A Muslim Girl: My Boyfriend is a Hindu…….Rahul or Javed?

Shamim (Muslimah wants to marry Hindu) says: April 25, 2012 at 1:24 am

Shamim here i m in difficult situation. My boyfriend is a hindu. My parents dont like he talking to me. Actually its high time and they are forcing me to marry a guy in my area, javed. I’m crying day and night. I just want to marry Rahul and spend my life with him. But no one from my family is supporting me for marriage with him, due to his religion, i dont want him to change. My dad has given me warning to stop seeing Rahul. Its 1 week that i saw him, i cant think anything else now. I m educated, i love my parents, but I cant stand their torture anymore for marriage to javed, i will run away or die one day, i dont know. Rahul is earning. His family is nice and he will take care of me. What should i do? i have very less time, i dont want to leave him.

Seema Maheshwari replied: April 25, 2012 at 5:56 pm

Shamim. no one should ask you to leave your parents. On the other hand, if you are an educated adult, no one should be able to force you to marry anyone.
What about the boys parents? Will they help you and support you?

Admin replied: April 26, 2012 at 11:45 PM

Shamim, You are in a very difficult situation. As you know, in Islam, rules are very strict for girls vs. for boys.

You may be wondering why people (or God?) created all these religions making young people’s life difficult? Why one God is more important than the other God? Why humanity is a low priority but what is written in some books thousands of years before is more important? Why we cannot take the best from two religious scriptures and enjoy the interfaith married life with equality? Why the person you marry to is of less importance than the religion of that person? …..well, these are all theoretical questions and today you will have to deal with practicality.

You may be hoping that you will have your Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality like Salman, Seema and Shah Rukh Khan. However, for that, you (or your bf) have to be financially independent and/or your parents have to have courage to go against the Islamic dogma.

You have made a very rational point by saying, “i don’t want him to change (his religion).” However, in faith there is less rationality and more belief system imposed on us. Unfortunately, religious conversion of a Hindu is the only option the Koran?, most Muslims and probably your parents will recommend you (a Muslim girl) to take. It is possible that they may ask you to tell Rahul to take Shahadah oaths and convert to Islam, change his Rahul name to an Arabic name, have a circumcision, ask him not to pray anymore to his Hindu gods but to Allah only, not visit his Hindu temples any more but only to Mosques, slowly get away from his parents and mingle more with Muslims, raise children with Islamic teachings only and ultimately he has to become a true Muslim (even Javed may not be!!!) if he wants to marry you. You have to make a difficult choice: what is fair to do? or what is good for Islam?

As an adult, unless you are in some Islamic countries, you have legal rights to marry who ever you wish. Do not marry to someone unless you like him. For Javed, tell him you are not ready to marry now. Tell your parents that you want to go for a higher education. Buy some time to think through what is best for you. Get into rational discussion with your parents to convince them and see how it goes. Best wishes.

Shamim says: April 27, 2012 at 7:42 am


I dont want to change his religion. And i m going to try to make my family understand Rahul better. The problem is they only focus in their religion, even when majority of my dad’s business comes from hindus, he has several hindu friends etc.

Unfortunately I will have to run away for marrying Rahul, i heard there are legal trouble as well, is it true?

Admin says: April 27, 2012 at 8:38 pm


First, you should know yourself by reevaluating your faith. Who is the God? Is Allah the only God as described in the Koran? Who are Jesus, Krishna, Mahavir and Buddha……idols? Do you believe in the Judgment Day? Do you know that it is sin to marry a non-Muslim, especially an idol-worshiper Hindu? How many of Koranic statements are applicable to Rahul and his family? As one ages, one becomes more religious; do you think you may ever change like Dee’s wife? Soon other Muslims will guide you on this post for what are right things for you to do as a Muslim girl. Read that critically to help you make an “informed” decision.

Instead of “run-away,” consider these: 1) In general, you cannot find a solution to complex marriage issues in a few days. A more thought out decision will be better for you in a long run, 2) you are educated and intelligent. You should be able to argue with your parents rationally. Ask them…. are they “true” Muslims? Are they doing their namaz five times a day and literally following every word mentioned in the Koran? Ask them to preach only what they follow, 3) your parents love you; listen to their concerns. Give them (and you) a chance to realize reality. It may take some time, may be months or years. Normally they won’t mind considering your request, but they have to save their face from the Muslim community, 4) go meet your dad’s Hindu friends. Don’t tell them your current situation but mentioned them that some day you may need their help to talk to your dad. Find others in your Muslim community like brother Rauf, and ask them to talk to your dad, and 5) exercise the run-away option only if your parents are forcing you (that is against the law) to marry to someone against your wishes.

Run-away could bring legal issues, so you have to think of it carefully and take that option only as a last resort. Lets hope someone with legal knowledge (we assume you are in India) will guide you here. However, a layman could think like this…if you run-away, your dad could report to police and get Rahul arrested for abducting and holding you against your wishes. However, Rahul’s lawyer could use your communication on this web site as a proof that your dad’s claim is illegitimate.

Are you considering to run-away to immediately get married? If you are thinking of a Hindu marriage ceremony, it may not be a valid marriage because you are a Muslim. If you want a Muslim Nikaah ceremony, Rahul has to convert by Shahadah before the Nikaah. Best option for you will be to marry by the Indian Special Marriage Act, 1954 (and in addition you could have other religious ceremonies, if you wish). Keep us posted for updates.

Shamim Says: May 7, 2012 8:22 pm

Salam Indian brother, I dont agree with you. I believe in allah, and i also believe in existence of other gods as well. Just because i love a guy who is non muslim you think i have no faith? I am sorry to say you are of same thinking as that of my father. Tell me a concrete reason why i should not marry Rahul, have you met him? And what you mean by this site being anti-muslim? When i saw the case of Zoya, she is Jain-Hindu and loves a muslim boy, you did not told anything? This narrow minded mentality which my father has is what i dont like. I love Rahul, because he will keep me happy and let me practice my religion, i will be working too. My allah has no problem but you half muslim-half narrow minded muslim have.

Shamim Says: May 17, 2012, 7:31 pm

Hi Srinivas, I dont think Muslims attack hindus for marrying Muslim girls. Its only those Muslim who feel inferiority complex (like the user Indian, who comments threatens hindus, he does not represent muslims, he is even scared to say his name). I m educated muslim girl and i know about allah and humanity. why cant muslim girls fall in love with hindu boy (if you quote say its prohibited in islam, it WAS prohibited that rule was only valid within a context. i dont need anyone’s interpretation to explain it), why only girls suffer all the rules, muslim boys have hindu girlfriend. That is banned too in islam but no one (user Indian) talks qurans lessons then, Only when we muslim girls love a human being all the hell breaks loose. I hate people like user Indian who only mis represent islam, he wants everyone convert to islam else you are a fool, he is narrow-minded person. I dont want to get married to a driver or an electrician etc I love Rahul, he loves me so much he accepts me as a muslim and i have made it clear that i would not convert to hinduism, even though i respect it just like Islam and that’s all i want. For rahul i will do everything if my family hurts him i will be with Rahul and seek police help.

Shamim says: May 28, 2012, 7:27 am
Shamim here, We are going to apply for marriage under special marriage act this weekend. Thanks all for your support and guidance.

Shamim says: June 9, 2012 12:15 pm

Salam All,

By grace of Allah Im married to Rahul now, I cannot tell how happy I m. There is nothing that comes in between our love, i pray and Rahul prays with me.

We are yet to decide were we live, I m still at my home and he is in his.
We have not yet told anyone about the marriage. I m waiting for a good moment to tell father and mom.

I see so many discussions on this site on hindu and muslim marriage, I just want to say that some fundamentalists want everyone to convert to Islam, but they dont know islam cant be forced, its in quran.

But I have seen my parents bias opinions on muslim women marriage vs muslim boys (they are given much freedom, which its against islam). What I see is lack of love for different religion & culture in their circle, which is usually like being with only muslims, no diversity. I hope that changes and peace comes to all of us. -Shamim.

Shamim says: on September 24, 2012 at 7:34 am

Hi everybody,

Ever since I am married with Rahul, fortune appears to be changing dramatically for good. Both of us have got a good job in a MNC and soon shall be going to Singapore. Another most exciting event of my life, that I am pregnant now. Vow what a pleasant surprise. My parents have agreed, no problem now, reality has been accepted. -Shamim.

Also read: Kajol, Aamir, Kareena&Saif, Vicky, 45.1% of Muslim girls marry non-Muslims, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Shivangi
    September 6, 2019 9:03 am


    My name is Shivangi. I live in Dubai and I’m in love with a pakistani guy from past 2 years and 4 months. I can’t think about a life without him. He is such a lovely person and after meeting him i got a spark in my life which I’ve never had imagined to be existing. My question is how can I handle this situation? Can I go to india with him once we get married? What other options do we have? I hope someone can give me a productive advise

  • Praveen
    March 23, 2019 4:28 am

    I like to marry with a hindu educated boy.

    • March 23, 2019 3:17 pm

      Hi Praveen,
      What is your religion? If you are a Muslim, let us now why you want to marry a Hindu and get into trouble with you family and community?

  • Hussain
    September 15, 2017 5:53 am

    Instead of running away after marriage, run away now. If it’s the only way

  • Badiger
    January 28, 2017 7:20 am

    My question why parents are not understanding the feelings of their children. Society or religion is not providing selter to you. Why they are stagnate to religion. If your child has spent six years with his boy friend, if you force she will go for suicide, if she attempted then she died, will your religion, return your child back. So if engagement they made with their religion boy if she may die without his lover, she wanted their parents should accept her love sir. Plz suggest what has to she do to wind up engagement and lead life with his life partner who she loved since six years.

  • sneha patil
    August 16, 2016 5:43 am

    can intercast marraige is done at 17 years……can u face any problem

    • admin
      August 16, 2016 7:42 pm

      What do you mean by inter-cast, like Shia and Sunni Muslims OR Brahmin and non-Brahmin?
      Why are you in rush to getting married? Why not make sure you marry to the right person, even it mean waiting for a year or two?

  • F---muslim
    August 3, 2016 2:55 pm

    Why are muslims brainwashed? They can not argue logically, if you put a argument in front of them, they start their tape recorder and start speaking about Hallah.

  • July 1, 2016 4:45 am

    Hi. I’m in love with a muslim boy from past 5 years. He is a nice, caring and kind person. In the begenning I started doubting him because of listening to advices from my friends. Later I realized that he is the best person I have ever know. I talked to my parents about this. However, since my father and my brother are followers of shiv sena and staunch believers they started beating me badly. I don’t want to lose my parents and I don’t want to lose him either. What can I do? Can anyone advice?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11356

  • October 30, 2015 1:27 am

    I’m from Hindu religion n I’m in relationship wd Muslim girl. I love her alot n now I’m in same situation like a shamim n she have same situation like a shamim but only difference is she is not well qualified but i don’t have any issue coz we understand to each other in hole way. Now first of all I would like to share wd everyone abt religion. Who’s God? Allah, bhagwan, ishwar or gurunank.God is only one but we say Allah n bhagwan n etc. If u look on the Koran,Gita n other religions books there b 1 similarity is God says I’m only one n hole Universe in my hand without my choice no 1 Change there place even tree n animals. Now its mean God is everything n he have a authority to give life n take a life. Now come on the islam n Allah says every day u need to do five time prayer for me wd ur heart it doesn’t matter u always use my name in hole day without feel from your heart u need to use my name only 5 time in a day but that time u need to pray from your heart. Now in Hindu religion bhagwan says I’m the one who’s in front of your eyes i create hole world. In Hindu religion u need to pray only 2 time once in morning n once in evening n bhagwan says the same thing if u remember me only 1 time in hole day from your heart and that time I’m only one person in your heart. So it’s mean hole religion says the same thing . I’m giving one example to hole Muslim n Hindu person if we r in hospital n we have a serious problem now doctor says to your parents we need more blood right now immediately only ‘o+’ after a couple of minutes our parents provide o+ blood to doctor n after operation we alive. Now if u look on the matter n once doctor says to parents abt blood requirement that time parents only think we need to take o+ blood immediately but once we bought blood from blood bank we never says i need o+ blood for Hindu or Muslim we says only i need o+ blood 2 liter, Why that time we need to ask give me o+ blood for Muslim or Hindu now if we use blood for any religion for to save there life n leave a life so why we can’t do the marriage without says only in Hindu n only in Muslim. Frnds once will die we will gone in same place n that time u don’t need stay on your religion line u need to stay in one line. Please bless for everyone coz we all r same person n respect to everyone no matter Hindu n Muslim n etc we r Indian. Jai hind

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10661

  • Nasir Iqbal Randhawa
    September 29, 2015 11:27 am

    If you are muslim, i think you are foraway from islamic teaching. In Quran, It is clearly mention that “A muslim woman can’t merry other than muslim” It mean you are violating the Allah’s order, if a muslim do not obey any verse of Holy Quran then he is not a muslim. Then what you are i donot know?

  • September 20, 2015 12:37 pm

    I want to marry a hindu guy my family likes the guy totally he is close to our family and friend of mine but they wont agree as he is hindu and a muslim girl have been waiting for years now after informing them on this thinking they will convience am 30yrs now want to convience my parents but they say who ever supports me will go to hell as per islam i refally donnot what to do i dont want runaway option

    Reply to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10563

  • July 4, 2015 8:45 am

    Hello, I’m a Muslim boy just completed engineering and got a job in a reputed MNC. I’m in a relationship with a Hindu girl from past a year. As if now her parents got to know every thing about us and now they are torturing her like different. My parents don’t know anything about it. I’m little afraid of my parents and her parents too. She does not have a father only survived with mom, sis and aunt. I have clearly told her that it is not necessary to change her to my religion, she is free to practise any religion. We have already have a conversation on bringing up the children in what manner, I have told her she is the mother of children and have full authority to control, mould them in any manner. She also don’t have any problem with my religion. I have promised her that in my home there will be a separate pooja room for her to practice. I have also told she can do anything when we are in our home ( I mean nuclear family ) I believe in nuclear family rather than joined family. Now at present her mom is not allowing her to go to collage, use phone, etc. How can I take further steps regarding this? Please help me. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10094

  • June 16, 2015 9:13 am

    Hi Rehana,

    Myself also interest to marry a hindu boy. I am in touch with him for the last 2 years.Our age 23/28 years respectively.I am a school teacher and he is in a multinational company, as chemical engineer. I dont like discriminatory and cruel attitude of muslim males against women.

    Rehana Hindu religion does not want any one to convert for marriage. You can continue with good things of your belief. I am of the same view. Please be in touch and we can decide jointly how to marry our respective BFs under special marriage act.


    • Haroon
      September 21, 2015 11:04 pm

      hi amina u r superb u should start live in relation with him marriage is not necessary for u u can giver herself to that hindu without marrige

    • Haroon
      September 21, 2015 11:07 pm

      Amina u should go ahead as i tell u about my sister she is dr and works in hospital in uk where she met her hindu bf who is shodar caste and ward boy was there they r now living together without marrige and she is pregnant too she is very happy to have a hindu baby

    • mohsin khan
      October 21, 2015 9:08 pm

      ek muslim ladki hargij gair muslim se shadi nahi kar sakti or jo esa karti h wo muslman kese ho sakti h or ek bat muslman k ghar me peda hone wala muslaman nhi hota jb tk k islam follow nakare

  • Hello! Would you mind if I share your blog with my twitter
    group? There’s a lot of people that I think would really appreciate your content.

    Please let me know. Thanks

    • admin
      June 7, 2015 8:58 am

      Yes, go ahead.
      Do cite credit to the source where ever possible.

  • Rehana
    March 6, 2015 10:39 pm

    I am also a muslim girl and studying in M Com final. I am also interested to mary myself with a hindu boy. Can my community allow me for the same.


    • Mohammed
      March 6, 2015 11:04 pm


      Its not allowed to marry non muslim untill he/she cant be a beliver, .
      its not allowed in islam

      further if u marry you are against ur lord commandments.. you will be punish in Qayamah

      • indian
        March 27, 2015 8:00 pm

        Indian law allows any person of any religion to marry with any other person of any religion thru special marriage act. Don’t misled innocent Muslim here. You are a dark spot in peaceful Muslim society, we are Indian Muslims not wahabi followers.

        • mac
          March 28, 2015 4:29 am

          It is not about wagabi, it is what Quran says. Quran clearly tells us that muslims are not allowed to marry non-muslim, are you above quran? @indian

          • indian
            April 6, 2015 3:21 am

            Why did you specifically choose Qur’an?. Why not bhagwat geeta ? Is ram Krishna not god?

          • mac
            April 6, 2015 4:49 am

            No, they are not god, they were human beings.

          • indian
            April 8, 2015 10:09 am

            There you go you- you are caught in the lie you spread :). Thank you. You just tore the “secular” curtain you hide behind. Your god is god, Other god is human. Very nice but your famous Zakir Naik said Krishna was god. Well may be either your are wrong or he is wrong? ( don’t bother no one cares for either)

            In reply to you – Krishna is a real god, I invite you to visit ISKON temple near you. And pray to him and revert to sanatan dharm to know the true creator. You will never need to pray imaginary allah you follow.

          • indian
            April 9, 2015 10:48 am

            mac congratulations for writing utter nonsensical para after para- hats off. How you twist things words is beyond human understanding. So well tommorow you will justify muslims who beheaded Daniel pearl, Dawood and his muslim gang, muslims who burnt alive Godhra pilgrims, and then muslims who went to Syria to join ISIS. And Muslim who handled Isis twitter and various other bombing muslims did to kill non muslims, Akshardham temple attack, forcefull conversion of Hindu and Christian girls and rape of Assamese manipuri girls.

            Where will you hide now. Accept the reality become Hindu, Christians,jee…that is your proof. Do you now have courage to revert to sanatan dharm now?

          • April 9, 2015 10:31 pm

            Dear Indian (Apr 9),
            When you argue for bombing, terrorism and plane hijacking, Muslims will reply that those people are not Muslims. Islam is a peaceful religion and Muslims cannot do any violent act. We have even heard that 9-11 hijackers were Jews and ISIS are not Muslims but Jews (or American media cooked up stories). There is nothing left to argue!

          • mac
            April 10, 2015 12:58 am

            Dear Indian, my reply was not justification, it was answer to your queries.

            Just by saying nonsensical you will not prove anything, you have to prove with logical reply that my above comment is nonsensical.

            I have asked for proof that Quran is wrong, you didn`t provide any proof, instead you wrote deeds of some non-practicing muslim to prove islam wrong, so by using same logic, i can prove Hinduism,Christianity wrong. What Hindus did in Gujarat riot, burnt alive and killed thousands of people, what they did in Muzaffarnagar, what they did in Nelli,Assam where they killed 5000 muslim in 6 hour and not to forgot all the evil works of RSS,VHP,Bajrangdal.

            ///forcefull conversion of Hindu and Christian girls and rape of Assamese manipuri girls. ///

            see, you above statement have no proof, now i can say forceful conversion of Muslim girls and rape of Kashmiri,Gujarati muslim women.

            //Where will you hide now///
            I am not hiding, i am here, it`s you who is running away from my challenge. So here I repeat my challenge again.

            1.IF your religion is truth, then bring proof?
            2.Find out errors,contradiction in Quran?

            Now this is how my religion is, it teaches me not to run away but ask for proof, it challenges to find mistake in its holy book i.e. Quran.

            Below are the references of my above statement about my faith.

            1.“Is not He Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Say, “Bring forth your argument, if ye are telling the truth!” [The Noble Quran: Chapter 27 ; Verse 65]

            2.” Do they not consider the Qur’an (with care)? Had it(Quran) been from other Than Allah, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy” [The Noble Quran: Chapter4;Verse82]

          • mac
            April 10, 2015 1:53 am

            admin says:
            April 9, 2015 at 10:31 pm

            Dear Indian (Apr 9),
            When you argue for bombing, terrorism and plane hijacking, Muslims will reply that those people are not Muslims. Islam is a peaceful religion and Muslims cannot do any violent act. We have even heard that 9-11 hijackers were Jews and ISIS are not Muslims but Jews (or American media cooked up stories). There is nothing left to argue!
            So Admin, are you saying Islam is violent religion?

            Tell me how come so many Jews(approx 4000) in that world trade center were absent in 9/11, how how so much work loving suddenly didn`t plan to visit their respective office on 9th September?

            And who gained from 9/11?

            Also how come they got the passport of those pilots after such devastating incident? Just to get the clue who did it.

            I am not saying Jews did it, but what i am saying all these have some connection.
            And even if a lunatic from middle-east did it, what it got to do with Islam honestly and what it got to do with me and other muslim. You people have sick mentality.

            Why don`t you people also talk about bombing of Iraq, millions died there.

            Admin, didn`t American media cooked up stories about Iraq that it has Mass Destruction Weapon and feared the west in order to invade Iraq.

            And about Baghdadi being Zionist agent, it has happened before when an Israeli Jew became muslim,married muslim women and tried to capture Syria, Elie Cohen, who infiltrated the highest levels of power in Syria under the name Kamal Amin Thabet before he was exposed and hanged in the public square in Damascus. Read about him here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eli_Cohen

          • FranklyIndian
            June 26, 2015 10:15 pm

            Dear Mac,

            I will ask some questions to you, hope you will be able to give a logical answer.

            1) Why you people make a round of Mecca seven times in opposite direction? where as no where in the world this custom is followed? Which is similar to the Hindu custom except the Hindus do it in clockwise direction?
            2) Why males wear white dress just like brahmins of India while doing that?
            3) Why do you pay your respect to the Black stone? (which is an idol)
            4) Why the famous clock tower in Mecca have the Hindu symbol -Swastika ?
            5) What was the religion of your Prophet before he started preaching Islam?
            6) Why there’s a similarity between the arabic word Allah and Om?
            7) Why some of the Muslim Countries having Sthan as their last word? Like Pak+istan, Uzbek+isthan?, Kazak+Istan, Afgan+Isthan? etc., whereas Sthan is a Sanskrit word Sthanam means place.
            8) Why you people worship Trident Moon? it can be seen in your flag?
            9) Islam is a religion which had its base in Middle-East then why most of the Muslims in India, Pakistan Bangladesh look similar? also having similar features as Hindus? Why don’t they look like the arabs?

            Please answer me?

            Hope you will give a logical answer.

          • mohsin khan
            October 21, 2015 9:12 pm

            Quran inhe padna kab ata h convent school me padte h school or collage time boyfriend bana k unke sath ghumte ye log islam ko kab follow karte hain bas name arbik hota h

          • Chandru
            July 11, 2017 1:17 am

            Can you show me as Qur’an proof in this following statement. Please describe me the chapter. So, I can refer for my knowledge.

            It is what Quran says. Quran clearly tells us that muslims are not allowed to marry non-muslim, are you above quran? @indian

        • Mohammed
          March 29, 2015 1:34 am

          But creator law doesnt allow to marry out side of the faith..
          if you are true beliver obey his commandments not any other laws…

          We obey the laws of our country as much when it doesnot contradicts to the creator law…
          when it contradicts to the law of creator then we should obey the law of creator….

          so if u are a true beliver then obey the commandments of creator not any country laws..

          • indian
            April 6, 2015 3:24 am

            Totally rubbish, the creator does not stops anyone from marrying any one of different religion. Show me one line from Ved, Bhagwat Geeta which says so.

          • indian
            April 8, 2015 10:14 am

            Caught again, you copy paste too much. Cast system does not exist in Vedas you moron. What are you writing ! Is this your full time job to spread venom and false propoganda against other religions? I bet you are just another fanatic Muslim who shout equality but don’t allow jews Christians Hindu to worship in Saudi Arabia. World knows your true color. Someone said is right – muslims have wierd logic. You proved !

          • April 8, 2015 9:25 pm

            Mac, you said “creator clearly told” who is creator? ..and told to whom? ..to Muhammad? This is your faith and not truth.

    • March 7, 2015 11:05 am

      Are you already in love relationship with a Hindu? Is he educated and a decent man? Hindu-Muslim relationship is difficult but is possible depending on your situation. View this video. Are your parents religious?

  • mac
    November 27, 2014 4:38 am

    Admin, did you ask same question to shamim like you asked me today

    November 15, 2014 10:34 am



    • mac
      November 16, 2014 1:19 am

      dear SHAKEENA, shamim is not a muslim, its a made up story to distract muslim girls mind, its clear from her/his comments, can a muslim speak like that, and even if she was muslim, she is a mushrik, she beileve sin existence of other fake gods, by heart she is mushrik

  • May 27, 2014 1:09 am

    allah 1 h uske siva koi mabood nahi hr mjhb ki kitab me allah ne y bat y schcha sbd surkshit rakha h hm sb ka mabood wo h jisme y kabliyt honi chahiye

    wo 1 ho
    uske jaisa koi na ho. yani koi bhi insan uska chitr ya murt nahi bna skta. uske dimag me itni takt y soch nahi h jo wo uski murt y chitr bna ske.

    na wo kisi se jna h na hi usne kisi ko jnm diya h yani uska koi varish bahi wo hamesha se h hamesh rahega

    use na mot aayegi na koi bimari hogi
    uski kudrt hr jagah h wo sbko dekh sun raha h
    wo puri kaynat me 1 h

  • shibu
    May 9, 2014 4:07 pm


    just a think

    all people blood color onlY one (R)

    And GOD is only one

    • May 9, 2014 6:47 pm

      All people may have red color blood but one cannot transfuse blood unless you match blood type. If not, you may have anaphylactic shock and will die in minutes. Same way, God may be one but which one? Is that Allah as described in Koran, Lord God as described in Torah, Father God as described in Bible or Isvara as described in Geeta? If a One God Christian marry to One God Muslim, there will be an anaphylactic shock deciding whose God will win the war!

      Here, Shamim married to Rahul instead of Javed. We hope your one God is happy with Shamim.

  • September 10, 2013 1:48 am

    my b.f is also hindu n i m muslim bt mai shaadi krna chahti hu sab kehte h god saza dega bt mai mar jaunge uske bina kya kru plssss help me god sach mai saza dega mai usse muslim nai banana chahti hu wht should i do????

    • tenali
      September 10, 2013 10:47 pm

      If you think rationally, you will get an answer. Why would god ( if he exists ) punish his own creations just because they married across the faiths? Don’t you think both of you are created by god? If you think the answer is yes, there is no need to worry. Pls make sure that the guy is genuine and loves you before marrying him.


      • narendra
        February 18, 2014 5:35 pm

        Well said,agree with you brother 🙂

      • mac
        April 17, 2015 2:05 am

        then what about those who dis-obey same god, don`t believe in that god, associate partners with that god, what will your father do if you call other person your real father?

    • September 11, 2013 9:31 pm

      If you are true Muslim who performs namaz five times a day, then you are suppose to believe that “sab kehte h god saza dega”. So, you decide what is important for you.

      Ask those people who are telling you “sab kehte h god saza dega” these questions:
      1) Are they following every word that is said in Koran?
      2) Are you performing Namaz five times a day?
      3) Between Mahatama Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Barak Obama, Osama Bin Laden and a Muslim leader Zakir Naik, who will go to heaven and who will get Hell fire?

      Let us know what you learned.

    • aafrin
      October 17, 2013 8:43 pm

      Listen. . U dont need 2 do anythng wrng. . Jst try ur bat 2 convince ur dad. . For him his daughters happiness wil b 1st privacy. . Kindly do nt take any wrong step. . Think twice or even thrice b4 any act. . Well. . 1st try ur best 2 convinve ur dad. . N contact me anytym @ sweetsona914@gmail.com

  • September 7, 2013 11:32 am

    All that I hear in this entire blog is someone is trying to fulfill their worldly dream of marrying someone. It is insignificant to even bring their names up. I guess if you really know what Islam is and what Religion is these huge blog would not exist. Many people talk shit about islam based on what someone did or how a single muslim acted, that is one way of judging and creating an opinion. I can post many negitive posts and youtube video of other people of different religion doing act that can negitively potray thier religion, read history Hitler, Fidel Castro and many others.

    People…. we are educated individuals, and information is on our available readily on our finger tips you do not need someone’s approval to make a right or wrong decision. The Girl (muslim) made a decision to marry a Boy (Hindu) why does she needs approval from others and have pitty votes, we all know it is wrong by any definition in islam. “Islam” the word mean submission. Submission to the will of Allah. If you dont want to that is your choice and you are free to excercise anything you wish, go marry a GOAT is you love it so dearly… but dont think that is the Will of Allah. Allah’s will is clear and it is in Black and White, he has full authority over everything and if he wishes all of us will be doomed in a matter of second like many civilization read history again….. But he let you excersie your will and that is what you will be judged on. Your Parent will not be asked about what you did and you will not be asked about what your parent did….

    If you have been blessed to be part of the best religion mercifully by Allah. Go read and study and make your own decision and find out why Islam is the best Religion. The Truth is in front of you. No one should tell you anything. ignorance is a bliss… my dear but it will not save you at the end of the day…..

    • Sam
      September 8, 2013 7:18 am

      You are wrong muslim Mr Muslim. We dont follow islam so if something is considered wrong in your religion doesnt mean its wrong for other free-thinking faiths like christians and hindus and others. The girl and boy are not minor and thats all it takes to make decision to marry, why you muslims have problem with other faith as if we follow your religion ?

    • October 19, 2013 12:44 am

      Dear Annonyms Muslim, you know what is a common thing in all the prominent religions . All religions say that words written in their sacred books are for all humans. Islamists and Christians insist that their religions and their way of life is the best and the whole humanity should adhere and submit themselves to their beliefs and way of life only. There is no other way of salvation if other than these religions are practiced and people practicing other beliefs are destined to reach Hell. Just put aside these thoughts and think as to why do we worship God at all ? While islamists and Christians most probably say that they worship God because Bible and Quran say so. But I ask you this question and request to explain it as per your religious belief. While going through the texts of Bible and Quran, I grasped a fact that when it comes to following these faiths, questioning is not allowed at all. So I will not insist on answers but request you to just ponder over this question and in your heart you will find that since man cannot conceive and create such a remarkable and perfect existence on earth or elsewhere that is why he is bent before the holy feet of God, worships Him day in and day out, wants to hear Him, wants to see Him, wants salvation, wants true knowledge and so on. Whatever man has achieved and has made, it is nothing before the incredible creation of God. Man cannot even design a single flower that God has designed so beautifully. See the butterflies, see the air, water, earth, moon, sun, stars , milky ways that are so complex that to arrive at such a perfection, a man will need infinite number of births to even fathom what are these all about. No doubt, man is trying and has succeeded so poorly yet so proud and intelligent does he deem to himself. God, the great designer observes everything. Dear Annonyms Muslim, you do not utter these things but relish these when you read such stuff about God in your holy book, in a similar manner, adherents of alien faiths are also in awe of God and are no lesser in devotion to Him than the Muslims and Christians. It is all right if you assume your faith as the best but so do the adherents of other faiths. I observe that so many Christians brothers are now open to the alien faiths and read and contemplate on their religious stuff. Some of them even have embraced the alien faiths. Even some of the Muslims have embarked on this bold journey. So ,my friend, don’t be so narrow minded, open your eyes to the reality, join the vast humanity. If you deem your faith as sacrosanct, there is no problem, but first of all be a human because as humans we all are equals. If you find something good in my response, then credit of it goes to God and if otherwise, I will say it is GOD’s will because we humans cannot act, breath, walk, hear, write and so on except without the will of God. So, friend, let the GOD’s will prevail, what are we ? No more than just a dust particle !

  • July 11, 2013 4:41 am

    Even i have the same prob…my bf is muslim nd i am hindu… i will not undergo ne conversion to marry him … we will do nikaah as well as a hindu marriage….. i m a hindu nd i will remain as a hindu fr the rest of my life……

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6025

  • Khairun
    June 18, 2013 8:19 am

    Hey Shamim M wid u I did d right u living ur life , u have d all right to live ur life until n less ur not stealing or intensenly hurting someone Allah has given equal right to everyone . Whether it is Male Or Female . We all r his Children he donot have any discrimination this all is made by we people we wicked people , society , this politicians ,
    Guyz grow up we live in India where every next door u can fine one Hindu , Muslim , Christion and so . We exchange sweets on our festival .
    Even they breath Even We breath . Allah has created has same.
    Then y dis religion loving someone is not harm not wrong .

    Guys Islam is a Peace Loving Religion actually , But I agree few Muslim People has changed it with Harsh Religion

    We taught to respect elders obey elders . But donot y dis people going in a wrong way . No can force anyone to convert their religion .
    Who d hell u people r god (Allah Creted dem)
    Den y didnt stop giving HIndu Christian a Child
    Der no question of converting anyone .
    Guys wake up Their is only one God Some says Allah Some says Bhagwan Says God , Prabhu , Deva and etc respect dem all .

    Reply at: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5838

    • June 18, 2013 9:43 am

      Absolutely a superb message!
      Please come back to this site to guide other youths in love.

    • narendra
      January 14, 2014 2:05 am

      Well said.Bravo !!

  • Human First
    June 1, 2013 2:32 am

    Ms Shamim,

    I congratulate you on your wedding 🙂 . You have done the right thing. I hope your marriage will give strength to more young couples. And, happy to hear that you are pregnant. The champ may be out by this time im writing this message.
    Anyways, we are humans first, religion next. After all we fall in love with human biengs only na.. not any aliens or animals na.. so thats nothing against nature. We are doing great. I hope everyone realises this and makes this world a better place to live.
    #To Peace #To Humanity.

    • June 1, 2013 8:05 am

      Absolutely superb message, we hope you will join us teach youths interfaith marriage with equality.

  • truth
    May 26, 2013 12:21 am

    Zakir Naik Exposed, the truth is he “MAKES” his own truth, based on out of context text – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF_nraOmsOs.

    Muslims would be Muslims

    • Satyen
      May 30, 2013 2:48 pm

      Dear Truth,

      I have come to know thr’ one of my friends, who visited his show, that some of the Hindus heckle him but is edited before showing them on his Peace TV or the U-tubes. Islam spreads just on ‘MISINFORMATIONS’ and the remedy is ‘Speak Spade a Spade’ about ISLAM.

      Thanks for your efforts to bust the inhuman cult spread by Muhammad and has been and is being carried on by his followers.

  • Sanah
    May 9, 2013 1:25 pm

    Hi Everyone,
    I am a 20 year old Indian Muslim living in the UK, and I am in love with a Hindu boy who is of 24 years of age and he is also from the UK. I have known him for about 5 years. Everything is perfect between me and him, the language (Gujarati) is the same, our families are very similar and we make each other very happy. I have not found this type of relationship with a Muslim boy, and I truly am deeply in love with this Hindu boy and we both do want a future together. We both respect our own religions, and we both want to keep our own and I would not expect him to convert, nor will I convert either.

    My family found out about him last year (we were seen together), and they are not happy and they are not allowing me to see him ever again. My mother was more unhappy with me that I was seen with a guy, not much that he is a different religion. This may have been because I am still young and so they do not want me making any mistakes. Behind their back I have been seeing this Hindu boy, and recently, his family found out (we were seen together, again). They are not happy with him at all, and he thinks they will never accept me because of this religion barrier.

    I don’t know what to do, because we are both deeply in love with each other and can see a future, it is just that our families will not accept. I know that it is more important that his family accept me because I will be going into his family and living with them (as much as I would want my family to accept), how can I get them to accept me? I am thinking of trying to meet them and maybe let them get to know me? I am unsure of what to do, because I do not want this relationship to end, he is a big part of my life now and I really can’t live without him!

    I would appreciate any advice and help on this.

    Thank you

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5419

    • July 11, 2013 4:55 am

      Sanaa try to convince his family first,dnt lose hope dear……. even m also in arelationshp wid a muslim guy….his family has no prob with me,his mom has accptd me nd love me very much… bt my parents will not accpt him as they r very strict… 🙁

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6025

  • February 19, 2013 12:00 am

    Sir, My brother Ved married a Muslim lady Ayesha.Both highly educated and very blessed human beings under special marriage act.NO CONVERSIONS.My brother and ayesha both really adjusted well.People who say hindus is idol worship is wrong they never knew hinduism see “BRAHMAN”.A hindu boy is a muslim as well.My brother is able to follow all requirements of Islam my bhabhi Ayesha is wonderful human being if ever she came in front of Idol she will close her eyes and Tell her self “Even though i know you are a stone i respect you as Allah has made you””….Problem solved isn’t it..They are the Happiest Educated People of Modern India…Icing on cake is they have 2 sons Vikram and Azad..They gave them freedom to choose there faith Vikram became Hindu and Azad choose Islam…Lastly My Parents and Ayesha’s Parents are happiest in world..I am not writing in detail but all is Well if your heart and Soul is well…

    Reply to Shreya at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4496

  • Truthseeker
    February 17, 2013 5:54 am

    Watch this video and you will and you will help everyone’s decision on switching religions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

  • sameer
    January 21, 2013 8:37 am

    Shame on u SHAMIM, u r completly on Hell,, shame on those girl who married inter caste, boycott those girl

  • Satyen
    December 18, 2012 7:31 pm

    Muslim girls in love with non-Muslims,

    Think the road ahead before falling in love with non-Muslims. The Muhammad’s ideology has kept the Muslim males captivated in brutal acts. What a double standard for boys and girls! On the one hand the Muslim Umma is encouraging the boys to marry with non-Muslim girls after converting them while on the other hand the same Umma is making its boys vigilant so that no Muslim girl could befriend a non-Muslim boy.

    Surprisingly, they don’t have any problem when a young charming Muslim girl is forced to marry a father like aged person from the middle East. Most of the time, this marriage lasts for a few days/weeks only and the respectable fatherly Muslim figures go to their middle east countries after a delightful sojourn, leaving the devasted Muslim girl behind for ever! Height of hypocracy with all the blessings of Muhammad! The naive and illerate parents lose everything before their eyes, covered by the ideologies of Islam!

    Muslim sisters, respect and love your parents as they really love you and wish your happiness but many of them don’t know how they can make your life happy. Here comes your role to educate them slowly and in a way they understand. Take help of your other near and dear ones who can influence your parents if you cannot do it directly. Start with the unacceptable practices such as —

    1. Marrying a cousin, aged person, already married, not well educated.
    Thinking Muhammad as prophet and Quran as the divine revelation.
    Shahada including Muhammad and considering him as the role model.
    Always have a registered marriages even with a Muslim so as to safeguard your future. Never be trapped in Nikah, surrendering your future to the husband.
    2. Burqa, Circumcision, not working, going out with a male of your
    family only, having Muslim friends only, Qurbani etc.

    3. Whereever, you may be, always have a like minded Muslim women’s organisation who can give you even a feeble assistance when you need it. This organisation can have even like minded Muslim men as well.

    But, first go for the best of education and see if my suggestions are really in your best of interests. If you don’t feel so, leave it aside without any hesitation. I am not the best of the persons.

    See the following video to discourage the Muslim girls from having friendship with non-Muslims:


  • Jew- Islam- where is the peace
    December 17, 2012 5:41 am

    Islam – Religion of Peace? Since when dude? If you forgot who did attack 911/ 711 / 2611….the bali attack, indonasia attack on christian, mass raping, chinese girls rape in muslim areas recently, mumbai riots this year, burma killing of buddist girl after rape by muslim boys amd when burma retaliate you cry victim! Assam voilence killing hindu, non muslims native village to occupy there land by bangladeshi muslims…banglore mumbai blast…kashmir voilence on christian sikh and hindus. If you forgot indian plane full of hindus ic 814, hijacked by muslims, Maharashtra miraj violence on hindus, breaking lord ganesh’s idol ( coz ur islam says that). Did yoi forgot kerela professors hand was cut on road to home from church by muslims, muslims recently ( and historically) killing those leaving islam, uk spain france atrocity on non Muslims by u muslims, raping non muslim, Christian sikh hindu girl by love trap.

    you idiot go and check your muslim counties dont allow other Christian,hindus,Sikhs jews to even pray, religious festival, bias law for Muslims, ( on a funny side, arabs muslims dont let these asian muslims come near them or there girls, so called cast system exists, these dirty asian muslims are “Mawali” – 3rd class muslims)

    What peace are you talking about you idiot troll! Go and sell you islam to animals, they are perfect! I wish i could debate in front of the world! Who finances your islamic website btw ? there are 100′s of Islamic marketing website, who just says islam is good, best, blah blah blah, all marketing like advert, in reality the product islam, is just barbaric religion of piece, just for low self esteemed individuals who want some one to blame for there misery, to those folks – instead to accepting a stranger allah, learn about your own god better and stop looking for sex all the time, like all of us normally do.

    To peaceful world without evil !

  • December 17, 2012 5:03 am

    to marry with in other religion just like ablindness you have no knowledge about islam or you may be the daughter of any other non muslim this is a fact in our vill a safai karamchari[ chuhuda] women raped by a muslim jamidar silencely and some time later she born a male
    after some time his baby goes in to the jungle to carry their buffalow
    and qurrel with the son of said jamidar and bitten up the jamidar,s son
    on reporting such matter a big panchayat held why a chuhuda boy can bitten a jamidar boy in last time all were called for punishment the mother of the [chuhudi] also called she took away the jamidar and told promptly this son also of you and i will open the story before panchayat then the jamidar called off the panchyat this is the real story many men may be beautyful many animel can be wonderful and most desireful islam the only religion who classify each and every thing i am not a over all knowledge but where as i know to marry inter caste /religion is not a coorect way by no mean no of cases i know the result is in dark/ light unmarried are better than such marry
    laied who like non muslim she is not muslim due to zenztic reason

    • Satyen
      December 17, 2012 7:19 am

      Rafi Mohd,

      Your comment exposes the fact what you accepted that you don’t have enough nowledge about Islam. Still, you claim that Islam is the best religion even after accepting your lac of sufficient knowledge in this regard. Don’t you see the fallacy in your claim?

      Though you have doubts, I don’t have. I know for the fact that Islam has been destroying the humanity by capping the rationality of mankind. It has been a perpetrator to womenfolk and cause of their degradation.

      You should know that genes don’t change due to religious conversion. Moreover, the genes of the most of the Pakistanis and almost all of the Indians are the same i.e. that of the Hindus! I repeat, the inhabitants of Indian sub continent have their Hindu ancestors. So, why single out one person if about 1.5 billion people have the same ancestry? Further, it’s a matter of pride to be the progeny of the Hindus who have the tradition of compassion and assimilation. They have applied ointment on the wounds of the Zoroastrians and the Jew brothers when the Jihadi marauders plundered them. What is a matter of pride, compassion or plundering?

      It’s time to disengage from the cult of Muhammad. It’s not a matter of pride to be his follower. In fact, it’s a matter of shame as the present Muslims have their ancestors forced into this cult. It’s the irony that brainwashed victimes of Muhammad’s ideology are defending it today!

  • Muslim
    December 3, 2012 12:26 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    “Mafhoom”(concept) of what Allah Ta’ala said are that:-

    255. Allah: There is no god but He, the
    Living, the All-Sustaining. Neither
    dozing overtakes Him nor sleep. To
    Him belongs all that is in the heavens
    and all that is on the earth. Who can
    intercede with Him without His
    permission? He knows what is before
    them and what is behind them; while
    they encompass nothing of His
    knowledge, except what He wills. His
    Kursiyy (Chair) extends to the
    Heavens and to the Earth, and it does
    not weary Him to look after them. He
    is the All High, the Supreme.

    256. There is no compulsion in Faith.
    The correct way has become distinct
    from the erroneous. Now, whoever
    rejects the Taghut (the Rebel, the
    Satan) and believes in Allah has a firm
    grasp on the strongest ring that never
    breaks. Allah is All-Hearing, All-

    257. Allah is the Protector of those
    who believe. He brings them out of the
    depths of darkness into the light. As
    for those who disbelieve, their friends
    are the Rebels. They bring them out
    from the light into the depths of
    darkness. Those are people of the Fire.
    There they will remain forever.

    [ Al-Quran, 2:255-257 ]

    • Muslim
      December 3, 2012 12:36 pm

      258. Do you not know the one who
      argued with Ibrahim about his Lord,
      because Allah had given him
      kingship? When Ibrahim said: “My
      Lord is the One Who gives life and
      brings death,” he said: “I give life and
      I bring death.” Said Ibrahim: “Allah
      brings the sun out from the East; now,
      you bring it out from the West.” Here,
      baffled was the one who disbelieved,
      and Allah does not bring the
      wrongdoers to the right path.

      259. Or, (do you not know) the
      example of the one who passed
      through a town that had collapsed on
      its roofs. He said: “How shall Allah
      revive this after it is dead?” So, Allah
      made him dead for a hundred years,
      then raised him saying: “How long did
      you remain (in this state)?” He said: “I
      remained for a day or part of a day.”
      Said He: “Rather, you remained (dead)
      for a hundred years. Just look at your
      food and your drink; it has not spoiled.
      Now look at your donkey. (We did)
      this to make you a sign for people!
      Look at the bones, how We raise them,
      then dress them with flesh.” So, when
      it was clear to him, he said: “I know
      that Allah is Powerful over

      260. (Remember) when Ibrahim said:
      “My Lord, show me how You give life
      to the dead.” He said: “Is it that you do
      not believe?’’ He said: “Of course, I
      do, but it is just to make my heart at
      peace.’’ He said: “Then take four birds
      and tame them to your call, then put
      on every mountain a part from them,
      then give them a call, and they shall
      come to you rushing, and know that
      Allah is Mighty, Wise.’’

      [Al-Quran, 2:258-260 ]

      36. And (We sent) to Madyan their
      brother Shuaib. So he said, “O my
      people, worship Allah and fear the
      Last Day, and do not roam about in the
      land as mischief makers.”

      37. So they gave the lie to him, then
      they were seized by the earthquake
      and they remained in their homes lying
      on their faces.

      38. And (We destroyed) Ad and
      Thamud, and it is visible to you
      through their dwellings. And the Satan
      had beautified for them their deeds, so
      he prevented them from the (right)
      way, even though they were people of

      39. And (We also destroyed) Qarun
      and Pharaoh and Haman. Indeed Musa
      came to them with clear signs; so they
      acted arrogantly on the earth, and were
      not (able) to escape.

      40. Thus We seized each one of them
      for his sin. So to some of them We
      sent a violent wind; and some of them
      were seized by a Cry; and some of
      them We made to sink in the earth;
      and some of them We drowned. And
      Allah was not to do injustice to them,
      but they used to do injustice to their
      own selves.

      41. The example of those who have
      adopted patrons other than Allah is
      like the spider that has made a house,
      while indeed the weakest of houses is
      the house of the spider. If only they

      [Al-Quran, 29:36-41 ]

      • Muslim
        December 3, 2012 1:25 pm

        51. Allah is surely my Lord and your
        Lord. So, worship Him. This is the
        straight path.

        52. So, when Isa sensed disbelief in
        them, he said: “Who are my helpers in
        the way of Allah?” The disciples said:
        “We are helpers of Allah. We believe
        in Allah; so be our witness that we are

        53. .Our Lord, we have believed in
        what You have revealed, and we have
        followed the messenger. So, record us
        with those who bear witness (to the

        54. They (the opponents of Isa )
        devised a plan, and Allah devised a
        plan. And Allah is the best of all

        55. When Allah said: “O Isa , I am to
        take you in full and to raise you
        towards Myself, and to cleanse you of
        those who disbelieve, and to place
        those who follow you above those who
        disbelieve up to the Day of Doom.
        Then to Me is your return, whereupon
        I shall judge between you in that over
        which you have differed.

        56. As for those who disbelieve, I shall
        punish them a severe punishment in
        this world and in the Hereafter; and for
        them there are no helpers.”

        57. As for those who believe and do
        good deeds, He (Allah) will give them
        their rewards in full. Allah does not
        like transgressors.

        58. This We recite to you of the
        Verses and the Message that is full of

        59. Surely, the case of Isa, in the sight
        of Allah, is like the case of ‘Adam “
        He created him from dust, then He
        said to him, “Be”, and he came to be.

        60. The truth is from your Lord. So, do
        not be of those who doubt.

        [Al-Quran, 3:51-60]

        85. Whoever seeks a faith other than
        Islam, it will never be accepted from
        him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be
        among the losers.

        86. How shall Allah give guidance to a
        people who disbelieved after they had
        accepted Faith and testified that the
        Prophet is true and the clear signs had
        come to them? Allah does not give
        guidance to the unjust people.

        87. The punishment of such people is
        that upon them is the curse of Allah, of
        the angels and of the human beings

        88. They will remain under it forever.
        Neither will the punishment be
        lightened for them, nor will they be
        given respite,

        89. except those who repent afterwards
        and mend their ways. Then, Allah is
        All-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.

        90. Those who disbelieve after having
        accepted Faith and then increase in
        disbelief, their repentance shall never
        be accepted. They are the ones who
        have lost the right path.

        91. Those who disbelieve and die as
        disbelievers, even an Earth-full of gold
        shall never be accepted from any of
        them, even if one were to offer it as
        ransom. They are the ones for whom
        there is a painful punishment, and for
        them there are no helpers.

        [Al-Quran, 3:85-91 ]

        • Muslim
          December 4, 2012 12:38 pm

          26. And said those who disbelieved,
          “Do not listen to this Qur’an, and
          make noise during its recitation, so
          that you may overcome.”

          27. So, We will certainly make them
          taste a severe punishment, and will
          certainly recompense them for the
          worst of what they used to do.

          28. That is the recompense of the
          enemies of Allah_ the Fire. For them
          there is the eternal home, as a
          recompense for their persistent denial
          of Our verses.

          29. And those who disbelieve will say,
          “Our Lord, show us the two, out of the
          Jinns and the humans, who led us
          astray and we will put both of them
          under our feet, so that they become
          among the lowest.”

          30. Surely, those who have declared:
          “Our Lord is Allah”, then remained
          steadfast, on them the angels will
          descend, saying, “Do not fear, and do
          not grieve; and be happy with the good
          news of the Jannah (Paradise) that you
          had been promised.

          31. We have been your friends in the
          worldly life, and (will remain as such)
          in the Hereafter. And for you here is
          whatever your souls desire, and for
          you here is whatever you call for

          32. _ a gift of welcome from the Mostforgiving,
          the Very-Merciful.”

          33. Who can be better in words than
          the one who calls towards Allah, and
          acts righteously and says, “I am one of
          those who submit themselves (to

          34. Good and evil are not equal. Repel
          (evil) with what is best, and you will
          see that the one you had mutual
          enmity with him will turn as if he were
          a close friend.

          35. And no one is blessed with this
          (attitude) but those who observe
          patience, and no one is blessed with
          this (attitude) but a man of great luck.

          36. And should a stroke from Shaitan
          (Satan) strike you, seek refuge with
          Allah. Surely, He is the All-Hearing,
          the All-Knowing.

          37. Among His signs are the night and
          the day, and the sun and the moon. Do
          not prostrate yourselves to the sun, or
          to the moon. And prostrate yourselves
          to Allah who has created them, if it is
          Him whom you worship.

          38. Still, if they show arrogance, then
          those who are with your Lord proclaim
          His purity night and day, and they do
          not get weary.

          39. And among His signs is that you
          see the land inactive; then, once We
          send down water thereto, it gets
          excited and swells. Surely, the One
          who has given life to it is the One who
          gives life to the dead. No doubt, He is
          powerful to do everything.

          40. Surely those who adopt perversity
          about Our verses are not hidden from
          Us. So, tell me which one is better: the
          one who is thrown into the Fire, or the
          one who will come safely on the Day
          of Judgment? Do whatever you wish.
          He is watchful of whatever you do.

          41. Surely those who have rejected the
          advice (the Qur’an) when it came to
          them (are the ones who adopted
          perversity, and are not hidden from
          Us). And surely, it is an unassailable

          42. that cannot be approached by
          falsehood, neither from its front, nor
          from its behind -a revelation from the
          All-Wise, the Ever-Praised.

          43. Nothing is being said to you but
          what has been said to the messengers
          before you. Your Lord is certainly the
          Lord of forgiveness and the Lord of
          painful punishment.

          44. Had We made it a non-Arabic
          Qur’an, they would have said, “Why
          are its verses not clearly explained? Is
          it a non-Arabic (book) and an Arab
          (messenger)?” Say, “For those who
          believe, it is guidance and cure. As for
          those who do not believe, there is
          deafness in their ears, and for them it
          is blindness. Such people are being
          called from a distant place.”

          45. And We gave Musa the book, then
          it was disputed (as well). But for a
          word that had already come from your
          Lord, the matter would have been
          decided between them. They are in
          confounding doubt about it.

          46. If someone acts righteously, he
          does so for the benefit of his own soul,
          and if someone commits evil, he does
          so against it. Your Lord is not unjust
          to His servants.

          [Al-Quran, 41:26-46 ]

  • December 3, 2012 9:28 am

    Hello Muslim girls.

    You will be surprized to know the inhuman texts in Quran which is produced here for your kind perusal please.


    All Muslims believe the Koran is the divine word of God – the laws of God – authored by God Himself. The Koran remains for all Muslims, not just “fundamentalists,” the uncreated word of God Himself. It is valid for all times and places forever; its ideas are absolutely true and beyond all criticism. To question it is to question the very word of God, and hence blasphemous. A Muslim’s duty is to believe it and obey its divine commands without question.


    As we have already seen – in Islam – rape is not only a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of Allah (the ANTI GOD) complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.

    Sura 23 (The Believers), Verses 1-6

    23.1-6: Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers, And who keep aloof from what is vain, And who are givers of poor-rate, And who guard their private parts, Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable.

    This is the Sura which gives the slave owner the right of sexual access to his female slaves. The term “guarding the private parts” is a synonym for sexual intercourse, and it is said that this is not blameable if indulges with wives and slaves.

    Sura 70 (The Ways of Ascent) verses 29-35

    70: 29-35 And those who guard their private parts, Except in the case of their wives or those whom their right hands possess — for these surely are not to be blamed, But he who seeks to go beyond this, these it is that go beyond the limits — And those who are faithful to their trusts and their covenant And those who are upright in their testimonies, And those who keep a guard on their prayer, Those shall be in gardens, honored.

    These verses gives the right to slave owners to have sexual relation with female slaves.

    QURAN – 70:22-30: “Not so the worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer, who set aside a due portion of their wealth for the beggar and for the deprived, who truly believe in the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of their Lord (for none is secure from the punishment of their Lord); who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them: he that lusts after other than these is a transgressor…” This verse shows that Muslim men were allowed to have sex with their wives (of course) and their slave girls.

    Men can marry up to four women if they treat them equally; unlimited forcible concubines permitted

    In Islam, not only are men allowed to practice polygamy, but they may also capture women in war and use them as sex slaves. This is considered morally legitimate according to the Quran. In other words, non-Muslim women have no right to be free from the horror of slavery and serial rape by Muslim military men. Note The term “ whom your right hand possess” means slaves.

    4:3 Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.
    4:24 Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess
    4:24 And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.

    All married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.”
    You can’t have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like).

    4:25 If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess
    23:1,5-6 The believers …. abstain from sex, Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame,
    70:29-30,35 And those who guard their chastity, Except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (then) they are not to be blamed, … Such will be the honoured ones in the Gardens (of Bliss).
    Muhammad can go beyond the four-wife restriction, can treat his own wives and sex slaves unequally

    33:50-52 O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom God has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And God is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful. Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction – that of all of them – with that which thou hast to give them: and God knows (all) that is in your hearts: and God is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing. It is not lawful for thee (to marry more) women after this, nor to change them for (other) wives, even though their beauty attract thee, except any thy right hand should possess (as handmaidens): and God doth watch over all things.
    This verse is for Muhammad. ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) allows Muhammad to own and rape his slave girls.

    The above verses are only a few out of numerous such verses scattered throughout the Quran. What could be more unethical than owning slaves and raping slave girls? ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) graciously allowed Muslims to own and rape slave girls. Prophet Muhammad himself and his disciples routinely raped their slave girls. Muslims were permitted unlimited raping of their slaves and even gang rape. Sex slaves were one of the main factors in the spread of Islam. This is the evil that is Islam.


    Bukhari (62:137)- An account of women taken as slaves in battle by Muhammad’s men after their husbands and fathers were killed. The woman were raped with Muhammad’s approval.

    Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

    We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them. So we asked Allah’s Apostle about it and he said, “Do you really do that?” repeating the question thrice, “There is no soul that is destined to exist but will come into existence, till the Day of Resurrection.”

    Bukhari (34:432)- Another account of females taken captive and raped with Muhammad’s approval. In this case it is evident that the Muslims intend on selling the women after raping them because they are concerned about devaluing their price by impregnating them. Muhammad is asked about coitus interruptus.

    Bukhari (59:637)- “The Prophet sent Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and I hated Ali, and Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid,’Don’t you see this (i.e. Ali)?’ When we reached the Prophet I mentioned that to him. He said,’O Buraida! Do you hate Ali?’ I said,’Yes.’ He said,’Do you hate him, for he deserves more than that from the Khumlus.'”

    Muhammad approved of his men having sex with slaves, as this episode involving his son-in-law, Ali, clearly proves. This hadith refutes the modern apologists who pretend that slaves were really “wives,” since Muhammad had forbidden Ali from marrying another woman as long as Fatima (his favorite daughter) was living,

    Abu Dawud (2150)- “The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse:(Sura 4:24)’And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.'” This is the background for verse 4:24 of the Qur’an. Not only does Allah (the ANTI GOD) grant permission for women to be captured and raped, but allows it to even be done in front of their husbands.

      November 15, 2014 9:49 am


  • Muslim
    December 1, 2012 11:50 pm


    “Mankind and the deception by shaitan”, about this Allah Ta’ala has mentioned in Al-Quran whose “Mafhoom” is given below:-

    1. Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad.

    2. (This is) a book sent down to you.
    Therefore, your heart must not be
    straitened because of it. (It is revealed
    to you) so that you may warn through
    it, and it may be an advice for the

    3. (O humankind,) follow what has
    been sent down to you from your
    Lord, and do not follow any masters
    other than Him. Little you heed to

    4. How many a town We have
    destroyed! Our punishment came upon
    them at night or when they were
    having a nap at midday.

    5. So, when Our punishment came
    upon them, they could say nothing but
    cry, “We were wrongdoers indeed.”

    6. So, We shall ask those to whom the
    messengers were sent, and We shall
    ask the messengers (how they
    conveyed the message).

    7. Then, having full knowledge, We
    shall tell them the whole story, as We
    were never far from them.

    8. The Weighing (of deeds) on that
    day is definite. As for those whose
    scales are heavy, they will be the
    successful ones.

    9. But those whose scales are light,
    they are the ones who have brought
    loss to themselves, because they did
    not do justice to Our verses.

    10. We established you on earth, and
    created in it means of living for you.
    Little you appreciate.

    11. We created you, then gave you a
    shape, then We said to the angels,
    “Prostrate yourselves before ‘Adam.”
    So, they all prostrated themselves,
    except Iblis (Satan). He did not join
    those who fell prostrate.

    12. Allah said, “What has prevented
    you from prostrating when I ordered
    you?” He said, “I am better than him.
    You have created me of fire, and
    created him of clay.”

    13. He said, “Then, get you down from
    here, it is not for you to show
    arrogance here. So, get out. You are
    one of the degraded.

    14. He said, “Then give me respite
    until a day when all will be

    15. He (Allah) said, “You are granted

    16. He said, “Now that You have led
    me astray, I will certainly sit for them
    (in ambush) on Your straight path.

    17. Then I will come upon them from
    their front side and from their behind,
    and from their right and from their left.
    You will not find most of them

    18. He (Allah) said, “Get out of here,
    condemned, rejected. Indeed,
    whosoever will follow you from
    among them, I will fill Hell with all of
    you together.

    19. O ‘Adam, dwell, you and your
    wife, in Paradise, and eat from
    wherever you like, but do not go near
    this tree, otherwise you shall join the

    20. Then Satan whispered to them, so
    that he might expose to them their
    shame that was hidden from them; and
    said, “Your Lord has not prohibited
    this tree for you, but to avoid your
    becoming angels or your becoming

    21. He swore an oath, “I am one of
    your well-wishers.”

    22. Thus, he cast both of them down
    by deception. When they tasted (the
    fruit of) the tree, their shame was
    exposed to them, and they began to
    patch together some leaves of Paradise
    upon themselves, and their Lord called
    them, “Did I not forbid you from that
    tree? Did I not tell you that Satan is
    your declared enemy?”

    23. They said, “Our Lord, we have
    wronged ourselves, and if You do not
    forgive us and do not bless us with
    mercy, we shall, indeed, be among the

    24. He said, “Go down, some of you
    enemies of some; and for you on the
    earth there will be a dwelling place
    and enjoyment for a time.”

    25. (Further) He said, “There you shall
    live and there you shall die, and from
    there you shall be raised again.”

    26. O children of ‘Adam, We have
    sent down to you the dress that covers
    your shame and provides adornment.
    As for the dress of Taqwa (piety), that
    is the best. That is one of the signs of
    Allah, so that they may learn a lesson.

    27. O children of ‘Adam, “Do not let
    Satan put you in trouble the way he
    had your parents expelled from
    Paradise, having their dress removed
    from them, so that he could show them
    their shame. Indeed, he sees you _ he
    and his company _ from where you do not
    see them. Surely, We have made
    the devils friends to those who do not

    28. When they do a shameful act, they
    say, “We have found our fathers doing
    it, and Allah has ordered us to do so.”
    Say, “Allah never orders anything
    shameful. Do you say about Allah
    what you do not know?”

    29. Say, “My Lord has ordered me to
    do justice.”Set your faces aright on
    each occasion of prostration, and pray
    to Him with pure faith in Him. Just as
    He has originated you, so you will be
    raised again.

    30. He has led a group to guidance;
    and established for another group is
    misguidance. Indeed, they have taken
    the devils for their friends, instead of
    Allah, and they think that they are on
    the right path.

    [Al-Quraan, 7:1-30]

  • Muslim
    December 1, 2012 11:18 pm

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    I have already posted many articles in last week of September and first week of October 2012. I have no much time to involve such nonsense discussions. But as I visited this site after a long time so I wanted to post this very important article:-

    I think most of these stories are deceiving and all either fake or real stories of muslim girls, they are being posted to excite to mislead the muslim females who have very little and incomplete knowledge about Islam.

    I am one of the Muslims and its my duty to bid the fair and forbid from evil so please read the lines written below carefully:-

    “Mafhoom”(concept) of what Allah Ta’ala said are that:-

    15. Whoever adopts the right path
    does so for his own benefit, and
    whoever goes astray does so to his
    own detriment, and no bearer of
    burden shall bear the burden of
    another, and it is not Our way to
    punish (anyone) unless We send a

    16. And when We intend to destroy a
    habitation, We command its affluent
    people (to do good), then they commit
    sins therein, and thus the word (of
    punishment) becomes applicable to it
    (habitation), and We annihilate it

    17. How many a generation have We
    destroyed after Nuh! And enough is
    your Lord to know, (and) watch the
    sins of His servants.

    18. Whoever opts for the immediate
    (benefits from) life herein, We give
    him, right here in this life, as much as
    We will, to whomever We intend.
    Then We assign Jahannam for him
    where he shall enter condemned,

    19. And whoever opts for the
    Hereafter and makes efforts for it as
    due, while he is a believer, then, the
    effort of such people is appreciated!

    20. To all of them -both these and
    those -We extend the grants of your
    Lord. And the grant of your Lord is
    not barred (for anyone).

    21. See how We made some of them
    excel some others (in this world) and,
    of course, the Hereafter is much higher
    in ranks and much greater in degrees
    of merit.

    22. Do not set up any other god along
    with Allah, otherwise you will sit
    condemned, forsaken.

    23. Your Lord has decreed that you
    worship none but Him, and do good to
    parents. If any one of them or both of
    them reach old age, do not say to
    them: uff (a word or expression of
    anger or contempt) and do not scold
    them, and address them with respectful

    24. and submit yourself before them in
    humility out of compassion, and say,
    “My Lord, be merciful to them as they
    have brought me up in my childhood.”

    25. Your Lord knows best what is in
    your hearts. If you are righteous, then
    He is Most-Forgiving for those who
    turn to Him in repentance.

    (Al-Quraan, 17: 15-25)

  • November 19, 2012 12:07 am

    Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Ali Sina are great pioneers in defending freedom when every institution in this world is showing signs of submitting to Islamic fascism. Sure, none of three might match courage of Oriana Fallaci nor intellect of Bat Ye’or (both women, extraordinary, isn’t it?), but nevertheless very effective.

    But my mentor was MA Khan, an ex-Muslim from India, and his book of Islamic Jihad. It is other thing that I differ with Sina and MA Khan in certain matters.

    Ali Sina, sure, talked about helping Muslims to leave Islam and called them victims of Islam.

    But he is unapologetic when he says Islam is evil and Muslims are savages who have no regard what so ever for lives of Non-Muslims.

    With out this base, people saying Muslims are victims of their own ideology and blah blah and talking about helping them amounts to pure dishonesty and stupidity too.

    By doing so, one is not helping any Muslim but they are making Non-Muslims the victims of Islam and Muslims. This is very simple logic.

    (This is my last comment here.)

    If anyone wants to read the book written by MA Khan i.e. THE LEGACY OF ISLAMIC JIHAD: FORCED CONVERSIONS, ISLAMIC SLAVERY AND IMPERIALISM, please reach me at k.i.d000b@gmail.com

    I have an e-version of that book and I will send mail it to you.

    Every Hindu should read this. By doing so, they not only learn about Islam and actual history of Islamic rule in India.

    THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Moron like Satyen thinks this is all I crave about.

    But my point is, those Hindus who have read this book will immediately ask themselves why they have been lied to so horribly in class text books. And if they start searching for answers, they see the whole picture of how f****d our system is, how inhuman our present system is and consequences of all this.

    Basically, what out present day system is doing is this: It is making Hindus condemn themselves. It is making Hindus to condemn their great Hindu civilization to ghettos on their own. (I consider myself belonging to Hindu civilization.)

    All the best friends.

    • November 19, 2012 11:09 am

      @ Satyen,

      I am very very sorry. I know it is an inexcusable…I am very sorry.

      • Satyen
        November 21, 2012 7:32 am

        Come on my friend Srinivas, don’t worry for me. Emotions play the havoc and those are the real culprits. Try not to be taken away by them.

        Gatansoon agatansoonshch, nanushochanti panditah.

        Geeta, Chap. 2

        The learned never worry over what has happened or is going to happen (they try to find the solution for it).

        If you haven’t read the Geeta, read it from cover to cover.

  • November 17, 2012 2:34 pm

    What nonsense you are talking about islam . If islam is such religion a religion then why people in west are leaving christinity and accept islam. Do you know if there are four converts to islam three are women. Because they womenhood in islam these women are not like the girls in this website which do not know of their own religion and are talking these nonsense things about islam. these women have first read quran and then accepts islam as a true religiõn and convert then. They found islam only which gives to women right tn live which were first burried alive.it gives women right to argue. It give women right to choose muslim husbend etc. For further information about rights of islam go to http://www.muslimconverts.com or go to google search for rights of women in islam.those who married kafirs(non muslims) will surely got to hell because they break law of creator of univese and living beings i,e Allah.they can repent to allah for sins and allah may forgive them becaure allah is mercifull.may allah show you right path.AMEEN

    • agnostic
      November 17, 2012 4:22 pm

      when people are dealing with an inter faith relationship, and posting on this website, they HAVE ALREADY been in the relationship couple of years, and are on crossroads of marriage.

      At this time, you should give them advice on how to live the happiest life by taking into account the sensitive religious beliefs of both partners, ensuring that each retains their identity, for a healthy and successful wedding. This is not the time to say – muslims are good, hindus are bad, buddists are bad, etc. It’s the time to advice people on how to have an inter faith marriage with equality, retaining their identity and religion, with MINIMUM hurt to both families.

      And you can’t have a good “inter faith” marriage if you believe that your going to go to hell, and that your religion is the best, and your partners religion is crap and his/ her origin is crap. It’s not going to work.

      Your advice is of worth to people who are yet to start dating and who are religious. Not to people like the poster, who is already neck deep in a relationship and who has decided to make it work.

  • Satyen
    November 16, 2012 1:10 pm

    Most of the Muslims are Muslims because they have taken birth in a Muslim family. How would you rate them? Most of them are just cultural Muslims i.e. they follow part of the Arabian culture (Nothing against any Muslim) as inherited by their ancestors. Some of them silent supporters to the warriors of Muhammad but many of them are the oppressed. I consider the Muslim women as the oppressed ones. There has not been any Muslim Khalifa, Maulavi/Mullah of a stature and most importantly any Prophet. They must be rescued. The real culprits are:

    1.Maulvis propagating Male chauvinism and all the ills of Islam such
    as polygamy, girl child marriage, Burqa/Niqab circumcision etc.

    2.Warriors of Muhammad i.e Terrorists and the Love Jehadis

    3.Educated Male Muslims, Indian Secularists and Human right activists
    Propagating/helping the above two in their mission.

    All like minded and the humanists should make sure they don’t fall in
    any of the above categories. Praying in any way is fine and Islam should restrict in that way. Social/Political agenda of Islam should go away at the earliest.

    • November 16, 2012 10:34 pm


      Moderate Islam? Moderate Muslims? Cultural Muslims (now)? Making of politically correct machinery.

      Like I said I do not indulge in wishful thinking. I am not sure if you have read what you wrote.

      According to most opinion polls Pew opinion poll), near 90% of Muslims in Pakistan and Egypt have said that it is good that Islam plays a major role in their countries. (There is an interesting twist to this, I will write about it later.)

      (Egypt)It is based on these polls and our knowledge of Islam, we predicted the out come of elections in Egypt, and main stream media overlooked all these. In the end, Islam based politically parties secured 80% of votes which means 90% of Muslims have voted for Islam based political parties.

      If you look at this figure ‘90%’, it is sure that most Muslim women themselves want Islam to play a larger life. I hope you see this.

      Similarly, 80% of Muslims in Pakistan and Egypt support death penalty for apostates i.e. Muslims who leave Islam. So much so for compatibility of Islam and Secularism.

      I am pretty sure about this: when it comes to views about Non-Muslims, I am damn sure that near 100% will say that infidels are like animals (bad people without any morals and ethics) as they refer to them as Kafirs.

      So much so for concept of moderate Muslims ! of course, these figures do not make any difference in your views.

      • November 16, 2012 10:49 pm


        In my reply, ‘I am not sure if you have read what you wrote.’ should be read as ‘I am not sure if you have read what I wrote.’

        Overall, you are one confused person or ‘intelligent and unpredictable’.

        Anyway, I am glad that you came all this way to see certain points. Hopefully,you realize the shortcomings of your views.

        Keep your thinking open na.

        • Satyen
          November 18, 2012 11:33 am

          Respected Srinivas jee,

          Please review ‘point 3’ in the above post and most of your doubts will be dispelled. Most of the Muslims are just the ideological slaves of the aforementioned drivers of hate. Please help rescue them, not let them remain victimized.

          By the way, I don’t consider a feminist (feminits concern primarily for the women)but a Hindu i.e. universalist. In this capacity, I am duty bound as a brother/uncle to rescue beloved sisters/daughters irrespective of religion from the oppressors. And Muslim women need us most to be saved from the custodians of ‘ideology of anarchy’.

          • November 18, 2012 9:54 pm

            To Satyen with folded hands,

            Your point # 3 > Educated Male Muslims, Indian Secularists and Human right activists Propagating/helping the above two in their mission.

            And then you wrote: “Most of the Muslims are just the ideological slaves of the aforementioned drivers of hate. Please help rescue them, not let them remain victimized.”

            I tried my best to make sense out of these, and I couldn’t – please forgive me for lacking intellect of your quality.

            Oh…there is no point in writing anymore on this.

            Again, with my folded hands, or you want me to touch your feet – sure my age (you will not believe it) allows me to do that, I beg you stop misguiding people esp. Hindus who can only think by reading what you write that Islam is just a fine religion but it is all about few people being miscreants….

            I beg you to have mercy on these people.

            With folded hands, I take leave.

            P.S. I am very sorry if I bothered you at any time. And again, I beg you…please have mercy on these Hindus who might come across your writings.

    • November 16, 2012 10:41 pm

      Your feminist views have overtaken you and have warped your reasoning, this is what I can see.

      I do support women standing for equal rights but feminists turn this in to a political agenda and align with leftists. I hope you will not become like that.

  • An Indian
    November 16, 2012 12:48 pm


    All the posts by the name

    they r hypocrite n they r representing their religion. thats it

  • bala
    November 13, 2012 2:25 pm

    Hey lady f… ur muslim religion they are stupid people giving advice to u she f…… musli lady is a shit get marry with hindu guy if u really like

    • seema maheshwari
      November 14, 2012 5:37 pm

      Is the Admin screening the contents? There is no need for the f…word.

      • November 14, 2012 9:01 pm

        Good point, people should refrain from using bad words.
        Considering this site is for educated and intellectuals, with such bad words, you will loose your credibility.
        Try to focus on needs of interfaith dating couples, answer their specific questions.

        Remember, we are not here to disgrace any religion or DECIDE FOR young-adult in love, but we are here simply to provide them rational reasons why they should or should not do certain things. We cannot decide for them, but we could influence/guide them. All are welcome to express their views and ultimately the smart young-adult will make decision that is right for him/her.

        • believer in God
          November 15, 2012 1:55 am

          admin bad words have been used by muslim commentators first.u should screen all comments and then allow it to be posted.they muslims know the best of bad words on dis earth.bcoz their religion teaches them all dis.they dont reapect even their parents or elders.bowing to even parents is sin for them.so u think they wil write ne thn gud here?the problem lies in their upbringing.’sanskar’ as we say in hinduism is lacking in dem.they dont respect ne 1.n brutally killing animals n human beings is so easy for dem as their kurbani.they have a heart of stone.so dont expect any goodness from them.u shud block all vulgar comments.its a mental sickness inherent in all muslims.

          • November 15, 2012 10:26 am

            This forum is not to prove X is better than Y, or to convert X to Y, or vice a versa.
            How can we say that proud Muslims like Seema, Salman (Amrita’s husband) and SRK are bad? There are bad and good people every where.
            Advisors/Commentators will be more efficient if they focus on the needs of young adults asking their questions for their love affair.
            We do not (try not to) sensor or filter information and every one has rights to express themselves.
            Please continue helping youths, thanks.

          • November 15, 2012 3:21 pm


            Admin is very clever when he/she disabled the button ‘Respond’ after writing his views as response to ‘believer in God’.

            Admin is one of those who believes in fantasy of possibility of many interpretations of Koran. Even believer in God holds on to this view.

            Few days back, I wrote this: Are Muslim clerics responsible for Islamic extremism by misinterpreting Koran? Is there moderate Islam?

            Now, concept of moderate Islam is different from concept of moderate Muslims.

            There is no moderate Islam. It is delusion. Now what about existence of moderate Muslims?

            Satyen says, “There are great Muslims and you just have to take Islam from their lives.” and refers to Muslims, romantically, as Mohammad’s warriors.

            Look at this: We all know that Nazism is bad. Communists are murderous.

            So, how would it look like if I write in the following manner:

            Not all Nazis are bad.
            Not all Communists are bad.
            Not all fascists are bad.

            Coming to concept of moderate Muslims, the problem is manifold. I will not make a massive case here, but I will raise some key points.

            1. How will you distinguish moderate Muslims from radical Muslims?
            2. Who is a moderate Muslim? A Muslim who is not in to terrorism? A Muslim who has not taken to violence?
            3. A Muslim out of his inability to or out of his reluctance to take part, because of risks, in violence is a moderate Muslim?
            4. A Muslim who said that he condemns Islamic terrorism to the face of infidels?

            Here, I need to make a point: According to Koran, there is no need for every Muslim to take part in violent Jihad – Jihad by life (verse 9: 122). And many other verses say contributing to Islamic cause (i.e. making Islam superior in this world) by donating money is equally Jihad (Jihad by properties). A Muslim converting infidels through proselytizing is Jihad (Jihad by word).

            Jihad is any act (peaceful or violent) that helps Islam to expand its dominion.

            We judge people by their actions or words. Unwittingly, we assume that if people doesn’t say something publicly (or to our face), say – an idea ‘abc’, people do not think ‘abc’.

            I do not take a mike and shout everyday from my roof that Islam is fascist. But ‘Islam is fascist’ is on my mind and I do think about it.

            Jihad and ultimate goal of Islam – i.e. to make Islam superior in this world or the whole world under Sharia – or Islam becoming dominant religion on this earth and ruling- is on every Muslim’s mind. This is folklore among Muslims in informal circles – (One Sikh girl mentioned here about her Muslim boyfriend boasting to his other Muslim friends about the fact that he got 3 Sikh girls on his hand.)

            So, who is a moderate Muslim? Is the one donating money to Jihad but not risking his life a moderate? Is the one prodding his friend in Love Jihad, while he is not doing it, a moderate?

            If they exist, what difference they make? Nil.

            Take Pakistan: Is Pakistan completely extremist? or is it that there are moderate Muslims? If it is true, then what good it did to Hindus and Christians living in Pakistan, who are living like second class citizens? Did they make any difference to the fact that Hindus are exterminated from Pakistan? Did they make any difference with regard to Pakistan’s constitution condemning them as half humans? I can go on quoting these. But those who can not see my point from previous two will never see.

            Finally, where do I stand on this?

            Even when a guy said there are no moderate Muslims because silence is consent, I kept silent. Because for me this kind of topic is unwanted. It is for those who can not see the truth before their eyes.

            My only job is to try opening eyes of Hindus to reality of Islam being fascist to the core. It can not even be reformed. I try to show as it is understood for past 1400 years and now. I do not do wishful thinking like Satyen or this Admin do. They may not realize the harm they do with their delusions, but it is their right to express their views.

            “Islam, just like the Roman God Janus, has two faces”. — Abul Kasem

            “The militant Muslim is the person cutting the head of the infidel while the moderate Muslim holds the victims feet”. — Dr. M. Sabieski

            “T here are many non-fighting members, e.g., accountants, cooks, fund-raisers, logistics specialists, medical doctors, nurses or recruiters – who may play only a passive support role. But all of them have the same ultimate goal, i.e., to defeat the enemy. Similarly, there are many ways to support jihad, besides personal violence. The peaceful Muslims we know are playing this passive support role and the ultimate goal is to conquer the world for Islam by wiping out the infidels and their civilizations.– Sujit Das

          • November 15, 2012 6:37 pm

            “Respond” goes only for 5 times.

          • November 16, 2012 10:05 pm
  • durgaprakash
    November 1, 2012 4:58 am

    same thing for me like Shamim and rahul

    • November 1, 2012 6:31 am

      Can you share your experience? It will help others, like Shamim did?

    • zaheer
      November 11, 2012 7:17 am

      Dear Shamim
      you have made a huge mistake. you will repent later. These idolators will turn you into anothr one and your children will also be turned into idolators. be careful,
      I hope and pray you come ut of this sickness quickly.

      • Jew
        November 12, 2012 11:52 pm

        Hi whatever,

        Why dont you say the same when a Muslim boy marries a Christian or hindu ?

  • Satyen
    October 30, 2012 3:41 pm

    Dear Chand Osmani,

    Now it’s time for the Women in general and the educated Muslim women in particular to lead from the front. Spreading the information regarding the anti-women practices in Islam to the whole world is the key for the success to remove the atrocities afflicted on the Muslim women. Your words will be more reliable than any non-Muslims who will be termed as Islam bashers. Converting to other faiths is not the only solution but to reform Islam from within is the need of the hour. The Muslimas can do a lot. I suggest the following:

    1. Muslimas should join various Women’s organisations at every levels
    such as local, district, provincial/state, national and
    international levels.

    2. Join Human rights bodies at every levels as mentioned above.

    3. Join Islamic bodies responsible for making decisions with respect
    to Sharia laws. Make sure, every issues involving women must be decided by the arbitrators having 50% women arbitrators.

    Make a list of key issues pertaining to Muslim women and take up
    just 2-3 most imporatant ones at a time.

    Spread similar suggestions to all the social networking sites to enlighten the women power.

    All the educated people including Hindu, Muslims and Christians who don’t believe in these religious barriers and consider every human being as a family member, are with you.

    It’s time to abolish the anti women practices in Islam.

    • Satyen
      October 30, 2012 3:47 pm

      My suggestions above should not be misconstrued as anti Muslim. In fact I consider it as Pro Islam. When the Muslim women will be happy with Islamic practices, Islam will be able to attract more and more women in its fold and will make the whole world a better places to live. So, the Islamic Mullas and Maulvis experts in Dawa activities (whose presence has been noted by the Muslim women at this site) should think about it.

  • Satyen
    October 30, 2012 6:02 am

    Everybody should take every article with a pinch of salt. Apply your logic/reasoning and then accept it even with the article I have given link to. See other sources as well. I am with the truth, not for or against anybody. Of course, I need to see both sides of the coin as I am not afraid of hell fire nor I am desirous of the paradise as described in Quraan. Happiness and sorrow are only states of mind and even the Paradise may not necessarily beget happiness to a morbid mind. Muhammad may be a saintly person but he has to be a different from the one who has been described in Hadith/Quran in its present form. It needs to be corrected.

    As far as Sita is concerned, if she was of 6 years, Ram was of similar ages 10-12 or so, definitely not 50+.

    • Amir
      October 30, 2012 6:45 am

      I would love to know – what need to be corrected?

      So you have no problem with child marriage but problem is with age gap , right??

      • Satyen
        October 30, 2012 8:46 pm

        I am an insignificant creature of Allah/God. I only believe that if you surrender yourself to Allah without any middlemen and serve the Allah’s creation without any discriminatioonn of faith, gender etc. He/She will guide you as Allah is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and an ocean of compassion. Only Allah can guide what needs to be corrected. Only thing I know is that, Allah wouldn’t like to see any mal treatment to any of His/Her creation based on faith or gender etc.

        May Allah enlighten you to right path of love and compassion for all and some day the humanity will thank you for what you did for them!

  • Satyen
    October 30, 2012 4:47 am

    The Muhammad’s wives, read the following article written by a Muslim. Read it with a pinch of salt as with any article. But the writer seems to be knowledgeable:


    Hindus believe in the infinite manifestations of the God who is everywhere and in everything.

    • Amir
      October 30, 2012 5:02 am

      Don’t behave like idiot.

      You searched on web to the link which suited most appropriate to you.
      By the way it is better to discuss rather than pasting links.

      I can write a whole article maligning any religion and somebody can use as a reference.
      But it is bad way to argue.
      Be appropriate and logical. And I expect you to be learning rather than
      showing that you don’t have skill to write good answers.

      By the way, are you aware of Sita’s age at marriage.
      As i read somewhere she was 5 year old at marriage.

  • October 29, 2012 9:57 am

    Perhaps, talibani mulla disguised as Indian, is a follower of maulvi, who was arrested recently in Pakistan for tearing the pages of Quran and placing in the bag of a Christian Girl and framing case of Blashphemy? May God give him birth as a muslim women in a poor family and married at the age of 9 years with a 59 year old Maulvi, who rapes her bleeding profusely and then again marries another 3 wives, if resisted beaten and chopped parts by the maulvi.That is the fate accompli of person like indian, madharchod.

    • Satyen
      October 29, 2012 1:48 pm


      Ignorant people deserve your compassion, not curse. Only you need to enlighten them as they are brainwashed people and don’t know where their welfare is. We all need to enlighten ourselves and then others in an affectionate voice even if they use all the evil means. Everybody offers what he/she possess. They have hate for us and love for the the haters. On the other hand we have compassion and affection for everybody irrespective of who they are.

      Read Bhagvat Geeta (it’s a small book with only 250 pages including the English translation), understand it properly and teach it to others for the welfare of the whole world. By the way, it’s the most widely read Hindu book in the western world.


    • believer in God
      October 30, 2012 2:10 am

      sister chill.dont waste ur time and energy for asses like ‘Indian’ who have no other work.and Amir is comparing God with a so called ‘Messenger’ .they r idiots without brains in ne case.Lord Krishna had to power to create himself into 16000 krishnas just for the sake of gopis who were freed from the demon.And he was everywhere.Every gopi had her husband separate from the other.Krishna was present everywhere at the same time.still fools never understand it.Krishna is an Avatar of Lord Vishnu.still amir feels he is doing great by insulting him.let him do.let all muslims speak rubbish about Hindu Gods.but u should not be a part of them.bcoz u know the truth.they all will be extinguished soon.bcoz God Vishnu is seeing everything.let these moron muslims follow muhammad.they will get hell only.they are the demons on earth.Only kind hearted muslims will be saved from the anger of lord.and when pakis speak rubbish about our God that time Amir is very happy.he doesnt speak a word for them.and when we use a single bad word he and ‘sic Indian’ start saying we have no respect bla bla bla.they are goats to be sacrificed soon to please Lord Vishnu.care a damn to what they say.dogs bark everywhere.who cares.

  • Satyen
    October 29, 2012 9:42 am

    Krishna never proposed any women. Always, women proposed to marry him including the 16,100 jailed princesses. He was the rescuer for those 16,100 women from the rapist demon Narkasur and the defiled women didn’t want to go to their parents out of shame. The princess implored him for shelter, respect and love. Krishna was of similar age and accepted it and brought them all to his palace. Moreover, he became as many Krishnas as many princess so that every wife has one husband exclusively for her without sharing him with any other women. So it was monogamy.

    On contrast, what did Muhammad did? Except for Khadija, he opted/forced the girls to marry him. Again, most of his wives were of less than half of his age when he married them. He married all of them except Khadija when he himself was at 50+. The last marriage was consummated at the age of 60, just two years before his demise. Even after 12/13 marriages, he had only one daughter who could survive to adulthood!

    Krishna gave Bhagvad Geeta for the humanity to consider everybody as family member. Muhammad gave Quraan to divided the humanity as believers and kafirs to fight each other.

    Now, the wise readers are to decide the differences between them. I request everybody to read the life history about both the personalities open minded from correct sources i.e. Muhammad from Muslim sources and Krishna from Hindu sources.

    • Aryan
      October 29, 2012 10:13 am


      Sat sat naman apko, in deshdrohyo ko sach se ansh dikhane ke liye.thanks.

      • Satyen
        October 29, 2012 1:54 pm

        Merer jaise tuchh prani ko naman! Aapko mera naman. I request you you to visit the following sites:


        You don’t have to agree with everything mentioned on those sites as we are not close minded people. However, they will not only enlighten you, but also equip you to understand who we are and how to defend ourselves for the welfare of the humanity.

        Om tat sat. May everybody be happy, free from diseases, see good in others, none is afflicted.

    • Amir
      October 30, 2012 1:47 am

      how many krishan u believe. 1 or 16000
      so there are 16000 people like krishan, and you say him god.

      How funny is krishan wanted sexual pleasure and considered as god.

      To rescue someone does not mean to involve with her.

      Prophet Muhammad married to eleven or twelve and most of them were widow.
      1. Khadija – a widow, 15 year elder, impressed with Prophet and sent proposal for marriage.
      2. Sawda – a widow, elder in age, mistreated by kafirs after she become muslim, had will to stand as Prophet’s wife.
      3. Aisha – married at 6 or 16, consummated at 9 or 19. Scholar, source of knowledge, married to attain knowledge from personal life of Prophet as a wife.
      4. Hafsa – widow, husband martyred in battle, married at age of 20.
      5. Zainab – widow, aged 33 at marriage.
      6. Umme Salma – widow, aged 29 at marriage.
      7. Zaynab – divorced, willing to marry Prophet, married at age 39
      8. Juweriya – a war captive, for better tribal relations Prophet married her, when she became kinsmen of Prophet, muslims set free all captives from her tribe.
      9. Safiya – a war captive, divorced, married at age of 16.
      10. Maria – a war captive, Prophet married for better ties with egyptians.
      11. Maimuna – proposed to Prophet, by marrying established kinship ties with the banu Makhzum, the enemy of muslims.

      Now i want to know about wives of Krishan and their background for marriage.
      I am not sure whether he married with them.

  • An Indian
    October 29, 2012 4:50 am


  • Frida
    October 28, 2012 9:56 am

    So called disguised Indian, but origianlly a Talibani hard core terrorist. You will understand when your own daughter or sister at the age of 6 years is raped by a shaitan called prophet in the name of Islam or you are born in the muslim family and raped at the age of 6 years by a 56 year old rapist and bleeds throughout the life. Remember that day will come soon in your life too.

    • An Indian
      October 29, 2012 4:43 am

      So called disguised Haifa, but originanlly a SWAMY NITYANANDA a hard core rapist. You will understand when your own daughter or sister at the age of 6 years is raped by a shaitan called SWAMY in the name of HINDUISM or you are born in the HINDU family and raped at the age of 6 years by a 45 year old rapist and bleeds throughout the life. Remember that day will come soon in your life too.

  • Haifa
    October 28, 2012 8:48 am

    So called indian, you are follower of rapist prophet,Hezbollah terrorist? Will you marry your 6 year old daugher to a prophet like rapist of 59 year old?

    • An Indian
      October 29, 2012 4:49 am

      So called HAIFA, you are follower of rapist KRISNA,A LORD terrorist? Will you marry your 6 year old daughter to a lord like rapist of 1608 Girls?

  • October 27, 2012 10:05 am

    Atleast An Indian is a fake, his/her reality is close associate of Al Quaida, or Talibani group.

    • An Indian
      October 27, 2012 1:26 pm

      Atleast HAIFA is a fake, his/her reality is close associate of SWAMY NITYANANDA group, who want nothing but SEX with ladies n deceiving public.

  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 2:26 am


  • An Indian
    October 27, 2012 2:22 am

    All the posts by the name

    they r hypocrite n they r representing their religion. thts it

  • An Indian Girl
    October 26, 2012 9:54 am

    Hello every one.
    It is sure that Hindu girl/Muslim girl and so many others, are totally fake, perhaps they are different forms of Satyen and like minded people.
    Their main purpose is to spread hatred and enmity.

    • seema maheshwari
      October 26, 2012 6:22 pm

      Indian girl/Paki girl.Still think it’s 1947?

      • An Indian Girl
        October 27, 2012 1:06 am


        u r so intelligent n cunning man.

  • October 26, 2012 4:14 am

    Hello every one.
    It is sure that Hindu girl/Muslim gir and so many others, are totally fake, perhaps they are different forms of Amir and like minded persons.
    Their main purpose is to spread hatred and enmity.

  • October 24, 2012 3:01 am

    Under Islamic Sharia Laws and the teachings of Muhammad and Quran, atrocities has been committed against many over the centuries . Since 9/11 these acts, specially towards women, honor killings, rapes, stoning, murders and slavery have been noticed more. Between 1979, the beginning of the Iranian Revolution and formation of the Islamic Republic Of Iran till 1997, some 1500 Iranian women have been hanged, some as young as 10 years old. Thanks to the writings of brave women like Wafa Sultan, Brigitte Gabriel, Nonie Darwish and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who have put their lives on the line by pouring their gut wrenching stories out in the open, about their personal lives under Islam, the western world seems to be waking up, howbeit still not fully. Then we read the reviews of Sultan’s book by 2 folks on this space by the name of, you guessed it, Muhammad, who much in vain and with total hypocrisy call her unqualified for telling the truth about Islam’s treatment of women. They attempt to discredit Dr. Sultan simply because she hasn’t been educated in ” theology of Islam “. What a farce. What a theology !

    • An Indian
      October 27, 2012 2:17 am

      Hi Khurshida (a hindu boy with muslim girl’s name)

      U r blaming ISLAM in non sense manner, cannot U see that
      why did most of the women of western countries r converting to ISLAM, most of them r Famous celebrities like Former British Prime Ministers Sister in Law Laurel Booth and a British Generalist Yvonne Ridley Etc who converted to ISLAM because they saw the Real Spiritual Peace in Islam, U can see these link my Brother.
      And the matter of Western Culture, Brother U tell is it permissible in any religion to Rape a women ? No its not.
      then why in every religion some people do that, it is bcoz in every religion all the people will not follow their religion wholly.
      So brother why r u Blaming only muslims not any other religion.
      Brother know very well that HINDU SAINT Swamy Nityananda was doing Sex with Actress Ranjitha, to this Swamy many people used to believe blindly, then why every one said that he is a bad person,
      U can see this link for this.
      and many more hindu Saints have been caught-ed while doing sex with a strange women, every 1 knows that many saints (not every saint) do enjoy with women,
      then y dont u blame Hindu Culture on this ground ?
      n why dont u blame to Hindu Saints Who Just want to enjoy with Women even they r married ????
      Brother This Story is a FAKE one and is posted by a guy who just want create miscreant,
      If U r saying Musims terrorists then What do U say about Western Politics, George Bush etc n Isreal who killed n killing People in innocent people in Iraq n Afganistan n Palestine,
      if u r saying Talibans terrorist then U shud also say George Bush A Terrorist, who ruined many countries,
      But U do not dare to say it seems bcoz every1 scares to say.
      If Talibans really killed in america nearly 2000 people on 09/11 n if they r really terrorist then George Bush n Isreal Govt also shud be TERRORISTS,
      but u people dont want to say it bcoz u fear to them n support to them bcoz u people r enemies of Muslims.

  • Satyen
    October 16, 2012 8:38 am

    Navratri celebrations have started to commemorate the God’s manifestation as women power symbolised as Mother Durga. I pray to the God to apply the women power for the emancipation of millions of downtrodden, destitute and enslaved mothers/sisters/daughters and bring prosperity, enlightenment and bliss in their lives, here and hereafter. May they have the strength to uproot the oppressive system that has caused them to pass their lives in this state.

  • Satyen
    October 16, 2012 8:16 am


    That’s true that I don’t want to debate.
    First the so called debaters are just cut and paste masters. They are not interested in the facts. So, they keep on cutting and pasting one after the other.
    Second, they don’t know even the basics of Hinduism. They have been taught or have learnt with a typical mindset which doesn’t allow them to know outside a specific mental frame. So, they won’t be able to see even the facts in broad day light.
    Third, they have an agenda and they can use misinformatiton or misconstrue the facts just to prove their points.

    So, I don’t want to indulge in non-intellectual and dishonest discourse. If you consider a stupid, so be it. Out of 7 billion of people on this planet, some of them will always think me so and that’s fine with me.

    Lastly, I asked you about the reward for the womenfolk in the heaven out of curiousity. However, I would now prefer to go to the original sources such as Quraan or Hadiths not any self professed scholar.

    I am happy that the God (for you Hindu gods) make you smile, not terrorise.

    • someone close
      October 16, 2012 11:33 am

      Hi Satyen brother,

      Majority of the facts you stated are just true! You know it and i know it but the unbelievers Aamir Does Not WANT to know! We cant help them, for them its the osama who is there role model, taliban who is there teacher, what kind of mental state can you expect from this anti social being? You know majority of crimes in India, UK, France Sweden, Denmark, Norway and US is done by muslim males, and similarity is they are a devout muslim who have mastery in there quran, a published study by oxford (google it) proves there religion is violent. For them its number game, more muslim, more muslims means more support for muslim related rules, in muslim world girls are honor killed, sharia law( based on quran) that sanctions non muslim raped by Muslim is not a big offence, plus lashes to girl also, no freedom for women, non muslim harem girls as sex slaves ( kidnapping od Christian and hindu girls is there way). Plus these Asian muslims who bark (like aamir) are toilet cleaners as per hierarchy in muslim world. Arab muslims are true muslims, these folks are just those to obey them, there no arab muslim who will let these asian muslims come near to an arab girl, these asian Muslims ae categorized 3rd class in arab world, arab call them “mawali”, aamir talk about equality, never will you find an arab prince next to these mawali muslimms. In india too bhori muslims are different, these sunni muslims kill ahmed muslims, there cast system is even bigger. In hindus as you know we dont care about caste anymore its abolished already, but these muslims follow it still now as basis of difference and hide from general secular public.

      Dont waste time and energy on these brainwashed idiots, do good deeds as you already do, spread message of peace, liberation of muslim girls from wrong doing asian muslims and every one in planet would be peaceful.

      By the way aamir is using a technique, few counties use it still now to control their citizens behavior, this technique was used by many agencies on enemy country, US, Israel, russia, and few others. Oddly there’s a specific pattern this technique uses, no wonder aamir has plenty of time to respond everyday here to each post, find a carefully crafted fake but ” true sounding “, that common people will take for truth. I wont reveal more, but best way out of this spreading of misinformation against Hinduism is not responding but keep your work going. looking at the pattern i m sure he must be monitored somewhere so dont worry!

      • Satyen
        October 16, 2012 12:19 pm

        @ Someone close

        Thanks for the golden suggestion to me – “Dont waste time and energy on futile debate, do good deeds (spread message of peace, liberation of muslim girls) and every one on the planet would be peaceful”.

        I consider all womenfolk as part of humanity as they have been created by the same God and hence have the same rights as every male has got. I want to serve the almighty God called by various names such as Allah, Ishwar etc. by awaking mothers/sisters/daughters.

        May Allah bestow his grace to leberate us from the slavery of Muhammad and bring smile on the faces of his creation.

  • Amir
    October 16, 2012 2:39 am

    Even i agree there are 16000 krishan, then give me reason why he needed to do so? He was one or 16000.
    If there are many clone like me, everyone has individual identity. Everyone is equally potent.

    I really smile when I see , assumption of God in hinduism.
    They believe God wanted relation with girls.
    Were they so much obsesses with such relations.
    Shiv had extra-marital affair.

    Gender equality, 5 brother and 1 wife, with no obvious reason.

    “it has been reformed”, so hinduism need reform, I agree.

    “Muhammad has made a serious mistake”
    No mistake that Muhammad made. You are less with perception to understand that better. It is beyond your narrow mind.

    “sharing her husband with another woman?”
    If somebody not happy, he/she can take divorce. It is a provision like polygamy is a provision.
    Moreover marrying second time is for some better intention and not for purpose of pleasure.

    Muhammad (S.A.W.) married more than one, but all of them were widow or slave.
    Only Aisha R.A. was unmarried and she was married to prophet with intention of learning through him as a wife is more personal than any friend or companion. Also Aisha R.A. was very intelligent and she had quoted thousand of hadiths.

    “I don’t want debate.”… LOL, you are very curious to know why 72 hoor in heaven.. why? It has nothing to do with subject here, but you were very interested and now you say , u don’t want debate.

  • Satyen
    October 14, 2012 10:02 am

    Lord Krishna had made himself in 16,108 bodies so that each of his wives may have a husband not to be shared with any other woman. That means there became 16,108 Krishnas and 16,108 women for them. Now you calculate how many wives do have each Krishna? It’s a simple arithmatic question and I believe you can solve it. (Source: Shrimadbhagvat Puran)
    The most important manifestations of God are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv and all have only one wife. All the devas such as Indra, Varun, kuber, Surya etc have only one wives. Five of the ten incarnations have only one wife (if you can calculate properly) and other five of them are unmarried.
    I agree that many people had more than one wife but so were the women who had more than one husband. For details read the Mahabharat and the puranas. So, it proves the equality of genders. But it has been reformed and today no one can practice it because the Hindus accepted it. Why are the Muslims lagging behind? Still they don’t accept that Muhammad has made a serious mistake and we should enact for a monogamous society. How happy will be your wife, sister and daughter to know that she won’t be sharing her husband with another woman? What do you think.

    Now it’s time to stop this fighting and defending the religions we are borne in. Le’s accept the inherent malpractices and reform them for a better tomorrow.

    Lastly, I am not here to waste my time for debating as every answer will be followed by another question and it goes on.

    • Seema Maheshwari
      October 14, 2012 11:39 am

      Satyen and others, first of all, lets make a distinction between Mythology and reality. Gods by definition are Mythical, therefore Hindu Gods are Mythological. They can have as many wives as they want. The Rajputs’ who were humans, also had multiple wives.

      In Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) times, men were killed in battle and women were left destitute. Many turned to prostitution to support their children and themselves. To avoid this the Prophet decreed that men could have four wives, if and only if, they treated them equally. The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was extremely proactive for the times.

      In today’s day and age, most Muslims do not have multiple wives. The ones who do are using the Holy Quran to justify their behaviour. While we may not agree with this, we know that men use all religions to justify their mistreatment of women.

      • Satyen
        October 14, 2012 12:49 pm

        @ Seema Maheshwari jee,

        I absolutely agree with you that we must distinguish between the reality and mythology. So let’s face the reality of today and reform for the better world. I am indebted to the womenfolk due to their sacrifices they have made and are making for others. So they must be considered at least equal if not more than equal.

        By the way, I am not here to defend anything. I believe in rejecting the false and accepting the truth. Let’s all join hands to uproot the oppressive system wherever it may be. I consider myself just a learner (not a scholar) and willing to change for the good of the humanity.

      • True Indian
        October 14, 2012 7:47 pm


        No one has seen muslim’s god allah- so its a myth isn’t it. Whatever you have not seen is a myth then explain the Mahabharata remnant found in kurukshtre, parts of gujrat, harrapa( area in Pakistan now), explain how the stone bridge between sri lanka and india exist as described in hindu literature.Explain the god Krishna’s ( peace is always there on him, so not required for humans to pray) city found underwater, just as explained in the hindu literature. So unfortunately you are totally mistaken and please dont act as a hindu hater.

        2nd-Muslims still follow to a very large extent multiple wife, do you want proof? Check indian law, go to dubai and check wife count of shaikhs and princes and go to Hyderabad itself. These pathetic culture, where old wife is divorced and new wife is brought, this only your Islam promotes.

        Do not promote incorrect things, do you want someone to spread incorrect version of muslim’s islam?

        • Seema Maheshwari
          October 15, 2012 9:42 am

          You and many like you are doing a great job in spreading misinformation about Islam, so you don’t need my help. While many Muslim men do have multiple wives and in my opinion are doing an injustice to their families, most do not. They realize the problems of having multiple wives in today’s world.

          Do you really think that I would hate Hindus/Hinduism, when my husband and chilren are Hindus?

          All these hateful discussions do nothing to help the couples who are contemplating Interfaith marriage.

        • Amir
          October 16, 2012 6:17 am

          This is the true problem.
          Hindu literature has portrayed people of early time as they were God.
          They forgot the real concept.

    • Amir
      October 16, 2012 2:38 am

      Even i agree there are 16000 krishan, then tell me why he needed to do so? He was one or 16000.
      If there are many clone like me, everyone has individual identity. Everyone is equally potent.

      I really smile when I see , assumption of God in hinduism.
      They believe God wanted relation with girls.
      Were they so much obsesses with such relations.
      Shiv had extra-marital affair.

      Gender equality, 5 brother and 1 wife, with no obvious reason.

      “it has been reformed”, so hinduism need reform, I agree.

      “Muhammad has made a serious mistake”
      No mistake that Muhammad made. You are less with perception to understand that better. It is beyond your narrow mind.

      “sharing her husband with another woman?”
      If somebody not happy, he/she can take divorce. It is a provision like polygamy is a provision.
      Moreover marrying second time is for some better intention and not for purpose of pleasure.

      Muhammad (S.A.W.) married more than one, but all of them were widow or slave.
      Only Aisha R.A. was unmarried and she was married to prophet with intention of learning through him as a wife is more personal than any friend or companion. Also Aisha R.A. was very intelligent and she had quoted thousand of hadiths.

      “I don’t want debate.”… LOL, you are very curious to know why 72 hoor in heaven.. why? It has nothing to do with subject here, but you were very interested and now you say , u don’t want debate.

    October 14, 2012 7:14 am

    Salam Afgan girl

    Actually u dont knw abt the culture of India (hindus). all we want is SEX,
    bcoz in Hindu mythology there is even a Goddess called KAMADEVI, she is the Goddess of SEX
    She also teach the way of SEX doing like SEX Positions etc.
    We also has a book called KAMASUTRA, which is world wide famous n there are many temples of SEX.
    Like KHAJURAHO, AJANTA & ELLORA TEMPLES, which have SEX STATUES engrossed in the walls of these temples,
    Many Hindu Men & Women go visit these temples to know the new positions of SEX

    • Satyen
      October 14, 2012 10:32 am

      In Hinduism, a balanced life with restraining the senses is appreciated. Whole of Gita(most popular Hindu book) has preached restraining the senses. It helps in restraining the senses to know that there is no pleasure in the worldly things. Therefore it’s logical to see the sensual pleasures at close quarters in a limited way, just enough to understand its futility. Sexual pleasure is one of the pleasures that has been blown out of proportion and is craved for by almost all the people. So, it’s necessary to have its experience to its maximum depth to come to the conclusion that it’s all a futile exercise.

      As per Hindu books, restrictions are imposed:

      1. You must be an adult males above 25 years and below 50 years and
      women above 16 years and below 50 years.
      Before this age (25/16) they are strictly supposed to learn the
      morality and the skills to earn and live a prosperous life for the
      good of the humanity.

      2. Frequency must not be more than twice a month with the consent of
      the wife.

      Let me tell you that Kamsutra is not a religious book for the Hindus but it incorporates the above restrictions. But it’s the first book on sexology which has taught even the westerners the art of loving. Is there anything wrong to maximize the sexual pleasure with the above restrictions? Everything should be done in a correct and right way by learning it’s theoretical aspect?

      The whole world is indebted to the Ancient Hindus for their intellectual contribution to these fields of human needs including morality, hygien, science, spirituality and many more.

      Lastly, the people wishing to clarify their doubts about Hinduism should go to the following sites, the first run by a Hindu Women Sushma Londhe based in USA:



      The talibanis can keep up spreading their viles against the civilized Muslims, Hindus and others to misguide but the light of truth cannot be subdued for long in this era of internet and free thinking.

    October 14, 2012 3:27 am


    They all had more than 1 wife. Except Lord RAMA every Hindu lord has more than one wife.

    Every one knows that lord KRISHNA had 16008 sixteen thousand and eight wives, Krishna did not let other women go free.
    I REALLY astonish how Krishna had that much potent power to satisfy these many women,
    I think a man would have to spend his whole life for having sex with 16008 women and that to only one time one wife.

    but It is claimed that Krishna was so potent that he could satisfy all his 16008 wives at the same time.

    how could he had satisfied all of them
    I really astonish.

    so wake up hindu guys U should accept the fact b4 blaming others

    • believer in god
      October 14, 2012 1:41 pm

      @Shivani, y r u astonished?y dont u give sum ‘kasht’ to your brains and read the bhagvad gita?i guess u r edicated.so u can read and write well.so go n read the holy books first and then come n write over here.its because of hindus like u that our culture is at threat.half knowledge is dangerous.so better read n then say.no use of simply barking out here without any proofs n logics.fyi lord rama n krishna are incarnations of Lord Vishnu.lord Vishnu married Goddess Parvati after Laxmiji left him.and denied to return.and ‘sita’ is incarnation of Goddess Parvati.brush up ur religious knowledge and then say watevr nonsense u wana say.Why did Muhammad marry ayesha?was she a married woman whose husband died in war or a prostitute or sumthn or sum1 in bad state?no.she was normal.so what was the need to marry such a young girl when he himself was 50 around?u think Ayesha couldnt get sum1 of her age?

  • A Muslim
    October 14, 2012 2:42 am

    @ Satyen
    Hi Mr satyen.,
    1st of all Im very thankful to U to give me the chance to answer to ur question “I have one confusion about the Heaven (Jannat).” On 11 October.
    1st of all I wud like to ask u a Question,
    My dear brother HOW MANY WIVES LORD KRISHNA HAD???
    can u answer it
    yes bro U can,he had 16,108 wives,of which 8 were his princely wives,
    if u have any doubt u can see the link of WIKIPEDIA.COM here
    and there are many more lords like VENKATESHWARA etc, except lord RAM all hindu lords have more then 1 wives,
    WHY lord Krishna had 1608 wives and why not any other Goddess have more than 1 husband or any lord’s wife does nt have more than 1 husband.
    Bcoz it is natural my Brother Satyen to have more than 1 wife to a male n not more than 1 to female,
    I hope U understand well by ur way of culture,
    I request U plz just peep in ur religion b4 blaming any other religion my brother,

    • Satyen
      October 14, 2012 3:11 am

      Hey Cut and paste Muslim brother,
      Why are you asking again the copying and pasting the same question? Didn’t you see the response below? In fact you thought that as taught in your Madarsa, Hindus can be made silent on the issue of polygamy. However, it has been proved wrong!!!

      Pray to Allah for the welfare of the womenfolk to discard Muhammad
      as their grooms. Moreover, in the Jannat of Muhammad, no women has
      something to crave for.

      In short, no cheers for the womenfolk here or hereafter as per the book of Muhammad. He has sealed their fate in his book.

  • An Indian
    October 14, 2012 2:33 am


    To All the Guys who r arguing here:
    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook,

    This is a Fake story made with fake name,
    It is fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.

    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook, n Share ur Facebook ID here as ur marriage is accepted by ur Parents den dont Fear, show it here U Educated girl.

    u both r educated n u both would definitely have FB Ids may be since a last yr or two yrs n in that FB Id U both shud have ur old frndz u shud have old Posts, comments on FB Wall.

    Dear SHAMIM if u are really have this kind of Stuff Show us that u r Genuine & u r modern n educated n very Bold plz plz we wud glad to see ur pics with ur so called Boyfriend (Husband)
    If u really.

    • October 14, 2012 6:52 am

      This is a silly argument. You could always put someone’s photo and make a fake Facebook page. If Shamim post her passport here, you will say where did you stole this passport. So stop making this senseless argument. Instead make some logical argument.

  • A non muslim
    October 13, 2012 10:29 pm

    This post looks is the most long running. I noticed that whenever a Muslim girl marry a Christian or Hindu – Muslim men/boys create maximum noise to stop it death threat,discouragement,senseless reasons all sort of thing to that girl, why why why? why dont you give freedom to muslim girls?

    why don’t you do the same when the situation is reversed? Bloody idiots!

  • Poonam Nihilani
    October 13, 2012 4:07 pm

    1 more thing I want to tell (abt CIRCUMCISION) U that before my marriage I had a muslim Boyfriend,
    I had sex with my muslim boyfriend 4-5 times, when we used to do sex I used to enjoy a lot n very satisfied with him bcoz he had circumcision to his P***s, which my husband doesn’t have (circumcision) n I don’t enjoy much while doing sex with my husband bcoz he doesnt have circumcision,
    I still miss the enjoyment of sex with my BF,
    He used to say me that the circumcision will protect him from Aids etc diseases,
    So don’t ever tell anyone not to do circumcision, bcoz we women like circumcision P***s
    Understand ?

  • Poonam Nihilani
    October 13, 2012 3:54 pm

    are U mad satyen ?
    are U asking to show off muslim girls n women body,
    I am a hindu married woman, I know if we all women cover our body fully, then no bad sighted guy will look at us with sex sight.
    I observed very bloody bad sighted Boys look at us (women)with lusty n sex sights wen we hindu women wear any saree wich shows my stomach, my back, my neck n my hands. I feel very bad bcoz Iam a married woman n I have husband n 2 children n those bad boys want to do sex with us,
    1 woman in our place used to wear sexy sarees n did not use to cover her body much n used to expose, many guys used to see her with lusty sights, 1 day they got chance n 4-5 boys Raped her.
    If she had covered herself like muslims burqa, she would not have Raped
    If we hindu women cover our body fully boys willl not look at usbcoz we wear saree wich look them very sexy,

    • Satyen
      October 13, 2012 9:00 pm

      I leave it to be answered by my enlightened Muslim sisters wo are no less intelligent than you. I don’t care whether you are a Hindu, Muslim or whatever. I care only what you preach and practice and how good a human being you are.

    • October 15, 2012 10:04 am

      We agree. One should wear proper dress considering surroundings. But that does not mean every women should go under burqa. Alternatively, men should not assume non-burqa wearing women are public property.

  • A Muslim
    October 13, 2012 3:26 pm

    @ Satyen
    Hi Mr satyen,
    1st of all Im very thankful to U to give me the chance to answer to ur question “I have one confusion about the Heaven (Jannat).” On 11 October.
    1st of all I wud like to ask u a Question,
    My dear brother HOW MANY WIVES LORD KRISHNA HAD???
    can u answer it
    yes bro U can,he had 16,108 wives,of which 8 were his princely wives,
    if u have any doubt u can see the link of WIKIPEDIA.COM here
    and there are many more lords like VENKATESHWARA etc, except lord RAM all hindu lords have more then 1 wives,
    WHY lord Krishna had 1608 wives and why not any other Goddess have more than 1 husband or any lord’s wife does nt have more than 1 husband.
    Bcoz it is natural my Brother Satyen to have more than 1 wife to a male n not more than 1 to female,
    I hope U understand well by ur way of culture,
    I request U plz just peep in ur religion b4 blaming any other religion my brother,

    • Satyen
      October 13, 2012 8:55 pm

      My brother Muslim,

      So you are happy to get an opportunity to prove my religion i.e. Hinduism. But I am sorry to say I am not going to defend it but I will do the following:

      1. First I will accept if there are shortcomings.

      2. I will try to get rid of it for the betterment.

      But this is not the case here. Let me answer you. Lord Krishna had made himself in 16,108 bodies so that each of his wives may have a husband not to be shared with any other woman. That means there became 16,108 Krishnas and 16,108 women for them. Now you calculate how many wives do have each Krishna? It’s a simple arithmatic question and I believe you can solve it. (Source: Shrimadbhagvat Puran)
      The most important manifestations of God are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv and all have only one wife. All the devas such as Indra, Varun, kuber, Surya etc have only one wives. Five of the ten incarnations have only one wife (if you can calculate properly) and other five of them are unmarried.
      I agree that many people had more than one wife but so were the women who had more than one husband. For details read the Mahabharat and the puranas. So, it proves the equality of genders. But it has been reformed and today no one can practice it because the Hindus accepted it. Why are the Muslims lagging behind? Still they don’t accept that Muhammad has made a serious mistake and we should enact for a monogamous society. How happy will be your wife, sister and daughter to know that she won’t be sharing her husband with another woman? What do you think.

      Now it’s time to stop this fighting and defending the religions we are borne in. Le’s accept the inherent malpractices and reform them for a better tomorrow.

      Lastly, I am not here to waste my time for debating as every answer will be followed by another question and it goes on.

    • A non muslim
      October 13, 2012 10:18 pm

      Hey muslim,

      I m a secular guy. First you are an complete ignorant, please revise you knowledge about Hinduism, before just saying incorrect information about Hinduism. You are just a Google guy, who has just enough knowledge to search and paste the first link that is not even a correct source.

      Apart from you being an Islamic brainwashed muslim, do you consider yourself equal to god? Did you ever thought about it before writing your stupid comments? You are not even slight close to god, people who compare human to devine power are sure to be extinct soon.

      Finally- Islam has such a bad name in the world that no one can turn around that, because of the fundamental flaw in islam, its concepts, it’s teachings, violence, dictatorship and political nature, plus a highly controversial source – your prophet Mohammed. Believe or not most Muslim want to be free of your islam but cant because of your muslim community type living, where there’s no freedom, killing threats to whoever converts to some other peaceful faith. Sad to say your religion is pure evil. gov’t just cant control it as your guys may start a riot in peaceful countries( Christian Hindu Buddhist and all non Muslim countries included) . And god is helping us, we non Muslim dont fight amongst us as we understand its individuals who’s deeds are measured not what religion one belongs to. and wherever muslims are they create violence, rape, murder, gain control of government etc. You muslims are pure evil.

      Note- Muslims mentioned above are those who poke there religion in our otherwise peaceful life, if you are a secular Muslim ( secular definition as per British meaning) then i m terribly sorry to write in such language, but the fault is of non secular Muslims who dreams of converting everyone to muslim. Oh god just cant imagine how peaceful the world would be without terrorism non secular people.

      Please do us a favor – dont write crap and senseless things readers may get confused. Finally i just heard you muslim king converted to christian? Is that true? Even he got death threats, why you do that man? Google middle east king converts you will get the news too.

  • Satyen
    October 13, 2012 9:13 am

    All enlightened Muslim women and Men,

    Though you might have got your love, your responsibility is not yet over. In fact it has increased many fold as you are the only hope for those remaining Muslim girls who have not yet seen the light of this freedom, passing their life behind the burqa/Naqab and are forced to live a miserable life. Will you all leave them in this condition which you all know how pathetic it is? Please raise your voice where ever you see injustice against them around your family, relatives or friends. Charity begins at home and the best place to do is the people around you who you can influence for the betterment. My suggestion is as follows:

    1. Education must be allowed to them freely
    2. No circumcision to any girl/boy child until maturity (age 18/21).
    3. No Naqab/Burka
    4. No marriage to Muhammad like husbands (aged,polygamist etc.)
    Nothing against Islam but how many sensible people today would
    chose Muhammad to be the groom of their daughters/sisters. Now it’s time to discard hypocracy and come to the open. Utmost respect to Allah but no to Muhammad (La ilaha Allalaha – Shahada should stop here).

    To summarize: Utmost respect to Allah but no slavery to Muhammad.

  • Satyen
    October 11, 2012 3:46 pm

    I have one confusion about the Heaven (Jannat).

    Heaven –
    A person will get everything as soon as he/she wishes for that.
    Such is the reward of God to all believing and obeying people.

    My question is “Will the women residing in Jannat get 72 handsome youthful and obedient males to serve the women if the women wish for that”?

  • October 11, 2012 9:33 am

    Mohammed, the prophet of the Islamic world, married his last bride Aisha when she was just six years old, and the consummated the marriage with her when she was just nine years old. In Islamic states, partly because of this precedent, this practice still happens in fundamentalist countries like Afghanistan. Muslims will say that a child of six or seven is almost certain to be a virgin. Mohammed was at least 50 when he married Aisha.

    The practice of forced marriages (as opposed to arranged marriages) in some Muslim states such as Afghanistan is very common. Some reports claim that somewhere between 60-80 percent of marriages in Afghanistan are forced upon the girls involved or without the consent of the girls. These marriages are seen as a way to resolve conflicts between families, or as a way to absolve someone of a wrongdoing. The girls are treated as they would treat cattle, and are given to these men as offerings.

    Some reports also estimate that 57 percent of Afghani girls are married before the age of 16, and it is unusual to find an unmarried girl older than 18 years of age. The practice is justified twofold; that the girls are helping to keep the peace between families, and that the Islamic prophet Mohammed had set this precedent.

    In Afghanistan the legal age to be married is 16, but many people ignore this law or claim they were unaware of it. The children in this situation are robbed of childhood, and as you will see, many are robbed of their life. This practice is abhorrent, and any civilised culture will see it as such.

    In Nigeria, a 49-year-old Muslim Senator has reportedly married a 13-year-old girl, and has allegedly previously married a 15-year-old in 2006, citing that he paid a dowry of $100,000 to the parents for her. Although looked down upon by other ministers in Nigeria it is still happening.

    Women in Islam have no rights, especially if they are non-Muslim, and these men get away with their evils because people are too afraid to stand up against the barbarity of the culture which the religion they follow has instilled in them. Threats of death are imposed upon those who would stand up against this. In Lahore, a man and his entourage of Muslim lawyers has threatened to “burn alive” anyone who will come to the defence of a 12-year-old servant of his, whom he raped and murdered.

    Many girls will find themselves in a marriage with a man much older than they are, and will be given the sole duties of looking after the household and giving offspring to the man. Some men have multiple wives, and the women become a harem for that man. The men are often abusive to these girls, sometimes to the point where the girl should be hospitalised, but often is not. The beating of wives is seen as the “honourable thing to do”, for the wife must be kept in line with the wishings of the man and of Allah.

    Often these girls will find themselves in these abusive relationships, and will seek a way out. But the way out is a problem in itself; if the girl were to leave she would bring shame upon her own family and her husband’s, and would be hunted down and possibly stoned to death or just beaten withing an inch of her life; if she stays, she may be beaten thus anyhow. Sometimes out of pure desperation, a girl seeking to be free from the bonds of this abusive relationship will choose self-harm rather than bringing shame upon her people.

    In Afghanistan, it is believe that more than 10 women and girls choose self-immolation (warning very graphic content) as the escape from their bondage. Around the web there are numerous stories of women who, feeling there was no better way, have chosen to set themselves on fire rather than continue living in such conditions. Some girls die from their injuries. Some do not but are so badly scarred so as to lose their legs, or are severely disfigured by these burns. Those that live may wind up on the streets, homeless.

    The culture in Afghanistan is such that women are treated as slaves, and in some cases, worse than dogs. Not only do they wear the burqa in public at all times, they are not allowed to leave the home alone, not allowed to speak to anyone they don’t know, and not allowed to make their identity known nor engage with any of their husband’s friends they may meet in the street. They are not treated as second-class citizens, rather as livestock that can produce more sons for the family.

    People blame Islam for these practices. And yet, there are many more Islamic people who don’t practice this than do. Islam itself is not to blame wholly for these atrocities, rather the culture that bases itself upon Islam, then justifies these stone-aged practices based on the words of the Koran or the Hadeeth, saying it is God’s will that this be done. When a culture is poor and has little or no access to education, these kinds of barbaric practices continue to happen.

    The culture in Afghanistan is sick. The barbarism and sheer disrespect for human rights that occurs there is all so often backed up by the perverse and outmoded words of their holy books. This illness in the Afghan culture continues, even after the ousting of the Taliban, who were ultra conservative and would set upon women with batons for showing ANY skin, but it is not much better now.

    While this culture is deeply ingrained in their societies, these practices in the name of Islam shows it toi be, in its extreme, nothing more than an ultra-conservative ultra-violent “boy’s club” where it members all look after each other. And as sickening as all this is, nothing seems to be getting better.

    These girls stories are the same story I have heard again and again of extreme desperation, of girls who see their only escape from forced marriage as being self harm. It is gut-wrenchingly sad to see such lives destroyed by the greed and stupidity of men. Here is an example of one girl’s account of the horrors she has faced at the brutal hands of an extreme Islamic patriarchy.

      October 14, 2012 7:10 am

      Salam Afgan girl

      Actually u dont knw abt the culture of India (hindus). all we want is SEX,
      bcoz in Hindu mythology there is even a Goddess called KAMADEVI, she is the Goddess of SEX.
      She also teach the way of SEX doing like SEX Positions etc.
      We also has a book called KAMASUTRA, which is world wide famous n there are many temples of SEX.
      Like KHAJURAHO, AJANTA & ELLORA TEMPLES, which have SEX STATUES engrossed in the walls of these temples,
      Many Hindu Men & Women go visit these temples to know the new positions of SEX.
      Our KAMADEVI taught hindu men how to do sex with the own family members.

  • October 11, 2012 9:15 am

    Hello every one,

    When Political Islam advocates jihad to achieve world domination, anyone deeply concerned with humanity and human rights should be critical. Of all the existing ideologies, Political Islam remains the greatest danger to humanity. Political Islam has been neither tamed nor moderated by progressive forces. It has the power to inspire the terrorist mind, and, through its ties to oil-rich states, the funds to pursue its plans.

    Why do the Bangladeshi clergy make the Torah and Jews a serious taboo to the innocent and mostly uneducated people?

    When I had the opportunity to read the Torah, I immediately got the answer. Anyone who has the opportunity to read the Torah, will immediately have the window of intellect opened to make judgments over various divine and worldly issues, including many criminal interpretations of the Qur’an, as well as false propaganda by the Muslim clergy.

    In today’s world, when terrorist attacks and suicide bombing are threats to global peace, a question circulats in the minds of the people about the influence of Sharia Law on Muslim minds, towards Jihad, and killing Jews and Christians to attain heaven and 72 virgins.

    Any religion promising 72 virgins in exchange of murder or genocide, is for a start, a religion of bad taste. Why should a man become insane for 72 virgins? Moreover, when the Qur’an promises virgins and all comforts for men in heaven, it completely ignores the rewards for women. Why? Any special reason? Does Islam consider women as mere things or something even worse?

    For readers to evaluate?

  • Amir
    October 11, 2012 7:11 am

    Heaven –
    A person will get everything as soon as he/she wishes for that.
    Such is the reward of God to all believing and obeying people.

    Hell –
    worst abode, for wrong-doers, disbelievers. Painful torment, Blazing fire.

    Our Life –
    A test for all of us to judge who are good or bad among us.

    A little explanation..

    We live in the world where we insist on good deeds?
    So that, all people could live peacefully and there are no evils.

    We have desires.
    We want most beautiful girl, richness, prosperity, better food, comfort, peace of mind.. that is all we long for.

    We try our level best to achieve all this things in this life.

    These all things will be our reward in Heaven if we are on the guided path of God, and this is His true promise.

    But people who disbelieved, creating sufferings, honoring bad deeds will be punished by God by keeping them into Hell.


    Afterlife is eternal, never ending and this life is very short, temporary. Everyone must do their best to pass the test so that he/she could enjoy reward of God with all pleasure.


    See, what we actually try for is obtaining Heaven in this life.
    It is good, but in doing so what we actually do, we prevail injustice, disobedience, lose our faith.

    People have more tension in their life as they had in earlier time.
    So are we actually heading to Heaven or Hell.

    For making our life good we spoil rights of others.
    Scams, corruption, wars, environment degradation, Shamelessness all is around us.

    Our beloved prophet said – for the generations earlier there was some fitna ( which diverts from guided path ) and for my generation ( we all ) it would be charm of money ( richness ).
    See injustice around.
    Our laws are good but failing, they need amendments time to time.
    God’s law does not need change. They are meant till life ends.

    • Muslim
      October 11, 2012 12:51 pm

      @ Amir

      Very good brother.
      JazakAllahu Khaira.

  • October 11, 2012 5:13 am

    Muslim culture is a paradise for horny men

    According to the Quran, Muslim men who die for Islam in battle will be rewarded 72 virgins, who are seemingly restored to virginity every time a martyr has penetrated her. Seen from the perspective of Western psychology, it is quite embarrassing and immature that a world religion promises sex – fair and square – and this, in addition, with sexually un-experienced women, as the highest prize. Most people who have already grown out of the hormonal waves of the teenage years, and have gained just a pinch of human maturity, will probably agree that such a goal is built on, and directed at, a very crude type of man.

    This is not to say that the Islamic paradise is first and foremost meant for horny and callous men, who are too insecure to deal with experienced women’s free view on sexuality. However, the widespread glorification of this paradise within the Islamic environment indicates that the Muslim culture has succeeded in producing not so few of this type of man.

    This sexual paradise, where one can just take a woman and do with her what one wants without asking, is unfortunately also existent among living Muslim men who have not martyred themselves for their religion. In many cases, Muslim men can rape Muslim women without consequences, because the women do not dare tell the family or the police. In fact, the view on women in the Muslim culture is often that it is the women themselves, who are to blame for the rape.

    • Muslim
      October 11, 2012 6:08 am

      23. Your Lord has decreed that you
      worship none but Him, and do good to
      parents. If any one of them or both of
      them reach old age, do not say to
      them: uff (a word or expression of
      anger or contempt) and do not scold
      them, and address them with respectful

      24. and submit yourself before them in
      humility out of compassion, and say,
      “My Lord, be merciful to them as they
      have brought me up in my childhood.”

      25. Your Lord knows best what is in
      your hearts. If you are righteous, then
      He is Most-Forgiving for those who
      turn to Him in repentance.

      (Al-Quraan, 17: 23-25)

    • Muslim
      October 11, 2012 6:10 am

      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

      “Mafhoom”(concept) of what Allah Ta’ala said are that:-

      15. Whoever adopts the right path
      does so for his own benefit, and
      whoever goes astray does so to his
      own detriment, and no bearer of
      burden shall bear the burden of
      another, and it is not Our way to
      punish (anyone) unless We send a

      16. And when We intend to destroy a
      habitation, We command its affluent
      people (to do good), then they commit
      sins therein, and thus the word (of
      punishment) becomes applicable to it
      (habitation), and We annihilate it

      17. How many a generation have We
      destroyed after Nuh! And enough is
      your Lord to know, (and) watch the
      sins of His servants.

      18. Whoever opts for the immediate
      (benefits from) life herein, We give
      him, right here in this life, as much as
      We will, to whomever We intend.
      Then We assign Jahannam for him
      where he shall enter condemned,

      19. And whoever opts for the
      Hereafter and makes efforts for it as
      due, while he is a believer, then, the
      effort of such people is appreciated!

      20. To all of them -both these and
      those -We extend the grants of your
      Lord. And the grant of your Lord is
      not barred (for anyone).

      21. See how We made some of them
      excel some others (in this world) and,
      of course, the Hereafter is much higher
      in ranks and much greater in degrees
      of merit.

      22. Do not set up any other god along
      with Allah, otherwise you will sit
      condemned, forsaken.

      (Al-Quraan, 17: 15-22)

  • October 11, 2012 3:19 am

    Hello Safedar and Indian,

    You both are talibani mentality person, committed to resort all sorts of violence and attrocities on the muslim women? Why should we upload our marriage pictures in Face Book.

    We are sharing our life experience here with our depressed and tortured females.

    Can you deny that In 1971 Bangladesh , more than 1 million women/girls were raped/murdered by Pakistani forces. During Col. Gaddafi,s regims more than 2 millions women, were raped/murdered, and equal number of women were raped in Afganistan during Taliban regime. Even in Iran,Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Swat valley of Taliban occupied part of Pakistan, millions of girls and women are kidnapped, raped and murdered.Even in Syria, molestation and rape victims are highly on rise. Women are soft targets by male community in the islamic countries, irrespective of claiming fundamental rights of women and welfare by the rulers, Sex with dead wife, no identification documents, no driving permission, no right to vote, no right to education for higher studies etc.?

    Even the prophet was a rapist, murderer of millions of innocent individuals. He raped at the age of 56 years 9 year old innocent Ayesha in the name of marriage? Had your sister and daughter of the same age been raped by 56 years old mullah, in front of you, and she screaming and bleeding then you would have realized the horor of tortures only.

    • Muslim
      October 11, 2012 6:08 am

      بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

      “Mafhoom”(concept) of what Allah Ta’ala said are that:-

      15. Whoever adopts the right path
      does so for his own benefit, and
      whoever goes astray does so to his
      own detriment, and no bearer of
      burden shall bear the burden of
      another, and it is not Our way to
      punish (anyone) unless We send a

      16. And when We intend to destroy a
      habitation, We command its affluent
      people (to do good), then they commit
      sins therein, and thus the word (of
      punishment) becomes applicable to it
      (habitation), and We annihilate it

      17. How many a generation have We
      destroyed after Nuh! And enough is
      your Lord to know, (and) watch the
      sins of His servants.

      18. Whoever opts for the immediate
      (benefits from) life herein, We give
      him, right here in this life, as much as
      We will, to whomever We intend.
      Then We assign Jahannam for him
      where he shall enter condemned,

      19. And whoever opts for the
      Hereafter and makes efforts for it as
      due, while he is a believer, then, the
      effort of such people is appreciated!

      20. To all of them -both these and
      those -We extend the grants of your
      Lord. And the grant of your Lord is
      not barred (for anyone).

      21. See how We made some of them
      excel some others (in this world) and,
      of course, the Hereafter is much higher
      in ranks and much greater in degrees
      of merit.

      22. Do not set up any other god along
      with Allah, otherwise you will sit
      condemned, forsaken.

      (Al-Quraan, 17: 15-22)

    • Amir
      October 11, 2012 6:41 am

      Shamim ,
      You confirmed that you are not muslim.

  • October 10, 2012 11:36 am

    Hi every body.

    Myself and Rahul now arrived in Singapore 2 days back to start a new inning of life. God is great, facilitated both of us to be together, as husband and wife. It is all due to good wishes from all of you.

  • safder
    October 9, 2012 4:33 pm

    this is a fake story n as far as soft corner is concerned it is thing like u care some one n he/she take it in other sense….

    those crying for brutuality n opression tell me how many muslim women burnt alive bcz of dowry ??
    these hypocrites crying child marriage or abuse

    yesterday a haryana khap panchayat passed a resolution to manrry there girls befor 16 ” the hindu dated 6 october”
    in USA ( SAN FRANCISCO) there is a rule girl can marry even at the age of 14 so ???
    please go through surah NOOR

    • Satyen
      October 9, 2012 5:02 pm

      Nadir Shah alone carried 20,000 women from Delhi!!! To save their chastity, women jumped in the wells. However soon, the well was full of the corpses and the latter ones didn’t have even this option. So they were dragged and put in the Harem of the warriors of Muhammad aka Nadir Shah. And it’s just one example of the followers of the so called Rasool i.e. Muhammad!!!

  • An Indian
    October 9, 2012 9:32 am


    To All the Guys who r arguing here:
    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook,

    This is a Fake story made with fake name,
    It is fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.

    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook, n Share ur Facebook ID here as ur marriage is accepted by ur Parents den dont Fear, show it here U Educated girl.

    u both r educated n u both would definitely have FB Ids may be since a last yr or two yrs n in that FB Id U both shud have ur old frndz u shud have old Posts, comments on FB Wall.

    Dear SHAMIM if u are really have this kind of Stuff Show us that u r Genuine & u r modern n educated n very Bold plz plz we wud glad to see ur pics with ur so called Boyfrnd (Husband)
    If u really.

  • Shenaz
    October 7, 2012 2:23 am

    Hello, Muslim, your mentality could be understood from the following lines of book of Wafa Sultan:-

    Having grown up in a devoutly Muslim home in Syria, she recalls her very personal stories of the barbarism of Islam and how it impacted on her and her family. Being born female in a Muslim culture that enforces a male hegemony, Sultan recalls the humiliating degradation imposed on her grandmother, mother and sisters who were virtual slaves to their husbands and their fathers.

    Contempt and loathing for women as inherently inferior beings permeates the Muslim world as is evidenced in today’s alarming escalation of “honor murders” in which Muslim men brazenly murder their womenfolk for alleged transgressions of Sharia law.

    Women’s inhumanity to other women is also discussed here as Sultan tells us of the abusive treatment of daughter-in-laws by their own mother-in-laws who punish them in the same way that they themselves were tormented as young brides. Education for girls and women in Islamic society was sorely lacking and discouraged in order to keep them locked in a permanent state of servility. Their treatment of children is also spotlighted as abusive as the Koran mandates that they mete out corporal punishment to their children who do not pray or adhere to the tenets of Islam.

    Independent nature compelled her to extricate herself from the draconian dictates of an oppressive religion. Moreover, as a physician in Syria she takes note of the glaring inequities of medical care as it pertains to gender. Dr. Sultan viewed Muslim men as anathema but as luck would have it, she met an educated man who respected her. After their marriage they made their way to the United States where she now raises her children and practices medicine in the Los Angeles area.

    Thus it is proved that Islam is anti female religion, treating them just sexy toys. No quotes of islam are implemented in favour of females.

    Ask your mother, sisters and other female relatives how they are sexually tortured.

    • Muslim
      October 7, 2012 5:37 am


      I don’t have time to reply such nonsense questions as the answers are already well known to the world.
      I think you are mentally sick so first of all go and get treated and then carefully read and understand my all posts.

      One thing is clear that it is only Islam which provides protection to the women and all others are killing them even before entering this world. Only Islam is the religion which has given the women a status of respected mother , sister, daughter and a wife. Only Islam is the religion through which the modesty of women is guaranteed.

      This is why all the people who are the enemy of the women are trying to excite the women and take them out of protection and then use them as the only sex toy. But Inshaa Allah they will not get success except in the case of whom who are corrupt and Allah has decided to punish them either they are men or women in this world and in the Hereafter due to the sins they are committing.

      to understand these, click the link below and read these articles carefully:


      Now about my family members and relatives, we are five brothers and ten sisters. Alhamdulillah, I am a student Computer science and all my sisters are studying even my younger sisters are studying in higher class than me. And all these are the result of being a Muslim otherwise I think in the case of other religions the people murder the girls even before entering this world?

      We are Muslims and we are slave of Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala Most Beneficent and Most Merciful. We accept all the Commands of Allah Ta’ala whatever it is. And Inshaa Allah we will get rewarded in the Hereafter which is very very costly in comparison to the problem we may face in this world.
      Did you understand now?

      • Muslim
        October 7, 2012 5:53 am

        And one thing you must remember that there is no Lord except Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala so it is absolutely in vain to think that if anyone leaves Islam and disobey Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala then by this he/ she can get success. There may be some respite for them in this world from Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala but if they die in the state of being a disbeliever then there is a severe and permanent punishment for them in the Hereafter.

        Somebody rejects the Hereafter but I want to say them that had you seen this world when you were in the womb of your mother before entering in this world? So if Allah would have sent you the message by any means about the things that exist in this world and if you would have rejected because you did not see this world there, so does this world and things exist or not? How much do you know about this world, the contents of the universe and even about your own body?

        and our Rabb Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala said Muslims whose English translation is given below:

        [2:1]. Alif. Lam. Mim

        [2:2]. This Book has no doubt in it -a
        guidance for the God-fearing,

        [2:3]. who believe in the Unseen, and are
        steadfast in Salah (prayer), and spend
        out of what We have provided them;

        [2:4]. and who believe in what has been
        revealed to you and what has been
        revealed before you; and they have
        faith in the Hereafter.

        [2:5]. It is these who are guided by their
        Lord; and it is just these who are

        HasbiyAllahu wa Ne’amal Wakeel.

        Allah is enough for me.

        • Muslim
          October 7, 2012 5:58 am

          In the above post the correct sentence is :
          “and our Rabb Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala said about Muslims whose English translation is given below:”

  • Satyen
    October 6, 2012 8:26 pm

    Moms killing their lovely daughters for marrying Hindus!!! I had heard about the fathers or brothers killing their daughters or sisters but now I have heard Moms also. This is what a blind faith can turn you into. Don’t believe it, see the below link yourself:


    In my opinion, trusting any person as the custodian of some God will bring you to this state of affairs. I love Allah but sorry to say I can’t say the same thing to Muhammad or his words in the form of Quraan. I love to be the soldier of Allah to spread his message of compassion but not the soldier of Muhammad to spread the hatred against other Gods. Unfortunately most tof the so called Muslims are the soldiers of Muhammad, not of Allah. This situation has caused even the mothers to strangle their beloved daughters. So please become the Muslims such as Seema, Salma, Veena, Ayesha, Sabana, Husna, Gauhar, Nigar and so forth. Sisters will have to fight this battle as there is nothing like honour killing of boys!!!

  • October 6, 2012 11:06 am

    Hi readers,

    I have already said that I too donot believe much in Quran. It is not meant for women. Sabia you are right to point out that Islamic rules are barbaric, cruel against females in muslim community, which are established by the following quotes from Quran:-

    (1) A husband has sex with his wife, as a plow goes into a field. Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . ‘If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to come to him, then the angels send their curses on her till morning.

    (2) Husbands are a degree above their wives. The Prophet said, ‘I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.

    (3) A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.

    (4) A woman’s testimony counts half of a man’s testimony. ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’

    (5) A wife may remarry her ex—husband if and only if she marries another man, they have sex, and then this second man divorces her.
    and if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband divorces her. [In that case] there is no harm if they [the first couple] remarry.

    (6) Slave—girls are sexual property for their male owners.
    And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands [as prisoners of war).

    (7) A man may be polygamous with up to four wives.

    (8) A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives. Allah made it clear that the husband cannot literally keep equality between two or more wives because they themselves cannot be equal in all respects. It is too much to demand from a husband that he should mete out equal treatment to a beautiful wife and to an ugly wife, to a young wife and to an old wife, to a healthy wife and to an invalid wife, and to a good natured wife and to an ill—natured wife. These and like things naturally make a husband more inclined towards one wife than towards the other.

    (9) Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives (quite apart from whether they actually are highhanded).If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.

    (10) Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls.
    Prophet, when you [and the believers] divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed waiting—period and count the waiting—period accurately . . . 4 And if you are in doubt about those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, (you should know that) their waiting period is three months, and the same applies to those who have not menstruated as yet. As for pregnant women, their period ends when they have delivered their burden.
    Maududi correctly interprets the plain meaning of verse 4, which appears in the context of divorce:
    Therefore, making mention of the waiting—period for girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl at this age but it is permissible for the husband to consummate marriage with her. Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Qur’an has held as permissible.

    In the name of above quotes, innumerable attrocities are committed on females and males enjoys all sorts of freedoms irrespective of their personal demerits to be called as a human. These are known as top 10 rules to oppress female community in the islam.

    In view of the above, I request our young female community that if they get any good boy, liberal, kind hearted, sobre, educative, like minded, committed and loyal, they should not feel hesitated to marry him irrespective of community or religion.


    • Muslim
      October 6, 2012 4:18 pm


      First of all you said that you no more believe in Quran, then who are you to say Muslims as your community?

      and second thing is that Muslims are who believe in Allah and His Messengers and in all books revealed by Allah SubHAnahoo wa Ta’ala including The Noble Quran. We who are Muslims have accepted Allah our Master. We have nothing which belongs to ourself even our existence. So, who we are to Question Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala regarding his commands? I think the Jews were better than you people who when ordered by Allah to slain themselves after they committed sin of worshiping the cow made by Samriyy, they fulfilled the command of Allah Ta’ala. and all angels prostrated themselves to Adam(A.S.) on the order of Allah Ta’ala but the Iblees refused and he did not understand that this is the matter of command of Allah Ta’ala not the matter of Adam(A.S.). so what happened to Iblees?

      so you disbeliever in Quran first stop deceiving Muslims by saying yourself the member of Muslim community and We Muslims have accepted Allah our Rabb and Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam as Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam and that Muhammad Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam is best of all the creatures that Allah has created. We all Muslims have accepted all the commands of Allah and the commands of his Messenger Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam whatever Allah orders us to do or whatever the Messenger (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) of Allah orders us to do . We all Muslims love our Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam more than our lives. Did you understand now?

      and Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala has said in The Noble Quran whose English translation is given below?

      [3:26]. Say: “O Allah, O Lord of the
      Kingdom, You give kingdom to whom
      You will, and take kingdom away
      from whom You will; and You bestow
      honor on whom You will, and bring
      disgrace to whom You will. In your
      hand lies the betterment (of everyone).
      You are surely powerful over

      [63:8]. They say, “If we return to Madinah,
      the more honorable ones will drive out
      the meaner ones from there.” And to
      Allah belongs the honour, and to His
      Messenger, and to the believers, but
      the hypocrites do not know.

      [Surah Al-Munafiqoon, Al-Quran, 63 : 8 ]

      [3:186]. Of course, you shall be tested in
      your wealth and yourselves; and, of
      course, you shall hear hurting
      statements from those who have been
      given the Book before you, and from
      those who associate (others with Allah
      in His divinity). If you observe
      patience and fear Allah, then this
      (observance) is among the matters of
      firm resoLution.

      [73:9]. He is the Lord of the East and the
      West; there is no god but He; so take
      Him for (your) Guardian.

      [73:10]. And bear patiently what they (the
      opponents) say, and part with them in
      a beautiful manner.

      [73:11]. And leave Me alone (to deal) with
      the deniers, the people of luxury, and
      give them respite for a while.

      [32:28]. And they say, “When will this
      decision take place if you are truthful
      (in your claim)?”

      [32:29]. Say, “On the day of decision their
      belief will not be of any use to
      disbelievers, nor shall they be given
      any respite.”

      [32:30]. So, just ignore them (O prophet,)
      and wait. They (too) are waiting.

      • Raj
        October 6, 2012 5:40 pm

        Awesome yaar . . . I Love u <3

      • believer in god
        October 7, 2012 4:22 am

        @Muslim:really god punishes those who disobey Allah?i have never seen till now.no religion creates hatred towards others except islam.god loves peace.n he can never spread hatred.u r a dumb fool with closed mind.so better go n sleep.u will never get heaven.sick

  • October 6, 2012 10:30 am

    Hi every body. It is really very confusing to know can the messenger of God 56 years having sex with a 9 year old girl(just like his grand daughter), and later called as prophet. Can almighty authorise such person to be his messenger to rape a child in the name of marraige.

    When we say Muhammad had sex with 9 year old child, Muslims brush it away and bring all sorts of excuses to justify this shameful act. This is the nature of blind faith and cognitive dissonance. Maybe by visualizing it, some of them will would come to their senses and realize how evil this fiend they call prophet, was. There is not a single proof that this man was a prophet while there are tons of evidences that he was an evil man, committing all sorts of attrocities on the females and innocent people.

  • October 6, 2012 10:27 am

    I am quoting following from Quran, which gives clear evidence that it is not for women, as described by other females on this site.

    According to the Holy Quran, the holy Prophet Mohammed who was the messenger of Allah married a 6 year old girl by name Aisha and had sex with her at the age of nine.

    The holy Prophet of Allah was 53 years at the time he married Aisha and had sex with the kid 3 years later.

    I don’t mean to sound offensive or disrespectful but wasn’t that child abuse? How could a 56 year old man have sex with a 9 year old girl? In fact I was shocked when I first read this but the fact remains. it is very true. In fact, It is in the Holy Quran.

    Does the Holy Quran permit sexual abuse against children? The holy Prophet supports child molestation?

    How would you “classify” the Holy Prophet Mohammed after marrying a 6 year old girl?

    Which one is wrong? the Holy Quran or the Holy Prophet Mohammed? What do you think?

    I ask this question from Amir, propogating himself highly, learned and knowledgeable in interpreating islamic rules.

    • believer in god
      October 6, 2012 11:19 am

      whoever u are can u please change ur name?my name is ‘believer in god’.n don’t confuse people with similar names.i don’t want people to blame me for ur statements.so please change ur name.

  • JAZz
    October 4, 2012 1:49 am

    Y don’t you njoy the life that God gave u and jst shut the hell up

  • JAZz
    October 4, 2012 1:47 am

    u guys are full of BS’s… arguing in the name of religion sick narrow minded bastards…

  • believer in god
    October 3, 2012 2:41 pm

    @ajmal:have u seen the heaven and hell?atleast with the atrocities dat u guys n people from ur community commit on others n specially women u guys will never get heaven.
    @Indian:u must be a fake convert i guess.u r basically a muslim by birth.n trying to fool people by sayn dat u converted.biggest fool on earth

    • Muslim
      October 6, 2012 4:47 pm

      @believer in god ,

      Had you seen this world when you were in the womb of your mother before entering in this world? So if Allah would have sent you the message by any means about the things that exist in this world and if you would have rejected because you did not see this world there, so does this world and things exist or not? How much do you know about this world, the contents of the universe and even about your own body?

      and our Rabb Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala said Muslims whose English translation is given below:

      [2:1]. Alif. Lam. Mim

      [2:2]. This Book has no doubt in it -a
      guidance for the God-fearing,

      [2:3]. who believe in the Unseen, and are
      steadfast in Salah (prayer), and spend
      out of what We have provided them;

      [2:4]. and who believe in what has been
      revealed to you and what has been
      revealed before you; and they have
      faith in the Hereafter.

      [2:5]. It is these who are guided by their
      Lord; and it is just these who are

      • Muslim
        October 6, 2012 4:52 pm

        The correct sentence in the above post is :”and our Rabb Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala said about Muslims whose English translation is given below:”

      • believer in god
        October 7, 2012 4:36 am

        @Muslim:had u been given a demo of how the world is when u were in ur mothers womb?m lucky to have a family who is liberal n supports the girls.only education can liberate u muslims.God never instills fear in his people as given in quran.god loves his people.no doubt u r brainless people who just follow whats written in quran without thinking.lolzzzz.

  • ajmal
    October 3, 2012 10:14 am

    its got nothing to do with boys and girls whoever disobeys allah
    (will suffer) and i advice you to make him convert into a muuslim.

  • ajmal
    October 3, 2012 10:08 am

    dear shamim
    according to islam you can marry rahul if he converts to islam otherwise if you marry him when hes a hindu sorry allah says its directly hell

  • An Indian
    October 3, 2012 6:51 am

    Actually the Admin is supporting Non muslims n against of muslims

    I day b4 yesterday i sent a very good comment in support to muslims
    but Admin Deleted that

    • seema maheshwari
      October 3, 2012 1:42 pm

      Indian, I know the Admin and it’s not supporting Muslims against non- Muslims. You and many others are using this forum to spout hatered against both religions.
      Its fruitless to discuss if a muslim marrying a non-Muslim is allowed in the Holy Quran, it’s not.
      We, on this site discuss how people of two different faiths can live harmoniously.
      I’m visiting a part of Canada where I grew up. I have heard many a horror stories about the mistreatment of Muslim women here. There is a whole organization devoted for their support.
      On the other hand, under Sharia law, Muslim women are allowed to divorce. In Hindi/Sanskrit, there is no word for divorce.
      So, which religion is better? Can’t say!

      • Srinivas
        October 4, 2012 2:54 am

        @ Seema Ma’m,

        Please tell me where in Sharia law that it allows Muslim women to divorce husbands?

        You prove this, I will quit this forum !

        • Amir
          October 4, 2012 3:14 am

          Even you get answer for this, I don’t want you to quit.
          However i won’t answer.

          • October 5, 2012 3:06 pm

            Of course, you are a Muslim.

            A hypocrite and a deceiver.

          • The Jew
            October 5, 2012 6:21 pm

            You wont answer because – you can’t

        • seema maheshwari
          October 5, 2012 1:30 pm

          Quran 4:128 says: ” If a woman fears bad behaviour or neglecy from her husband, it will not be any sin for them to peacefully agree to seperate, for peace is better.”

          There are five schools of Sharia law which allow various reasons for women to initiate divorce. Sharia law however, was written by men and therefore fallible.

          More on this later.

          • October 5, 2012 3:05 pm

            @ Seema Ma’m,

            Glad to see you replying to me.

            But do you really want to continue this, right here – in public? In case, you want to discuss this using e-mails, here is my id: k.i.d000b@gmail.com .

            In case, if you say that I reply to your statements (and the verse) right here, my next reply will be exactly that.

            Do not take this gesture as weakness, please. There is hardly anything in Islam that I do not know about. And I never make statements that are false.

            Many Muslims deliberately try to misguide people.

            My assumption here is that you do not know much about this subject -Khula and Koran. I can definitely say that there are no wrong intentions when you wrote that.

            I did regret later for replying to you like I reply to other Muslims.

            But, I repeat, please do not treat this as backing off.

          • October 11, 2012 12:44 pm

            @ admin and others,

            Please, can someone tell me why anyone responding to ‘my below comment’ was turned off?

          • October 11, 2012 11:43 pm

            There is nothing in the spam and do not know which comment you are talking about, sorry!

          • October 15, 2012 10:41 am

            @ to all,

            Do Muslim women have a right to divorce their husbands? Lets see.

            Seema quotes a verse but she easily oversees the fact that ‘she’ is not equal to ‘them’ as Koranic verse says. In fact, it reinforces the view that wife still needs permission from her husband for divorce.

            I can not really see how Seema thinks this verse from Koran is giving Muslim women the right to divorce.

            Now, lets come to what Sharia law (Islamic sacred law) says.

            First, regarding Sharia law, Seema Maheswari intends to mean that Sharia law is not a reflection of Koran or true Islam. Everything in Sharia law comes only from Koran or words and deeds of Prophet Mohammad. When this is the case, I am not sure how Seema can say Sharia law was man made.

            Or by this, does she intend to mean that Koran is the true word of Allah i.e. the only true religion ! Geez….

            Lets come to the topic of divorce.

            There are 4 major schools in Sunni branch of Islam, they are Shafi’s, Maliki,Hambali and Hanafi.

            3 out of these 4, except Hanafi, literally rule out women having the right to divorce in all circumstances.

            Shafi’i manual of Islamic sacred law was translated in to English by an American Muslim in 1991, called ‘The Reliance of Traveller’. This was certified was original and authentic by none other than Al-Azhar University of Cairo, the most important Islamic institution in Sunni branch of Islam.

            Lets see what it says in the section ‘N’ named ‘DIVORCE’. I am just going cut and paste what it says for the sake of clarity.


            *2*Chapter N1.0: Who May Effect a Divorce

            @(O: The legal basis for the permissibility of divorce is the Koran, sunna, and consensus of Muslims. As for the Koran, Allah Most High says,

            “Divorce is two times…” (Koran 2:229).

            And as for the sunna, there is the rigorously authenticated (sahih) hadith.

            “No permissible thing is more detested by Allah than divorce.”

            Our sheikh, Bajuri, says the meaning of permissible in the hadith is offensive, since it is permissible, meaning lawful, though detested by Allah.

            Its integrals are five:

            (a) the spoken form;

            (b) the wife;

            (c) the authority to effect it;

            (d) the intention:

            (e) and the person who effects it (A: i.e. the husband). )


            Divorce is valid from any:

            (a) husband;

            (b) who is sane;

            (c) has reached puberty;

            (d) and who voluntarily effects it.


            I guess it settles the dispute.

            Now, lets come to Hanafi school of Islam. Hanafi school gives Muslim women the right to initiate proceedings for divorce. But it clearly says that divorce is only possible if the husband agrees.

            I like to remind you that so called right of Muslim women to initiate proceedings for divorce itself comes with many stipulations which made Muslim women to say 'Khula is a myth in Islam'.

            If you are looking for proof for what I said with regard to Hanafi, please read from the below link:


  • An Indian
    October 3, 2012 6:48 am


    To All the Guys who r arguing here:
    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook,

    This is a Fake story made with fake name,
    It is fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.

    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook, n Share ur Facebook ID here as ur marriage is accepted by ur Parents den dont Fear, show it here U Educated girl.

    u both r educated n u both would definitely have FB Ids may be since a last yr or two yrs n in that FB Id U both shud have ur old frndz u shud have old Posts, comments on FB Wall.

    Dear SHAMIM if u are really have this kind of Stuff Show us that u r Genuine & u r modern n educated n very Bold plz plz we wud glad to see ur pics with ur so called Boyfrnd (Husband)
    If u really.

  • safder
    October 2, 2012 5:25 pm

    dear shamim

    Thing is only that do u believe in QUR’AN and islam ??? thats all

    as u are married to a non muslim
    it is against ISLAM your marriage is haram illegal
    n yor childrens too

    thing is only whether you believe in in ISLAM or not thats
    all as far as job is concerned THERE are millions of non muslims too working at much higher rank than RAHUL so tht logic is failed ALLAH is examining you by granting you success.

    n it is illegal for both boys and girls to marry a non muslim idol worshiper

  • Reality
    October 2, 2012 4:18 am

    Hello everyone. I jus came across this blog accidently. As any true gentleman i don wanna poke unnecessarily. But what i got i wanna share which is nothing but reality.
    What i m writing is truth which doesn require any approval by anyone from any religion or faith as we have very tiny brains to understand whole cosmos and its Creator. No arguments at all.
    Whoever ll accept this will be benefited eternally.
    First and foremost thing is that we all living entities are not these bodies but the spirit souls, part and parcels of one God. That God called by unlimited names krishna in India, Allah in middle east or Jehova in west or thy Father in christianity.
    We r eternal spirit souls and these temporary bodies belong to us. And all this so called religions, faiths, nationalities, customs, male or female, rich or poor have arisen from this bodily concept of life which is absolutely false. There is no peace and positivity in the world today just because everything is based on this false conception. Soul doesn die but body does. According to ones karma that soul gets body in heaven, hell or if they are transcendental enough get the chance to be with God himself with eternal bliss and knowledge.
    God doesn become happy if one of his sons kills other out of his ego and own sentiments. So whereever, however, whatever we are we should dovetail our lives in such a way that after death we should go back to God. And for that we need to purify ourselves by chanting Gods name and follow His instructions under bonafide, authentic spiritual master which are not in masses but very few.
    If we jus know that we r gonna die and take another body which may be in hell or heaven., then we ll not discuss these all petty issues which are based on animalistic eating, sleeping, mating and defending. We are just animals if our lives are based on all this. Our aim of life should be to come out of this filth where everyone suffer through birth, disease, old age and death and go eternally with that creator where there are on miseries like this filth.
    Marriage should be centered to this- Love God and all living entities, follow his instructions, beget children not out of lust or just to increase the number which will be replica of our own lust, pride, greed, envy, anger & illusion but to train those souls so that they ll never take birth again this filth. That is the goal of marriage.
    Bottomline is marriage is sacred thing which is primarily should be approval of boy and girl. Its must thing as God has made them for each other not just to satiate each others lust but to support each other in all respects to achieve the ultimate goal of human life which is only substantial thing we can do.
    This is just a gist of it what i can write and tell. Maybe difficult to accept but everything is science what i wrote. There is logic and reasoning behind all this.
    Because all this i carry i am at peace and can see the things upto right at the bottom. In my college, very religious muslim girl got soft corner for me and she wanted to be with me forever because i presented myself by this principle. I used to appreciate more when she strictly prayed 5 times a day. Because i loved her as a soul not as her female body, told her not to make issues which ll be troublesome for her., marry anyone at your comfort zone and as per your nature but never forget that we are part and parcels of one God and we have to go to Him by loving His own sons.
    She is married to one muslim guy. I hope she ll succeed as one soul- past & parcel of One God, not as a muslim, american, female or anything related to body which is very temporary. I hope her husband will not brainwash her but respect her, love her, give her own space to practice what she has realised for which she was worrying, doubting and opening to me that time.
    God bless to all.

    • October 2, 2012 10:15 pm

      Hello Mr. Reality,
      Can you complete your story? Why did not you go deep into relationship with that Muslim girl? What happened between “muslim girl got soft corner for me” and “She is married to one muslim guy” ?? Did she ever asked you to convert to Islam, even a fake-conversion?

      • Reality
        October 3, 2012 4:25 am

        No…We never spoke on the topic of superficial sentiments, fanaticisms and their conversions amongst as i have already mentioned that the so called religions are based on false bodily conception which is temporary. According to dictionary, the literary meaning of religion is ‘core nature’ which has lil relevance with ones body. Now i am hindu, indian as per my present body but next life i may become american christian or muslim if at all i come back on this same planet. And there are unlimited number of planets and 8.4 million species on this planet only. i may go anywhere in the cosmos in any form.
        Presently, marriage as i mentioned primarily between two like minded persons but also we have to consider atleast on secondary level about lifestyle, socioeconomic backgrounds, standard of living, friends and community which is essential and necessary as per human nature, comfort and conduct goes. In vedic era thats why there was no concept of divorce.
        And in my case atleast these secondary things were not that close to consider about marriage and all. And i don know from her side what was the level of that soft corner and moto behind that. But surely, she was simplistic in her behaviour and showing genuine concern and care.
        And thats why i gave her own personal space to go ahead in life accordingly. Hope she will make out of it.

  • An Indian
    October 2, 2012 3:03 am

    Hi Common sense guy,
    As He/She Said that their marriage is accepted by their Parents n they r well now, even society also accepted their marriage,
    so what is the fear to show that pics of marriage,
    atleast He/she shud show the Facebook Id of name Shameem, as He/she n partner r well educated they would as definitely FB ids plz show both FB ids.
    My Brother As u said that Muslims did not give freedom to Women then why did most of the women of western countries r converting to ISLAM, most of them r Famous celebrities like Former British Prime Ministers Sister in Law Laurel Booth and a British Generalist Yvonne Ridley Etc who converted to ISLAM because the saw the Real Spiritual Peace in Islam, U can see these link my Brother.
    And the matter of Western Culture, Brother U tell is it permissible in any religion to Rape a women ? No its not.
    then why in every religion some people do that, it is bcoz in every religion all the people will not follow their religion wholly.
    So brother why r u Blaming only muslims not any other religion.
    Brother know very well that HINDU SAINT Swamy Nityananda was doing Sex with Actress Ranjitha, to this Swamy many people used to believe blindly, then why every one said that he is a bad person,
    U can see this link for this.
    and many more hindu Saints have been caught-ed while doing sex with a strange women, every 1 knows that many saints (not every saint) do enjoy with women,
    then y dont u blame Hindu Culture on this ground ?
    n why dont u blame to Hindu Saints Who Just want to enjoy with Women even they r married ????
    Brother This Story is a FAKE one and is posted by a guy who just want create miscreant,
    If U r saying Musims terrorists then What do U say about Western Politics, George Bush etc n Isreal who killed n killing People in innocent people in Iraq n Afganistan n Palestine,
    if u r saying Talibans terrorist then U shud also say George Bush A Terrorist, who ruined many countries,
    But U do not dare to say it seems bcoz every1 scares to say.
    If Talibans really killed in america nearly 2000 people on 09/11 n if they r really terrorist then George Bush n Isreal Govt also shud be TERRORISTS,
    but u people dont want to say it bcoz u fear to them n support to them bcoz u people r enemies of Muslims.

  • An Indian
    October 2, 2012 2:56 am

    @ Satyen:
    yes bro wat u said is correct but muslims do not believe in this FAKE GODS,
    I really impressed with ur this statement.

    “I suggest them not to waste their time to these fake Gods and concentrate on the God Allah only. I think it will help the fake Gods disappear”
    its real tht muslims shud worship to only Allah n shud avoid all nonsence things.

    but don’t think that every muslim is bad.

    • Satyen
      October 11, 2012 3:59 pm

      @ An Indian

      I don’t think that all Muslims are bad. If any of my writings reflect this, I apologise for that. I believe in only one Allah (Whatever you name it). If this be the condition, I consider myself a proud Muslim (Though I am a Hindu). However, Muslims attach Muhammad in Sahada and it dilutes the oneness of Allah. Why this dualism? Allah is all powerful and devine. He doesn’t need any Rasool to propagate his message. Tjis Muhammad factor is in the way of Islamization of this whole world. Otherwise, this world would would have been an Islamic world. So I request all the propagaters of Islam to shun Muhammad as described in the Hadiths and stick to Allah. Even the Muslim women won’t object to my proposal.

  • Satyen
    October 1, 2012 3:53 pm

    The incarnations such as Shri Ram, Shir Krishna or Mata Lakshmi, Mata Durga etc. are the various manifestations of the same God known by various names such as Eshwar, Ohm and so forth. Many Muslims also believe in the same God and call him/her Allah but believe in various fake Gods as well apart from the God. Examples of the fake Gods (many Muslims mention) are Shaitan and many idols the Muslims see and are scared of. The whole history is a witness of Muslims demolishing the house of these fake Gods. Their energy is channelised in the destruction of the fake Gods. You just read their literature and comments on the socializing sites and it’s replete with their hate for the fake Gods. I suggest them not to waste their time to these fake Gods and concentrate on the God Allah only. I think it will help the fake Gods disappear. But history proves, many of the Muslims are the captives of Shaitan (amother fake God) and will just keep on the demolishing work. Another point is many of them keep lying as Shaitan has taught them Taqiya (application of lying to spread Islam is a merit!!).

    With all the above constraints, still I see the light at the end of the sooooo long tunnel.


    • Muslim
      October 2, 2012 3:25 pm

      Q: who is Allah?

      Answer: From Al-Quran [112:1-4].

      1. Say, “The truth is that Allah is One.

      2. Allah is Besought of all, needing

      3. He neither begot anyone, nor was he

      4. And equal to Him has never been
      any one.

      • April 10, 2016 12:54 am

        Allah is chutia. He made so many muslim chutiyas. Dey r only planning to destroy all d religions n dey want dat all over d world, people should keep on shouting n crying alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • An Indian
    October 1, 2012 5:36 am

    Hi Common sense guy,

    As He/She Said that their marriage is accepted by their Parents n they r well now, even society also accepted their marriage,
    so what is the fear to show that pics of marriage,

    atleast He/she shud show the Facebook Id of name Shameem, as He/she n partner r well educated they would as definitely FB ids plz show both FB ids.

    My Brother As u said that Muslims did not give freedom to Women then why did most of the women of western countries r converting to ISLAM, most of them r Famous celebrities like Former British Prime Ministers Sister in Law Laurel Booth and a British Generalist Yvonne Ridley Etc who converted to ISLAM because the saw the Real Spiritual Peace in Islam, U can see these link my Brother.




    And the matter of Western Culture, Brother U tell is it permissible in any religion to Rape a women ? No its not.

    then why in every religion some people do that, it is bcoz in every religion all the people will not follow their religion wholly.
    So brother why r u Blaming only muslims not any other religion.

    Brother know very well that HINDU SAINT Swamy Nityananda was doing Sex with Actress Ranjitha, to this Swamy many people used to believe blindly, then why every one said that he is a bad person,
    U can see this link for this.


    and many more hindu Saints have been caught-ed while doing sex with a strange women, every 1 knows that many saints (not every saint) do enjoy with women,

    then y dont u blame Hindu Culture on this ground ?
    n why dont u blame to Hindu Saints Who Just want to enjoy with Women even they r married ????

    Brother This Story is a FAKE one and is posted by a guy who just want create miscreant,

    If U r saying Musims terrorists then What do U say about Western Politics, George Bush etc n Isreal who killed n killing People in innocent people in Iraq n Afganistan n Palestine,

    if u r saying Talibans terrorist then U shud also say George Bush A Terrorist, who ruined many countries,

    But U do not dare to say it seems bcoz every1 scares to say.

    If Talibans really killed in america nearly 2000 people on 09/11 n if they r really terrorist then George Bush n Isreal Govt also shud be TERRORISTS,

    but u people dont want to say it bcoz u fear to them n support to them bcoz u people r enemies of Muslims

  • Muslim
    September 30, 2012 1:25 pm


    Jis tareeqe se Shaitan ne H.Hawwa k zariye se H.Aadam(A.S.) ko behkaya aur dono ko Jannat se nikalwaya wahi tareeqa aaj bhi Shaitan istemal kar raha hai. Isko samajhne k liye read this article and others carefully k kis tareeqe se Shaitan ne Hawwa k paas pahunch kar rone laga tha k wo unka bahut bada well wisher hai aur dhoka dekar Jannat se nikalwa diya aur aaj wo us Jannat se hamesha k liye door karne ki koshish kar raha hai.; click the link below :


    • Muslim
      October 1, 2012 1:25 am

      Ek aham waqia meri zindagi ka 2004 me:-

      Mai ek dafa bus me safar kar raha tha ,ek pandit ji aaye aur mere paas k seat pe baith gaye. introduction aur kuchh baton k baad unhone mujhse poochha k

      Q: Ek baat bataiye k aaplogon me Tasweer, Sharab aur Ghairmahram aurat se parhez hai lekin phir kehte hain k Qabr me Huzoor Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam ka Chehrah-e-Anwar dikhaya jayega, Jannat me Hoor milegi aur Sharab milega?

      Answer: Maine kaha k aap india me rehte hain. har mulk ka ek Qanun (law) hota hai. Jab aap us mulk k qanun ko todte hain to police aapko pakad ke jail me daal deti hai. ab us jail ka alag rule & regulation hota hai. wahan aapko wahi khana hota, wahi pahanna hota hai aur waise hi rehna sahna hota hai jaisa wahan ka rule hota hai.

      Agar aap us rule ko follow karte huwe apni saza ki muddat ko guzaar liya to aap apne ghar wapas aa jate hain aur phir aap apne hisab se khate, pahante aur rehte sehte hain.

      lekin agar aap ne wahan bhi rule k khilaf kiya to usse badi saza di jati hai aur usse bade jail me daal diya jata hai. lekin phir bhi aap saza ki muddat khatam hone par apne ghar wapas aa jate hain.

      Lekin agar koi government ka baghi ho jaye to kya hota hai? ya to use phansi dedi jati hai ya kisi tarah bhi use qatl kar diya jata hai ya’ani wo apne ghar zindah laut kar nahi aata.

      Isi tarah Insan apne ghar Jannat me rehta tha usse wahan ka rule toota to use is duniya me saza k taur pe dala gaya hai.

      Ab yahan Allah Ta’ala ka kuchh alag rule hai agar ham is rule ko follow karte huwe zindagi guzar lete hain to Inshaa Allah! phir apne ghar Jannat me wapas chale jayenge aur wahan apni manchahi zindagi hogi.Lekin agar yahan bhi rule k khilaf zindagi guzra to Allah Ta’ala jise chahenge ma’af kardenge aur jise chahenge saza k taur pe Jahannam me dalenge. Lekin phir bhi wo kabhi na kabhi Jannat me wapas jayega saza bhugatne k baad.
      Lekin agar koi Allah Ta’ala ka baghi bankar is duniya se jayega to wo Hamesha k liye Jahannam me rahega aur apne ghar Jannat me kabhi wapas nahin jayega.
      Phir unhone poochha
      Q: Jannat aur Jahannam hai iska aapke paas kya proof hai?
      Answer: Pehli baat to ye hai k Hamara Iman hai aur ham baghair kisi proof k Quran aur Allah k Rasool Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam ki baaton par Iman rakhte hain. Ab samjhane k liye maine unse kaha k ek baat batayen k jab Insan apni Maa k pet me tha aur us waqt Allah Ta’ala kisi tarah se khabar dete ka yahan se tum jis duniya me jane wale ho wahan badi badi buildings, fruits,nadiyan, Gardens, Aeroplanes, women etc. hain to kya aapne ye duniya ki cheezon ko us waqt dekha tha? aur kya aap agar inkar kar dete to ye cheezen is duniya me hain ya nahin?
      To Pandit ji apne agle seat par tek laga k baith gaye aur kuchh der baad kaha k maine aap ko bekar toka kitna achchha aap apne samay ka sadupyog kar rahe the ab to main Asantulit (Unbalanced) ho gaya.Phir kuchh der baad bole ye Mandir me ghanta bajana ghalat hai.

  • An Indian
    September 30, 2012 12:38 pm

    All the brothers who oppose this, know that is a FAKE STORY,
    wen i asked to show their marriage pics in FACEBOOK (FB ids of both which should have old frndz n posts on thr wall) , but he/she did not show PICS n FB id too.
    by this we can know that this story is FAKE STORY n lyed 1,
    he/she manier times said that both r well educated, then they shud hv FB ids, if she is genuine she would have shown us their marriage pics in FB.
    I hope u guys understand well.

  • Nargis Khan
    September 30, 2012 11:02 am

    Muhammad, Azim, etc. writing all nonsense about females here are the real shaitans, of humanity who need to be stonned in public. They are the males who have bad eye on every women for sexual purpose and in public show as the real paigamber. Such persons will have place certainly in hell only. Even in their life time, they will face hell like situation, they should remember.

  • Imran
    September 30, 2012 10:01 am

    I love to read it …. u must marry with ur love…congrts Rahul…plz alwaz keey happy my muslim Bahan…

  • An Indian
    September 30, 2012 3:17 am

    All the brothers who oppose this, know tht is a FAKE STORY,
    wen i asked to show thr marriage pics in FACEBOOK (FB ids of both which shud hv old frndz n posts on thr wall) , but he/she did not show PICS n FB id too.
    by this we can know tht ths story is FAKE STORY n lyed 1,
    he/she manier times said tht both r well educated, then they shud hv FB ids, if she is genuine she would hv shown us thr marriage pics in FB.
    I hope u guys understand well.

    • common sense guy
      September 30, 2012 5:52 am

      Hi an Indian,

      Your method and conclusion is fake, here is why –

      1- show us your sister or mothers picture on fb, someone else will be happy to show theirs.

      2-why do you need to see pictures of her marriage, you are fundamentalists who honor kill muslims girls, may be just by propagating validity of honor kill.

      3- if you cant show your sisters or mothers picture on fb, so that “in your islamic culture ” they are exposed to un related men, how can you expect a girl who after so much trouble married his love to disclose her real identity, usually intelligent people dont do that in online world. May be you are a 8-9 standard punk, talking rubbish here.

      4- @shamim -hi there even though the pic you referred does not appears to be submitted by you, admin-plz clarify. But it depends on you if you want to give this child any attention.

      5- why is that all muslim are seriously cursing shamim, on marrying a hindu? why dont you raise PIL against shahrukh, aamir, saif who married hindu? Are you just picking on common man.

      6- you quoted a brit who converted, That’s fine, why did you not mention that Kuwait’s prince converted to Christianity? And as usual you muslims are giving dearh threats to him. There are many muslims who convert to other religon, why you not strongly oppose that they must NOT be killed( according to your muslim rules).

      7- why dont you mention that , according to islam- anyone who leaves islam, must be killed, its muslims responsibility to ensure no one leaves islam! What kind of dictatorship rule is that? Can you expalin what exactly you allah says for people who leave Islam and why?

      8- you have a serious misconceptions of western culture, if you think that all western women are im moral then why in the world your muslims rape non muslims in west, just because they dont give themselves to you guys. You can check muslim done crimes in UK, just to open eyes of idiots like you. Go and raise your voice now, your muslim brother will butcher you itself.

      9- If you said freedom you said right to have sex before marriage, gay, homosexuals etc. Are you part of one of them, did some gay attack you? Do you understand that west is primarily based on equality which gives equal rights to everyone irrespective of religion and race and orientation. That’s what you misused and killed many americans, British,French, bali,indian etc by way of 9/11, 7/11,26/11, any many terrorist activity muslim do, whe i say you guy, don’t take it personally, its just happns to be done by muslims and are motivated by quran and teachings of it, which even you are hence the reference.

      10-What did muslims do to hindus and Christians in pakistan, a muslim country is not called freedom, muslim group cut hands of a kerela teacher, burn churches, rape Christian and hindu girls with false propsal of marriage( yes unless she becomes muslim). This type of low backward thinking will neverdo good to muslims. So far we all are peaceful because we believe in freedom. We are Christian,Hindu,Sikh,Buddhist,Parsi erc.

      You believe in freedom only to Muslims, once that is achieved then give freedom only to muslim men.

      dont stress your little brain too much, just answer.


  • September 29, 2012 7:17 am

    Hello Mr. so called Indian?

    (i) you are not an indian
    (ii) you are talibani mentality mullah disguised as an Indian
    (iii) our marriage auspicious symbols are already indicated in this blog dated 9th June 2012, Hina designs on the hand,auspicious pot tumbled.
    (iv) we are not member in face book.

    Regarding fake story, because persons of your mentality never want muslim girls happy and cheerful. You want them just sex toys only.
    Dont dare to interfer in my personal matters.

    • Choice
      December 14, 2012 4:52 pm

      This video I would like to share with u and all those eho are interested in marrying hindu boys. It is catered mainly to girls willing to marry hindu boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

  • September 29, 2012 3:07 am

    Dear SHAMIM
    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook,

    To All the Guys who r arguing here:

    This is a Fake story made with fake name,
    It is fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.

    If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook, n Share ur Facebook ID here as ur marriage is accepted by ur Parents den dont Fear, show it here U Educated girl.

    u both r educated n u both would definitely have FB Ids may be since a last yr or two yrs n in that FB Id U both shud have ur old frndz u shud have old Posts, comments on FB Wall.

    Dear SHAMIM if u are really have this kind of Stuff Show us that u r Genuine & u r modern n educated n very Bold plz plz we wud glad to see ur pics with ur so called Boyfrnd (Husband)
    If u really

    • An Indian
      September 29, 2012 1:09 pm

      Hi SHAMIM Darling how r u ?
      Thnx for opening my eyes n now I can see the truth.
      I hope u r enjoying ur married life, might be u r feeling very good by doing interreligious marriage,
      I knew that u will not show ur marriage pics n FB IDs bcoz u don’t have it, it seems u r lying this story,
      As u said u don’t have FB IDs, how shall I believe U bcoz now a days even a 8-9 standard class student also has FB id then how cud u don’t have FB ids,
      It means u r lying that story,
      & about that marriage sign pic, every1 knws tht we can find many pics of marriage signature on Google
      Yes my darling Talibans r the worst people of the world, that’s y a British Generalist (Yvanne Ridley) accepted their religion (ISLAM), who went to them by thinking that they r the one who disrespect women, don’t take pity on women n all those things wich U know very well than me.
      So she Embraced their Religion (Islam) bcoz they treated very well, they even did not touch her bcoz she was a lady n would not feel good if any stranger touch her. She really impressed with their behavior with her n accepted Islam.
      But I too Don’t agree with this
      But I saw this links
      Then I thought that this is Islamic site made by A muslim n this can be fake, but again I found this Youtube video,
      & this one is in her own words

      Dear SHAMIM my sweet darling wat r u saying is correct, she is a mad woman who accepted Islam,
      Western Culture is good n better n best Culture bcoz in west they give full freedom to women,
      Their Freedom is : 1) Doing premarital Sex
      2) Giving birth b4 marriage
      3) Having sex b4 marriage is legal In US
      4) Gay Sex, Trangender, Homosexual Etc
      This r the attributes of Western freedom, I like it too thts y im calling u my Darling as it’s the part of best culture,

  • Muslim
    September 28, 2012 3:03 pm


    Allah k Siwa koi aur kisi bhi cheez ka malik nahi. Isliye is khayal se k Allah k Hukm ko tod kar kisi aur ki panah me jaane se Chhutkara mil gaya, ye bewaqoofi hai. kyunke ye duniya Exam hall ki tarah hai. Aakhirat ki Tayyari ki jagah hai. Ek duty di gayi hai jise poora karne ki koshish karni hai.
    Agar kuchh log kisi aise exam hall me Question ka answer likhne me busy ho jahan k liye use sirf ek baar hi entry mil sakti hai aur wo uski carrier banne aur bigadne ka aakhiri mauqa ho, wahan par na to use khane ki fikar hai aur na Music Dance aur ‘Aish aur ishrat ki balke wo isliye baith kar Answer likh raha hai k ye exam achhe se pass karlen phir poori life settle ho jayegi aur ‘Aish hi ‘Aish hai. To wo Inshaa Allah kamiyab hoga aur ‘Aisho Ishrat ki zindagi guzarega.

    Lekin koi bewaqoof soche k are yaar yahan par to kuchh nahi hai sirf mehnat karna pad raha hai aur sirf jitni der yahan pe rehna hai usi k hisaab se zarurat k saaman hai isse behtar to galiyon aur bazaron itni der sayr karlen Film dekh len club me chale jayen etc. etc. to wahan maza hai… aur yahan exam hall me to inhe kuchh bhi aish ka saaman nahi hai.

    To zara aap hi sochen k wo exam hall me baith kar Question ka answer likhne wala Inshaa Allah ‘Aqalmand aur kamiyab hoga na k utni der ‘aish karne wala aur Question ka answer na likhne wala.

    Ye zindagi Insaan k liye First and Last chance hai Allah ki maan kar hamesha hamesha ki Jannat me dakhil ho kar ‘aish karte rehne ki ya Allah ko na maan kar hamesha hamesha ke liye Jahannam ki saza bhugatne ki jahan maut bhi na aayegi aur jiski Aag Kali aag hai.

    aur rahi baat is duniya k ‘aish ki to ye Allah apne maanne walon ko bhi dete hain aur na maanne walon ko bhi ya’ani jise chahte hain dete hain. aur ye duniya ki ‘aish ka koi bharosa nahi kab kisi se chhin kar kisi aur ko dedi jaye aur aisa na bhi ho to Maut phir bhi ek na ek din juda kar hi deti hai. aur Maut ka waqt pata nahin kiski kab aa jaye, kuchh seconds me, kuchh minute me, kuchh ghante me, kuchh dino me, ……….kuchh Saalon me. phir uske baad to Maut se shuru ho jaata hai.

    Jannat aisi jagah hai jahan na koi gham hoga na koi afsos siwaye us ghadi k jo Allah k zikr k baghair is duniya me guzara hoga k khwahish hogi k agar us waqt ko bhi Allah k Zikr me guzarte to aur zyadah Nemat milti.

    Jannat me har khwahish poori hogi.

    Aur agar poori makhlooq milkar Allah ki nafarmani kare to Allah k SHAAN me zarrah barabar koi kami nahi aayegi aur agar poori makhlooq milkar Allah ki Farmabardari karen to bhi ALLAH ki SHAAN me zarrah barabar badhotri nahin kar sakte.

    ALLAH sabse beniyaz hai.

    Agar koi Allah ka farmabardar hai to use Allah ka shukr ada karni chahiye k Allah ne use apne Guest house me aane k raaste par chala diya aur apne Qaidkhane JAHANNAM k raaste se bacha liye. warna ye aaj ki ladkiyan to kya Allah ne chaha to kayi NABIYON ki Biwiyon ko hidayat nahin di aur unhe JAHANNAMI Bana diya jaise Hazrat Nooh(A.S.) ki biwi aur beta aur Hazrat Lut(A.S.) ki Biwi.

    Allah Ta’ala jise chahte hain hidayat dete hain aur apne guest house k raaste pe chala dete hain aur jise chahte hain use gumrah kar dete hain aur jise Allah gumrah karde use kaun hai jo hidayat de sake.

    Allah ka shukr hai k main Musalmanon me se hun. Allah Ta’ala hamen Siraat-e-Mustaqeem par chalaye un logon k raaste par jin par In’aam Farmaya na k un logon k raaste par Jo log gumraah huwe aur un par Allah ka ghazab naazil huwa. Aameen.

    • one
      September 28, 2012 3:29 pm

      Whatever you wrote for 10 hours just doesn’t makes any sense in this shamim story, now she will be mother soon, give her good wishes not death threat. One thing i noticed every muslim only write bad about a muslim girl who just wanted to marry her love. One side you say girls are given all the freedom than other religion. Then you say she is an idiot, doesn’t she has right to live?

    • Muslim
      September 28, 2012 5:25 pm

      Qiyamat ki Nishaniyan (Signs of Qiyamah)

      Is topic ko zarur achchhi tarah se padhen aur sochen jo k Bahishti Zewar Urdu k (Part-7, page no. 398) pe hai )

      Duniya me jo aajkal waqi’aat ho rahe hain jaise k Earthquakes, Storms, Floods, what to happen in Syriya (with country name and Ruler’s progeny),Christian’s control over countries, etc. etc. are mentioned there.

    • An Indian
      September 29, 2012 3:03 am

      To All the Guys who r arguing here:
      If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook,

      This is a Fake story made with fake name,
      It is fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.

      If you both really have married, then plz show us ur marriage Pics in Facebook, n Share ur Facebook ID here as ur marriage is accepted by ur Parents den dont Fear, show it here U Educated girl.

      u both r educated n u both would definitely have FB Ids may be since a last yr or two yrs n in that FB Id U both shud have ur old frndz u shud have old Posts, comments on FB Wall.

      Dear SHAMIM if u are really have this kind of Stuff Show us that u r Genuine & u r modern n educated n very Bold plz plz we wud glad to see ur pics with ur so called Boyfrnd (Husband)
      If u really

    • An Indian
      September 30, 2012 12:24 am

      All the brothers who oppose this, know tht is a FAKE STORY,
      wen i asked to show thr marriage pics in FACEBOOK (FB ids of both which shud hv old frndz n posts on thr wall) , but he/she did not show PICS n FB id too.
      by this we can know tht ths story is FAKE STORY n lyed 1,
      he/she manier times said tht both r well educated, then they shud hv FB ids, if she is genuine she would hv shown us thr marriage pics in FB.
      I hope u guys understand well.

      • September 30, 2012 10:58 am

        Seems that the truth is too bitter for you to swallow, you have not proved any thing.

        Even she shows a Facebook account, you will say how to prove it is a true photo and name? Any one could easily fake the FB. Even she puts her passport photo on this web site, you will say where did you stole this passport from?

        Bottom line, if you like it or not, a large percent of educated and independent Muslim women are selecting a life mate out side their faith. Why?

        • Muslim
          September 30, 2012 12:19 pm

          Q: what is the reason behind the incidents in which a muslim (man or woman) by name only, get married with a non muslim?

          Answer: This is a type of punishment from Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala as mentioned below:-

          3. A man who is fornicator does not (like to) marry but a woman who is a fornicator or a polytheist; and a woman who is a fornicator does not (like to) marry but a man who is a fornicator or a polytheist. And this (i.e. preferring to marry such spouses) has been prohibited for the believers. [Al-Quraan,24:03].

          • September 30, 2012 10:38 pm

            Answer: One reason is they are educated and independent. They have their own mind and own way of interpreting something written in a book. Osama Bin Laden will interpret it one way, while Shamim will interpret it a different way (read https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1438&cpage=1#comment-27668).

            Q1: Do you believe that Hindu are idolators, non-believer in Allah and Islam?
            Q2: Are you following Koran literally?
            Q3: If both answers are yes, then did you followed this commandment?….. “9:5 When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” HOW MANY HINDUS DID YOU KILLED THIS YEAR?

    • Muslim
      September 30, 2012 11:27 am

      Q. Why a muslim man cannot marry a non muslim woman or a muslim woman cannot marry a non muslim man?


      221. Do not marry the polytheist women, unless they come to believe (in Islam); a Muslim slave-girl is better than a polytheist woman, even though she may attract you; and do not give (your women) in marriage to polytheist men, unless they come to believe; a Muslim slave is better than a polytheist, even though he may attract you. They invite to the Fire when Allah invites, by His will, to Paradise, and to forgiveness. He makes His verses clear to the people, so that they may heed the advice. [Al-Quraan, 2:221].

      Q: what is the reason behind the incidents in which a muslim (man or woman) by name only, get married with a non muslim?

      Answer: This is a type of punishment from Allah SubHanahoo wa Ta’ala as mentioned below:-

      3. A man who is fornicator does not (like to) marry but a woman who is a fornicator or a polytheist; and a woman who is a fornicator does not (like to) marry but a man who is a fornicator or a polytheist. And this (i.e. preferring to marry such spouses) has been prohibited for the believers. [Al-Quraan,24:03].

      • September 30, 2012 10:52 pm

        You may like it or not, educated and independent ladies like to live THIS life (and AFTER life, if be there!).

        • Muslim
          October 2, 2012 10:27 am


          “9:5 When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” HOW MANY HINDUS DID YOU KILLED THIS YEAR?

          Dear admin I request you that please read some verses before and after the verse you have quoted to understand in which context it is.

          Also read:

          [9:13]. Would you not fight a people who
          broke their oaths and conspired to
          expel the Messenger, and it was they
          who started (fighting) against you for
          the first time? Do you fear them? But
          Allah has greater right that you fear
          Him, if you are believers.

          Q: Does Quran say to torture or kill all the disbelievers?

          Answer: 8. Allah does not forbid you as regards
          those who did not fight you on account
          of faith, and did not expel you from
          your homes, that you do good to them,
          and deal justly with them. Surely
          Allah loves those who maintain

          9. Allah forbids you only about those
          who fought you on account of faith,
          and expelled you from your homes,
          and helped (others) in expelling you,
          that you have friendship with them.
          Those who develop friendship with
          them are the wrongdoers.

          ………..Hope you understand now.

          • Muslim
            October 2, 2012 10:31 am

            Last verses 8 and 9 are from chapter no 60 i.e. [60:8-9]

            8. Allah does not forbid you as regards
            those who did not fight you on account
            of faith, and did not expel you from
            your homes, that you do good to them,
            and deal justly with them. Surely
            Allah loves those who maintain

            9. Allah forbids you only about those
            who fought you on account of faith,
            and expelled you from your homes,
            and helped (others) in expelling you,
            that you have friendship with them.
            Those who develop friendship with
            them are the wrongdoers.

  • Fatima
    September 28, 2012 3:57 am

    Hi Shamim,
    God bless you always. Let Amir, Ali Hasan and others, say, who have mentality of Talibani terrorists trying to misguide and mislead our women since ages for their selfish gains. They try to scare about hell and socalled punishment after this life. Why there is no punishment to the males like Amir, Ali Hasan, Masood and islamic Maulvies, who have committed millions of sins of female community cannot be spared by Allah at any cost. If there is hell, really they need to be boiled in hot water, so that their skin is pealed off. They are involved in sex with different women, keeping their wives and sisters in house prison. They are not human but shaitan on this earth, treating women folk just sex dolls. I am sure that they are not happy in their own family life and leading a very miserable life.

    Remember that God helps those who help themselves. Shaitan like Amir, Ali Hansan, Masood will be appearing in this earth from time to time who needs to be kicked, as soon as they appear to cause damage to women community.

    • Amir
      September 28, 2012 6:40 am

      Don’t get angry and tell what problem you have come across that make you so disturbed?

      • September 28, 2012 9:56 am

        Very clear and a strong message!
        Now this information age is a time for change, thanks for speaking out.

    • ali hasan
      October 4, 2012 9:47 am

      beware al all all all. .
      Hey, shamim
      the Rss group is in hinduism. That group is always against of islam(our muslims peoples) they have knowledge about islam.why they learned? Because of mind wash.

      Don.t upload your mail address in that box. Always safety, because that RSS group ill convert into saithan path.don.t argument with this shamim.we don.t know she or he. Told true or lied.never mind about this girl. Allah said and his messenger said don.t lose your islamic mind.

      Hey mind it all.
      If we got 1000of peoples revert to islam. Allah ill check us with these types of a shamim user ill converted to hinduism.

      Hey all. Just read 4;77 and 67;2. this saithan is trying to convert your mind into saithan path. So be care0full
      And ask duah for me. Don.t believe and don.t involve this matter. Leave her or him fake

  • Ali hasan
    September 26, 2012 10:36 pm

    hey joys . . . we should see god if you lived good. When you enter heaven. You ill see. Allah hav a pic but we don.t know his pic. He never drink water or eat food.we are everything expecting from allah ,but, he expecting form us only one thing- that is prayer. We have a lot of miracles fro holy quran. If you want,s to know you can search on internet

  • Ali hasan
    September 26, 2012 10:19 pm

    and all girls don’t get this shamim girl as role model. Because, you may be in hell. and shamin watch jahir naiz speech on net. Or on tv program. Allah ill show as right path

  • Ali hasan
    September 26, 2012 10:14 pm

    samim. You should understand, what is islam and who is our prophet. And what quran say about our prophet. if you believe you should accept. allah said in quran, follow mhmd rashool s.a.w’s way. Our prophet said. If muslim girl liked other religious boy then you should change him to muslim, then you can marry him (-hadeez.) Does’nt matter. Don’t expecting this world only. what did you do for allah and what ill you do for him? Read quran 4:77, and should read 67;2, allah testing all and especially you. If your rahul became a muslim. That’s fine. Otherwise, do’t forgot our muslims activites. We have real life after dead. if you believe that, yo ill go to right path. don.t expecting this world life only. i hope you ill change your husband into right religion (that is islam) this is mandatory of us. belief only one god

  • Shamim
    September 26, 2012 11:35 am

    Mr. Amir,
    you have a mentality of talibani terrorists, always showing islamic principles, what about you and your male soiety? Drinking, extra marital affairs are haram in islam, males indulged in such affairs will they not be punished by Allah? Pakistani generals and politicians involved in currupt practices, keeping girls for sex in their harams, why these rules are not applied on them? Gaddafi raping thousands of girls, keeping pretty women in his bed room, are these allowed in islam? Sex with a dead wife, is Allah’s order?

  • Roshan
    September 26, 2012 8:07 am

    Inter-Religious marriage in Islam and Hindu can bring infinite happiness among both countries.Other country are trying to bring the obstacle in our relationship, so that they can enjoy the fight.But we should not forget we are brothers and sisters.We all remember that we had got everything when we ware fighting together against independence.

    I love Rama And Allaha Equally.I like Islam and Indian .

  • Shamim
    September 24, 2012 7:34 am

    Hi everybody,

    Ever since I am married with Rahul, fortune appears to be chaning dramatically. Both of us have got a good job in a MNC and soon shall be going to Singapore. Another most exciting event of my life, that I am pregnant now. Vow what a pleasant surprise. My parents have agreed, no problem now, reality has been accepted.

    • September 24, 2012 11:12 am

      We are VERY HAPPY for you, best wishes!!!!!!
      Please coming back to update and guide other youths.

    • Amir
      September 25, 2012 8:15 am

      It is good to know that you are all-well, If it is not fake story, like many stories posted on this site ( By wrong names ), wish you good luck.
      However, you carry sin of Zinah as Nikah is completed between two muslims only. But pray from God, He is forgiving, merciful.
      But never associate anybody with God (You and your children) and believe in his oneness, as this Sin is biggest, if you associate anybody with God, you will become dis-believer and God may not forgive you.

      Otherwise enjoy your life, and prepare yourself for the eternal life, as this life is test for eternal after-life.
      Try to pass the test as God says in Quran -“Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs.” (Qur’an, 10:7)

      A hadith says – “This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever” because a believer has to follow rules that bind him from being shameless, Pleasure-seeker, Cheater.
      Being honest, shameful, kind, forgiving always require to be bounded by rules and principles, whosoever break them may enjoy Pleasure but God is Just and He tests who among us is more obedient and fearful to follow guided path.

      Hope for you to be guided path.

      • September 26, 2012 9:41 pm

        Your statement “But never associate anybody with God (You and your children) and believe in his oneness” is very disturbing.

        Here, Shamim is enjoying happiest time of her life and even her Muslim parents have accepted their relationship, while are you trying to create division in their new relationship?

        What do you mean by “you and your children”? Why are you separating them from the rest of family? If Shamim believed that Hindus are idol-worshippers and sinners, why she opted to associate day and night, years and life with a Hindu family? She is a proud Muslim, but she clarified that marriage with a Hindu… “it WAS prohibited that rule was only valid within a context.” Further, she complained that “Only when we muslim girls love a human being all the hell breaks loose.” Why?

        We are glad you are coming to this site instead of listing too much to your favorite Zakir Naik. Here these educated intelligent Muslim girls will enlighten you to be a good human-being. So hand on here!

        • Amir
          September 27, 2012 5:46 am

          Sorry dear,
          But Shamim is not a proud muslim but a misguided muslim.
          And if her parent has accepted her , it is because they had no choice, Every parent love their child may be they are wrong-doers.

          Why don’t you directly argue me on true religion on mail.

          Most of the time when i try to comment, my comment is not submitted,
          Your site is a place where people ( by wrong names and fake stories ) try to attract muslims towards Hinduism. And you just think you have succeeded.
          Most of the comment are for insulting muslims by lies and mis-quotes,
          I always try to resolve doubt but hardly say wrong to others, But yours mentality reflect what your religion teaches. Shameless.

          • September 27, 2012 10:13 am

            Can you explain “i try to comment, my comment is not submitted”?

            We do not block any comment. If you wish to write a full post (1-2 pages), please write down all you wish to say and we will make a new post.

            Don’t get discouraged, you seems to be giving it up. We need to give a balanced view to youths in love and appreciate your views.

    • Seema Maheshwari
      September 25, 2012 11:17 am

      Shamim, God bless both of you.

    • azim
      September 26, 2012 3:18 am

      Shamim! Now get redied yourself to being burned in Jahannam for infinite time.

    • Muhammad
      September 26, 2012 12:52 pm

      I just like to say one thing. You had broken the Allah’s rule. It is clearly told in our religion Islam that Muslim woman cannot marry any one accept Muslim man, and Muslim man can only marry Muslim, Christian or Jews woman. You may be hold by Allah for committing ZINA during the “day of judgment”.

      • suma
        September 26, 2012 1:23 pm

        ” Muslim woman cannot marry any one accept Muslim man, and Muslim man can only marry Muslim, Christian or Jews woman. You may be hold by Allah for committing ZINA during the “day of judgment”.”
        There you go again, oh my god. So god gives a vast choice to muslim men and a very restricted window to women in choosing spouses. So we can conclude muslim books are written by men with so many diktats in place to keep men happy and women tied to bed rooms and kitchens.Hindus have respected women such a way that they also worship women sacred deities along side men.Hindus also respect animals and propagate ahimsa or non violence.Hindu texts dont preach killing a fellow human all because he belongs to another faith.Ekam sat, bahuda viprah vedanti said Rig Veda. Meaning sat or truth is one (god is one) but paths (religions) are many.Hello Pakistanis stop polluting the youngminds and dont write bad things about hindus in your text books. A hindu can become a muslim but a muslim cannot become a hindu, what kind of devious law is that.

      • September 26, 2012 9:01 pm

        How did you come to the Judgment TODAY that Shamim “committing ZINA”?? Shamim is a good Muslim and a good human being, and she has her own way of interpreting Koran by saying “it WAS prohibited that rule was only valid within a context.” Let Allah decide it on the Judgment Day if it will be Osama Bin Ladin or Shamim to get the Hell Fire. Why are you deciding for Allah?

    • Rahul
      September 21, 2015 5:09 am

      Please contact me i need ur help…. My id is rahuulssharma@gmail.com

      • admin
        September 21, 2015 7:38 am

        why kind of help, can you detail it here in 10 lines? Are you in love with a Muslim girl?

  • Ariki
    September 23, 2012 2:38 pm

    Hi.,…Am Arun, a Hindu……loved a girl very sincerely,……But, it was all one sided……I proposed her many a times, but she replied only one thing to me…..Am a Muslim, u can’t live with me, am sorry……she said, we ll be just good friends….I said OK..

    Now, she s daily talking with me in phone,….but just as a close friend, nothing else……Am really confused what to do…….I can’t forget her, i love her so much….My heart is telling to propose her once more, but damn sure, she wont talk to me after that…. 🙁 🙁 ..: ( :(….Don’t know,which stupid created these religions and all……. 🙁 :'( :'(.

    • September 23, 2012 5:28 pm

      Arun, if she wants to be a good friend and willing to talk to you often, what is wrong? What is love mean? Do you mean you want to be physical? Do you want to claim that she is your girl and go out in a garden holding her hand?

      Life is not that simple, please read https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2643. Bottom line, are you willing to convert to Islam? If not, just focus on your studies and be happy with her honest friendship.

  • ali khan
    September 22, 2012 2:51 am

    It is good to be in love . Do not consider religion as the main factor for deciding love relationship with Hindu boys.

    Follow Ritwik Roshan style. He is having muslim wife. So love is important and above Islam. So do not care for what fanatics are saying rather go with your hindu husband………Wish you a happy married life……….

    • Amir
      September 22, 2012 7:43 am

      Why so much emphasis on the word “Hindu”. The better answer could be written without biased mind.

  • Zahida Aggarwal
    September 20, 2012 11:32 am

    Hello RaJ

    What about marrying your muslim girl friend? Which country are you from? are you serious and committed with her?

    Are you both earning?
    Shall be glad to know and wishing you all the best in future.

  • michele
    September 20, 2012 4:15 am

    i dont believe in this story, i think shamim just want to make muslims bad.
    i studied all religions, in veda, they say they will come one more prophet.
    and also the caste system in hinduism its not human.

    everybody should make his own decision.
    if you are a muslim or hindu etc. and your religion does not allow
    to marry another, than dont do it.
    or maybe you have just a religion on paper.
    and im sure, also a hindu, buddhist, jew girl is not allowed to marry a guy from
    other religion. i cant imagine a jew girl marry a hindu.. impossible. only non religious “jews”..

    i wish freedom for everybody

  • syed Mohsin
    September 18, 2012 4:56 am

    It is a shameful thing that you have married with a Hindu Boy, cheating your parents, Islam may shirk kay bad ager koi bara gunah ha to wo waldan ki na frmani ha, jub teray maa baap ko ilam ho ga kay tuj jesi na khulaf beti nay un ki marzi kay br khilaf shetan kay bhkaway may a kr ak hindu say shadi kr li ha to unay intehai runj or tkleef ho gi or Allah nay Quran may saf kah dya ha kay Kafir murd per muslman ortat or musalman murd per kafir orat ko haram kr dya gya ha. Hindu chaey kitna bhi nake ho mgr wo ak kafir ha or Allah ki wahdanyat ka inkari ha or kai khudao ko mannay wala ha, jub kay musalman honay ki phli shurt hi yeh ha kay insan sub jhotay or khud sakhta khudao ka inkar kray.

    hr mazhab kay kuch asool hotay han or limitations hoti han, or tum yeh shadi kr kay islam kay asool torh chuki ha or ab agr tum khud ko jitna mrzi muslman khti rh mgr tera islam say koi talq nahi rha, or agr tum khud ko musalman khti ho to yad rukhna tumhari is shadi ki koi deeni hesyat nahi ha, or teray or rahul ka milap zana kay ilawa kuch nahi ho ga or teri olad hram ki olad ha.

    Tumay Rahul say muhabbat nai hawas ha or tu sirf anpi shetani khahsh ko pora krnay kay lye yeh shadi kr chki ha, Yad rukhna tum per Allah ka azab nazil ho ga or tumay khud malom ho jaey ga kay tum nay kitna azeem gunah kya ha. or Allah ka azab intehai drdnak hota ha mgr Allah apna azab nazil krnay may juldi nahi krta.

    ager rahul ko bhi tum say muhabbat thi to usay musalman hona chaye tha or baqaida nikkah krna chaye tha, yeh shadi asi halt may hoi ha kay rahul khud shakhta insan kay bnaey hoey khudao ko pojta ha, jo kay faqt stories or jhoti miths han, or tum Ak Allah ki ibadat or bundi honay ka dawa krti ha, tujay jahil lrki yeh bhi nahi pta kay bundagi kisay khtay han,
    us kay kai khuda shetan kay numainday han or yeh un ka bunda ha yani shetan ka bunda or tu Allah ki bundi ha or shetan or Rehman ak dosray kay khulay dushman han or tu nay ak asay bunday say shadi ki ha jo shetan ka bunda ha. tujay yeh bhi malom nahi kay shadi kay bad orat shohar ki malkyat hoti ha or yani shohar ki gulami may a jati ha. or tu nay khud ko ak shetan kay bunday(gulam) ki gulami may day dya ha. ab to Allah ki bundi nahi bulkay shetan ki bundi bun chuki ha. Rahman ki bundi tu tub hi bun skti thi jub to rehman kay bunday kay nikah may jati. mgr afsoos to nay apni dunya snwarnay ki khatir apni akhrat brbad kr di ha or tujay ab Khuda Kay hazor jwab dena pray ga.

    tuj per yeh charges lago hon gay.

    1-Shetan kay bunday ki gulami.
    2-Apnay waldan ki nafarmani.
    3-apnay waldan ko dhoka dena.
    4-islam ki zillat ka bais bunna.
    5-hram ki olad ko peda krna or palna.
    6-zana bil raza krna.

    • Rahul singh
      September 22, 2012 8:34 pm

      Shaitan to tera allah hai kate land. Hinduism to tumhare fake allah ke 1000 saal pehle se chala aa raha hai. Ladies ka rape ke swa aur kya kia tere mohmd ne, isiliye Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iran,Iraq jider muslims hai waha kabhi shanti nahi hoti. Isiliye to tumahre hero Osama ko khatam kia dunia ne, koi tumhara Saudi dubai nahi aya usr bachane, samjhe, ab bhi waqt hai, hindu banjao aur sacchai ke raste pe chalna sikho.

  • fatima
    September 16, 2012 10:57 am


    So called Anamika, I am sure that you have disguised your identity and appearing as a Hindu girl. I am sure you belong to Hakkani group of terrorists, with ill motives and false statements.

    You are the one who have caused damage to the islamic religion, committing all sorts of attrocities on the women folk and thrown thousands of innocent girls in pakistan based prostitution.

    • September 17, 2012 2:08 pm

      Fatima, what did Anamika say that brought on your tirade?
      Most of the people on this site are hatemongers and it seems that we as a nation are doomed. No one wants to practice tolerence.

  • sabana
    September 15, 2012 12:15 pm

    Hello Mr. Masood,

    It is sure that you are not a human but a talibani terrorist, dertmined to deprieve muslims from their fundamental rights. You are at liberty to have extra marital affairs with any one and poor wife cannot move freely, what is this religion?

    it is an opperessive and cruel religion to keep opperessed half of the population of females from whose wombs you have been for 9 months?

    Can you move freely in burka in 45deg. temp. You are bastard and mean mentality person. Perhaps you have not realized the miserable conditions of your mother, sister, daughter and other closed relatives in female community.

  • Anamika
    September 12, 2012 4:43 pm

    Iam a hindu girl i want to marry with a muslim guy we both love each other but the problem is my brother he is not agree for our relationship and my boyfriend’s family also not agree. what we do pls help us

    • September 12, 2012 9:40 pm

      Dear Anamika,
      The best and easiest option is to convert to Islam….read more at Hindu-Muslim marriage. After reading, let us know what additional information you wish to have. Get back to us, please.

      • seema maheshwari
        September 13, 2012 12:16 pm

        Admin. while converting may be the easiest option, it’s also a cop out. How can someone who believes in multiple gods, accept just one faceless one or vice versa?
        If a couple cannot live together with their different faiths, then they shouldn’t marry.
        I may be a minority but I could never trust someone who can give up their religion as easily as changing their hair colour.

        • September 16, 2012 11:12 am

          Excellent statement “I could never trust someone who can give up their religion as easily as changing their hair colour.” Let Anamika read the recommended link (knee-jerk test!) and it is expected that she will get back with more questions.

  • Sarah
    September 11, 2012 7:40 pm


  • Raj
    September 11, 2012 7:27 pm

    Hello I’m a Hindu boy & I am in love with a Muslim girl..

    We both met on social site & we both know each other from last 6-7 months,
    Now we are taking our relationship serious & we want to marry each other & I’m ready to convert to marry her.
    & to accept Islam from my heart, we have still 5 years for marriage.
    Please suggest us how we can convince our patents for this & whatever we r doing is right or no?

    • Sarah
      September 11, 2012 7:45 pm

      It is all wrong.It will be better if she stop talking to you and you also.

    • September 11, 2012 8:37 pm

      Hi Raj, What is wrong with the path of Shamim? Let the love rule, not the conversion business. Read what conversion mean to you? First understand Islam before converting. Join a madrasa and start living a life of a true Muslim as per the Koran; after spending a few years like a true Muslim, then convert.

  • Sabiya
    September 11, 2012 4:00 pm

    M a muslim
    plz agar ap mere post pe kch achha ni bol skte to ganda mat bolna
    i love a hindu guy tooooo much n usse bhi jyada he lovs me..
    He is ready to change into islam without any kind of pressure or force by me.. What should i do to convinc my parents..plz reply friends.. Me n my love are tooo tensd.. I want help from a persn who has expert knwledge about all dis.. Plz help

    • September 11, 2012 8:56 pm

      Make sure he understand what Islam is all about. Tell him to come to this site and read all experiences of Hindu guy-Muslim girl couples and read Koran. This fake-converts will hurt you later.
      For you, read Muhammad Mujtaba and Sasha.

    • sabia
      September 15, 2012 12:23 pm

      Hello Sabiya,
      I have married a Hindu guy and very happy with him.

      No need to change religion, it was created by man. Every one is eual in the eyes of Lord. If your Hindu BF is honest, loyal, committed, kind hearted, marry him.

      Dont believe so called Islamic rules which are made for male to dominate females against their wishes and self enjoy all sorts of prieviliges. The islamic rules are cruel and barbaric for women folk, just to have sexual requirement.

      I am from Indonesia and most of girls who are educated, are marrying non-muslim guys. My 2 other sisters have married to christian and budhdhists boy friends in Phillipines.

      God bless you.

      • March 25, 2013 9:48 am

        hello what are you telling . what happen for you.

    • March 25, 2013 9:45 am

      if you trust him that your boy freind will convert to muslim religion it is a sawaabe jariya for you. allah tumari zindagi mein barkaat ata farmaya aameen sumaameen yarabbul alemeen.

    • proloy
      May 21, 2013 9:57 am

      Sabiya, if you love the Hindu B/F, then you should embrace Hinduism like other Muslim girls.

  • Raj
    September 11, 2012 8:18 am

    mohammad ne Tum Logo ko Chutiya banaya hai … The whole Quran Stories r Fake & Completely a Blind Imagination by a Unsuccessful Trader name Maohammad (jisko tum Prophet samjhte ho) .. Islam is all about to Taking Revenge with the Western Counties & then Mohammad Play a Game of Fake God Allah . he Know that there is nothing like allah in the world but for money he built a fake story of allah & islam & many Innocent Peoples are Converted by him in that fucking fake Religion … the Birth date of Mohammad was (c. 570 – c. 8 June 632) & at that Time there are already a lots of Fake Religion Exist … The Truth is only that Hinduism is the Only Religion & other Religion are not Religion they all are Belief . “Hinduism” the Oldest & the uncreated Religion . but ye sab to Purana tha Ab nayi baat ye hai ki Jis ko jis se shadi karni hai KAr sakta hai kisi ka baap bhi use Rok nahi sakta So Go on Lovers … I m Wid u ( Don’t Fear Raj is here )

    • Amir
      September 11, 2012 8:43 am


      “whole Quran Stories r Fake”
      Have you read Quran? Then tell me what stories you believe to be fake???

      “but for money he built a fake story of allah”
      Which story has bult to earn money???

      “Hinduism is the Only Religion & other Religion are not Religion they all are Belief .”
      please tell me difference between religion and faith????

      Non-muslim chahe jisse shadi kare but
      Muslims are not allowed to marry a Non-muslim until they believe.

      • Raj
        September 13, 2012 4:19 pm

        Dude … I am in a Serio Relationship wid a Muslim girl & we soon bond in a marriage Circle … wake up dude it’s all just a fake story not more then it 😉 believe me ,,, there is nothing like islam & all, we all are humans first

        • Amir
          September 28, 2012 3:14 am

          Tone changed.. When no answer found.

    • Muslim
      September 11, 2012 9:03 am

      Watch this Miss Shamim


      & Also see this


      So we muslims have more faith and can be said to be more hindus than hindus themselves as we followed their vedas and accepted islam!

      Now about your issue, Madam I am also in love with a Hindu girl but not a KAFIR like you and will marry her only if she accepts islam.

      You say that you believe in allah! What a hypocrisy and absurd reasoning when you don’t believe and follow the teaching of allah’s rasool and deny the direct message of allah, i.e the quran!
      Quran clearly says what you are quoting as the attributes of KHAFIR, and that’s what you have become for your worldly desires.

      Don’t forget that its only 35-40 years of these worldly pleasure for which you have defied allah, after which you will surely face the consequences. Now I am sure that again you will stand up and say that “I believe in allah but don’t believe in all this which you have written,”
      I would advice that then go and read quran!

      Allah doesn’t need people like you and its mention in the Quran so you can go and do whatever you want with your life and don’t disgrace our rasool and allah himself.
      After all such a huge hell has been designed for you and your alike. Definitely allah wants it to be filled as well and I guess he has chosen you for the dirty work.

      Go and accept hinduism!

      • Truth
        September 20, 2012 6:18 am

        First of all brother you are a shame to islam. According to Islam you cannot have any love feeling for non muslim so you yourself went against islam by having love relation with non muslim girl. You have to leave her immediately. Imagine that your sister has love relationship with a Hindu will you be ok then? So leave that girl immediately and find a hindu girl.

        2nd your videos are from non Muslim source so its just not acceptable for Allah to be proved right by any non Muslim institutions. Will you believe that prince of Kuwait has converted to Christianity. Will you accept that and show that video here to prove Christianity ia true religion ?

        Did you know that she is not a kafir as she is still believes in allah and definition of kafir is totally different.

        Have you read the great geeta and veds. I don’t think so you are privileged enough to do that, but incase you do, Hinduism’s concept clearly states that all humans are equal and hence they can marry any person regardless of the religion, hence she is a true women to marry her Hindu boyfriend.

    • September 13, 2012 8:58 am

      raj tu nay mohammed [s.a.w.] k barey may jo bolo haiy wo jahalat may bola haiy…. kabhi sarkaar s.a.w k kirdar ko padta toa ye na kehta… zara apni ramayan aur dousri kitaboun ko dekh unhi kitaboun may sarkar s.a.w. k aanay kee baat batai gayi haiy…. ye dunia unhi k sadke bani haiy…. kasam gumbade khazra kee gar tu mere saamne hota toa teri gardan kaat deta… aur soun maiy tere ram aur dousre chutia bhagwan ko gaali b nahi dounga.. kyun k unki aukad itni nhi k mustafa s.a.w. ka gulam unhe gaali bhi day…. zara apna adress day day agar wakai may teri maa kisi aur mard k saat nahi soi toa.

      • Raj
        September 13, 2012 4:29 pm

        bhen de takke … Tum logo ki okkat nahi hai Mere Bhagwan ko kuch bolne ki salo Tum log Nakli , khatam ho salo … critianity & jewish ko dekh kar Apna fake Religion bana liya aur Female par attyachar karte ho … dub ke mar jao kutto … yaad Rakhiyo ki If Koi Female par presure ya us ki marzi ke bagair Marriage kar witch tune sochi to sale teri ### … Aa jaiyo Gand me dum hai to IIM-A me

    • Danish
      November 6, 2012 1:41 pm

      How u say that about mohd. Without any proof ?

    • March 25, 2013 9:57 am


    • stranger
      June 22, 2014 3:31 am


      first read what is hindusim, and what is shiva linga. this is dick of shiva how could be a dick god ( god of force)…basically hindusim is not a religion… like buddism, sikism,, etc..check this out…

  • nvajz
    September 9, 2012 3:43 pm

    Shamim :

    Even i am stuck with same situation,

    I would definitely appreciate that you have married him / make sure u get permission from your parents and u be you and he be himself / no change in religion / teach your kids about all the religions are equal or teach them that there are no religion /

    I am committed to a muslim girl / my love she is / and want to get married / and i ll post my marriage date here for sure …

    If possible any wanys i can contact you through mail … for some reason which can help my marriage…

    • September 9, 2012 5:43 pm

      How are you planning to get married by? Islamic Nikaah after Shahadah conversion conversion to Islam? Or Hindu wedding? or Court?

  • nvajz
    September 9, 2012 3:18 pm

    For Salim :

    U don even speak about Muslim , since i am an hindu and i know about Muslim, U don spooil muslim’s name since you are not a Muslim , only your name represents but that’s of no use …

  • nvajz
    September 9, 2012 3:16 pm

    ganesha, shiva,krishna etc….were born on earth but they are not gods…they were like us with flesh and bones,they also have girlfriends like us..
    god is one…he is unique, he is unseen,..he has no picture.
    you are worshipping false gods

    this is for Khan :

    May i know how u believe that you are happy and healthy : is it coz of ALLH ?

    • hindutva
      September 10, 2012 2:10 pm

      bro ganesha,shiva and krishna were gods you should learn ramayan and mahabharata hindus hav the oldest religion in te world vedas,yogas,upnishad in whom all the information about each n every particle is of the world is present we are great aryans

      • Satyen
        October 1, 2012 3:51 pm

        These incarnations such as Shri Ram, Shir Krishna or Mata Lakshmi, Mata Durga etc. are the various manifestations of the same God known by various names such as Eshwar, Ohm and so forth. Many Muslims also believe in the same God and call him/her Allah but believe in various fake Gods as well apart from the God. Examples of the fake Gods (many Muslims mention) are Shaitan and many idols the Muslims see and are scared of. The whole history is a witness of Muslims demolishing the house of these fake Gods. Their energy is channelised in the destruction of the fake Gods. You just read their literature and comments on the socializing sites and it’s replete with their hate for the fake Gods. I suggest them not to waste their time to these fake Gods and concentrate on the God Allah only. I think it will help the fake Gods disappear. But history proves, many of the Muslims are the captives of Shaitan (amother fake God) and will just keep on the demolishing work. Another point is many of them keep lying as Shaitan has taught them Taqiya (application of lying to spread Islam is a merit!!).

        With all the above constraints, still I see the light at the end of the sooooo long tunnel.


  • Shantanu
    September 6, 2012 1:32 am

    Islam is a good religion only becoz it is partial towards muslim men but it has a very narrow minded concept which doest not respect sentiments of women and let them live happily like the men.
    On the otherhand, chistianity, hinduism, and other are good on all the aspects becoz they never force women or disrespect them like Islam teaches

  • Shantanu
    September 6, 2012 1:20 am

    Mr. Salman Hindustani aap ek ladki ko gaali dete ho, kya aapke ghar me maa aur behen ko isi tarah gaali di jaati hai? kya aapka Koran Shariff yehi sikhata hai aapko?

    Agar ek muslim aadmi jitna bhi shaadi karle phir chahe talaaq bhi deta ho ussey koi kuch nhi kehta? Lekin ek muslim ladki parda me rahe, zulum sahe aur agar ek awaaz bhi uthaye to wo haraam hai? Wah ye kaisa dharam hai jisme aurat ka koi haq nhi issey to accha hai baaki saarey dharam jisme aurat ko jeenay ki azadi diya jaata hai.

    • September 13, 2012 9:07 am

      listen dude islam jitni azadi aurat ko deta haiy utni shayad he koi deta haiy… dekho bhai jo pabandi haiy wo aurton kee bhalai k liye haiy.. chahe wo pardah ho ya kuch aur… aap say guzarish haiy k aap islam ko dekhen naa kee musalman ko plz… do not mix up in any misconception, i humbly request u…. aray yaar har mazhab may unn k khuda kee tasvir haiy sirf islam may allah ko chodr kar.. yehi islam k sach hone kee dalleel haiy… adam say lekar jesus p.b.u.h sab nay islam kee hee dawat dee haiy… plz stay knowing about islam, ull find the path of salvation.

  • Jamila
    September 3, 2012 9:42 am

    Hi every body.

    Going through the above discussions and my life experience, it is true that maximum attrocities are committed on the name of islam on female community, particularly when they are middle class families.Males irrespective of any class, enjoy all sorts of freedom to marrying any number of girls, giving talak, insulting them, beating them, restricting their education. Hell is there like country Egypt, where, it is propagated to have sex with a dead wife?

    Muslim girls have to fight their struggle with changing environment and if they come accross any good guy, humble liberal, god fearing, earning livelihood, they should not hesitate to marry him. Out of muslim countries 90% muslim girls are marrying christian, Hindus, Buddhist.

    I was a divorcee, badly treated and ultmately one day one guy from Hindu Brahmin community met me, helped and ultimately married me. No problem with him and his parents, now settled in Canada and with his cooperation and help, I am also doing job there and having two loving siblings(males.)We both respect each other sentiments and follow our own religions without any problem. Kids respect and follow the patterns of religions. No probelm.

    This post is moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2434

  • SanJay
    August 24, 2012 11:32 am

    I am an Hindu boy and i am in love witha muslim grl…!! it has crossed 1 year of experience b/w us both..we both love each oher very much but the only problem is our religion….Is that a serios problem…?? I am ready to face any situation and she too but i dont want her to face because i dont waana make her cry gettin me in troube…I f any probs come to me she will be broken ..We love hat much but religion stops…..I will never end my love and she tooo but i waana some comments which u think that will happen in our love..?? plz comment and say the things that would happen if i marry her…..!

    DO NOT COMMENT HERE…it has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2306

    • August 24, 2012 4:02 pm

      To Kane and Sanjay, saying that you can’t kive without each other is naive. If you are living outside India, then get married. However, if you live in India then, unless you are financially independent, you need the support of both families.
      Unfortunately, we Indians have been brought up on a steady diet of Hindi films, where everyone lives happily ever after. Doesn’t work in real life guys. Take a stand or get on with your lives.

      • Kane
        August 24, 2012 11:52 pm

        to seema,
        i agree its naive to say that.
        And also that the happily ever after happens only in hindi films where nothing is ever real.

        But then say we are financially independent after a couple of years time, how will things change?
        i mean if she’s still at loggerheads with her parents then, the chances of support at that time will be no more than they are now.

        we both are from mumbai and also live in the same building.
        so, how far do you think my/my family’s/her well being can be affected if we try to push on with the relationship now?

        taking a stand is required now, and that’ll mostly be to bring it to a halt.
        but it will only be in optimism that something might work out in the future.

        DO NOT COMMENT HERE, instead comments at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2308

  • Kane
    August 24, 2012 3:28 am

    i am hindu boy in love with a muslim girl.
    its been 9 months into our relationship n our parents came to know.

    her dad called me up 2 days back when i said that we are in a relationship.
    he asked me to stop immediately.
    when my parents confronted me i accepted that i love her and can’t live without her but she didnot accept this at her place and behaved very arrogantly.
    it created lot of problems at her end as already she has a strained relation with her parents.
    she was also beaten at home.

    for last 2 days i’ve been instructed not to talk to her by both sets of parents n end all communication.
    its been very difficult for me to ignore her calls(almost 40 yesterday)but for her and my safety i’m doing so.

    she spoke to my best friend and he’s managed to calm her down for now.

    i’ve started working 8 months back and she’s not yet started working.
    we’ve both completed our graduation/post grad.

    i love her a lot and she does too but i want our safety as well as not hurting the sentiments of our respective parents.
    please help us.

    Comment at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2308 ONLY.

  • joyc
    August 21, 2012 10:25 am

    hello…m a hindu girl..i really don’t like people quarreling with each other on the matter of marriages of diffrnt religion…..every religion is of equal importance…many of muslim guys have said that hindu ppl worship idols…bt i wud like to tell them…they are not just the idols…but once in the time long ago they really had been here…eg. god ganesha, krishna, vishnu..etc….we dnt worship just the idol bt the soul..

    guys i really dnt want to argue with any of u bt really wanna ask u a question…has anybody of u have seen “allah”…not even prophet paigambar seen allah…prophet just saw a dream in which agel gabriel said him for the work of holly islamination…but purely opposite to this….god ganesha, god shiva, god krishna had been born on earth nd saved human being from cruel assur people. This is what hinduism…pure, clean and white…. But there are so many theories in islam those are not good for human being to keep battlefree… Lastly i wud like to say u all…practise ur religion and do respect others too.

    every religion teaches us to practise it n respect other religions.

    • August 21, 2012 7:40 pm

      A good point! Well said.

    • khan
      August 24, 2012 5:02 am

      ganesha, shiva,krishna etc….were born on earth but they are not gods…they were like us with flesh and bones,they also have girlfriends like us..
      god is one…he is unique, he is unseen,..he has no picture.
      you are worshipping false gods

      • August 24, 2012 4:06 pm

        The same can be said about Jesus Christ (PBUH) but what purpose will that serve?
        If someone wants to give a face to God then so be it. It doesn’t hurt you or me Khan.

      • bikash rathore
        August 28, 2012 12:08 pm

        paigambar chacha bhi to insaan hi theee

        • khan
          August 29, 2012 8:17 am

          @bikash rathore:we dont worship prophet
          paigambar ki ibadat karna bhi haraam hai

          • Salim
            August 29, 2012 7:41 pm

            I m hundred percent sure that you are not a Sunni and a proper believer of allah, you don’t respect Mohammed also, shame on you. You are an idiot, spoiling our islam. You are a shia or ahmedi

            Yeh ladki to salli prostitute hai, baki muslim ladkiyo ko bhi yahi taaleem de rahi hogi. Muslim girls are for us others have to convert to marry us, else we would dump you after sex.

      • khan
        September 6, 2012 1:00 pm

        bilkul sahai kaha khan sahab ne Allah ek hai uske siwa koi maabood nhi.

      • nvajz
        September 9, 2012 4:10 pm

        nvajz says: September 9, 2012 at 3:16 pm ganesha, shiva,krishna etc….were born on earth but they are not gods…they were like us with flesh and bones,they also have girlfriends like us..
        god is one…he is unique, he is unseen,..he has no picture.
        you are worshipping false gods

        this is for Khan :

        May i know how u believe that you are happy and healthy : is it coz of ALLH ?

    • September 13, 2012 9:15 am

      bahen . tumhare vedon me likha haiy nashaystre prathima asthi matlab khuda kee koi murat nahi haiy na koi chitr… aray ye kisnay kaha ke prophet s.a.w nay khuda ko nahi dekha , islam ko jaano kareeb say jaano warna kal nuksaan hoga… aur kya tum hinduism ko pavitr kehte ho. gaye ka peeshab peena kahan kee pavitr ta haiy… just go and search for right..

    • Ali hasan
      September 26, 2012 10:28 pm

      we should see god if you lived good. When you enter heaven. You ill see. Allah hav a pic but we don.t know his pic. He never drink water or eat food.we are everything expecting from allah ,but, he expecting form us only one thing- that is prayer. We have a lot of miracles fro holy quran. If you want,s to know you can search on internet

  • mayur
    August 19, 2012 4:22 am

    please married with rahul if he is nice man and leave your parents if they are not agree with you ok

    • Amir
      September 5, 2012 5:51 am

      Dear Mayur,
      It is not permitted for muslim girls/boys to marry non-muslims.
      Actually you have dual standard, if a muslim girl wants marry hindu, u will say ok thats fine, but if your sister if wanted marry a muslim you won’t allow her.

      We can have a discussion if you mail me at shairuf@gmail.com

  • chhatrapal
    August 19, 2012 12:38 am

    pls help me…
    my love is leaving.
    she dosnt talking with me bcoz of her family reason.
    she is muslim n i m hindu
    pls help anyone what i do…

    • August 19, 2012 8:30 pm

      Sorry to hear of your situation. It is hard. Is there a common friend who could talk to her? Do not risk your life, if you approach her family, make sure you are not going to get into any physical conflicts.

      Hindu-Muslim marriages are difficult, please read all that is written on this web site. Lets assume her parents agree to get you married, are you willing to change your religion and act like a true Muslim for your life? Are you willing to get away from your Hindu parents and willing never to follow Hindu holidays?

      Lets hope you will find some good solution to your situation. It not, you have to think … what ever happens, happen for good. May be God has something else planned for you! Best wishes.

      • Amir
        September 5, 2012 5:54 am

        Dear Admin,
        It is sure you are not a muslim.
        You seem to have diplomacy.
        Why are you misguiding people.
        Your all responses are biased and centered at attracting muslim girls to Hinduism.
        What religion do u follow.
        If you are honest then Plz tell your email for further discussion.
        If you have courage don’t delete my post.

        • September 5, 2012 10:16 am

          We welcome your comments, please come by again to guide these youths. If we made a mistake, you could balance it out, thanks.

          Our religion is love and respect for all. What you expect us to tell to the lovers. We just lay all facts in front of them and let them make decision that is right for them. Fair?

  • August 16, 2012 8:52 am

    Congratulations, as we celebrate India’s 65 independence day, we are still as hating and ignorant as we were in 1947. The British divided our country by using our hatred against us.

    Instead of helping the people who write on this site, we constantly bash their religions.

    Most of you would be better served to post on the many hate filled sites that have been created by extrimist Hindus and Muslims.

    Leave this site alone for the educated and rational people.

    • Satyen
      October 1, 2012 4:07 pm

      Why blame Britishers for all miseries? There are no Britishers there for the last 65 years and were not there 200 years back. Still the fight is no and is continuing uninterruptly due to insanity of ours. We are the culpable and need to transform to a society of equals. Stop this conversion business especially Maulivis and Mullah brand of Islam (Nothing against the open minded Muslims) indulging in this business. And the Hindus too who fake convert sheepishly just for Marriage purposes.

      • October 1, 2012 10:35 pm

        Absolutely agree to stop this “fake” conversions business. You are fooling Imams, Islam, Allah and most importantly to yourself by these “fake” conversion. It will cost BOTH, the Muslim as well as the “fake” converter spouse. Why to make lies and deception a foundation of your married life?

  • Akash
    August 15, 2012 10:39 am

    Aaj duniya chand tk phuch gai hai pr logo ki soch aj b vhi hai jo aj se hjaro sal phle thi aj b vhi hai aj log MC me khana khana chahte or MOL me kpde khridna chahte hai or sb kuch krna chahte hai or sb kuch nidar rup se krna chahte hai apne ap ko free krna chahte hai fr b sb kuch apne ghutno se sochte hai or life prctical jeena chahte hai pir b hindu muslim me fse pde hai mai sbi se bs ek chi puchna chahunga or jis me b is chij ko shi trike se btane ki himmt ho vo jrur btaye kyuki mai kbi kisi ko hindu muslim nai smjha shayd mai glt hu or mujhe b sochna chaiye k kon shi hai or kon glt or kon ucha or kon nich hai kon hlal ka hai kon hram ka hai jo niyam kudrt ne bnaya hi jaise sans lena apne privar ko aage bdhana apne shrir ki baki chije kya kudrat ne inme hindu k liye or muslim k liye alg kyu nai bnaya or sbko ek hi chij or kam krne ko kyu shikhaya hindu Oxijan ki jgh Naitozen kyu nai leta or muslim jo apke anusar shi hai or ALLAH k pass or shi hai vo hi OXIZAN kyu nai lete lekin KHUDA ne esa nai hiya kyuki khuda ek hai or vo sbke liye ek brabar hi hai bhle h manne k trike alg ho pukarne k nam alg ho pr khuda bhgvan iswar allah sb ek hai or agr in chijo k alava b agr kuch hai to mujhe btaoo mai b muslim bnana chahunga or khuda k in zankar bandno se puchna chahunga k vo isn sb bato ko sb k samne or shi trike se rhkhe jis se unki or sbi k bhlayi ho ske mujhe btaye k khuda ne HINDU MUSLIM CRICHAN SHIKH me koi frk kiye bina hi kyu bnaya bs or kuch nai mujhe bta do plz mai ahari rhunga apka

    jb koi bimar hoga or usko khun ki kmi ho to koi ye kyu nai puchta k ye khun hindu ka hai ya muslim ka hai bs blod group kyu dekhte hai..

    khuda ne HINDU MUSLIM or baki dhrmo ka chap insan k mathe me kyu nai bnay??

    kyu bachha paida hota hai to sbse phle rota hai??
    hindu vala rota or muslim bachha hsta kyu nai hai???

    esa kyu hota hai jb HINDU or MUSLIM alg alg hai ???

  • chhatrapal
    August 15, 2012 5:33 am

    shamim i want to talk with u
    my email is xdeletedx@yahoo.com
    pls help

  • Salman hindustani
    August 15, 2012 6:38 am

    matherchod ki shamim tujhe jinhne peda kiya tu unke baat nhi maan rhe
    jinhne tujhe etna bada kr diya
    jinhone tmhe bataya r sikhaya k halal kya or haram kya
    tu un kutto k sath shadi kar rehe hai jinhne na jane kitne jurm kiye hum par
    tu agar asal muslman ki pedayesh h to samjh ja kutiyaaa

    • Imran
      August 15, 2012 2:15 pm

      Bhosri ke … “EK LARKI KO GALI DETA HAI TU”
      abe NAAMARDD…..

    • vivek singh
      August 31, 2012 2:19 am

      madar chod when muslim boy marry to hindu girl then it ok and when it come muslim girl then it sinful and she is raandi

    • sabana
      September 8, 2012 7:52 am

      Kisi v Ladki ko gaali dene se phele ye haazar baar soch lena ki aap ki v ammi hai ya behen ya api. har kisi ki izzat hoti hai.

      • Satyen
        October 1, 2012 4:14 pm

        Agree with you sister. These fools show all their bravery just by abusing the females. These are suitable to the worst of hells if there is one. Kafirs are far better than these type of Muslims who behave nicely. Probably the impartial Allah will chose those well behaved Hindus for the Jannat and transport these abusive Muslims to the Dojakh. Definitely, the abusive Hindus will also be taken care of by a temporary hell as unfortunately there is no permanent hell for the Hindus (in Hindu Books).

  • sabana
    August 14, 2012 11:59 am

    hello, Muslim girls,

    It is my humble message based on my life experience, that if you find a loving, caring, respectable, god fearing Hindu guy, do not hesitate to marry him. Hndu guys are liberal, respectful to their wives, whereas in majority of cases, muslim guys are not faithful, putting undue pressures and restrictions on their wives movement, job, education, life styles and even their are countries which do not allow females to drive vehicles, caste their votes to elect their representative in setting Govt. and most horrible in some states to have sex with a dead wife. Males allowed to have 4 wives, give talak to the wife any moment.
    So change yourself with the changing environment for the sake of female community. Religions are human made. God is one, known through different methods and names.

    • Amir
      September 5, 2012 6:20 am

      Please stop misguiding girls with wrong names.
      Instead use originality.

    • sabana-2
      September 8, 2012 7:50 am

      thanks sabana and its true, i have also done the same and i am happy

      • Sabana
        September 13, 2012 6:32 am

        Hi Sabana and Jamila,

        Thanks for the comments to encourage our depressed and under prievileged muslim sisters who badly treated and crushed in the name of Islam. Why Islam does not punish muslim males who indulge in bigamy, keeping extra marital affairs, depriving women from their fundamental rights, forcing them to be in burqa even in 44 deg. temp.
        These are all Mullas and Maulvi made rules to commit attrocities on the muslim girls.The worst condition of females is in muslim religion only.

    • September 13, 2012 9:20 am

      shabana shayad tera iman allah par nahi balki hindu ladkon par haiy yaad rakh marne k baad utahe jaana bhi haiy.. bach k zara, aray muslim ladkon may insaniyat khtam nahi hui haiy , agar maula say mangti to tujhe koi muslim palkon pay baithane wala milta khayr…. mujhe lagta haiy ye koi muslim nahi hindu male haiy jo gumraah kar raha haiy…

  • abhi
    August 13, 2012 9:16 pm

    Muslims or some of there family member is always connected to underworld crime, especially in mumbai, i m an inspector at a mumbai station, you will not believe how many girls these muslim guys bring, all girls are run away, sometimes from mumbai sometime other states, all girls are converted to muslim, most of them are beautiful, they deliberately get good looking girls just to increase there beautiful girl numbers, mostly Gujarati and Punjabi girls are target. That entire bombay side shivers with D’s name. When some hindu, sikh, Punjabi family’s have a kidnap case with us, most of girls who run away with muslim boys are pregnant within few weeks, and converted to muslim forcefully. Mentally too they are devastated, as they have no choice, cant return, cant live with in dirty culture. Now a days the local congress political parties have become powerful, they even stop police patril using political pressure. All illegal activities happens in these muslim areas, and have arrested many, jails are full of muslims. I hope our system is cleaned and we kill these anti nationals, criminals and girls dont get fall in these muslim romeos in fake love. All girls end up being sold, its allowed to keep bazaru girls. Just look at how they keep hidden there girls that should be sufficient to tell you, how much they need to protect their muslim girls. There are many places in south Mumbai where non muslims cant even go not even police, they keep a harem of converted beautiful girls, many die or run away to escape selling, you see that your self whenever you visit any CST, byculla and other adjoining areas. Hope this helps someone.

    • Amir
      September 5, 2012 6:24 am

      Are you replying to the situation or just uttwering venom against one’s religion.
      If you failed to understand Islam , Is doesn’t mean you use website for foul comments.

  • aman
    August 12, 2012 9:45 am

    shut the fuck up..u ppls are idiot..n muslims are more worst than animal. who believe a muslim girl cant marry with hindu..im hindu n my wife muslim, but cuz of these muslim idiots my wife is not with me. i would like to burn on middle road these kind of ppls who dont understand humanity..
    n allah bhagwan god are same. if u think ur allah better n god bhagwan idiot. then i will say u r mother fucking idiot..

  • Arshad
    August 12, 2012 7:09 am

    Tabassum muh kaahe band hogaya aapka..Kuch toh boliye….:):):)

  • Firooza
    August 11, 2012 5:14 am


    DO NOT REPLY here, instead comment here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2241

    • Aryan
      August 11, 2012 11:55 am

      In hinduism its allowed to marry muslim girls, so there is no problem in it, what else are you talking about. you are welcome in Hinduism visit any arya samaj temple and ask for showings the truth. 100s of muslims are just fed up with islam, its double standard, violence, killing, violence on girls etc, they are accepting the true god in that supreme soul that hindus worship. I guarantee that you will be a lot happy and peaceful once you discover the truth. You can check your life too, is your life full of sadness, no freedom for girls, violence and strict dictatorship by your community? Till what point will you suffer? Think while you have time.

      DO NOT REPLY here, instead comment here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2241

    • Mohammad
      August 15, 2012 11:11 am

      Salam to everyone,

      Dear sister Firooza I really appreciate your effort to get support and guidance to reach a right and workable solution.
      First of all I can understand that since you are seeking for support I believe that your conscious is still alive and not blind folded due to your personal feelings. Please don’t take me wrong I appreciate your personal feelings and that is a reality as well.

      I hope you agree that Islam is basically a way of life and if we follow the true teaching of Islam we shall get benefits on short term and on long term basis.

      In my humble understanding issue is not if you like a Hindu or a Muslim, issue is that how much you like him. I believe if you really like him you will make every effort not to hurt him and do good for him. The best you can do to him is to guide him on the right path. Saying this I hope since he is involved with a nice and wise girl like you, he must have appreciated your qualities, he must have accepted you as what you are. So I request you please, to further build the relations you should remain at the level of wisdom where he has saw you and appreciated in the first stage.

      Saying this I wish to explain that since the benefits of Islam can only be enjoyed if we study by our self the true and clean way of life The Almighty has explained in Quran and further explained in Ahadeeth (saying of the holy prophet Muhammad PBUH).

      If you both are ready I can help you further to make up your mind by sending you books so that you may study and decide on your own.

      the question you asked and answered it primarily. I think you have to first of all inform yourself about the peaceful education of Islam and discuss it with your boyfriend. what some Muslims are doing is not Islam and such kind of examples are many in Hindu boys as well. There are ways to sort out this issue very easily. First step you have already gone to like each other and now leave all those who are preaching hate and discrimination.
      I know it is very difficult to accept new ideas and change the way of life even if it is acceptable. many of us are thinking the way our parents are following is only the right way, are not even ready to appreciate others opinion and that is hard-liners attitude. pray for right and peaceful decision.

  • zarina
    August 10, 2012 1:10 pm


    • Bhumika (former Tabassum)
      August 10, 2012 8:54 pm

      That’s is where Muslims are wrong. According to you, your god is only allah. But for others we have our own god, no one is forced to agree that. In islam if you say there are other gods than allah, your allah is so insecure that he asks muslims to kill that human being. Truth is always hidden, actually muslims are just worshipping a shaitan who was given a shrap(curse) by bhagwan bhramha. Now that devil has stopped the your senses to know the truth. Revert to Hinduism to see true religion. Look at muslim people always involved in illegal work, kiling, rape, forcing islam etc. Look at other religion they are peaceful. Muslims who are religious also cause problem to other moderate muslims. I m very happy that i got liberated from religion of terrorist, i would say to the world be anything but not muslim, they are mad, especially who are religious muslims.

      • August 10, 2012 9:25 pm

        Dear former Tabassum,
        Can you shed more light on your Muslim life? Who were your parents? what was your motivation to change religion? What was reaction from your parents and Muslim community when you change your religion? Are you married?

      • Amir
        September 5, 2012 5:38 am

        Bhumika , All that you posted seems lie that you converted.
        if you think you are correct kindly tell your email id and if you have courage do argument on chat.
        I want see how truthful you are.

    • dora
      August 11, 2012 1:35 am

      Obviously, Muslim believe in ONE GOD only, and It’s Allah… there’s no God except Allah.

    • randua
      August 15, 2012 12:04 pm

      ghodaghai randi tu kan janichu prama kan tata khali bada mota banda darkar nahala khandia banda darkar.

    • Satyen
      October 1, 2012 4:21 pm

      May be a possibility. But it’s Allah all powerful who has made her a Hindu born in a Muslim family. Who can go against the almighty Allah? You should also be happy in the schemes of Allah to save yourself from the hell fire.

    • Satyen
      October 1, 2012 4:23 pm

      Sister Zarina,

      May be a possibility. But it’s Allah all powerful who has made her a Hindu born in a Muslim family. Who can go against the almighty Allah? You should also be happy in the schemes of Allah to save yourself from the hell fire.

  • Mubina sh
    August 8, 2012 4:22 pm

    I also have hindu guy in my college, who loves me, we are friends and he always asks me to be in burqa as he finds me beautiful in it. I love his respect and his true love for me. I m worried that If we are together and later want to marry what wil happen. He is kind and softhearted and takes care of me very well. I don’t know what may happen if we are together.

    Please reply Mubina here.

  • fozia
    August 6, 2012 2:54 am

    sister now already u r married with this guy…so the qus is about the happiness of both of u…..so my suggestion to u is rivert ur husbant to Islam first and both of u read n learn Quran …u know why after readin Quaran u will find the solution of all ur problems…n u will enjoy this life and hereater also inshallah…..

    • August 8, 2012 10:06 pm

      Shamim is different than most. She told us that “I dont want to change his religion.” For this reason, she did not ask for a Nikaah (and conversion). Why do you want her to go back to a dirty game of converting your loved one after marriage? Why can’t you teach her to be tolerant to others?

      There’s dogma and there’s life, Shamim decided to go for life. If you don’t like Shamim’s choice, keep you dogma to yourself and be happy.

    • Amit
      September 15, 2012 7:11 pm

      if she dont have any problem, why you are forcing her ??

  • Nadir
    August 4, 2012 9:58 pm

    Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu. Shamim a true believer of Allah will never ever think of having a relationship with a non-muslim… There is no god but Allah alone! You call urself a muslim girl? No! You cant be called a Muslim! Just by name u cant be muslim, a person who believes in multiple gods is not a believer of Allah! Call urself a Munafik Shamim… If u commit suicide and die in the day of judgement u will keep killing urself the same way! And be put in hell… Allah gave u this life and only he has the right to take it…. Running away is a cheapest act ever a girl would do… U dont love ur parents? For a stupid guy whatsoever he means to u, how can u leave ur parents because of whom ur in this earth? The pain ur mother went through when she carried u in her womb? All this does not have any value in front a stupidity called love before marriage which harram in Islam? I feel ashamed to call u my muslim sister! Go to Islamic scholars for solution of this problem…. I would recommend Dr.Zakir Naik….

    • August 5, 2012 1:18 am

      45.2% of Muslim males and 45.1% of Muslim girls marry outside their faith in America. Read more at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=173. Interfaith marriages may be low in India and other countries now, but they will catch up soon.

      Believe it or not, more and more percent of youths going to marry interfaith. Like it or not, this is true for ALL faiths. This is a reality of life, accept it. Yes, Muslims have got away convincing their spouse to (fake) convert before their Islamic Nikaah, but as education amongst other youth increases, this BBS business will stop soon.

      When a Muslim guy marry a Hindu girl, you congratulate him but when a Muslim girl marry outside your faith, the hell breaks loose. So don’t bash on poor Shamim, one day it will happen in your own home. At that time you may try to reach out to Osama Bin Laden or Dr.Zakir Naik, you will be helpless. We hope your children will teach you lesson of your life. Wake up!!

      We are not for or against interfaith marriage, but wish youths make “informed” decision for their life.

    • Ram ( spreading peace)
      August 5, 2012 8:41 am

      Nadir- Namaste !

      Hinduism allows marriage of hindu boys to Muslim girl or any other girl without requiring girl become a hindu. Hinduism is the most practical, peaceful scientific religion. As hinduism was not made by man unlike other religion its ought to be the absolute truth a man can get. Hindus account for worlds most intelligent species, unlike non Hindu, except jews and Christians.

      All this is to open your eyes to truth please revert to Hinduism, the moment any human being is born he/she is a hindu, that is what god wanted, but man made religion which are non Aryan were taught to the child. Hinduism is nothing more than being human, aryans DON NOT encourage killing, cutting private parts, not maintaining personal heigine etc.

      coming back Shamim has done what a human being would do. Hinduism is all about being human. shamim would be given all the best wishes for marrying a true god fearing gentlemen. There are many non hindus who say shamim must be killed, or is now a Hindu, primarily muslims (those in this blog) are just wishing that shamim dies, does your religion teaches this? But some Muslim says its fine and congrats her for marrying a true hindu, are you jealous of hindus?, do you hate aryan religion? If yes please tell me what is the problem and i would love to clarify it. Here- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW8bRrSS7xM&feature=related – here your recommended Zakir Naik is shown telling lies, this videos appeared on this blog and appears to be genuine, as i have checked many other sources, references. Even Muslims are against him for prorogating incorrect interpretation of islam. His version of islam is different, than other muslim, that clearly shows that its a man made region with no clear interpretation. I invite you to choose the religon of truth and peace and humanity – become a Aryan and live peacefully, i can guarantee you would never think bad about anyone irrespective of their religion. Please visit any arya samaj temple, dont fear just sit their and relax, you would automatically feel good when god blesses you with his love and kindnesses.

      Om shanti namah !

      • ahmed
        August 9, 2012 5:03 am

        y not hinduism yes offcse.. hinduism allows everythin… drinking alcohol to women showoff there bodies… and ultimately sex.. dat is wat even sum.. muslim girls who wants more and more sex.. marries a hindu man.. ultimately they are sinners… these girls go in search of freedom… ultimately der is no difference between prostitutes..

  • kalam
    August 4, 2012 1:21 pm

    I thank shamin for her correct decision. Be happy shamim and rahul in their conjugal life. I think it should be the reference and encourage for the true lovers.

  • right man
    August 3, 2012 8:56 am

    You girls have no religion. Actually your religion is sex. Why are you loosing your identity? You say that you are literate then why are you committing such a blunder. As a literate person no one would like to commit such a foolish act. You will get so many good boys in your own city. You must know that most of the divorce happens in such type of marriage and even you can search the literature. You are kicking your parents just for that stranger boy to whom you know only since 3 to 4 years. Your parents have done lots of sacrifices for you since your child hood and you are leaving them just to make physical contact with that guy. What is love? You people are mis interpreteting LOVE? This marriage means you are selling your body just for SEX. Prostitutes are better than you, they sale their body because they dont have to eat and wt abt u.

    • Islam
      August 3, 2012 11:04 pm

      @right man – you have no right to to say muslim girls are prostitute. Think what your sister or mother are before you comment on other girl, is your mother or sister prostitute? If shamim has done something wrong god will punish her, or if she did right god will reward her too. You dont try to become allah else you will be destroyed. Keep this in your mind.

      • August 4, 2012 1:11 am

        Excellent advise, thanks.
        The Judgement Day is not here yet, why people are making judgment for Allah or Jesus now?

    • ahmed
      August 9, 2012 4:58 am

      u.. r very right bro.. the girls who are claiming very eager to marry even outside the religion are very foolish.. life is very short.. born in a very gud religion they want to stand in front of man made idols which ultimately has no sense and commonsense…

      • ahmedi mulla
        August 9, 2012 9:48 pm

        Yes brother these girls should be stoned like we do in Saudi arabia and Afghanistan. Now a days we are killing those muslim girls who are going to schools and working in office. Please search for -muslim girl stoning
        on YouTube, you will find our brave heros killing muslim girls who are not following our orders which allah commanded. Anyways allah has made muslim girls half intelligent as man.

        khuda hafiz

  • Chris
    August 2, 2012 12:38 am

    This is very sad! I wish there were an easy solution to this problem!
    My girlfriend, who is a Muslim is currently going through the exact same dilemma. I am an American, a conservative christian, my girlfriend is from the middle east, she is a practicing muslim, we both love our religion and love each other! My parents are okay with the whole situation but her parents would have none of it! Her mom said she would rather kill her than let her be with anyone who is not a middle eastern muslim!
    I wanna go down to my gf house and meet her parents but I know that would only exacerbate the situation. Every time we are together she always tells me she doesn’t wanna go home. Just recently, her mom proposed two men to her for marriage but she refused both. Now she is not allowed out of the house without a companion. Her father drives her to work and put her up from work… Like you, we have both contemplated running away! But currently I can’t because I am in medical school, I am a poor medical student!

    This is what I have always told my girlfriend, that I love her, and that everything will be okay. I tell her that if God wants us to be together, we will be together. I tell her that we both need to work together to convince her parents. I tell her to engage her mom in friendly educated conversation: she should ask her mom how she got married, how did feel about the way she got married, how does she now feel with her husband? – According to my girlfriend, at first her mom was reluctant to talk about her past, but recently, that has changed! They both now do have some few amicable conversation. I am hoping that eventually her mom (who btw is 54 and married to a 62yo, got married when she was 15) would understand.

    You know, just silly questions like that without actually being provocative help sometime!
    You and your bf could take this same approach! My gf is 22 and I am 24! We are both young and I told her we can be patient, giving her parents time. You and your gf could do the same… give your parents time!

    Running away should be the last resort!! Hopefully these traditional parents will understand that we are in a difference era! Religion ought to be the substance that keep us together and a poison that destroys our lives

    DO NOT COMMENT HERE, the post has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2148

  • suma usa
    August 1, 2012 9:56 am

    HC upholds ‘marriage of conversion’
    ByExpress News Service – KOCHI
    01st August 2012 08:41 AM
    In a curious incident, where a couple from two different religions got converted to a third religion and tied the knot, the Kerala High Court came to their rescue and upheld their marriage. The High Court on Tuesday allowed a couple – Shyma Fathima and Riju Devasia – to live together.

    In a bid to get married, Riju Devasia, a Christian boy, and Shyama Fathima, a Muslim girl, got themselves converted to the Hindu path. They married at Arya Samaj Mandir at Kozhikode. The issue came to light when the girl’s father approached the court with a habeas corpus petition. A Division Bench comprising Justice K T Sankaran and Justice M L Joseph passed the order while considering the petition filed by Fathima’s father Abdul Rahman of Kozhikode alleging that his daughter was in the illegal custody of Riju.

    Following an earlier order, both Shyma and Riju appeared before the court and the court interacted with them. The court also permitted the petitioner to interact with his daughter. The petitioner alleged that Riju tried to marry his daughter under the Special Marriage Act. But it was not fructified as the Registrar of Marriages had suspicion about the intention of the youth, the petitioner pointed out.

    Before the court, the lovers submitted that they converted to Hindu religion on December 2, 2011. Shyma meanwhile submitted that she wants to go with Riju, and refused to go with her father. The court recorded her statement and sent Shyma with Riju.
    The government pleader submitted that following their relationship, tension prevailed in the Thamarassery region, and the RDO had to conduct even peace talks. Riju’s family was allegedly threatened by others and the duo went to Tamil Nadu.

    Counsel for the petitioner submitted that he has now reconciled with the situation and was prepared to find out a residence for them. The petitioner only wanted that his daughter should not stay away from him. However, the couple was not prepared to accept the condition. The government pleader also submitted that sufficient police protection will be given to the couple.

    • suma usa
      August 1, 2012 10:04 am

      muslims must seek help of judiciary before or immediately after wedding, get out of their faith at least legally before wedding day. Then, only then, both the law enforcement and judiciary will save them from the family violence. First of all the family will be humbled as the marriage gains prominence in the eye of law. The above is a rare case. Also i must remind all muslims and christians were hindus to begin with, so visceral hatred of hindus is just meaningless. Hope the muslim family wont kill the man. It happened just a month ago. A hindu man was killed by the muslim wife’s brother. This happened in Kerala state. Kerala is fast becoming a hotbed of islamic fundamentalism.

  • rafiuddin mohammed
    July 30, 2012 5:06 pm

    cheenal saali
    Tujhay uska l*** pasand aagaya kya
    Tu apnay saath saath sab ka naam kharab karrri
    Agar tujhay yeah sab karna he hai to bhagja kabhe nazar mat aaao kahen margaye samajlayngay log
    Magar istarah ka post post karkay
    Muslims may jo aurat ki jagah hai mat gira ussay tu to kharab ho he gaye hai teray saath sab ku kharab mat kar …..

    • The Jew
      July 30, 2012 7:49 pm

      Hey Rafiuddin dude,

      In Islam does the women have to like the guys junks to marriage? Its sounds creepy, but that’s what YOU said to Shamim isn’t it. And isnt your allah responsible for punishing her? You sound more like a filthy a feet long bearded mini Osama. Man you and your religion teaches what you just mention- kill kill kill and thats all. So she married a hindu, most educated muslim girls marry hindu guys. You guys have such a hatred for all other religion that you wanna kill her? You piece of jehadi brain you showed Muslims true colors, which was hidden a iron curtain.

      F* you jehadi…keep dreaming some day you will just die spreading islam to dogs and pigs.

    • Jeet Shahu
      August 1, 2012 12:30 am

      shamim I want to just say to you “think from your heart” if you feel that your heart is allowing you to marry to a Hindu boy or non-Muslim boy then don’t think and just go for it. you will be happy with him.

      salim, Ali tum log kya bol raha dha re……ke shamim ke family ko mar dalna chahey ha.ha….madarchood agar tum log Hindu ke ladke ke sath shadi karte ho toh tumara Islam bich mei nahi aata hai,or agar kohi Muslim ladkia Hindu ladke ke sath shadi karna chahey to Islam ka hawala dete ho.yehe tumara Islam tumei sekhata hai,Allah ne kabhi nahi bola ke tum sirf mujhe bano usne kaha hai ke tum log insaniyet ko bano,un kam jor lacha logo ke madat karo samje….

  • suma usa
    July 30, 2012 2:47 pm

    High court helps Muslim girl to live with her Hindu husband

    PTI | Jul 30, 2012, 09.43PM IST
    MADURAI: Coming to the aid of a Muslim girl who alleged threats from her family members after she married a Hindu, Madras high court bench here directed them not to interfere in her life as she was a major. Disposing of a petition by 21-year old K Fathima seeking police protection, Justice K Venkataraman said the parents should not interfere and precipitate as the girl was a major. The girl, an engineering student in Tirunelveli, was in love with her collegemate S Kannan and both got married at the famous Lord Muruga temple in Palani in Dindigul district on June 29 despite strong opposition from her family. She claimed to have received many threatening phone calls from her relatives and also from a fundamentalist organisation for having married a Hindu youth.

    The judge had summoned the girl, her husband as well as her parents to know the facts. Fathima told the judge she feared that she might become a victim of honour killing and sought protection. When questioned by the Judge, her parents insisted on taking her back with them but budged as the girl was adamant on living with her husband, who filed an affidavit promising to register the marriage.

    The Judge recorded the undertaking as well as the presence of a police official who stood witness to the entire episode and let the girl go with her husband. He also said the police could intervene only if any complaint was lodged by either of the parties making out a cognizable offence and not otherwise.

  • sidharth
    July 29, 2012 5:31 am

    dear shamim,
    I am 18 years old hindu boy
    I jus want to say you are a real woman. I just got inspired from you. Hats off to you I realy respects you. I am saying all this from my heart.

    I love you my sister
    Wish you have great marriage life 🙂

  • akram
    July 26, 2012 12:20 pm

    chi chi…..kitne bad naseeb hoge wo maa baap jiski beti ne ek dhed (hindu) se shaadi ki ho..

    • ha ha ha
      July 26, 2012 9:23 pm

      LOL Paki, Apni aukat dikha he di akhir.

    • salim
      July 27, 2012 11:21 pm

      Aisi kamini ladki ko aur uske khandaan ko maar dena chiye. islam me en haraami logo ki koi jahah nahi hai.

      • The Jew
        July 30, 2012 8:11 pm

        Your name sounds more like an uneducated, but islamic genius moron. Did you just came out of some mosque? Is none of your brother ever been to a English or a non Islamic school? Man i just want to push you in sewage, you belong there.

      • July 31, 2012 1:16 am

        If a Muslim guy marries a Hindu girl, you congratulate him. Here, a Muslim girl marries to her lover by her own choice, why are you boiling??? In these days and age, why women cannot have choices? Why Muslim girls have to please you or do that you will approve it?

  • Al-hind
    July 14, 2012 6:16 am

    In other religions (Christians, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs) its allowed to marry muslim girls, and its not mandatory for muslim girl to convert to other religion so – muslim girls can marry Christians, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs easily while retaining islamic faith. How cool is that, cant find an easy and simplest way to marriage of muslim girls to other religion guys. On an more important note, the king of muslims in Kuwait has reverted to Christian faith, lord jesus’s truth is finally welcomed by a devout muslim king. So my muslim friends please accept the truth ASAP to Christianity, to lead a truthful life.


    • seema maheshwari
      July 24, 2012 3:05 pm

      U forgot the Crusades? Why is Christianity better?

    • July 24, 2012 8:48 pm

      Seema made a good point above, how Christians are better? Even today, most Christian churches will demand religious conversion of a Hindu or at least ask to sign one sided prenuptial agreement (that child from this marriage will be Baptized and raised only as a Christian) for a Hindu-Chrisitan marriage in their church. Why?

      Read Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants. Basically it states that the intolerant is the one who asks for the BBS from their loved one.

  • Ali
    July 12, 2012 8:15 am

    Muslims should marry only Muslims. There is no permission in Islam that to marry a Non Muslims. If you want to marry a Non Muslims then first That Girl/Boy should embrassed Islam, He/She revert to Islam. Because this guidelines made by Allah. If any Muslim marries a Non Muslims without making Him/Her Muslim then that marriage will be Haram in the sight Of Almighty Allah. We Muslims have to follow Islams value in all aspects.We Muslims have really got chicken hearted that We are not spraeding Isalam to Muslims. Then how come the Non Muslims will come about Islam. We have to spread Islam without keeping any formality to our Non Muslim friends and bringing them closer to Islam. Muslims should not be afraid of anything because Allah has said that All Human kind have an Eternal life after Death. We should not seek this life but Hereafter…. I pray Allah to give daring to All Muslims to spread the Allah True Religion and make our Non Muslim Friends known of True Islam.

    • July 12, 2012 9:33 am

      Is Ali a hate monger like me? Any way, read on:

      Ali writes : “We have to spread Islam without keeping any formality to our Non Muslim friends and bringing them closer to Islam.”

      My comment : One way or the other, one thing on the minds of all Muslims is spreading Islam. After all Koran makes Jihad an eternal obligation on all Muslims to bring the world under Islamic rule (i.e. Sharia law).

      Ali writes : “Muslims should not afraid of anything because Allah has said that All Human kind have an Eternal life after Death.”

      My comment : How do Non-Muslims think? They think about what is right and what is wrong logically i.e among the golden rule. For Muslims, it is completely different. Their entire moral and ethical code is decided by Koran and Prophet Mohammad.

      Koran tells Muslims that they should fear only Allah and love and hate for the sake of Allah only i.e. if Allah hates something then Muslims should not love that thing. This Islamic concept is called Al-Walaa and Al-Baraa. I wrote on this so many times here it self and also presented what Islamic websites, maintained by pious Muslims, are saying on this.

      Yet again, I am giving that link: http://knowing-islamic-doctrines.blogspot.in/2012/05/hatred-of-islam-and-muslims-then-what.html

      Ali writes : “We should not seek this life but Hereafter…. I pray Allah to give daring to All Muslims to spread the Allah True Religion and make our Non Muslim Friends known of True Islam.”

      My comment : Did People, who accuse me of spreading hatred between communities, ever thought of why Muslims alone indulge in suicide bombings in the name of religion? If they did and could not find the answer, Ali gives them one when he wrote: “We should not seek this life but Hereafter.”

      • Khan Hussain
        January 6, 2019 8:08 am

        Sorry to say brother but neither Qur’an nor Allah hate anyone it’s we the person who do this

    • July 12, 2012 10:14 am

      Thank you for being honest and upfront. If a Muslim lover believe in these, they have to disclose it on their first date with a non-Muslim, not after 3 years of dating.

      • July 12, 2012 10:51 am

        Don’t you know that Muslims can break their oaths (or promises) lawfully i.e. without any feelings of guilt.

    • The Jew
      July 15, 2012 5:55 am


      So What is the punishment for Muslims who do marry non Muslims? Should they be killed?

      question to you – why dont Muslims immigrate to Arab countries? Why are they flocking Europe streets? And not forget rapeing young girls of other religions? Is that allowed in islam too?

  • Ali
    July 12, 2012 8:06 am

    Assalamaalekum… means Peace Be On You…
    Well, now a days it has become a practice by Non Muslims to tease muslims in the name of religion. Non muslims are taking all efforts to malign Islam in the name of Terrorism, malinging islams value, and so many things like burning islam… Non Muslims are not leaving a single gap to play the feelings of muslims. On the other hand Muslims got Afraided and dont have dare to defend Islam. Most of the muslims even forget that this life is not eternal and the eternal life has to come after death. When Muslims will realise that our religion is true religion and this is the religion choosen by Allah for mankind and the whole Islam was ended to Muhamamd (SAW) then they will win this world and hereafter.

    • July 12, 2012 8:38 am

      @ Ali,

      I thought of contesting your views. But as you yourself wrote the following:

      “Most of the muslims even forget that this life is not eternal and the eternal life has to come after death. When Muslims will realise that our religion is true religion and this is the religion choosen by Allah for mankind and the whole Islam was ended to Muhamamd (SAW) then they will win this world and hereafter.”

      I felt there is no need.

      Thanks for being so honest.

  • gourav sawhney
    July 10, 2012 9:42 am

    pyaar karne walo ka koi dharam nahi hota,,,,,,,,,,unka dharam sirf pyaar karna hai,,,,,,,
    (Lovers don’t have religions, for them, only love is their religion!).

  • Aryan Dude
    July 7, 2012 10:16 am

    To all hindus and muslims, how intelligent is Zakir Naik ? here is the evidence, you want to see this


  • Nirbhay
    July 4, 2012 5:23 pm

    God bless you Shamim, i pray to god that you would have a life that you have dreamed of with Rahul. 🙂

    I am currently facing same situation, my girlfriend/wife is a Muslim girl, we are committed since 4 years from now, in the begging of or relationship we were in knowing that we a going to face this stupid religious problem so we got married in court (notarial marriage) which was not a very strong evident so 6 mouth ago we tried to marry with Special Marriage Act but it was too risky because the court sends the confirmation letter to our address and we don’t want our parents to know this before we become totally self dependent.

    I am a technology student & at last year of my education, My wife is also a student who is doing a job in MNC as well. We both love each other more the our religion. But facing a serious problem & really want to get out of it, but don’t know how.

    I really want to meet people who can help us in this situation.

    Anyone reading this knows any community, groups, can help us please notify me here or at this e-mail nirbhaysingh1@live.com

    God bless you all good people 🙂

    • July 4, 2012 10:32 pm

      What a mess! Notary proves that you had an intention, but you are not legally married according to Indian laws. Further, later, if any you of you get married to someone else, this notary document could put you in legal problems. Un-notarize if possible.

      Hindu-Muslim marriage is not a child’s play. Be concerned with many other hurdles, including honour killing. Even after years of marriage, you could have many new issues to deal with every day, read Dee. Please read every thing that is said on this web site and make an “informed” decision. If you are still convinced that Hindu-Muslim marriage is the best option for you, then go and have a civil wedding, no BBS please. Best wishes.

  • Non-Indian
    July 3, 2012 10:38 am

    What can any one say?

  • madhu
    July 3, 2012 6:33 am

    hats off to u both……. especially to shamim,
    live together show path to others like me….

  • paki_girl
    July 2, 2012 10:01 pm

    Hi Girls,

    Be ware of those preaching islamic values. They say some thing and do other things by distorting religious sentiments. How mercifully wives are beaten by muslims is an open secret. Look Veena Maliks statment how innocent girls are raped in madarasas by mullahs and having multiple extra marital affairs inspite having many wives (video). In fact the mullahs are nothing but talibani.

  • salma
    July 1, 2012 1:23 pm

    Hi readers,
    I wish to express my sentiments that there is no doubt that muslim girls are victims of interpretation of religious rules giving too much leverage to the males to exploit women folk. As lot of changes are occurring world wide, women should be given more autonomy to share responsibilities with their male counterparts. There are countries where women are not allowed to drive vehicles, cast their votes for electing their representatives.
    Regarding marrying Hindu boys, if the guy is promising, working and having moral values, supportive, there is nothing wrong, as Sabana has stated. Such females should not be made scared of so called consequences on religious grounds.

    • July 3, 2012 1:42 pm

      Ameen Salma. The purpose of this forum is too help interfaith couples live in peace. Not bash religions as many are doing here.

      According to Srinivas,I am not a good muslim but a good human being. I suppose the parameters of Islam do exclude me from being the kind of muslim that is defined in the Quran, but, and it’s a big but, my being a good person is defined by my upbringing, which includes my religion. I cannot separate my religion from me, just as I cannot separate my ethnicity from me.

      Today is the 68th anniversary of the martyrdom of my uncle, Brigadier Usman, the highest ranking muslim ever killed in action. There was a memorial service held in Naushera to mark the occasion. On July 15th the army will celebrate his birth centenary. My uncles and my father, who was also in the army chose to stay in India, rather than move to Pakistan. So, my family defined me. Their love for India superceded all as does mine.
      Bashing me or anyone else for being a bad muslim or hindu, will not promote harmony amongst us, which is the purpose of this site.

  • June 29, 2012 7:13 pm

    Hi dear muslim sisters,

    If you find any hindu guy, it is far better to marry him than a muslim guy, who never keeps his wife happy and allowing her basic freedoms.
    Dont get misled by so called preachers of islam, who treat women as sex dolls and males have no character and even then they are exonerated.

    • The Jew
      June 29, 2012 8:35 pm

      Sister Shamim does not comments here, most muslims were very abusive to her, she does not posts anymore, may be she is reading this 🙂 Shamim where ever you are be safe our best wishes for u and Rahul.

  • June 25, 2012 3:55 pm

    Hi all frndz vo hindu ho ya muslim mai bs ek bat khna chahunga KURAN or GEETA or baki sbhi dhrmo k kitabo sirf ek hi bat ko alg alg trike se btaya gya hai k GOD ek hi hai or kuran me ye to saf saf likha jaise mere kabil dost INDIAN ne kha hai to ap bs mujhe ye bta de k jb GOD khuda sb ek hi hai tb muslim or hindu me frk kya hai khuda jo tumhare liye hai vo hmare liye b hai or jo hmare liye hai vo tumhare liye b hai to ye hindu muslim na kro kyuki kuran k phle panne ki phli line pe likha hai k allah ki raha rehmt or sachayi ki raha hai.

    SHAMIM jee apko bhut bhut shubkamnaye or bdhayi mai apke kushi se full bhre huye life k liye bhgvan se prarthna krunga or apko btana chahunga k meri gf b muslim hai or apki duaa huyi to hum b aps me shadi krna chahenge os ap se gujarish rhegi ki allh se hmare liye b duaa kre
    or apko apke life k liye ek bar fir se dher shari bdhaiyan……..

  • June 25, 2012 3:43 pm

    Hi all frndz vo hindu ho ya muslim mai bs ek bat khna chahunga KURAN or GEETA or baki sbhi dhrmo k kitabo sirf ek hi bat ko alg alg trike se btaya gya hai k GOD ek hi hai or kuran me ye to saf saf likha jaise mere kabil dost INDIAN ne kha hai to ap bs mujhe ye bta de k jb GOD khuda sb ek hi hai tb muslim or hindu me frk kya hai khuda jo tumhare liye hai vo hmare liye b hai or jo hmare liye hai vo tumhare liye b hai to ye hindu muslim na kro kyuki kuran k phle panne ki phli line pe likha hai k allah ki raha rehmt or sachayi ki raha hai.

    Or SHAMIM jee meri shubkamnaye apke sath hai k ap or rahul jee dono ki life full ho khusiyo se or ap ek dusre puri life pyar kre or hmesa krte rhe or ho ske to mere or meri gf k liye b allh se duaa kre k hum dono b ek dusre k bn kr rh jaye kyuki meri gf b ek muslim faimily se hi hai or uske liye mai kuran shrif ko jana phchana or mai sache dil se ap dono k liye duaa krta hu or apse gujarish rhegi k ho ske to ap b hmare liye allh se duaa kre


    • June 29, 2012 3:53 am

      Hi shamim, Im Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) -BAJRANG DAL Zonal chief Goregaon Area Mumbai.. If you like we can help u. You can contact us on 09967474411 & we can guarantee that once we r with u no one from any minority community can ever dare to harm u & Rahul as they know that last thing on this earth they would like to do is face VHP-Bajrang dal. Even if u r not from mumbai, I can co-ordinate VHP Workers of ur area n arrange things 4 u.

  • The jew
    June 23, 2012 6:50 pm

    See the Reality of Muslims what they do to Muslim girls and Hindus, this is shocking, where is your religion of peace now ?


  • sayeed
    June 19, 2012 11:49 pm

    shamim no hard feelings but the fact is you are a guy who wants to behave like a girl……. i sugggest you first go for having a cuxx around between your grxx……..

  • Jose
    June 18, 2012 5:33 pm

    Hey Shamim, If you can read this (as you said you may not be back) what is called as true love wins. First congratulations for getting your dream husband. I know Asian regions are very biased on religion aspect, despite all this you and that guy were able to hold each other is just remarkable. Keep the same love, or more :).

    Have a good married life.

    • June 18, 2012 9:48 pm

      Jose, Unlike in the West, Hindu-Muslim marriages are more complex in the East. First, in most cases, youths are not financially independent to have their own place to live. Second, it is a joint family culture where a (here Muslim) girl may be expected to go and live with her (here Hindu) husband, in-laws and extended families. Thousand years of Hindu-Muslim conflicts and lingering animosity add to the fuel. Lets wish them the best.

  • Proud to be a Pakistani
    June 18, 2012 2:10 pm

    @Shamim truly its a very shameful and a despicable situation because you have chosen to set aside your religion just to marry a Hindu boy. Marriage with non-Muslims has been made haram for Muslims. Therefore your relation with this guy will be termed as adultery unless the guy accepts Islam and a nikah ceremony takes place. This also requires you to repent you for this grave sin that you are committing. And imagine what kind of negative implications can it have on your children .Do you want your children to be idol-worshipers too ? Please fear Allah and the judgment day

    • Proud Aryan
      June 19, 2012 9:35 pm

      Mr Proudy Paki( Ram know what you are proud of, hmm may be terrorism, well you have several of those things to be proud off).

      Just tell us what you did when in pakistan- Hindu/christian girls are kidnapped by muslims, raped by them, then are forcefully converted to islam by your imams and then married to Muslims. And after all this her parents are killed.



      3- For those who know nothing what I am talking about google “Pakistan hindu girl”.

      4- this is our internal affair why do you think indian muslims need your advice? Shamim is a indian and not paki, indian muslims and hindus will solve there problem ourselves we dont need your immature advice.

      • Proud to be a Pakistani
        June 20, 2012 12:24 pm

        @Proud Aryan….. Your remarks show how ignorant you are about Islam and the message that it carries with it. The word Islam is derived from an Arabic word “Salam” which means peace. Quran makes it clear that “if you kill one man it is as if you killed whole of mankind”. Even if I agree with you that there are some extremist elements within the Muslim community then you must also bear in mind that in every religion you have black sheep. I would never judge Hinduism based on the activities Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other terrorist organizations. Imagine what extremist Hindus did to Muslim community in the Indian state of Gujrat where more than 5000 innocent Muslims were burnt alive. Muslim women were raped, torn into pieces and subsequently burnt alive. Iron rods were inserted deep inside their vagina and their breasts were cut with knives. Even pregnant women were not spared and their wombs were split open. Was justice ever served ?

        • July 11, 2012 6:50 am

          its a really shame and worst life.. Allah will never forgive for those muslims girls.. the one who is marring Kaffar boys

          Allah should them proper way. amin

          • Sana
            July 11, 2012 7:47 am

            Salam Roohi,

            Allah would not punish her or him, they both Love each other and nothing is more pure than love. Allah would pour his blessings on her, that’s why they met in the first place, Allah wanted them to be together. If they are made for each other , they can reach any level to get there love a respect by marriage. I see both of them are happy so far and pray they love each other forever.

            May allah bless them.

          • Srinivas
            July 11, 2012 8:07 am

            Thanks for being honest.

      • Proud to be a Pakistani
        June 20, 2012 12:41 pm

        No one can force anyone to convert to Islam this is just another propaganda by the Indian media to defame the Muslim community. Imagine how shamelessly Indian media accused the Muslims of Kerala of engaging in “Love Jehad” to convert the Hindu girls to Islam. The fact of the matter is that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world despite all the distortions and lies the western/Indian media seems to throw about Islam. Islam draws highest number of converts in USA where approximately nearly 20000 people revert to Islam each year. By birth every child is born Muslim because it the the inherent/innate belief with which every human being is born. However it is the society/parents that make him a disbeliever. Therefore when a person converts to Islam he indeed reverts to a former innate belief (with which he was born). I am sure all the Hindu girls who become Muslims do so because they have realized that its the truth. The other day I say a Hindu girl taking Shahada (declaration of Muslim faith) live on Peace TV at the hands of world renowned Muslim scholar of comparative religion Dr.Zakir Naik. Although an Indian Muslim this man has become a household name in Pakistan. The point that I am trying to make is that if anyone who choses to convert to Islam from Hinduism because he/she thinks that its the ultimate truth cant be termed as a forced convert. Nor can anyone coax the Hindu/Sikh girls by acting as a true Romeo and subsequently converting them to Islam.

  • Fatima
    June 17, 2012 7:12 am

    Shamim you are very brave inshallah you both will be very happy. My friend is in same situation and her father is like a rigid stone he does not wants hindu for her marriage. This guy is really handsome and very educated, they are both perfect couple. Many times she rejected marriage offer just for him. I know our religion has rules but in this but i have seen several of muslim family who allow non muslims for marriage, i hope her father gives her permission.

  • Sid
    June 16, 2012 9:10 am

    Congrats for marriage. Shamim sister you are a courageous person and very true and pure in your heart. I wish you a very happy married life

  • Shamim
    June 9, 2012 12:15 pm

    Salam All,

    By grace of Allah Im married to Rahul now, I cannot tell how happy I m. There is nothing that comes in between our love, i pray and Rahul prays with me.

    We are yet to decide were we live, I m still at my home and he is in his.
    we have not yet told anyone about the marriage. I m waiting for a good moment to tell father and mom.

    I see so many discussions on this site on hindu and muslim marriage, I just want to say that some fundamentalists want everyone to convert to Islam, but they dont know islam cant be forced, its in quran.

    But I have seen my parents bias opinions on muslim women marriage vs muslim boys (they are given much freedom, which its against islam). What I see is lack of love for different religion & culture in their circle, which is usually like being with only muslims, no diversity. I hope that changes and peace comes to all of us.

    • suma usa
      June 9, 2012 12:52 pm

      congrats. At least drop some hints to your mom that you have decided to live with Rahul, they may get used slowly. Dont run away suddenly. Is your dad (and other men realtives are) violent? Physical harm is a serious risk. The parents must know that you cant marry anyone else, break the news in piecemeal in next few days. Like let Rahul pick you up at home and both appear in front of your parents. Let the fact of your proximity sink in first. Shocking oyour parents is not good, they are your well wishers as well, don t forget the reality. Road ahead can be bumpy, good luck.

    • June 9, 2012 1:41 pm

      Hearty congratulations Shamim for long awaited decision, which has finally been heard. Vow great decision.

      Now slowly start living together. As a precationary measure take some defensive steps to prevent physical assault to any of you.

      Take in confidence your inlaws and some socially respectable persons on your side.

      By the way May I ask you in which country you are currently?
      If possible shift countries like USA/London/Canada and starting doing job also.


    • June 10, 2012 12:20 am

      Shamim, this is certainly a bold step. You have still lots of hurdles to go through. Idealism is one thing but now you will also face the reality of life. Lets hope Rahul’s family will be fully supportive of you. We do not want to give you a wrong feeling that life is a rose garden. Unfortunately there are lots of thorns too. Expect worst now. If you trust each other, create a true tolerance for each other’s faith and work hard to make the marriage work; you will certainly come over all hurdles. Lets hope you will return here after 10 years to come and tell us that this is the best decision you ever made. We reserve our congratulations to you for that day.

      Lets hope one day you will be a national level spoke person for Hindu-Muslim unity. Like you mentioned above, lets hope you could bring that “change.” You are a role model and wish you certainly be successful in increasing tolerance between Hindus and Muslims. Best wishes.

    • Indian
      June 11, 2012 8:29 pm

      You got married does not matter to me or to any muslim. It is your life and have the right to do whatever you can.

      But as a human being i feel the pain for your parents. They gave birth to you and made so many sacrifices through out their life to raise you. In islam jannat is underneath your mother feet. You just rejected the people who loved you unconditionally. You will realize this more once you have your own child. Your love for a boy whom you met few years ago is far greater then your parents?????
      May Allah give strength to your parents to overcome such a deceive, breach of trust and humiliation. I pray that no parents go through this pain irrespective of them being a hindu, muslim or sikh.

      • Shamim
        June 11, 2012 9:21 pm

        Salam Indian,

        Unfortunately you are one of those who are never happy to see people happy. You need islam in that too. Do you understand that I know my parents much more better than you? You are more interested in others life especially when muslims are involved. I love Rahul and my parents, his parents too. I have not yet decided yet will tell them soon.

        Soon I would not come to this site because I have found what I was searching, probably then you will understand. When non muslims have learned to live together in harmony, marry each other be friends etc., why people like you cause trouble in name of islam? What will you say when my mom and dad agrees? You will say they are not true muslim? Who gave you right to judge other muslims, you represent your narrow mind mentality, not all muslims think like you. I wish Allah made it clear that people like you must never exist, you get islam bad name.

        Plz let me live in peace

        • Indian
          June 14, 2012 12:18 pm

          Thanks for showing your bitterness…….I have read your posts carefully.
          Quran says it is better to marry a slave who is Muslim then to marry the most beautiful/handsome and rich person who is not a Muslim…..There is a reason that a person who is a Muslim believes in every word of Quran…do you? That is the reason that statistics show that 50% of such marriages result in divorce another 25% are unhappy. I hope you are in the last 25%
          The English meaning of Muslim is a person who follows a will of God. Are you a Muslim???

          People who betray their Parents trust, don’t believe in words Quran cannot be called as Muslim. The biggest sin in Islam is idol worship…will you have idols at home. Will your children pray to idols? will you do shirk? do you even pray once a week? will you ask for his forgiveness for hurting your parents and extended family or is it that your love of last few years is worth giving up everything?

          Once the romance goes out of window and you face the hardships of reality……time will tell what happens to people who betray everything that loves them unconditionally.

          Read the Quran carefully, educate yourself and do educate Rahul and hopefully you will learn the truth.

          Islam or Allah does not need you…you need them for a PEACEFUL and HAPPY life.

          • True Indian
            June 14, 2012 6:11 pm

            Atlast you showed your true colors fake indian. Why are you so ignorant on other religions are you son of Osama? When Shamim is happy and whole other are happy about her decision you are cursing her, god will make you cry, your evilness will never be successful, you are full of venom against all religion (aryan, hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikh) what you think only you know how to distinguish people if we all start discriminating you, you would not live. Muslims like you fundamentalists misuse secularism given by hindus, Christian etc. Do this in ur arab country, we are free secular society people like you create instability in society and needs to be crushed extremely soon. I hope you will now die of shame.

            Most of the people ignore you as a born/convert idiot 🙂

          • Rashid
            June 14, 2012 8:56 pm

            Dear Indian,

            Are you a muslim? you are spreading hatred by the word you write. I read thru this blog, and i think you are convert to islam. Just understand one thing, to bring unity and peace you have to be tolerant and secular, this is India. I dont know your understanding of islam but you are not representing majority of muslims. Your version of islam is not what we expect. Be generous and kind.

            Rashid brother.

          • AryanDude
            June 17, 2012 7:42 am

            @ Indian (fanatic converted)

            You could not be true to your original religion and you weak moral person is giving advice to this good girl. You yourself is week in moral and chose another religion. You show your bitterness and take her name, man people like you are who become terrorist. Cant you be human first mr fake ? Cant you stop being fanatic? Hindus, Christian, sikhs all are ok, they dont claim they are perfect, humans cant be, but people like you quote religious books and show other religion is wrong.

            My wife is a muslim i had to fight with people like you to get married to her. I know what your mentality is, you want all us non muslim to convert to muslim and save your muslim world, you know what that is what your book says. Why do you harras moderate secular muslims and non Muslims? If we start converting muslims then you will kill those converted muslims, isn’t it?, as your religion asks to kill who convert, why dont you tell that fact openly ? Just go to pakistan and preach, it’s best place for you.


      • shikha
        July 19, 2012 5:19 pm

        firstly u dnt deserve to be called an Indian!!!
        secondly ur understanding abt religion is so poor…a religion is meant to connect wit God, for ur own self-realisation..be it thru islam, hinduisim or any other religion..a religion is not a true religion until it teaches u humanity, love n respect for others, a way to live in harmony wit ppl around u..
        follow this as ur religion n spread love amongst everyone..
        u truly need God’s (in ur language Allah’s) blessings to help u understand religion in its true sense..
        n pls change ur name..u r insulting every true Indian with ur narrow minded thoughts..

    • Rashid
      June 14, 2012 8:47 pm

      Hi Shamim,

      If he loves you, understands you, will take care of you- you made the right decision. Love will dissolve all the differences. Please pray regularly and keep him happy. I know he loves you very very much and will keep you happy, never let go the love between you and Rahul. May god bless you.

      Rashid brother

    • shikha
      July 19, 2012 5:09 pm

      hey shamim a hearty congratulations to both of u!! 🙂 padh ke acha laga ki true love still exists irrespective of stupid man made barriers called “religion”..tel ur family a true religion is one which teaches humanity n love..u r definitely a lucky girl tht ur guy dint ditch u in the name of religion n parents..n ur guy is equally lucky too..may u both hv a wonderful future together!! 🙂

  • sabana
    June 5, 2012 8:43 pm

    Hi Shamim,
    Take a bold step to marry Rahul. I am too a muslim but married a Hindu guy, very happy with him. In muslim community women are treated very badly, restricted their freedom of education, movement, job and always insecurity of life being divorced at any time. Get your marriage registered under special marriage act 1954 immediately.

    Dont believe those who are misguiding you to marry a muslim boy. Take it granted you will be treated very badly and one day left by him.

    Do not comment here…instead reply here.

    • June 5, 2012 10:44 pm

      Thanks for sharing your life story. This creates lots of questions that other youths may benefit to know.

      Do you consider your marriage a Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality? How long have you been married? Did you ever tried to convert your husband to Islam? Did he or his family tried to convert you to Hinduism? Do you take part in a Hindu pooja (like SRK)? Do you know your marriage is not valid according to Islamic beliefs? Do you live in a big city? and which country? Do you have kids? What will you teach your kids about the Judgment Day? Koranic teachings on Hindus? Is there only ONE God, that is Allah and in the direction of Saudi Arabia? Can Allah can be in your Hindu family’s home and Hindu temples? Are Hindu Murtis idols? What other differences did you found between two religions?

      • June 6, 2012 10:48 pm

        Hi Admn.
        Thanks for the query raised by you. I got married about 3 years back and presently working in USA as software engineer. I have a loving son. I have not converted to Hinduism and my husband also not converted in Islam but we respect religious sentiments of each other. My other sisters are married in muslim families as per social bindings but leading a very miserably life. Husbands are disrespectful, not allowing sisters to move freely, get higher education or work to improve financial conditions, always keeping them in burqa and self (both the brother inlaws) having extra marital affairs with so called cousins.

        Hindus are more open minded, liberal and respectful, always sharing with their wives important decisions.

        I have to help my sisters financially for schooling of their kids, which my husband never mind. Religion is a man made process of life and whereas humanity and mankind are be morals of almighty,which is expressed in different terms by different castes, creeds and communities.

        Reply only at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1835

        • sabana matlub
          June 6, 2012 11:00 pm

          Hi Admin.
          Further to your query, about taking part in Pooja etc., yes I do take part and when there is a Ramadan, I take fast, my husband help me. In India, so many high profile girls like sister of Chief Minister of J&K, India, married to Sachin Pilot, Salman Khans sister married to Agnihotri, Sunil Dutt,s wife also Muslim and so many, must be in thousands.Famous actors mothers were muslim like Govinda, Mahesh Bhatt, etc.

          It is 100% correct that woman folk enjoy lot of freedom in Hindu community whereas in Muslim community women are not allowed to be at par with males.

          Reply Sabana here.

  • Javed
    June 1, 2012 2:08 am

    Hi Friends,

    I respect your feelings.
    I like your thoughts.
    I face same problem but i know how to come out from this problem.

    Please faith with your lovers.

    • June 1, 2012 3:14 am

      Yes, like all Muslim men do. First say that there is no need of conversion and when you satisfy your physical needs, then go for fulfilling your religious obligations.

    • June 1, 2012 9:12 am

      Javed, can you detail more on your situation? What do you mean by “I face same problem but i (don’t?) know how to come out from this problem.” How?

  • Shamim
    May 28, 2012 7:27 am

    Shamim here, We are going to apply for marriage under special marriage act this weekend. Thanks all for your support and guidance.

    • May 28, 2012 9:26 am

      Did you informed your parents? We wish you did and you have their support.
      Like Seema asked earlier, are boy’s Hindu parents willing to fully support you in all respects, including financially?
      Why Ayesha mentioned that the court registration is too long and not safe? Can you give full details as you go along at Indian Laws (for the benefit of others)? Thanks.

    • suma
      May 31, 2012 2:53 pm

      Shubkamanaye, congrats, mubarak.
      You live in a nonmuslim nation, you are very lucky. Such marriages mean death sentence in pakistan, saudi, malysia etc muslim lands. you will enjoy freedom at personal level as well after marrying a hinduman.

      Inform police anyway, as a precaution.There are many youngmen, like Zakir Naik’s chelas, who want to break your resolve and teach a lesson to other muslim women. Acid attacks are possible. Scary but true, hope everything works out just as in Seema Maheswaris case. Good luck.

    • June 8, 2012 8:51 pm

      Hello Shamim

      Have you married your love under special marriage act?
      God bless

    • sukhpal
      September 13, 2012 1:05 pm

      hi shamim di… may name is sukhpal my age is 19 and i want to marry a muslim girl and her age is 18..i need you to guide me pls help me di m in big trouble….

      • September 14, 2012 12:51 am

        Find out if your girl friend is like Shamim, who cares more for love than for love of religious conversion. Ask your girlfriend if she will marry you without you convert to Islam. Read all that is said all over this web site and educate yourself what it means to marry a Muslim.

        Make sure you focus on your education and get good degree and job. After that go marry her, it will be lot easy. Without being independent financially, you are only a dreamer!! Best wishes.

  • Shammi
    May 21, 2012 4:52 pm

    Wow! This is terrible I also have a boyfriend named Rahul too and I am also a muslim my name is also simmilar to urs Shammi. I been tortured also. The day my Rahul came to see me, I was threatened that Rahul will be killed if I am not going to marry and it was a really bad threat because polices came too to find him. Had to agree and forced to marry. And now I can’t forget him and pray to allah for him everyday now he is in very bad shape wanting to commit suicide. And now I am stuck with my husband. What should I do now? tell me please

    • cleverguys
      May 21, 2012 10:27 pm

      Oh I m sorry did I just catch your fake story? Its as fake as pyramid in india. It looks like “They” is ur imaginary friend who put u in imaginary trouble. Wake up 😉

    • cleverguys
      May 21, 2012 10:32 pm

      And Wow what a great art, my name is not similar,my story is not similar. I came looking for a meaning here and your story cought my attention, theirs a saying- if you hear something that is too good to be true, chances are its fake.

    • May 21, 2012 11:30 pm

      People will doubt you and ridicule you. Now at this point of your life, you will have to try to make it work. As far as he respects you and take care of your needs, you will have to put up with all injustice done to you. However, if he brings a new wife, walk away like Sadaf.

      Yes, one another thing you could do…is to speak out about the injustice! If not, it will continue for thousands more years to come. Come back here again and again to guide others.

  • Neelam
    May 21, 2012 10:46 am

    Assslam walaikum Shamim,

    Plz marry who ever you love, after the marriage only love prevails. I m in your situation and i can understand the torture you are going thru. I still dont know why only us girls are forbidden for loving a human. Marry Rahul if you fully trust him, i hope your parents will understand, unfortunately they wont give permission happily. Wish you best of luck Shamim.

    • May 22, 2012 4:02 pm

      It is simple answer for your question “Why only girls….”

      That is, Koran says so.

      Koran allows Muslim men to marry Non-Muslim women.

      But it bans Muslim women from marrying Non-Muslim men.


      Because it is fascist and totalitarian.

      You know how Muslim scholars justify this?

      They say that if Muslim woman marries a kafir, she might get influenced.

      ‘influenced’? By what? In our society, parents restrict or advise their children not to get mixed with bad people because they might be influenced by bad people.

      I.e. Islam considers all Non-Muslims to be bad people, like vermin. It literally says that all Non-Muslims are living animals, not humans.

  • amar
    May 18, 2012 8:48 am

    Hey sister Marry Rahul, you will be happy for rest of your life. God bless to the sweet couple.

  • Shamim
    May 15, 2012 2:48 pm

    Salam friends,

    I have been thinking alot about Rahul and our marriage. One of Rahul’s friends suggested, to do a court marriage. Does court marriage religion independent? Can i a muslim girl can marry him in court marriage as he is hindu? what proof is required for age?

    What is the procedure?, can we go to another state for marriage?

    Thanks everyone for help.

    • May 16, 2012 6:30 am

      We hope you are at mature age to make this decision. Don’t rush into any decision, make a fully informed decision.

      Read Indian Laws here. [The Special Marriage Act, 1954 provides for a special form of marriage in certain cases and for the registration of such ….. A marriage between any two persons (Muslim, Christian, Hindu and others) may be solemnized after giving notice thereof under the Act. It may be solemnized in any form, which the parties may choose to adopt. After the marriage has been solemnized, the Marriage Officer shall enter a certificate thereof and the parties to the marriage and three witnesses shall sign the certificate of marriage….the male has completed age of twenty one years and female the age of eighteen years]

      We believe there is an announcement and waiting period (1 month?). If there is an objection from some one (like your parents), that has to be resolved.

      Wish people with experience share more details.

      • Shamim
        May 16, 2012 6:45 am

        Thank you Admin, i m totally prepared for this. I love Rahul only , as long as allah is with me, i would be happy with him. Would we need a lawyer for police case, incase my father files a police case ?

        • May 16, 2012 10:26 pm

          General suggestions to any youth:
          Interfaith marriages are difficult to maintain unless you could make a fully informed decision.
          Don’t rush into getting married (unless you are forced into marrying someone you don’t want); instead take a year more to think through.
          Don’t run away (unless you see life threat, like honor killing). Best option is to convince your parents with productive discussion.
          Don’t spoil your relationship with your parents, one day you will need them!
          And the most important, never never BBS if you are looking for equality.

          • Monicapreet
            May 17, 2012 4:51 am

            i am a sikh girl and i am divorced from a sikh boy in 2007,iam having two kids which are with there father, the reason of divorce is heavy drunker and having relationship with other womens . Now i am living with my parents and having affar with a muslim boy since from 2009, he loves me and respects me more than his life, now we wants to marry, but my parents do not allow me to mrry as he told my parents we will marry according to sikh religion and given an affidavit to my parents that he live take care of me untill his death, but no one supports kindly suggest me the right way what to do

            Comment to Monicapreet here.

        • young muslim boy
          August 2, 2012 10:37 am

          Ur kafir ur no more muslim

          u married a kafir u will come to know soon in future what mistake u did

          u gave ur body to a non muslim to force his body on ur body that is haram

          ur marriage is invalid it is clear zina

          allaha is not with u

    • May 17, 2012 5:13 pm

      Please sister, with my folded hands I am urging you this:

      Do not go with this marriage if there is slightest danger to your boy friend.

      And also to your life.

      Koran supports honor killings and more over tells that those Non-Muslim men who marry Muslim men have to be killed.

      I can bring many cases to your notice where in Hindu boys are killed or Muslim girls are killed by her parents.

      Since you say that you love him very deeply, think about this.

      In case you decide to go forward, at least ensure thaat you both are safe and look for all the dangers.

      I know that you do not know anything about Islam; but I do.

      Hindus do not need any more murders by Muslims. Please think of his parents too.

      • Shamim
        May 17, 2012 7:31 pm

        Hi Srinivas,

        I dont think Muslims attack hindus for marrying Muslim girls. Its only those Muslim who feel inferiority complex ( like the user Indian, who comments threatens hindus, he does not represent muslims, he is even scared to say his name). I m educated muslim girl and i know about allah and humanity. why cant muslim girls fall in love with hindu boy (if you quote say its prohibited in islam, it WAS prohibited that rule was only valid within a context. i dont need anyone’s interpretation to explain it), why only girls suffer all the rules, muslim boys have hindu girlfriend. That is banned too in islam but no one (user Indian) talks qurans lessons then, Only when we muslim girls love a human being all the hell breaks loose. I hate people like user Indian who only mis represent islam, he wants everyone convert to islam else you are a fool, he is narrow-minded person. I dont want to get married to a driver or an electrician etc I love Rahul, he loves me so much he accepts me as a muslim and i have made it clear that i would not convert to hinduism, even though i respect it just like Islam and that’s all i want. For rahul i will do everything if my family hurts him i will be with Rahul and seek police help


        • young muslim boy
          August 2, 2012 10:39 am

          No doubt u r bitch

          i pay to allaha to put u and girl like u in fire of hell

          • July 5, 2013 11:58 am

            Dear Shamim
            Allah/God/Ishwar/Ishu whatever u obey, will take care of u and ur beautiful love forever and don’t worry no body will or no body can put u in hell or fire cuz its only stupid fool damfool and bloody thought that if i will marry wid else religion so allah /god / etc etc etc will put in hell or what hahhh . whatt the f… i want to ask with them all who use the word of (( hell , abuse or etc )) ur god coem to u and said u that abee i will put u in hell if u will do this or that ???? is it ?? hahahaha or ur god said if u will get marry wid else religion lady or guy so i will put u in fire ?? hahh bloody thought .. abee i said u that when you all nonsense thought person do wrong from child hood so why ur allah or god not put u in hell or fire haan ?? JUST ONE TIME READ ALL HOLY BOOK AND U WILL FOUND THAT ALL BOOK 80% HAVE SAME THOUGHT THAT BE LOYAL AND TRUE. NEVER HURT TO AY ONE ALWAYS STAY AT TRUE RELATION. ONE BIG THINGS “” ALL HUMAN ARE SAME AND THE POWER CREATE US , WHO CREATE THIS EARTH PLANET AND WORLD UNIVERSE . WHOM WE CALLED ” GOD ALLAH ETC ETC. AND YOU ARE RYT DEAR SHAMIM . THINK GOOD AND BE GOOD . RELIGION HUMAN MAKES NOT GOD OR ALLAH … CREATOR IS ONLY ONE . THE GOD BLESS U ALL WHOM U OBEY . BYE

  • Indian
    May 6, 2012 1:47 pm

    Admin, Can you explain me what is Islamic Honour killing? Do you have hindu honour killing as well? Do you have hindu caste killing as well. Please do not mislead innocent and ignorant girls along with Seema who is a fraud muslim.
    If you attack/lie about my religion, then lets have some intelligent debate about your cult and my religion.

    • May 28, 2012 1:45 pm

      Yes there are Hindu honour killings. Read the Indian papers. Young women are killed,usually in villages, because they have wanted to marry men outside their castes. Muslim honour killinds are all too common. There was a case in Toronto a few months, where a man killed his first wife and his two daughters from his secound wife. His daughters were becoming too westernized for his liking. Unlike among Hindus, where the killings are mostly confined to India, the Muslim killings happen everywhere. Canada, USA and England have seen a huge rise in them. It’s a pity that the muslim “gavars” don’t confine themselves to Islamic countries.
      As far as being a Muslim Fraud. I wake up each day hoping to do the right thing. I look after my family, have been married to the same man for decades, do lots of charity work and look after a dear friend who is very sick. I thank Allah every day for giving me the opportunity to be able to do good. Am I a fraud? That will be determined only on the day of “Kayaamat”. Who will go to heaven, you or me?

      • May 29, 2012 2:28 pm

        @ Seema,

        I have utmost respect for you.

        But you are wrong with respect to Islam and Indian is right.

        I once read you writing about your daughters mentioning something like they asked you about mentioning their religion in their schools.

        You told them to mention it as Hinduism. But they did not do it and told you no. Why?

        Because they can not see their mother being hurt even in imagination.

        Contrast this with what Koran tells: Hatred and enmity towards Non-Muslims is essential even if they are parents.

        But in Hinduism: It is matrudevobhava…
        (The very first of 4)

  • Indian
    May 6, 2012 1:45 pm

    Shamim, It seems that your self believe/Iman is very weak. 50% of interfaith marriages break result in divorce, another 25% have very difficult and unsatisfying married life and only 25% seem to be happy.

    For a muslimah, Her faith and love of Allah is supreme (more then your love for Your boyfriend). Do not hurt your parents as they are the only ones who love you unconditionally.

    If you run away or hurt your parents, you will be making a big mistake. Moreover this is website which is Anti muslim and pro cult and full of ignorant people who dont even know what is Islam or hinduism. they misguide mainly Muslim girls in garb of giving advice.

    • Shamim
      May 7, 2012 8:22 pm

      Salam Indian brother,

      I dont agree with you. I believe in allah, and i also believe in existence of other gods as well. Just because i love a guy who is non muslim you think i have no faith? I am sorry to say you are of same thinking as that of my father. Tell me a concrete reason why i should not marry Rahul, have you met him? And what you mean by this site being anti-muslim? When i saw the case of Zoya, she is hindu and loves a muslim boy, you did not told anything? This narrow minded mentality which my father has is what i dont like. I love Rahul, because he will keep me happy and let me practice my religion, i will be working too. My allah has no problem but you half muslim-half narrow minded muslim have.

      • May 8, 2012 1:39 am

        The position of this web site is not pro- or anti- interfaith marriage. Further, we do not have any specific agenda against any particular religion. However, we strongly believe that today’s youths should know all facts before hands and make an “informed” decision, what ever that decision may be. We appreciate contributions here by Indian and Habibi Matrimonials because that help remind Muslims youths of Islamic expectations. No interfaith married person should feel that…I wish I knew this or that before marriage.

        This web site is looking to define “Interfaith Marriage with Equality.” We believe, in long run, the interfaith marriage will be more successful if both religions are truly respected. Religious conversion (BBS without true faith) just to please some religious institution or to fulfil old traditions will not bring long lasting peace in today’s educated youths’ married life.

        We do not have any vested interest in what Shamim decides to do, but we wish 20 years down in her life, she feels that she is glad to blog on this web site that helped her made a right decision for her life, what ever that may be.

      • ayesha
        May 8, 2012 4:18 pm

        hi shamim..
        To protect from legal process.. u can merry to rahut as per hindu rituals in arya samaj.. i have full inquired for that.. it will take hardly 2 hr to get all marriage done.. but one thing keep in ur mind. register in ur marriage in hindu registrar on the same day. it will give u full proof of marriage and ur marriage will be valid all over the world. to marry according special marriage act will take too much time and not safe.

        All the best for ur future life.

        • May 8, 2012 8:38 pm

          Can you give more detailed legal/practical information on Hindu wedding by Arya Samaj verses the special marriage act at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=981 ? Is there any good web site to understand Indian laws on this point?

        • Proud to be a Pakistani
          June 20, 2012 2:32 pm

          Its was uncalled for Ayesha. How can you call yourself a Muslim and use a Muslim name if you dont believe in Quran ??? Technically you have apostatized from Islam and should seek the forgiveness of Allah and correct your aqeeda(belief). Because anyone who rejects part/whole of the faith is a Kafir, an apostate and will be a dweller of hellfire. A Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah. Therefore a Muslim will never invite the wrath of Allah by marrying an idol-worshiper because nikah with idol-worshiper is totally haram in Islam. In fact any physical relation with a non-believer is adultery/fornication. Please don’t hanker after worldly wishes and desires and ruin your Akhirah (hereafter)

      • Indian
        May 11, 2012 9:14 pm

        Salam Sister Shamim,

        Do you remember the first Kalima? or the first commandment of jews and Christians? or the shahadah? There is ONLY ONE GOD and pray directly to him rather then praying to idols made of stone, wood, plaster of Paris who cannot even protect themselves.

        What you call as narrow mindedness of your father and forefathers is actually one of the most advanced thought of humanity. Secondly it is your parents who have given birth to you and have given you unconditional love.Try to understand them and try to understand Islam. Let me tell you if you really love this person, you can still marry him if you study and understand Islam and explain his the same. Why dont you read the Quran and the Vedas and tell him to do the same.

        Remember most of such marriages fail and i really don’t want you to suffer the same and as a brotherly advice take the next steps carefully.

        I have seen people destroying both deen (Faith), duniya (world) and akhara (after life)

    • Praz
      May 21, 2012 4:02 pm

      Surprized ur name is indian ??????? It should be paki

  • Ayesha
    May 5, 2012 2:24 pm

    hi shamim,
    merry to ur love, otherwise the whole life u will curse urself for nor hearing ur inner soul.
    Waise bhi islamic hubby apni biwi ko as a contract charge karte hai. i can understand ur problem. waise bhi jab javed ko tumhare rahul ke bare me pata chalege to tumhari jindagi narak kar hi dega. meri ek mausi n bataya tha ki muslim nikah keval ek sexual agreement hi hote hai. jisme talaq ke baad phir usi se shadi karne ke pahle kisi aur se nikah karna pdta hai aur sexual relation bananr padte hai. main bhi apne bf se shadi karna chahti hun. jo ki hindu hai wo bhi mujhe bahut chahta hai, kaise bhi karke aap apni jindagi ke bare me sahi faisala lijiye.

    • May 6, 2012 2:08 am

      Hi Ayesha,
      Will your Muslim parents support your marriage with a Hindu? Does the Hindu bf have to convert to Islam to marry you? What have you learned from the Koran about Hindus? Are you okay to marry to an idol worshipper and go associate with new relatives who do not follow Koranic teachings? What will you teach to your children about who is the God? Do you think, later in your married life, you may have a change of mind like Dee‘s wife? Do you consider yourself a good Muslim?

      • ayesha
        May 8, 2012 4:07 pm

        i dont too much believe in quran… it is not for woman

    • Indian
      May 13, 2012 4:18 pm

      Fro Igorant Ayesha ,

      Given below are rights of a women in Hinduism and Islam. Not neccassry that all Hindus and Muslims follows it.

      The Hindu Woman :

      1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.
      2. She has no property or inheritance rights.

      3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.

      4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.

      5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today’s law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other “holy” ways (see below).

      6. She cannot remarry.

      7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children’s marriage!)

      8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.

      The Muslim Woman rights as per Quran/hadees:

      1.The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.
      2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.

      3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken.

      4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way around as is practiced by some ignorant Muslims).

      5. A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.

      6.Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping in society.

      7. A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.

      • Amit Mishra
        June 2, 2012 4:37 am

        Dear Indian ,
        was 6yrs old Ayesha’s & Mohammed Daughter-in-law Zubena’s consent was taken before nikah with Mohammed .

    • young muslim boy
      August 2, 2012 10:47 am

      u bleed bitch in name of muslim girl

      u bleed hindu mis guiding our innocent girls

  • May 2, 2012 4:04 pm

    Asking Shamim to run away and marry Rahul is a dangerous idea. In India and elsewhere women are often killed as punishment for bringing perceived shame upon their families. The police are corrupt and complicit and therefore of no help.
    Running away would work only IF the in-laws have the means to support and protect Shamim.

    • May 3, 2012 1:10 am

      In general, run away is a better option over suicide (two options Shamim considered at one point).
      Yes agree, Shamim should be reminded of the Islamic HONOUR KILLING practice (read our recent discussion with Habibi). As per one report, about 20,000 women are killed every year for the family “honour.” Chilling stories!!

  • suma usa
    April 29, 2012 5:47 pm

    Iam not saying you must, but if you convert to hinduism and leave the certificate of conversion with Rahul then it might legally will help your case. Your possible forced muslim wedding will be null and void in the eyes of law. Because your conversion has already taken place and you are a hindu at the time of muslim wedding. Anyway that is a very strong legal stand for you, and Rahul must help you in this. In this case Indian Law will stand by you. IAM NOT saying you must BECOME a hindu for religion sake. Dont misunderstand my intentions, you keep your religion, the exercise offers lot of protection.

  • suma usa
    April 29, 2012 5:37 pm

    A Hyderabadi muslim girl told me this story. Her friend wanted to marry her hindu colleague, a fellow lecturer in the college. The parents found a “javed” for her instead, and disclosed the real story to Javed and his parents. The 2 families found a cunning Mullah and the mullah was also given the true story. So all 3 parties devised a pucca plan… all the great people will wait for this new lecturer to come home and before she knew it, they finish the marriage under one hour and the mullah gives the marriage certificate to the families. Of course all this is worth it in the name of their religion, saving a fellow muslim girl from evil hindus.. The young muslim woman is shocked, she said no to the mullah for nikah but the man noted it as yes. Now Javed doesn’t care, if this lady lecturer doesn’t behave, soon he can marry another woman in under one year. She went to civil court, court refused to intervene and pointed out that as it was a muslim wedding she must get a divorce from a mullah. Anyway the woman was very determined, she got a divorce and married the hindu lecturer. Just a tale to keep you prepared for all the horrors that may unfold for you. Good luck.

  • Sonu
    April 28, 2012 9:15 am

    Hi Girl,

    Ofcource marry your love. Who ever that is, I live in mumbai,india and i guess you too live in india, not sure about mumbai, i have seen many muslim girl-hindu boy couple, WHO GET MARRIED, I think they do TALK to there parents, few who are uneducated have problem understanding the marriage, others educated parents are just fine. By the way i had a school girl friend who was muslim and wore burqa although i did not ask her but she told me that we will marry one day, we were too young then. I loved her so much she looked like a princess, so beautiful in burqa :)…i assume you as her and Rahul as me 🙂 I will pray for you! Please get married, you would be happy all your life.

    • April 28, 2012 10:54 am

      Somu, can you ask them to share their Hindu-Muslim marriage experience on this web site? Specifically, how did they got married? Was there Nikaah (and religious conversion by Shahadah)? How they managed raising their children? It will help others, thanks.

      • sonu
        April 28, 2012 12:35 pm

        My friends are too lazy to type anything. But one thing for sure none of them converted to any religion, they all follow their own. One Muslim girl had to run away, coz of her family, not exactly family but some local gundaas problem, she has a Hindu name now for official documentation reasons, that’s it. As Hinduism allows all religion to survive, all couple follow their own religion and also take part in there partners customs and rituals. Tejas keeps fast for his wife Sana when she fasts during Ramadan. And Sana helps mother in law during Diwali, they are super happy couple, good bless them I wish i was married to my school GF 🙁 Please let me know if i can be useful in any way.

        • April 28, 2012 2:16 pm

          Most people think ALL Muslims are the same and literally word-by-word believer in the Koran… or what ever. Further, there is a general belief that when ever there is a Hindu-Muslim relationship, religious conversion of the Hindu for their marriage is a MUST…….IS IT TRUE? For those who believe in the answer “NO” (moderates) are shy to talk out (or not many there at all!!). We have examples of moderates on this web site like Shamim, Seema and Salman and wish people like Tejas and Sana give their complete story on their Muslim-Hindu marriage with EQUALITY.
          A message to all Dharmic youths in an interfaith relationship with an Abrahamic, if you are looking for an interfaith marriage with EQUALITY, remember one mantra…..NO BBS !!!

  • shamim
    April 27, 2012 7:42 am


    I dont want to change his religion. And i m going to try to make my family understand Rahul better. The problem is they only focus in their religion, even when majority of of my dads business comes from hindus, he has several hindu friends etc,
    Unfortunately I will have to run away for marrying Rahul, i heard there are legal trouble aswell is it true?

  • Rauf
    April 27, 2012 4:43 am

    Hi Shamim,

    I would say marry Rahul, i exactly know what you are thinking, i m a muslim, let me correct a true moderate secular muslim living in india.

    My sister married a hindu and i was furious and broke all relation with her, but 2 years on we all are very happy with her decision. The guy is educated works at respected position keeps my sister super happy, my sister follows islam still. I had very bad notion about hindus but when i saw with my own eyes i know how hindus are, they are peace lovers and good citizen.

    Good luck Shamin

    Plz let me know if you neend ANY help, if you want someone to speak to yur Father.

    Your brother

    • June 15, 2012 1:20 am

      Brother Rauf,
      With over thousand years of Muslim-Hindu conflicts in India, there are lots of skepticism between Hindu and Muslims for each other. Instead of more people like Osama Bin Ladin, this world needs more people like you! With the eye opening experience what you have, wish you come back again and again to educate youths on this web site.

    • Saurabh Ray
      July 20, 2012 7:46 am


      I am Saurabh.

      I love a girl (Tajmira) since last 6 years… she is muslim… & I am hindu… she was ready to run with me… but I decided to inform everyone about our relationship and to take oaths from our gurdians… I informed to my mom, dad and sisters and conveinced them for our new relation.. After that I decided to inform this to Tajmira’s family and to take permission from her family members… I informed her brother, sisters, brother in law… Somehow conveinced them bcoz everyone loves me from her family as a friend of Taj… They were happy as I am also ready to convert myself into muslim… when they informed this to Taj’s mom & dad you cannot imagine what happened then… Right now she cannot come out of his house, her mobile phone has been taken… Password protection has been done to everyone’s cell phone in her house so that she cant contact me… And her gurdian also contacted to some tantrick baba to do some “tuk tak” jaadu or something like that so than she can forget me easily… I have no idea what is going there in her home… I have been working with a major corporation in India… Today whatever I am it is just because of her… I know she loves me a lot… And I love her a lot… I cannot stay anymore without her… Please help me how to resolve the issue… What can I do from my side to stop them doing anything against our love…

      DO NOT COMMENT HERE. please comment to Saurabh at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2116

    • narenra
      December 9, 2013 6:03 am

      Dear Rauf,
      In response to your exellent comment for hindus,I have great respect & appreciation for you.Admin Sir is right to say “World needs more people like you”. What a beautiful & heart touching line. Hats off & salute to Rauf & Admin.Really this world needs more people like you(Rauf & Admin).Keep it UP & make this World Happy :).

    • September 20, 2015 12:18 pm

      Hi Rauf

      I am in same situation like shamim could please help me convincing my parents ways they like the guy only religion is the issue guys parents have agreed

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10563

  • Abhi
    April 25, 2012 3:58 pm

    Shamim, what stops you from meeting him, if you love him and he loves you i think you should follow what your heart says. Bye take care.

  • April 25, 2012 2:08 am

    Zoya my sister i wish i could help you. Its unfortunately not possible, muslim boys and girls cannot marry any Hindu boys and girls, its against islam, this is same problem in my case too, unfortunately i am thinking to run away any marry my hindu boyfriend. For you the problem wud be his family, later they will not accept you, my brother married a hindu girl and divorced in just few months, she was not comfortable with us our customs rituals etc. Please decide now and 22 is not right age, you should wait for another 2 years. –Shamim

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