I would be cursed if I get married in Hindu tradition

Maria says: May 20, 2014 at 8:47 am

I feel extremely happy that I happend to visit this site at this right moment.

I’m a Roman Catholic in love with a Hindu boy for the last 10 years. We decided to get ring exchanged in church as well have a ceremony as per Hindu tradition as well but now is the drama begun.

My Mom, who’s backed by her sisters my aunt and my uncle, is not willing to get me married in their tradition. They want him to get converted totally and have Christian wedding ONLY. I feel so irritated. They don seem to realize dat marriage they seem to be creating a rift among our families. Things seem to be going fine in a totally wrong way.

They are saying dat I would be cursed if I get married in HINDU tradition. Pl help. -Maria.

Maria says: June 1, 2014

Dear All,
Thanks for all your inputs. I’ve had a good brain storming session over here. The only reason we waited this long to get married is for our family. We tried our level best to convince and take forward in a smooth way but things are still beating around the bush. Hence we’ve decided not to waste time anymore.

We’re going ahead with our marriage plans and by gods blessings we will be husband and wife by this september.

I love him and he loves me we’ve been together for 10years and will be for many more to come. We’ve decided to teach our kids both scriptures and finally it is them to decide who they wanna follow. I’m tolerant towards his faith and he is to mine this itself is a greater strength.

Thanks for all your suggestion and to answer Osmani’s query “Relationship is not based on pleasure ALONE, there has been many other things which made us to stay together for last ten years.”
Special thanks to Admin, your inputs gave me the courage to take my stand and of course thanks one and all. Maria.

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Karthika
    June 13, 2014 6:32 am

    Good Evening Sir/Madam,
    I am Karthika from xyz. I’m belongs to Brahmin family. From my childhood I’m loving my neighbour, he too loves me a lot. But the thing is he is belongs to a Christian relegion. There is no opposes from his side. But my family has oppositions. We both living in same area also. Now this is a time for disclouse our matter infront of my family. 3 years back my family came to know that we are in love, that time my dad scolded him a lot. Now my dad belives that we are not in contact. My Mom and my sister are very nice beings. They likes me a lot. Me too. I can’t live without him as well as my family. There is no objection from his side. He is ready to do anything for me and I also. Now we are decided to do one drama infront of our relatives that I’ll introduce him to my family as Brahmin Boy and he introduces me as the same. Our’s is very big family. so we decided to do our engagement in Church and marraige in Brahmin culture. He is ready for that. Now I would like to know where he can study Vedas all? Is there any community helping in those issues. Together tell me onne idea how to proceed this thing in front of my family without hurting them. I hope you will understand my situation properly. If any suggestions there so please send me those valuable words to my E-mail XXX. We don’t want to put my family peoples head down infront of our villagers as well as infront of our relatives.
    Thank You. n I’ll hope I get positive responses soon.
    Have a nice Evening

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8048

  • anuj
    May 30, 2014 2:47 am

    Hiam from kanpur iam marreid with chirstion girl i also got the baptisma i can not truth i want to go back my old relegion with my wife bt she is not agree what i do

    • Admin
      May 30, 2014 1:54 pm

      Can you clarify what you cannot trust?
      Can you give little more details about your love, marriage and current situation?

  • May 23, 2014 8:12 am

    Dear Maria,

    Dont be superstitous after 10 years association with your Hindu BF.

    Superstitions are deep rooted and irrational beliefs which have no profanity. Superstitions are the legacy of every civilizations and are inherited by the following generations. It was once believed that superstition could be rooted out with the spread of education. But these have continued to linger with the generations.

    Origin and history of Superstitions: Superstitions originated perhaps, when man was at the mercy of the natural elements. He respected and worshiped the forces of nature like the sun, the moon, water etc. He worshiped fire because of its destructive ability. When man started falling prey to diseases he started appeasing the gods with offerings, penances and sacrifices to ward off evil spirits.

    All civilizations have their respective superstitions. But some like beliefs in ghosts, sorcery, witchcraft and spirits are universal. The western civilizations although very progressive have their own superstitions. The number 13 is unlucky in the west because the Last Super Lord Jesus dined with his twelve disciples and later was crucified. Salt was spilled on the table on which they dined and therefore even now, spilling of salt is considered ominous.

    New England in America was infamous for its witches. All women who were suspected of practicing witchcraft, were held to the stake and burnt alive. Later it was realized that such executions were carried out at the behest of some people who had some selfish motives.
    Superstitions are deep rooted and irrational beliefs which have no profanity. Superstitions are the legacy of every civilizations and are inherited by the following generations. It was once believed that superstition could be rooted out with the spread of education. But these have continued to linger with the generations.

    Be bold if interested otherwise close the chapter.

  • May 23, 2014 6:05 am

    You are in love for the last 10 years, still your mental swing is not stable. You are seeking advice on illogical method of marriage. During 10 years association,you could not make up your mindset, was your love just for pleasure?

  • May 20, 2014 9:54 pm

    You are apparently intelligent, educated and an independent thinker. We would love to give you tips how to argue with your mother. Instead of getting into fights with your relatives, just simply start asking them rational questions. In other words, don’t get into fights or arguments but remain assertive and logical.

    Can you ask your mother for logic why you cannot marry by Hindu wedding?
    Is it because Hindu and Muslim pray to a wrong God?
    Is it because Hindus pray to Goddess Laxmi’s marble idol (while Christian pray to marble Mary and wood Jesus cross idols)?
    Christianity have three forms of Gods (trinity) while Hindus have many many more. How does it matter how many forms of God or names one uses, as far your boy friend is a decent, educated and caring human being?
    Ask her if all non-baptized Muslims, Jews and Hindus are sinners and will not be saved?
    Ask her why Mother Teresa will go into heaven while Mahatma Gandhi to hell? Is this logical? Is this rational thinking? Which God is teaching this?

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