I am not forcing her to convert BUT…

Shoeb says: April 15, 2018 at 1:15 pm

I to love a Jain girl and I am not forcing her to convert. But if she accepts then yes there is nothing like it. However as of now we are depending on court marriage. There are a few little things that we need to sort out such as veg/non veg, festivals and living conditions. Once those are set then we take off! -Shoeb

Shoeb says: April 15, 2018 at 1:09 pm
Dear admin please do not miss quote Holy quran for leverage. Quran 24:30 says that men and women should lower their gaze and cover their private parts as this is purer for them. It says nothing about Muslim gazing a non Muslim or any of that what you mentioned. -Shoeb

Hanah Khan says: April 15, 2018 at 11:58 pm
Yes, only he can use Quran to his leverage! Does Quran permit court marriage between a Muslim and a KAFIR? -Hanah

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  • krish
    April 25, 2018 5:46 am

    Posted by a ex muslim women and very interesting to know the truth of Muhammad.


    I am a Muslim on ID, but luckily I was born in an atheist family.

    I am not a Muslim because firstly, I believe in humanity as a human being, and secondly because I am a woman.

    I have read the books of the three Abrahamic religions, but I still know most about Islam because I’m living in a Muslim society.

    If you read Quran carefully and objectively, without the fear of religion, you can easily realize that it’s not possible for that book to be written by a god. There isn’t a single extraordinary line to make you think this was written by a bigger power than human beings.

    Then comes to the prophet of the religion. He was a typical barbaric Arabic man. With enormous craving for power, money and women. If that religion was of god, that man wouldn’t have been the prophet. He was so disgusting that I don’t even want to go into detail about him.

    The third point is the religion for women. Women are slaves of their husbands. They are a useless property, not a human being. Stranger than that is, it is not mentioned what they will get in the other life!! Men will get 71 women and 1 man, but no one knows what women will get.

    Then comes the last point. The after life and heaven. In Islam the heaven is the place that you can do all the “bad things” that is a taboo to do here and you will go to hell for, including homosexuality.

    Heaven is a grand brothel where you get never ending wine and 72 virgins, one of them being male.

    I don’t even understand how can anyone follow an idea like that and think it’s right.

    But more shocking is the fact that, the followers are more of women than men.

    These are very broad aspects about the “why”. There is so much more to talk about if you want to understand the religion, in which it has many common things with other religions.

    All that being said, it was still a revolutionary progression in Arabic culture, but that was 1400 years ago.

  • April 18, 2018 4:37 am

    I wanted to know if you have experience with interfaith couple’s present situation in different countries.I mean legal process,living situation in those countries.My one and i met sometimes ago( i do not want to mention exact time). We have been to each other from very first after watching each other.He is basically from saudi arab.
    The problems have arisen after we have talked to respective families.My family has no problem with him,but his family is reluctant as they are very conservative and i am hindu girl.
    My query is sir,if i convert,is this situation likely to get better? Or it will be better to relocate?He said he is ready to relocate in UAE with me if i want,but i really do not want to spoil a family relation.
    As you can guess,it has been a while we have been together,whenever he comes here, it has been like a live together relation for us.We have been in intimate relation several times,so now it is out of question to go back from here.I am asking for your valuable input regarding this sir.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13567

  • Hanah Khan
    April 15, 2018 11:58 pm

    Yes, only he can use Quran to his leverage! Does Quran permit court marriage between a Muslim and a KAFIR?

  • April 15, 2018 3:36 pm

    Dear Shoeb,
    Is it acceptable by Koran 24:30 to reach to this stage “I to love a Jain girl”?
    Have you looked at this girl eyes to eyes with lustful thinking?
    Have you hold her hands and got good feelings; is that endorsed in the Koran?
    What would Zakir Naik say? ..view https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11208

    On “There are a few little things that we need to sort out such as veg/non veg, festivals and living conditions”, add to it…
    1) If you and she will go and pray to each others’ religious institution?
    2) Will children have Jain (Dharmic) or Arabic names?
    3)Will Children follow Islam or Jainism or both?

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