Don’t Bring Religion in Your Love

Mamta says: August 16, 2018 at 7:44 am

Love is between 2 souls. u cant judge them by logic. it happens when it happens.
I m dating my man fr 3 yrs. I dnt think abt future whn i m wid him bcz it gives me happiness. this stupid thinking i m hindu he is muslm higher caste lower caste nonsense never crossed in our mind fr 1 time.
ppl shd understand the meaning of true love nd stop bringing religion politix btwn thm. bcz true love cant be separatd whr god himself is the matchmaker Hw can u separt thm using religious excuse?
love frm bottom of <3 , leave everything to God -Mamta

More information:Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage laws
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  • Ruchika
    November 1, 2018 5:46 am

    My dear, very good message you have given there.
    Unless and of course i am forced to crash another party.

    Your statement : “ppl shd understand the meaning of true love”

    ummm, how will you explain true love? If there is any mathematical logic in your true love then i fail to under this statement of your.

    Your statement : “love frm bottom of <3 , leave everything to God"

    ummmmm,if you love from bottom of heart (your heart) then why God(if exist) should take aftermath resposibility?
    And if your believe in god who supposed to be supreme being,weren't you suppose to love him and his "command" more than what you are loving now?

    Human is a hack of a confused machine 😀

    Your statement : "u cant judge them by logic"

    The basis of creation is based on mathematical logistics, that regardless of you believe in god or not.

  • September 29, 2018 12:08 pm

    Thank you for this beautiful message. I am a Punjabi Sikh girl in love with Iranian Muslim. I have tried with Punjabis and it never worked out. I am happy to know I don’t have to be afraid to love who I want because I am in America. I’m not sure he and I would be able to speak if we were back home.

    Please reply at

      October 16, 2018 1:22 pm

      why should we always put religion in second consideration when it comes to love issue ..always the same repeated problem ..sever emotional love feelings then sending a massage to website !!!!!!

      • Rabia
        November 1, 2018 10:24 am

        Salaam alaikum, bhai! You are back… I think it’s not black and white. For some people, religion is always their first priority and they will break off any relationship for their God & religion. Some people care more about love and compatibility and they favor these instead. You, me, Mac, Admin… what’s a mistake to you may not be a mistake for someone else. If it’s such a problem to you, simple – be a good Muslim, don’t marry a non-Muslim, make sure nobody in your family marries a kafir… and stop giving fatwas online to others who disagree with you… simple solution! Live and let live. I have met 2-3 ex-Muslims recently, all from Indian/Pakistani backgrounds, and the main reason these girls (both were girls) became ex-Muslims is because of their oppressive communities (grandparents trying to force them to marry someone from their home county, when they themselves were born and raised in Europe…etc). How sad it is that they gave up on God because of this. Don’t you agree?

        • Ruchika
          November 7, 2018 9:19 pm

          Hello mam.

          Normally i tend to distance myself from philosophical debate. But your statement has some basic fundamental flaws just like the OP here who lives in utopia.

          Your statement : “stop giving fatwas online to others who disagree with you”
          The very basic of this statement is contrary to the basics of freedom you are asking.
          If you are free to choose,they are free to give fatwas or whatever.
          Freedom is a double edged sword.

          Your statement : “Live and let live.”
          Is that so? So are you saying before religion on earth, human lived and let other lived?
          History suggests otherwise. Should i go on?
          Your theory of “live” and “let live” sometimes can not go together.
          If you live then sometimes you can not let others live. That is how mother nature has created the food chain.
          Human philosophical zotopia never cease to amaze me.

          Your statement : “I have met 2-3 ex-Muslims recently, all from Indian/Pakistani backgrounds, and the main reason these girls (both were girls) became ex-Muslims is because of their oppressive communities ”

          I have met plenty, at least half a century say it christian,mus,hindus.
          What interesting is, when i ask most of them “why did you become ex of respective religion”?
          First theory is that “that is scientifically wrong”. 😀
          Then i ask them “ok,in which journal you have published you research,may i read”?
          And then they be like “Oh,i am not actually scientist,but scientific minded” 😀

          Almost all of them at last comes down to the point that they became ex,because they “wanted to live their life in their own way”

          That is so fantastic. Except this is wishful thinking of human mind.
          If you really want to live your life as you want you can go to jungle of amazon and live it. It is completely tax free. Is not it?

          Very basic of a structure a country which comprises of defense and economic element is contrary to the philosophy “you want to live as you wish”. You can live as you wish once you leave the system.

          Another interesting fact is , They want to live as they wish. But here comes trouble and you practice your “rights” to invoke law en”force”ment.

          Only time you want “force” is when you want to be protected? 😀
          That is not how a system works.

          Your statement : “How sad it is that they gave up on God because of this.”
          No it is not. If a God(if exists practice marketing stunt to appease you than he is not God.If a religion let you do “anything” then it is not a religion,that is a joke.
          Human will go against any system regardless of it is right/wrong that does not comfort or appease them.This is the coding of human genome.

          You did not realize you sub consciously revealed one of deepest desire of human mind, to be felt important. That is why more often than not they want to be felt appeased and fell for it.

          A law is law, a truth is truth, regardless of how oppressive,depressive,suppressive it is,regardless of situation a truth can not be changed. Human always will play victim card to get the result in their favor.

          For overwhelming over 99% of times what human likes and what is right goes to opposite direction.

          Human does not want to be “forced” but he/she is overwhelmingly fond of the same element of “force” when it comes down to their protections.
          This is where a real time system and a wishful mind of a human collides.

          I told this before, You want to criticize religions,systems and give your theory about freedom . That part comes later.You forgot to declassify the wire that connects them all. The Human itself.

          Human today or tomorrow has to come to their senses, either they will do it willingly or they will be done by “force”
          You are never going to merge 21st century complex state system with freedom of jungle.
          There is always limit to the extent you can choose”

          My dad once told me “Being conclusively right requires every bit of knowledge of this vast universe which is never achievable .You believe in god or not that is your personal choice, but you are simply a child of mother nature, do not ever try to be anything more than that”

          Human has always tendency to preach what ever come out of their mind as right.They often forget they are tiny portion of this vastness and try to boss everything.

          And Mother nature responds in kind

          theguardian . com / environment / 2018 / oct / 08 / global-warming-must-not-exceed-15c-warns-landmark-un-report

          Who is responsible for this mam? Surely not the religions.
          Then must be your science? or your wish to “live as you want”?

          I believe in god. But i do not know which 1 is. So i am trying to find out.
          Knowledge doesn’t make you arrogant. It makes you humble,because it makes you realize how small you are is this vastness.

          You can not preach “what you think” mam,because that can not be used in a system.A system requires input. You want something changed then design it ,run it in real time environment and bring it to me. I need the data,algorithms,results,graphs of the system. What you are giving here is some wishful theory “why not this,why not that” that never existed in real world except in your mind.
          If you can design it and bring the results by running it,then i am willing to listen and examine it. I am not interested in opinions of human mind.

          I am not a human skeptic, i am skeptic of human being itself. 🙂

  • August 16, 2018 9:52 pm

    Hi Mama,

    That is a great message. However, this is a dream statement, how much is reality in it? We assume you are in a love with a Muslim, is that correct? Are you going to get married without Hindu vivaha and without Islamic Nikaah wedding? Did both sets of parents approved this?

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