Christian cannot be in a Hindu Wedding

SHAMAL December 16, 2019 says:

So i’m in a situation where my christian girlfriend and i were talking about our wedding which isn’t going to happen until like 5-7 years from now and like her parents are completely against her taking part in a hindu wedding because it’s going against what they believe in and i was just wondering if it would be possible for a christian girl take part in the haldi night and mendhi nigh?-Shamal

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • ANU T
    January 2, 2020 8:03 pm

    so my question why people are loving blindly? and why the need of this kinds of marriages? why love is becoming more than the faith and parents? my question love is it an opium or not? other wise why we need love? it is love or attraction of the teenagers?

  • December 16, 2019 8:47 am

    Hi Shamal,

    First, congratulations for reaching out to us in early stage of your relationship. There are many more points they will raise and you should be prepared for it. You will have to decide how far are you willing to go for it. We will help you right here.

    Most ideal situation is where you and your girl friend make decisions that is rational and logical to both of you. If you try to please two sets of parents and religious institutions, you will fail miserably. It will bring lots of pain for marriage and your whole married life. Is she willing to put a top priority to her love for you or pleasing her church is more important (than you) for her?

    Yes, they will most probably allow haldi night and mendhi, but what will you do with them when there is no Hindu wedding allowed by the Christian party? Are you and your parents okay with no Hindu wedding?

    You are focusing on small points like “haldi night and mendhi” but missing on the big point that they think you and are your parents (and Mahatama Gandhi) are sinners (view this video). They will want you to convert to Christianity and be saved. Are you ready to convert?

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