Hindu: Getting Married to a Christian Next Month

anamika says: December 10, 2015 at 11:28 pm

hey admin, i love a christian guy and getting marry to him next month without my parents permission. we both have planned for court marriage without converting any one religion. my guy never forced and never said me to convert as he always say that its our belief. his parents are agree for this like, i am not getting converting to christianity.

there is one thing that he do not want me to do any idol worship at home but he said that he will not stop me going temple. he always say that if you want to follow any religion or belief do you need to take permission from me for that? in sort he said its your will whatever you want to do, he is cool in these terms.

i am in relationship from past 9 years with him, my parents not getting ready because of social norms and secondly of religion. as a human i always think of humanity as a Religion.

even we have talked about our future like what religion will our children will follow he said we will teach them about humanity and let them decide what they want to follow after adolescence. he is such a generous person and even respect my parents and family more than me.

please help me like i am just worried about my parents, as i have to leave them for lifetime, i would not have any option to look back. i feel like i am very bad daughter even tried to convince them from past two years. Am i doin something wrong?

please reply as soon as possible – anamika

anamika says: December 13, 2015 at 5:58 am

thanks admin for replying…
i had talked to his mother about conversion they said its your will to foolow it… just be pure and stay clear about God..
secondly they dont do any idol worship not even cross..yaeh they go to church attend mass bt being protestant they dont keep any idols(like cross and mother maary photos)
yes the children will not be baptizied without my will only blessing ceremony will be done and i feel till now ok for it,
secondly we will live with his parents, if the situation will not be controlled we will move to their another flat.. even her parents told this..
but i feel like if my parents would have supported me things will be better in my life..
he is educated, independent moreover he is pure in terms of love like he never force me for anything he just said if u expect anything i do expect somethings from you but neither I am saying you to do this nor i want you say it to me.. because this expectations kind of thing is not between us… he dont want any condition

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity,

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  • April 28, 2016 1:27 pm

    I am in a relationship with a Christian guy for 2 years.. My dad is aware of this n he has accepted it.. Even my family is quite broad minded so they will also accept.. The concern is that his family is dead against our relationship.. They r not accepting it at all. The reason is I m not a Christian. I even asked him to tell his parents that I will get baptized which he said to them but they are still being stubborn. They tortured him a lot. Please help us in this. Thank you.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11239

  • rajiv shetty
    March 19, 2016 11:51 am

    i realy like.

  • anamika
    December 13, 2015 5:58 am

    thanks admin for replying…
    i had talked to his mother about conversion they said its your will to foolow it… just be pure and stay clear about God..
    secondly they dont do any idol worship not even cross..yaeh they go to church attend mass bt being protestant they dont keep any idols(like cross and mother maary photos)
    yes the children will not be baptizied without my will only blessing ceremony will be done and i feel till now ok for it,
    secondly we will live with his parents, if the situation will not be controlled we will move to their another flat.. even her parents told this..
    but i feel like if my parents would have supported me things will be better in my life..
    he is educated, independent moreover he is pure in terms of love like he never force me for anything he just said if u expect anything i do expect somethings from you but neither I am saying you to do this nor i want you say it to me.. because this expectations kind of thing is not between us… he dont want any condition

    • December 13, 2015 1:47 pm


      Lets do these:

      1) Tell your parents that you will marry to this Christian on 2-April-2015 (even you are not!). Let them boil it over and curse you as much they wish. You stay cool and calm. Ask them what are issues they see, write it down and reply them next day. Never fight or get angry, but stay cool and calm. Answer each and every their questions. It it important to give parents enough time to vent their frustrations and hear their issues. It is possible that after 3 months when they realize that there is no option left, they may mellow down. If they don’t, then you go ahead with your plan to marry the Christian guy against wishes of your parents.

      2) Before you actually marry to this Christian, make sure to know them who they really are. A cool talking person does not mean he or she is not cunning. Use this 5 month to really understand them and we will help you for that step wise.

      We have severe concerns for this statement, “just be pure and stay clear about God..”, what does being pure means? What does be clear about God means?

      Are they saying Hindus, Catholics, Muslims, Sikhs, etc are not pure and not clear about God? Mahatma Gandhi was following Lord Krishna and was not praying to Jesus, was Gandhiji not pure?

      You are going to be loosing your parents for ever. When you are making such a huge sacrifice of your love life, you want to 100% make sure you are not getting stuck with an intolerant people. Tell them that you are a Hindu and will die as such. Further, as a mother, you wish your children to be half Hindu and half Christian. We want you to enjoy your interfaith marriage with EQUALITY (the title of this web site). Tell them that you will spend the same amount to time in a church as in a mandir (50%-50%). You will spend the same time for Hindu and Christian rituals.

      The core issue with Christians is their exclusivity. View our video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlAuY85RlcE. Let us know what do you think of it.

      Christianity is based on believing in Jesus as a Son of God and those who don’t follow Jesus will not be saved on the Judgment Day. They believe every one is born with sin and the sin can be wiped out by following Jesus (and not Krishna!). Read Bible (https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1066) and you will be amazed how (Christian) God can be so cruel.

      Further, they said, “yes the children will not be baptizied without my will only blessing ceremony will be done”, this is not acceptable. This has deep meanings that you will not realize but will start feeling 5 years down in your life. Do you believe Christian blessing of a child is necessary because the child is carrying the original sin? Tell them that your child will be sin-free and thus you prefer not to have such ceremony. If they insist on it, then tell them you will have a Hindu blessing ceremony at your temple on the same day. This way, the sinner child will be double blessed.

      You have to learn to read fine lines, like “without my will”. You will be put into so much pressure to accept their intolerant teachings that you will unwillingly accept it.

      Bottomline, you have to explain them that Hindus are not confused people following wrong Gods (view videos at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLACOgivWbzw-RRdjplsSzFBmIjamuJVZ8). If they are truly open minded and not intolerant, they will understand and will settle for 50-50% deal. If not, at least, you will have a chance to know who truly they are.

      We are not trying to say they are bad people but we are not clear if they are con-artists. We wish to protect you, that all. Make sense?

      Always promise less but produce more. Let them feel bad that you are pushing your Hindu agenda on them; you have rights to protect you. Later, if you feel like, go ahead and baptize your children at your wish, not theirs or church’s. You be in control, not them.

      Read all recommended articles above. We have written a lot on this topic and you have to educate yourself. Best wishes.

  • December 11, 2015 8:09 pm

    Dear Anamika,

    You are in a difficult situation. On one side you have your love and the other side your parents. We will let you handle your parent’s situation but first let us guide you for your Christian boy friend.

    Are his parents in agreement with you staying a Hindu in their Christian home? Did you talk to them directly or you heard from your boy friend? This (hearing from in-laws directly) is critical because otherwise after marriage, parents will pressure you to convert.

    Is your boy friend well educated and financially stable (meaning having a good job) or he has to count on parent’s money? After marriage, are you going to stay with his parents?

    We are very upset with his statement “he do not want me to do any idol worship at home”. It may be a warning sign to come. Ask him that both will keep their idol out of home. You do not bring Hindu murtis and he will not keep Christian idols (the Cross, statue of marry and Jesus photo). Further, make sure you and your children don’t have to attend church or baptized, ever (unless you want it). No going to church and no visit to mandir. No Hindu Gods and no Jesus. On face you will act like an atheist but in heart you could be most religious. Ask him if he and his parents agree to this.

    Let us know on above questions. Can you take two more months to think over your decision to marry him till you are clear who they are? When you are 100% sure for what you are getting into, then we may give you a green light to go against your parents. Keep in touch!

    • anamika
      December 13, 2015 6:50 am

      plz help me out about my parents situation.. i m feeling depreesed because i m deeply in love with him..n dont want to leave him in any cost.. bt my parents , i m worried about their health and their so called society norms.. because i am a baniya.

      • December 13, 2015 2:08 pm

        Being depressed is the last thing you will do, instead spend your time reading a lot as suggested. Parents also have to realize a new norm of life. It is okay to go against your parents as far as you are 100% sure for what you are getting into (see above). Again, promise less but produce more. After your marriage with a Christian, show them that your children are better Hindus than most other Hindus. In long run, your parents will get over their pain and will accept new reality. Trust yourself that you will ultimately win their hearts. Best wishes.

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