Chinese Malaysian to Marry Iraq Muslim in Singapore

PIGLET says, November 19, 2020

Hi. Good afternoon,
I feel lucky to see this post, as I planning to marry with my bf from Iraq (Muslim) in Singapore. I am Chinese from Malaysia with Singapore PR. Both of us working in Singapore.

Same query is, am I must convert to Muslim if I register our marriage in Malaysia in future? As he is not Malaysian.

Malaysia is my country so maybe in future we will go back there at retire age.

PIGLET says: November 19, 2020

Hi Srinivas and Admin,

Thank you for the good suggestion. However is not possible for him to convert his religion to Buddhist (my religion). He is religious (consume only Halal food, do prayer everyday, fasting). He offer me is I can have freedom to not be a muslim but in future our kid must be muslim. From my side 100% I do not wish to convert to be a muslim. As there is a lot restriction, problem arise in my wealth arrangement, also will be issue after death as my family cannot arrange funeral for me. 

There will be no issue in Singapore as marriage between muslim and non-muslim is legal, but the problem will come when we back to Malaysia. I do feel retire life in Malaysia will be better than in Singapore so in a day we will be in Malaysia.

I think I will not be happy when come to stage that need to convert myself be muslim just for marriage. But have a legal marriage is important for us as we plan to have kid in future.

More information: Chritistian-Muslim MarriageLove with a MalayShariaKoranBibleMarriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.
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  • Vijay
    November 20, 2020 4:34 pm

    The fundamentals to live life for a Muslim is very different than to a Buddhist

    Muslim live to die and attain Jannat

    Buddhist live to be in bliss

    From your words it looks like your boy friend is fundamentalists

    Being fundamentalist is not a problem as long as fundamentals are good for society

    Avoiding meat, not killing anyone for luxury, following balanced path, all do not harm anyone

    Establish rule of Islam in the world, ensure all accept Islam, No other religion is true religion but Islam. All these fundamentals harm society and word peace.

    Think again.

  • Salil
    November 20, 2020 12:23 pm

    Can you ask your bf for the first child to be raised Buddhist and second as Muslim. You would wish to see your image of yourself in your child, you wish to teach him/her about your way of living life.

    1. How important is it for you to be included in his family and vice versa?
    2. How important is it for you, your children to be included in his family and vice versa?
    3. Have you stayed at least one night at his house where his other family members (not just friends) live?
    4. Ask for any other of his family married to a non-muslim before and are they still non-muslim. Go and talk to them, in private.
    5. Will he be ok if you do not wear Hijab (cover your head) in his family functions or if you visit his country?
    6. Will he allow to perform pre-natal/post delivery rituals if you wish to?
    7. Retirement in Malaysia is your idea, what is his plan?
    8. Does he have any plans or ‘you’ are his retirement plan? This sounds harsh, please confirm tactfully.
    9. What are his views on keeping separate financial account after marriage?

  • Srinivas
    November 19, 2020 10:49 am

    Step 1.. Tell your BF to change his name and religion to your religion., No reverting to islam again. No nikkah..
    Step2. Never ever go middle eastern mullah nation .
    Step 3. Tell your BF , children will follow Mom’s religion..

    After above 3 steps are agreeable, marriage talk should begin..

    • November 19, 2020 11:03 am

      Dear Piglet,
      Above are excellent suggestions. In case if you are a Buddhist or an atheist, so be it. Both will provide your liberties in the future to teach to your children what ever you feel right. Once you convert to Islam, punishment to convert out of Islam is death (Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57)). Why will you not opt to have freedom of faith (or no faith)? Can he convert to Buddhism in Singapore? This way, when you return to Malaysia, a marriage of Buddhist-Buddhist is a valid marriage there. Simple! Ask him.

  • November 19, 2020 10:31 am

    Dear Piglet,

    You are lucky you live in a free country like Singapore. As soon as you move to Malaysia or Iraq type Muslim majority countries, all your freedom will be taken away and you must submit to Islam, you like it or not. For this reason, make sure to make fully informed decision for you life.

    To your question, yes, you can marry in Singapore without conversion. After that you can visit Malaysia but not live as a non-Muslim married to a Muslim.

    How much you wish to be a Muslim and raise children only in Islam? How religious is he as a Muslim? How much it is critical to remain a Muslim? Let us know and based on that we can guide further.

    • Piglet
      November 19, 2020 7:35 pm

      Hi Srinivas and Admin,

      Thank you for the good suggestion. However is not possible for him to convert his religion to Buddhist (my religion). He is religious (consume only Halal food, do prayer everyday, fasting). He offer me is I can have freedom to not be a muslim but in future our kid must be muslim. From my side 100% I do not wish to convert to be a muslim. As there is a lot restriction, problem arise in my wealth arrangement, also will be issue after death as my family cannot arrange funeral for me.

      There will be no issue in Singapore as marriage between muslim and non-muslim is legal, but the problem will come when we back to Malaysia. I do feel retire life in Malaysia will be better than in Singapore so in a day we will be in Malaysia.

      I think I will not be happy when come to stage that need to convert myself be muslim just for marriage. But have a legal marriage is important for us as we plan to have kid in future.

      • November 20, 2020 11:23 am

        Is he a love-jihad or what? (view If he is a true Muslim, why he is not following Koran 24:30 and fall in romantic love with you? Remind him that this is against his faith and his Allah will burn him to hell (

        DO NOT FAKE-CONVERT. Why lies and deception? Who are you fooling? Instead, just be honest and remain who ever you are. Why you wish to leave your faith that gives you total freedom in life? Reminding you, after conversion, you are stuck with Islam for life (if not, punishment is severe). Read 10 points of no fake conversion here

        Is not this male chauvinist statement “in future our kid must be muslim”? Why he is calling shots? To respect your belief, why he is not willing to raise children Buddhist? To be fair to all, why not raise them in TWO faiths? Why will you give a religion to your children that you yourself is not willing to accept? Can you think of being a mother and raise Muslim children? Have you read Koran (, can you help your children recite these? One day, your own children will call you kafir and sinner, are you ready for that day? Your Muslim children cannot give you the final rites of Buddhist, is it okay if they put you in the grave?

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