It is Difficult to Find a Person with Faith

HaveFaith says: November 30, 2019 2:42 am

Hi Mr Singh, I wish being a Muslim girl I could find someone who not stereotyping & generalising. The Muslim men I come across, or have ever heard of, held on to their religious values. There is good and bad in all peole. But the frustration for me personally is when a person from any faith wants to marry within their faith but find it hard to find a person who actually has any of the faith morals & principles in them, other than just a title. I would gladly marry a Sikh gentleman, being a muslin girl, if he 1) respects my values, 2) his religion and mine, 3) does not drink, club and 4) have pre marital sexual relations. I am yet to come across one from my own faith yet. -HaveFaith

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • December 3, 2019 5:58 pm

    Hi Havefaith,

    Please clarify if you meant to say this “I wish being a Muslim girl I could find someone who not stereotyping & generalising. The Muslim men I come across, or have ever heard of, held on to their religious values.” Please correct, if not true.

    This is sad that… “when a person from any faith wants to marry within their faith but find it hard to find a person who actually has any of the faith morals & principles”. and “I am yet to come across one from my own (Islam) faith yet.” We agree that this is a universal problem, common to all faiths. In college days, guys are out having fun and not serious about marriage. For this reason, they are not looking for a girl with “faith and principles” because that means no fun on short run. However, don’t loose faith in finding the right man, it is only a matter of time. Someone there is waiting for you, keep looking.

    You said, “I would gladly marry a Sikh gentleman”. If you are a woman with Islam faith, how it is possible for you to marry a Sikh? Would you expect the “Sikh” to convert to “Muslim” for the Islamic Nikaah? What value you would give to your children? Will they be 1) Sikhs or Muslims, 2) will they go more often to Gurudwara or a Mosque, 3) will they follow teachings of Muhammad or Guru Nanak ji, 4) will they read more Koran or Granth Sahib and 5) will they have Sikh or Arabic names? Assume you find a perfect Sikh gentleman of your criteria, what kind of Sikh-Muslim married life of equality that you are looking for?

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