(Hindu) guy is ready for conversion to Christianity

Alphy says: October 27, 2014 at 4:21 am

Hi All,

I am a catholic by birth and my fore-fathers are also catholic. Last year I met a guy and fell in love with him, however he is a hindu. I have always personally believed that, there is 1 god with different names. My boyfriend also believes in this.

He likes christainity a lot and is ready to accept christainity and convert to become a catholic. My parents have also accepted him and they say that it is better that he converts so that later it will be easy for the children as well to follow 1 religion. My mom requested the guy to bring a certificate from his place (Andhra Pradesh) stating that he is ready to become a christain and accept me as his wife. Also to state that he is unmarried. He has brought that certificate with him, but its not from a catholic church. He brought it from a Pentecost church. Me, my parents and my relatives are confused on how to proceed with this marriage. When I guy is ready to accept christainity with his heart, then I don’t understand why its not possible for him. Our marriage is getting delayed due to this. Could anyone please help.
Need help in the below things –

Firstly I want to know what is the procedure to convert a hindu to christain(willingly).

This is the main thing that I need to know as once he gets converted there wont be a problem. As it would be like a christain guy marrying a christain girl.

Could you please let me know how to proceed with it. The guy is even ready for baptism. Thanks. -Alphy

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  • ram vala
    December 22, 2014 9:16 am

    He would agree probably he is in love with you. Conversion is not a good act. Hinduism has thought school called advait vedanta which tell ‘only one god’ which is called as parbrahm, which is exist from begining of universe. Hinduism has many ways to attain god and power one of them is this, others are many and this place is short to describe nut all paths leads to one god….

    Many articles suggest that Jesus got yogic lesson from himalaya then he was ready for delivering lectures(updesh), in himalaya he met hindu/budhhist yogi and he was master/guru of jesus christ. Does jesus spell out christianoity? or did he establish his sect called christianity?

    • mac
      December 23, 2014 2:24 am

      What bullshit, Jesus pbuh never came to Himalaya, if you have authentic source of it then please do inform me

  • October 27, 2014 8:55 pm

    Dear Alphy,

    You said “there is 1 god with different names”, then why this conversion business come in? Are you saying there is only 1 god and that is mine?

    That Hindu may not know all 36000 denominations of Christianity. For him Pentacostal and Catholics are all one (Christians). If he is a Pentacostal today, why can’t you convert a Pentacostal to Catholic? For him, conversion is like changing new cloths and he will not mind converting to what ever you call him. However, note that this FAKE-conversion will haunt you later in your life. Best wishes.

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