I am Christian and My Partner Hindu

Shine says: November 26, 2018 at 6:58 pm

I was belong to Christian family and grown up but I n my partner is from hindu. And he is good guy I want to marry him we both my parents left me Bcz I m girl

Yes he is earning doing private job and my study is going to be completed. only 5months r remaining.. But we can’t leave without each other.. But my uncle won’t accept him Bcz he is non-Christian.. But he is in good nature.. He understands me but only he truly but whtto do Bcz I can’t leave him economically his father died he took all responsibility of his family and he truly..lvs me… Wht shld I do now?

I belong to Christian family and and wheni was small my parents left Me so my uncle and aunt took my all responsibility of study and all the things my study n all but my partner is non Christian and we both are comfortable with each other but I m thaught that my uncle aunt won’t accept him. But we decide to marry each other.. What should be done know… I can’t leave that guy Bcz he is good Nd makes me always happy for that why we should not leave with each other boy is ready to take all the responsibility of my but.. I want an opportunity to tell my house but Wht should b done shld I leave him just because of non Christian,??? Or my family,??can u give any suggestion.. -Shine

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • May 19, 2019 6:18 am

    Dear Shine,

    Are you done with your studies? How did you do for your exams? Is the boy still loving you and willing to accept you the way you are? Have you ever talk to your family if they will accept your love? We hope you will find out a job and be financially independent soon. It may take little more time to work out your dream.

  • May 10, 2019 2:48 am

    Hi sir,
    Myself Vamsi , a Hindu boy I want to marry my cousin who is converted as Christian since 12 years.Ilove her, and
    I like jesus too. But my parents are not allowing me to marry her becoz of Hindu religion and they started harassing me.how ican I marry her plz suggest

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15233

  • Shin
    February 10, 2019 7:16 am

    I know it is wrong being faithful to choose unbelievable but Jesus says he is love even Catholic they are celebrating all festivals of Hindus then how they can say being they are Christians my partner is only hindu but I can’t point him that he is sinner being other religion

    • February 11, 2019 7:18 am

      Jesus said love thy neighbour, how come he would say Hindus are sinners! This hate is all promoted by church for their survival. That is why we say follow Jesus, not the church … https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7914

  • Shin
    February 2, 2019 8:34 pm

    I don’t know what to do.. Should I break this relationship or I should continue my family want me to send foreign country and stay there marry there but I don’t want to go

    • February 2, 2019 8:56 pm

      May be you go to a foreign country and then call him there and settle there, is that a possibility?

      Now you have only 3 months remaining for your study, it should be your top priority to focus on studies and get good grades. This will make you strong as a person and help make you make the decision that you want to make. Best wishes.

  • Shin
    January 31, 2019 6:02 am

    I don’t knw Wht to do.. Bcz now problems r too much arising in my family but I love both my partner and my family but I knw they won’t accept him as my husband. Bcz of intercaste marriage.. I don’t know what to do

    • February 2, 2019 8:53 pm

      Is his family ready to accept you as a “Christian” daughter-in-law in a Hindu home? Have you meet them and talk to them?

  • Shin
    December 5, 2018 4:57 am

    But.. What should I do right know I can’t leave him alone… Bcz we both r strongly connected with each other really very strongly… What should be done now

    • December 5, 2018 11:32 pm

      Dear Sin,
      It is not going to be easy to break this relationship. There will be many ups and downs and it will take a long time to finally have an outcome.

      Are you religious? Is it important for you to follow your church and wishes of your relatives?

      Is that guy is willing to accept you as a “Christian”? Have to talk to his parents? Why don’t you go to his house just as a friend and find out truth. We have seen many times that the guy is like a lion in from of the girl but like a goat in front of his parents. Please go to his home to go say hello as a friend, nothing more.

      • Shin
        December 11, 2018 7:54 am

        Yes.. I will yes he is ready to accept me as Christian but he is not ready to convert he is willing to follow both religions

        • admin
          December 13, 2018 12:33 am

          Hi Shin
          He is not asking you to convert, that is great. You should be happy for it. If you cannot convert, why you want him to convert? What will you gain if he takes a dip in water in your church? Explain us.

          • Shin
            December 26, 2018 3:12 am

            It’s true but I m doing something wrong.. Regardless this all my heart says I m happy with him but my.. Uncle expects me that I should go to out state n marry the one who is religious

          • December 26, 2018 3:45 am

            This is always difficult. Your uncle and priest may have different expectation for your life partner compared to what you have. If “religion” is important for you, YES, you should marry to someone from you church only. This way, there is no issue later in life. Interfaith marriages is for someone who is not blindly “religious”.

            Lets assume you married to this Hindu guy. Now you will have to go live with him and his extended Hindu family. They will be celebrating Diwali, Holi, Janamsthami and other Hindu holidays. They may have daily prayers at home too and they may expect to go visit their temple once a while. When you have children, you will have to decide their name (Hindu or Christian?) and teach them about religion (Christ or Krishna?). Even when you (or your children) die, you will have to decide if you wish a Christian or a Hindu burial. You cannot fight with him and his family for each of these steps. You do not want your married life a war between Hinduism and Christianity. Bottom line, if Christianity is critical for you (and do not wish to be any part of Hinduism) you are not going to he happy in long run.

            On the other side, if he truly loves you, his family keeps you with utmost respect and you have an ever lasting happy married life … and on top, they don’t have problem you going to your church every Sunday, take your children to the church on certain occasions, ..etc; what is the problem? Yes, your uncle may not be happy now but when he sees that they are nice people and you are truly happy, he will give in.

            We feel the most important for you now is to find out if he is has real daring to support you against his parents, if a need be. Have you meet his parents? Tell them that you are a Christian and wishes to remain so. Let us know what they say.

  • Gokusan
    November 29, 2018 4:35 am

    Sister the thing is there will always be compromise on your faith. If you want to compromise with your faith go ahead. For spiritual guidance on your faith it is better if you two follow same path so that it becomes easier to pass on the teachings to your children also.

    • November 29, 2018 8:10 am

      Hi Gokusan,
      On “better if you two follow same path”, but which one? We know many Christian-Hindu wonderful married life and they follow both, 30% of one and 70% of the other. What is wrong with it? We see the “exclusivity” and “supremacist” ideology as a problem, but if you are fair and respectful to the other, it will go a long way.

      On the same path, is that Jesus’ or church’s? Read the link and answer.

  • Shin
    November 28, 2018 11:26 pm

    Wht should be done?Should I get convert.?should I follow him?leave him?

    • November 29, 2018 8:08 am

      No, you don’t convert. You remain who ever you are (don’t make a rose carnation!). Likewise, accept him the way he is. If you can’t convert, how can you ask him to? Just keep the relationship at a distance, don’t rush for any decision today.

  • Shin
    November 28, 2018 11:18 pm

    Yes u r true. I agree but still my heart is saying that there is something wrong… The way I m doing means… If I marry with my Christian one them whether I would b comfort with him.. Or understands me… If not then how can b I Happy.. With him

    • Shin
      November 28, 2018 11:20 pm

      I don’t knw Wht will b the future but something is wrong I can’t leave him like this we both r comfort with each other but religion is main.. He can’t change now.. And I can’t change. Wht will b the future

      • November 29, 2018 8:06 am

        This is always a dilemma with all interfaith marriages where conversion is expected. Interfaith marriages are for atheists or those who are truly respecting others the way they are. We agree it is wrong, but in whose eyes? As we explain, probably Jesus would have approved your relationship but not your church. You have to decide what you want to do. What YOU want to do? Don’t listen to others otherwise there is no end to it, it is only YOU have to decide. Best is to park the relationship now and take time to reflect on yourself who are you?

  • Shin
    November 28, 2018 7:24 am

    Thank, you for your suggestion I feel understand that… Something is wrong Thank u.. Again I will think about it

    • November 28, 2018 9:48 pm

      See Shin, there is nothing wrong unless you see that way. If you are a follower of Jesus, there is nothing wrong with your boyfriend. Jesus said to love thy neighbour, why will he say to convert your boy friend? Jesus was not out to convert others to Christianity, actually Christianity was started some 300+ years after Jesus. Jesus was a reformer and wanted to improve on some old wrong practices then, that’s all. If you are follower of Jesus, there is no problem; however it is a major problem if you bring your church in. If you are follower of your church, marry to the one recommended by your priest, simple!

  • Shin
    November 28, 2018 7:23 am

    If I tell to my aunt she is very religious and she won’t accept him.. Just day before I told him that…will you change your Caste and being hindu he told that.. Sry I can’t change the Caste he is same saying to me that whether u can change I told no.. I can’t do.. So now shld I leave him?

    • November 28, 2018 9:44 pm

      Why you believe in this caste system? We thought it died or should end, is it not? If he takes a dip in water with the priest, will he get purified? Are you saying he is a sinner now? How can a sinner be “guy is really good means he understands me a perfect way”? Are you saying his parents and all relatives are sinners? With such ideology, how are you planning to win their love? Why not you be who you are and he be who he is? Why rose has to be converted to carnation?

  • Shin
    November 28, 2018 7:20 am

    Yes..u r right… But one thing is that guy is really good means he understands me a perfect way.. I don’t knw but my heart says that… Why I should marry the one when I m not comfort.. With it… Being a hindu he told me that we will follow both religion I told it can’t be work out.. Bcz in future which religion will follow our children.. The main thing is custom n rules but I have fear if I will tell this all to my jome

    • November 28, 2018 9:38 pm

      Interfaith marriages are always difficult. If you are 100% for your faith only, you should find someone from your church. In an interfaith marriage (actually in any marriage!), you have to learn to take some and give up some. If your son turn out to be just like your boy friend, will that make you proud or you will get disappointed? Let children learn both faiths and let them make their own decision for their faith as an adults, rather than you decide for them. Is not that logical?

  • November 27, 2018 9:55 pm

    Dear Shine,

    We are so sorry to hear your parents are not with you to guide you today. Now good days are ahead of you, best wishes.

    You MUST focus on your education now and get good grades. That is very critical. As hard it may be, try to focus on your studies. That will help you a lot in life.

    We understand your boy friend is nice but are his parents willing to accept you? Have you met them? Many times the boy may be talking like a lion with you but may be less than a goat in front of his parents. Is he really ready to go against all to protect you?

    Assume both side of parents/uncle agree to marriage, how will you marry? Hindu Vivaha, a church wedding or the Special Marriage Act 1954 (court marriage)? We recommend the later.

    Do you have any problem him being a Hindu? After marriage and children, if he takes your children to a temple for worship, is that okay with you? It is easy for you to say yes but if you are “religious”, it is not going to be easy.

    Nothing is going to be done overnight, so just be a friend now. Get your education done and find a good job. Once you both are financially independent, it will make it lots easy to go against parents, if you have to. Best wishes.

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