He is Christian and I am a Hindu

Dora says: June 19, 2014 at 12:05 am

Dear Admin ,

Im in the same situation of Hinu.. our relationship started in 2005, but i know him from school days. Once i was crazy on him and he was completely taking care of me … He is an christian, and (I am) from a hindu family.

When we are in love once he came with me to the temple and told me he is scared of idols. So i made a self introspection, and told him lets us end our relationship so that both of us will not get hurted.. but he started to cry and emotionally blackmailing me that he ll talk to my parents, which i dnt want to happen

All of a sudden I got a job in MNC as a Hr professional and moved on to another state for training. After completing my training I came back. When he came to know that im back .. he started to torture me to love him. I told my parents and even they spoke with their parents .. all of a sudden his parents called me and cried, which I cant bear, his dad told me that he will die by making an accident with entire, which made me really scared.

As for him I should not talk with any guys even from work they should not call me after 6 or leave days for any enquiries, not to wear any modern dress, travel which is also a part of my work. He forced me to go to church, and be there, but i said i cant be here for 2 hours. he said ok..

Slowly he pestered me for marriage and eventually i accepted and everything happened as per their wish and desire. now its been 3 months after our .. now he is in abu dhabi, … My in laws knows only bible and they dont want me to go temple and use bindi or eyeliners, they are not even allowing me to go relatives marriage. For my cousin sister marriage they were keep on telling me that, we are not supposed to go to temple, and they even told my father, So I went to my parents place a week before the marriage. and took part in it, which they dnt like. When i told my husband I want to here for another week he said NO.. U have to go back and started use filthy words, which i never expected. wen i spoke with him that i want to be myself, and go to temple he refused and told me that im having affair with some one.
How can I make him understand religion is nothing when it comes to life.

The best part is My MOTHER IN LAWS relatives are Hindus, who believe in Idol worship, but now my inlaws are trying to convert them to Christanity, which they dnt like and they are not ready to speak against them thats the problem. If there is any problem arises my inlaws steps in and keeps on talking about chirstanity which they dnt like.. I even heard that for marriages or conversion they are giving money and even they have targets to convert more.

When I told my Inlaws about converting people for chirstanity is gullible they told my husband that IM A SATAN.

Now Tell me wat i have to do .. still he is emotionally black mailing. -Dora

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • anil
    November 18, 2014 11:53 pm


    You are not a child. You are an adult.

    Adults take important life decisions and they are responsible for it.

    Adults cannot cry for their mistakes.

  • sanjukta
    July 6, 2014 6:45 am

    No its nt the fact why to chng religion 4 love cnt we love sum1 widout seeing religion or caste????????????????????????

  • dora
    June 24, 2014 1:33 am

    and its been registered in registrar office

  • dora
    June 24, 2014 1:32 am

    yes I was baptized, and the only doc i signed in the church is my marriage certificate. Moreover in marriage certificate i have my hindu name not the name which was given to me during baptize.

  • Raesa Sing
    June 20, 2014 11:47 pm

    @Dora: Your life has become Spoiled. No body can survive you. Christians and Muslims are same bastards, as Abrahamic religion is totally Bull shit.

    • dora
      June 24, 2014 2:20 am

      pray 4 me raesa.


  • mac
    June 19, 2014 11:50 pm

    In Dharmasastra, which is a Hindu moral and legal text(all women are whores):Good looks do not matter to them, nor do they care about youth; ‘A man!’ they say, and enjoy sex with him, whether he is good-looking or ugly. By running after men like whores, by their fickle minds, and by their naturallack of affection these women are unfaithful to their husbands even when they are zealously guarded here. Knowing that their very own nature is like this, as it was born at the creation by the Lord of Creatures (Prajapati), a man should make the utmost effort to guard them. The bed and the seat, jewellery, lust, anger, crookedness, a malicious nature, and bad conduct are what Manu assigned to women. There is no ritual with Vedic verses for women; this is a firmly established point of law. For women, who have no virile strength, and no Vedic verses, are falsehood; this is well established. Manusmrti 9:14-18.

    • dora
      June 24, 2014 2:15 am

      Dear Mac,

      Thanks 4 ur Response .

      As for me there is only one god and everybody prays in different forms in which they like.

      And this doesnt mean that u should talk filthy about other religions or convert people .

      I do agree with you especially about your quotes in manu smirithi , but remember there are worst lines are written in bible than this . Try to read slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9). these are samples there are more than this in bible including Rape where u r about to pay only 50 silvers to her dad and marry her .

      Before talking about a religion please have a clear understanding about it and reply.


      • June 24, 2014 6:41 am

        Absolutely Superb!!!

        mac, learn something new that you father has not taught you. Live and let other live. All religious books have one or another irrational words that God HERSELF will never write it. All religions are man made thing.

        Like Dora said, do not proselytize others unless you prove your Koran and Hadith are 100% pure.

        Like we always said, stop idol-worshipping a human and give us proofs for the J-day theory and we will be with your Allah.

        • mac
          June 24, 2014 9:09 am

          you need proof that qu`ran is 100% truth, then tell me do you believe in finger prints , every person has different finger prints and it was said to us by allah in 7th century and your so called science discoverd(not invented) it in 20 th century, see the difference

      • mac
        June 24, 2014 8:08 am

        Dora, as a muslims i have to respect bible coz according to qu`ran it cme from same god allah and parts of them was distorted but still i hold bible as a holy book after qu`ran

      • mac
        June 24, 2014 9:13 am

        dora, where you were when ppl spread lies abt islam, see you cannot tolerate about truth of your religion, so please leave hinduism and CONVERT to christianity and join the group of 2.2 BILLION ppl

      • June 24, 2014 7:49 pm


        First we want you to live your rest of life with dignity and pride, nothing less. Be assertive and honest. Do not submit to any one’s irrational logic. If you take shit, you will get lots more shit. You have to learn to say.. enough is enough, STOP now!

        This does not mean you should make your married life a battleground. Do not say negative about Jesus and Bible in that home because they will reciprocate by saying badly for you. Such things are okay for this web site, not for you married life and relationships.

        Do not plan a baby for next 3 years.
        Please find a job outside home and be financially independent.
        Do not curse yourself or put Dora down. Be proud of what ever Dora is.
        Do not feel depressed, but trust yourself that you will find a solution out of this mess.
        Say cool and calm, never get angry and make irrational statements in home.
        What ever you say to them, it has to be well thought out and with deep meetings.

        Your only chance it to slowly educate your husband over next 2-3 years (based on what we have written). Tell him privately that you are not happy that Christianity is imposed on you (a fake-conversion) but he should know that you will die as a Hindu (if that is your wish). Further, indicate him with firm voice and eye-to-eye contact that “Better act up now or you will loose me for good. Do not to cry later on.” Give him a wake-up call.

        We will work with you over years here. Let us know how it goes.

        A story to remember for your life:
        A lion was terrorizing villagers. One day a swami told him to be nice to others, and the lion agreed to follow it. Six month later when the swami returned, he was horrified to see that the lion lost half of his weight, he was bruised and village kids were pulling his tail. when the swami asked him what happened? The lion replied that I am trying to be nice to them but they are not. The swami told him that he does not have to kill, but does not mean to take shit from others. At least he could roar and scare people off from his back!
        Take home message: You do not hurt others but don’t take shit from others. To be nice all times is stupidity!

        • mac
          June 24, 2014 8:42 pm

          Admin you are shameless like most of the hindus your this comment provet it “Do not plan a baby for next 3 years.” how ha how, who the hell are you advise her not to get pregnent, it is her and her busband`s personal matter , will you plz stop interfairing on ppl`s personal life

  • mac
    June 19, 2014 11:36 pm

    read bible , you will find that it is much better than vedas and purans , fake story book mahabarata

    • June 20, 2014 7:08 am

      There is lots to learn from mac. Read all that he is writing. Your in-laws are with the same mentality, both are very close minded and locked into a book. They cannot think any thing out of their book, so sad!

      We agree to mac and you should read Bible. We read it and learn this is what it says for Hindus? We also read mac’s Koran and Torah and found the same, no difference what so ever. You are intelligent and educated, so you decide for what is truth.

  • June 19, 2014 7:14 am

    We are not surprised by their reactions. This is the exact way a Christian suppose to work. Initially be nice and later do any thing to convert others to Christianity. They think all Hindus, including Mahatma Gandhi, are sinners. They think they are helping Dora to take her to heaven on the Judgment Day by keeping away from Hinduism. A Muslim would have done exactly the same, nothing different. These are barbaric religions; conversion, conversion and conversion, nothing more.

    We will work with you over years, so hang on with us. You need lots of strength to fight these satan and so don’t go alone. We will walk with you.

    First tell us how did you got married? Did you also had a Hindu wedding? Did you got married in a church? Did you signed any document with the church? We are waiting to hear from you.

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