I’m a Christian and he is a Hindu

Xenia says: January 1, 2014 at 9:06 am

Hi! I’m 17 years old. and my bf is 24. I’m a Christian and he is a Hindu. Our family doesn’t knew about our relation cause we knew that they will just get angry on us. What shall we do? Should we continue this or just break up because of religion? -Xenia

Admin says:

Dear Xenia,

Please do not feel bad but 17 years of age is just too young to make a life decision of marriage. Please be a good friend with this guy (without any emotions) for next 2-3 years and then re-start thinking about it when you are in college. Meantime, understand interfaith marriage complexities and understand what Christianity and Hinduism are all about it. Please keep in touch. -Admin

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • January 29, 2014 1:20 am

    I am a Hindu boy and in love with a Catholic girl for over 2 years now. We both are very serious about each other and, personally speaking, have no issue with different religion. In our opinion religion is a personal point of view and don’t want to force it upon each other. I introduced her to my family about 4 months ago and as expected all hell broke lose in my family. To the point, wherein my family, parents and sis included, have given me the ultimatum to chose either between her or them. We both don’t want to break our ties with respective families as we know the importance of having parents around especially when the marriage is inter-religious. Her parents are absolutely fine with us being together and don not want anyone of us to convert.
    I need guidance/advice on how to convince my parents and how to approach this issue. My parents concern is the religion and that I will convert when I get married. But I have assured them day-in day-out that it will not happen.

    Thank you

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7595

  • January 1, 2014 11:39 pm

    Dear Xenia,

    You are too young to take such a vital decision. Is your BF working or not, if not, there is no question of long term decision.

    You must for few years and concentrate on your study to become self dependent.

  • January 1, 2014 10:03 am


    Which country are you from?
    What did you learned about Hindus and Muslims in your church?
    Can salvation possible without believing in Jesus (as a son of God) and baptizing?
    How will you get married? Church or Hindu wedding?
    Are you comfortable going to a Hindu temple and believing in multiple forms of the God?

    • fake
      January 10, 2014 5:00 am

      U r a fake Admin … and u suck faggot balls … interfaith rules… fuck god

      • January 10, 2014 6:32 am

        We are not fake but you may not have liked what we said. We are against silos created by religions, let us know if you support it. Further, we are okay if you are an atheist, nothing wrong with it. Get back to us.

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