Hindu Nair with Love with Marthomite Christian

Ashmita says: July 10, 2017 at 1:55 am

Hi admin,
I am deeply in love with a Christian Marthomite guy. I am a Hindu Nair girl. We both come from the same community (Malayalis). My boyfriend and I have a mutual understanding that neither of us will convert. If we ever do have children in the future, we want our kids to be raised with knowledge of both religions. However, his parents are giving me a hard time and want me to convert in order to be married in the church. I want to have a Hindu ceremony and a Christian ceremony, but they are totally against having a Hindu wedding ceremony. My boyfriends mother feels that I don’t love her son enough in order to convert. My parents have agreed to us getting married and are not giving me a hard time like his parents are. My boyfriend is trying his level best to make his parents understand why I don’t want to convert. Please tell me what should I do? -Ashmita

More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Nithin
    July 19, 2017 3:31 am

    Are there churches in india which would allow the christian spouse of a christian – hindu couple to continue attending church sermons. looking for born again churches preferably

    • July 19, 2017 8:19 pm

      Most church will allow Hindus to attend their sermons, why not?

  • July 14, 2017 5:35 pm

    Hi Ashmita,

    In life, you have to learn the art of negotiation. There will be a give and take, but we recommend–promise less but produce more.

    As far we are concerned, you are on track. Tell your boy friend very sternly that you will never convert, and the same for your children. Never ever come back to you that you will have to convert to please his parents. Tell his parents that you are what you are, and will die as is.

    This is an elementary school level joke “My boyfriends mother feels that I don’t love her son enough in order to convert.” Tell the your boyfriend if he loves you enough, convert to Hinduism.

    Ashmita, you have to understand that these Marthomites are frozen in the time. There is no way you are going to play at their tunes and be happy. You rather not give them a wrong impression by fake-converting.

    If you get around, please read our book just released- Interfaith Marriage: Share and Respect with Equality. You will understand totally where they are coming from.

    Wow for “My parents have agreed to us getting married”, that is certainly admirable on your parents part. Now you are not going to backstab them by fake-converting.

    This is your nobel thought, “we want our kids to be raised with knowledge of both religions”, how beautiful, is this not?

    Tell them you will follow Jesus and not their church. Read this.

    Keep us updated for your progress. Best wishes.

    • September 29, 2017 3:18 am

      Hi Admin,

      I need your help and guidence in this,

      I m a christian marthomite, i love a guy from hindu caste. We want to get married.
      His parents are okay, only if my parents are ready for it. Bt in my side, parents arent ok wid it, and hell lot of problems happened when they came to know about our relationship, i had to resign my job, they took me to a counsellor and things.
      My guy was very strong till date, but now he started getting a negative feeling, this wont work and things we wont lead a good life if we go with this, after when we came to know that if i get married to a hindu or other caste guy, not me alone my whole family is out of the church
      My parents are realy very religious, he’s got a fear, what will happen to them, if they are out of the church coz him, since my parents see it as a sin getting married to a hindu so they will never allow.
      I m ready to go with him, but if i do that even his parents wont support.
      Neither me or him are interested in converting our religions. He thinks widout any1 support in the long run we will start regretting

      Is it true that the whole family will be out of the church?..is there any way out for it …. Please advise as now we both are going into a depression stage.

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12843

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