Bengali Brahmin with a Devout Muslim Girl

Rushi says: October 11, 2017 at 11:06 pm

Unfortunately, I’m in the same boat. I’m Hindu Bengali Brahmin and my girlfriend is a devout Muslim girl. We are extremely supportive of each others’ religious beliefs. She’s also a divorcee with no issues. We’ve been living in together for last six months although she isn’t happy with this arrangement and wants to get married to me.

The Special Marriage Act would create problems for her in her hometown in Aligarh, especially from the crazy Maulvis and other vigilantes. I don’t want to convert her to Hinduism as I respect her beliefs. We’ll have our kids get the best of both and make up their mind as they grow up. I feel a live-in arrangement is best in such situations. But, you need a very modern mindset to deal with the criticisms and taunts – and great love for each other. Another option We have discussed that we can probably travel overseas for a month or two and get married there. -Rushi

More information:Brahmin-Muslim Relationships, Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws
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  • luckyblogger
    February 17, 2018 10:29 am

    let her convert to hinduism ITS BETTER

    • Alok
      March 12, 2018 3:44 am

      I agree.If she gets convert It will be better for all.

  • luckyblogger
    February 17, 2018 10:29 am

    its better if she converts as Islam is a cult. It preaches hate especially if you have a son.

  • Ravi Verma
    October 25, 2017 11:07 am

    Hanah Khan Definitely he should make his kids read this book(obviously if he gets married to the Girl) before making any decision my suggestion is Rushi i think u should as well read the book mentioned by Hasnat Khan u will learn a lot about Islam it may help in understanding Islam you The About Muhammed by Robert Spencer Good Luck God Blesss you

    • Rabia
      October 25, 2017 2:21 pm

      Robert Spencer… the man who gets paid by the multi-Million islamophobiw industry in the United States, who regularly appears in channels like Fox News, the idiots who make programs for Trump voters.

      I wish Ravi had at least recommended a good book, one that may be critical of Islam, written by an atheist or a non Muslim scholar. But this Spencer fellow is neither a scholar nor someone who has good intentions. I will try to find you one if I can locate my college reading lists one day, since you most likely won’t want to read any book
      On Islam written by a Muslim.

      But in case you can learn to overcome your prejudice and give it a try…

      Here is an interesting book to read on Islam—> “No God But God: TheOrigins, Evolution, and Future of Islam” by Dr Reza Aslan (a scholar, not an idiot like Spencer and his kind)

      • Admin
        October 25, 2017 8:27 pm

        Reza Aslan is an Islamist out making other faiths look bad. We watched a few of his Believer shows and found nothing scholarly in them, other than bashing other faiths. How come CNN did not fired him sooner? We were hoping to see his Islam-bashing show, plenty to talk about, but did not came.

        We don’t follow Robert Spencer nor Reza Aslan, but recommend people to read both and make own judgment for what is truth. We just read The Arab Imperialism as recommended by Hanah below. The author presented an excellent argument how Arabs’ are trying to control the world in name of God. Unfortunately people fall for it.

        Rabia, so far we have read so much negative about Muhammad. Can you recommend a pro-Muhammad book that help up understand why Muslims are associating Muhammad to God all times. We requested the same to mac but he did not replied. We also requested mac to compare Jesus and Muhammad (of the same time) head on for their character and treatment to people of other faiths, but apparently he never get around replying.

        • Rabia
          October 27, 2017 1:41 pm

          Admin, most of the books or scholarly articles I have read and could recommend are things I read long time ago while in university. So I don’t remember the names unfortunately 🙁 but since you asked I will try to ask my classmates and friends and give you concrete names in order to help as you requested.

          I have heard about the controversy that Aslan’s show “Believer” caused. I haven’t seen a single episode myself so really cannot comment on whether or not it was offensive.

          The book I recommended in my earlier comment was written in Aslans younger years when he wasn’t this popular in American media. Some people have called him “an apologist for the Iranian regime” – again, I have no idea what they are basing this argument on. But you can hardly call a person an Islamist if they are married to a Christian woman, don’t you thInk???

          (Not sure whether she converted or not but as far as I know she didnt, so Aslans wife is still a Christian)

          Being a believe and practicing Muslim doesn’t automatically make someone an Islamist. You may be surprised to know that Reza Aslan experimented with Christianity in his youth and then came back to Islam – he spoke about this openly on American tv, can’t remember exactly what program it was)

          • October 27, 2017 6:54 pm

            The Believer show clearly shows who is Reza Aslan. In one of the episode, he was showing someone in a cave claiming to be Jesus. Other, he pose like he is a true believer in Hinduism by doing some ritual in Ganges but later showing some aghoris doing stupid things (very cunning trick!). It was same in the third one. I could not watch any of these more than a few minutes–really sickening. Was he trying to ridicule all other faiths or just trying to get cheap popularity at other’s expense? Shame on CNN; to let this jerk go this far.

            We always remind all dating youths a danger dating a Muslim of “then came back to Islam”. While dating they will pose as an open-minded and pluralist and willing to share two faiths. It is only a matter of time they will show their true color (read Dee). Best insurance is not to fake-convert (Shahadah) for the marriage. Jessica Jackley is smart not to convert for Reza Aslan, we congratulate her!

          • Hanah Khan
            October 28, 2017 4:28 am

            A crusader is criminalized and considered as an arch-rival while a pathological liar is hailed as an illuminator‒ oh! Muslim population, there is no way you could be pulled out of your hellhole!!!

      • Hanah Khan
        October 27, 2017 5:14 am

        Muslims, both ‘moderate’ and mac-category have the identical mindset: they would occupy, breed and terrorize the entire world and others should give in to them without even raising a voice; if they do then they are Islmophobes, idiots, bigots etc etc etc… As I’ve already said in Dr. Shaikh’s case, they can stab but others should not even pierce‒ all these screams when they do not let an inch of their lands to others, have made a hell of their own nations and are swarming to nonIslamic nations in millions! HeavenGoers’ moral stature!
        Do not worry Muslims, as usual your cruel totalitarianism has placed you in the winning path! You successfully brutalized India, divided and continue to bleed the nation! Only now, the West is getting the taste of Muslims’ bloodthirsty course of entering Paradise and they are already wilfully submitting to your subjugation. Recently, the world-renowned magazine, Time, published on its cover, ‘The Buddhist Face of Terror’; if only had they published, ‘The Islamic Face of terror’ then by this time, Time would have been another Charlie Hebdo!
        So when giants are scared to death about Islamic barbarity, ordinary citizens when they stand up against the tyranny, risking their own lives and properties‒ they become the offenders‒ Islamic jurisprudence and ethicality are always diametrically opposite!
        Robert Spencer who is relentlessly exposing the hegemony, thuggery and atrocities and fighting to save his nation from the ruins of a tsunami-cult is a culprit while Reza Aslan who lies through his teeth is a Crusader!
        If the so-called ‘moderates’ treat Aslan as an icon, then no doubt, the mac-category would make him a Messiah!

        A true scholar’s hallmark character is that he does not show bias and speaks the blatant truth. Let us see how Reza Aslan plays the ‘scholarly’ role:
        a. In his ‘Believer’ show, Aslan showed Hindus as cannibalistic and he himself ate a part of human brain‒ this ‘Agori’ is a fringe group, a minuscule minority of Hindus! Note that not a word on how Hindus have always welcomed oppressed communities since time immemorial, let them practice their faiths and build worshipping places… but showing to the world a deplorable practice of an insignificant group purely with the intention to disrepute Hinduism! Would this ‘Braveheart’ have the audacity to show the reality of mainstream Muslims’ supremacy, non-integrable arrogance, medieval Sharia advocacy even on lands where they enter as refugees…
        b. If he had used the same language for his Iranian president or Saudi King what he said about Trump, by this time he would have faced the noose. Sitting in a nation which provided him security from his tyrannical nation, today he is using profanities‒ all because Trump passed a law, stopping Muslim migrants after London blasts. Hypothetically, if his nation Iran were to be bombed by Christians and the Ayatollah issues a decree banning Christians from entering Iran, would he have taken the same stand?
        c. He whitewashes Islamic medievality and says, ‘There Is No Divide Between Islam and American culture”! If this is the honesty a Reformer wants to display, then you can assure yourself that Islamists are better than these people, for at least they make their agenda of occupation and domination known!

        And what’s that: multi-million dollar Islamophobic industry‒ really? Arre wah! Please be aware that Islamofascist industry is million times bigger than Islamophobic industry!
        And is only Spencer being paid? Just visit Aslan’s site and see for yourself how uncringingly he poses with a caption, ‘Invite Reza Aslan’ and you want us to believe that he does that as a charity?
        And I’m surprised by this bizarre demand: an atheist or nonMuslim’s book? Ok! Even going by that logic, is Sam Harris not an atheist and Robert Spencer, Tommy Robinson not nonMuslims?

  • Hanah Khan
    October 15, 2017 1:28 am

    Appreciable thinking!
    Do ask your children to read,’Islam: The Arab Imperialism’ by Anwar Shaikh, so that they can be fairly informed about the faith!

  • Rabia
    October 14, 2017 12:42 am

    Dear Rushi,
    Aligarh is indeed a conservative place – so you would definitely face trouble form the Muslim community if you were to get married (without your conversion).

    The best thing is to try to move to a bigger city where interfaith marriages are more common and accepted. Traveling abroad for 1-2 months and getting married there won’t solve any problems in my opinion, because in the end piñata coming back to the same place and same mentality.
    And I understand the girl very well; most girls would want to get married instead of just living in. Unless the girl is very very modern and genuinely doesn’t care about marriage, of course.

    Can you guys move somewhere like Delhi or Mumbai or Bangalore where it would be a bit easier to live your lives without taunts? We know from tv that many Bollywood stars have intermarried, and I personally know a few stories like this in the big cities.

  • October 12, 2017 12:19 pm

    Hi Rushi,
    We have changed you name for your privacy. Do not use your real name on any public forum!

    The Special Marriage Act is the best option if you wish to get married. She may want you to have Nikaah, means you have to convert to Islam. Don’t convert unless you truly believe in that faith and 0% in your own faith. View the video suggested above “Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages”.

    Why are you worrying about her community? You are already living with her and that is against Islam. Is your objective is to please her community? If yes, then become 100% Muslim now. Further, this is not acceptable to Islam, “We’ll have our kids get the best of both and make up their mind as they grow up”, Islam will want 100% of the pie; Islam does not believe in Sharing.

    Let us know what else we can tell you. Best wishes.

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