Hindu married to a Muslim: Life has been sooo difficult…

Nirmla says: May 12, 2012 at 6:01 pm

I heard mixed opinions from so many people before I married my Moslem husband, in the end I went with my emotions which said “as long as we 2 are happy that is enough, doesn’t matter about the difference in religion” That was 10 years ago.

I can truly say that once the period of “marriage bliss” wore off, life has been sooo difficult…10 fold after the children come, I’ve realized I cannot be a true mother to them. I had to give them Islamic names, go through Islamic traditions at their birth. Now that they are older I have to observe them praying and learning the Koran, I can’t give them the experiences that I had in my childhood-certain dishes, clothing, Holi, Diwali. Birthday parties and photographs are forbidden in my home.

My (parents) family don’t try to intervene, nor do they don’t want their children to start thinking it’s ok for them to have an inter-religious marriage, so they (my family) avoid us. We (my family) don’t quite fit into my husbands family so we avoid them…my husband wants our children to be strong Muslims so wants to create this atmosphere at home….so he doesn’t allow the children to play in the street where they might mix with neighborhood non-Moslem children.

I feel isolated now and wish that things could be different. I hope this message gets to you (Radha) in time, before you make a decision that would change your life. Remember it’s not just your lives that would be changing but the lives of your parents, siblings and extended family. My family doesn’t EVER say anything negative to me but I see it on their faces and their behavior. -Nirmla.

Nirmla says: October 26, 2012

My willingness to be cooperative with my husbands teachings have neared the end. By my husband’s behavior I know he too realizes this; he now intentionally separates the children from me and teaches them that the people who try to question Islam are filled with evil and that they should hate and feel superior to all Non-Muslims; including their Non-moslem mother. I see the difference in their behavior: When a child hurts himself or feels hungry, won’t he instinctively run to his mother who is in the home with him? Of late, the children phone my husband at work for their daily needs rather than come to me. They are also afraid to show affection to me in front of him -startle in the middle of a smile or a hug if they hear my husband’s voice.

I hurt deeply when I ask myself – who are emotionally affected by all this manipulation? My husband believes he is one of many crusaders responsible to spread the belief of Islam and will continue to pivot his life around that for the rest of his life…with the intent of propagating the same to his children.

Anita, if I stay, aren’t I harming my children? This is why I say that my days of tolerance are ending.
I would love to talk to talk to you, if you can reach me by my private E-mail. -Nirmala

Readers, what would you say to Nirmla?

Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • January 27, 2019 7:27 am

    Hi every one iam am Hindu amd my lover is Muslim we both love to much with out me or with out her we cant live
    But in oru both family ther are not accepting what can we do plzz help

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15088

  • January 21, 2019 4:03 pm

    Hi I’m in desperate need of assistance.. I’m in love with my Hindu gf and I am Muslim .. we have have been together for 5 years and we are in our late 20’s her side of her family accepted me but my mom will not accept her and my dad is is going to stand with my mom but he is not as strict as my mom what do I do?

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15084

  • November 7, 2016 10:49 am

    I’m Muslim woman I love Hindu man and he love me to he married me and nikah but my question is he married man I’m worried because he said my country have rules of Indian rules this not allowed to married again for another woman because my wife my be she knows I’m married again to another woman my be she kill her self I’m worried about her wife what can’t I do pls help me answer my question.. Thank you from Philippines

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11717

  • April 19, 2016 8:19 am


    Hi there. I am happily married to a Muslim woman and am hindu in origin. We have 2 beautiful boys and we believe our success has come through compromise.

    This means allowing your children to celebrate Diwali and Eid. If your husband is making your children only live in a one sided manner then he clearly has no respect for you, your background or even your children

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11196

    • Usha
      June 8, 2018 11:23 am

      Hii .. I am loving a Muslim boy and both the families are opposing for marriage . please could you help us out ;

      • June 8, 2018 4:06 pm

        We changed your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay.

        Tell us if he is a true Muslim or believe in Koran.
        How are you planning to get married? Hindu vivaha or Islamic Nikaah?
        How long have you been dating?
        Are you financially independent? This is critical since your parents may not want to support you in case you have problem in this marriage.
        Where will you stay after marriage, with those Muslim in-laws?

        Please get back and we will help you, thanks.

  • February 27, 2016 7:33 am

    I m a muslim guy. I love a hindu girl. She seen a very good person in me.
    I love her also
    She is a only one girl of her family. If she come. With me. Then what her parents will do?? ?
    I. M very nervous that her father going to case in me and my family.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11048

    • lucky.blogger
      October 25, 2018 3:56 am

      No why will they fie . charge?

      You have to make them believe that you will let her respect her lineage as well. Kids will have first names as Hindu and you wont ask for conversion.

      They dpnt have a son, BE THAT SON. You will find an enormous love and respect in them as Hindu IN-LAWS love their son in law. Be that guy.

      God bless.

      • Rabia
        October 25, 2018 9:26 am

        Hindu inlaws love their son-in-laws very much. Very right about that. Just wish they showed the same love and RESPECT to their daughters and daughters in law. I am daughter in law of a very conservative Indian family so I am telling you from my personal experience, not stories and rumours. Many families live under the delusion that they treat their boys and girls equally when the reality is something very very different.

        • October 30, 2018 7:13 pm

          Probably majority of women don’t like their in-laws, irrespective of their faith or country of origin. There are exceptions but what you are talking had nothing to do with religion. We hope you are not saying all Muslim in laws always love their “Hindu” daughter-in-laws, even she did not converted to Islam; are you?

  • aparajita
    November 25, 2015 7:11 am

    It may happen that the clashes may occur between two same religion persons so that it can be important to make good understanding with your partner.
    It is more important to make them feel what do you actually think with your marriage !

  • Human
    December 7, 2014 6:06 am

    Sorry to say but you got what you deserved..

  • none
    December 22, 2013 6:08 am

    Dear All,
    None of you created the world, nor non of you can exactly say it with proof other than any thing mentioned on any holy books. So if you start pointing each other start pointing onself and learn everything (relion). once you have learned you will have points to say that non can contradict as its true. Even though religion are diffrent no religion says to attack another religion. Also at this time of world the practice is diffrent from what is mentioned on respective holy book. so study all and start pointing!!!!

    • December 22, 2013 8:08 am

      Dear none,
      Thanks for your great message. However, we do not agree to your statement, “no religion says to attack another religion.” for these reasons:
      1) Read Bible.. “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who reject Me.” (Exodus 20:3-5).

      2) Koran states “Allah (God) forbids that He Himself should beget a son (Jesus)! (Koran 19:34) Further, Allah said: believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (Koran 5:51)”

      However, we do agree to you for, “Also at this time of world the practice is diffrent from what is mentioned on respective holy book.” This is the message to be given to youths.

    • Sara
      January 31, 2016 5:36 am

      Hello admin,

      It has been difficult to get in touch with you. I think this website propagates very anti interfaith wedding messages. In the Hindu – Muslim column, you have also preached wrong content! Because of your lack of research, there are parents believing in the wrong information and forcing it on their children who are in love with people from different faiths. Let me list them out for you:-

      1) Islam doesn’t obligate Name changes during conversion to Islam. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preached Islam in Mecca, he did not ask people to change their names. You don’t have to change your name unless it contradicts Islamic faith, is the name of a Idol, Deity or if it indicates Bad character, or is associated with war.

      2) Circumcision is not an obligation. It is an act of sunnah, which means it is recommended. But, it is waived if a convert is too afraid of going throught it, fears harm or if it is fatal.

      3) A new muslim need not have alreadt known Arabic or in depth understanding of Islam.

      Last, but never the least, the society and theor expectations have nothing to do with the conversion process. Infact, Conversion is a personal choice. If any individual is forced to do anything against his will, it’s a terrible sin.

      If you can’t display proper facts, atleast don’t cover this aspect in your website. If a person converts to another religion, it is no longer an ‘Inter Faith Shaadi’. Stick to what you know best. You are responsible for ill informing thousands of people. Your views are discouraging and filled with negativity. Should people visit https://www.interfaithshaadi.org to fear marrying outside of their religion? What is your objective. Most of your posts are posted by the ‘admin’ so I know that the content on your website is your responsibility. I am not taking this lightly. If you were on Facebook, I would have already had thousands of people condemning your website. I would like you to remove the content on Islam Conversion. If you fail to do so, I will bring your website under the Legal scanner and raise a complaint with the High Court. Kindly rectify your fatal errors soon. Don’t ruin people’s lives!

      • Nizamuddin
        March 30, 2017 2:10 am

        Problem with our religion … for every case we follow whatever written or said 1000 yrs ago ….. Is there anything mentioned about using mobile phone but still we use this … why can’t we stop using this as it is not mentioned in our Quaran … I’m sorry to say that We are not practical in many cases …. we unnecessarily bring religion in everything …

        • admin
          March 30, 2017 5:51 am

          Great point. All faith people follow their books, but we have observed that Muslims opens up book lots more than others. However, we find people use books to their advantage. For example, Koran recommend not to get into love (24:30) but Muslim youths ignore that but will want their non-Muslim to convert for marriage (2:221).

          Question to you, Nizamuddin, do you believe Koran is God’s literal wordings? What ever Muhammad told others and written in the Koran is 100% intended by God?

          • mac
            April 11, 2017 7:03 pm

            Since, “don`t use Mobile Phone” verse doesn`t appear in Quran, thus we use mobile phone, if things which are haram in islam, we shouldn`t use mobile phone to do such things, things which are allowed in islam, there is no sin on doing such things by mobile phone.

      • lucky.blogger
        October 25, 2018 3:59 am

        It really depends as some dont ask conversion and some do.

        The thing is if a woman marries a man she takes up his name so even if a girl wont be a Muslim intially eventually she will convert and kids always gravitate towards their dad.

        Its not what Quran says its what society predicts. Once such kids are born Hindus also will treat them as Muslims. If a Hindu marries a Muslim, we consider all as Muslims.

  • June 26, 2013 12:11 pm

    All hindu sisters.
    Please read my blog fot subject and save your self from Muslim Taqia

    • Tenali
      June 27, 2013 1:40 am

      Where is the link to your blog?

  • May 27, 2013 8:18 pm

    Dear Nirmala,

    my soul cries to see u in this state. i have been thru similar circumstances. its just that i have been lucky that i wasnt married to the guy, i do not have kids and i have finally managed to leave behind my painful past.

    nirmala! what has happened is past. today, all u have is ur present and future….and you can make the most of it!!!

    my suggestion is separate from this man. leave him and all the painfull memories behind. this may sound a bit odd but trust me u will be in a much better position. at time we feel that everything has ended and that there isnt any hope…….but believe u me, every end is the beginning of something new. do not fear the unknown future. be brave enough to fight it.

    u may stay on with this man but what will be the outcome? ur children will grow up to be a replica of him, they too will be inhuman, insensitive, fanatics. will that make u happy as a soul? u have done enough harm to yourself but now it is your duty to not let the same happen to your kids. it is indeed your responsibility to give you children an upbringing that helps them become good, sensitive, responsible and morally strong individuals. it is important that their personality isnt based on fanaticism but is based on humanity, kindness n spirituality.

    if u realise ur responsibility as a mother, woman and as an individual…….we all are here to support u.

    remember if maa parvati can be a symbol of patience, calmness and serenity……she is also durga, kaali and chandika. u also have that ansh in urself. it is just that u need to realise who u r and what have u reduced yourself to.

    life is waiting for you with open arms. may be the start will be a bit tough but god will find a way for u.

    if u decide to leave him, im there to support u on all levels. u and ur kids can stay with me, my mother and my lhasa apso and we can work out things. slowly take up a job and i will help u in that too. but we all can help only if u help your self. god has givin u an opportunity to get out of this rutt……….now it is ur call.

    i would request admin to give you my number………do not worry! we all are with u. i am with u as a woman, sister, mother and friend. trust me we together can workout things!!!


    SD https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5455

  • October 28, 2012 3:52 am

    Please continue to give your real love to your children. They know it, even they may not be able to express in front of their dominating father. One day will come when your children, like Madiha, will come to your rescue.

    You may have to put up this hell-life till your children are out to college. The day they are out, you also end this hell-life and be FREE. Meantime, please prepare yourself to be independent and ready to support yourself financially. Better life is waiting for you.

    Please keep us posted for how your life progresses. Best wishes.

    • believer in God
      October 28, 2012 4:51 am

      admin nirmala will be more far from her kids if this continues. i think Nirmala should start educating her kids whats right n whats not. her husband is not at home full day. thats the right time to talk to the kids. i can see more non tolerators growing at nirmala’s home. she had to start now. otherwise it will be too late. her kids wont be hers no more after few years. and i guess she doesnt wana make her kids like osama bin laden. her husband is just making their minds more vulnerable to going towards hatred. better late than never. i gues her kids have a heart stronger still. Nirmala start taling with your kids now before its too late. or u want ur kids to hate u and ur family at parents side?

      • October 28, 2012 12:13 pm

        Great point, educate children tectfully.

    • human
      February 5, 2013 10:42 am

      Please do not listen to these religious people, no one will come to rescue. being mother its your first responsibility to rescue them or they will become your husband type. be strong and kick that so called religious husband out of your life.

  • yubee
    October 21, 2012 2:07 pm

    Someone in one of the above comments stated muslims and sikhs have same beleifs is 100% wrong, sikhism is based upon equality of human race, we don’t forbid anyone from entering the gurudwara any muslim, hinduor chritian etc can come to our place of worship, but you can not go inside macca unless you are a muslim. Our faith doesn’t force anyone to convert, we don’t force anyone to stay in our faith either its your personal willingness. Sikhism doesn’t lure you into sikh fold by promising you heaven or threatening you by instilling the fear of hell. Only similarity with islam is beleif in one God, but we still differ from islam on this point too, islam beleives allah made this world and he lives in heavens or paradise etc, we beleive there is one God and God is not separate from its world/universe etc he is present in every atom of this universe, he is both nirakar and sakar. Sikhism has way advanced philosphy compared to islam. We don’t beleive in judgement day you are judged everday through your karma, we don’t beleive all the dead will get up one day to pay for their deeds. I just showed some differences and their are many more. I don’t know how people label sikhism similar to islam. According to SGGs “manas ki jaat sabhai eko pehchanvo”. Sikhism is truly the universal religion, Islam compares nothing close to it.

  • samar
    October 16, 2012 10:30 pm

    I disagree completely there may be a little adjustment problems but what stands out during these difficult phases is the character and commitment of the person if he/she is 100% in love with the other then they respect other ones feelings..if there is trust no religious barriers can break the bond

    • human
      February 5, 2013 10:45 am

      you are wrong, she is facing problem. Islam treat women like shoe, if i m wrong i can prove it.

  • anita
    September 2, 2012 10:11 pm

    hi Nirmala,
    this is Anita, ur story is so similar to mine and i wish we cud talk to each other in person. see if u send me an email on my id. life is so sad for me and has been for years for 12 plus years. i dont know what is the end going to be once the kids grow up. wud like to talk to u just for a shoulder to cry on. bye

    Please comment to Anita at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2422

    • human
      February 5, 2013 10:47 am

      why don”t u just kick that osama out of house. you don’t need shit at home

  • suma
    August 1, 2012 6:53 pm


    please read the plight of a canadian christian girl who has a muslim boyfriend. She will be for sure abused after the marriage, that is if she ever marries the man.

  • July 18, 2012 3:55 pm

    @ to all,

    Clearing the doubts on so called ‘misinterpretation’ of Koran….

    Muslims invented various statements, like ‘context should be seen behind the verses’, ‘misinterpretation of Koran’, ‘inner meaning’ or ‘hidden meaning’ and ‘literal interpretation is wrong’, to keep Non-Muslims in false sense of security so that Islam and its adherents can quietly carry their Jihad without raising many eyebrows.

    Lets recall what Koran says with respect to itself:

    Verses like 54:32, 54:40 and 44:58 say that Koran is easy to be understood.

    Verse 6:114 says that Koran is explained in detail.

    In the verse 5:15, it says that Koran is very plain book.

    Verses 5:16 and 10:15 say that Koran is very clear.

    If one reads above verses, is there any room for Koran to be esoteric or to contain some hidden meanings?

    Lets look at the whole in another and simple way.

    Koran is a guide book to humans from Allah, say Muslims. Koran is a message. It is also a manual of instructions for humans – who are slaves of Allah, the master.

    In what kind of style (or sense) master issues commands to his slaves? Containing some hidden messages in commands or in clear cut commands? In simple words, will a master issue his commands in clear language or in some code?

    Will a teacher teach teach his students in clear language or some code?

    Thinking over these simple and obvious questions, it is easy to see the duplicity of Muslims like Sameer and his reference.

    • Amir
      September 5, 2012 8:02 am

      Srinivas please mail me your question regarding Islam.
      InshaAllah i will try to answer them.
      Be honest and rational.


      • September 5, 2012 8:58 am

        @ Amir,

        Why engage in discussion using e-mails? We can discuss publicly, right here itself ! Then, every one can see the discussion.

        Or you can come to my blog ! Unlike Muslim bloggers, I neither delete comments nor censor them !

        Instead of telling me to be truthful, you should be truthful.

        If you are, you would have tried to refute what I said so many time on this website i.e. Islam is a fascist political ideology and Muslims are savages, with your Mohammad being the worst human being who would marry his own daughter-in-law.

        Lets see your truthfulness now.

      • human
        February 5, 2013 10:51 am

        before you answer anyone, can you answer yourself, most Islamic country have no tolerance for non Muslims, most of them are badly managed with no human rights. can you answer y u people not smart enough to manage your own countries.

  • July 18, 2012 3:16 pm

    @ Sameer Mohammad and others,

    The website Sameer Mohammad referred to says the following on its main page: “ISLAM will provide soon a complete and , fresh interpretation of the Holy Quran that will convey its true and peaceful message.”

    Mark the phrase: “fresh interpretation”.

    Non-Muslims should notice this i.e. Muslims trying to find a fresh interpretation carrying the implicit message that what we, Islamophobes, write about Islam is one interpretation.

    But, according to Sameer, and that website, our, Islamophobes, interpretation of Koran is false and the interpretation they are going to come up is the ‘only true’ interpretation.

    Implicit to all this non-sense is that for 1400 years Islam was misunderstood and in the present day world too, each and every Muslim majority nation misinterprets Koran, leaving aside Muslim terrorists.

    To sum up, in the views of Sameer and his website, Koran was always misinterpreted !

    My conclusion: Sameer and his ilk, like that website, are much worse than Islamic terrorists. Their aim is the same as that of terrorists i.e. to bring the world under Sharia. It is just that tactics differ. People like Sameer use deceit and lies, that do not require violence, while terrorists use violence for achieving their goal of Islamic domination of the world.

    • Islam-Ammi-Chod
      May 15, 2013 12:44 pm

      Very well said. Shows your study and thoughtfullness. Keep it up buddy!

      Let other humans i.e. non-moslems wake up and realize these beasts i.e. moslems. Their cult is called is lamb so they have sheep alike mentality and go by heard, easy to steer, missed limbs and brain.

  • Hasina
    June 1, 2012 11:51 am

    Why are there only hate stories here? I am a product of a Sikh-Muslim marriage and has been married to a Hindu for 10 years now. Yeah, my Sikh parent converted, but I am against changing “religions” just to be with your loved ones. So, I am still me after all these years, and my husband and his family – they’re religious people! – let me be and has never made me do anything I do not wish to. So you see, a good and happy relationship has nothing to do with religion – only the character of the person.

    • suma usa
      June 1, 2012 3:49 pm

      Hasina, you miss the whole point here. You married a hindu man who gave you a complete religious and other freedom. What is there to complain of dear.
      Seema maheswari already told this story which is her story as well.

      We are talking about the intolerance and oppression that is unleashed on hindus by nonhindus. you yet again proved a genuine happily married muslim woman to a hindu man.No points.

      • Indian
        June 11, 2012 8:50 pm


        Can you tell me who is hindu? what are thier beliefs? Is somebody who follows Vedas is a hindu? or somebody who does idol worship is a hindu? or somebody who worships many Gods is a hindu?
        Different people have different beliefs in hinduism or i should say that ever changing culture is hindusim? or it is hindusim just a general term? what is the name of this religion. Hindusim is a english word derived from a Persian word called hindi or is it something else?

        • June 12, 2012 1:36 am

          The religion that guides you but at the same time gives you liberty and freedom is the best religion (probably all religions are like this).

          No one, means NO ONE, is following what is written in their religious books. Every one pick and choose what they like from religion. Some one take 5% and another 95% from religious books. Even you (Indian) are not following what Allah told you to do literally. If you are convinced that Hindus are idol worshippers and unbeliever (in Allah&Muhammad), then did you ….”lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them wherever you find them. Over such men We (Allah&Muhammad) give you absolute authority” (Koran 4:91). … “When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them” (Koran 9:5). So, how many Hindus have you killed so far? Or, are you fearful of police (over the God)?

          We value your contributions here, but you will be more effective with today youths if you talk to them in more practical senses. By telling them to go read Vedas, Koran, Bible, etc at their age of 22 will certainly turn them down from reading your messages, even true. They are not coming to this site to get a Ph. D. on theology. Yes, we could discuss at any length but that is not going to help to today’s youths for their dating time issues.

          Can we agree that ….every one has a right to believe in what ever they want to believe in? Yes? No?
          Can we agree that….Interfaith Marriage with Equality…is one of the best options? Yes? No? Alternatively, are you telling youths that any one dating/marrying a Muslim must forget about their birth religion? Are you telling that consider a Muslim lover only if you believe in all [that]?

          • Mohammed Aslam
            August 18, 2012 1:53 pm

            People, I think it’s not appropriate to discuss Religion’s here…For your all I wanna say that, there’s strong message to war with ENEMIES in every major Religion’s..Hope you all aware the same, why only quoting Noble Kuran verses???…do you all know on what context that has been directed to the Muslims (to wage war and kill, that to be ONLY in the Arabian peninsula at that time) cos, they (Muslims) are Expelled with their own land and looted and suffer lot of hardship to surviving, so the Order to fight for your rights…that’s what actually guided..Do you all know that there’s no single blood spilled in the victory of Makkah??? the Muslim won having a great possibility of taking REVENGE!!!! they (Muslim) Just PARDON their Enemies…

            In India we all know Only Muslims has been killed day to day, not a single Muslim has been reported as killed a Hindu brother in the name of Religion..cos, in the same Kuran there’s a Verse which Reads, Chapter 5:verse no.32….If anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land — it would be as if he killed all MANKIND, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the MANKIND..So, we’re only directed to kill anyone, if we’re oppressed or in the battle field, not as what you people were thinking as an ordinary situation…May peace and good-will prevail every heart..

        • hindu says
          June 30, 2012 10:51 am

          hindus are those who do idol worship. today we see thousands of satsangs in name of nirankari, that is god is not having human body. but this is not all the effect of muslim sufism, nothing else. ever worlds largest religion i.e christianity do idol worship. so please mr. india let hinduism go its original way. don’t comment on hindu fanatics rather comment to muslim fanatics. if hinduism would decline from india then india will be like a body without soul.

          • July 1, 2012 1:56 am

            One could correct it as….if hinduism would decline from india then india will be like PAKISTAN!

          • Akshay
            April 25, 2013 6:18 am

            Dear Admin,

            As you mentioned India like Pakistan if Hindusim declines in India…..

            True, in Islam, Muslims are not suppose to do birth control, mainly Mohammed Prophet one more strategy of increasing Muslims population so that spreading of Islam can happen sooner or faster.

            In INDIA, 36% (still we call them minority community) population is of MUSLIMS, once it crosses 40% , they will be having a reservations in all areas, say in politics, college seats any seats.

            Their main intention is to come up with SHARIA laws….


        • Jayachandran
          August 1, 2012 9:19 am

          Hi Indian,

          Answering to your question, who is an Hindu???, he is one left liberal comparatively from many religions that exists… If you want to know more about Hinduism please spend some time reading the book “Arthamula Hindu Matham”, written by poet Kannadasan.

    • June 1, 2012 9:25 pm

      So your mother (or father), a former Sikh, converted to marry a Muslim. Apparently, you have a Muslim name and raised as a Muslim child, not a Sikh child. So the Sikh pride is crushed and killed here, was is fair? Do you consider your parent’s marriage a Sikh-Muslim marriage with EQUALITY? What equality?

      We are glad that you have a Muslim-Hindu marriage with equality and you are very happy for it. So, do you wish other youths should also have the same opportunity to enjoy interfaith married life, just like you, with EQUALITY (and without conversion)?

      Please come back on this site again and again to tell others to put an end to this conversion business. Make sense?

    • human
      February 5, 2013 10:57 am

      its not matter of you, its matter what is the character of a Muslim.

      80% terrorist, 10% sit home and collect welfare from govt. 9% try to cheat banks, 1% human.
      what you done and your parents done DOES”T Matter here.
      stop telling stories talk facts,

  • suma usa
    May 18, 2012 4:11 pm

    similar sad story from a hispanic american woman who married a muslim
    read the link

  • May 17, 2012 7:32 am
    • human
      February 5, 2013 10:59 am

      thank you sir

  • dhilip
    May 13, 2012 4:22 pm

    dear nirmla of course i can able to understand little bit of your feelings.. But one thing i want to say is your husband may still love you.. but he is imposing his religious thoughts on children.. even you have rights yar… pleas speak to ur husband.. tel him what you want.. if he loved you truly sure he ll consider your wish.. but don’t argue don’t fight.., explain your position to him…. all the best

    • May 20, 2012 4:34 am


      One of the beliefs of Muslims is that they should hate Non-Muslims and show hatred and enmity towards them…..

      When Muslims become majority or take over the reigns of the govt., then they should humiliate Non-Muslims…

      Why do you think all Islamic nations pass legislation s discriminating against Non-Muslims?

      I am sorry to say this: Husband of Nirmala is humiliating her and her family (her parents) in keeping with his religious beliefs.

      He knows that and enjoys his achievement.

      Read from below links:


      (Is it permissible for us to hold a party to bid farewell to a non-Muslim who was working with us)


      (Why is it that a catholic girl married to a muslim man CANNOT celebrate her religous festivals? even though she is married to a muslim she still remains a catholic. shouldnt she be able to worship what she belives?.)

      • July 18, 2012 7:11 am

        Dear Mr. Srinivas. You are truly mistaken about the teachings of Islam and their thoughts. The entire ground on which Islam stands on is Peace. Whatever verses or lines written here or anywhere where people think that Islam teaches to hate or humiliate a Non-Muslim is not true. Please read below link.


        The Quran says Allah Almighty is rehmat ul alameen, which means that He will forgive humanity when they repent for any mistake. Nowhere is it written that He will forgive only muslims or such.

        • The Jew
          July 18, 2012 7:29 am

          Sameer- can you show us few examples any proof that shows what your quran says.

          And so who ever did not follow what you showed us is not muslim? Does that makes him non muslim? If yes which religion?

          What punishment does muslim countries have for Muslims converting to other religion?

          Please comment with proof please.

        • July 18, 2012 7:30 am

          Islam teaches one and all to respect other religions and to always show humility towards their fellow humans.

          [31:18-19] “You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs. “Walk humbly and lower your voice – the ugliest voice is the donkey’s voice.”

          [4:148] GOD does not like the utterance of bad language, unless one is treated with gross injustice. GOD is Hearer, Knower.

          [49:11] O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or make fun of your names. Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who does not repent after this, these are the transgressors.

          [41:34] Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend.

          • The Jew
            July 18, 2012 9:11 pm

            This does not answers the question. so far what you said is what quran says Muslims to do, we are talking about what muslims do in real life, do you understand the difference? Please do not quotes like most muslims do, quotes do not solve problem, there interpretation does.
            Repeating again –

            Sameer- can you show us few examples any proof that shows what your quran says.

            And so who ever did not follow what you showed us is not muslim? Does that makes him non muslim? If yes which religion?

            What punishment does muslim countries have for Muslims converting to other religion?

          • human
            February 5, 2013 11:01 am

            please stop you are making up all this. do you people practice this, no

        • proloy
          April 4, 2013 11:41 am

          Sameer Mohammed, Without knowing anything about Hinduism don’t pass such comments. I have heard the language of ” teaching of Islam ” repeatedly & can say that the world is watching the actual teaching of Islam of hatred and terrorism.

  • Indian
    May 13, 2012 3:19 pm

    Here is a story of my very good friend. She is a Muslim, though not a practicing Muslim and was working in NIIT, Pune and fell in love with a HINDU Punjabi boy. the initial period of love was very good and they dreamt of a good life.
    The parents of both boy and girl did not agree to the marriage, so they both went ahead and had a court marriage. The girls father told that i will never see my daughter face and she is dead to me.She was not allowed to enter his home.
    The muslim girl went and started living with her husband and in laws. Soon the trouble started when she was told to do Puja with some colorful idols in front of her. She refused, but her in-laws used to make her pray to idol every day. The in Laws were pretty strict hindus and had loads of Hindu God man coming to their house and preaching them. Soon they used to treat her as a example of trophy wife and victory for their religion where they made a muslim girl convert to Hinduism. The muslim girl was very afraid and scared as these Godmen used to have a lustful eyes towards her.
    The girl started secretly meeting her mother outside the house and told her the tale of how she is being treated. The muslim girl started reading the Quran secretly. Imagine a muslim girl has to read Quran in secret. One day she was caught with the quran in her room by the God man and she was mentally torched and abused.
    The muslim girl realized that she is no more then a slave and nowhere to go. She also realized that how she had destroyed her life, her true faith,this world and the next world.
    She finally decided to Divorce the boy and her parents have taken her back. Today the girl is a practising muslim.

    I would just simply request all the muslim girls that do not marry outside faith until and unless you both have the same belief and faith. Pagan religions have no comparison with the true Islam of Allah. If you have any doubts about Quran and Islam, then please refer to various video in youtube or discuss with a scholar.

    May Allah bless the muslim Ummah and keep them away from Pagans

    • dhilip
      May 13, 2012 4:07 pm

      you are not an Indian you are a coward…. don’t put name as Indian you are not a true Indian… b’cause peoples like u still dis world cont find peace among people.., your such a f… shit dirty cum

      • Indian
        May 13, 2012 4:24 pm

        Well…using abusive language would not really help anyone.
        and being a Indian is not your prerogative…is it? India belongs to everyone who is its citizen, it belongs to you or even RSS people or BJP or Manmohan singh (a sikh) or me.

        • The Jew
          June 3, 2012 11:47 am

          Hi (fake)Indian,

          I we all remember you said that Sikh and Islam is very very similar then you are saying HINDU punjabi boy, which means a hindu muslim boy (using your rule of similarity) – what exactly you are saying man? are you too much into your true religion that you forgot who you are, insane, visit a islamic hospital.

          Single incident of muslim girl as compared to 1000 of christian and hindu girl being fooled/converted by muslims. You (fake) Indian, you have shown your true colors

          For your reference (this is what you said)
          “Indian says: May 14, 2012 at 12:43 pm

          Muslims and sikhs have similar belief….below is quotation from Sikhiwiki”

          Would you please now excuse us mature and educated people to have a meaningful conversation ? rather than you conflicting yourself.

    • May 17, 2012 7:30 am

      It is very easy to make that kind of story after reading so many such stories from here, i.e. Hindu girls.

      Isn’t it, Indian?

      Pagan religion? True religion?

      Your Prophet was a rapist,plunderer, murderer; he even married his own daughter in law.

      True Prophet. True religion.

      • Indian
        June 8, 2012 5:30 pm


        Me answering your derogatory statements would be below my dignity.
        I would prefer not to answer people like you…who do not believe in God. Probably you can lead your life as you want……..but do not expect people like me to rely you……..The questions you ask shows your level of understanding.

        @Jew……you need to understand the difference between Hindu Punjabi and Sikh Punjabi……they are two different religions and Faiths. One believes in Idol worship and other is strictly against it.

        • Islam-Ammi-Chod
          May 15, 2013 1:04 pm

          @ (non-)Indian – When missed limbs can’t answer questions similar to what their pro phut used to face, they use language like you napaki.

          Where’s your dignity? Do you really have it? Why it’s never exhibited?

        • Shazina munaf
          September 5, 2015 7:35 pm

          Ad if the hindu convert they convert of their own free will u people must be disgusting worshipping sun trees cows ad I don’t understand onething if u people worship cow than why do u drink her milk

      • Shazina munaf
        September 5, 2015 7:30 pm

        Shut up u don’t kn any thing about Islam those people who are terrorists they are nt muslim cz Allah didn’t say we have to kill anybody what about ur gods they are fake

    • The Jew
      June 3, 2012 11:49 am

      Gimme the proof, we dont trust you, hindus never boast about there religion, its just you muslims who do that.

      • Indian
        June 11, 2012 8:34 pm

        Just read my post above and you will get the answer about similarities between Sikhism and Islam

        • Islam-Ammi-Chod
          May 15, 2013 1:09 pm

          Fyi – A Sikh is born Hindu and then willingly joins army of Guru saaheb per his wish. This is NOT same as lambs cult.

          Lamb’s cult with their pro-phut are empty cubicle followers who’re confused whom they worship. They call her Alla, Rub (where?), Khuda (Chuda?), Maula (Bawara?) so many names still they say we pray to one god? How?

          Missed limbs say, we never build idols still they need mosques, why?

          They say we never follow kafir tradition, then don’t you missed limbs perform Kufr what you call the ritual at Makka?

    • Jayachandran
      August 1, 2012 9:28 am

      Dear Indian,

      Are you really a human being with neutral attitude or trying to spread the religious belief… you are trying and proving your attitude that Hinduism is hard and people are tough… remember am from a Hindu Family where worshipping Jesus or Allah was never been prohibited, I still have a practice of worshipping Ganesh, Jesus, Allah in the same as I do, can you really tell or prove any individual from Islamic either boy or girl dare to do it…

      • August 1, 2012 10:42 am

        You are a pluralist and it is okay for a Hindu to be a pluralist.

        Indian is now an Abrahamic (converted) and he must believe that there is ONLY ONE GOD and that is mine!!!!!!!!!

        • September 25, 2016 10:49 am

          Hello everyone..What kind of a thinking is this??? we all live in 21st century..these discussions are not creating any positive thoughts anywhere… Ok Lets say for argument sake that hindu and muslim are very different from each other…For all muslims hindu religion is bad n for all hindus muslim religion is bad… But here comes the main question what is the exat difference in a hindu person and a muslim person is it like hindu has red blood and muslim has green??? or is it like muslim has 2 eyes 2 hands 2 legs 1 nose 1 mouth and hindu has 4 eyes 3 nose 10 hand and legs????? what is this…. we all are just the same… and god yes god is there…for some people god is in picture..for some other god is in stone sculpture…ots just a positive power for all human….God haven’t said that he is hindu or muslim its us..human creating this difference…please stop this thing…its expressing all things full negatively…And for this religious thing…let me say one thing..I am a maharashtrian Brahmin..But would not hesitate to help any person let it b a hindu, muslim, sikh, anyone..We humans are so nice that we do also help and love our pets….what is their cast or religion??? Its every persons’ right to choose a lifestyle by thinking about all the things and after choosing it be ready to adjust accordingly rather than complaining…

          • September 26, 2016 8:27 pm

            Hi Ashu,

            We agree 100% to “we all are just the same… and god yes god is there…for some people god is in picture..for some other god is in stone sculpture…ots just a positive power for all human….God haven’t said that he is hindu or muslim its us..human creating this difference.” This is called a pluralistic belief and we promote it.

    • human
      February 5, 2013 11:02 am

      another lie by a muslim

    • lucky.blogger
      October 25, 2018 4:02 am

      sounds damn fake sorry to say.

  • May 13, 2012 3:05 am


    We are really sorry to hear of your sad story. You got a life term imprisonment even you were innocent. You are nothing more than a slave, even in this so called “free” world.

    It is too sad that your Hindu family gave up on you, that is what your Muslim husband wished for. He won! Keep in mind, they still love you. Please try to build relationship again with them. Parents should never give up on their son/daughter in spite of any major mistake they may have made.

    You seem to be educated and intelligent. Why will you keep doing what you do not believe in? You have only one life; are you planning to put up all injustice and irrational thinking till you die? Like Madiha, lets hope one day your kids will free you from your imprisonment.

    Don’t feel isolated; this site is now your new home! Share your pain with us. Speak out load and clear. Please come again and again to educate other young adults.

    • human
      February 5, 2013 11:03 am

      just leave that piece of shit

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