Broken Relationship? It is NOT the End of the World!

Priya says: May 10, 2019 at 8:24 am

Hi kallu
We all go through breaks up … reasons might be different but the pain and suffering is same .
My boyfriend of 3 years ( with whom I was planning to get married and had convinced my family too for the same ) broke up with me abruptly and got engaged to someone else within a week of the break up and got married with 6 months. Mine was also an office romance and I felt my world had collapsed. Trust me I can very well understand your feelings and I had the same pain . He immediately without any time got engaged to someone and blocked me . I thought my life had ended . But it had not . I am still alive and happy . It hasn’t been an year also and I am over it .
Go out meet people , stay with your friends and family . Go on a vacation . Stay in touch with those who care for you . This is not the end of the world. -Priya

Priya says: May 12, 2019 at 7:17 pm

Hi admin
Glad you liked my response!!
Mine wasn’t a college relationship but we rather met at our place of work and we were committed to get married. We belonged to same religion Hinduism but different castes. My parents were little reluctant to get us married due to some reason but gradually agreed but the guy backed out at the last minute and I still don’t know why and I don’t even want to know why.

Coming back to your question that why most intelligent people fail to discuss marriage in early years of love relationship. Well a lot of people who don’t discuss it end up getting married and a lot of them like me don’t end up getting married. I think a lot of people follow the instant feeling of heart and tend to decide later what future holds. Like thinking of being in relationship and then deciding at a later stage if they should get married if they find a good compatibility. But it is also true that a lot of people enter in a relationship by giving false hopes to the other person where they don’t have any intention of getting married and end up hurting the other person. The best way to judge a person is to see their patten of behaviour in the relationship like if they threaten to break up with you each time something happens or if they do not value your presence in their life, etc.

I guess it is very important that we never let the other person degrade our value just for love.

Someone very wise told me that a relationship can be 100% based on decision of heart but a marriage has to be a result of application of heart and mind both.

But even after being very cautious breaks up can happen like in my case, then that is probably decision of the universe taken in your best interest.

Either ways it is completely okay. If two people are 100% convinced about the marriage then only they should get married and not just Coz they have promised marriage to each other. I guess it is better that two people call off a relationship before getting married rather than getting married make each other’s life miserable and then end the marriage.

When we are young we have infinite opportunities and we can turn our life around but imagine getting trapped in a bad marriage and begrudging each day about what has happened.

Once the break up has happened I request all the readers to accept what has happened and don’t run after the person who has just broken your heart in the most harsh way. Please give yourself all the love respect and value which you deserve. Don’t make someone else the Center of your life. A person who can break your heart today was definitely going to hurt you in future as well. You are saved from a blunder !!

Read: How to Handle a Failed LOVE?

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  • Priya
    May 12, 2019 7:17 pm

    Hi admin
    Glad you liked my response!!
    Mine wasn’t a college relationship but we rather met at our place of work and we were committed to get married. We belonged to same religion Hinduism but different castes . My parents were little reluctant to get us married due to some reason but gradually agreed but the guy backed out at the last minute and I still don’t know why and I don’t even want to know why.

    Coming back to your question that why most intelligent people fail to discuss marriage in early years of love relationship. Well a lot of people who don’t discuss it end up getting married and a lot of them like me don’t end up getting married. I think a lot of people follow the instant feeling of heart and tend to decide later what future holds. Like thinking of being in relationship and then deciding at a later stage if they should get married if they find a good compatibility. But it is also true that a lot of people enter in a relationship by giving false hopes to the other person where they don’t have any intention of getting married and end up hurting the other person. The best way to judge a person is to see their patten of behaviour in the relationship like if they threaten to break up with you each time something happens or if they do not value your presence in their life, etc . I guess it is very important that we never let the other person degrade our value just for love .
    Someone very wise told me that a relationship can be 100% based on decision of heart but a marriage has to be a result of application of heart and mind both .
    But even after being very cautious breaks up can happen like in my case , then that is probably decision of the universe taken in your best interest.

    Either ways it is completely okay . If two people are 100% convinced about the marriage then only they should get married and not just Coz they have promised marriage to each other. I guess it is better that two people call off a relationship before getting married rather than getting married make each other’s life miserable and then end the marriage.
    When we are young we have infinite opportunities and we can turn our life around but imagine getting trapped in a bad marriage and begrudging each day about what has happened.
    Once the break up has happened I request all the readers to accept what has happened and don’t run after the person who has just broken your heart in the most harsh way . Please give yourself all the love respect and value which you deserve . Don’t make someone else the Center of your life . A person who can break your heart today was definitely going to hurt you in future as well. You are saved from a blunder !!

    • May 18, 2019 7:00 am

      Hi Priya,
      Excellent message. You are certainly a very practical person. It is not the end of life. It’s better be now rather than after marriage and a child. We wish you the best in life. Do come to this site to help other youths in love, please.

  • Priya
    May 10, 2019 8:51 pm

    Hi admin
    Glad you liked my response!!
    Mine wasn’t a college relationship but we rather met at our place of work and we were committed to get married. We belonged to same religion Hinduism but different castes . My parents were little reluctant to get us married due to some reason but gradually agreed but the guy backed out at the last minute and I still don’t know why and I don’t even want to know why.

    Coming back to your question that why most intelligent people fail to discuss marriage in early years of love relationship. Well a lot of people who don’t discuss it end up getting married and a lot of them like me don’t end up getting married. I think a lot of people follow the instant feeling of heart and tend to decide later what future holds. Like thinking of being in relationship and then deciding at a later stage if they should get married if they find a good compatibility. But it is also true that a lot of people enter in a relationship by giving false hopes to the other person where they don’t have any intention of getting married and end up hurting the other person. The best way to judge a person is to see their patten of behaviour in the relationship like if they threaten to break up with you each time something happens or if they do not value your presence in their life, etc . I guess it is very important that we never let the other person degrade our value just for love .
    Someone very wise told me that a relationship can be 100% based on decision of heart but a marriage has to be a result of application of heart and mind both .
    But even after being very cautious breaks up can happen like in my case , then that is probably decision of the universe taken in your best interest.

    Either ways it is completely okay . If two people are 100% convinced about the marriage then only they should get married and not just Coz they have promised marriage to each other. I guess it is better that two people call off a relationship before getting married rather than getting married make each other’s life miserable and then end the marriage.
    When we are young we have infinite opportunities and we can turn our life around but imagine getting trapped in a bad marriage and begrudging each day about what has happened.
    Once the break up has happened I request all the readers to accept what has happened and don’t run after the person who has just broken your heart in the most harsh way . Please give yourself all the love respect and value which you deserve . Don’t make someone else the Center of your life . A person who can break your heart today was definitely going to hurt you in future as well. You are saved from a blunder !!


  • May 10, 2019 8:43 am

    Hi Priya,

    It must be very hard to go through this experience but glad you took is positively and trying to put your life back on track. Best wishes.

    We see that it is fashionable in colleges to be in relationship without realising a low success rate of such marriages. Why most intelligent youths fail to find out truth? Why complex issues of marriage do not get discussed in early years of love relationship? Why most smartest people get easily fooled in relationship? Considering you are a good writer and can express yourself well, can you elaborate this issue in details for benefit of other innocent youths?

    If you don’t mind, can you tell us if yours was interfaith or within faith relationship?

    Please come back again and again to help others on this web site.

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