Malaysia marriage law
Marriage Procedures Between Muslim and Non-Muslim
A non-Muslim must convert from his/ her religion to Islam in order for him/ her to marry a Muslim. He/ she must refer to the State Religious Department or seek help from an Imam … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriage in Islam
Does Islam permit marriage outside of the faith?
By Huda,
See More About:
Islam: Marriage to Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Chr
By S. Abdullah Tariq
Reprinted from Islamic Voice, June 1997 / Safar 1418 AH
Reprinted from Islamic Voice, June 1997 / Safar 1418 AH
1. Marriage to a Hindu
2. Marriage to a Buddhist
3. Marriage to a Jew or Christian
Marriage to a Hindu
1. I am … Read the rest
… Read the rest
The Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam. Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, is the Messenger of Allah.
The first part of the Shahadah, that
We are all Hindus now
By Lisa Miller | NEWSWEEK
America is not a Christian nation. We are, it is true, a nation founded by Christians, and according to a 2008 survey, … Read the rest
Churches Losing Youths Long Before College -Survey
The Bible calls the Church “the Body of Christ.” Today, that body is bleeding profusely, says a Christian author and sought-out speaker.
“The next generation of believers is draining from the churches, and it causes me great personal and professional … Read the rest
The Day of Judgment
The concept of a coming Day of Judgment is not a fantasy or fable. It is a fact. Paul told the people in ancient Athens that God “hath appointed … Read the rest
Do all Christian go to heaven?
By Stephen Knapp
Most Christians feel that they are bound to go to heaven simply because, as they say, Christ died for their sins. This is one of the basic principles of Christianity, which was an idea that originated from … Read the rest
Religious intolerance in the Bible
The word “intolerance” does not appear in any of the 18 English translations of the Bible that we checked. But every translation contains many descriptions of great intolerance. There are far fewer biblical passages that describe … Read the rest
Satguru’s message on interfaith marriage
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s trilogy: Dancing with Siva, Living with Siva and Merging with Siva
Lesson 168 : Interfaith marriages
I tell young ladies, if you are planning on getting married, do not do what the average mother might tell you, … Read the rest
Americans marry too much
By Pat Wingert | NEWSWEEK
OK, we still have the highest divorce rate in the world. But that’s the problem—”We divorce, repartner, and remarry faster than people in any other country,” says Andrew Cherlin, a Johns Hopkins sociologist and author … Read the rest
Ten things of marriage – Rutgers University
The National Marriage Project
54 Joyce Kilmer Ave., B217 Lucy Stone Hall, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (732) 445 7922
November 2004
From the National Marriage Project’s Ten Things to Know Series
David Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead
Ten Important … Read the rest
Gandhi on Christianity
Mahatma Gandhi had keen interest on Christianity. Here some of his quotes from his autobiography and written other places are summaried.
Christian beliefs: …But Mr. Coates saw, round my neck, the Vaishnava necklace of Tulasi-beads. He thought it to be … Read the rest
Me converting (from Hinduism), of course, not her!
Sanjay says:
I was in a “semi-serious” relationship with a Muslim girl for several months. I say that in quotes because let’s be honest, we all knew where it was headed. Initially of course it just started out as a … Read the rest
I’m in a Christian-Muslim Relationship in States
Minnie Says (April 26, 2010 at 3:14 pm)
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing (Salman). I’m in a Christian-Muslim relationship here in the States. I care so much about him. I’m giving it my all … Read the rest
Saif and Kareena: Marriage and Religions
Saif Ali Khan’s first Hindu wife converted to Islam for marriage and gave Muslim names to their children. Instead, Kareena Kapoor never converted for marriage. I stated in my book in 2017 this as an “admirable act” but … Read the rest
I salute a Muslim, Seema Maheshwari
Loyalty and the Indian Muslims – By Seema Maheshwari
A letter to INDIA ABROAD, November 27, 2009
I believe Major Nidal Hasan’s murderous rampage at Fort Hood , Texas , arose from his divided loyalties.
Was he an American … Read the rest
45% of Muslims Marry Outside Their Faith in America
Summary: A survey on interfaith marriages of young adult Muslims in America is lacking. In line with interfaith marriage survey outcomes of other major religions, we report that about 45% of young adult Muslims in America are marring outside their … Read the rest
Religious Conversion for Marriage
Summary: The proud Hindu parents and youths need to learn to simply say “NO” to a religious conversion request (Baptism, Bris, Shahadah/Sunat; BBS) for an interfaith marriage involving a Christian, Jew or Muslim. This is a true test to … Read the rest
38% of Hindus Marry Outside Dharmic Faiths in America
The landmark 2008 Pew Forum survey found that only 10% of Hindus in America married outside their faith. Although the survey covered 257 Hindu families, 86% of them were immigrants and 58% between the ages of 30-49. Thus, it focused … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriages: A Message to Dharmics
Interfaith Marriages with Equality
About 38% of Hindu, Jain and Sikh young adults in America are marrying to Christians, Jews or Muslims. Fundamental religious differences can bring unexpected complexities to marriage life. Here, objective is to increase awareness of interfaith … Read the rest
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage
More and more young adults are engaging in interfaith relationships leading to marriage, many times without realizing the complexities associated with their decision. This information is prepared with the objective of educating people of ALL faiths to help them make … Read the rest
I am not my wife’s husband!
Anyone contemplating marriage to a member of an Abrahamic faith is fooling themselves if they believe there will not be difficulties. It is a game of “High Stakes Poker”. You cannot see which cards are in the hands of in-laws, … Read the rest
Do I have to BBS?
Your views? Is it okay for a “proud” Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Buddhist (and/or for their children) to take the BBS labeling (conversion) oath to please the intended Christian/Jew/Muslim spouse or his/her family? Does the BBS means you are giving … Read the rest
What are your views on Interfaith marriages?
Express your views on Dharmic-Abrahamic interfaith marriages. What tips you would like to offer to other young adults? Why?
Back to Forum for Interfaith Relationships with Equality… Read the rest
Is Nikaah Possible without Conversion?
For a Hindu, is the Islamic Nikaah (marriage) possible without religious conversion (Shahadah) to Islam?
Nikaah: Islamic Marriage
Shahadah (conversion): LA ILAHA ILL LALLAH MOHAMMADUR RASULULLAH. Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Prophet … Read the rest
Is this a Hindu wedding?
What are your views on what one author wrote…”Therefore, technically speaking, after conversion to Islam or Christian faith has been performed, the Hindu ceremony is a totally superfluous oxymoron – because it is a ‘Muslim to Muslim’ or ‘Christian … Read the rest
Christian-Muslim marriage : Namastey London
First, view the Namastey London movie clippings here.
What is wrong if the actor in this clipping, Imran Khan (or Susanne), converts to the intended spouse’s faith just for marriage, as long as allowed practicing his or her own … Read the rest
Your Views on this Site: Endorsement or Criticism
If you are an individual or organization wants to share your views or want to endose efforts by this site, write below. Organizers of this web site welcome any criticism and your (different) views to define Interfaith Relationships with “Equality” … Read the rest