Hindu: How Can I Marry an Iranian Girl?

Sid says: November 22, 2018

If we want to settle in abroad like Canada, Australia, Germany,and there we want to get married.
Is it possible?
If yes then how I can marry to irani girl -Sid

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  • Ruchika
    January 6, 2019 8:03 pm

    No its not safe for any guy to go there under mullahs.

    Normally the girls from iran i have met who lives outside are mostly atheist,you cn meet them outside,but in iran quite dangerous IMO.

  • November 23, 2018 12:04 am

    Hi sid,
    If you both are in the West, you can simply marry by court and then there is no problem. However, are both of you are going to be in one of countries mentioned? Do both of you have visa to go there? Lets say after 3-5 years, you have to return back from that country. Where will you go, to your country or hers? Are her parents okay sending her out side? Are her parents ready for her to marry a “Hindu”? Give us more information and this way we can help. Thank you.

    • Sid
      November 23, 2018 12:10 am

      Now I planning to go Iran just to meet her for 4-5 days.
      Is it safe for Hindu guy to go in Iran to meet her girlfriend?

      • November 23, 2018 1:05 am

        Hi Sid,
        Iran is not a free country like West or India when comes to religion. She may be a free spirited person but not her parents, society and their religious and political people. Are her parents know your relationship? If her parents ask you to convert to Islam for marriage, what would you do? Are your parents okay with you being a true Muslim?

        In Islam, Muslims (esp. women) are not allowed to mingle with people from opposite sex for romantic relationships (Koran 24:30). If you ask for visa to Iranian government that you (a Hindu) wish to travel there to meet your Muslim girl friend, that will be a no no for them. Make sure not to lie on your visa application, otherwise you will not come back in one piece.

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