There is No God and Religion is Man Made

atheistSmita says: March 22, 2015 at 11:05 pm

My maiden name was Ami Desai. I was born a Hindu Brahmin. I met my now husband while in college back in 1997. Against my father’s advice, I became friends with Naufel. We fell in love and dated each other knowing the circumstances were not in our favor. Being together made me feel alive. I took the risk, we both did. Five years after admitting my feelings we were engaged. A year after that (2005) we had a shaadi and then a nikah. Two years later (2007) we were blessed with our 2 daughter.

I refused to convert although the pressure was tangible. To my relief, it was not a deal breaker. After our marriage, there was no tension. For Maya’s birth we did both the hindu and muslim customs for a newborn. But in reality we both are scientists and know with evidence there is no god and religion is man made. To stay loyal to the tribe, we never uttered the words.

But when it came time to explain to 4 year-old Maya and 3 year-old Layla why our 12-week old puppy died and where he went, we could no longer live the lie.

It was easier for our parents to just regurgitate the answers they were given without questioning the validity of them…but in science we’ve learned that we have all evolved to share this Earth over the course of 3.5 billion years and there are no outliers to the natural laws thus leaving no room for the supernatural. How can I regurgitate that which I know to be false? Especially to the 2 people I am entrusted with. It would have been a 30-year step back in time and the progression of thought/knowledge would be halted as they would then have to re-learn what their father and I already had.

We openly became atheist in 2010. We left the isolation of our individual communities and joined with humanity. We have never looked back and Maya and Layla are now both ahead of the game.

We could not betray the trust the girls had in me and answer them -Smita

Smita says: March 28, 2015 at 11:13 pm

When my in-laws asked me to convert to islam in order to marry, I refused but only after doing my best to find the universal truth. I travelled to Jerusalem even. All I found in that intense search was that none of them offer a real purpose to our existence. They only provide teaching on how to live your life, not why you have life in the first place. For me, there is no other question more important than our purpose here. Everything else falls into place after that is answered.

Determining which one of the many is the truth invariably ends up in a mud-slinging dialogue because the truth is they are all false. Still, at the time of our marriage, we were both believers, I a hindu and him a muslim.

There was no convincing my husband’s parents. Naufel had already decided, asking me was just a courtesy to them. It was then their decision whether they wanted to be a part of our lives or not. They wanted to stick by their son even if they felt he was making the wrong decision.

As an aside, I will admit. Mixed with typical in-law strife, I have never been able to fully look past that initial rejection and despite the awareness of it, I believe it subconsciously affects our relationship to this day.

I remember meeting the imam ahead of time. I can’t say what made him agree to perform a nikkah, but for the right price, he did. I had been in contact with another couple like ourselves and 2 years later I provided his contact details for them and unfortunately, the imam refused to perform that nikkah.

We live in the US. I never recited the shahadah. My husband left islam publicly in 2010. It was tough for his mother especially. According to islam she had failed in her single duty in this life. She will not see him or her granddaughters in the heaven she thinks she’ll one day go to. It has forced her (them) to enjoy the moments we have together now. For the first time in 60 years she put on a bathing suit and swam in the ocean here in beautiful Hawaii with her legacy. It doesn’t get any more beautifully real than that.

All my best. -Smita

Also read if in relations with a Christian: Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity,

Also read if in relationship with a Muslim: Islamic Women Today, Muta, HRS, wife-beating, Muhammad, Hadith, Koran, Inter-race marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Christian-Muslim marriages.
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  • Smita
    March 28, 2015 11:13 pm

    When my in-laws asked me to convert to islam in order to marry, I refused but only after doing my best to find the universal truth. I travelled to Jerusalem even. All I found in that intense search was that none of them offer a real purpose to our existence. They only provide teaching on how to live your life, not why you have life in the first place. For me, there is no other question more important than our purpose here. Everything else falls into place after that is answered.

    Determining which one of the many is the truth invariably ends up in a mud-slinging dialogue because the truth is they are all false. Still, at the time of our marriage, we were both believers, I a hindu and him a muslim.

    There was no convincing my husband’s parents. Naufel had already decided, asking me was just a courtesy to them. It was then their decision whether they wanted to be a part of our lives or not. They wanted to stick by their son even if they felt he was making the wrong decision.

    As an aside, I will admit. Mixed with typical in-law strife, I have never been able to fully look past that initial rejection and despite the awareness of it, I believe it subconsciously affects our relationship to this day.

    I remember meeting the imam ahead of time. I can’t say what made him agree to perform a nikkah, but for the right price, he did. I had been in contact with another couple like ourselves and 2 years later I provided his contact details for them and unfortunately, the imam refused to perform that nikkah.

    We live in the US. I never recited the shahadah. My husband left islam publicly in 2010. It was tough for his mother especially. According to islam she had failed in her single duty in this life. She will not see him or her granddaughters in the heaven she thinks she’ll one day go to. it has forced her (them) to enjoy the moments we have together now. For the first time in 60 years she put on a bathing suit and swam in the ocean here in beautiful Hawaii with her legacy. It doesn’t get any more beautifully real than that.

    All my best,

  • March 28, 2015 9:40 am

    I used to be a good Muslim until I grew up and searched for the truth. I learnt a lot about Islam as I’m in the most populated Islamic country. Thanks to the internet I found many facts against what I have been previously taught before by Islamic scholars. I found that Islam is full of fallacies and leads to insane and satanic behavior, really inhumane and crazy. Then I started thinking and decided that everyone is born as an atheist. I do hope that god exists but I can’t deny that god is not, well, at least I don’t have the proof so else millions like me. So I will just keep my eyes of mind open to think and live my life free from burden dogmas. Thanks to WikiIslam and all atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists for keeping up the fight against terrorism and educating those who are blinded by faith.

    Gon Candu, 33, Indonesia, now an atheist

    • mac
      March 29, 2015 4:45 am

      You did a good copy paste


  • March 27, 2015 7:49 am


    Feels good to know that there are a few people out there who value happiness and love in a relationship over everything else. After all, what’s life without happiness, love and positivity? Unfortunately, in case of inter faith marriages a lot of precious time is wasted in doubt, uncertainty and disputes among loved ones.

    A simple fact here, love is not calculated. It is not manipulative and does not seek sacrifice. I’m glad that Ami, being so well educated, took a decision of turning to atheism and being happy about it. I have scientist parents who are liberal Hindus, but who will definitely oppose my relationship with my Muslim boyfriend of 10years. I am financially independent and so is my boyfriend. However, his parents want me to convert. I’m not being arrogant about my education or family background here, but I am vehemently against religious conversion. I know its not easy..but if you can fall in love and pursue a Hindu girl, then you better find the courage to marry the Hindu girl.

    I know and believe that I will give his family the same (or maybe even more) love, respect and care that any Muslim girl might give them (apart from keeping their son happy). But sadly, that is not enough.

    We are currently devising ways to convince his parents to accept me as a Hindu. This point we plan to use to convince my parents too.

    I welcome suggestions from anybody who has something constructive to offer. I do not want to know that Islam doesn’t permit it..everybody knows it. I have fallen into this with eyes open so yes I know about it.

    Reply at

  • mac
    March 27, 2015 5:51 am

    Dear amit tajudden,

    The three most important questions to ask in life:
    1. How did I get here?
    2. Why am I here?
    3. Where am I going?
    The answers are all found in Islam.

  • March 27, 2015 4:53 am

    The dream that motivates the most is the promise of 72 virgin wives after death in paradise, in case a devout Muslim lives as per the tenets and philosophy of Islam. These 72 virgins belief is mentioned in the Koran and further elucidated in the Hadiths. Young boys are enamored of this and willingly sacrifice their life as a suicide bomber.
    Suicide bombers are in every religion, but in 9 cases out of 10 they profess the Islamic faith. This is the harsh fact of life and cannot be negated. Recently a couple of young boys were arrested in England, who confessed that they were being trained as suicide bombers. These boys also informed that they expected to get 72 virgin wives after death.

    • mac
      March 27, 2015 5:50 am


  • mac
    March 26, 2015 6:02 am

    Exam near door, otherwise I would have thoroughly debated on atheism and islam, i debate with atheist, its better to debate with atheist than with a christian, because an atheist is open minded where as a christian will close his eye and will not accept truth, same way, Hindus are much open minded compared to Christians.

    • admin
      March 26, 2015 7:19 am

      …. and most Muslims are very close minded. It is hard to work with them.

      Focus on your studies, that is a priority for you now.

      As we have always said, when you will reach 40, you will become a pluralist like Iftekhar Hai (and start respecting all faiths and beliefs, even remain a proud Muslim).

      • mac
        March 27, 2015 4:19 am

        I do respect all faiths, going through this website, any liberal,open minded people can realize who are close minded, Muslims or Hindus. Last day I saw video where Hindu extremist forced a muslim guy to worship a monkey, recently ban on beef in India, not allowing non-Brahmins in the kitchen, not allowing fellow Hindus who are not higher caste by birth in the kitchen room, list goes on, Yes you are open minded but only in media not real life, Think what I said above.

      • Mohammed
        March 28, 2015 2:03 am

        Dear admin,

        we respect to each faith and every religion people..They are not our enemy….but they are doing greatest sin(shirk) with the god almighty with associating patners with almighty.. so beliving their faith is impossible to us and Allah says in the Quran on various places that i will forgive all the sins except shirk(i.e, the topest sin). . and those who associate patners surely(Guarenteed) they will go to hell because they are doing injustice to the Allah almighty..
        All the messangers which have camed in this earth has delivered the same message (la ilaha illalla i.e., That there is not god except Allah. . nothing like unto him he is greatest from all the Things)

        Allah says in the Quran
        in surah nisa chapter 4 verse 48
        “Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others
        with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.”

        we respect their faith not like you admin.. .you have posted several things against islam and prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) which is not a correct. . you hav understand islam wrongly but we didnt post any single comment which is against on their faith. . firstly u need to respect islam

        our beloved prophet (p.b.u.h) said
        “Who so ever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.”[Muslim]

        This is an important hadith because it shows that Muslims should not be innocent bystanders – we are obliged to do something to stop wrong doing. It also outlines to us the order in which
        we must do something.

        If they didnt understand what we are saying atleast we curse in our heart that people are not wrong but their act is wrong. .

      • mac
        March 28, 2015 4:31 am

        Thanks Mohammed bro, i didn`t knew that hadith.

  • cookiee
    March 25, 2015 11:37 pm

    I personally don’t feel that being atheist is a good way to live as you cannot prove that God exist but it cannot be disproved either..But hey, whatever floats your boat.’re happy with it and that’s enough

  • admin
    March 23, 2015 9:13 pm


    What would you say for “why our 12-week old puppy died”? Pick any one or add your own answer:

    1) Puppy will be buried but later Allah will come with 72 virgins for the puppy.

    2) On the Judgment Day, Jesus will take the puppy to heaven to meet God.

    3) The puppy will be incarnated to Ami.

    4) Like Jewish would say, we don’t know.

    • mac
      March 24, 2015 3:32 am

      admin, you have again fabricated teachings of Islam, where do you get the concept of 72 virgin.

      • March 24, 2015 7:14 pm

        In Islam, the concept of 72 virgins (houri) refers to an aspect of Jannah (Paradise). This concept is grounded in Qur’anic text which describe a sensual Paradise where believing men are rewarded by being wed to virgins with “full grown”, “swelling” or “pears-shaped” breasts. Conversly, women will be provided with only one man, and they “will be satisfied with him”.

        Hadith collections:
        Sunan Ibn Majah, one of the six major Hadith collections, it states in a hasan (good) narration that every male admitted into Paradise will be given eternal erections and wed to 72 wives, all with libidinous sex organs. Similarly in another hadith with multiple narrators that has been graded hasan (good), it states that the martyr (shahid) will be married to seventy-two of al-hoor al-‘iyn.

        In the Sunan al-Tirmidhi, another of the six major Hadith collections, it states that the smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode with 72 houri.

        Also reported in Sunan al-Kubra and Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and declared sahih (authentic) by Ibn Abi Shayba, Ibn Hibban, and al-Hakim is the hadith that states the servant in Paradise will be married with 70 wives and that they’ll be given the sexual strength for a hundred.

        Orthodox Muslim theologians have related further hadith that give us the exact number of 72, such as al-Ghazali who wrote, “[The Prophet said] the lowest rank of an inmate of Paradise will have eighty thousand servants and seventy two wives.”

        mac, do you wish us to fully narrate details in a separate post, let us know. This is something you should know what you are going to get on the Judgement Day.

        • Mohammed
          March 28, 2015 2:47 am

          I want to clap u admin…u are doing great job that copying and pasting from anti islamic sites that even not proven correctly..

          The comment which you have posted from which is no1 anti islamic site
          even though u didnt give any refrence that what are you telling is not proved is 1% correct

          Is this ur respect to islamic faith admin?

          Here is the source

          click here to understand correctly about hoor

          • March 29, 2015 9:21 pm

            From the site you suggested states “In the Quran the houris are called “companions”, described as being “restraining in their glances (chaste)”, with “modest gazes”, “wide and beautiful/lovely eyes”, “eyes like pearls”, “splendid”, “voluptuous” and “large-breasted”.” Is Koran talking about raisins or girls? How many are you expecting, 2 or 20 or 72?

            Is there any chance that Ami and her no-more-Muslim husband make to heaven one day?

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