I know its necessary to convert

Apurva says: February 6, 2013 at 11:23 pm

Actually i am also a hindu girl and i also love a muslim boy. I know that its necessary to convert myself into muslim but how to convert myself into muslim before getting married. My boyfriend loves me a lot and i also love him like anything his name is Wahidul. But i am not getting how to escape our marraige from our parents.

There are lots of problems we need to suffer for our love what can we do to avoid this problems. People just goes on comment passing that being a hindu girl i love a muslim boy i just feel like killing them i can bare everything but i can bare anyone saying anything about my boyfriend like that. What can i do to avoid this people and their rubbish conversations? -Apurva


Proloy says: February 7, 2013 at 2:32 am

Why should you convert? You belong to great & ancient Hindu religion. Your boy friend is a Muslim but their forefathers were Hindu, as all Muslims in India are descendent of Hindus, who were converted upon sword by the then Muslim rulers. So, tell him to come back in his original religion & get married. -Proloy


Satyen says: February 8, 2013 at 4:20 pm


I agree with Proloy. Also, don’t forget the problems that may surround you after your conversion to Islam. Best thing is to go through all the articles and the comments to be informative to get right decision at the crucial phase of your life. Pay more attention to the life history of Muhammad and his marriages/wives as Muslims including your boy friend have utmost respect for Muhammad. Finally only you have to decide in this regard. I can enumerate a few issues which you must consider before conversion:

1. Your parents, siblings and other family members along with the relatives will become kafir (hated people) for you. They may not get the respectful treatment at your husband’s home.

2. Saria laws will be applicable to you instead of the Indian court regarding your marriages and divorces. According to the Sharia, your husband will be allowed to have other 3 wives apart from you if he likes to have younger girls when you both grow older. He can also divorce you at his will but you cannot.

3. Your children will be circumcised and non veg including beef could be a frequent part of your food.

4. You cannot worship your Hindu God any more or visit temples. Also, you will have to fast for a month every year irrespective of you like it or not. Also, you may be restricted from celebrating Holi, Durga puja/Sussehra, Diwali etc. Mostly, you will be having your lunch dinner at the Muslim restaurants as only they serve halal food.

5. You may be asked to wear burqa, nakab etc. and singing dancing could be prohibited.

The above enumerations are just the gist and you need to have much more information about Islam as it’s a very different culture, not quite visible externally though. So, better, go through this site specially the comments by the Muslim girls.

All the best for your future life.-Satyen


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • April 4, 2013 11:42 am

    @ Apurva,

    You write: “People just goes on comment passing that being a hindu girl i love a muslim boy i just feel like killing them i can bare everything but i can bare anyone saying anything about my boyfriend like that. What can i do to avoid this people and their rubbish conversations?”

    The answer is simple. Stop reading their comments.

    For that simple comment you feel like killing them ?

    Trust me on this ! What you call love is nothing but a state of emotion, irrational one, a consequence of Bollywood movies and years of lies fed to you by our system – be school text books or media or movies or statements by so called famous people.

    • Satyen
      April 22, 2013 8:44 pm

      A rational and logical suggestion.

  • February 10, 2013 2:25 am

    Hi Apoorva,

    Very bad decision of yours, you know lying is permitted in Kuran to trap non-muslim girls for converting them emotionally. But you once converted, it is difficult to come back. Muslims are cruel,no humanity beating wives, they are their daily routine. You will be forced to eat beaf? are you prepared for that?

  • Satyen
    February 8, 2013 4:20 pm


    I agree with Proloy. Also, don’t forget the problems that may surround you after your conversion to Islam. Best thing is to go through all the articles and the comments to be informative to get right decision at the crucial phase of your life. Pay more attention to the life history of Muhammad and his marriages/wives as Muslims including your boy friend have utmost respect for Muhammad. Finally only you have to decide in this regard. I can enumerate a few issues which you must consider before conversion:

    1. Your parents, siblings and other family members along with the relatives will become kafir (hated people) for you. They may not get the respectful treatment at your husband’s home.

    2. Saria laws will be applicable to you instead of the Indian court regarding your marriages and divorces. According to the Sharia, your husband will be allowed to have other 3 wives apart from you if he likes to have younger girls when you both grow older. He can also divorce you at his will but you cannot.

    3. Your children will be circumcised and non veg including beef could be a frequent part of your food.

    4. You cannot worship your Hindu God any more or visit temples. Also, you will have to fast for a month every year irrespective of you like it or not. Also, you may be restricted from celebrating Holi, Durga puja/Sussehra, Diwali etc. Mostly, you will be having your lunch dinner at the Muslim restaurants as only they serve halal food.

    5. You may be asked to wear burqa, nakab etc. and singing dancing could be prohibited.

    The above enumerations are just the gist and you need to have much more information about Islam as it’s a very different culture, not quite visible externally though. So, better, go through this site specially the comments by the Muslim girls.

    All the best for your future life.

  • zahid
    February 7, 2013 10:59 am

    Vist http://www.islam4women.org to know position of women in islam vist http://www.muslimconverts.com

    • April 4, 2013 11:44 am

      It is much better to look at any Islamic nation to look at the position of women in Islam esp. Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia will serve as excellent sources.

  • Aafroze
    February 7, 2013 4:37 am

    Yes you are right Mr. Proloy,

    all the muslims in India are converted about 400 years ago by sword.

    Apurva, are you mad? Do you know:-

    (i) that marrying a muslim guy, you have to be prove your virginity on the wedding night by blood stains, which shall be displayed to all members of family?

    (ii) in muslims, females are just sex doll, like fields to be ploughed?

    (iii) your husband can keep 4 wives, and you have to tolerate or beaten mercilessly,

    (iv) even after death, sex is allowed by male?

    (v) no freedom of movement, job and education always in burka?

    (v) your genital to be mutiiated?

    If still you wish to jump in to fire, do it immediately.

    Hope good sense will prevail on you.

  • February 7, 2013 1:30 am


    You have reached to a right site for help and we will work with you over years. Yes, it is hard that people make judgement without understanding others.

    To strart, why you said, “I know that its necessary to convert myself into muslim but how to convert myself into muslim before getting married”? Kareena Kapoor married to Saif without conversion. Those days are over when Hindus were converting. Now you could remain what you are and he will remain what he is. Love is more important that the love of religious conversion and love-Jihad.

    Can you explain us why you have to convert to something what you are not?

    • Proloy
      February 7, 2013 2:32 am

      Why should you convert? You belong to great & ancient Hindu religion. Your boy friend is a Muslim but their forefathers were Hindu, as all Muslims in India are descendent of Hindus, who were converted upon sword by the then Muslim rulers. So, tell him to come back in his original religion & get married.

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