Hindu in Love with Pakistani Muslim



I live in Dubai and I’m in love with a Pakistani guy from past 2 years and 4 months. I can’t think about a life without him. He is such a lovely person and after meeting him i got a spark in my life which I’ve never had imagined to be existing. My question is how can I handle this situation? Can I go to india with him once we get married? What other options do we have? I hope someone can give me a productive advise. –Shivangi

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Bantee
    October 2, 2019 9:39 pm

    Read Quran verse 4:34 @ quran.com , allah has given authotto beat/strike wife. Will you be still? Looks facts, don’t listen bullshits

  • Abhishek
    October 1, 2019 9:37 am

    Fake post by fake id, and Information for the Anti hindu extremist who posted this question Baby of Indian girl married to pakistani do not get indian citizenship.

    • Victor Ray
      December 21, 2019 9:35 am

      I think most of the posts are fake. Somebody’s mother elope with muslims. I’m confused whether it’s a fake post or not.

  • September 15, 2019 12:38 pm

    Hi Shivangi,

    It is always exciting to fall in love, especially it is the first time. We wish the “spark” you got in your life is not only transient for a few months, but a life long. We will give you guidance based on our experiences of helping 1200 other youths, but let us stick now to your questions. Do come back for more questions.

    My question is how can I handle this situation? We request you make fully informed decision. You will be happy if you make decision with your mind and not only heart.

    Can I go to india with him once we get married? Yes, but ask him. May be he may want to go and settle in Pakistan. Are you okay with that?

    What other options do we have? There are many options depending on your wishes. Do you wish to have a Hindu wedding? Do you wish to convert to Islam? Does he wish to convert to Hinduism? Are you planning to raise children as Muslim only, Hindu, both or atheist? Do you care for your parents and their wishes? Do you still want to be a proud Indian or you wish to be a Pakistani citizen? Please reply and we can talk more. Best wishes.

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