohibited by families. I have so many families of other religion who do not allow their daughters to talk with boys. My girlfriend (not of my religion) is also one of them. His father does not allow him to go out talk to a single outsider man and even going out in her personal favourite appearances. And one of my neighbors (muslim) allowed her daughter to talk with boys. She then ran away with a man and married him and now the same girl is at her maternal home and fighting for divorce ( i was just telling a real story )

    4). Grandfathers and Grandmothers are conventionalist. Whether they are muslim or non-muslim. So, blaming the Islam for their rude and conventionalist behaviour is totally wrong. Being an Indian I’ve seen so many Grand Mothers/Fathers of non-muslim families which do the same as according to the above statement.

    5). The Eid-ul-Azha is our divine festival. Please, if you are a non-muslim and don’t know about that then, please don’t say anything about that. You are crying because an innocent animal is being killed. So, for your kind information those animals are made by god for eating purpose. They are in uncountable population and if they are not killed they’ll fulfil our whole earth and shall eat whole of our food or would get a death like dogs get. May be killing them is a better choice than giving them a death like dogs have. Tell me seriously if you are trapped in a desert where you cannot get any type of vegetable but you see an animal then what would you do if you are starving? I know the answer you will kill and eat him. What is done in “BARGAH बड़गा” a religious festival practiced by “HINDUS” I think there also an animal is killed. And hindus also eat animals even one of my “BRIHAMMAN” goes with me to eat “NON-VEG BIRYANI”. So, please don’t try to mislead people against Islam by pointing out these things.

    6). Beating your mother was very shameful for whole humanity. But, only muslims do not beat their wives although non-muslims also come in this list. So, don’t blame Islam here because there is NO literature written in Islam which says BEAT YOUR WIFE. But you would know that if you were muslim but you are not.

    7). And I am very embarrassed what you’ve written for other humans who are Christian, Hindu & Jew. I don’t know why did you tell a great big LIE. Because in Islamism it is a sin to speak the name of PIG and using abusive words (e.g. our ROZA is broken if we speak or use slangs during that period. So, using abusive words is ao far away). So, don’t blame Islam here and and don’t mislead innocent people. And the word “KAAFIR” means “NON-MUSLIM” and nothing it is obviously not a slang.

    8). Sania Mirza (a well known tennis player) is also a muslim. If Islam would say do not play sports then, how could she go onto the carrier’s highest peak. Surely ALLAH has blessed her. And practising NAMAZ also keeps us fit.

    9). Education of women is obviously not prohibited in the Islam. If it was then my mother could not study till second year and till Phd after marriage. ( It is the shortest & enough answer). And the statement which says living of your father in the dark ages is perfectly right there is a mistake of your father who is conventionalist not of Islam. In in India there are many non-muslim families which possess the same thoughts.

    10). And if it’s a matter of maulvi sahab then, my religious teacher (maulvi sahab/hafiz sahab/qari sahab) and my MATERNAL GRANDFATHER who married a CHRISTIAN woman ( and my MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER was a great MUSLIM as she had read the whole books and understood the religion very well) have taught me these so precious teachings if Islam, what i am writting. So, I don’t agree what you have written for Maulvi Sahab.

    11). As I mentioned above my MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER was also a so called KAFIR but she learnt and understood ISLAM and found it best among all religions. But she was never called up a KAFIR in my Maternal’s home but she was respected very much there. It is not Islam’s mistake that your paternals dishonored your mother, so please.

    12). Tell me the particular verse of Quran which says, wife is husband’s slave. I bet you won’t respond because there is no verse in the quran which says this. I am afraid why are you telling these so many lies?

    13). Firstly I would laugh upon your statement that ” When I was born he was not too happy with my Mom. He said that if he had married someone of his own faith he would have had a boy for sure. Giving him a girl was the way Allah was punishing him for marrying a Hindu. “. Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., other messengers and prophets had also married KAAFIR girls. And if you were a muslim then you would also know that Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.’s favourite child was his Daughter named as Biwi Fatima du zara. Islam teaches to love our daughter more than the sons, and respect them.

    14). The problem could also end up if you had married a muslim boy with the same family and thoughts like I do. But, please i won’t marry with a girl with these type of thoughts and a foolish mind.

    Summary: You was never ever a muslim. You are a Hindu girl/boy who is writting a fake story to mislead people and blame Islam.
    I wish that you’ll be saved on dooms day (which is impossible). I congratulate you for your so called FREEDOM which will definitely led you to your decline.

  • human
    November 11, 2015 10:45 pm

    I just want to ask one thing to miss.madiha..u read quran ok. But have u ever tried to read translation of quran or hadith..and I am 100% sure that ur answer would be no..because in islam there is:- if u brought a gift for your childrens first give to daughter and then son first right is of daughter and u joined the hindu religion wow!..the religion whos holy books is full of incest sex rapes and gay sex..and due to my comment many hindus will say that that is not real book or shit its is duplicate or something…that is the fact quran is only the book where allaha has guaranteed to protect holy book quran from duplicity..and some other religions people talking about our prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) that he have so many wives and so many marriages he did etc..but I have to say u one thing that from all her wives some were widows some were handicapped and some were OLD in short the womens who have no support from anyone and one thing to note that the childrens of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) were ONLY From one wife and some people think islam=terrorism(fuckthem) there is islam the first punishment after death would be to the one who KILLED someone then how could a muslim kill someone the terrorist who say hey are muslim they are fucking ass holes and if u want to have any other questions about islam read read quran or hadith in translation of your language insha allah u will get any answer u want and I am sorry and tauba if some of my words are not right or real but whatever I knowed about islam i said.. and one thing I wanna say this story is FUCKING FAKE

    • Monika
      March 19, 2016 10:52 pm

      Hii, i just want to ask you all why we are fighting for religion,which hasbeen made in this era,in ancient era when human being just arrived in this world they only concernd about food and survive.we all forget one thing thing we all are sent by one who made us,when a child borns nobody can say whthr he is a muslim hindu or chriatn, god never send us to divide people he only send us to sutvive .

      • anwar
        January 26, 2017 1:20 am

        What you said is correct

    • I
      June 29, 2016 3:33 am

      Which book refers to insect sex or gay?

  • peace
    October 9, 2015 4:24 am
  • Soham Roy
    August 18, 2015 4:55 am

    Assholes Muslims Rape, please read about THE THIRD BATTLE OF PANIPAT. THEY ARE A RELIGION OF RAPISTS.

    • Shiva
      November 22, 2015 10:15 am

      F*** Islam and get converted to Hindu.

      You’ll be saved by God’s…Islam = terrorism

  • Muhammad Deonel
    August 16, 2015 12:51 pm

    I support to all my muslim frens who is supporting islam. First of all im a revert from christian to islam. I hv been to many religious book . At last i myself accept islam while reading it. There should be no doubt about islam if u go to quran urself with meaning. She had converted to hindu because she dont know d value of a islamic women. She talk hijab right? She dont know how she is prevented from many satanic duties by wearing hijab.’ she migght haue also prevented from any rape like cases if she wear it. She loves to wear jeans so sie was irritate by wearing hijab.. There is many women in america loves to wear hijab. Why dont she go to them to ask why they wear hijab and y they love it. They main result of her conversion is her family and their acts. N o muslim is not al5owed to forced to others and no husband is allowed to look down their wife in islam . So plis be careful death is compulsory. Look for ur respondsibility then freedom to perform ur respondsibity.

    • Vasudev Krishna
      October 23, 2015 1:22 pm

      The grandest mistake of this era is the Birth of evil prophet,Muhammad…..Sickest and dumbest of all religions is Islam….Offensive and oppressive towards women….The hell with your quran….Man…Shrimad Bhagavad Gita,Teachings of Buddha,Jessus,Mahavir and all enlightened souls is the true knowledge…It is the grandest philosophy ever produced in human history….Great and Grand wise men and philosophers could not even find it’s true statement then how you poor quran readers can ever understand it’s atomic size essence….Swami Vivekananda the most loving disciple of LORD SRI SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHANSA DEVA was one of the critics of muhhmad…from Grand Hinduism….

      Best religions are Hinduism,Buddhism,Christianity,Shikhism,Judaism,Jainism…… And the one needs to be abolished for protection of humanity and righteousness is Islam alone…

      I believe and I am devoted with whole heart to all enlightened souls like Lord Buddha,Lord Jessus,Lord Mahavir,Guru Nanak,and all other enlightened ones of Hinduism like Swami Vivekananda,Lord RAMAKRISHNA,Adi Shankara and many many other one…but I don’t accept muhhmad to be one of the enlightened soul…He only cheated and brainwashed all my poor muslims brothers and sisters with his dumb and evil teachings which is threat to humanity……

      I believe Jessus to be son of GOD and a way to reach him,Buddha to be incarnation of kindness and humanity,Swami Vivekananda as one of grandest teacher of Grand Vedanta philosophy…but not muhhmad to be messenger of God(Allha)…

      I respect and accept every religion other than Islam(terrorism(JIHAD))

  • Fi
    July 22, 2015 4:51 am

    Dear Mac

    “Muslims are poorer in India than Hindus as Hindus oppress Muslims constitutionally”.

    You fool Mac….Muslims are poor in India because of their own Karma, have you forgotten how many Hindus were killed and forcibly converted during Muslim rules in India? they are poor because of the actions of their forefathers. They are poor because they want to dominate others. They are poor because they kill innocent animals. They are poor because they do all sort of criminal activities, terrorism and then take shelter while going to Mecca to do Haj and perform the rituals, which is actually a Vedic Rituals, they wear white cloths shave their head as Hindu do, and make a round 7 times in an anti-clockwise direction of Makkeshwar Shivalingam so that God forgives their actions. They are poor because they engage innocent childs in waging Religious War in name of Islam and still they call their religion a Peaceful One to fool people. They are poor because they will always want to have their saying….when a Hindu Girl is in love with a Muslim she has to convert, when a Hindu guy is in love with a Muslim then also he has to convert- “Cheet Bhi tera pat bhi tera”. They are poor because even after getting Pak & B-desh and dividing India in the name of Religion, they want more for themselves.

    • mac
      July 22, 2015 5:03 am

      Very frustrated reply from you, if islam spread by force in India, then there wouldn`t have been single hindu alive, but India has high percentage of Hindus, it means Hindus converted to islam as they loved islam, if you are talking about karma. Top Ten reason why Hindus left their religion and converted to islam.

      1.Equality which was not there in sanatan dharm or vedic dharm or Hinduism or whatever
      2.Freedom which was not there in sanatan dharm
      3.Respect for women which was not there in sanatan dharm
      4. Right to divorcee your husband which was not there in Hinduism
      5. Right to worship with everyone which still lacks in Hinduism
      6. Right to heaven which still lacks in Hinduism
      8. Justice from rape as rape is considered holy act in Hinduism but crime in islam
      9.Right to live life as a widow which was not there as in Hinduism, a widow was put to death.burn alive with her dead husband
      10. Right for female child to live as in Hinduism, female child is considered degraded.

      • Fi
        July 22, 2015 5:47 am

        Hindus are converted to Islam because majority of them do not know that they are being bewildered into a trap, because of lack of spiritual enlightenment. They were converted because of some Brahmin fools who were so called self-proclaimed guardians of Hinduism. Had they read our sacred texts -Bhavisya Puran and knew what “it” is all about they wouldn’t have fallen into this trap. They were converted because our society had several loop wholes, which were foretold around 5000 years before by Lord Krishna himself just at the conjunction of two Yugas (that society would be filled up by all sorts of evil forces). Also there are enemies within ourselves, in the form of Secular Hindus, who are always up in arms to appease you people for votes. All I can say that you people were very lucky till now at least, even after Mughal rule, India got a PM who, some say, had Muslim Lineage. https://nehrufamily.wordpress.com/
        Every other religions are man-made, except Sanatan Dharma, that means they have a Starting Date or Year, and as the principle goes, everything which has a Starting must have an Ending. The starting date of Sanatan Dharma is not known to anybody, it is like the Universe, there’s NO BEGINNING NO END…….therefore even after so many atrocities on the followers of this ancient religion, it still is there and continue to be there till the end of Kali Yuga.

        • mac
          July 22, 2015 6:34 am

          LOL 🙂 now you changed topic, first you blamed it on Muslims that they forcefully converted Hindus, but when i pointed out hwy they converted, now you started blaming Brahmins, Nehru etc.

          Anyway, Satan will remain till then end of earth, so the religion of satan means satanic dharm like worshipping idols,murti, dev devi will continue, even it may increase…be happy 🙂

          • mac
            July 22, 2015 7:02 am

            Sarojini Naidu, the famous Indian poetess says – S. Naidu, Ideals of Islam, Speeches and Writings, Madaras, 1918
            “It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: ‘God Alone is Great’… “

  • Tridev
    July 15, 2015 2:55 am

    18.3.1 talks about niyog.It
    says” a wife whose husband is
    dead and wants to have
    child,she can have from a man
    whose wife is dead”.

  • ansall alikhan
    July 5, 2015 6:27 pm

    Dear sister,

    I’m not telling you to live as what your grandparents or your father said. Now you are grown up and you can take decisions of your own. You don’t need to live the way what they told u. Allah has revealed the Quran. You go through the Quran and just live according to it.

    U said it was against your freedom to wear hijab. By wearing hijab, u only become more modest sister. Hijab is a sign of modesty. U said it’s your freedom to wear jeans pants.
    It comes in Hadith,

    Abu Hurairah R.A said that: The Messenger of Allah (saws) cursed the man who wears women’s clothes and the woman who wears men’s clothes.

    Ibn Umar said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say:
    He is not of us who imitates women nor is he of us who imitates men.”

    So by wearing them you are disobeying the prophet Muhammad (saw) and thereby the commandments of Allah. simple..

    And when it is said to them, “Believe as the others believe,” They say: “Shall we believe as the fools believe?” Nay, of surety they are the fools, but they do not know. [Surat Al Baqarah (2:13)]

    may Almighty Allah give you hidayath to all of us. ameeeen

    • Zaheer NQ
      July 21, 2015 9:22 am

      Tell me something, you said Allah revealed Quran.
      Do you mean that Quran was written by Allah?

      And if the views and ideas of oppression which you are talking are mentioned in Quran, then I cannot consider it as a Holy Book.

      You are an agent of Goat a.k.a Satan.
      Genital Mutilations of babies, disgracing and disregarding other cultures these are some things that Islam teaches.

      Furthermore Prophets should preach Peace and not War.
      Mohammed himself slaughtered a village of innocent Jewish farmers killing every men and distributing Jewish women’s to his Islamic soldier to be raped.

  • bibek
    May 3, 2015 1:34 pm

    hi all PLEASE READ ME

    before writing anything about the religion we must deeply think for a second why these religion have been created . and for a instance lets forget about the bad hindu ,muslim christian etc.
    Now lets come to point be calm and think why this religion is created.
    every thing in this world is created for for a specific perpose. And as we know that necessity is the mother of invention so lets find out the the necessity for the religion.
    Hear lets seriously think what we want and how the religion helps us in achieving that.Different person gets pleasure in different thing. Some gets pleasure from sex some get from helping others some get from killing others some get from scientific research etc.But for healthy running of a society there should be some rules so that maximum development can be achieved or maximum persons can be happy.these Religions are nothing but the books containing those rules which are written thousands of years back.Religions are those rule books made by the philosophers thousand years back and evolved over time. Those books shows u a ideal way of life .

    2. coming to the second point it is true that we are so busy now a days that we can read the religious book no matter Hindu,Muslim or Christians. But all of us know that the very basic aim of these books is for betterment of ourselves.this are like modern day constitutions.Of the people by the people for the people.these religions are not created for aliens ,these are created for us.obviously these books have not mentioned about how to drive a car or how to solve a mathematical problem .these books gives us a broader view of the life.

    3.coming to the third point it is good that nearly all of us have never read our constitution yet we can say one thing is wrong or right from our morals. it may be some panal code in the constitution but it generally we can discriminate between right and wrong using our mind. the saddest part is that today the religion is being used for business for politics and in many things .And the many fools illiterates are now Religious gurus.They are gurus Because we dont have timme to read the religious books ourself.

    4. we just fight with others that our religion is better than others and the real thing is that we have not even read either of the religion books.and to be honest all these religious books have many portion in common .why can’t we read all religious books and follow the goods in them.just by reading other religions books u r not going to die. Hear I call all of you to be united and lets make a group and start a research of all the religious books and show a light to the world and do u immoral thing in our life .Interested persons please contact me

    • enlightened
      January 30, 2016 1:50 am

      u r truly an enlightened soul
      I can recite the hindu,(om bhu),Muslim (surah Al fatiha),Sikh (ek onkar )and Christian IAbvoon Dbashmaya-Aramaic Lords prayer) without any problem .For India to be a truly liberated country first recite all the prayers early in the morning and do your duties with ONE mind.
      U shall see how everybody flourishes !!!

      ONE with the Universe….

      • January 30, 2016 9:11 am

        Dear enlightened,
        You are talking about being a pluralist but fundamentally Islam is an absolutely exclusivist religion (there is one God and that is Allah, there is only one truth and that is Koran). We hope Indian Muslims and Hindus are truly pluralists and follow your advise.

        • Mohammed
          January 30, 2016 5:21 pm

          Even Hinduism says there is only one God, Christianity says there is only one God, jewish says there is only one but Islam defines more knowledge about one God..
          So even according to you These religion also exculvist religions. .

  • sayed
    March 24, 2015 11:32 pm

    The creator has given u a brain that makes u an unique creature in this planet…. I suggest u to use it… Allah has given u a choice.. Either u accept Islam or reject it… It won’t harm or benefit The Almighty creator… U life is limited in this world..death is certain.. One day u will return to your lord..there is no doubt in this…

  • February 26, 2015 12:18 pm

    What is Guarantee that u were hindu in ur past life or will be same religion in next….this is question to everyone in general for all religion.

    hindu – discipled religion but people know half but boast ….trying to prove they’re great. They know they are hindu thats it nothing else apart from it.

    muslim – Very good religion but leaders have ruined it n when read this blog muslims speak logic..but end of day do not use their brain n follow ur leaders stupid fatwa…love god follow allah not fatwa by some stubborn egoistic dangerous minded leader.

    Christian – They are good….the only annoying part is they pay money to poor who need help n brain wash n convert.It happens in Tamil Nadu.N even people are greedy enough.
    But Fact is Even the Original christian Hate the Converted ones..

    The solution here is respect people n religion they Follow.thats it no fighting no guns no war.

    As I have travelled world…Muslims are Good All over world except taliban, pakistan n india.

    The only issue I see here is Indian Muslims……except Kerala-those are best Muslims in the whole world….not kidding..other indian muslims should learn from them.

    my Question:
    1) You live eat grow here but ur heart beats for Pak ?
    2) Pak treat indian muslim in pak like dogs called-kafir. Then what makes u think they will respect you..The Respect u get here in India..well u cant digest it ?
    3) why Ind muslim does not practice family planning. ..what chemist does not give condom..or is it fatwa given by maulana ?

    70% of hindu n muslims are good reasonable decent but others with the above mental illness are defaming others n religion .

    Any honest answer for above 3 questions ?

    • Mohammed
      February 26, 2015 2:09 pm


      Well said, well thought of ur mind. . .i will appreaciate you for ur thoughts, we(muslims) even respect to all other religion and we agree of ur thoughts but u have slightly mis understand on us.. we are not any followers of such fatwas(allegration)

      I will explain you what is fatwa?
      fatwa or Allegration means its not a book. .if some one ask doubt or questioned related to the islam and answer will be given according to islamic viewpoint with the authentic reference (like quranic or hadith) is called as fatwa(Allegration)

      Your Question:
      1) You live eat grow here but ur heart beats for Pak ?
      Ans : Sorry bro, its ur mis understanding. .As we indian muslims are always support to be an indian. .we are indians. .we proud to be this country not the neighbouring country

      2) Pak treat indian muslim in pak like dogs called-kafir. Then what makes u think they will respect you..The Respect u get here in India..well u cant digest
      it ?
      Ans : ya bro, u are right. . .we indians to be proud as many people respect us. .

      3) why Ind muslim does not practice family planning. ..what chemist does not give condom..or is it fatwa given by maulana ?
      Ans : check this site for why in islam family planning is not allowed

  • February 26, 2015 11:22 am

    sab khud ko shane samajte hai….hindu very good disciplined religion but bad followers..muslim…very good faith by people but leaders of religion have ruined the holy religion…both are better atlest they dont convert people like Christian Do….

    • Mohamed
      February 26, 2015 11:39 am

      u hav pointed out correctly bro. .we want to respect both faiths

  • Ashwani Manhas 10RR
    February 18, 2015 9:06 pm

    Hinduism is the best religion for me and for everyone who want to be on right track
    I respects that every religion whose followers respects my religion and I hate that religion whose followers disrespects hinduism
    I don’t says evil about anyone bcoz I am HINDU and I don’t pays attention about what cowards says to my religion But SANATAN DHARMA is the Superior religion and its followers are real majestic
    SANATAN DHARMA is the real and oldest religion of the world

    • February 18, 2015 9:22 pm

      Hi Ashwani,
      We are glad that you are proud of your faith. That is same for others too. Real question is who is right? Whose God is right?

    • February 26, 2015 11:30 am

      What is Guarantee that u were hindu in ur past life or will be same religion in next….this is question to everyone in general for all religion.

    • Zaheer NQ
      July 21, 2015 9:46 am

      First thing
      Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of life.
      Most of the Hindus have not read Vedas. I read them out of curiosity. I wanted to find loopholes and defame Hinduism. But when I understood the Vedas, I was left with only respect for the Rishis who wrote them.

      We believe USA is a modern civilization, but the truth is Hindu society which lived 5000 years ago were more modern and scientific than today.

      NASA recently recorded sound of sun. After spending billions of dollars and years of work on the probe, they were surprised to hear that the sound off sun is OM. Rishis had mentioned this in Vedas.

      Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism are branches of Hinduism and they also teach you how to live your life.

      Hinduism teaches you great values off “Ahinsa Parmodharam” meaning non-violence is the greatest karma. That is the reason why Hindus worship sun, moon, animals and plants.

      Yoga – Art of staying fit and healthy.
      Ayurveda – Art of Healing.
      The list is long.

      Islam and Christianity, doesn’t teach you how to live. The bitter truth of these religion is, they teach you how to kill.

      • Mohammed
        July 21, 2015 10:50 am


        First findout and tell me about the word “hinduism” in your vedas. . .
        you are hiding ur real n using muslim this what ur religion teaches

  • Chandan
    February 3, 2015 8:34 am

    Why all terrorists are muslims ?

  • robert
    January 20, 2015 11:00 am

    This is the mentality u preserve from ur people.what u have mentioned is 100 percent false.there is no such verses, in bhagavat gita or in any vedas.u r trying to lie or to imitate the lies u got from some sakir or some one.and i would like to remind u , that muhammad is not mentioned in any hindu texts.good u mentioned how islam treats women. muhammad had a 6 year old among his wifes (supposed to be below the age of his daughther).The world witnees how the islamic groups r treating women in iraq,syria etc .so i would like to ask, where in this world is the women respecting,peace loving,tolerable muslim. you may find them where muslims are not in power.Is this not an effect from ur sacred texts. Dear friend ,u r so blind for the religion.God has given minds to human kind to think and analyse.In order to Cover up the draw backs and cheats in islam , u r trying to make false comments about other religious texts which u have not read (i am sure).

  • sharan
    January 17, 2015 9:37 am

    Jai shree ram…

  • pallab
    January 14, 2015 7:15 am

    u r a brave girl.i admire u.nthng i have say as human.go forward.

  • akhil
    January 9, 2015 11:55 pm

    u r not a muslim girl u r fake and fake story

  • Prerna
    December 28, 2014 10:03 am


    I am a Hindu by religion but before that am a human – a woman and I feel whatever Madiha and her mom went through is barbaric. I am lucky that I am born in a family where being humanitarian is a part of religion and that’s what Hinduism stands for..

    Thanks Madiha for sharing your experience. I wish you a beautiful and fearless life ahead.


    • Mohamed
      February 26, 2015 11:11 am

      Firstly know about hindu terminology and philosophy then come to teach to islam. .you are a kid u wont understand islam go and take rest

  • November 18, 2014 11:55 pm


    See this… U will come to know abt the mentality of Muslims

  • Ahson
    November 1, 2014 2:23 am

    This is a total fake and shitty story. I know about a lot of converted muslim women, who have turned muslim, because of the rights and respect that Islam gives to women. Islam clearly condemned those who used to practice female infanticide in its holy book. There is no compulsion in Islam. In choosing a marriage partner, her consent to accept or reject any prospective suitor for marriage is respected. Islam doesn’t forbid woman from modern education, our sisters are practicing doctors and engineering(and Islam encourage both men and women to read and keep up the learning process).
    Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the West have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930’s, Annie Besant observed, “It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has recognized the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from all times. It is a slander to say that Islam preaches that women have no souls.” (The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, 1932).
    Before Islam, women were considered shameful, female children were buried alive, prostitution was rampant, divorce was only in the hands of the husband, inheritance was only for the strong, and oppression was widespread. Islam came and abolished these practices. Even now, in ‘developed countries’, women are not granted respect, dignity and honour, let alone equal pay for equal work. Islam, however, regards women as precious and valuable, not to be disrespected or disgraced.

  • sahrish
    October 14, 2014 5:05 am

    gopi plz took patience again and overview your religeon its rediculous.but sorry han for hurting you.

  • sahrish
    October 14, 2014 5:00 am

    its totally wrong vikram what u are saying.i declare infront of all if islam have such teaching vikram is permited to shoot me.

  • yousuff
    October 13, 2014 12:03 pm

    this is really a fake story..
    as far as muslims with good religious background will never going to hit their wives as mentioned above..
    secondly as mentioned in the story a pious muslim father will never going to hate a baby girl if born..we muslim consider baby girl if born it will be considered as a boon to its father..
    thirdly the story teller does not knws the background of bakrid, nd considering it as animal killing..
    fourthly the story teller is telling like reading quran and praying namaz is as disregardful,bt actully in evry religion ther ll b followings of that religion, this shows how much the story teller is un disciplined nd lazy…
    fifth is that a pious father never going to disagree with the girl to have non muslim female freind..we treat our wives and sisters as they are princes so as we protect them from strangers..
    and finnally if it is a true story plz plz plz reconvert into islam bcz islam is a peace religion and the religion which is going to send you to the heaven..

    • October 14, 2014 6:41 am

      Is there any proof for this Judgment Day or it is only your unproven faith?

      • Mohamed
        February 26, 2015 11:45 am

        yah, which one you want?

  • varsha
    October 7, 2014 4:22 am

    The essence of all religions is the same….I may nt know as much as u all, but I know one thing….that our life is what we make out of it…..what happened in history is history….if we can’t learn from history its of no use. And we all being brought up in an age where equality, morals, values matter the most, why don’t we make it a habbit to respect each individual & their religion & their sentiments……religion was made to bring people together in one form…..so why complicate things by judging something we never created….we can only follow a religion…..not judge our birth religion nor anyone else’s religion… so spread love & peace in society.. to make.our creaters proud of bringing us to this world…..with lots of love & respect to all religions . 🙂 <3

    • mac
      October 7, 2014 9:57 pm

      Good 🙂

  • Hindu
    September 26, 2014 2:39 am

    Hi Everyone..
    Muslim is a sick religion with useless rules… They even don’t know what they want..
    According to history and other proofs Muslim religion came in act around 6th A.D century… Before that humans were exists in the world that means so called Allah didn’t create the world nor he exists .. He doesn’t have proper name, a number has been given to him (like prisoner) 786… Ha ha ha F*** off muslim and Muslim community… They hate pig bcz it delivers more babies at times than muslims.. This is muslim mentality.. Now Muslims stop barking abt ur religion.. Everyone knows”all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims” this s the truth…

    • seeren jahanzaib
      October 14, 2014 4:14 am

      its hindu mentality talking cheap nd bludy manner

    • sahrish
      October 14, 2014 5:10 am

      listen mister islam have the best teaching its other story u have dustbin mind.

    • Nurul Amin Laskar
      November 9, 2014 12:02 am

      All Terrorists are Muslims? ?
      What about:

      Kamatapur Liberation Army
      Black Widow
      and many more? ?

      Tell that They are Muslims? ?

      • Chandan
        February 3, 2015 8:40 am

        Ther are jst 5-10 %
        Wat abt the other muslim terrorists ? Muslims are mad they jst want islam all over the world ! Haha !

    • tolerant
      May 25, 2015 11:32 pm

      Dear Sir/madam, why are you blaspheming Islam. Bhagavan God has millions of names. Allah means God in English. Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught that one should chant the holy name of God in a humble state of mind thinking oneself more humble than a straw in the street and more tolerant than a tree being able to offer respect to all others and not expecting any respect in return. In such a state of mind u can chant Gods name. All faiths teach good. We must practice properly. Nobody is perfect

  • mac
    September 16, 2014 11:18 pm

    Gopi says:
    September 16, 2014 at 11:04 pm

    Mac, ok
    I regard you as “the biggest fool in the history of mankind” to think that Vishnu aka Krsna aka Ram is a spiritual person not God.
    Live your life in obscurity and be blinded.

    LOL 🙂

    is it possible to see god, god is unseen,pure,unborn,god never dies, god don`t marry, god don`t molest gopis, Hey everyone, in this world there are people who believe krihna as god, anyway, my gf don`t beileve in this type of hindu mytholigies, which is importnt for me, i don`t care what you believe

    • Gopi
      September 16, 2014 11:51 pm

      That’s it! I am done with maintaining my patience.
      Admin please stop mac from crossing the limit. You know nothing about krishna or hopes or the sanatan dharm.
      Kindly fuck off.
      You suck dude.

      • mac
        September 17, 2014 12:11 am

        So this is the teachings of Satan Dharm “Kindly fuck off.
        You suck dude.”, is it??????
        If krihna is god then why he died, why krishna is male, why ram couldn`t save his wife site from ravan if he is god, why it took 12 years to take back sita from ravan, and how is it possible that ravan deceived ram, and why ram forced sita to walk on wife to prove sita was pure, if ram was god he must have known that sita was innocent, and why ram had to take help of monkeys, why ram needed ro build bridge from india to srilakanka if he was god, ram was just a king, krishna was a spiritual person, we consider them as most probabley messenger of god.
        And don`t teach me about hinduism, i have hindu background too

        • Gopi
          September 20, 2014 12:22 am

          Okay so now since you have accepted your defeat you are asking meaningless things to hide your failure.
          Who are you, Mr. Illiterate to tell me what is right and wrong?
          And you are a miser, without knowledge.
          Brahman is formless and Vishnu, brahma and mahesh have evolved from him.. And so have laxmi, Parvati and saraswati. Now “understand” all this. Go read. Learn Sanskrit and read the the truth.
          You are a bag full of shit. I will explain you everything if you really care to understand and open up your narrow brain.
          And don’t teach me about Krsna. You are too big a fool to educate me.

          • mac
            September 20, 2014 12:55 am

            LOL, then come here mac is here, and teach me coz this webiste is not suitable for one on one conversation

          • mac
            September 20, 2014 1:34 am

            nope, no one is defeated, anyway here we will see who wins, can you point out any goodness of hinduism over islam

      • seeren jahanzaib
        October 14, 2014 4:20 am

        gopi plz once more took patience and overview ur religen its rediculus bt sorry for hurting u

    • Krish
      August 15, 2017 3:53 am


      That is the point. You said Allah cant see by human, we hindu said Bhagwan (GOD in English) can be seen by his/her discipline in any form, there are true story in India, even now also, where GOD can be seen in any form ro can be realize of the presence of GOD, thats the beautiful of Hinudism. There is no meaning of religion if GOD cant be seen. why GOD wont able to see if their is a GOD? what is the problem to see him/her?

  • Gopi
    September 15, 2014 11:33 pm

    Mac what’s your problem in life? Why are you so insensitive? Honestly such things do happen. I have nothing against you so I’ll just request you to stop quoting filth from your mind in the name of Hinduism. My lord is just and I pray to him that he gives you some brains. And stop criticising sanatan dharm. It is the absolute truth. And yes, such things do happen. My ex too accused me when another guy tried to disrespect my modesty. I hope Krsna boons you with humility and open-mindedness. Hare Krsna.

    • mac
      September 16, 2014 4:38 am

      Dear Gopi, actually its problem with hindus, not with muslim, we generally never critisize others religion, we just try to follow own and you people insert your foot in our religion thats why i just gave a reply, i started blogging in this site from april-may,2014, but anti-islamic comments are there in this site from 2012(as far as i can remember any old anti islamic comment)

      And what I quoted is from gita,vedas,manu, you can check it out
      Finally, Sorry for hearting your feelings, but my every comments are just reply,
      Any I beg forgiveness for hurting your religious sentiment

      • Gopi
        September 16, 2014 10:13 pm

        It’s alright. Anyway, you quotes aren’t authentic. I àm a Sanskrit scholar and have read about every holy book. Please clear your thoughts. And also the triggers for anti Islamic comments arise when Muslims critisize other religions. I still pray to Krsna to grant you with a good health ahead. Also I would like to tell you something,

        यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन ।
        ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा ॥
        “The way fire burns and consumes the wood, the true knowledge consumes the karma and frees you up.”
        Let your knowledge engulf your pride and rise up above the chaos.
        You don’t need to fight a forsaken war.
        The warring cries has trapped us all.
        Prove your mettle and bow your head
        Let your humility speak for your begotten soul.

        Hare Krsna.

        • mac
          September 16, 2014 10:31 pm

          krishna is not good, he was a spiritual person, i will be idiot of the century if i beileve krishna as god, then give me authentic vedic verses

          • Gopi
            September 16, 2014 11:04 pm

            Mac, ok
            I regard you as “the biggest fool in the history of mankind” to think that Vishnu aka Krsna aka Ram is a spiritual person not God.
            Live your life in obscurity and be blinded.

          • Chandan
            February 3, 2015 8:45 am

            No one cares u believe or not ! U are an idiot already ! Haha ! Atleast krishna existed ! Allah just a mere imagination !

        • james
          December 9, 2014 2:06 pm

          U guys r simply on the wrong track u ppl can not even debate in sober n literate manner n trying to impose ur belief on others using abusive language. I M more disappointed with gopi who claimed to be an scholar is wasting her time explaining Hindu religion to others. Gopi if u hv done ur research properly than u must know such ppl will exist in KALYUG. N one must not debate if he or she has not read n understood completely abt other religion. And Mac I read geeta everyday there is no such thing written in geeta (or the other purana I read 7 so far) abt girl child in any of the chapter. .pls read urself before debating. Once a person read n understand the journey of soul he or she will understand the incarnation of Lord in human form y he pretend to be one like us but still set an example by showing the path mankind should choose. .also I would like to clear tht Hindus do not pray the murties.murties r simply a medium to concentrate. Clearly stated in Geeta by Lord tht i can be worshipped either in Nirgun form or in Sagun form(incarnation one). One more thing god is only one but the myth we pray to different god is wrong .The divine power has taken all these incarnation over the period of different KALP Yug n are worshipped in all those forms. Last but not the least tht Hindus also have only book which has 1cr Shloks but in every KALP before the KALYUG starts vishnu in vyas form reduced it 400k shlok due the short avg life in KALYUG compare to satyug n other two..These 400k r divided into 18 purana 4 vedas(rigveda is one of them which has clear mention of messenger muhammad as rightly found out by Dr. Zakir nayak) other holy books(in which the starting time and places r mentioned abt Jain budh n other religions). Each books teaches different aspect of life , how to live life wat is life how it starts, abt universe ,human body, importance of nature , how to read hand s , methods of calculations and so many more things. Bottom line is we need to learn something from these books or any other religion book to make our life easy n peaceful rather than fighting abt the who is the best.

          • admin
            December 9, 2014 7:32 pm

            Excellent summary, …”rather than fighting abt the who is the best.”

  • mahmood
    September 10, 2014 1:32 am

    its a fake story. I laughed during reading this whole story. all the reasons are mentioned wrong

    • mac
      September 10, 2014 4:34 am

      dear mohammad, yes , but the idiot who made this fake story never thought that it would be one day read by any muslim who has islamic knowledge.

      September 17, 2014 3:54 pm

      Cos it goes against you n islum if it had been a hindu girl praising islum n telling dat she left her hindu family n religion for fuckin jihadis than u must have certified it as a true story,ur religion is a cancer to humanity n mankind,any islum-ic state havent given even a aspirin for.mankind than whats ur importance just live like a two legged animal and fuck ur own sisters and mothers and die one day or do jihad and kill innocent peoples,u fucking crabs

      • mac
        September 17, 2014 11:06 pm

        what you have wrtten is permitted in hinduism not is islam

        • Chandan
          February 3, 2015 8:47 am

          Ua logic sucks mac ! Get ua info right ! And i read incest allowed in islam? Wat abt that ?

  • vikram
    September 5, 2014 5:39 am

    Muslims men can do anything they can sleep with their sisters mothers they allow to do unlimited marriages
    but all sacrifices by muslims women they can’t go out they daily fucked by their brothers and father they can marry just once they have to cover whole body they don’t allow to study 😀 🙂

    • mac
      September 6, 2014 10:25 pm

      dear vikram, you idiot, your this comment “Muslims men can do anything they can sleep with their sisters mothers they allow to do unlimited marriages” LOL, why your mentality is so sick, ADMIN seems to me is sleeping, prove that we can sleep with our sisters,mothers, don`t spread lies, by spreading lies you are not insulting muslims but insulting yourself.
      Wao, unlimited marriage, islam don`t permits unlimited marriage, ADMIN, your say on this, this vikram is saying islam permits unlimited marriage, is it right or wrong that islam permits unlimited marrige.

      “””but all sacrifices by muslims women they can’t go out they daily fucked by their brothers and father they can marry just once they have to cover whole body they don’t allow to study “”” again a big LOL for your this comment, seems to me you don`t have enought knowlegde to blog, thats why using foul,dirty,unhealthy words,
      who said muslim women cant go out, is Sheikh Hasina, the PM of Bangladesh not allowed to go out, if muslim women are not allowed to go out then how come and are restricted in studies then how is this possible //////…..Women make up 70 percent of Algeria’s lawyers and 60 percent of its judges. Women dominate medicine. Increasingly, women contribute more to household income than men. Sixty percent of university students are women………. The women are more religious than previous generations, and more modern, sociologists here said. Women cover their heads and drape their bodies with traditional Islamic coverings. They pray. They go to the mosque — and they work, often alongside men, once considered taboo………Sociologists and many working women say that by adopting religion and wearing the Islamic head covering called the hijab, women here have in effect freed themselves from moral judgments and restrictions imposed by men. Uncovered women are rarely seen on the street late at night, but covered women can be seen strolling the city after attending the evening prayer at a mosque………………….http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/26/world/africa/26algeria.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0/////////

      and who said a father, brother can fuck his daughter, where it is written, whether it is in quran or hadith, i don`t know, please enlighten me, admin you also

      • sahrish
        October 14, 2014 4:43 am

        vikram you are saying totly false if you will proof this my forgive you my blood.mac have truly sese

  • akash
    September 1, 2014 10:10 pm

    it looks your motives are that while in us other christian kids have sex in their childhood but why can’t you.if you start to think like non believers and start to ask questions like a nonbeliever following them no doubt you turn into one of them.

  • Akaula
    July 9, 2014 4:27 am

    The BS Muslims here are pushing is nothing but Al-Taqiya; a formal principle of lying in Islam. Please read Quran for yourself and you will see the how stone age, barbaric and curse of humanity this cult from Arabia is. This is true in general for the semitic faiths. Even if everything was ok, after all how much can one insert in book. Islam like christianity are the product of stone age Arabia. The women are supposed to be subjugated, as your Moulvi told you was the real message. What interest didi the Moulvi had to lie tou you. It is these horrible other followers of Islam that are pushing lies to you. Don’t fall for it.

  • June 19, 2014 11:35 pm

    As I found you are mentally sick and you need proper treatment. Yes the pressure your parents was not in real sense . we can be friend with nonmusliums but can not be their toys who will play with our body. We are not animals and enjoy sex with every one. We are bound only to enjoy sex with our partner. Rest the Hindu religion is concern you can see what is going on there. Little girls are being rapped and killed. Now you had chosen Hindu religion for yourself no problem Islam has no need people like you who in fact like animals going every where and enjoy. Being a Muslim am proud because Islam has given me every thing which other religions can never provide like we have no casteism or sati_ism.we are one and we have no difference like Hindu has likebbrhman shudar low caste or upper caste.

  • khalidpagla
    June 15, 2014 1:38 pm


  • mazhar
    June 4, 2014 9:54 am

    islam is the religion of peace respect of women .. actually ur father didnt treat u in a good manner .. fastest spreading religion in the world is islam and its a prove to show u that islam is a religion of peace ..

  • tamsil
    May 24, 2014 3:13 pm

    sister madiha …a broken marriage . pain n some ill behaving ppl of soceity shud nt be reason to forsake faith.. helpinfvyr mom was fine but giving away the live of allah is the biggest mistake. ppl come live live die do mistakes repeat them lie cheat bt u cannot turn away frm allah jst fr some pp.. i pray fr u tht u get the live if ur creator .. n then only ull be able to understand love of humans.. dont run away from truth u will never reach nywhre .. help others bt help yr self be independent .know the god .. it mightbe a test .. dnt gv up pass it may allah reward u with bounties n turn u to straight path ..cuz u knw tht uts the true path. 40 yrs ago u didnt exist thr was no madiha in existence 60 hencevu wont exist… u have to face GOD.. ask him fr help n repent …may allah bless u .ameen

  • Indian_Christian
    April 30, 2014 6:30 am

    its sad to see her father was a bad person who represented islam in a wrong way. I am an Indian Christian man who’s been with both muslim and hindus and realized extremism is in a persons mind , I’ve seen good muslim and good hindus both … this man who’s ur father is really an extremist

    he disgraced islam in many ways … I respect islam and hinduism both so not being biased.

    what’s wrong is people abusing each others religion … come guys don’t do that !

    as for her grandmother who said christians are apes , its wrong , quran says christians are the closest to islam ,infact a christian king saved mohammad which is mentioned in their literature ..
    also indian muslim are liberal and exceptionally sweet don’t know about arab muslims coz they are lil fanatical , so are arab christians

    muslim are not only arabs but south asian too so views differ

    • mac
      September 1, 2014 11:17 pm

      Indian Christina, this is a fake story and every fake story has strange concept which any good,rational,just human being can point out, and you being christian pointed out, the RSS which creates such stories don`t know that they are exposing their religion coz what she said is found and is hinduism not in islam, like treating daughter badly, lets see how

      IN ISLAM :
      “And when the female (infant) buried alive – is questioned, for what crime she was killed.” (Qur’an 81:8-9).

      Criticizing the attitudes of such parents who reject their female children, Allah Says in Qur’an : “When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief! With shame does he hide himself from his people, Because of the bad news He has had! Shall he retain it On (sufferance and) contempt, Or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) They decide on? (The Noble Quran, 16:58-59)“

      Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. Woman is an embodiment of the worst desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and bad character. Women should never be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)

      ‘Rig Veda’ itself says that a women should beget sons. The newly married wife is blessed so that she could have 10 sons. So much so, that for begetting a son, ‘Vedas’ prescribe a special ritual
      called ‘Punsawan sanskar’ (a ceremony performed during third month of pregnancy). During the ceremony it is prayed:

      “Almighty God, you have created this womb. Women may be born somewhere else but sons should be born from this womb” – Atharva Ved 6/11/3

      “O Husband protect the son to be born. Do not make him a women” – Atharva Ved 2/3/23

      In ‘Shatpath Puran (shatpath Brahman)’ a sonless women has been termed as unfortunate.

      ‘Rig Veda’ censures women by saying:
      “Lord Indra himself has said that women has very little intelligence. She cannot be taught” – Rig Ved 8/33/17

      “Almighty God, you have created this womb. Women may be born somewhere else but sons should be born from this womb” – Atharva Ved 6/11/3

      IN ISLAM:

      Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) said about female children:

      “A daughter is a lovely child; affectionate, eager to help, mild and full of sacred feelings of motherhood.”


      Women have no right to study the Vedas. That is why their Sanskars are performed without Veda Mantras. women have no knowledge of religion because they have no right to know the Vedas. The uttering of Veda Mantras, they are as unclean as untruth is.” (Manu IX. 18)

      “There cannot be any friendship with a women. Her heart is more cruel than heyna” – Rig Ved 10/95/15.

      IN ISLAM:-

      Prophet Muhammad( peace be upon him) said: Narrated AbuSa’id al-Khudri: “The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone cares for three daughters, disciplines them, marries them, and does good to them, he will go to Paradise. (Translation of Sunan abu Dawud, Book 41, General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab), Number 512 8) “


      *** All women are born of sinful wombs. (Bhagavad-Gita IX 32
      *** None of the acts of women can be taken as good and reasonable. (Manu X.4)
      *** Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. Woman is an embodiment of the worst desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and bad character. Women should never be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)

      IN ISLAM :-

      Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) said “Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favor his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise”. (Ibn Hanbal, No. 1957).

      Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) said

      Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the day of judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together). (Ibn-Hanbal, No. 2104).


      A virtuous woman is one who dies on the funeral pyre of her dead husband and avails the privilege of serving her husband in the other world. (Atharva Veda 18-3-1)

      actually do you know what if this story is true then this girl might be victim of this ///”It’s not Islam that oppresses Muslim women, it’s the lack of knowledge or the lack of application of that knowledge that oppresses.”
      -Na’ima B. Robert-////

      • Arijit
        October 27, 2014 4:51 am

        Mr.mac i think u are illeterate or literate fool.What is in islam or in hindu or any other religion man will not read.What is in one’s religious book can be identified by one’s activity.Muslims are quarrelous and invaders from early age.u people invaded countries and killed people of other religions or impose jizya(tax),if they are not converted to islam.Tell me if u muslims are treated like this what would be?another thing,is quran in present day was varified by mohammad?answer is no.after death of mohammad quran was scattered.there was no single book of quran.umar or usman collected all pieces and keeping some destroyed others in fire…so quran in present day may be fake.Is allah formless or have a body?If he have a body why ur religion can not give any demonostration of this?in this case i think u muslims are not eligible to see him.And if he is formles ,how he talked to mohammad in meraj?Islamic book quran says to marry 4 women at best,but why mohammad married 12 ladies and kept them at a time..?

        • mac
          October 27, 2014 5:24 am

          this is the problem with hindus, when you ask them question or show them what is in their scriture or what is hinduism, then they start to cry humnaity humanity etc, but they keep on asking,making false allegations on islama and at that, your muhammad pbuh was prohpet, his marriage was political, also to remove many backward customs of arabia, buddy, if muslim didn`t came here, then you would have been burning your widows alive , you would have been killing dalits, depriving them from all their rights, and ofcourse no tajmahal,red fort, also the todays indian wouldn`t have been existed as before islamic rule, india was seperated in many states with different kings and they used to fight one another, it was one hindu king who invited babur to defeat another king, and foget about muslim knigs and their fightings……………………..
          you hindu gods used to fought, kill people , ram killed ravan, siva the supreme hindu god chopped off his own son`s head, krishna tought his cousins to fight, i mean i can go on and on, but it will depend on your follow up reply….

          • saba
            October 28, 2014 10:21 am

            arijit now what will you say??obviously have no aswer

          • Arjun
            December 8, 2014 3:16 pm

            Shut The Fuck Up Everyone,i mean new year is coming guys, go grab a bottle of bear or vodka hangout with yourfriends, spend some time with your family , what’s in this stupid blog ? AND

      • Tridev
        July 15, 2015 2:52 am

        18.3.1 talks about niyog.It
        says” a wife whose husband is
        dead and wants to have
        child,she can have from a man
        whose wife is dead”.

      • Hindu Atheist
        April 6, 2016 4:57 pm

        You’ve written so much BS that it’s not worth refuting. Zakir Naik fan I guess. We worship women as embodiment of motherhood(Parvati), Prosperity(Laxmi), knowledge(Saraswati), valour(Bhavani) and Justice(Durga). We are suppose to be very liberal when it comes to sex. We dont think of it as perversion. Mainstream Hinduism messed up as it is does not propagate hate. This is common with Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Hinduism is essentially pagan and atheist.We celebrate life while you spend it in fear and submission.

  • abbas
    March 6, 2014 1:09 am

    wat a horrifying choice u av made, juz for the sake of sex before marriage .. do u knw the so called gods u worship now .. father cutting off head of his own son by mistake . (shiva cutting ganesh head) how can god make mistake. krishna’s lust for virgin girls …datz y he hides their clothes while dey bath in river …ravan kidnap sita ….how can a demon kidnap a gods wife …hanuman ready to help ram on condition that ram help him kill his bro …why does a god wants to kill his brother …so many bullshit … itll take me days to complete … crazy worshipers of dick and pussy …or juz anything ….
    meet u on judgement day ….

    • human
      April 29, 2014 5:06 pm

      hai you , does islam teach to insult the others i mean other religion. Why did you say bad to hindus. I think you don’t even know both of Islam and Hinduism. Religion is for save mankind , it’s help man to be man not to be devil. Which ever it Hinduism or Islam . Religion always teach people peace. The stories you have mentioned at your comment every story has a part which has lesson for mankind , if you see with knowledge you can see it. wrong information you mentioned . The right is it sugrib who wanted help to kill his brother bali. And why because bali snatched sugrib wife. If your elder brother snatch your wife and make sex with her what will you do . ask you and ans. to you honestly. In the big world there are many people who change their religion. Its their wish. Because i think they don’t live with peace. So they do. But its not important which religion he or she obey. Its important what we are doing who still believe their by birth religion. There are many muslims and himdus in the world what did they do. Nothing but do the bad which the both hinduism or islam don’t support. So you should obey islam punctualy and show the best of islam which will be showed by your work , god work . So dont abuse other religion. It also insult islam . because the other religion will think that islam don’t show honor to other. Which is not correct. I only believe that every religion is for save mankind and its human who have to obey perfectly his/her religion which will teach mankind that no religion is partial to man or woman .

    • human
      April 29, 2014 5:13 pm

      i write it for abbas and the others who do and speak ill for other religion. Whoever he will be , muslim or hindu.

  • Abdul Rashid
    February 25, 2014 11:35 am

    No,my dear Islam is not a cruel , harsh religion(lahawla WA la quwatailla billabil alailadheem )
    Allah will give greater test one who does a great reward
    u have never seen what is haraam and hallal .yes I say that its ur parents mistake for ur guidance but why u didn’t see the lovely creations of Allah swt how he created you , and every human being ur finding happiness only in this world Do you believe in the life after this world ? Then there is the ultimate success
    for mumeenn ( true Muslim ) duniya is like prison and for kafir it is like jannat bult ultimate success is inshallah for mumeen inshallah Allah will show u a right path every harsh character should have a sweet response such that the person will get to know is ny behavior is right or wrong Inshallah Allah may help you

  • February 11, 2014 12:56 pm

    Kassam khudankey abbe waqth hai maffe maaglai allah sai Allah rahim hai karim hai 70maa ke mohabath ruknai walai hai arai dounaya mai too ake maa maff kurdai tee hai too kaya Allah maff nahe kurain gai kaya oo too 70maa key mohabath ruk nai walai hai bus kur mazaq kurna islam mai nahe too kasam khuda key tari mouth bouhath bhaya nayake hoo ghee soch kai waqth hai abbe tairai pass

  • February 11, 2014 12:49 pm

    Saali madar choad agar tou millgai na first tari maa ko chodoon ga ous I badh mai tarai patti key gand maroon ga ous k badh mai taira ko kai k aakur ayatnai choottai toukdai maroon ga tari maa aur taira bhawada patti b bhool jaaiga k tou tarai maa key bati hai aur tarai patti key bewee agar tarai gand mai dumm hai to bole tou rahatee kaha hai kur k nahe too mujai call kurr is numbers pai 9986737831 rande salle sach kaha hai tare grandmother nai chennal salee chennal he rahai ghee Randi

  • shubham kumar
    January 15, 2014 4:10 am

    Dear Admin- I salute you. Who ever you are. You are very matured person. I am
    very glad to read your post. Please keep on. New generation needs this type of clarification about

  • January 11, 2014 5:52 am

    Dear readers,

    Islam is not only a cruel relgion but also criminal religion too.
    Every where in the world, muslim terrorists are involved in the bomb blasts, kidnapping, killing, raping, fighting even in muslim countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Bangladesh, Indonesia.

    It is the worst religion for females.

    • February 11, 2014 11:52 am

      Rukhasana what the hell do think of your self don’t you no what is islam and how dair you tell wrong about islam I hope so your parents dint teach you and Rukhsana you have still tim as forgive to Allahhe is mercy inshallah he wil forgive you and save you from jahanum

    • hitler
      April 5, 2014 2:00 pm

      clearly another fairtale lies written by some loser hindu nationalistic fraud , go fxxx your bose and nehru loser hindu jew

  • December 5, 2013 3:20 am

    It is a fact that islam tells about love to all human being, but the persons from the other religion are treated with hate. This religion (if it is so!) is blood loving, torture friendly which cares only for increasing the population by forced or tactful conversion or producing a large number of children. The above story, may it be fake or not, discloses about the truth of this so called religion. This religion(!) is a stigma in the history of mankind. The world will be better if this hateful practice is destroyed.

  • November 30, 2013 2:46 pm

    u guyz r fool…Every1 knows ISLAM is The best…i respect all hindus but as per my knowledge itz not a relgion.they fools even dont know how to pray…

    • Shancky
      May 3, 2014 5:25 am

      we dont know how to pray you only bray lie a donkey

  • mr. someone
    November 16, 2013 7:18 am

    surely this hindus are going to be burnt in the hell.
    this story is a fake story against islam. if you nothing of any religion
    please do not say . May Allah forgive the hindus and make them Muslims

  • mdarabanees
    November 7, 2013 7:05 am

    AS said in all the above posts Islam says muslims will only get entry in the paradise is completely baseless. As Islam says only those people shall gain entry in heaven who does not make partners with the Creator(Allah) and believe that Mohammed(PBUH) is the last messanger of Allah. I can only say that donot judge Islam by seeing muslims. Michel Hart in his book most influential people in the world ranked Mohammed(PBUH) the first position.So my sincere advice is to go to the books of Islam the Holy Quran and not by the muslims. As Bernard Sha said Islam is the best religion and muslims are the worst followers. May Allah(SWT) guide us in the right direction.

    • tenali
      November 7, 2013 11:04 pm

      You lost me! Are you saying only Muslims will have entry to Jannat or anyone can go there?

      How does one judge a religion if not by followers? Since most of the Jains follow non-violence, Jainism is judged as one of the most peaceful religions. Similarly, if most of the followers believe in violent means to settle differences, it will be attributed to the religion. That is why Islam is blamed for the atrocities of Muslims.

      I understand that Muslims believe that Allah guided them using prophets. How will Allah guide you in the current times? Would he send another prophet?

    • sam
      November 7, 2013 11:29 pm


      why you (and many muslims) keep saying this nonsense – ” donot judge Islam by seeing muslims.”. Can you explain why should we NOT judge islam by acts done by muslims in name of your religion ?

      I look forward to the logic.

  • Unknown
    October 20, 2013 9:28 am

    Simply, it is a useless thinking. If a hindu girl get to marry a muslim boy then, 200% a girl has to change her religion from the parental pressure of guys side. Simply saying, if you(girl) want to enter into a marriage then, get ready for divorce at the same second and be self motivated to choose a next life(specifically for a girl have a faith with hindu customs). At the time of love, you cant able to think about a another person(even your parents insisted). But after marriage only, the real story starts. SO GIRLS BE AWARE ABOUT THE “LOVE” LIFE. Life is not a matter of just choosing a guy from other religious faith. After marriage of this case, PARENTS(especially from girls side) SUFFER A LOT. AT THAT TIME ONLY YOU REALIZE THE EXACT scenario.
    Plz, dont make your parents to suffer and finally you too. After missing everything, there is no use to realize the situation.
    I dont want to hurt anyone. Each religion has its own importance for their people.


    • February 11, 2014 12:07 pm

      Hai brother or sister I dont no in your hindu casts there is freedom but there is no freedom for the girls and boys even you have still time convert to Muslim you will be saved from jahannun (hell) and you will be jannati (heaven) Inshaallah

  • Usman
    September 15, 2013 8:43 pm

    For those who haven’t realised this story is false. The mother is a doctor yet allowed herself to be locked in the house for 18 years in the US until her teenage daughter managed to consult a lawyer?

    The father displays some of the characteristics of a fundamentalist Hindu rather than a Muslim, for example God is punishing him by giving him a baby girl.

    Also the type of family described here would not allow a Hindu women into the family. Apparently the father told the mother he didn’t expect her to convert but she did the Nikah to please the grandmother. If this women did the Nikah then she has married as a Muslim and therefore they wouldn’t be spitting at her calling her kafir. This is totally illogical from a Muslim perspective. If this women did the Nikah and then remained Hindu and got abuse as a result surely the daughter would have picked up on the fact that her mother wasn’t praying or was praying differently ect ect. Instead she surprisingly finds out one night that her mother is in fact Hindu.

    This story follows the narrative of a bollywood movie made by Karan Johar where the Muslim man appears broad minded then reveals his true face once in the US. Moral of the story: Hindu women don’t marry Muslims. This taps into a deep paranoia among Hindus especially Hindu men that Muslims want to use their women for sex and convert them to Islam. I know of Hindu women who converted to Islam by their own free will and were gang raped by family members for doing so. If you look at the violence committed against Muslim women by Hindu mobs during the Gujarat massacre you see the true face of Hindus. India can never realise its true potential until it moves away from Hindu extremism and cast system racism which is still at the core of its society.

  • fathima
    September 4, 2013 10:14 am

    This false story is just to blame islam and misguide right peoples…so i request all muslims just to be quiet and dont pass any comment about non-muslim….allah jab chahega tab hee unhe deen ki roshni se aagah karega…they wont hear us but they will tell bad about us..so just teach them right things….

    • a sad hindu
      September 4, 2013 9:16 pm

      You are right!! lets just pray for them

      • September 4, 2013 9:23 pm

        Agree, lets pray for well being of all.
        Thanks for educating youths in love.

    • February 11, 2014 12:12 pm

      Your exactly correct we should hit them in the slippers who try to spoil a real and clean muslim religion

  • June 14, 2013 11:10 am

    you have done the biggest mistake of your life for all kafirs there is a permanent place called jahannum (HELL) now only you can save your self by realizing your mistake convert into ISLAM my dear sister and convert your husband also only by doing this almighty allah will bless you.

    • ajit
      June 14, 2013 6:05 pm

      Brother you don’t know what you have said, I will pray to god shiv to forgive you of this sin. She has done a wise thing to accept the truth, the true religion is Hinduism, as it is the oldest and purest and peaceful religion. Islam on the other hand has been proved as man made religion. Islam is full of hatred for other religion, leave that evil religion and choose the right path. The truth can only be shown to you, you need to be courageous to accept it. People who have been tought hell and heaven on basis of religion is wrong, if you follow Qur’an Muslims will be in narak(hell). Any sister/ brother who follows Hinduism with or without converting will get inner peace. I invite you to experience the truth, do you have courage to see the truth.

  • Krantidoot
    May 1, 2013 9:55 am

    Islam is a false religion created by false prophet Muhammad. Muhammad used to scare his wives and followers using Allah’s name. Allah was a home agent of Muhammad. He used arrange new girls for his enjoyment. Annoy Muhammad and Allah will punish you !

    According to Muhammad’s Quran men are a degree above women and the witness of a woman is equal to only half that of a man. He said that men can beat their wives if they don’t obey them. He also said that most of the residents of hell are women.

    • February 11, 2014 12:24 pm

      Hai you baster if you are real hindu and if you had given a birth to a single father come to bangalore come and tell in fount of me or any 12years child of Muslim wrong about our profit I wil cut in small small peaces or elz that 12years child will cut in to small peaces gandu or elz call me to my number 99867373831

      • Patriot
        April 17, 2014 1:14 am

        Sadique Ahmed, You are a true Muslim. What a great language and mentality you have . Actually You all are follower of religion of peace. Do you know that days are coming when you will be paid in the same coin. Hinduism is the religion of civilized people. That is the reason that you all are living in India . Otherwise if Hindus would have same mentality of Muslims , you would have migrate in Pakistan, as Hindus had to flee from Pakistan.

  • Turki Salim
    April 28, 2013 1:23 pm


  • March 23, 2013 3:59 pm

    Hindu is a fucking religion.i fuck all the stupid sexy boobs wala Hindu god those have big big boobs and make child from them all.all the fucking Hindu people all the Hindu child obey me I am your father.all the Hindu god have big big boobs I love there milk to drink and fuck them so hard that in pain they become blady Hindus god.I fuck so so manys Hindus god that I so forget how many Hindus god I fuck them and they also forget how many god they have am I right you all fucking Hindus.

    • vivek
      March 27, 2013 10:26 am

      All the kattu muslim are the smelly pigs.
      The are afraid of that a true man like a hindu would not fuck off the muslim pussy thats why their womens wear burkhas.
      These madharchod muslims fucks her oun sisters and mothers and produce illetrate,terrorist and smelly pigs.
      Every religion throught the world hates these bastard religion.
      But I would like to enjoy to fuck the big boobs sexy muslim pussy as it is the only good thing which bahanchod islam has given to the world.
      Very good “MADIHA” for marrying with innocent Hindu and not choosing Pigs to marry with.
      Thein Prophets was a great fucker who married 7 times for doing sex and producing pigs.

    • March 27, 2013 10:37 am

      Who gave birth to Allah : A God only naa or was he bisexual?????????
      Foolish Islamic Theory for only creating the army of illetrate,smelly and terrorist pigs.

      • February 11, 2014 12:30 pm

        Thou taree maa key chouth if you had given birth to a 1 father call me 9986737831

        • March 6, 2014 5:21 pm

          Apni maa ka sauda kar raha h ye syed bahanchod …jo har jagah no de raha h

    • proloy
      April 4, 2013 11:10 am

      Your comments prove that you are a Muslim.Only Uneducated, uncivilized,barbaric Muslims can utter such words.You don’t know anything about great Hinduism.However I am not going to inform you anything about the great Hinduism because people like you can not understand it. Hinduism is not for such people.

      • junaid
        April 7, 2013 2:16 am

        Brahma raped his own daughter sarrwati. Krishna asked shudra girls to come out naked so that he can enjoy their body.

        • mohammad ne allah ko choda
          October 13, 2013 11:39 am

          saale madarchod kataue tere to so called mohammad ne tere religion ki shuruat hi aisha ke rape ke saath ki saale madarchod kya pata allah ko bhi chodta hoga saale tum logon ki isi harkat ki wajah se us wale teri maa chodne ko hamesha taayar rehete hain tere quaran to saala sex book hai aur kuch nhi tere madarchod allah ne saare janwar khaane ko bol diya par lagta hai suar ne uski gaand maar li ya fir suar ne gaand maar le ya fir usne mohammad ki maar le hogi ya fir tera mohammad suar ko blowjob dete huae uski laat sa sikhar ho gaya goga isliyae doodoron ke baare mein bolne se pahle apne aukaat dekh le………….

    • suver islam
      April 28, 2014 10:22 pm

      See your mentality chutiye, tuje kisi ki respect dena sikhaya nahi hai,

      tuje bachpan se daraya gaya hai …woh chutiya allah ayega aur teri gand marega….teri gand hamesha fatti raheti hai ki allah ayega aur mera khuch kharab karega…..convert your self in to hindu and fine jannat on the earth. baki sab tuje tere majabse sirf dara rahe hai.

  • junaid
    March 21, 2013 10:50 pm

    Fake story againest muslims

  • March 4, 2013 10:52 pm

    Hi Ayesha !

    Are You same,A muslim Pathan Girl from Mumbai,who married a Hindu Boy in Kolkata(India)

  • Truthseeker
    February 17, 2013 5:48 am

    Watch this video and you will and you will help everyone’s decision on switching religons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

  • islam
    January 11, 2013 12:26 pm

    Place of women in islam
    In the Noble Quran Allah (Arabic word for God) says:
    “Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of youin the Sight of Allah is the believer who has Taqwa (i.e. piety and righteousness)and loves Allah most. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
    “I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man orwoman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)”
    On the light of those verses, Islam declares that it has not come to disadvantage women, but in fact has been revealed to elevate women ever since 1400 years ago, when women in manyparts of the world and especially in the western societies were considered objects that are owned and with little to no rights in the society they live in.
    Before any other religion or system in the world Islam gave a woman the right to inherit, the right to vote and voice her opinion, the right to trade invest and improve herself financially, the right to own – buy and sell, the right to seek knowledge and have a good education, the right to work and has even gone further to oblige the males in every stage of her life, whether it was a father, brother or husband … It’s their duty before God to take care of her, to spend on her, to provide her with the food , clothing and shelter that she needs, to provide her with a good education, to protect her from anythingthat can harm her and to never hesitate to put their lives in stake for her if the need calls them to do so. “As a modern westerner with a career, of course I hadto look into Islam’s attitude to women – I couldn’t be oppressed all of a sudden. But I discovered that it is pro-women and pro-men; in Islam, women had the right to vote in the year 600. Men dress modestly, women dress modestly; neither should flirt with the eyes, but rather they should lowertheir gaze. I think it’s unhealthy to flaunt your sexuality – it attracts the wrong energy back.” (MTV Presenter Kristiane Backer after being a Muslim) “Since Icalled myself a feminist, my early reading centered around women in Islam. I thought Islam oppressed women. In my Women’s Studies courses I had read about Muslim women who were not allowed to leave their homes and were forcedto cover their heads. Of course I saw hijab as an oppressive tool imposed by men rather than as an expression of self-respect and dignity. What I discovered in my readings surprised me. Islam not only does not oppress women, but actually liberates them, having given them rights in the 6th century that we have only gained in this century in this country: the right to own property and wealth and to maintain that in her name after marriage; the right to vote; and the right to divorce.” (Karima Slack, an American feminist from secular humanism toLast but not least I would like to conclude by the blessed sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:
    “It is the generous (in character) who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them.”
    “The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives.”
    “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”

  • zahid
    January 11, 2013 12:23 pm

    Place of women in islam
    In the Noble Quran Allah (Arabic word for God) says:
    “Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of youin the Sight of Allah is the believer who has Taqwa (i.e. piety and righteousness)and loves Allah most. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
    “I shall not lose sight of the labor of any of you who labors in My way, be it man orwoman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)”
    On the light of those verses, Islam declares that it has not come to disadvantage women, but in fact has been revealed to elevate women ever since 1400 years ago, when women in manyparts of the world and especially in the western societies were considered objects that are owned and with little to no rights in the society they live in.
    Before any other religion or system in the world Islam gave a woman the right to inherit, the right to vote and voice her opinion, the right to trade invest and improve herself financially, the right to own – buy and sell, the right to seek knowledge and have a good education, the right to work and has even gone further to oblige the males in every stage of her life, whether it was a father, brother or husband … It’s their duty before God to take care of her, to spend on her, to provide her with the food , clothing and shelter that she needs, to provide her with a good education, to protect her from anythingthat can harm her and to never hesitate to put their lives in stake for her if the need calls them to do so. “As a modern westerner with a career, of course I hadto look into Islam’s attitude to women – I couldn’t be oppressed all of a sudden. But I discovered that it is pro-women and pro-men; in Islam, women had the right to vote in the year 600. Men dress modestly, women dress modestly; neither should flirt with the eyes, but rather they should lowertheir gaze. I think it’s unhealthy to flaunt your sexuality – it attracts the wrong energy back.” (MTV Presenter Kristiane Backer after being a Muslim) “Since Icalled myself a feminist, my early reading centered around women in Islam. I thought Islam oppressed women. In my Women’s Studies courses I had read about Muslim women who were not allowed to leave their homes and were forcedto cover their heads. Of course I saw hijab as an oppressive tool imposed by men rather than as an expression of self-respect and dignity. What I discovered in my readings surprised me. Islam not only does not oppress women, but actually liberates them, having given them rights in the 6th century that we have only gained in this century in this country: the right to own property and wealth and to maintain that in her name after marriage; the right to vote; and the right to divorce.” (Karima Slack, an American feminist from secular humanism toLast but not least I would like to conclude by the blessed sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:
    “It is the generous (in character) who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them.”
    “The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives.”
    “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”

  • Emm
    December 28, 2012 11:59 am

    I’m sorry for what you went through as a ‘Muslim’ but seriously perhaps you should have studied the religion yourself, in order to figure out the truth. From what you have said, it is evident that your father’s family mixed religion with backward culture, and some of the stuff you have explained is culture talking and not religion. You should have researched the religion before converting or reverting if that’s what you think it is. Hopefully, I hope one day you have the decency to research the religion and lead your life accordingly.

  • Zahid
    December 28, 2012 11:35 am

    App is wapsite par bi ja sakhtay ho http://www.muslimconverts.com ta ki app kuch logoo ki stories pad sakhay jo muslim ban gaya.jo aap ko islam kay baray maih sachaie bata sakhay

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:13 pm

      Dimaag ho to research be ye log karlein, bakwaas karte hain to kar lein do. Allah waris, aap ka imaan keym rahe x

  • Zahid
    December 28, 2012 11:27 am

    Aap ki batoo say lagta hain ki aap kitna garay huway insaan ho .maih pehlay aap logoo ko website day chukay tak ki aap islam ko understand kar lay wapsite yeh hain http://www.usislam.org aap google search kar saktay which is fastest growing religion in world.aap dekho gay ki islam he aik religion jo science ko support karta hain.

    • March 27, 2013 10:41 am

      Haan maalik 1 saath 100 se nikah karne se or 500 illetrate,smelly & terrorist pigs paida karne se to illetrate pigs ki aabadi to badhe gi hi naa.

  • EnufWithIslam
    December 23, 2012 11:51 am

    Are bhenchod how many version of islam is there? Sala itna confusing religion hai ,saalo apna khud ka quran banya hai kya, koi muslim kuch kehta hai koi kuch, bhenchod khud pado apna quran pehle. Har katua bolta bai dusre ko quran padne, abe khud pehle bible, geeta padho fir dusre ko bolo tumhara book padne.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:01 pm

      Are aap kis Islam se mahnte hain? itna dimaag nahi key aap khud research kar lein? And please wash your mouth out with soap!

  • zahid
    December 23, 2012 10:06 am

    You all are fools.learn about islam and find truth.you can vist http://www.usislam.org do not go to people who often portray islam bad,do not listen them read quran youself

  • reverted to hindu in pak
    December 16, 2012 5:41 pm

    I came to know recently that my ancestrrs were hindus, & i convinced my family to revert as well because im sick of islam teachings now, i questioned my self about following islam & its its background, i felt its completly false it took me a while to decide though. anyway im freebird now & im happy thank god 🙂

    • December 16, 2012 7:35 pm

      Dear Reverted to Hindu in Pak,

      Can you narrate full story what you learned about your ancestors, why they accepted Islam, what problem you found in Islam to say that “i felt its completely false”?

      You must know that punishment for leaving Islam is stoned to death. Especially being in Pakistan, please be careful for your personal safety.

      We hope you will come back on this site to guide other youths in love. Best wishes.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:15 pm

      Has worshipping idols given you more leeway in life? You lack morals.

      • abhishek jain
        February 4, 2013 1:12 pm

        has worshipping in dargah given u wisdom? stop being a hypocrite and respect other religions…. grow up people stop behaving like kids who are fighting over God and Allah :-/

      • SecularSushant
        March 26, 2013 11:22 pm

        Dear Emm,

        You seem to preach prejudice. Why can we all believe in one God?
        Why is it that God can only be believed in by following a set of rules laid down by a particular religion.

        Muslims know Quran to be written by the Prophet sitting in a cave and they follow him. Buddhists follow Buddha, Christians follow Jesus.
        Hindus follow a religion (one of the oldest in the world) that evolved over a very long period of time and is not the influence of one man or one leader, but a collective knowledge of many many wise man if we may call them that.

        In the end, all these initiators of each religion had one intention, to find God. Did they find God? We don’t know, but we do know that a lot of them succeeded in creating divides in the society for thousands of years to come.

        So great work to all of them… As for me and fellow seculars, we shall continue hoping for a day when we can love and live without being hated for not following a set of rules laid down by books which are way past their expiry date now.

    • Proloy
      January 16, 2013 5:51 am

      Welcome in the great religion of Hindus. Do you know that ancestors of all muslims in this Sub

    • Proloy
      January 16, 2013 6:06 am

      Welcome in the great religion of Hindus. Do you know that ancestors of all Muslims in this Subcontinent were Hindu at a time.We all are the descendent of the people of great ancient civilization of Harappa, Mohenjodaro.The religion is more than 12 thousand years old.It is the only ancient civilization till alive in this world. All others have died.Till today Hindus chants the Hymns of RIK VEDA WHICH WERE CREATED THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.It is the greatest faith .

    • proloy
      April 4, 2013 11:15 am

      Welcome back to the great religion of your ancestors.

  • zahid
    December 3, 2012 11:36 am

    Sorry the website on previous post was wrong it is http://www.usislam.org sorry for it.

    • Jew
      December 3, 2012 8:01 pm

      lol… Islam – Religion of Peace? Since when dude ? If you forgot who did attack 911/ 711 / 2611….the bali attack, indonasia attack on christian, mass raping, chinese girls rape in muslim areas recently, mumbai riots this year, burma killing of buddist girl after rape by muslim boys amd when burma retaliate you cry victim! Assam voilence killing hindu, non muslims native village to occupy there land by bangladeshi muslims…banglore mumbai blast…kashmir voilence on christian sikh and hindus. If you forgot indian plane full of hindus ic 814, hijacked by muslims, Maharashtra miraj violence on hindus, breaking lord ganesh’s idol ( coz ur islam says that). Did yoi forgot kerela professors hand was cut on road to home from church by muslims, muslims recently ( and historically) killing those leaving islam, uk spain france atrocity on non Muslims by u muslims, raping non muslim, Christian sikh hindu girl by love trap.

      you idiot go and check your muslim counties dont allow other Christian,hindus,Sikhs jews to even pray, religious festival, bias law for Muslims, ( on a funny side, arabs muslims dont let these asian muslims come near them or there girls, so called cast system exists, these dirty asian muslims are “Mawali” – 3rd class muslims)

      What peace are you talking about you idiot troll! Go and sell you islam to animals, they are perfect! I wish i could debate in front of the world! Who finances your islamic website btw, there are 100’s of Islamic marketing website, who just says islam is good, best, blah blah blah, all marketing like advert, in reality the product islam, is just barbaric religion of piece, just for low self esteemed individuals who want some one to blame for there misery, to those folks – instead to accepting a stranger allah, learn about your own god better and stop looking for sex all the time, like all of us normally do.

      To peaceful world without evil !

      • Emm
        December 28, 2012 12:25 pm

        Haha you ignornace make me laugh, thanks for amusing me. P.s what kind of $hit do you read? Go educate yourself, last I heard it was a Christian burning the Qur’aan, and the Christian kid burning poppies on Rememberance day. You lack of morals is evident, true Muslims are supposed to treat other religions with respect, other religions mentioned in the Qur’aan include Christinaity and Judaism, so perhaps you should do a double take?

      • February 11, 2014 10:45 pm

        You bastard see burm cilp and blame you bastards if it was happening in citys thay were going to fuck you hindu bastards

  • zahid
    December 3, 2012 11:35 am

    Sorry the website on previous post was wrong it is http://www.usislam.org

  • zahid
    December 3, 2012 11:21 am

    You are all ignorent about islam. Islam is a religion of peace. Learn about islam find truth. You can vist http://www.usislam.com and see truth. You say that islam oppress women it is big lie. go to wikilepedia and search then women in islam and see truth yourself. May Allah show you right path. Ameen

  • Tulika Chahal
    November 29, 2012 11:04 pm

    Hinduism is amazing, scientific, truly ocean of knowledge!!!

  • goosey29
    November 29, 2012 11:03 pm

    A person who is islamic thinks their elite, powerful, all knowing, and special. Yet all their countries end up in killing, poverty, more killing, and failed nations such as pakistan, somalia, etc etc.

  • Zain Khan
    November 29, 2012 10:41 pm

    I was born in Karachi, and I HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!! I denounced it years back, same with my sisters, and we migrated to Canada, I married a Sikh (a very humbling community) and my sisters married two Hindu boys, my mother was originaly a Sunni and same with my father and here and there will go to the moasque but they are not serious as most fanatics are which is good, DEATH TO ISLAM!!!! PAKISTAN WILL NEVER EVER SUCCEED WE ARE A LAZY BUNCH DREAMING IN LA LA LAND THINKING AND MAKING EXCUSES RELATED TO QURAN AND MOHAMMED!! I’VE SEEN ALL PAKISTANIS LIVE IN THE GHETTO AND BE SO “ISLAMIC”! LIKE GET A LIFE MELD WITH THE COMMUNITY URGHHHH!!!! STOP BLAMING OTHERS AND SCREW THE FILTH THAT IS ISLAM, ALL MY PEOPLE DO IS TALK ABOUT IT AND CONTRADICT THEM SELVES WITH THEIR ADDICTIONS, THEN DONT DO DIDDLY SQUAT TO GET A JOB OR EDUCATION UNTIL THEIR 30!!!

    Comment to Zain at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3521

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:28 pm

      Befkoofi ki bhi had hoti hain, perhaps you should have educated yourself on Islam and maybe read the Qur’aan? Oh well, each to their own I hope you realise the truth before you reach your creator. Growing up in Karachi you most probably suffered culture clash, but no blame the religion! Ignorant people

      • SecularSushant
        March 26, 2013 11:27 pm

        Emm, how do you know he isn’t already educated in the Quran and has denounced the religion AFTER reading what you call the Holy Book?

  • November 17, 2012 2:55 pm

    Read quran and realise truth. You do not yourself read quran and blames islam so wrong.learn islam from http://www.aboutislam.com

  • Anju Sharma
    October 29, 2012 10:48 am

    i salute your dareness n i personally want all the muslim girls to do the same as you did. we all must understand that the religion is made for us, we are not made for the religion.

    i love hindu religion which gives me freedom for everything, and thank i m thankful to God that he has not gifted me to a muslim family.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:29 pm

      It’s a shame you don’t follow Islam, but please don’t be leading others to your unfortune. You should not belive the media and do your own reserach, that’s if you have the brain to *facepalm*

    • Proloy
      January 15, 2013 2:53 am

      I appeal to all Muslims to come under the umbrella of the great&oldest religion of Hinduism leaving the barbaric religion of tribes i.e. Islam.I congratulate & welcome those who have already become Hindu. Hinduism is the only religion which permits complete liberty of women.

    • Proloy
      January 16, 2013 5:57 am

      Yes, I am also a proud Hindu and think myself lucky that I am not a follower of barbaric religion of Muslims.

  • believer in god
    October 6, 2012 6:50 am

    @madiha:Hts off to you.may god bless u for the rest of your life.LOrd Vishnu will protect you.thank him you are out from hell.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:30 pm

      Thank him when you enter hell, you’ll sure meet him there! What do you follow again, a idol? Find a book, if you have the ability to read, that is.

      • abhishek jain
        February 4, 2013 1:20 pm

        emm u dare not to say any thing about lord vishnu… i think we will meet ur prophet Muhammad there as he raped women; slayed his non followers and looted the carvans 😀 grow up kid

  • Gangez Khan
    September 16, 2012 2:26 pm

    These kind of people reside in south asia. If a girl is suppressed because of Islam and not willing to convert to another religion due to fear of apostacy please marry a Turkish guy because in our country there is no such thing of oppression of woman, we have full liberty to them like every other European country, no shariah at all and you will shocked to see women lorry drivers in turkey.

    • believer in god
      October 6, 2012 6:41 am

      @gangez:thats excellent.infact evrey Islamic nation has to come out of the dark ages.God will never forgive them for ill treating women like this.heaven can never be their share ever.

      • Srinivas
        October 6, 2012 9:27 am

        You want the truth !

        If what that guy says is true then you need to know this: Turkey is going to become like other Muslim nations, thanks to Present PM. It is not the other way.

        Do you know that even this so called present day Turkish progressiveness does not to extend to Non-Muslims as they do not have same equal rights on par with Muslims….

        • believer in god
          October 6, 2012 10:51 am

          hey srinivas chill.we know that majority crimes are commited due to terrorists.lord is seeing evrythn.u know the last avatar of lord vishnu will come as Kalki to destroy evil from earth.n i hope it happens soon.this crimes are bound to happen as this is Kalyug.n Islamist countries are going further towards hell.India is safer because ‘dharm’ hai yaha pe.n why did lord choose India only as the place for birth?why did krishna,mahavir,buddha,ram take birth only in India?because our land is the chosen one.and we should try to protect it and make it better.spread peace n devotion everywhere.those who convert to islam like ‘Indian’ on this site are fools.

          • Srinivas
            December 23, 2012 11:56 am

            Kalki coming to save Hindus ?

            All the best.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:32 pm

      Haha, the stuff I have read today had thrown absurdity on to another level. Ignorant people, who don’t have the ability to research a religion before hating it!

  • slveofthecreator
    July 15, 2012 12:00 pm

    What does Islam have to do with what muslims do? It is obvious that this poor girl does not know a thing about Islam and judged a religion based on people’s actions (who are not perfect) instead of its teachings. All those “muslims” who abuse others are NOT following Islam properly. In terms of women’s rights and their status, Islam has given women more rights and the highest status than any other religious or social system. People who do not practice Islam properly and follow their CULTURES, do not give muslim women their due rights. C’mon people, do not be blinded by the biased media and the actions of some “muslims”. Learn about Islam with an open mind and see it for what it really is. Learn Islam from its teachings. Read the Quran and see what it says. And if theer is something you do not agree with or is confusing ASK a learned practicing muslim. you may visit whyislam.org, shareislam.com, gainpeace.com. Remember to ASK ASK ASK Questions instead of going around forming false ideas about Islam as a religion.
    There is ONLY ONE Creator and He alone deserves to be worshiped. Every other religion on the planet associates partner with the Creator by either saying he has attributes like that of His creation or that He became His creation or is in His creation. Allah, (which simply means the The One and Only God or The Only One Worthy of worship) is the Creator of All that exists, He is The Absolute, The Eternal, The Self-Sufficient. He is FREE from all needs, depends on no one, while everything depends on Him. He has no children or parents and tehre is NOTHING comparable to Him. He is unique in His oneness, His Oneness is indivisble (example: He cannot be 3 in one) and it cannot be added to (the whole idea of many gods). Stop worshiping man, jinns, anything that moves, trees, idols, fire, man made ideologies and submit to the Creator Alone for He alone deserves to be worshiped. We will all return to Our Creator and Islam (submission to The One and Only Creator, Almighty God) is the ONLY religion that will be accepted by Him. Rememeber, human beings are not perfect but a religion sent by The One TRUE God, is Perfect. I ask Allah to guide us all the right path.

    • The Jew
      July 15, 2012 1:51 pm

      Hi Slave,

      Are you refering to the supreme soul hindus worship or Lord Jesus Christ or Buddha? Whom are you refering to when you say ONE god.

      Why do you say media is biased, it shows news. Most of the time muslims are in news coz they do terrorist activity, stop complaining about news, they show what people do irrespective of religion

    • Truth
      September 22, 2012 1:53 am

      How beautiful is your statements. Just how Brilliantly you have mixed up islam to true religion. But reality is based on facts not tall general statements which is true for all religion. The true god is Ofcourse not Allah, as he needs to explain that only islam opens the door of heaven. I say being Christian will open door to heaven, so islam is wrong isn’t it? You my friend need to learn humanity -the religion we non Muslims follow.

      • Emm
        December 28, 2012 12:11 pm

        Ignorance is truly bliss, who said only Muslims go to heaven? You obviously lack the audacity to research, Muslims belive people of the book will go to heaven, that includes Christians and Jew’s. Perhaps you should take the time out to conduct your own research first and not follow the media, rather than the time your spending stewing up absurd ideas?

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:08 pm

      Ameen, I don’t understand these people. Some claim to be highly educated yet they can’t research or read upon a religion. Some education that is. Ignorance is bliss. All we can do is pray for our Ummah’s hidaayat, unfortunately some of these people have suffered from culture clashing with religion, thus such extreme measures have ensued.

      • abhishek jain
        February 4, 2013 1:30 pm

        hey monkey ass emm tell me one thing if islam is religion of PEACE why there is uprising in baluchistan in Pakistan; Syria; Egypt; Lybia; Iraq where shia and sunni slay each other and why most of the terrorist are muslims? Taliban; al-Qaeda; Chechens; lashkar to name a few. Is that what ur religiob taught them. your religion gives equality to women but threatens and issues fatwa against a girl rock band in Kashmir.

        Ne thing more u want?

  • chris
    July 13, 2012 4:09 am

    I am not sure to cry or to laugh.I just hope you are guided in the correct practise of hinduism and not to some supersitious believe the bundled together as teaching of Hinduism.Please don’t hate your parents for what ever they did is for your own good.They believe in the quran and its very hard for somebody to get it out.Love your parents and leave them as they are.
    take good care of your self.
    God Bless

  • July 12, 2012 7:22 pm

    Dear sister,

    Read your story and appreciate your strenous efforts to come out of the agony you were passing through for years. I have also submitted one blog here, narrating my life history and finally marrying a hindu boy. In fact in Islam all sorts of attrocities are committed on the females and males are given full leverage. It is a most prejudiced and biased religion, where woman is treated only a sex doll and has to lead a miserable and in secure life. Talak rules are rigid for female and male is allowed to have 4 wives, just to propogate extra marital affairs.

    It is my sincere advice to the muslim girls to fight against such partial rules against females and if they find good Hindu boys, loving, caring, earning and educative, should not get scared by the so called punishment by Allah, which is nothing a sort of keeping women a slave for sex only.

    • Guy11
      September 21, 2012 4:34 pm

      Chandosmani. I live in Pakistan, the land of bullshit. I fell in love with a muslim girl over internet when i was using my fake name of a muslim. After some time of good friendship she fell in love with me also, but my heart always pinched me to inform her about truth relating to my identity. After telling her after a month when we fell in love she turned her back to me and said we cant go unless u convert. I kept on telling her that is not possible but she was all being rigid on it. I tried for a week to make her know that religion is a way to achieve GOD’S love, we humans shouldn’t discriminate, but her stubborn religion was a thorn in my path. Now I have decided to teach her a lesson. I have acclaimed in front of her to convert so she stays with me. I will take her out of this boundary, marry her and pretending to be converted. I will have my love fullfiled and then I will leave her. She has hurted me alot and now i make sure she suffers the rest of her life. No power can detach me from my religion. LET this be a example to all people who hate us!

      • September 21, 2012 9:45 pm

        This “fake-conversion” is a very dangerous game. This is true any where but especially if you are in Pakistan.

        • Amir
          September 22, 2012 12:56 am

          LOL at admin,

          He even think Guy11 is doing good, and want to protect him instead of advising him what he is doing is a crime.

          Nobody is allowed to spoil one’s life.
          By the way Guy11 says – “I will have my love fullfiled and then I will leave her. She has hurted me alot and now i make sure she suffers the rest of her life”

          This dirty mentality shows what teachings he has got from his religion.

          ” LET this be a example to all people who hate us!”

          Hahahaha, Now you can understand why people hate you, You don’t know meaning of Love. A true lover never wants that his/her beloved is suffered at any cost. And if your lover get respect and peace by separation , in that case a true lover will prefer separation so that whom you love is never caught in problems.

          • Emm
            December 28, 2012 12:35 pm

            Oh my, can the world get more ridiculous yet? Go bang you heads against a brick wall or something, and stop contaminated the oxygen the sane people are breathing.

      • Proloy
        January 15, 2013 3:03 am

        welldone. Congratulation

      • Proloy
        February 5, 2013 5:39 am

        Not converting in the barbaric religion of Muslims, you have done a good job.Muslims are the destroyer of civilization which were created by Hindus. They have destroyed Taxi la, Nalanda, Bahamian Buddha statue, thousands of temples including Somnath temple. It is the religion of uncivilized tribes but Hindu religion is the religion of great civilized people. Today’s Muslims are descendents of Hindus and were converted in Islam forcefully under the edge of swords of Muslim rulers. So, Muslims should come to the religion of their great forefathers. Be a proud Hindu.

    • Proloy
      February 5, 2013 5:51 am

      Yes. You are welcome in the great religion of Hindus , who are the architect of great civilization. Leave Islam which is nothing but the religion of barbaric tribes

  • Amrik
    July 1, 2012 12:29 pm

    Heart warming story that brought a tear to my eyes as I too was born into a Mirpuri Pakistani Muslim Sunni family and took up Hinduism and married a Hindu boy who was far more willing to let me have my space than controlling Muslim boys.

    • Emm
      December 28, 2012 12:04 pm

      My love, you have obviously suffered from culture clash. I’m sorry none of you have the decency to research and read upon your religion before considering conversion.

    • Proloy
      January 15, 2013 3:05 am

      welcome& be proud of becoming a Hindu

  • zubair
    June 23, 2012 6:15 am

    i just pray to Allah to guide you and show you the right path.If it is because of your father that you have such negative impressions of islam,then your father is to blame but if ur a non muslim just trying to slander and spread hatred about it, know that you are wrong

    • sachin bhat
      June 25, 2012 7:09 am

      hinduism is the only religion where no one can enter and from which no one can leave,the almighty has never said that wheather ur muslim u can enter the jannat(heaven)and for non muslims its only hell,they cannot enter the jannat or heaven.but according to quran (the holy book of muslims) it is written that heaven only belongs muslims,what the fuck it is,that means allah differnaite between muslims and non muslims,but in hindism(sanatam daram) it is written that the almighty ishwar(bagwan) he will treat every person according to his work and worship.

      • The Jew
        June 26, 2012 7:01 am

        You are right brother, hinduism is tolerant,peace loving, original religion, but these guy just dont want to see the truth. They are and will be ignorant to truth, gods message to human kind, that’s why theses guys suffer and bring violence, crime where ever they go. God knows why they are born ignorant, when they find other muslim finding truth, religion that’s punishable by death, that’s what quran says, can any human believe that, can such a ridiculous rule be made by any god. Its better to keep them under control otherwise they will convert other true believers to there islam by killing rapeing kidnapping etc, this is what there religion teaches, the world knows their truth.

  • Unknown
    April 30, 2012 4:22 pm

    No doubt that what Madiha has been through is very sad. But this is an extremely subjective view and situation of Islam. Her family were clearly narrow-minded and did not understand the pure essence of Islam. Islam does not tolerate any form of abuse as it is a peaceful religion. Women hold a very high status in islam thats why they always need to be protected (wearing hijab and non revealing clothing. if you read the english translated quran and the hadiths it will explain to u how well the prophet treated his wifes and the status he gave them.

    Some True facts:

    “When she is a DAUGHTER, she opens a door of Jannah (Paradise) for her father…When she is a WIFE, she completes half of the Deen of her husband..When she is a MOTHER, Jannah lies under her feet…the status of a WOMAN in ISLAM”

    Those who are well educated will understand that there are articles published on the internet that have been written by various individuals. It is important to realise that most of the information provided in these articles are subjective and its their own perception on islam. All those who have paste links for people to refer to…. it is totally misguiding!! Muslims follow what is written in the quran because it is not written by man! it is the word of God which was revealed to the prophet. If u want to say something About islam please back it up with quotes from the hadith or the quran. Those are viable sources and not made up crap that people write in articles.

    To those who have judged Madiha, that is not right. Who are we to judge others, unless we are perfect in every respect! and i am almost certain that noone is perfect. Leave the judgement up to God. Worry about bettering your own lives and not taunting anothers.

    In my opinion i think its Madiha’s family who should be blamed as they did not teach her the truth about Islam and leading her to follow the “wrong path”. TRUE islam is a very tolerant religion and respects all religions no matter what. For those of u who have been upsetted by what muslims have said in this form.. u condemn them for judging this girl and call them names.. but you are no better. U are tarnishing Islam and that just indicated arrogance, ignorance and an uneducated mind.

    This girl made her own decision and will be delt with between her and God, no one else. However, i think its shocking and disgusting the way she portrays islam. She should of been clever enough to do some research from reliable sources to find out exactly what islam is all about!

    • ex-muslim
      May 9, 2012 11:04 am

      yes,the position of woman is so good!!!I can have up to 4 wives, can beat them, use the sexually whenever I want. Yes, huge respect for woman.I can have lots of slaves and have sex with them and it will not be a sin!!!You are as much narrow-minded as her parent and very very naive.

      • Sameer
        May 13, 2012 2:12 pm

        I can only laugh at your statement. Buddy,it is not compulsory to marry 4 times.4 times is the limit which should not be crossed. In your religion there is no limit. At least we have a limit.

      • Unknown
        August 27, 2012 4:48 am

        You are really backward! what century are u living in??? u have to take into consideration the time frame of the prophets. They had slaves then yes.. but nowadays that doesnt even happen? its not allowed. Yes, a muslim man is allowed 4wives, as long as he provides for them equally and treats them well and equally too! dont write half the facts! You may live in a country or no of stories from people who live in a society where they are still stuck in old school extremist views! but if you look at other situations where people follow the quran correctly, you wont find any fault!

    • sachin bhat
      June 25, 2012 7:28 am

      hahahahahahahahahahahahaha very well said dear about the status of a girls in islam why u muslim always hide the whole matter,in quran(the holy book of muslims)it is written the a lady must wear hijabs or u say burkhas,it is also written in quran that every girl should not show her hair to any person it is also written in quran if some boy will touch the girl on any part of his body even hands that boY became the husband of that girl,then why ur behaving like islam is not a nerrow minded religion.

      • Unknown
        August 27, 2012 4:43 am

        its not narrow minded it all. Yes, the quran may say that but it just indicates how much emphasis is put onto the importance of women. If you have a Ferarri for example, your not gonna want any tom, dick or harry to drive it, because that car is special and has great value. U will look after it with great care! Thats exactly like women in islam. The hijab is used for modesty purpose and to protect them from the eyes of men, (we all know how men think), and same with any man touching her. You arent gonna want a women who has had many “drivers”. Seriously, think before you say things.

  • sana
    April 26, 2012 7:15 am

    i must say u shuld study about ISLAM first..
    remember u have to pay for everything you do on this earth..

  • ayesha khan
    April 25, 2012 7:14 am

    hi to all;
    i would say madiha u did nothing wrong
    if u feel happy as a hindu then its ok
    nothing to feel ashamed, even me a practising muslim
    but i dont blame u for anything
    u did took a bold step, but if u happy then forget all
    be happy and may allah bless u

  • faith !
    April 25, 2012 3:53 am


    I am a Muslim girl, in love with a Hindu boy and while surfing the net i came across your article. at first i was very much excited as your story i.e, your love story resembles mine but when i read your complete story, i felt that , it’s a made up story and completely fictitious one !
    Islam starts with education, i mean to say “Quran Sharif” starts with “IQRA -bi-ismi-rabbuka” which in a nut shell means—– STUDY ! so no Muslim could ever say that, what you have quoted ?” as your father has told you….?” the moment i read your statement : even the Moulvi priest? i understood that THIS STORY, WHICH YOU HAVE WRITTEN IS A LIE, A DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO MALIGN THE ISLAMIC RELIGION. A “kafir” doesn’t necessarily means a Hindu or a non follower of ISLAM but a person who leads you to evil and takes you away from ALMIGHTY, with deception ! and you are doing the same…..you are a “KAFIR” and nothing more !


    • sachin bhat
      June 25, 2012 3:00 pm

      what r u saying ur gingg challenge to quran say me the name of one women who is said to be equal to ur profits why ever profit came in the form of man and not in the form of a women and leave this if u say women is given equal rights to men then say me the name of one book that has been written by any women in muslim religion and is considered as an important book to read for muslim,if u can show me i aacept that u say right that girls r given equal right to in islam as comparied to men.

  • Jannat
    April 25, 2012 1:53 am

    This has got to be the most ridiculous story I ever heard….it doesn’t make sense nor is it coherent making me think that it was merely posted as religious propaganda against Islam. Rather than converting to Hinduism you should’ve actually educated yourself about Islam and then you should’ve found out the true way of living your life.

    • faith !
      April 25, 2012 4:18 am

      JANNAT, i totally agree with you and ask you and all, whoever is reading this article, not to believe what it says, coz, it’s a deliberate attempt to malign this religion (ISLAM).

  • Munir
    April 23, 2012 8:22 pm

    we bowdown to one Allah & take Islam as promise after death

    April 23, 2012 1:09 pm


  • Well Wisher
    March 30, 2012 10:03 am

    Right decision!!!

  • March 19, 2012 2:00 pm

    i think u hv lack of knowledge i m a muslim girl n i m doing my MBBS no one restricts me n i m doing within islamic rule i pray 5 times n read Quran

  • Rohit
    March 10, 2012 3:52 pm

    AUr yeh ZINDABAD ki bakwaas band karo .. Koi aur zindabaad kahe toh matlab bhi hai .. converted people shut ur mouth and convice others to say Zindabad Islam , dont say urself and don’t force indeed convince because force u know how much other people also have. ISLAM TRUELY PROVES “LITTLE KNOWLEDGE ID DANGEROUS”. GO AND GET EDUCATED AND ATLEAST ENTER MEDIVAL PERIOD AND COME OUT OF STONE AGE. YOU ARE 1000 YEARS BEHIND REST OF THE WORLD.

  • Right Advice
    March 8, 2012 6:47 am

    Very Well done!
    For your mother and for yourself, I have my best wishes.
    Wishes of freedom of being a woman and doing what you want to do in life.
    You will never ever be controlled by a man again

    February 29, 2012 3:04 am

    dear…i was shocked ot listen what u hav suffered n what u did in order to have good life….i m agreed to what u suffered was wrong ..but for this i blame ur father who had not taught u true islam..but at the age of 18 u must urself would hv find more about islam…plz still now i want u to understand the true islam..because islam aasaniya paida karne wala mazhab hai …na ke mushkiley khadi karne wala…U MUST KNOW TRUE ISLAM…

  • Ahle sunnat wal jaamt jindabaad
    February 18, 2012 4:19 am


    From Dharmic religions

    From Buddhism
    The Barmakid family – originally the guardians of the great Buddhist shrine near Balkh, upon conversion they became “the greatest family” in the early Abbasid caliphate.[198]
    Daniel Moore – poet[199]
    Donei Kalaminjaa – king of the Maldives.[200]
    Korguz – was an Uyghur governor of Khorasan[201] during the reign of the Mongol ruler Ogedei Khan.[202]
    Mahmud Ghazan – seventh ruler of the Ilkhanate.[203]
    Muhammad Khodabandeh – eighth Ilkhaid dynasty ruler in Iran from 1304 to 1316.[204]
    Mubarak Shah – head of the ulus of the Chagatai Khanate (1252–1260, March–September 1266).[205]
    Tarmashirin – Khan of the Chagatai Khanate following Duwa Timur.[206]
    Hussein Ye – An Islamic scholar of Chinese descent whose lectures are frequently aired on Peace TV.[207]
    From Hinduism
    Abdul Wahid Pedersen – Danish cleric.[208]
    A.R. Rahman (stands for Allah Rakha Rahman) – Modern Tamil South Indian singer, songwriter & Oscar winner officially converted to Islam from Hinduism.[209]
    Dhiren Barot – Born in India to a Hindu family, Barot was later sentenced to 40 years in prison in the United Kingdom for conspiracy to murder. Barot admitted to plotting to bomb the New York Stock Exchange, the International Monetary Fund headquarters, and the World Bank, amongst other targets.
    Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah – son of Raja Ganesha; he converted to Islam, then to Hinduism and finally reverted back to Islam, and later introduced Islam to many Hindus.[210]
    Kabir Suman- Modern Bengali singer & songwriter officially converted to Islam from Hinduism in 2000.[211]
    Kamala Suraiyya (formerly Kamala Das) – Anglo-Malayalam writer[212]
    Khusro Khan – a medieval Indian military leader who was a Hindu convert to Islam.
    Mahmud Iskandar Shah of Malacca – Born as Parameswara, a Hindu-Malay prince from the Srivijaya Kingdom located in Sumatra. He founded the Malaccan Empire in 1402.
    Malik Kafur – Indian military general.[213]
    Malik Maqbul – Prime Minister or Wazir of the Delhi Sultanate,[214] during the reign of Feroz Shah Tughlaq.
    Murshid Quli Khan – the Mughal governor of Bengal.[215]
    Muhammed Yusuf Khan – Born Maruthanayagam Pillai, he converted to Islam[216] and later served as Commandant for the British East India Company troops.
    Sahaj Ram Sapru – the grandfather of the Muslim Philosopher, Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who was an official in Kashmir during the administration of the Afghan Governor Azim Khan.[217]
    Sharmila Tagore – Indian film actress. Converted after marriage to M A Patudi.
    Steven Vikash Chand – Arrested in the 2006 Toronto terrorism arrests[218]
    Tansen – Notable musician and poet.[219][220]

    From agnosticism or atheism
    Charles le Gai Eaton – British writer.
    Martin Lings – a widely acclaimed British scholar. He was raised as a Protestant, became an atheist, and later converted to Islam.[221]
    Mos Def – American rapper and actor. Initially raised as a Christian, became an atheist, and later converted to Islam[222]
    Zhang Chengzhi – contemporary Hui Chinese author; raised as an atheist.[223]
    [edit]From Paganism
    See also: List of Sahaba
    Baraq – a ruler of the Chagatai Khanate who took the name Ghiyas-ud-din after converting.[224]
    Berke – grandson of Genghis Khan and leader of the Golden Horde who was the first Mongol ruler to establish Islam in a Mongol state.[225]
    David Myatt – from Paganism, former Neo-Nazi-activist[226]
    Nawrūz (Mongol emir) – a convert to Islam;[227] he played an important role in the politics of the Mongol Ilkhanate.
    Negudar – Mongol general and noyan[228]
    Nogai Khan – Mongol general and great-grandson of Genghis Khan.[229]
    Samori Ture – founder of the Wassoulou Empire who resisted French rule in West Africa.[230][231]
    Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan – 9th century Uyghur ruler who was one of the first Turks to convert to Islam.[232]
    Tuda Mengu – Mongol leader of the Golden Horde[233]
    Tughlugh Timur – the Khan of Moghulistan.[234]

    From Sabianism
    Hilal al-Sabi – a historian, bureaucrat, and writer of Arabic.[235]
    Sinan ibn Thabit – a physician and son of Thābit ibn Qurra.[236]
    [edit]From Zoroastrianism
    Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa – author and translator of Kalīla wa Dimna from Middle Persian.[237]
    Abu’l Hasan Mihyar al-Daylami – a Persian poet from Daylam.[238][239]
    Abu-Lu’lu’ah Al-Nahawndi – a Persian who assassinated Umar al-Khattab.[240]
    Abu-Mansur Daqiqi – a Persian poet.[241]
    Fadl ibn Sahl – Persian vizier of the Abassid era.[242]
    Naubakht – Pahlavi translator of the Abassid court.[243]
    Rattanbai Petit – second wife of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan
    Saman Khuda – founder of the Samanid dynasty, one of the first native Persian dynasties in the Middle East and Central Asia after the collapse of the Sassanids.[244]
    [edit]Undetermined former religion
    Abd al Malik – birth name Régis Fayette-Mikano — French rapper of Congolese origins.[245]
    Abd al Haqq Kielan – Swedish cleric.[246]
    Abdallah Schleifer – prominent Middle East expert, former NBC Cairo Bureau chief, and a professor of TV journalism at the American University in Cairo who converted to Sufi Islam.[247][248]
    Abdul Alim Musa – Muslim activist and director of Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, D.C.[249]
    Abdul Waheed (Don Stewart-Whyte) – accused of participating in the 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot.[250][251]
    Abdullah Ibrahim – South African Jazz musician.[252]
    Ahmad Jamal – Jazz pianist.[253]
    Ahmed el Inglizi – was an English architect and engineer who worked for the Sultan of Morocco Mohammed ben Abdallah in the 18th century and converted to Islam.[254]
    Ajdin Muzaka – was the commander in the Battle of Torvioll.
    Ali Shaheed Muhammad – member of A Tribe Called Quest.[255]
    Alys Faiz – human rights and peace activist;[256] converted at the time of her marriage to Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz.[257]
    Amir Butler- author, engineer and Islamic activist.[258]
    Anthony Mundine – Australian Boxer, Former 2 time Super Middleweight Champion.[259]
    Antoni Aleksander Iliński – a Polish-Ottoman military officer and general.
    Apisai Tora – Fijian politician.[260]
    Batool Al-Toma – Irishwoman who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism.
    B.G. Knocc Out – American west coast rapper.[261]
    Begum Om Habibeh Aga Khan – born Yvette Blanche Labrousse, Miss France 1930, wife of Aga Khan III.[262]
    Bob Denard – French mercenary.[263]
    Brandon Mayfield – American attorney-at-law who was erroneously linked to the 2004 Madrid train bombings.[264]
    Busta Rhymes – American rapper, songwriter and actor
    Charles Brooks, Jr. – an American criminal who converted while serving a sentence for murder; first person to be executed by lethal injection in the United States.[265]
    Ilich Ramírez Sánchez – aka “Carlos the Jackal”, convicted murderer and terrorist, currently in prison in France.[266]
    Celestino Caballero – Boxer and former Super Bantamweight Champion.[267]
    Charles John Pelham (Abdul Mateen)- 8th Earl of Yarborough.[268]
    Christian Ganczarski- Head of “al Qaeda in Europe”.[269]
    Christopher de Bellaigue – British journalist and author
    Christopher Paul (aka Paul Kenyatta Laws aka Abdulmalek Kenyatta) – American citizen, alleged member of al-Qaeda.[270][271]
    Colleen LaRose – alleged intended assassin of Danish cartoonist Lars Vilks.[272]
    Craig Hodges – former NBA player.[273]
    David Hicks – convicted Australian terrorist.[274]
    Derrick Shareef- charged in a plot to set off four hand grenades in garbage cans 22 December at the CherryVale Mall in Rockford, Illinois during the Christmas rush.[275]
    Divine Styler – American hip-hop musician.[276]
    Dwight Muhammad Qawi – Former boxing world Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight champion.[277]
    Edoardo Agnelli – eldest son of Gianni Agnelli, the industrialist patriarch of Fiat.
    Lady Evelyn Cobbold – Scottish noblewoman.[278]
    Everlast – Irish-American rapper and singer-songwriter.[279]
    Frithjof Schuon – Swiss-German metaphysician, poet, painter, philosopher and leading figure of the perennialist school.[280]
    Gary Legenhausen – American philosopher and writer.[281]
    Ghostface Killah – member of the Wu-Tang Clan.[282]
    Gigi Gryce – American saxophonist, flutist, clarinetist, composer, arranger, and educator.[283]
    Gustave-Henri Jossot – French caricaturist, illustrator and Orientalist painter.[284]
    Hasan Akbar (born Mark Fidel Kools) – American sentenced to death for the murder of two fellow soldiers during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.[285]
    H. Rap Brown – civil rights activisit.[286]
    Ibrahim Hooper (Douglas Hooper) – Islamic activist, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).[287]
    Ibrahim Savant – one of the suspects arrested in the UK in connection to the 2006 transatlantic aircraft terrorist plot in the United Kingdom.[288]
    Idris Muhammad – American jazz musician.[289]
    Iliaş Colceag – Moldavian military commander in the Ottoman and Russian Empire.
    Isabelle Eberhardt – explorer and writer.[290]
    Jack Roche – convicted of involvement in an al-Qaeda plot to blow up the Israeli embassy in Canberra.[291]
    Jadel Gregório – a Brazilian athlete.
    James Achilles Kirkpatrick – was the British Resident in Hyderabad.[292]
    Jan Janszoon – Dutch pirate.[293]
    Jason Walters – Dutch member of the Hofstad Network, convicted on charges of terrorism.[294]
    Jeff Fort – former Chicago gang leader, co-founder of the Black P. Stones gang, and founder of its El Rukn faction. He was convicted in 1987 of conspiring with Libya to perform acts of domestic terrorism.[295][296]
    Jeffrey Mark Deskovic – served 15-year wrongful imprisonment sentence.[297]
    Jemima Goldsmith daughter of the billionaire Sir James, who was married to Imran Khan
    Jesse of Kakheti – a ruler of Kakheti in eastern Georgia from 1614 to 1615.
    John Allen Muhammad – convicted serial killer, known as the Beltway Sniper.[298][299]
    John Ward – (changed name to Yusuf Reis) British corsair and pirate.[300]
    Johann von Leers – advisor to Muhammad Naguib known for his anti-Semitic polemics.[301][302][303]
    José Padilla – the respondent in Rumsfeld v. Padilla currently on trial as an alleged al-Qaida operative, converted while in prison for aggravated assault.[304]
    Juan Carlos Gomez – Former Cruiserweight Boxing Champion.[305]
    Kérim Chatty- Swedish bodybuilding stuntman who was once suspected of attempted hijacking. The preliminary inquiry was dropped.[306]
    Khaled Edward Blair – British barrister, later married Princess Badiya bint Al Hassan of Jordan.[307]
    Khalid Sheldrake – an English pickle manufacturer who established a branch of the Western Islamic Association in South Shields in 1930.
    Larry Johnson – retired American professional basketball player.[308]
    Lauren Booth – a British[309] broadcaster, journalist and human rights activist.[310][311]
    Li Nu – a Chinese scholar in the Ming dynasty who visited Persia, converted to Islam, married a Persian or an Arab girl and brought her back to Quanzhou in Fujian.[312][313][314]
    Lim Yew Hock – Singapore’s second Chief Minister from 1956 to 1959.[315]
    Lewis Arquette – actor and father of actors David Arquette and Rosanna Arquette; father-in-law of actress Courtney Cox.[316]
    MC Ren – American rapper and hip-hop producer.[317]
    Malcolm X – American to Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam, African-American civil rights leader.[318]
    Malik ul Salih – established the first Muslim state of Samudera Pasai.[319]
    Maryam Jameelah – formerly Margret Marcus. Author of many books covering several subjects, including Modernism, Sociology, History, Jihad, Theology and Technology.[320]
    Maurice Béjart – French choreographer.[321]
    Mike Tyson (Malik Abdul Aziz) – former heavyweight boxing champion of the world.[322][323]
    Mohammed Knut Bernström – Swedish ambassador.[324]
    Michael Wolfe – American poet, author, and the President and Executive Producer of Unity Productions Foundation.[325][326]
    Michael X – civil rights activist in the United Kingdom[327]
    Nahshid Sulaiman – alternative hip hop artist.[328]
    Nur al-Anwar al-Jerrahi (born Lex Hixon) – syncretist, Sufi convert, and co-founder of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order in the United States.[329]
    Omar Ong Yoke Lin – (1917–2010) Malaysian politician, former government minister and founder of the Malaysian Chinese Association.[330]
    Baron omar Rolf von Ehrenfels – Austrian anthropologist and orientalist.[331]
    Omar Epps – American actor, singer, songwriter, and record producer.
    Philippe Fragione – French rapper and producer of French hip hop.[332]
    Philippe Grenier – (1865–1944) French doctor, first Muslim MP in France.[333]
    Q-Tip – North American hip-hop emcee, actor, and hip hop producer who was the leader of the critically acclaimed group A Tribe Called Quest.[334]
    Rakan Ben Williams – suspected member of Al-Qaeda terrorist.[335]
    Robert “Kool” Bell – musician.[336]
    Robert D. Crane – former Presidential advisor and ambassador.[337]
    Rodrigo de Triana – sailor and the first European since the Vikings known to have seen America who converted to Islam from Judaism[338] or Christianity.[339]
    Ronald Bell – musician.[340]
    Rory McLeod – British snooker player.
    Sahib Shihab – American jazz saxophonist and flautist.[341]
    Saida Miller Khalifa – British author who was originally called Sonya Miller.[342][343]
    Shaheed Akbar – notable rapper who converted to Islam.[344]
    Stephen Schwartz – American journalist, columnist, and author.[345]
    Susanne Osthoff – German archaeologist who had worked in Iraq since 1991 and had been taken captive there for three weeks.[346]
    Thomas J. Abercrombie -Famous photographer and writer for National Geographic Magazine http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/06/AR2006040602187.html
    Tiara Jacquelina – Malaysian actress.[347]
    Titus Burckhardt – Swiss writer and scholar.[348]
    Tony Hussein Hinde – an Australian-born Maldivian surfer and surfing pioneer who converted to Islam.[349]
    Umar Islam – one of the suspects arrested in the UK in connection to the 2006 transatlantic aircraft terrorist plot in the United Kingdom.[288]
    Uri Davis – an academic and activist who works on civil rights in Israel, Palestinian National Authority and the Middle East.[350]
    Vladimir Khodov – leader of the Beslan school hostage crisis- converted in prison.[351]
    Vernel Fournier – jazz drummer.
    Walt Hazzard – former NBA player.[352]
    Yusef Lateef – American Jazz musician.[353]
    Zachary Adam Chesser – American Muslim convert to Sunni Islam. Sentenced to 25 years in a federal prison on February 24, 2011.[354]

  • afshan
    February 16, 2012 10:37 pm

    u cheap girl u jst enjoy in diz world 1 day u hve 2 die in dozakh no 1 help u nt even ur fmly….i pray allah to get u a hard punishmnt for diz….

    • sachin bhat
      June 25, 2012 3:33 pm

      what the fuck,that differ between islam and hinduisim u,u think of urself,no one is also going with u also,and what u say to allah,allah is a mieth of islam so that u can make everyone sacred.

  • Vikas mourya
    December 2, 2011 11:40 am


    It felt nice that you heard the voice of your heart and I know Hindu religion of the ……… it’s not because i am a Hindu so I am saying all this to you.

    Let me tell you my story which is true. I am a Hindu but many ups & downs came into my life.

    Even being an Hindu I never did pooja an time in my life, never read Geeta, never went to any temple and my parents never forced me. They always taught me that god is one only. We people have divided it by Bhawan, Allah, Jesus, etc, but they are all one.

    By getting influenced by Muslim people, my friends, they all said such things that I should get converted to Islam ………. After getting covered to Muslim I used to enjoy roaming with Muslim peoples, going on fights and etc ……

    But when an Muslim said that Allah is the biggest god then I realized what my father said that all gods if it’s Bhawan, Allah, Jesus, etc, all are one. They told me that I am a Muslim so should not play holy, celebrate diwali or any Hindu festive.

    I thought in I my mind that why I can in this religion which does not respects other god. Which thinks that it is the greatest religion in world. Who thinks that only Allah is the all might god …………… I really missed my birth religion which never forced me to do any thing, which respected all religion, gave respect to all gods ……… The joy of playing with colors, celebrating diwali ……… Where my parents never forced me. They gave all the freedom even after converting to Muslim. They never told to me any thing because they said all are the same. But really they felt bad inside ………

    I told all this to my school teacher who is a Christian. He suggested me that I should listen to my heart. I listened my heart and it said “All God’s are one.” They is what my religion said and even my father said.

    And so now “I am an Hindu” and “I am proud to be an Hindu.”


  • Mavra
    November 8, 2011 8:54 am

    Your dad was wrong, not all Muslim men are like that. I’m a girl from Pakistan and my father doesn’t force me to wear hijab, or not talk to Non-Muslims and he works hard all day to earn money so that me and my sister can get a good education.

    • hindu
      November 10, 2011 10:13 am

      you are right and taslima nasreen had told christian wife of imran khan (cricket captain of pakistan) not to marry a muslim and get ruined…words of bangladesh writer taslima nasreen came true

  • Saad bin tariq
    November 1, 2011 3:59 am

    My simpithy is vd u sister but u went out of the way..inaddition ivl set myself a role model and then I will grown up my Muslim family and I vl never marry a non Muslim girl it will b clamness in both families.Allah Pak hamari reh’numai fermain..

  • Muslim
    September 29, 2011 3:47 pm

    You r a liar, Dont talk rubbish about islam and muslim, I am a muslim and i am proud of my religion, I respect all religions as my religion says me to do that. So gain some knowledge.

    • Rohan
      October 10, 2011 12:57 pm

      What is the true, I think you all know the better, I m Not blaming you. I am close about this.

  • Aisha
    September 10, 2011 7:46 pm

    I’m a devote muslim and I’m very saddened to read about all the pain that growing up in our religion has caused you. Religion should bring you happiness and closeness to God, not oppression and pain. Your father really did bad to you and your mother, there’s no excuse for this kind of behaviour.
    I’m happy for you that you have found a path that works for you and that makes you happy. Bless your heart and may peace be upon you.

  • J Alexander Lloyd
    September 9, 2011 7:15 pm

    Wow. What can I say? A beautiful story of following one’s conscience. I applaud you! Nothing is more nobler.

    As an atheist who studied religion and philosophy, some of the comments left here support my belief that no matter what religious or non-religious perspective one adopts, rigidity of thought, callousness of heart, and narrow-minded bigotry (sinister and evil) are found universally among humans.

    And so here today is my proclamation of eternal truth:

    You’ve heard it said, “Be a slave to God,” but I tell you, if you’re a slave to God, you’re still a slave. Be free.

  • ram
    August 7, 2011 4:10 am

    very good… now u live happily as a hindu…
    take care,,, and remember sab ka malik ek hai…

  • Anna
    July 5, 2011 4:03 pm

    i wish u would have used ur head a lil bit on reading the translation of Quran rather than getting info out of people!!! like all ur five fingers are not equal all people inevry community are not angels!!! =S i hope Allah SWT guides you back to the right path but for that u need to use some brains and consult more scholars rather than sticking to what ur dad did and what the maulvi sahib said :S Your queries are very much answerable ..but if uve really got the guts then look for more information and you’ll get to know unless you went to continue with your self justification process ……..

    • Murad
      February 24, 2012 10:37 pm

      I wish you you have the common sense to understand and accept that somebody has made a decision based on the events and experiences in there life.

      instead of criticsing that you should be happy for them. You know very well how closed minded the muslim society is. It is not uncommon for socalled scholars to refuse help or siding with females. Why do you think muslim women seek civil divorce rather than islamic? because it is difficult and nearly imppossible to obtain. Males do controle the muslim culture and women do enjoy a second rate status. This is fact. Many families are very controlling and fathers and sometimes even mothers very strict and blind in their ways. More occupied with what people think rather than whats right. Maybe you should educate yourself or stop denying the reality we live in. You have not walked in her shoes. So you can not judge this situation.

  • The Truth
    April 23, 2011 10:03 am

    @ ayesha

    Ayesha – do you know that you are named after the prophet’s youngest wife. The original wife was 6 when the horns prophet married her and consummated the marriage.

    This is the kind of peadophile whom you worship….

    And ur named after the paedophile’s prey

    • khadija
      February 28, 2012 7:11 pm

      please dont speak about shit on islam when none of you even read the quran even u how write this u became a hindu what do u want a clap from us you are an idiot , im a christian turned to islam , turned to allah one and only how can you be stupid to go to hinduism .

    • Unknown
      April 30, 2012 3:53 pm

      @ THE TRUTH..

      You are clearly ignorant to the historical setting and cultural/ social norms which were accpeted during the prophets time. It was common throughout all religions and parts of the world to get married at an extremely young age.

      Dont Mock or criticize unless u have evidence u back up ur claim,,, het educated and stop being so ignorant and anti-islam! islam is a beautiful, peaceful religion and if u took it upon urself to learn about it you wouldnt be talking rubbish!

  • April 11, 2011 5:03 am

    Here, in many comments by Muslims, one can see arrogance or ignorance.

    They must have been worried so much that this apostate was not put to death like Islamic law awards death penalty to Muslims leaving Islam.

    Yes, this is all about Islam. Every thing in their own way (one way street).

    There is nothing like freedom of conscience or freedom of choice or freedom of religion in Islam. Why do you think we do not see any secular Muslim majority country? Organization of Islamic countries itself declared that guidance for Muslim countries will be from Sharia law.

    There will never be logic and reason in their thoughts or arguments.

    If Koran says some thing, it must be true like earth is flat, heavens raised with out pillars, universe created in 2 days or 6 days or 8 days.

    The big difference between the person who wrote this post and these supremacist Muslims is that the writer has conscience and Muslim-commentators do not have any feelings of humanity. They shed the concepts of reason and logic.

  • April 7, 2011 5:15 am

    dear madiha, i am very sad to hear your story you dont know what u have did what u will answer your GOD on the day of judgment read books and come to the right path again pray to GOD and he change your heart and he will turn you to the right path i will also pray for you ameen


    • Imaan
      February 24, 2012 10:40 pm

      Why are you so intolerant?

      Surely if you think islam is the path for you, then you should respect that Madiha believes truly and wholly, that hinduism is the right path for her. Why threaten her with judgement day and criticize her choice? What if christians or jews came and said that to you.2Oh Hoorab, you dont know what shameful and sinful life you lead as a Muslim. if only you would come to the right path of Christianity/Judaism then you will be forgiven and blessed”. I bet you will not like it. Same way Madiha does not need your narrowminded comment. Support or shut up. Only those weak in deen feel threatened when a Muslim converts out of Islam.

  • In the name of Allah who is most beneficient and merciful.
    As we know that every child born as a Muslim (Al Qur’an). I think it is her father who can be blamed for this grave situation. The first school for a child is his/her beloved mother.The mother is the first person who can make understandable to her children about the true religion which is only Islam, but the mother here is hindu. So what can anybody expect on her? Her father fallen in love and got married with a hindu girl. It is totally prohibited in Islam to do marriages with the non-Muslims until you convert them in Islam. If he/she is agree for that you can marry, otherwise don’t do this sin. The girl who converted as hindu was basically living a life of hindu religion because of her hindu mother who never accepted her husbands religion. And it is the fault of the man who couldn’t follow the teachings of Islam especially about marriage(Nika). He married her without converting her and after that he saw the situation. So don’t blame anybody, it was Allah’s will who punished the man who couldn’t follow His teachings.Allah punished him by taken away his non-Muslim wife and daughter too. I think he should bow his head and pardon to Almighy for the same and look forward to be good Muslim and arrange for new Nikah who should be a true Muslim. May Allah Peace Upon our beloved Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and peace upon all true Muslims.Aameen

    • SSK
      May 5, 2012 8:29 am

      dear tanveer mother of saif

      you are right that woman went into wrong direction and also her mothers background of hinduism influence to dramatically attracted to hinduism let her go to hell fire and she will start tasting fire from this world to the world hereafter

      what she claims about hinduism is nothing itz mythology its not a religion and there is no evidence that there are only four heavenly religion on this earth all are such man made and the work of devils workshop and those who support this girl may be they are not muslims but sing muslim name

  • March 3, 2011 8:29 am

    I will pray to GOD that you madiha would die as soon as possible

    • Dawud
      February 24, 2012 10:33 pm

      Is that what Allah taught you when you disagree with somebody?

      Thanks “sister” for being an intolerant judgemental pathetic excuse for a human being. Shame on you. May you die soon too. Ameen.

      Now you know how it feels when somebody wishes you dead.

  • March 3, 2011 8:22 am

    dear ———-

    very sad to hear your story u r very bad

    • true imaan
      February 24, 2012 10:43 pm

      Dear ayesha,

      I am here to inform you that Hell looks forward to recieve you. Your sins include:


      All opposite of Islam. Therefore Allah condemns you to hell.

      How do you like that, sister?

      You don’t like it right? Now imagine how Madiha feels when you write such nonsense to her. Shame on you.

  • March 2, 2011 5:18 am

    @ somna,

    Well, just some semantics or platitudes are not going to conceal what your only ‘true’ religion is all fascist and supremacist.

    Your own statements are proof of inherent bigotry in Islam. Even after accepting your statements as not bigotry, why not write something that emphasize it is only true religion.

  • March 1, 2011 4:10 pm

    This is how, SATAN(DEVIL) HAS BEAUTIFIED THEIR EVIL DEEDS FOR THEM,so go on u hindues,one day all realities will b revealed,and u will b at complete loss.

    • true imaan
      February 24, 2012 10:45 pm

      Actually you will be the one lost. Judgeing from your blatant display of Intolerance, Hate, Narrowmindedness, Hate, Arrogance which are all forbidden in and opposite of Islam. Stop condemning people to Hell. You Are not Allah so dont play the judge of all other people.

  • somna
    March 1, 2011 4:02 pm

    islam is not as depicted by u,its ur total ignrance from a true and the only true relegion,its ur badluck as u have lost all,on the day of judjmnt u will realize it,save urself bfore that horribl day would come.

    • Allahs slave
      February 24, 2012 10:48 pm

      If it is really a mistake and if it is bad luck for her, then why do you act like it is your ass on the line?

      You are the ignorant one. Just look at howintolerance, hateful, vindictive and arrogant you are.Islam forbids withoiut doubt such behaviour as you show.

      Allah is alive and well. You need to take His seat. You dont get to judge. Judging is like showing the world the wickedness within you.

      be careful. people in glass houses should not cast stones.

      • salma
        March 19, 2012 1:55 pm

        dear madiha,i think u took that decision bcoz of lack of knowledge i m a muslim but i m doing my MBBS now no one restrict me n i m doing within islamic rule i pray 5times a day n i read Quran

        • salman
          November 28, 2014 1:35 am

          dear salma but in islam girl best place is her home to teach her kids and to be institution for her children so do you think you will do practise after finishing mbbs

  • February 20, 2011 2:59 am

    @ samrah,

    How much you really know about Islam and your Prophet? You can enlighten us with your tawhid and Koranic logic.

    My simplest question: What does Islamic theology say on what happens after a person dies?

  • samrah
    February 19, 2011 7:38 am

    oh my GOD u have ruined it all for yourself….what r u going to say to God on the day of judgment ????? you should have learned all about islam before making such a big mistake because once you leave islam you can never be a muslim again dont you know that??? i just feel sorry for you may Allah show u the right path n your father should be blamed to who doesnt relly know about islam

    • Allahs slave
      February 24, 2012 10:50 pm

      No, no don’t worry, you are the one who has ruined for yourself. By judging and condeming another person to hell.

      If you can’t say anything nice, then be silent. This is in hadith. Stop judging. Only Allah judges. It is her life and she may choose what is best for her. You need not agree or do the same. Live and let live.

  • February 10, 2011 11:32 am

    @ Mohammad Shahzaib Siddiqui,

    You want to see what Islam says on women?

    Read from below:


  • February 8, 2011 7:07 pm

    Islam is in-heritantly hate preaching, violent, ant-peace, anti-humanity religion. This does not mean Muslims are to be blamed. Muslims are following what is written in Koran, a book filled with hate, lies and in-tolerance. Islam has killed millions of Hindus in India and abroad, destroyed their culture forced them to convert to Muslims. These 500-600 old converts (people in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) are most dangerous on this planet. They are fighting proxy war for Arabs. These muslims need to be converted to their former religion of Hinduism.

  • Liberty
    February 4, 2011 10:41 am

    Terrorist, mass-murderer, paedophile, debauch, lecher, founder of the worst cult of murder ever: all this and much more, THAT is Muhammad for you, folks. No man greater than he, indeed! He could put Adolf Hitler to shame. As for the Qur’an; it is a bunch of lies, a terrorist manual, a bastardised form of the Bible fed with terror, and much more.
    All terrorists are not Muslims, right, but all Muslims (at least 99.99%) ARE terrorists. This terror cult called Islam is the last refuge of sadists and scoundrels. It is the worst form of collective hatred and parochialism ever seen on the face of the earth. The only salvation for Muslims is to come out of this filthy, stinking cult and get converted into a peaceful and rational religion, preferrably Buddhism. THAT is the only solution for a peaceful planet.

    • khadija
      February 28, 2012 7:12 pm

      dont say stuff on islam because you know a fuck about islam .

  • February 2, 2011 3:28 pm

    I want to give you some hints in which you see how Islam give a respect to woman
    1. Islam ne orat ko maa , behan , beti or biwi ka darja dia hai Is trah mashray se fahashi or uryani khatam hojati hai
    2. Biwi kay darjay mai orat ko mukamal aazadi hasil hai. us per saas sussar or mian kay behan bhai wagera ki khidmat karna us per farz nahi taham agar wo Husband kay walidain or behan bhaiyon ki qadar kary to yeh us ki meherbaani or Allah kay nazdik is ka bht ziada ajar bhi hai.
    3. Islam mai Husband ko sirf apni biwi kay sath rehne ki ijazat hai or is ki zindagi ki tamam zururiat ka bojh uthana husband per farz hai istrah orat 1 khushhaal zindagi guzar sakti hai. or agar orat khud job karna chahy to is ki Islam mai koi pabandi nahi, husband kay liye zururi hai keh wo orat ko azadi kay sath apni raqqam jahan chahe kharch karnay ki ijazat dai jab kay husband orat ki tamam zruriyat poori karnay ka paband bhi hai aap ne american maashray mai dekha hai keh oraten sirf dost ki hasiyat se hi qabool ki jati hain or beghair marriage kay apny male friend kay sath rehtin hain or jab dil chahe male friend apni girl friend ko tabdeel kar leta hai. Istrah ziada tar ladies baa-izzat tarikey se apni zindagi nahi guzar paatin. jab kay Islam me orat apny husband kay sath 1 baa-izzat life enjoy karti hain or wo husband sirf issi orat ka hota hai.
    5. Islam mai biwion kay sath bohat narmi or piyar se bartao karnay ki taqeed ki gai hai Kyoun kay orat nazuk hoti hai. Islam biwion per zehni or jismani tashadud karnay ki ijazat bilkul bhi nahi deta.
    Aap kisi aam or Islami asoolon se waqif na honay waly molvi ki bajai kisi aalim se rabta karen khasoosan aap kay mulk mai 1 bht bary aalim Zakir Naik bhi mojod hain kindly aap unki speeches or Questions Answers ko Internet kay zariye ghor se sunen or parhen or aap Molana Tariq Jameel (form Pakistan) in ki bhi speeches internet per sunenen to aap ko Islam ki azmat ka andaza hojaiga beshak Islam sab se ziada aman wala or Salamti wala religion hai jis mai 1 ameer tareen Insan se lai kar 1 faqeer tak ko barabari kay haqooq hain. or Islam mai sab se zaida zor bando kay haqooq per dia gia hai. Mai iss Hadees kay sath apni baat khatam karta hoon Iss Hadees ko samajhnay ki poori koshish karen
    “1 martaba Hazrat Mohammad S.A.W.W 1 majlis mai bethe howe thay aap S.A.W.W nay logon se pocha keh meri ummat ka ghareeb tareen shakhas kon hai ? to kuch Sahaba R.T.A nay beyan kia Ya Rasool Allah S.A.W.W jis shakhas kay pass dinar (money) na ho wo muflis hoga ya jo maal-o-dolat se mehroom hoga wo ghareeb tareen hai Hazrat Mohammad S.A.W.W nay farmaya : nahi ! meri ummat ka wo shakhs muflis hai jo Qiamaat kay din iss halat mai zinda kia jaiga keh us k peeeche naikiyon kay paahar hongay or wo bht khush hoga keh aaj usay har surat mai Jannat milegi lekin jab Allah taala faisla karyga to log Allah taala se kahengain keh iss shakhs ne duniya mai hamara maal khaya tha ya iss shakhs nay duniya mai hamary sath galat salook kia tha to Allah taala us shakhs ki tammam naikiyan un logo mai baant daingain jis jis ko iss ne duniya mai sataya hoga isski paahar jitni naikian foran khatam hojaingain or kuch log Allah se kahengain keh iss shakhs ne duniya mai hum per bhi zulm kia……. To Allah taala un logo kay gunah iss shakhs kay hissay mai daal daingain…. or yeh shakhs paahar jitnay gunah le kar Dozakh mai chala jaiga….”
    Iss Hadees se sabit howa keh us shakhs nay Allah kay haqooq e.g Nammaz roza or zaati ibadat to bht ki thin lekin logo kay haqooq ka khayal na kia or Qiayamat kay din ghareeb tareen insan hogia or Dozakh mai chala gia.
    (Islam mai Bando kay haqooq ki zabardast taqeed ki gai hai)
    Sister Plz reply me after listening the speeches of Dr. Zakir Naik & Molana Tariq Jameel.
    Mai aap kay reply ka wait karonga.

    • Satyajeet
      August 29, 2011 3:04 am

      Bull Crap

    • jesus is the light
      September 23, 2011 10:58 am

      01. (a) maan bahan aur beti to sabhe azhabon me manate hain, magar islam me to bahan se shadi bhee karate hain, jo science ke nazariye se ghalat hai. (b) baabari kaa alam to ye hai ki vaaldain kee zameen jayadaad me bhee hissaaa bhaiyon ke mukabile aadhaa hai aur (c) kaanooni taur pe bhee do auraton kee gawaahi ko aik adami kee gawahi ke barabar maana jata hai.
      02.koi azaadi naheen hain. yahan tak ki (a) aurat ko haj ya umara bhee kisi male member ke bina jane kee ijazat naheen hai. (b) hijab kee paabandi bhee sirf aurat par ayat hai.(c) saudi arab me to caar chalane kee bhee azaadi naheen. yahan tak ki (d) shadi bhee baap kee marzi se hoti hai, maan kee ijazat ke koi mayane naheen.03. har mazhab shaadi ko sahee kahata hai saath rahane ko naheen, muslims me shadi aik agreement hotee hai aur to aur aap logon me to mataa al nikah jaisa gunaah bhee hota hai jo gunaah e azeem hai.04. nothing written (05) narami se pesh aanaa- kyaa mazaak hai? char char shadiyan karake? ya profet kee 6 saal kee bachchee se nikah karana? ya phir mataa karana aur hambistari ke baad chod dena? ya phir dubara shadi karane ke lye kisi ghair mard ke saath sulana? kyaa aap ye apanee maan ya bahan ke saath dekhenge? & finally regarding dr.akir naik, after doing his mbbs from govt money, he could have helped many sick muslims by giving them treatment but he is preaching islam from the money of arabs. do arabs allow preaching other religion in their countries? my dear friend Jesus is the solution to your questions. to avoid the fire of hell, don’t be anti christ anymore. switch over to the lord of lords…….jesus is the only way for you….just go to EX MUSLIMS ORGANISATION

      • admin
        September 26, 2011 11:46 pm

        Dear Jesus is the light,
        Do you mean Madiha made a mistake by picking Hinduism as a religion of her choice? Did Mahatma Gandhi also made a wrong choice by praying to Lord Krishna? Do you mean all, Buddha, Allah and Krishna believers, will not be saved on the Judgment Day?

  • Hindu.warrior
    December 6, 2010 11:50 am

    Dear Madiha, Congrats on coming out of the clutches of those demons.

  • Jay
    November 24, 2010 3:27 pm

    Madiha you may relate to this American convert’s questions. Perhaps you’ve had the same questions, “Concerns with Islam – Thoughts of an American Convert” http://www.faithfreedom.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Concerns-with-Islam_-Thoughts-of-An-American-Convert.pdf

  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 3:57 pm

    Dr. Naik is banned from entering UK and Canada for saying things like, “Every Muslim should be a terrorist. A terrorist is a person who causes terror.” United Kingdom Home Secretary Theresa May said of the exclusion order regarding Naik, “Numerous comments made by Dr Naik are evidence to me of his unacceptable behavior” (see Wikipedia). And this guy Dr. Naik has the right information on Islam – interesting.

  • aleena
    October 30, 2010 6:55 pm

    I think that the fault was in your father who lacked information about true islam, you should have seeked guidance from a well known scholar who would have enlighten you about how Islam truly portraits the status of a woman. Everything that you have quoted is out of context..Contact Dr Zakir Naik who is a well known scholar in India for the right information about islam…sometimes people confuse culture with religion

  • October 28, 2010 5:02 pm

    I feel really bad my days and nights are so long my partner views islam higher than me. After all I am a Hindu and a kafir in her eye. I live to support her and my 3 kids. I wish I die, I cannot be happy my immediate family or hers. What is there in life to live for. I suffer from asthma and each tray I hope I will have a big attack and die. I ask myself am I a kafir was I so low. No my mum tells me I am a brahmin. I see my pain and urge all Muslims and Hindu to never get involved in a relation it only ends up in pain. May be not straight away but eventually. You fell like during when this happens. I feel like taking my life but find it hard because of my 3 boys smallest being 10 months. Why is life so hard. All communication has broken down, what is there to look in life apart from death, I can’t wait. I would like to go before my mum and dad so they can cremate me, I can then be free. What a life of lies and misery, don’t put yourself through this. Should I leave her, I feel I can’t due to the kids shoud i die, this is easier please help me

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=335

  • October 27, 2010 4:36 pm

    This very sad story but not a unique event. If you are dealing with people in a family situation, you can step up to the plate to help break the chain of this behavior pattern. She is brave Girl! Congratulation! I am very proud of her that she gets out from the mess. In any moment we can decide that a bad day or a relationship that’s gotten off on the wrong foot can be started again.
    We don’t reach our new goals instantly. Instead, we acknowledge the forward motion and choose to reset and start again, knowing that with each choice we learn, grow, and move forward. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Use our energy to understand and pay attention to what our self needs. Fill our lives with unlimited loving and healing energy and learn to honor ourselves on an any ongoing abusing problem. Regardless of how frustrating this can be, these are the parameters that make up our lives, and we owe it to ourselves to find a way to get out from such situation. Some time we are under pressure of an impossible to-do but you have to become your own best friend and collect the courage and get out from the abusive environment.
    Emotional pain is at the root of our tendency to withhold, and withholding causes pain to the people subjected to it. It is a dysfunctional pattern that creates a breakdown in communication and understanding.
    Way to go!!!

  • King-slave of Allah
    October 20, 2010 2:14 pm
  • King-slave of Allah
    October 20, 2010 2:12 pm

    Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur’an; it asks you to reflect and reason….When I read the Qur’an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt the only answer for me was the Qur’an and God had sent it to me.” Cat Stevens (YusufIslam), former British pop star.

    Lawrence E. Browne in ‘The Prospects of Islam,’ 1944

    Incidentally these well-established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword.

  • King-slave of Allah
    October 20, 2010 2:10 pm

    “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?”

    Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277


    • sachin bhat
      June 25, 2012 4:01 pm

      if u have read about human greatness go and read ramayana that will teach u how god himself show the people how to live and how to live a life commen person on earth

  • King-slave of Allah
    October 20, 2010 2:08 pm

    // Your a typical muslim who lives in myth that not a single Muslim is leaving Islam, for your kind information Muslims are leaving in large numbers and speaking out against violent cult called Islam and I am one of them.//

    Many are leaving,but you are lieing…do u think u can make fool to everyone….bullshit…i can see ur plans and ideas!

    // You are saying I am either Hindu or Christian and trying to create hatred, abusing Islam. You should be grateful that we ex Muslims are not killing you. This is what you Muslims do to us non-Muslims. I wonder which is more offensive.//

    If Islam allowed killing,then how you are left…..You says you don;t hate….but you have only hate for Muslims.

    In Every War Peoples die….If you point fingures on Muslims…then


    WHAT YOU CALL THAT…Oppressing peoples,forcing and killd them Just becoz they said “there is no God,but Allah” ? WHY THEY WERE NOT GIVEN FREEDOME ?

    // You said my story is good but fake, can u prove that I am fake, do u want me to put my pic to convince you that I was a Muslim, do u want me to write my contact details so your jihadi brothers kill me, do u know know according to Islam who ever leaves Islam should be killed. //

    on conditions baby….on conditions….

    // I am not a coward. As a matter of fact, I am very courageous. A coward is one who is afraid of bogus things, such as a monster under his bed. Muslims are cowards because they dread thinking and fear doubting the lies of Muhammad.//

    atlst they are much better than RAVAN AND RAKCHAS….

    // Even if you give them all the evidence that they cannot refute, at the end of the day, the only argument that they have is that you will go to hell for disbelieving. The only thing that keeps Muslims in Islam is fear – fear of Allah, the ogre in their minds. This is cowardice. //

    No…this shows we care for you….and giving proof…..ha ha ha ha ha hahaha

    such proofs which you never understand…..YOUR EACH AND EVERY STATEMNT CONTAINS CONFUSIONS.

    Didn;t lord Krishna said…who ever will die in war,will go to heaven…the same thing is said by Allah…then you point fingures…!

    // Muhammad’s orders to kill those who oppose Islam is clear and there is no dearth of fools who do not hesitate to follow that mad man’s instructions. //

    ha ha ha ha ha Great Lies….

    // I would be a fool if I put my life in danger when I am fully aware of this sad reality. //

    don;;t worry,i know you are not real!

    // Muhammad was a coward. Do you know that despite encouraging his foolhardy followers to defy death and valiantly fight and bring the spoils for Allah and his messenger, he never took part in a combat in person? Muhammad never fought personally, not even when he was twenty years old and all his uncles took part in the war of Sacrilege in Mecca. All that coward did in that war was to collect the arrows during the ceasefires. In all his wars he would stay behind his men, wearing, not one, but two coats of mail that would make him so heavy that he needed assistance to walk. In this state, he would grab a handful of dust, throw in the direction of his enemies and curse them. That was all this coward did when waging wars. War is a misnomer. He launched ghazwas (raids). //

    Use ur words,Why you are using Shamouns words…!

    your words said about you….

    YES,You are a Lier…! thats what you all do!

    bytheway…..read What they say !


    Thomas Carlyle in ‘Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History,’ 1840

    “The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.”

    “A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was to kindle the world, the world’s Maker had ordered so.”


    A. S. Tritton in ‘Islam,’ 1951

    The picture of the Muslim soldier advancing with a sword in one hand and the Qur’an in the other is quite false.

    Mahatma Gandhi, statement published in ‘Young India,’1924.

    I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind…. I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life.

    Michael Hart in ‘The 100, A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons In History,’ New York, 1978.

    My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the secular and religious level. …It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. …It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.

    Lawrence E. Browne in ‘The Prospects of Islam,’ 1944

    Incidentally these well-established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword.

    Professor Alfred Kroner who is one of the world’s most famous geologists

    “Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a bedouin. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case.


  • Dee
    October 14, 2010 6:57 pm

    This is not a forum of anger and untruths, people speak from the heart about experiences they have had. Why do the Muslim people have to retaliate in a such a volatile manner. You show little compasion or regard of others culture by you comments. It is people like you that create fundamentalist ideas and polute the fabric of society. Why can’t Muslims accept hindu’s, after all if you were in need of blood you would gladly take it without asking the question what faith did it come from; so why don’t you offer the same humility to Hindus. This is because of bigoted views about all faiths being evil. I have suffered a lot and am still suffering but I am glad I am not twisted like you. Think about you views, you are a human being like me.

  • kingslaveofallah
    October 14, 2010 11:36 am


    // ou are saying you dont hate hindus but at the same time you insult and abuse their religion,you see there you are ,muslims cant defend their beliefs so they accuse other and insult and abuse other’s beliefs.//






    defently not.and stop speaking shamoun and ali sina words.speak ur own words.

    yes you are a lier.


  • admin
    October 6, 2010 9:07 pm

    If you have any comment for Dee (above), please enter at

  • October 5, 2010 4:46 pm

    What great truth you speak. I am in a relationship with a Muslim relationship for almost 18 years. I am a hindu and she is a Muslim we have 3 boys. Intially we fell in love with each other , there were no religious boundary but only love. She was dishoned by her family until we had our first boy. She has brought up the kids as Muslims. More and she is moving into the world of Islam and more and more am I moving away from her. I love my kids but recently she has started whirring a vale. This is hard for me to accept. I am respected by her family but always treated an outcast due to my religion and language. I love her but she has chosen her religion over me. She domes calls me and family kafirs. She fleshly believe in birthdays or Hindu weddings. I am hurting so much. Almost half my life has been spent with her and the kids. I think I have been decitfulnto myself in this relationship. I used to love her but it is now turning into hatred of the Muslim religion for turning her into what she is. I am list whT to do. Today my two boys 15 and 5 told me we are Muslims and donor believe in hindu’s. What am I to do I am a Hindu. I feel like I want to die. The pain is so great in my chest. I wish I had married a hindu at least I would suffered the slow torment in my life. My life is a big lie, I lie to my parents about the kids being Hindus and not eating meat. I. Feel I am sinking and there is no one to pull me out. eBay time the word Hindu is mentioned I am called a kafir. Is this what I am at the age of forty. When my sister comes to tie a rakiri on hand my partner who I am not married to or done no Milan starts to pray saying I am wining. What have I done, I feel worthless and feel I should die before my mum and dad do. My sons or wife will not attend the funeral. I don’t know what to do I feel so sad and d

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=335

  • Madiha
    September 29, 2010 1:58 am

    TO king slave of allah

    You accused me of preaching hatred, Do you know what is al wala wal bara (love and hate for the sake of allah)? (read it) Under this injunction the hatred of non-Muslims is an article of faith for every believing Muslim. From your Muslim site.


  • September 28, 2010 3:01 am

    one of the strange thing is u were educated girl.u didnt tried to find truth about what ur parents said and did.but you searched all Anti islamic content.


    you didnt find truth about the crash cources .

    you didnt trusted the islamic scholors but trusted liers.


  • September 27, 2010 10:56 pm


    i take ur story completely fake.this story is used to create hate between muslim
    and hindus.

    this kind of funda is being used by
    christians and jews .i hav seen and know it very well.

    even if i take your story true,then also u have added lies in this story.

    first of all your mother it self did wrong by converting to another religion for the sake of man.

    becoz we face such kind of problms.thats why in islam its not allowed mix with opposite sex.

    such things find such kind of disturbance.the also sad point is your mother converstion is not accept by Allah swt.

    lets take the ur father status.i can trust he might be bad.bust as u said he was becoming more religious than then he cant do such things.becoz a religious man will know such kind of things and behaves are not allowd in ISLAM with wife.

    it is a complete fault of ur father not islam.

    i wonder why you have not given the reasons with hadith and quran verses in ur crash cource.

    yes.intentionally you hided the reason and showd such part just to insult muslim and islam.

    many said about hindus are gud.then why the a hindu guy did bad with a muslim girl.and now that sick bastard is not taking care of her.

    WHY ????

    recently a cathlic girl askd me about converting.as she love a muslim guy.

    i said to her if u will convert for a guy it will be not accepted.convert for lord not for human.read about islam then think to revert.but dont revert for marraige.

    this is islam view .we cant force anyone to convert to islam.

    infact you dont know the beauty of islam.your all crash cources about islam and muslim is LIE.

    and truly you dont know what islam is.if you and your story is true.

    but im sure it is not.you hav written story very well.but copying from others is an bad idea.


    i dont have any problm with hindus and there beliefs.but as u pointed your fingure.then let me remind you about this religion.

    LORD KRISHNA @ forced matured girls to come out of pond nude.

    illigal sexual relation with RADHA.and you worship them.

    RAM forced sita to kill her self.RAM being god he was not knowing what hapnd with sita in lanka.what a god.

    dev dasi @ religious prostitutes . in day work in temple and in night please king.

    kamasutra @ religion teaching sex.

    many saints living nude.

    burning bride.

    fooling others by being god.

    most of the female gods are halff nudes.

    u said about eid al-Adha(killing innocent animals) . WHAT GOD SHIV DID ? KILLED INNOCENT ELEPHANT TO MAKE HIS SON ALIVE.

    WHAT KIND OF GOD HE WAS,a new god is created and he didnt know.?

    widows cant remarraige.

    WANT MORE.i hope not.

    remember “when looking for faults use mirror not telescope.”

  • September 27, 2010 1:00 pm








  • September 27, 2010 1:00 pm








  • Madiha
    September 13, 2010 11:16 am


    “Useful idiots” are pervasive in the Nonislamic government, bureaucracy, NHS, politicians, schools, law enforcement and judiciary. They are all appeasers of Islam.

    To quote Sir Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. ”
    The problem for us is these back-bending appeasers of muslims are enabling the crocodile/Islam to eat us too.

    Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among the non-Muslims: A new generation of “Useful Idiots,” the sort of people Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also live in liberal democracies, but serves the cause of Islamofascism—another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.

    Useful Idiots are naïve, they are foolish, they are ignorant of facts, they are unrealistically idealistic, they are dreamers and they are willfully in denial or deceptive. They hail from the ranks of the chronically unhappy. They are anarchists, they are aspiring revolutionaries, they are neurotics who are at war with life, the disaffected alienated from government, corporations, and just about any and all institutions of society. The Useful Idiot can be a billionaire, a movie star, an academe of renown, a politician, or from any other segment of the population. Arguably, the most dangerous variant of the Useful Idiot is the “Politically Correct.” He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception.

    The Useful Idiot derives satisfaction from being anti-establishment. He finds perverse gratification in aiding the forces that aim to dismantle an existing order, whatever it may be: an order he neither approves of nor feels he belongs to.

    The Useful Idiot is conflicted and dishonest. He fails to look inside himself and discover the causes of his own problems and unhappiness while he readily enlists himself in causes that validate his distorted perception.

    Understandably, it is easier to blame others and the outside world than to examine oneself with an eye to self-discovery and self-improvement. Furthermore, criticizing and complaining—liberal practices of the Useful Idiot—require little talent and energy. The Useful Idiot is a great armchair philosopher and “Monday Morning Quarterback.”

    The Useful Idiot is not the same as a person who honestly has a different point of view. A society without honest and open differences of views is a dead society. Critical, different and fresh ideas are the life blood of a living society—the very anathema of autocracies where the official position is sacrosanct.

    Even a “normal” person spends a great deal more energy aiming to fix things out there than working to overcome his own flaws and shortcomings, or contribute positively to the larger society. People don’t like to take stock of what they are doing or not doing that is responsible for the conditions of which they disapprove.

    But the Useful Idiot takes things much farther. The Useful Idiot, among other things, is a master practitioner of scapegoating. He assigns blame to others while absolving himself of responsibility, has a long handy list of candidates for blaming anything and everything, and by living a distorted life, he contributes to the ills of society.

    The Useful Idiot may even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits him. Terms such as “Political Islam,” or “Radical Islam,” for instance, are contributions of the Useful Idiot. These terms do not even exist in the native parlance of Islam, simply because they are redundant. Islam, by its very nature and according to its charter—the Quran—is a radical political movement. It is the Useful Idiot who sanitizes Islam and misguides the populace by saying that the “real Islam” constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.

    Regrettably, a large segment of the population goes along with these nonsensical euphemisms depicting Islam because it prefers to believe them. It is less threatening to believe that only a hijacked small segment of Islam is radical or politically driven and that the main body of Islam is indeed moderate and non-political.

    But Islam is political to the core. In Islam the mosque and State are one and the same—the mosque is the State. This arrangement goes back to the days of Muhammad himself. Islam is also radical in the extreme. Even the “moderate” Islam is radical in its beliefs as well as its deeds. Muslims believe that all non-Muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated compared to believers.

    No radical barbaric act of depravity is unthinkable for Muslims in dealing with others. They have destroyed precious statues of Buddha, leveled sacred monuments of other religions, and bulldozed the cemeteries of non-Muslims—a few examples of their utter extreme contempt toward others.

    Muslims are radical even in their intrafaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretics worthy of death; women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights; hands are chopped for stealing even a loaf of bread; sexual violation is punished by stoning, and much much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of the mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the stone-age laws of Sharia.

    The “moderate” mainstream of Islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the Prophet himself. The Prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men’s women and children in slavery. Muslims have been, and continue to be, the most vicious and shameless practitioner of slavery. The slave trade, even today, is a thriving business in some Islamic lands where wealthy, perverted sheiks purchase children of the poor from traffickers for their sadistic gratification.

    Muslims are taught deception and lying in the Quran itself—something that Muhammad practiced during his life whenever he found it expedient. Successive Islamic rulers and leaders have done the same. Khomeini, the founder of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, for instance, rallied the people under the banner of democracy. All along his support for democracy was not a commitment of an honest man, but a ruse. As soon as he gathered the reins of power, Khomeini went after the Useful Idiots of his time with vengeance. These best children of Iran, having been thoroughly deceived and used by the crafty phony populist-religionist, had to flee the country to avoid the fate of tens of thousands who were imprisoned or executed by the double-crossing imam.

    Almost three decades after the tragic Islamic Revolution of 1979, the suffocating rule of Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with enviable heritage is being systematically purged of its sense of identity and forced to think and behave like the barbaric and intolerant Muslims. Iranians who had always treated women with equality, for instance, have seen them reduced by the stone-age clergy to sub-human status of Islamic teaching. Any attempt by the women of Iran to counter the misogynist rule of Muhammad’s mullahs is mercilessly suppressed. Women are beaten, imprisoned, raped and killed just as men are slaughtered without due process or mercy.

    The lesson is clear. Beware of the Useful Idiots who live in liberal democracies. Knowingly or unknowingly, they serve as the greatest volunteer and effective soldiers of Islam. They pave the way for the advancement of Islam and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power.

  • September 12, 2010 9:46 pm

    The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

    And this is supposed to be the messenger of god and an example for all people to follow for all times? Wake up and get real, Muslims. Islam was nothing more that Muhammad’s ‘ticket to the good life’. Muhammad lied to people in order to get what he wanted. He made the whole thing up. He was such a good liar because he was so thoroughly insane. Muhammad simply created a new religion by re-writing the religious stories of Judaism and Christianity and combining them with Arabian folk lore and other traditions. It is also likely that Muhammad’s followers attempted to improve his religion after his death – An impossible task that has failed horribly as one can plainly see.

    One can only appeal to the honesty and decency of Muslims and hope that once they learn the truth about Muhammad and his Islam they will leave it and do their part to help put an end to it. Tragically, the brain washing process of Islamic indoctrination has left many Muslims far too ignorant and arrogant to even consider whether the claims of Muhammad’s Islam are in fact true or false. Many will go to their graves with sword in hand and hatred in heart and head, certain that Muhammad’s promise of paradise is waiting for them. The peaceful Muslims are no better, for they unwittingly give a very bad religion a good name and help aid in its survival. Neither will find waiting for them gifts of virgins or rivers of flowing wine on the other side, much to their surprise.

    I came across a brilliant quote the other day. It read something along the lines of: The world must put the Islamic source material (The Qur’an, Hadiths and Muhammad) on trial. The foundation or source of Islamic fanaticism is right there in these source materials. By simply exposing them to public scrutiny we can undermine the entire religion and return it to the world of dangerous fiction that it is.

    Muhammad was simply a mad man who claimed to be a messenger from god. He egged on his followers to wage war and rob those who would not believe his claims of prophethood and to bring the spoils (Islamic booty) back to him. Muhammad straight-up used his followers. It is an insult to one’s intelligence to be told that one is to believe, in the 21st century, that Muhammad was ‘the perfect man’ deserving of veneration. Only a liar or a nut-case could go on believing such hog wash. Muhammad was a criminally insane charlatan. Whatever kind or just thing Muhammad said or did he did so out of a desire to personally benefit from it. Muslims should be embarrassed and ashamed to call themselves Muslims and should be planning to leave Islam when it is safe for them to do so.

    It is now becoming clear to many educated and informed Muslims that Islam is incapable of being reformed and they are considering leaving the religion. One need only look to the Islamic nations that strictly adhere to Islamic dictates to understand that Islam in practice is a recipe for disaster. For as any ‘true believer’ will tell you, a Muslim must conform to all of what Muhammad said both in the personal and political spheres of life. To understate it greatly, this causes immense problems. The whole premise of Islam is transparently false. Muhammad was not the messenger of God and Islam is not a religion of peace. Muhammad was a marauding butcher who created a horrendously unjust religion. It is not possible that god is that cruel.

    The real tragedy is the fact that ‘the good Muslims’ actually believe what they themselves are saying about Islam. So in their own minds they are not really lying, they are simply ignorant of their own religion and not concerned with matters of accuracy. It is fear and hopes of gaining paradise that prevent such Muslims from understanding the fact that the early, peaceful passages in the Qur’an are abrogated by the later passages that call for mandated injustice towards, and eternal warfare against, those who will not submit to Islam. Those human beings who continue to stay in Islam knowing the terrible truth about it are not human beings deserving of respect.

  • August 29, 2010 6:12 pm

    If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell.


    In Pakistan, women are called Awra or Aurat, means Vagina..

  • August 29, 2010 6:10 pm

    Sam Hindu If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell.

    http://samhindu.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/if-you-are-a-muslim-woman-or-plan-to-be-a-muslim-w…oman-for-sake-of-someones-love-think-twice-before-you-jump-into-hell-or-continue-to-live-in-hell/See More

  • Roop
    August 22, 2010 11:35 pm

    Dear Madiha:

    Every belief system encounters unique problems.

    Unlike others, Islam is facing its own problems of too rapid expansion and a more educated and younger flock.

    With its “holy writings” being scrutinized, and its culture-driven excesses (against women, infidels) being put under the microscope, the outcome is anyone’s guess!

    Will it be business as usual for them?


    You are one of the few enlightened ones. Hopefully others will only see what you see, but also take the sort of action that you took and follow the path of reason and common sense.

  • Madiha
    August 13, 2010 1:12 pm

    Comment by MADIHA

    What ISLAM wants?

    I just read an interview of an Islamic scholar at http://www.islamreview.com/articles/What_Islam_Wants.shtml

    Let’s Hear From Pakistan Jamat-e-Islami Leader, Maulana Nabiullah Khan

    “Jamhooria Islamia”, a monthly Baluchi magazine published from Panj-gar, published an interview with Maulana Nawabzadaa Nabiullah Khan, a confidant of and adviser to the Amir of leading Pakistani Islamic party, Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana Qazi Ahmed, which was conducted by Jalil Amir. The following constitutes are excerpts from that conversation which reveals the fundamentalist ideology and designs of the organisation and its leader.


    Q: The women issue is very controversial nowadays. Taliban and some fundamentalist organizations restrict the freedom of women while some progressive Muslim intellectuals are insisting that the women are equal to men in all spheres. What are Qazi’s views on women?

    A: As I said earlier, the Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) views on women are the exact views of Qazi Ahmed and the Jamat. Equality of men and women is stupidity. What men can do, women cannot do. Women are weak physically and mentally compared to men. Men have to take care of women all the time.


    Women should not have a life outside the family. Education can be provided to them, but not to compete with men in public.


    Qazi had said once that when JI comes to power in Pakistan, he will abolish the voting rights of women and minorities. Only the Muslim men can participate in voting or standing for elections. When I asked the proof from Hadiths, he had quoted many Hadiths in support of that. I asked him why is it that it is never talked about openly in the public by the Jamaat? Qazi had said that the hints are all over the place. But JI did not make it a big issue since the women who currently have the voting rights may vote against JI in the elections if such a thing is said openly.


    Q: That brings us to the question of minorities. Will they have to pay Jizya tax?

    A: Yes. They have to pay the tax. As explained by Qazi Ahmed , the idea of Jizya is not protection money. But it is a monetary force on the non-Muslim to convert to Islam. Once the Jamaat comes to power, the minorities will be induced (forced) to become Muslims either by monetary or psychological factors.


    JI is already equating India with Hindus so that the Hindus of Pakistan will be forced to become Muslims. This was a very successful strategy during the Babri Masjid riots. JI was actively involved in destroying the Hindu temples in Punjab and Sindh. We ordered the destruction of the Hindu family property too. But our main aim was to destroy the Hindu temples. We wrote in the JI pamphlets that destroying each pagan temple makes a Muslim move closer to the heaven of Allah. We used the Hadiths in all the pamphlets. Babar destroyed the Ram temple in Ayodhya because he was a true believer. The same way, every Muslim should take it upon himself to destroy the Hindu temples in Pakistan. O! ur idea was to encourage the Muslims of India also to destroy the Hindu temples in India. But this was not met with much success since the Hindu police in India started attacking the Muslims who were doing Allah’s duty.

    Q: What kind of government does JI envisage for Pakistan?

    A: It will be the Sharia government. Sharia will be made our constitution so that the eminent Muslim scholars who had completed the schooling in Madrasas will be appointed as the Judges in every court. Qazi wanted to make the presidium on the same model as the Khalifa. Presently our idea is that the entire top leadership of JI as well as all three military Generals will be part of the presidium for which the Qazi will be the Khalifa.


    Our motto is “Constant Jihad”. The idea is to keep Pakistan in a constant state of Jihad all the time. Qazi’s vision is that Pakistan will be! the centre of the new Islamic Empire that stretches from Burma to Afghanistan and from Srilanka to Tajikistan including Kashmir
    Towards that end, the Jamaat will use all tactics from terrorism in the kafir-controlled areas to negotiations in the Muslim controlled areas. Already the Jamaat leaders of Bangladesh and Jamaat leaders of India have accepted the primacy of Pakistani leadership in this regard.


    Q: What about Srilanka and Burma?

    A: Both are Buddhist nations. For that matter even Baluchistan and Afghanistan were Buddhist once while Sindh and Punjab were Hindu earlier. Buddhists are generally weaker in matters of faith. Hence we hope they will become Muslim with a little pressure. But that will happen only after Jamaat conquers first Pakistan and then India.

    Q: What are the plans for India? It looks like the entire India policy of the Jamaat revolves around Kashmir.

    A: Yes that is true. But that is for a very good reason. See Kashmir is like a keystone that sits on top of the arch. It is true that the arch holds the entire weight of the keystone. But if you remove the keystone, then the whole arch falls down. That is why it is called the keystone. Kashmir is the keystone for India. Once you remove that, then India can no longer be secular and it will not be a united country either. Once Kashmir is taken out, these militancy movements will break India by asking the similar freedom for Nagaland, Kerala, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Assam, Jharkand, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Khalistan.


    Q: Coming back to the same point, if India was to become many countries, how do you deal with the individual Hindu States? They may even become big enemies of Pakistan. Or they may again re-group to challenge Pakistan.

    A: Given the differences between the nationalities in India, the options for Pakistan are endless. Qazi’s vision is to make the entire India a 100% Muslim Nation. A United India, where Hindus are majority is an impediment to that. Like Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) made Muslims out of pagans of Arabia, Qazi also wants to make Muslims out of the pagans of India.

    Q: This is a great vision since this was not even possible for the Muslim dynasties and Moguls who ruled India for the last 700 years.

    A: True. That is because they had never really established the Muslim Empire. Though the Kings were Muslims, they had entertained the Hindus in positions of power. When you make an unequivocal statement that only Muslims are voters and declare that India is an Islamic Republic, then automatically the people will become Muslims. Little bit of terror had to be applied to the heart of Hindus and Christians. I will give you a best example. The portions which now constitute Pakistan had 25% Hindu population before Independence.


    After Independence, a lot of Hindus migrated to India. Yet after the migration, the Pakistani Hindu population was 15%. Do you know what is the percentage now? It is less than 1%. How was this made possible? How did the Hindus convert to Islam in a short span of 20 years whereas for 700 years they had never converted to Islam? That is purely because of the terror of the Partition.


    That terror forced the Hindus who remained in Pakistan to become Muslims. Pure and simple. JI used similar techniques in Punjab and Sindh. Each time a riot breaks out in India, we had used that pretext to strike terror among the Hindus, Christians and Ahmaddiahs. The similar terror will be at the heart of every non-Muslim, both Hindu as well as Christian, in the coming years in the entire of India.


    Qazi is an analytical genius who knows every strategy that was used by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and which will be and should be used in India to achieve the total submission to Allah.

    Q: Do you envision a possibility that when Kashmir becomes part of Pakistan, there could be large-scale riots in India against Indian Muslims? Hence unwittingly Kashmir could lead to more deaths of Indian Muslims and damage Islamic Ummah.


    A: Yes that is a possibility. But our ideology is based on Quran and Hadiths. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in numerous Hadiths and Allah in Quran had said that any Muslim who associates with a polytheist is a polytheist. Muslims cannot be friendly with a non-Muslim. This includes the Christians, Jews and Hindus. Also Mohammad (PBUH) says that even if the Muslim ruler is not good, the Muslims stay with the ruler rather than go out to a non-Muslim country. Hadiths and Quran are very explicit regarding this. All the Muslims who did not migrate to Pakistan during Partition are in essence Hindus. They may think that they are Muslims. But not before Allah.

    They are as self-deluded as the Ahmaddiahs who think they are Muslims when everyone knows that they are not Muslims. Hence the Muslims of India who had decided to stay in India during Partition are not Muslims and their progeny are not Muslim (since they did not migrate to Muslim lands).

    Another thing that I noticed in my journeys in India is that the Hindu farmers generally offer their entire harvest to their gods at the end of their harvesting season. This makes the entire crop as haram for Muslims. Yet these so-called Muslims of India are forced to eat this food which was already offered to some other God other than Allah.
    This is explicitly forbidden in Quran.

    And this is one of the serious problems of living in non-Muslim countries. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) knew such things; that is why he ordered Muslims not to live in non-Muslim areas. Yet knowingly these so-called Muslims live in India. AGAIN ALL THE MUSLIMS WHO MIGRATE TO OTHER NON MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND US ARE NON MUSLIMS . Only the Muslims who intend to come back are Muslims not the ones who decide to stay in such countries. Hence we do not care if such Indian Muslims die in the riots.

    But due to strategy reasons we do have excellent relations with these Muslims. All the Muslims who work for Pakistan and for the glory of Ummah are real Muslims. They are our front line troops in non-Muslim countries. Hence we have to distribute the arms and ammunitions to these real Muslims in case riots come to their door.

    The Kashmiri Muslims are pure Muslims who are toiling under the yoke of Hindu rule. They are victimized by the international conspiracy to keep them under the Hindu rule. That issue is part of the incomplete Partition, whereas the Indian Muslims have accepted Partition and stayed on in India knowingly.


    Arabians own slaves. Though Allah says that the slaves should be treated in a nice manner, he did not advocate the abolition of slavery. If slavery is bad as considered in today’s world, Allah certainly would have said that slavery is wrong. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said that the slaves should be treated in a good manner and the slaves should be released often. But if there is no slavery, how can anyone release slaves? Hence the re-introduction of slavery in Pakistan is one of the future plans of the Jamaat.


    All the captured Hindu Indians and Srilankans will be made slaves to work for Pakistani Muslims. Every God-abiding Pakistani Muslim will get slaves once we conquer India. All the slaves who embrace Islam will be set free. Slavery is Islamic. Jamaat is the only political party, which does not voice any opposition to the slavery in Pakistan. We went around all over Arabia. We were surprised to know that there are some Hindus in Yemen. These ancient Yemeni Hindus are not Indians. In my opinion, these Hindus are traders from India in the ancient times. I was also surprised to know that they have a Shiva temple in Yemen. Qazi was very unhappy over this. When he talked to the Yemen leaders, he broached this subject. But the Yemeni leaders refused Qazi’s suggestion of forced conversion of these people to Islam. I don’t know why they refused. I think it may be due to the large population of Hindus from India who work in Yemen and Arabia. He disliked the current leadership of Arabia for this reason.

    In his opinion, Arabia should not allow any non-Muslim into the holy lands of Arabia. Arabia should be 100% pure. A large number of Hindus in Arabia is corrupting the Arabians. Though they live as contractors, they have the potential to corrupt the minds of the Arabians.


    One such thing is the presence of Arabians in the Qatar Hindu temple. First the king allowed the Hindus to build a temple and church in the holy lands, thereby polluting the Holy Land. Second is that even a member of the Royal family visited that temple to inaugurate that temple. To the horror of Qazi, he had learnt that one of the powerful members of the Qatar Royal family is a devotee of a god called Aayappan. This news resolved Qazi to fight the force of the devil thousand fold.

    Q: Such things happen in Pakistan today. I mean a friend of mine goes to a Hindu temple. Another friend goes to church meetings.

    A: Yes. One of Qazi’s relatives wanted to become a Hindu. He did not have a child for many years and it seems he had prayed to a Hindu God and got the child. Hence he felt thankful to that god and wanted to become a Hindu. Qazi got to know of this and called him and threatened him with dire consequences. That relative did not become a Hindu. But that incident made Qazi read more about apostasy.


    Quran and Hadith clearly say the punishment for abandonment of Islam is death. Since Sharia is not the law in Pakistan, and the current Pakistani Constitution grants the right to change religion, it is legally correct to declare oneself as Hindu or Christian. But once the JI takes over the government, it will make Sharia as the Constitution. Then Pakistan will also legally execute any person who leaves Islam and joins Ahmaddiah, Christianity or Hinduism the same way Iran and Taliban treats its apostates. He also opined that the presence of the Hindu temples in Pakistan is the root cause of the problem and hence we want to destroy all the Hindu temples and Churches in Pakistan.

    Q: This brings us into another area. Right now the Internet is becoming widespread. Even Saudi Arabia is connected with the outside world. Destroying the temples may be good, but how can we insulate the Pakistani and Muslim people against the corrupting knowledge totally?

    A: JI had taken a principled stand on the matter of science and religion. Religion is far superior to science.

    Whatever man needs to know is in the Quran and Hadiths. Knowing more will create problems like the Atom bomb and Television.
    MUSIC TV AND PHOTOGRAPHY ARE SATANIC AND HARAM Quran and Hadiths are explicit in denouncing pictures. Yet the lure of Satan in the form of photography and television is eating our lives.
    Music previously was confined only to the vocal singing. Now science and technology made the music widespread at a cheaper price. These are the lures of Satan. We have to be on guard against these harami things.

    Hence, more science and technology is bad for the civilization. I had completed civil engineering. Hence I am privy to scientific knowledge. I can tell you how corrupting that is. It even makes you question the glorious Quran.

    EARTH IS FLAT There are many Hadiths, which say that the earth is flat. But any science will tell you the earth is a sphere. But you can use the same science like the relativity theory to prove that the earth is flat. It is the same case with evolution. But the point being that doubt is sown in the minds of the people on the validity of the Quran as the word of God. More and more we work hard to prove the Quran’s scientific correctness, more and more people will get apprehensive of the truth of the Quran. This is an abomination.

    This is why when we talk of education, we talk of religious education and not scientific education.

    It is true that science grew after the Prophet’s revolution in Arabia. That was the start of science. Now each and every science is filled with anti-god stuff. If you want to become a doctor, you have to read evolution. If you have to read any engineering, you have to believe in the billions of years old universe theory which effectively says that human beings came to the world only just one or two million years back.

    Q: But we still need the arms and knowledge of the Western world, which believes in science. And again you had referred to television as evil. If we abolish photography how can we have passports or identification cards?

    A: Yes. That is strategic. With the help of Allah, we will be given oil for them to run their cars and we will have arms in that place. We will use their arms to destroy them in the course of time.


    As far as photos are concerned, they will be banned as it was done in Afghanistan under Taliban. If there is no need for people to go out of Pakistan, where is the need for the passports? For those who have to travel to other countries like the leaders of the revolution, they only will be given the passport with photos. For that, we will allow limited photography licensed only to the government. And the biggest corruption in today’s Pakistan is Indian satellite TV and Indian cinemas and Indian songs. We have to abolish these too.


    Q: Currently we have a lot of opposition from Mohajirs regarding reservations. What kind of reservation policy will the JI will have in Pakistan?

    A: We approach that problem as the problem of language. Urdu-speaking Muslims and Sindhi-speaking Muslims are fighting now. We plan to abolish all the regional languages like Pashto, Sindhi, Baluchi, Urdu, Punjabi and Brahvi. We want all the people of Pakistan to speak Arabic which is our divine language. This will make everyone equal before everyone else and there would not be any need for language or region based reservations. We also hope that this will make the Quran and Hadiths easier to understand and will make the people follow the Quran and Hadiths to the letter.

    Q: There could be language riots. One such language riot resulted in Bangladesh.

    A: Bangladesh was not a result of language riot. The very idea that they are Muslims will bring the Bangladeshis to Arabic. We already fund heavily the Arabic language courses all over India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. From Morocco to Iraq speaks in Arabic, I don’t see any reason why from Morocco to Burma we will not bring Arabic to the people. Even Bangladesh will start speaking in Arabic. That time there won’t be any Bangladesh where the country name itself has the name of the language. Yes. Right now our aim is just for reunification without touching on the language issue of Bengali. JI of Bangladesh is working towards this aim.

    Q: The secular journalists of Pakistan oppose the JI. For example the Dawn and News are very critical of the JI. How do you see their role in the future?

    A: Ardheshir Cowasjee is able to work only because of the present Constitution of Pakistan. When Sharia becomes the Constitution, he cannot even approach the court, as he is a kafir. We see secular journalists as our main enemy in the current struggle to reach power. These secular journalists are digging our statements we made during the pre-Independence days and trying to beat us. Of course we opposed the creation of Pakistan during the British times. But that was a different Jamaat. Our history starts with Independence.


    Secular journalists are not Muslims even though some of them are carrying Muslim names. Let them come to us and let us ask questions on the Quran and Hadiths. We will prove each and every thing we say is from Quran and Hadiths. Let them prove what we say as wrong from the Quranic angle. Then we will accept them. But they cannot. They cannot match us in any debate concerning the Quran and Hadiths. We can comprehensively prove that they are indeed non-Muslims.! They are like Quadianis who say that the Muslim need not take up Jihad as an obligation. That is pure nonsense.

    Q: Thanks for your time.
    A: May Allah’s blessings be with you.

  • Madiha
    August 13, 2010 2:23 am

    Comment by MADIHA

    Does ISLAM encourage rape ?

    Few months ago a thirteen year old Somali girl was stoned to death in a stadium with 50,000 people watching in conformity with the Quran ordinance (Sharia). Yet the audacity of the Islamic authority is exemplified when it claims that Islam has liberated the woman.

    The incident above took place when the parents of the child were absent from home which encouraged their neighbor to take advantage of the situation and raped the girl. Being too young she did not know that she should have not reported the incident to the police. The police according to the Sharia have demanded from the girl to bring 4 witnesses to prove the rape, but, of course, she failed to meet such an impossible demand which lead to her death by stoning. The Sharia uses verse (24-4)(And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),- flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors);- , which demands clearly 4 witnesses to justify the rape, while verse (24:13)( Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth) themselves as liars!) states very clearly that if the victim could not bring the witnesses, then she is not telling the truth and the punishment is stoning until death!

    Can anyone conceive of any circumstances where the culprit would bring with him 4 witnesses to watch the rape to incriminate himself by asking them to watch and become witnesses to the crime? By bringing those witnesses he would condemn his own life to severe punishment. May be we can imagine the situation where a group of criminals all took part in the rape, would they then condemn themselves by testifying to their own demise?

    The message here is that a Moslem can rape anyone with impunity as long as there are no 4 witnesses at a time! The message is that the Quran tells the Moslems to go ahead and commit the crime since getting four witnesses is next to impossible. A Moslem apologist tried in vain to explain such a debacle by stating that such Sharia rules would prohibit any women from falsely accusing an innocent man from committing such a despicable act! Really? What if the woman was telling the truth? How many women, especially in the conservative Arab-Moslem world would conjure such an incident that would ruin her reputation, even if she was able miraculously to prove her side of the story? By Moslem standards she would have a very slim probability of getting married and have a normal family. The message again here is to tell men that they can be involved with such ugly episode without getting in trouble. In certain modern societies new DNA technologies are allowed to be used to arrive to the truth, but what was the purpose of the “prophet of mercy” then with such “inspiration” that would never give the victim a chance to achieve justice?

    There are many other aspects of the sharia that demean women in Islam but suffice here to mention:
    It (Sahih Bukhari 1.301, Sahih Bukhari 2.541 : Women are deficient in mind and religion, while in In Bukhari V1B9N(490,493,498) confirm that prayers are annulled if a dog, a donkey and a woman pass in front a praying Moslem! Is equating women with animals some form of liberating the women in Islam? Even Aisha, the wife of the prophet, complained on how insulting to equate them with animals. If humans were created as the true image of God, how could such a divine image be equal to a dog?

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301:

    Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

    Once Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

    Shaih bukhari Volume 2, Book 24, Number 541:

    Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri

    On ‘Id ul Fitr or ‘Id ul Adha Allah’s Apostle (p.b.u.h) went out to the Musalla. After finishing the prayer, he delivered the sermon and ordered the people to give alms. He said, “O people! Give alms.” Then he went towards the women and said. “O women! Give alms, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you (women).” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for it?” He replied, “O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious wise man astray.” Then he left. And when he reached his house, Zainab, the wife of Ibn Masud, came and asked permission to enter It was said, “O Allah’s Apostle! It is Zainab.” He asked, ‘Which Zainab?” The reply was that she was the wife of Ibn Mas’ub. He said, “Yes, allow her to enter.” And she was admitted. Then she said, “O Prophet of Allah! Today you ordered people to give alms and I had an ornament and intended to give it as alms, but Ibn Masud said that he and his children deserved it more than anybody else.” The Prophet replied, “Ibn Masud had spoken the truth. Your husband and your children had more right to it than anybody else.”

  • Hindu
    August 12, 2010 5:53 pm

    “8. Being married at the age of 9 years to a much older man because it is sunna?

    Yes, after all, if the Prophet did it (at the age of 6), why can’t the ordinary Muslim follow his lead and engage in pedophilia?

    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

    Narrated ‘Aisha:

    that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

    Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65:

    Narrated Aisha:

    that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that ‘Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).” what you know of the Quran (by heart)’


  • Hindu
    August 12, 2010 8:02 am

    Hello Madiha,

    In your above comments, I notice that you have left out the most important verse of the Quran regarding interfaith marriages. This is the verse that undoubtedly plays a huge role in the conversion of Hindus to Islam via marriage.


    And do not marry the idolatresses until they believe, and certainly a believing maid is better than an idolatress woman, even though she should please you; and do not give (believing women) in marriage to idolaters until they believe, and certainly a believing servant is better than an idolater, even though he should please you; these invite to the fire, and Allah invites to the garden and to forgiveness by His will, and makes clear His communications to men, that they may be mindful. 2: 221

    -this is why the Muslim will always seek to convert. Hindus must realize this and plan accordingly, either ending the relationship or getting the Muslim to convert, as a matter of survival.

  • Madiha
    August 12, 2010 1:48 am

    Comment by MADIHA

    Qur’an says in Surah Nisa Ch. 4, Verse 56, that… ‘As to those who reject Our signs, We shall cast them into the hell fire, and as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them fresh skin, so that they shall feel the pain’.

    Let me tell you about my cat. I have adopted this animal since he was a kitten. I bought for him all sorts of toys so he would not get bored. I personally played with him even when this meant putting aside my work. I took care of him; fed him with expensive food because he would not eat anything else. I wash him regularly and do everything a responsible owner would do to keep a cat happy. He gets into fights with other cats and sometimes hurts himself. I take him to the vet to make sure his wounds do not become infectious. I have been a good owner to this cat. However this little animal is very ungrateful. He never comes to me when I call him. He does not even turn his head to acknowledge that I exist. He slightly moves one ear when I call his name and then ignores me. But when I sit down to write and don’t want to be disturbed he insists to sit on my lap and even if I put him down ten times he just keeps coming back. It is all about him and what he wants. I leave my work and groom him with a brush to remove his falling hairs. He loves it and purrs loudly and rolls over exposing the parts that he wants me to brush. But as soon as he feels comfortable he starts emitting putrid gasses right under my nose.
    I think he does not have any respect for me. I am very much offended by him and his behavior and I am thinking of punishing him. He has been very ungrateful and rude. I think he deserves to die. But I don’t want to kill him just like that. I want to torture him and make him die a very slow and painful death. That is because he is very ungrateful and I am very much offended.
    I have thought to crucify him so he can’t move. Then chop his fingers one by one. Then put him over a bonfire and burn all his fur and skin. I will do that very slowly so he suffers a lot. Then I’ll pour on his little body boiling water and watch him scream in pain while he is still tied to the cross and can’t move. Then I’ll leave him for some times to suffer in agony. Then come back and start dismembering him alive. With a pair of scissors, cut first his ears and tail inch by inch so he can suffer a lot and then dismember him live and burn him.
    You see, I am very compassionate and merciful. That is what my friends say about me. But I am also very just. Justice must be done and this cat has been ungrateful to me so he must be punished.

    I am just kidding. Of course I am not going to hurt my little cat. I love him. I love him particularly because he has independence. He is a lot like me, a freethinker, a free spirit, and just like me, he is not an appeaser. I am not offended by him. I will not be offended no matter what he does. Wouldn’t it be insane to be offended by a cat? There is nothing a cat can do that could offend us humans. Cats are not intelligent and we do not expect much from them. But what if I was serious? Wouldn’t you say that I am a maniac, insane and dangerous? Of course you would. How could even one think of torturing a cat or any animal?

    But think about it! Isn’t this exactly how Muhammad described Allah? Do you really believe that the maker of this universe is a psychopath sadist? If these qualities are not befitting for a sane human how can they be befitting for God? Allah, as described by Muhammad is even worse. I could probably torture my cat for a few hours in this sadistic way until he dies and is put out of agony. But the god that Muhammad described will continue torturing humans for eternity. He is far worse than any sadist you can imagine.

    Isn’t this an insult to the Creator? Don’t you think that holding such belief is blasphemy? When you talk of hell and eternal punishment for disbelief, you are attributing insanity to God. “Hell” is the most prevalent subject in the Quran. This theme recurs no less than 200 times. The Quran is full of warnings and threats of punishment and gruesome details of divine torture. What does this tell us? It tells us that Muhammad envisioned God as a psychopath sadist. Allah is not God. He is Muhammad’s own alter ego. He is the personification of Muhammad’s narcissistic wet dreams. Muslims do not worship God. By attributing sadistic qualities to Him, they blaspheme Him.

    Isn’t this enough to see that Muhammad was a crackpot? Is it possible that the maker of this vast and magnificent universe be so petty and so insane that he could be offended by what we humans think? If a cat can’t offend us no matter how bad he behaves and how ungrateful he becomes, would God, a reality infinitely bigger than us be offended by what we believe? The difference between me and my cat is infinitely less than the difference between God and we humans. If we are not bothered by what a cat does and consider punishing a cat insane, how can we attribute this insanity to God? If we can love an animal unconditionally, without expecting him to thank us why can’t God love his creation unconditionally? Is God less than us humans? How can God be so petulant to punish humans in such a sadistic way for not believing in him? Why is he so desperate to be worshipped? Certainly God can’t be like that. Muhammad lied.

    That man had no understanding of God. How pathetic is this that a billion people follow a pervert psychopath to tell them about God! As a narcissist he thought despotism is the utmost glory. He wanted people submit to him through fear. That is why Allah is a despot. While God can’t be anything but Love.

    Imagine you own a vast garden; somewhere in that garden there is an ant colony. You may or may not be aware of its existence. Now imagine one ant tells to other ants that he is your messenger and that you have ordered that all ants must worship you and obey him and that if any ant decides not to obey your messenger, you would one day gather the disbelieving ants and punish them by throwing them in a huge bonfire. This is ridiculous. Why should you care if ants worship you or not? The thought of it is laughable. Yet this is exactly what is happening to us humans. A charlatan like Muhammad proclaimed himself to be the messenger of the owner of this universe, and has managed to fool the gullible people that they should obey him or they will be barbequed in the Landlord’s cosmic bonfire.

    This is stupid. This is pathetic indeed. But the tragedy is that today a billion people believe in this charlatan and his sadist deity. There must be a limit to stupidity. Or is there?

    If you don’t give a damn about ants worshipping you, why should God care whether we humans worship him or not? Who do you think you are? Have you ever thought about your insignificance in this universe? You are nothing! You and your world do not even count. Do you think that you are so important that the maker of this universe and perhaps billions of other parallel universes depends on you to worship him and if you don’t show him your rear end five times a day he will be so disappointed that he would sadistically burn and dismember you for eternity? The whole concept is just insane. This is the acme of stupidity. And this is the very foundation of Islam. Islam is based on stupidity. It is a shame to be called a Muslim. There is no glory in foolishness. As these truths gets out, and I urge everyone who agrees with me to spread this message, the whole world will come to see Muslims are fools. If you are a Muslim, you and your children will become the laughing stocks of the thinking humanity. You become the butt of jokes, despised and derided. Soon it will be an insult to call one a Muslim just as it is an insult to call one a fascist or a Nazi today. Do not persist in stupidity. Do not make a fool of yourself. The fallacy of Islam is as clear as the sun.

    We can forgive the foolish people of the Seventh Century Arabia who fell prey to this charlatan’s lies, but can we forgive educated people today, who still want to be fooled?

    If Muslims were capable of rational thinking, only this would have sufficed for them to see that Muhammad was an impostor mad man and not a prophet of God. His imaginary god was his own alter ego, a lot like himself,a sadist, a psychopath. Allah is everything Muhammad wanted to be – a tyrant, one who does whatever he pleases and responds to no authority; one who is worshiped, one who is feared. Being loved and feared is everything a narcissist dreams of. Muhammad invented Allah to live his narcissistic dreams. And one billion followers are unable to see the ploys of one mentally deranged man. This is tragedy. No wonder Muslims live in such a misery. They follow a psychopath as their prophet and worship a sadistic deity – the figment of the mind of that psychopath. How pathetic!

  • Madiha
    August 12, 2010 1:10 am

    Comment by MADIHA

    Hello Khurshid,

    Thanks for showing your concern for me, let me tell you I have not lost anything but I have gained so much after leaving Islam, I got wonderful hubby and his family who treat me like human and like their own daughter, I have one beautiful daughter. I am proud to be a HINDU.

    My father was indeed a true follower of Mohammad and Islam. He followed Islam and ruined life of my mom and mine, if you think whatever I have written above is inconsistent with Islam then show me, teach me Islam, where is the proof that mohammad was a prophet. Why should I believe that he was a prophet and not an imposter, Muhammad believed in his own cause. He was so certain of the reality of his hallucinations that he expected everyone to believe too. He made his Allâh indignantly ask “What! Do you then dispute with him [Muhammad] as to what he saw?” (Q.53:12) This is psychopathology. Why should others believe in what he saw? Isn’t it up to him to prove what he saw was real? Only a narcissist expects others to believe in his claims without asking for evidence.

  • Madiha
    August 12, 2010 1:03 am

    Comment by MADIHA

    Recipe to Hell

    This is a worthy reading for every female thinking of marrying a Muslim. You need to know what might await around the corner.

    1 Good looking, non-conventional Nonmuslis female with poor self-esteem, preferably over 30, with a tendency towards self-sacrifice, brain a plus, ‘bendable&fexible’ best.
    1 Good/clean looking, manipulative, forceful and proud Muslim male, of decent social class, with a taste for screaming and squashing others.
    At least 1 child
    2 copies of the Qu’ran, 1 soft version in English and 1 in Arabic
    10 years

    Step 1 Starters

    Goal 1: Forming a Family:

    Make sure the Muslim male courts the Nonmuslim female aggressively until she gives in, in a moment of absent-mindedness and deep loneliness while living in a foreign country called America.

    Technique of Muslims:
    Be pushy but offer your prey a gift and remember all the old Egyptian films/movies in which the man will die unless the female marries him. Be dramatic! Insist on your life leading to nowhere but death without her and don’t forget to add a touch a romance to spice up your dish, in the shape of: “Wallahi! I swear I saw you in a dream about 5 years ago.(like mohammad did that he saw 6 years aisha in the dream when mohammad was 51 and he asked for aisha’s hand in marriage to her father Abu bakar) It was YOU, just as you are, really you, why would I lie, I beg you to believe me” (and so forth).

    For a highly recommendable Muslim dish, gradually tighten your grip around the Nonmuslim female. Do not forget to act like a lamb for starters until your position of power is asserted and allows you to show yourself as the hungry wolf that you are, ready to eat up his main course. Make sure your Infidel female becomes pregnant, without her consent if required.

    Let your wife-to-be soak in her pregnancy alone. Let her sleep in the basement where she can ‘carry her load’ without disturbing your sleep. She’s of no use to you at all right now. Ignore her tears and ailments.
    Before the birth, casually raise the question of marriage for your future child’s benefit without forgetting to smile often as Westerners do. You’ll soon learn how to, however stupid a thing to do it is.
    Get married as soon as she agrees, see how her eyes light up, tricked into believing that this was just a passing phase. No need for a ceremony or witnesses, a judge at home will do. Wrap it up in 10 minutes: Be time and cost efficient, ‘à la America

    Step 2 Main Course

    Goal 2: Establishing Yourself as the Muslim Boss (and therefore ‘Man’) in Control

    Once married, do not let your wife get back into your bed. Instead kick her out of your bed for 6 years, tell her she must sleep in your child’s bedroom as soon as he or she is born.
    The key words to a perfect Muslim dish are ‘annoyance’ and ‘control’: Look annoyed, sound annoyed, act annoyed, scream and lie as required. Your ‘property’ must now learn to behave according to your strict, rigid and let’s face it, insane and intolerant principles.

    Give your Infidel wife a copy of the Qu’ran for her to read, Should she notice and understand the violent and generally degrading and abusive parts, especially those relating to females and infidels. mention that Allah is all knowledgeable and that none should question his perfect and absolute knowledge and power over mere mortals such as ourselves.

    mere mortals such as ourselves.

    Quote a few passages in Arabic in a loud distinct voice as if you were addressing a child whenever necessary, this will sound impressive to your wife and remember to insist that Islam is a religion of peace which respects the 2 previous Abrahamic faiths. (Don’t worry, your wife will not know what life is really like for the Copts of Egypt or any other such group of infidels in islamic countries, ultimately).

    Slightly before your child is born, ask your wife to make a list of first names. Do not tell her that only a Muslim name will be adequate. Wait and see what she comes up with. You are bound to find a name which can easily be turned into a Muslim name. Generally speaking, only tell your wife the strict minimum about everything.

    Once the baby is born, insist that babies never cry in Muslim countries and make your wife carry the baby all day and night long even if she suffers from extreme backache and has a full-time job. After all, her main job consists in raising your child, who, if you are lucky, will be a boy and not a shameful “turnip” requiring no celebrations as is the case in some Muslim countries.

    Make your wife understand who is boss. You are the head of the family, it’s up to YOU, Muslim father, to direct all aspects of daily life, including the tiniest. This is easily achieved with the help of the Qu’ran and sets of rituals you will design for your wife and later on, for your child, to follow to the letter.
    The secret to a good Muslim recipe is to start slowly and enforce your demands insidiously, like a growing cancer; like a spider web, like death even.


    Start gently by raising the flat/apartment temperature to 30°C and tell your wife that a baby must be warm and never catch a cold. When the baby does fall ill, be sure to blame your wife. As a general rule, this recipe works best when you manage to convince your wife that anything wrong is her own doing while the truth is held by her Muslim husband who by definition holds all knowledge. After all, doesn’t the truth belong to the last and (therefore) best religious book? Isn’t this logic itself, hu?

    Make sure your wife and baby do not come out of the flat for at least another 9 months. From now on, outings will be governed by your own laws.

    Stop your wife from going to the bathroom or washing if this means the baby will cry.
    If the baby is too hot, don’t worry, your wife will deal with him and also handle working 80 hours a week from home. Women are very resourceful when they want to be. All they require is a Good Director. Remember that you are in control and everybody else was born to obey you.

    If you feel ever so slightly drained and need to get away from this insane baby world, don’t forget to call your wife every 30 min and also ask her to call you at regular intervals in order to check out on her and your child and make sure that orders have been followed to the letter. Should she be walking in the garden with your child when you clearly told her NEVER to go out, scream at her and refuse to talk to her for a few days until she breaks down out of fear and exhaustion. Should the baby be crying, be sure to give her at least verbal abuse. Use her own guilty feelings to pin her down and control her. Remember that women are protective of their children and so will generally obey you for their sake.

    Select your child’s clothes and do not allow your wife to take part in your child’s education. Call on a Muslim friend and his 20 year old wife to teach your Western woman how to bring up a Muslim child. Make sure your wife is reminded that the Qu’ran is the only way to be saved from hellfire.

    Step 3

    ‘Coup de grace’:

    Suggest going back to your islamic country as life is so much cheaper over there. On your way, visit your wife’s family and cause a big fuss so that your wife and her parents start strongly disliking each other. Lie about having found work in your own country and leave abruptly with your wife and child.
    Once home, explain to your wife that she no longer has a need for short sleeve tee-shirts or knee-length skirts as they would offend Muslims. Now that your wife believes that she is a Muslim, gradually use your Muslim family to entice her into wearing a veil on her hair and tell her how beautiful and special she looks this way.

    Besides, social pressure will add to your plan and she’s likely to feel that she is treated better when she wears a veil.

    Remember to exhaust your wife daily. If work pressure and baby world don’t damage her enough, show patience, it will eventually happen. This is the best way to secure your possessions.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT work. Your wife is earning the money so concentrate on monitoring every aspect of family life. Do not let anyone breathe. By now, your wife should have mastered the art of obeying your orders. Never let her have an opinion regarding any family matters. You will select your child’s lifestyle, his outings, his school attendance even. Your child must live in a bubble of your own devices
    Do not ever let her go out alone on the grounds that it may be dangerous for her. Escort her with your child. The rest of the time she should be home.

    Rituals pay off:

    Your rituals must be implemented at all times. Whenever your child needs to wash, all doors and windows must be closed while room temperature must be 22°C and constant throughout the entire apartment. Explain how you wish for your child to be washed and dressed. After washing and as a general rule, should she forget which tee-shirt must be put on first and how your child should be dressed, scream at her when she expects it least and refuse to talk to her.

    In any case, insist on supervising everything your wife does while you direct and regulate from your seat or your bed.

    When your wife gets paid, escort her to the bank and put the money in your pocket. Do not ever give in to her wish to have a debit card. Keep the card for yourself and make it credit. Give her some money from time to time. Show love and affection by occasionally buying her some clothes with her money and spend lavishly on your child. After all, isn’t this what love is about, or is it? And besides isn’t money around to be spent? We are not Jews now, are we?

    As your wife falls down on the floor from time to time complaining about heart and nervous problems, get angry with her for being constantly ill though a doctor will be required since she must get back to work asap.

    Your child is allowed to pinch, kick and insult his nanny, his mother and anyone other than yourself. Your child needs to become antisocial, aggressive towards females and terrified of men. This is how one turns a boy into a real man!

    When your wife starts complaining about not having any friends, insist that friends are to be made only within YOUR Muslim family circle and that male friends are forbidden even in writing only. Monitor her use of the computer by constantly sitting next to her as she works. Keep her just about locked up in your flat/apartment for 4 years and make it crystal clear to her that should she wish to ‘disobey’ and leave, the children will stay with you, since you are the Muslim man, and abide by Islamic law (when it suits you).

    The Western wife boldly took off her veil and became a Christian. She then managed after 4 years to go back to her country on holidays with the kids not knowing quite what to do as she had just about forgotten who she was. Once there, the kids begged her to stay and do not wish to communicate with their father. All’s well that ends well, you say? Not quite. This is really just the beginning. However, the recipe to hell cannot go on being told right now for secrecy reasons.

    What this writer would like you to remember are the following points:

    * Muslims are brainwashed from birth and are victims of Islam.

    * This writer doesn’t think ill of Muslims but has more than a distinctive aversion for Islam and how it can turn any human being into a monster.

    * This writer’s wish is for Muslims to wake up and especially Muslim females, who, although they are clear victims of Islam, on the whole keep reproducing the same patterns they were taught. We are convinced that women have a major role to play in the reforming if not eradication of Islam and we will spend the rest of our lives trying to help them as well as all the victims of Islam, starting from our point of view with the Copts of Egypt who although they are the real Egyptians, are forced to live like second-class citizens, ‘citizens’ being too nice a word to describe the abominations which take place daily in Egypt against the heirs of the Pharaohs.

  • khurshid
    August 11, 2010 1:39 pm

    we are sorry to learn this story, poor Madiha! You do not know what you have lost, I heartly advise you, pray to Allah for guidance and right path, you will be granted, and I also condemn your father as he is not true representative of Islam. Such type of people are the culprit, he does not have even little knowledge of Islam, he even did not know that daugter is a blessing in Islam, how could he call you a punishment, yours fathers ignorance from his religion is revealed by the fact that he married a Hindu woman which Islam does not permit. So you left a blessed and peaceful religion due to wrong deeds of your father who is not a true Muslim and not the true representative of a true and peaceful religion. Pray to God and we will also do that may you return to the right path. Your father is guilty of all Muslim. May god bless you.

  • Madiha
    August 11, 2010 11:41 am

    Comment by MADIHA

    Hello Friends,

    If you have any question regarding my story, you can ask I would love to answer.

  • Madhiha
    August 11, 2010 11:37 am

    Comment from MADIHA

    Do you wanna marry a muslim man and wanna be a muslim wife ?

    A Muslim man is asking for your hand in marriage, and you have [madly] fallen in love with him. He seems to be intelligent, romantic, handsome, kind of rich, well-educated and well-mannered, too! He shows deep love and affections towards you. Showers his unlimited attentions, caresses; he really really cares for you and your heart flutters when you hear his voice or when you are near him…. You are attracted to him like to none other!

    So, what more can a woman ask for in life?

    “There will be no problems”, he will say, adding: “you can keep your religion, I will keep mine”. It is indeed true that Islam does allow a Muslim man to marry a Nonmuslim woman [infidel] after conversion to islam. But is it true that there will be no problems in such a marriage?

    To answer this question, a Nonmuslim [infidel] woman has to examine what it is like to be a Muslim’s wife?

    Below is a ‘Crash Course’ on being a Muslim wife
    All infidel women must familiarize with it before marrying a Muslim.
    . All Western infidel women must familiarize with it before marrying a Muslim.

    Muslim Wife’s Status!

    * Islam teaches that Muslim men are superior to women. (Surah 2:228)
    * Islam teaches that women have half the rights of men:

    – In inheritance (Surah 4:11)

    – In court witness (Surah 2:282)

    * Islam considers a wife to be a personal possession of the husband.

    “Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: women and sons, heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses…” (Surah 3:14)

    * Islam commands women to veil themselves always when they are outside their homes:

    “…says to the believing women… that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty” (Surah 24:31)

    * Mohammed teaches that women are lacking in brain and religion:

    “I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than women”. (Al-Bukhari 2:541)

    * Mohammed teaches that women are a bad omen:

    “Bad omen is in the women, the house and the horse”. (Al Bukhari 7:30)

    * Mohammed taught that women are harmful to men.

    “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women”. (Al Bukhari 7:33)

    Status of Your Muslim Marriage!

    * Islam allows polygamy for men:

    “A man may marry up to four wives at one time.” Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four…” (Surah 4:3)

    * A Muslim man can divorce his wife by oral announcements; the wife has no right to divorce at all.

    “Divorce is permissible twice”. (Surah 2:229)

    * When a Muslim husband has pronounced divorce three times on his wife, she then may not lawfully remarry her husband until she has married another man, properly consummated the marriage and has been divorced by her new husband.

    “…So if a husband divorces his wife he cannot after that, remarry her until after she has married another husband, and he has divorced her”. (Surah 2:230)

    * Islam teaches that a wife is subject to punishment by her husband; beating a wife or abstaining from sexual relations with her is legally allowed under Islamic Sharia.

    “As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them…” (Surah 4:34)

    Your Muslim Sex Life Status!

    Islam considers wives as a sex-object.

    “Your wives are as a tithe [a field to be ploughed] unto you, so approach your tithe when or how ye will”. (Surah 2:223)

    Status of Your Muslim Children!

    Your children have to be raised according to their Muslim father’s religion, i.e. Islam. If he divorces you, he gets complete custody of all your children; you wouldn’t be able to see your children ever again.

    The Islamic Sharia Law states that in mixed marriages, “the children will follow the better of the two religions of their parents”, which in your case is considered as Islam! The Koran explicitly states that Islam is the only true religion:

    “…the true religion before Allah is Islam” (Surah 3:19).

    Non Muslims [infidels] can not act as protectors to Muslims.

    “O ye who believe; take not for friends [protectors] unbelievers rather than believers”. (Surah 4:144)

    Your Future Status as a Muslim Wife!
    Your Future Status as a Muslim Wife!

    Should you survive your Muslim husband, and his wealth is in an Islamic country, the Islamic Sharia Law will apply henceforth. The wife, who has not converted to Islam, gets nothing; the wife, who has converted to Islam, gets very little. According to the Koran, a Muslim wife does not inherit all her husband’s wealth. If the husband dies and he leaves no children, she gets a fourth of his wealth, his parents, brothers, uncles etc. will get the rest. If the deceased husband leaves any children behind, the wife gets an eighth part of the property; the children get the rest. The male child gets double the portion of the female.

    “In what ye leave, their [wives] share is a fourth if you leave no child; but if you leave a child, they [wives] get an eighth; after payment of legacies and debts.” (Surah 4:12)

    Before You Say “I DO” to a Muslim!

    Before you commit yourself to marry a Muslim, it is a good idea to examine their motives behind marrying you. While your motive may be true love, his motive could be just to obtain a “Green Card” or to convert you into islam for the sake of increasing muslim poppulation.

    They say, “Love is blind”. But I, however, hope that this message will serve as an eye-opener for you.

    You may say that your husband-to-be is a non-practicing Muslim. But let’s not forget that, Islam is more than a religion; it includes complete legal codes for Muslims and non-Muslims to follow in an Islamic State! In case of a dispute between you and him, all he needs to do [to get the upper hand over] is for you is to travel to an Islamic country.

    If you are still in doubt, may I suggest that you see the movie “Not without my daughter”, which is based on a true life-story of an American woman, who married a Muslim man. Other similar movies are: “Princess”, “Dreams of Trespass”, and “The Stoning of Soraya M”.

    This may be a life-saving experience. The lives you will save are your own, your families and those of your future children.

  • Waseem
    August 2, 2010 9:47 am


    I think this Madiha is an imposter who enjoys writing spicy stories on the internet. He/She is most likely a person who was born a hindu although, I think hindus generally are good people.

    I am a Muslim and to me this Madiha’s story sounds just too extreme and unbelievable. Yes sure we Muslims have some bad apples, but I have yet to meet grandparents ( Muslim or otherwise) who will call their 12 year old grand-daughter a prostitute for wearing jeans, specially when they are living in America. I also do NOT believe the story when the grandparents bad mouth the grand-daughter for being friends with people of different faith in school, specially when the grandparents know the school is in America which is so diverse.

    Madiha or who ever you are go come up with a better spicy story.

    I think the whole point of this story was to demonize muslims. Yes there are some bad Muslims, but as a whole we are not as bad as some might try to portray us. This story is no different then the usual European hate stories of gypsies being bad people and being dirty thieves from birth.

    • Vineeth
      May 15, 2017 4:23 am

      Waseem,… you might have to re-consider what Madiha said. Understand this… If you are an Indian then your are a converted Muslim. Your blood still belongs to the Hindu faith.

      Remember the Moghals came to india, and there is no estimation of how many they raped!!! and you are probably one of the Hindu blood line (Of course contaminated).

      By the way.. just for your info. THE MOGHULS are not muslims!!. So, please don’t be very proud of it!!!.

  • July 31, 2010 4:13 pm

    This sad story is not a unique event. Moslums are following their false prophet who forced his adopted son (Zaid) to divorce his wife (Zainab) so he can take her as a wife!!.
    Islam is not a heavenly religion but a savage earthy cult.

  • Faiz Ahmed
    July 27, 2010 2:18 pm

    Islam is not what you all understand. Islam is much above some Mullahs, Fanatic hypocrate Male dominated society. It is the wrong interpretation of Islam, which these so called Relgious Mafias are carrying on and spreading all over the world. Believe me, today, if Islam has a bad reputation like a terrorist religion, it is all because of these mafias. I am aware, in our Religion, on purpose a very fanatic approach is adapted and much stricter and inhuman rules are imposed specially on Women, but that all will stop one day when our women will be educated and brave enough to come out and fight against these mafias. Unfortunately currently so much we see and I agree, sometime I too feel to support other religion, but want to remain the way I am and start advocating within my own religion what is the right rather than converting. I am sure, many more will join me and fanatism, terror in my religion would end one day.

  • achilles
    July 16, 2010 2:50 pm

    Way to Go. Hinduism is the best religion in the world.

  • Chandra Sekhar
    July 15, 2010 7:01 pm

    Do we comments from readers of this site?
    The two heart-breaking stories are not enough?

  • July 15, 2010 4:46 pm

    I welcome this news same way all Hindus should accept this reality. Women can not be happy in Islam. e.g. Before Khomeini’s Rule the women were very happy in Iran. So far thousands of women converted to Islam from Hindu faith. If this trend continue and we do not accept women from different religion, we know the outcome. As we have CAST system in India the women can easily be accepted in the Husband’s cast and also I would like the men to be converted and accepted in women cast. I appreciate ARYA SAMAJ who perform this kind of Ritual to convert people into Hindu fold. I believe most forward women in Islam do not like, the way Islam enforced upon them, if the choice is given, they will quit and liberate themselves.

  • seema maheshwari
    July 13, 2010 9:18 pm

    What I read in the above comments is Muslim Bashing. Yes, there are some heartbreaking stories about abuse in all religions and Islam has had more than its share. However, painting all muslims with the same brush is racism and bigotry.

    There are millions more Hindus then Muslims of Indian origin, so why are the Hindus marrying the Muslims? If they do marry, why would they give up their religion? With religion comes our History, our culture, our family and our whole being. Why would we give it up? For Love? Please,life isn’t a Hindi movie.

    Interfaith Shaadis are for the educated and broad minded. Others need not apply.

  • Plato
    July 10, 2010 4:00 pm

    All that is fine. Nothing unbelievable there. Any poerson with real freedom & ability to sift through the grain & chaff, will be able to do this. But what is unfortunate is, that more & more Hindu boys & girls are defying common sense & marrying muslims & christians & converting to islam & christianity. And those who are marrying within their religion, are actively It is like the opposite of progress & evolution giving up the spiritual aspect & incorporating the Christian commercial rituals into it, & are refusing to produce children. That too is leading to a drop in Hindu population. It is basic arithmetic. 2 Hindus produce 0, 1 or at best 2 children. But 2 Muslims or Christians produce in litters. Christians go to the extreme of actually littering…look at the “technological miracles” of sextuplets, septuplets & octuplets among them, all specifically with the purpose of producing more, some thing that was not meant for the human species. Even most of the animals produce only 1 young one at a time. As for some people who keep saying oh all Muslims/Christians (wishful thinking) are not like that, that is a lot of bologna. These 2 gangs have alwaqys been poster child for “moonh mein Raam bagal mein chhuri: & the Christians also personify the image of “bagla bhagat.”

  • Narain
    July 3, 2010 12:47 pm

    It’s heart breaking to read the stories of our Hindu girls who converted to Islam & then married a Muslim man.They became, true to Muslim tradition, bonded slaves ,whose tasks were to satisfy the sexual urges of their husbands, do domestic chores & breed like a rabbits.
    Our Hindu girls must use their head not their heart ,when deciding to choose a life partner.Let all Hindu girls who have been conned by the Muslim men, to marry them ,to marry them, return to the religion of their forefathers.

  • Partho Datta
    July 3, 2010 1:32 am

    This may indeed be true. However, let us not condemn an entire community. There are probably, on a percentage basis, as many honourable Muslims as there are Hindus, Christians or whatever.
    I only wish to comment on a misunderstanding of the term fatwa. A fatwa essentially is an edict issued by an Alim on matters of dispute about the interpretation of the Hadith. It is not, and was never meant to be a licence to kill wantonly. Any Muslim who believes a fatwa gives him a right to kill is committing a grave sin.

  • jaan
    July 2, 2010 3:40 am

    Tragic story of Hindu girl who was victim of Love jihad and was targeted for conversion by her muslim bf.


    Unfortunately, I was in Love with a Kashmiri Muslim guy for the last 6 years. He was in Kashmir, and I was in Mumbai. Though it was a Long-distance relationship, this guy being with a so-called “kafir” literally made my life miserable right from the beginning. The initial days were good and joyful, but as time passed, the time came, when things were to be revealed at our respective homes. He was from a Muslim family and I am from an Hindu Maharastrian family.

    1) When I told this news at my home, my parents were damn comfortable with it, as my parents are very well educated, my DAD being a Supreme Court lawyer and Mom an H.R Representative with Britannia’s, they were completely fine with me marrying a Muslim – Though they must have been hurt, but just for my happiness they tried to pretend to be happy.

    2) The situation at his place was like this: His Mom and Dad are separated – again, no new thing in Islam – as his Dad had had several affairs outside the home. My guy was staying with his Mom and Brothers – at their new home. They were completely against this marriage, as his family just kept on quibbling, saying: “a Girl from Mumbai, from a metro will not be able to adjust here in this village in Kashmir. She may get irritated soon, and then it may lead to: Talaq, Talaq, Talaq.” It was the most disgusting thing ever.

    Although he tried to convince his mom for almost 2 years he was unsuccessful. Than, as an orthodox Muslim, he went to consult a local mufti. He went to the mufti and told him the situation in the following manner :

    “Mufti Sahab, I am in love with a Hindu girl from Mumbai. I love her a lot, and she even loves me a lot. But my parents are not agreeing to this marriage, although the girl is ready to be a “Muslim”. [And yes, I was ready to sacrifice each and every thing for him, moreover, he had put so much love for Islam in my heart, that, I was really hypnotized. I had learned to offer namaz, I used to fast during Ramadan, I used to give Zakat to the trust; and did almost everything that a Muslimah does]. When the Mufti heard this, he guided the guy, saying: “If the girl is ready to be a Muslim [by her choice], than you do not wait for a minute. Simply ask her to accept the shahada let her be a recognized Muslim first, and than automatically your family will have to accept her]”

    The very next day, the 8th February 2008 , was the blackest day of my life. I, along with him, went to Jama Masjid in Mumbai, recited Kalmiah in front of many eyewitnesses, and the next day, he went back to Kashmir, taking all the necessary documents with him. After few days, he openly told his family that we had gotten married, and his mom insisted that he take me to the same Mufti who had guided him through this, and so he did. Here is what the Mufti said when I was in front of him: “What is the big deal if the girl has become a Muslim? Let her remain a Muslim. You cannot go against the wishes of your Mom. You cannot marry that girl – let her remain a Muslim. You will get a reward on the day of judgement.”

    When I heard this, I was shocked. It was like dying and coming back to life. I was so damn shattered. In the name of religion he did this to the one he said he loveed. I asked him: “Why did you do this to me if you never wanted to marry me? Why did you spoil my reputation in front of the whole world – by making me accept Islam [ so soon when you were not so sure about marrying me]?” He replied: “I took that decision – I’m in an emotional state. I never meant to do so.” In Urdu he said: “Maine JAZBAAT main aakar, yeh decision liya tha”.

    From that day onwards, I really spit on the name “Islam” and now when I have gone through your website – this is the first time that I have felt like discussing my issues. I feel so ashamed, even now, to face my parents because of this. However they really are the most wonderful parents that I could ever have. You all wont believe that while writing this, my eyes are filled with tears. All thanks to my near and dear ones – my family – and also to your website. These things have given me a new life – a new world to dwell in.

    Thanks and best wishes! May all your sadness be mine and may all my happiness be yours.

  • jaan
    July 2, 2010 3:36 am

    One tragic story of former muslim : Who’s whole family converted into Hinduism, it was also an intefaith marriage.


    Here’s the story of how I came to leave and despise Islam and everything it stands for.

    My parents are from India. My mother was born a Hindu and my father a Muslim. They met in college in Delhi. The usual thing happened and they got married. During the initial years, they continued to live in India where both worked in fairly well paying jobs. Neither of them was particularly religious & therefore neither tried to get the other to convert.

    About three years after their wedding, they moved to Canada where my father’s sister already lived. My aunt and her family were particularly observant Muslims and almost immediately began to pressure my father into becoming more religious, while, at the same time, exerting pressure upon my mother to convert. Worse, once my aunt found out that my parents were using birth control so that my mother could continue with her career, the pressure became even more intense. Eventually my father caved in, and in turn, he began to shove his religion down my mother’s throat. In order to save her marriage, she ended up converting and stopped using birth control. She became pregnant with twins (my sister & I) soon after. Once we were born, my father forbade my mother from returning to work and wanted her to become his personal baby factory so he could fulfill his warped religious obligations and have a ton of little Muslim babies.

    For whatever reason however, my mother did not get pregnant again and in time my father began to talk about a second wife. At the same time, under the influence of his extremely traditional brother-in-law, he had become physically abusive towards my mother and was always both physically and verbally abusive towards my sister. Towards me however, his darling son, he was completely permissive. I admit that as a child I took advantage of my father misogyny to gain the upper hand over my sister. However, despite being the apple of my father’s eye, I was far more attached to my mother. By the time I reached the age of 5 or 6 I began to see that she was being made to suffer though, through no fault of her own. I also began to see my father for the monster that he had become as he became ever more religious with time.

    When I was 7, my father beat my mother particularly badly one evening. When I confronted him about it, his response was chilling. Apparently, our beloved prophet had instructed his followers that it was appropriate and even necessary to beat our wives to keep them in line. I got a lengthy religious lecture from my father about this that evening. I suppose that at the age of 7 I was more intellectually mature than my 40 year old father as I saw the religious nonsense for the vile crap that it was and at the end of the conversation. I went upstairs and called the police. That day was the last time I spoke to my father for many many years. Criminal charges were filed against him. My mother, my sister and I, all testified against him in court. He was sentenced to 15 years without parole. We also testified against his sister and brother-in-law for inciting conjugal violence. Ironically enough, my cousins testified against their parents as well. Both my aunt & uncle were sent to prison for two years each & their children came to live with us for the duration.

    Of course once we were free of my father, my mother returned to her original Hindu religion. My sister & I converted as well. My cousins, who at the time were in their teens (16 and 17) also left Islam and became Hindus. I am now 30, married and with a child of my own. I have often wondered about why my father underwent the transition from a perfectly normal, loving man to a complete monster. The only true changes that occurred in his life were that he moved from India to Canada and that he became progressively more religious and orthodox. The move in and of itself couldn’t change family dynamics therefore it had to have been the religious aspect that led to the changes in my father. Therefore, as an adult, I decided to find out more about Islam. I read the Quran & the hadiths, as well as several books and commentaries written by both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. The more I read, the more I came to understand how this religion can turn a perfectly normal man into a complete monster. And the more I find out about this religion the more I despise it.

    Fortunately, once in prison, my father’s conscience began to bother him and he came to realize just how much pain he had caused. He too examined his metamorphosis and understood that Islam was the root cause of everything that had gone wrong in his life. He eventually abandoned Islam as well and once he was released from prison he too converted to Hinduism.

    Today my entire family is happy & healthy. And we have all learnt a very important lesson – never again will any of us allow a practicing Muslim to enter our lives.

  • jaan
    July 2, 2010 3:30 am

    This woman is very courageous, I have already read her apostasy at isis.com and I salute her. I have also read her blogs at sukhdukh.com, she is an awesome writer.

  • Site administrators
    July 1, 2010 7:54 pm


    Chitranjan Sawant above (#6, July 1, 12:34am) raised some doubt – if this is a true story?
    Before picking this story, this site administrator had many communications with Madiha (not a current name) and also did Google searches for authenticity. Madiha has been writing similar stories since 2002 and have expressed in many many blogs over this period. Further, she is planning to get back to this site and address any question you may have.


    Chitranjanji, further you want to know her real name. Madiha is a bold young lady and is not fearful of disclosing her identity. Actually she first blogged on this site with her real name. This site administrators suggested her to change that for her safety. Understand that these mother and daughter may get a FATWA (Islamic declaration to act) for APOSTASY (converting out of Islam; punishment could be death). Do you want this young lady to take undue risk to prove herself?

    If you are a male reading this message, forward this message to your daughter, sister, wife, and mother. Encourage FEMALES FROM ALL FAITHS to write a personal messages to Madiha and her mom. Madiha’s practicing physician mother in the USA has not gone public with her message yet, may be encouragements from other females will help her (them) collect strength to speak out.

    Forward others this link to blog https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=298

  • Arun Kumar
    July 1, 2010 7:45 am

    Very touching story and indeed an eye opener. Let me congratulate the brave girl and what she did for herself and her mother. This is not an isolated story, this has happened over and over again so many times and I know there are many hindu/non-muslim girls married to muslims and living a pathetic life. I hope they get courage from your story and lead to the right path. I will request the thread starter to set up her own blog so that many girls in a similar situation like her can take courage from her story. Since she has been through this she can also guide other in the similar situation time permitting.

  • July 1, 2010 12:34 am

    Indeed an interesting story. I congratulate the young lady on her bold decision of coming back home to the Hindu Dharma and also helping her mother to live a life of dignity.
    In future please give your name so that other girls are encouraged and know for sure that you are a real person and not a fake.
    Chitranjan Saant

  • rakesh
    July 1, 2010 12:28 am

    johua vah accha hua

  • July 1, 2010 12:19 am

    Let all converted muslim women read this and turn back to their mother religion. Bharat mata ki Jai

  • WorldPeace
    June 30, 2010 5:21 pm

    This is an eye-opening and thought-provoking real life story that needs to be known by every Muslim girl in the World.

  • June 30, 2010 2:59 pm

    Good to hear that you are out of barbaric type of religion. God should help you getting freedom and spiritual development.

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  • jyotsna
    June 30, 2010 2:12 pm

    Hindu is a good dharma, save this girl.

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