He (a Hindu) finds me beautiful in burqa

Mubina says: Aug 8, 2012 at 4:22 pm

Let carnation be carnation and rose be rose!
I also have a hindu guy in my college, who loves me, we are friends and he always asks me to be in burqa as he finds me beautiful in it. I love his respect and his true love for me. I m worried that if we are together and later want to marry what will happen. He is kind and softhearted and takes care of me very well. I don’t know what may happen if we are together. – Mubina

Admin says:

Hi Mubina, You have raised a great question. It is one thing to be a good lover but different being a husband (or wife).

For this discussion, lets assume he is what you have exactly described him; that is, 1) he is loving, 2) kind and softhearted, 3) wants you to be “exactly what you are”; even he is a Hindu he finds you beautiful in burqa, 4) he is a true pluralist and 5) a Hindu. Is it okay for you if he remains that way as your husband for next 80 years; never talaak (divorce) you and never marry to another (or add a second or third or forth) girl?

Most probably, being a Muslim, you may not want these described characteristics in a husband. First, for your marriage, with pressure from your community, you will want him to convert to Islam for Nikaah. 2) You will want to change his name to some Islamic name. 3) You will ask him to have a circumcision. 4) Further, after conversion, you do not want him to be a pluralist anymore, but change him to be a monotheist exclusivist believer in only One God (who can be prayed only in the direction of Saudi Arabia). Soon, he will start hearing that Hindus are sinners and you will prefer him not to associate with his parents and other Hindus. 5) You will want your kids to be only monotheist and exclusivist (only Islam is a true religion). Bottom line is, you will want him to convert to be a true Muslim; meaning convert a carnation to a rose. If you desired for a rose, why not to look for a real rose, plenty around? Unless you are a love-proselytizer, do not try to convert him to something he is not.

So, first look into yourself for who are you? Are you a real open-minded, progressive thinker and want to see this world full of respect and toleration for each other? If so, don’t (fake) convert him. Instead, marry him “exactly as he is”.

Lets assume the God is in front of you and tells you, “Mubina, for not-educated and less-intelligent people, I have provided them many tools to follow my messages; but I have made you intelligent and now you are well-educated. Use your own brain and do exactly what is right to do.” If God gaves you this freedom, what would you do?

Both of you to gather should read Koran on Hindus? and also read (this) and [that]. This will help you make up your mind for reality of life.

There’s dogma and there’s life. What are you going to pick?

Mubina replied: on October 2, 2012 at 3:58 am

Hi Admin,
I have gone through your message several times and my boy friend has read and analysed critically. I find some more positive changes in his attitude. In fact for my sentimenal issues, he had said that he would like her in burqa. Now he says that he will not like it, if I married him ever.

We are in final year of professional programme and next month, we shall be getting campus placements. My parents are not against my job even if it is abroad. In principally we have agreed to be life partner only. Both of us have agreed not to change their religion like so many couples, but respect sentiments and emotions related to each other relations.

My BF is a very intelligent, sharp, compromising and belongs to a very respectable family of high bureaucrates in Govt. offices, whereas I am from a middle class business community, having business of garments. My father is old enough, but mother is very active. We are two sisters and one brother. My elder sister is married to business man from muslim community, but she is not happy. Her husband behaves like fundamentalists and hypocrites, drunker, and not attending business properly. My sister exerts to run the business including caring two kids. He needs liquer all the times with his colleagues.

My mother is worried about me and incase I too get similar life partner, what will happen. I have told my mother, that i shall find my life partner professional qualified like me. She just laughed and said God bless you. I have met my BF,s parents once but he has not met any one of my family.

Shall give further update probably next month, after getting the development of campus placements. We both are excited to get campus placements as early as possible in a multi national company. -Mubina.

Also read: Veena Malik, Sasha, Salman, Chand, 45% of Muslim girls marry outside their faith, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • October 10, 2015 8:28 am

    Hi Nazfeesa,

    Glad to see your text that more and more muslim girls are raising voices against cruelty, torture and discriminatory attitude of islamic religion.

    Go ahead and marry your Hindu BF.Dont bother about Mac, Mohammad and Aakash
    type males, who are terrorists and mutta products.

  • October 9, 2015 8:03 am

    Liars are people like you Mohammad.
    You are mentally sick and dont want to see muslim girls living
    respectfully. Your intentions are aimed at exploiting them always.

    • Mohammed
      October 9, 2015 10:15 am

      Every body knows you are gang of chand osamani,kartar etc.. a same person with a new name

  • October 8, 2015 9:12 am


    I am muslim sunni 29 yrs working as a cashier in a spare part industry and wish to marry a Hindu guy,working in the same office.My sister married with a muslim, not happy at all,threatened by oral talak and so I wish to marry outside faith.My parents do not agree even after looking pathetic condition of my sister.My BF suggests to marry through arya samaj procedure and then get marriage registered.Will it be okay? I am not worried to ignore advice of parents.

    • Mohammed
      October 8, 2015 9:18 am

      A lier..gang of chand osamani,kartar,etc. .

  • mac
    January 20, 2015 3:09 am

    After going through few comments, i have come to conclusion that this story is fake, Muslim girls never talk in these way

  • May 9, 2013 9:25 am

    Thanks Admn.

    I shall try to submit my views whenever I have time. Glad to see very educative and rational views, credit goes to you for coordinating and production of this wonderful site. My parents had talk with me and tense to hear my decision. My husband also talked them and assured them that they shall never betray them and always strive hard for the benefit of both families. Regarding renovation of house, financial assistance shall not be a problem and they should not discuss among their relatives about our decision.

    Bye for now.
    Mubina Verma

    • May 9, 2013 10:01 am

      We are very happy to hear from you.
      One brick at a time, lets make a beautiful house to live.
      One brick at a time, lets make this World a beautiful place to live with love and harmony for all.

      Any time you blog here, remember to use this URL as your web site https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2224

    • narendra
      December 18, 2013 7:01 am

      Dear Mubina Verma Ji,(Am I right?) 🙂 !

      Lakh Lakh Badhaaee 🙂

      Lakh Lakh Mubaraka 🙂

      Lakh Lakh Congratulation 🙂

      Sorry to be late for these Badhaaee,Mubaraka,Congratulation.
      But “Der Aayad Durust Aayad”.
      Now you have got rid of “Bloody Black Burqa” & notorious word Talaaq! Talaaq!! Talaaq!!!.
      You will have not to face the problem of “Polygamy”.
      Great respect to your Parents to understand your “Feelings” & “Sentiments” for your Hindu Husband(GOD bless him & you).
      Otherwise how many Muslim Parents are here who try to respect their children’s Feelings & Sentiments specially “Daughter”.
      You should be proud of your Parents.
      Hats off to you & your Hindu Husband.You both are Real Life Hero & Heroine.
      Admin Sir is right when he says “You are role model for all youths of this World”
      Now a Personal & Genuine Question: I have 3 Sons.Unfortunately they don’t have any sister.Will you like to be their sister? It will be great pleasure for them & me also. Think about this.

      God bless you & your whole family a “Happy And Prosperous Life”.

      Be Happy For Ever 🙂

    • narendra
      February 8, 2015 11:51 pm

      Dear Mubina Verma ! Be Happy 🙂
      An idiot muslim called Mac,appeared in this page,says your story as FAKE !.What is your Response?

  • May 8, 2013 10:46 am

    Dear Narendraji,

    Thanks a lot. Seeking your blessing and good wishes.
    God bless you always including your family.

    With sincere regards,

    Mubina Verma

  • May 8, 2013 10:43 am

    Dear Admn. and Satyen Sir,

    Myself and my BF have finally got job and posted in Newzeland,Wellingdon. Great opportunity for us, living together and also married in a Hindu Temple 10 days back and marriage registered.

    We both are earning around 8000 USD per month and I sent USD 1100 to my parents which became around Rs.85000/-, very happy they were and told that if this assistance is regular, they shall renovate their old house. I told them, dont worry, that much amount I can easily spare for them.

    I have told them that I found a boy for me, very intelligent and like minded and shall keep me happy. Immediately, they asked who is he, his country, his religion. I simply said that He is from India, by religion Hindu, and software engineer like me.He is not forcing to adopt Hinduism and ready to help you in renovation of house. They said but he is Hindu, that is against islam. I told them he is person like us and far better than any muslim guy.

    Seeking your blessings always and motivation please.

    Mubina Verma

  • April 2, 2013 7:22 am

    Dear Mubina !
    My all well wishes are with you.Keepit up.Go ahead.Almighty GOD,with his BLESSING, is always with you.

  • March 7, 2013 10:16 am

    Hi Admn./Satyen,

    We have successfully completed our on the job training on ERP Manufacturing Software fundamentally,which integrates various business processes of Manufacturing companies. It is a family of high performance business modules integrated into a single solution sharing critical data across the network of a manufacturing company. It was really a challenging assignment and by the grace of almighty we have passed through. Now we are getting job as system analyst in the company,other batch mates are getting absorbed in other sister companies of the parent company. Nice experience with my Hindu BF, really so sincere, caring and adjusting that I am proud of him.

    Hopefully within 3 months from now, we shall marry. Parents are happy because 50% stipend I got during training period, I remitted to them.
    I have promised to send more when I get regular job salary.

    Hahhahaha……………it all happened due to your good wishes.

    • March 8, 2013 6:55 am

      Good to hear all these good news. Best wishes.

      Do not forget other needy youths who could use your guidance for their love relationships on this site. This is Godly work, Allah will give you more if you guide others.

  • Mubina
    February 4, 2013 9:57 am

    Hi Admn./Satyen,

    Here is an update of our life story. Our examination over, and 2nd and last phase of on the job training shall start at Singapore. Based on our performance in the training we both are expecting good placement very soon. If it happened we shall be so happy and grateful that we may decide to marry thereafter.


    • February 5, 2013 9:03 am

      We are very happy for progress in your life. If you keep doing that is ethical and logical in your life, you will have much more to gain in your life. Please keep us posted, we will be glad to hear of good news from you. Best wishes.

  • January 14, 2013 6:22 am

    Hello Terrorist Zahid,

    Dont bark like a mad dog. Your mentality is anti humanitarian approach.
    You will realize when your own daughter is circumsized and her genital is mutiliated or you are born as a female in a muslim community, and you become subject to all sorts of cruelties.

    • zahid
      January 24, 2013 1:37 pm

      Now listen hindu islam do not permit it for females only for males.where i live i never heard woman should get and never permit in my religion.

  • zahid
    January 13, 2013 11:58 pm

    All the stories in this wapsite are fake and antiislamic do not belive on them.to learn true knowledge about islam vist http://www.usislam.org or you will not remain muslim and will get hell

  • January 13, 2013 2:40 am

    Hi Admn.

    Our first phase of on the job training is successfully over. In the meantime we have understand each other and now realizing that God has made us for each other. After a fortnight our examination shall commence for 15 days and then again 2nd phase of on the job training shall start.

    There after shall be absorbed in the company on their roll.


    • January 13, 2013 3:49 am

      There is just so much to gain in THIS life rather than fighting to prove that my religions is better than yours (my Barbie doll is better than yours). We are glad you are enjoying life, doing good work and progressing well in THIS life. …and for the AFTER life, Allah will be more than please if you do good karma in this life.

      Mubina, we are very happy for you and wish you the best of best.

  • Bilqis
    December 12, 2012 8:12 am

    Hi Mubina,

    Read your story and got deeply influenced by it. I (28 years) belong to Indonesia and presently in a latin american country and working in a export import house as sales executive.

    I have met with a Hindu boy here who is from India. I found that there is a big difference in the attitude and behaviour of Hindu guys. they are sobre and understand every body’s sentiments. I have met with other muslim guys, but to shocking to note their behaviour and fundamentalist attitude. We are interested in each other and discussed several times for everlasting relations. I have not disclosed it to my mother, I have 3 other (2 sisters and 1 brother), who are in Indonesia.

    Seeking valuable advice and support from all intellectual of this site.

    Mubina and others, reply to her at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3633

  • December 9, 2012 7:54 am

    Hi Admn/Satyen,

    our trining has begun. Its very interesting,exciting and professional, as per job and operational requirement.My BF is also happy and particularly he is enjoying top confidence of his trainers, being the brightest candidate.Hahahha…….so happy to hear about him.

    Always in pray from well wishers.

    • December 9, 2012 11:24 am

      You are a role model for all youths of this World, go spread message of love and respect for all. We are happy to hear of your progress, a very successful and happy life if waiting for you!

    • Choice
      December 14, 2012 4:49 pm

      This video I would like to share with u miss Khurshida and all those eho are interested in marrying hindu boys. It is catered mainly to girls willing to marry hindu boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

  • November 10, 2012 11:59 am

    Hi Admn.

    Myself back here with new update of my life. Yesterday, myself and my Hindu BF got placement alongwith 4 other candidates. Fortunately, we both have been picked up the in the same company after 3 rounds of screening.

    After 10 days we shall be going to attend on the job training for 4 months in two phases and by that time, our final examination will start. During training period we shall get some stipend to meet our pocket expanes.

    How happy we both are?
    Seeking blessings from all well wishers

    • November 10, 2012 5:27 pm

      We are glad things are going good for you. We wish you the best in life.
      Be a messenger for all women of this World.

  • Amir
    October 24, 2012 5:26 am

    Somebody commented – “hindu Gods brahma,Visnhu and Mahesh and their wife Saraswati,Lakshmi and Parvati respectively are the sole Gods on earth.”
    So there are 3 Gods each with different department? their housewives are also Goddess.

    “racist and unjust religion like islam”
    Read last sermon of Prophet Muhammad and you will find there is no place for racism and injustice in Islam.
    Islam believes in justice rather than merely pretending loving all but infact hating others like hindu do.

    “research.u will know the fact.He is not the real God”
    So according to you real God should be like man and have wife and children, should born and die, should dance and do sex. Pity on you.

    • believer in God
      October 24, 2012 6:11 am

      amir i pity you.because every donkey thinks he is the smartest.and they dont have departments.and their wifes are Goddess worshipped evrywhere.when u dont know ur onw religion whom u worship what will u understand others.Pre Islam arabia worshipped moon god and from his name the word allah is derived.i pity u because atleast in this birth u wont know who is the God.i have never seen any muslim family the happiest till date.zyada bol mat.tere par Dada bi hindu the.they had better knowledge then u.u should go n teach ur arab brothers what is humanity and sanity.and of preaching on this blog.Jannat to agle janam me bi nasib nai hogi tum sab ko.

      • Aryan
        October 24, 2012 8:26 am

        Marvelous brother, Aamir is a Hindu hater and just wants to convert everyone to islam. Pure evil guy- thanks for giving him back in his own language.

  • Amir
    October 22, 2012 11:59 pm

    A good muslim obeys what is ordained by his Lord.

    For a girl, specially in this reference –

    1. Quran prohibits marrying polythiests(Hindu,christians) and encourages to marry a muslim.
    If she does not follow it, she is breaking law and going against God.

    2. Cover her body, be shameful. there is no harm in covering body but advantages are more. Burqa is not mandatory, girl can cover by which way she likes.

    • Amir
      October 23, 2012 12:04 am

      A good muslim will never break laws of God.

      I have a question.

      Why traffic rules ascertain that bike rider must wear helmet???
      because it is for his safety and if it is not followed, penalty is there.

      Similarly, covering body for girls is for their safety and in case of not following rule punishment is there.

      We are fearful of govt. rules but we don’t fear our God’s rule.
      It is because we have no faith. So first thing that a muslim must guarantee is to have faith in God.

      • October 23, 2012 10:59 am

        Laws are for a nation, the nation is not for laws.

        If a nation don’t like laws or new laws are necessary, government changes the laws every year. One cannot expect India to interpret 1947 laws for today’s cell phone business.

        Likewise, why one recommends to open Koran and expect to answer questions to today’s intelligent and educated Muslim girls (and who do not pray five times a day in the direction of Saudi Arabia and) in love with Hindus at work place?

        We hope Allah will give you five daughters. If you send them to school and work, one of them is going to marry a Hindu.

        Like Telibani, be smart and never send girls to school.

        • Amir
          October 24, 2012 12:08 am

          “Laws are for a nation, the nation is not for laws.”
          I did not get ur point. What I know a nation can not run with out Laws.
          Can u imagine a nation which has no laws to govern.

          It is true that nation make changes in Laws time to time, because they are fallible. Islamic laws are pure and clear.

          “We hope Allah will give you five daughters.”
          I don’t mind even i get 10 daughters. But what i expect them to be honest in faith.

          “Marry with Hindu”.
          Why?? Hinduism is a baseless religion. even its follower does not follow it.
          Do u follow hinduism???
          Just having a hindu name and enjoying festivals is not hinduism. There must be directions about how to live, What to wear, What to eat, whom to pray, how to treat with others.

          I find all these in Islam. Do u find it in Hinduism, if yes then how much u follow?

          • believer in God
            October 24, 2012 1:20 am

            hindu Gods brahma,Visnhu and Mahesh and their wife Saraswati,Lakshmi and Parvati respectively are the sole Gods on earth.and Hinduism is not baseless.its the father of all religions.fools like u never understand it.u will never know about it till God himself wants u to accept it with heart.we are lucky we know the truth.not following a racist and unjust religion like islam.And u pray to the moon god(Allah) in ne case.go n research.u will know the fact.He is not the real God.its of no use arguing with brainless people like u who follow things without rational thinking.

  • October 22, 2012 12:40 pm

    Hi Admn.

    This is to share with you that on 1st next month, two MNCs shall be holding campus interviews in the field of CAD and graphic skills.Myself with my Hindu BF, very excited to get through it and have a job. We both are ranker in our college and our faculty is hopeful that we should get selected. Let us see what actually happens.
    Seeking your blessings, sir.

    • October 22, 2012 9:28 pm

      Always, best wishes. Do your best but don’t get disappointed if the outcome is not that you hoped for. This is not the end of life, actually it is just a beginning and lots more to gain.

  • sanjay
    October 21, 2012 11:21 am

    you should do as you like

  • Mubina
    October 2, 2012 3:58 am

    Hi Admn. Gone through your message several times and my boy friend has read and analysed critically. I find some more positive changes in his attitude. In fact for my sentimenal issues, he had said that he would like her in burqa. Now he says that he will not like it, if I married him ever. We are in final year of professional programme and next month, we shall be getting campus placements. My parents are not against my job even if it is abroad. In principally we have agreed to be life partner only. Both of us have agreed not to change their religion like so many couples, but respect sentiments and emotions related to each other relations. My BF is a very intelligent, sharp, compromising and belongs to a very respectable family of high bureaucrates in Govt. offices, whereas I am from a middle class business community, having business of garments. My father is old enough, but mother is very active. We are two sisters and one brother. My elder sister is married to business man from muslim community, but she is not happy. Husband behaves like fundamentalists and hypocrites,drunker, and not attending business properly. My sister exerts to run the business including caring two kids. He needs liquer all the times with his colleagues.

    My mother is worried about me and incase I too get similar life partner, what will happen. I have told my mother, that i shall find my life partner professional qualified like me. She just laughed and said God bless you.I have met my BF,s parents once but he has not met any one of my family.

    Shall give further update probably next month, after getting the development of campus placements. We both are excited to get campus placements as early as possible in a multi national company.

    • October 2, 2012 10:44 pm

      Best wishes, Mubina.

      It is too sad that your mother has lost faith in today’s society and lost HOPES (based on your quote “She just laughed and said God bless you” )

    • Amir
      October 3, 2012 5:27 am


      As you mentioned – “fundamentalists and hypocrites,drunker, and not attending business properly”

      Are these attributes belong to muslim?
      In every community there are people who are not good, and in muslims there are few. In hindu, christian too.

      By the way Are you muslim?
      If you are, then you must be following your Lord. Isn’t it?

      I would love to hear you same. Please revert.

      • October 22, 2012 9:34 pm

        Why you asked “Are you muslim?”
        What Mubina should do to “then you must be following your Lord”? Can you list what she should do?

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