Arya Samaj: Do Muslim Girl has to Convert to Hinduism?

Aryan says: May 29, 2019 at 9:12 am

I am a Hindu and i want to marry a Muslim girl. We are from xx. I know that there is a shuddhi karan process where the girl has to convert to Hindu. I just want to know that whether this conversion is on done legally or just through some chants? –Aryan

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  • Arnab Chatterjee
    February 1, 2022 2:35 am

    Her Parents are not alive. She has only 3 sisters and one brothers who have agreed for marriage only and she wants desperately to be free of Islamic gruesome rituals for women ! She wants to convert very sincerely and loves Hinduism naturally for it’s liberral approach. But First we will “Registry -marriage ” then a little Puja with 7 Feres then comes “Suddhikaran ” and “conversion ” to Hinduism .I have already thought of a lovely Hindu name ! So that her Full Name is totally changed.A she is 41yrsold ,sh is old enough to know what is good or bad for her .

  • Arnab Chatterjee
    February 1, 2022 2:27 am

    I am a Hindu man of 62 yrs ,and want to marry a Muslim who is ready in all respects to accept Hinduism ! Can it be done through a Certificate given by the Arya Samaj after the ritual of making her Hindu has ended ! Will this Certificate be enough to change her Aadhar Card, Pan card etc .?

  • Gokusan
    May 29, 2019 1:34 pm

    Just curious. Does she want to be converted to hinduism? How is her parents ? Is she a practising muslim?

    • Krish
      June 8, 2019 3:21 am

      My foot. Practicing muslim???? practices mulims are really threat for human being.. Such hatred religion

  • May 29, 2019 9:39 am

    Dear Aryan,

    Hindu-Muslim marriages are always complex involving many factors. If you think through all these now, a very successful interfaith marriage is possible. We will help you step-wises, so do come back with more questions.

    Q: “I know that there is a shuddhi karan process where the girl has to convert to Hindu. I just want to know that whether this conversion is on done legally or just through some chants?”
    A: The chanting and sprinkling water do not make it an official conversion but the Arya Samaj will want to register your marriage by The Hindu Marriage Act between two Hindus; and that document legally makes her as a Hindu. Is that your intention? If not, consider marriage by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Read all recommended reading material about and come back with more questions.

    Note we have removed your location for your privacy.

    • Aryan
      May 29, 2019 10:03 am

      Thanks for quick response. Do you guys handle marriage by special marriage act too? Also may i know that if the girl converts to Hindu, is she required to update the same in other documents? And if she converts to Hindu, will you guys be issuing a religion change certificate? My intention is to marry her, if that can be done without changing her religion, it would be good. Thanks in advance.

      • May 29, 2019 10:16 am

        Q: Do you guys handle marriage by special marriage act too?
        A: InterfaithShaadi is only a guiding forum, but you can reach out to a local marriage registration office in your city.

        Q: Also may i know that if the girl converts to Hindu, is she required to update the same in other documents?
        A: Yes, if she formally wish to change her religion, it has to be consistent through out. What do you mean by other documents, which one you have in mind?

        Q: And if she converts to Hindu, will you guys be issuing a religion change certificate?
        A: Arya Samaj will. Contact your local Arya Samaj for it.

        Q: My intention is to marry her, if that can be done without changing her religion, it would be good.
        A: That is why we suggested the Special Marriage Act 1954. Read more here

        Our Q: Are her Muslim parents okay with this plan?

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