Kiran says: June 23, 2013 1:03 PM
I am a Hindu and I loved Jain girl.. if Jainism is a old religion & not Hinduism then why u guys worship the Hindu gods & goddess, like Lakshmi Devi, Ganapathi, Lord Shiva.. U don’t know how much I suffered.. I have been crying from last 1 year.. she left me now because of this caste feeling of her parents.. I hate Jainism.. -Kiran
sakshi says: December 3, 2013 at 12:03 pm
m in love WITH jain boy nd m Brahmin girl we r in relation from last 2 years but m really scared of telling about my parents about our relationship… m depppresed -Sakshi
Srushti says: May 23, 2014 at 11:41 pm
I am Maharatriyan girl my bf is Jain v really love each other v knw each other from 14 yrs he was in my skul he stays besides me ! V like each other from 4 yrs ! Nw v got in to relationship v both waana marry each other bt his parents r strict -Srushti
Ajay says: September 18, 2014 at 8:15 am
I love a Jain girl. My parents are agree for the marriage but her parents are not agree. Her parents told her if she will marry me then they(her parents) will not be allowed to follow the religion not because of the Society but because of this inter-cast marriage will destroy there family religion if they will allow us to get married and this is as per Jain Dharma.
I wanted to know, is this only excuse they gave her or their is something truth in this? -Ajay
Vijay says: October 1, 2014 at 10:47 pm
Hi im also a hindu with love a girl she is jain, my family agreed but her father didnt agree. Im doing a job. I want my girl , so what to do -Vijay
hrushikesh says: October 26, 2014 at 6:25 am
guys, i am a hindu-lingayth(open) by religion and the girl i love is jain. i visited derasara and asked the pandit if the relationship works for marriage, and guess what he gave me a positive response. he said is if the girl is jain- digambar, there shouldnt be much issue and once u are blessed with a baby, everything goes fine… -Hrushikesh
Swati says: October 26, 2014 at 11:07 am
Hi, Am in a similar situation to yours and my boyfriend(Jain) has been unable to talk to his parents about me(Hindu). If we are blessed by a priest, can we overrule his parents’ consent? This is only to say because there are underlaying threats of him being disowned by his parents. Good wishes to you though -Swati
Ishika says: November 11, 2014 at 10:59 am
Hi varun.. i m a jain gal.. n my bf is sindhi(non vegeterian) we are together from last 5years.. now he has tlked to his parents abt me..but we are thnkng abt oyr future.. the same issues discusses above.. abt our beliefs.. he dsnt eat non veg due to me.. but his families do.. i dnt knw how to tackle this thng.. i luv him lot.. n cant b widout him.. so is their anuthng which cann be soughted.. can u plzzz help me out wid this.. -Ishika
Ivory says: January 6, 2015 at 4:14 pm
I was born as a hindu Brahmin girl. But my parents were very open, educated and never tried to tie me into any religious boundaries. when I was 22, I was finishing my graduation and fell in love with a Jain guy. Everything started with flirting but we became serious for each other and we dated for 3.5 years. My jain-ex never introduced me to his parents but me being stupid introduced him to everyone in my family.. though he claimed that he will marry me, but he never did. So after 3 years I asked for his decision and he told me very clearly many a times that he doesn’t want to go against his parents will and his parents are old and they may die, if he marries me because he is a jain and I am hindu. I was feeling like an idiot and shed tears for almost one year. He married a girl of his community.. and I had no choice but to move on in my life , then at age 27, I shifted my base to Canada for doctorate and now I am 32, married to a French Canadian Christian pentacostal guy. –Ivory
Srinivasan says: May 16, 2015 at 11:57 pm
Hi,I am a hindu boy an i am non-veg.. i fall in love with a jain(marwadi) girl last 3yrs back..she too in love wit me… but she is dam afraid of her family bcause her parents is strict.. i am ready to convience and talk wit her parents and ready to get converted too.. will it be easy to convience them and will it work out? -Srinivasan
Naveen says: September 27, 2015 at 7:23 am
hi my name is naveen n im a Marathi n I love a jain girl v both are in relationship from past 1year and my girl always worried abt our future n her parents coz of religion problem she thinks her parents will not agree for our relationship I dnt know wat to do but she can’t live without me I cnt live without her -Naveen
prerna gandhi says: November 2, 2015 at 2:34 am (Edit)
Hi Shrushti..
I m a keralite gal..a non vegetarian…I fell in love wid marvadi Jain boy 16 yrs back he …he did his best of best to be wid me n he succeeded…v r married n hv two beautiful kids..its 10 yrs nw n v r happyI had faith in him…v nvr ran away…v married wid ol our family blessings..hey were ol happy..coz they. Knew v r not going to loose our dedication towards each other..juz hv faith in ur luv n juz encourage ur boy n let him knw his ability that he can convince everybody back home.-Prerna Gandhi
ravikalyan says: December 24, 2015 at 11:41 am
I’m Kalyan i fell in love with a jain girl.. she isn’t respond for my proposal because she probably scares by her parents. One day I met with their parents to get married with Her. They said no.. even I don’t know why they replied like that. -RaviKalyan
Varsha says: February 12, 2019
I love a Jain boy but he leaves me because his parents cannot agree our marriage bcz I’m a Kashyap girl, even we are in relationship before 3 years.
More information: Jain-Hindu Marriage Situations, Jain-Hindu Relationships, Muslim-Jain Relationships.
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Hello Everyone, I am a Hindu Guy and I have accepted jainism by choice, unable to find a jain girl for marriage, any suggestions for the search?
Hi i am marwari girl and i love marathi guy.we are togather from 11 yrs and his family was understanding so vl made them agree and got married widout informing my family and now i have informed my family now they are not ready they want i should divorce him. If i dnt divorce i can go and stay wid thm breaking all relationships with my parents and they will leave the city ca there name is getting spoiled and we are middle class family and they think that his family has cheated my family and they are not right fit for me..
Hi Kiran, you are already now married and you should stay married if the guy is a good man. Parents will have to accept you; if not today, some day after a year or two. Parents cannot make you change your marriage just for their society. Further, no guy from their society will be ready to married you, who is already married. So, stay married and enjoy your married life.
I am a Hindu Guy, I follow jainism in a very disciplined way from past 10 years, adopted the religion for knowledge and wisdom.
Planning to get married, but unable to seek a girl from jain community/who is not born as jain, but follows jainism, any suggestions or ways for finding the girl apart from matrimony?
Hi Rahul
I have one girl in my mind.. please reach to me at sania subra in Instagram and please msg me that i texted u over here ..
I am a Jain, and I love a Hindu guy
My parents are very harsh on me and forcing me to get married to their choice. They treat girl as a burden and responsibility which they want to get rid of according to their wish.
What’s this outside caste thing ?? I believe no dharm is bigger than humanity we all are equal.
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It’s been like 3 years now. I have waited for my parents to agree to my chosen life partner. My father went to meet his family and after looking at the condition of his home, the genetic (deafness and muteness) running in his family, they are not positive about anything. The guy is going through a tough phase during COVID epidemic. These days we are having constant arguments and he also have said me(while being angry) that “had he knew me before he wouldn’t have came into a relationship with me”. I am not able to go forward with this relationship neither I am able to step back and break up with him. My parents have finally agreed to get me married to him on condition that they will not be in my contact for a few upcoming years , also they will not invest any money for my marriage. Earlier I used to think that even though other things are a minus for me but he is the biggest plus for me. Since we have been into weekly arguments, I am not able to think positive about my future with him. He might not be able to move on after me. I am not able to decide and my mind is in a complete dilemma. Please guide.
Read about my previous post at –
Hi, I am a jain girl. I am in love with a Hindu boy whose earnings are average. My parents are too strict and they would never agree for me to marry him. I am also afraid if I go against my parents I would end up being unhappy as I am hurting my parents and also I fear that the guy whom I want to marry is not earning that well. I might end up being unhappy in life by marrying him or not marrying him. I am not even able to connect to myself and decide on anything. I am feeling numb.
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I am Jain. I love a boy who is Patel. He loves m a lot , very understanding. I love him. I asked for mrg with my mom. But she refused she told me my father never agree. Usko bhul Jane ko Bola kya Karu me?
Dear Shruti,
Sorry your parents don’t understand your love. Parents are trying to preserve their culture and heritage, thus they wish you to marry only a Jain. This is something difficult to hear “Usko bhul Jane ko Bola”, the love is not an ON and OFF switch. It is you who have to decide if you wish to fight it out for your love.
Is the Patel boy well educated and has good potential to make good money in the future? Has the boy’s parents accepted you as their potential Jain daughter-in-law? Do not believe what the boy says to you but confirm that his parents are ready to accept you. If those parents are strongly for your love, may be they can help convince your parents.
Is your mom saying no just because of your father? Can you convince your mom that you love this boy and marrying him will be the best for your life. She may say no now but in a few months, she may get soft and start silently support you. If this happens, it will make it easy to convince your father later.
Keep in touch! Let us know how it goes.
Yes boy is well educated,well settled. His parents agree. But my father is strick. I have not enough courage to talk with him.
On “But my father is strick. I have not enough courage to talk with him” you have two choices: 1) get courage to have good rational and logical conversations (not fights) or 2) put up and shut up. How far are you willing to strictly follow exactly what your dad wants you to do?
Assuming your dad is not going to agree and you will have to one day marry a Jain picked by your dad, do you want to take some chances? Why don’t you talk to your dad in a very friendly and cordial manner about your marriage partner. Ask what if you don’t like the Jain boy? Is it wrong to marry someone not truly following Jainism (even born Jain)? How about marrying a HIndu but true respect you the way you are. It is possible you can make the boy follow Jainism someday, or at least make your children follow Jainism. You don’t have to feel scared talking to your dad since you are not doing anything wrong–but simply asking. Talking to your dad is not going to make any worst than what ever state you are now anyways. Do you think you want to try?
What is the status now ??
I am in similar situation , as yours.
Could you please update recent developments. It would help and guide me.
Hi Ishan, it must be very hard dealing with (irrational?) parents. Please view our recent conversation here. Let us know how can we help?
I love jain boy but he ignoring me because his mom can’t agree for our marriage because I’m non-jain,but now he says tat his family is more important and had promised me for 2yrs time to convince his mom. so what can I do now shall I wait for his mom to change her mind. I’m ready to convert into jain also .He is momy’s boy ?He says he can’t hurt his parents by marrying me
Hi am jain girl and in love with sindhi guy… He and his family is ready to accept me but my parents are very stirct about religion…. I know they will never accept it… And they will get hurt… I love them… Even i cant run away with that boy… Because my parents would die of shame… That guy told me to break the bond and he is with me and will support me… But m crying every day… He is strong… Nd m way too sensitive….what should i do….
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I love a jain girl we are have been togetherness of last 1 year but problem is that her parents are not ready accept me because I belong from a rajput family, but in my family every person are pure vegetarian accept me because I’m a fitness model, my parents are agree to accept her but her not, that’s why she left me….she said that better to get break up now otherwise it will be very difficult in future……
Hi Rohit,
We have deleted additional personal information for your privacy. We are sorry you are in your situation. We are glad your parents agreed to accept her. Does she have problem you being non-veg? The Jain-Hindu are two different religions but we have seen many interfaith marriages working out just fine. We recommend to keep in touch with her and keep convincing her. It is possible she may agree to continue the relationship and her parents may agree (even reluctantly) to accept you.
Ask her what are issues she sees being Jain and Hindu? We can help you in solving those interfaith related issues. Best wishes.
Yes my parents are ready so wat shall I do??
Hi Varun,
If your parents are ready to fully support you then the next question–is the girl ready to marry you against her parents wish? Explain to her that, after marriage, you will do every thing possible to please her parents and ultimately make them accept your love. Talk to her and find out if she is willing to do that. Best wishes.
Hi Varun,
It is good that your parents are willing to support you fully. Now the next question–is she willing to go against her parents and marry you? Convince her that after marriage, you will do everything possible to please her parents and ultimately they will accept your relationship/marriage. Ask her if she is willing to do that.
I love a jain boy…but he got engaged to jain girl because his parents forced him…He loved me truly. ..He is still loving me..He says he can’t hurt his parents by marrying me…but I am very much worried..and depressed. .I don’t know what to do..kindly give me a solution. .
Dear Rialini,
You are certainly in a very difficult situation. He loves you but he loves his parents more. He is already engaged and thus there are very slim chances that he is going to break his engagement and ready to hurt his parents to run away with you. As much as we want to say otherwise, it is going to be next to impossible to marry this guy. Come to think of it, if he is his mommy’s boy, he could create more problem after marriage. Might as well let this feelings die down. May be God has something better planned for your life. Instead of getting depressed, keep busy with friends/family. We wish you the best (good days are ahead!).
Thank you soo…much I was waiting for ur reply everyday…but he told…that he will come to see me after his marriage….and he also told me that he will love me till his end of his life
Dear Rialini,
We understand you love him and you are blind in love. For this reason, you will not like what we will say now but you will realize it after a few years for truth. He is just fooling you and nothing more. He has no commitment for you but has lust for you. He prefers to enjoy with two girls the same time and that is unethical. You may end up even adding poison in their relationship. Just give him an ultimate if 1) he wishes to marry you now or 2) you are dumping him. We do not see any middle ground here. Best wishes.
Thank u admin..his marriage date is june24th…i am really so worried about that.. I stopped talking with him…its just been 2days since… I feel so worried and I miss him.. a lot.. He called me yesterday but I put him in block… It’s just for his good..because he has to move on his life…. But he told me to speak with him…. Whenever he feels sad… He told he will call me… But I blocked him… Because he has to move on with that girl…. But I really miss him a lot… I don’t get enough sleep… and I keep on worrying on the same thing… I don’t know what to do…. I should cut this relationship…. But I feel so bad… Missing him… Kindly let me know what to do
Dear Rialini,
It is normal to suffer pain when love breaks. Please read others cases here…
What would you say to Madhu who was willing to kill herself for the love?
Thank you admin…i will see to it
Dear Rialini,
We hope you are managing your life okay. Stay strong and stay busy with your other friends and relatives. We wish you the best.
Hi Rialini,
I am in the same situation right now. How’s everything in your life now. Please reply me. Same story happening in my life as well
Waiting for your reply…………
I’m a hindu boy I want to marry a jain girl but her father is not accepting our love bcuz of diff religion but we both don’t want to leave each other,but now she says tat her family is important so wat can I do now shall I wait for her dad to change his mind??
If you can, tell her than you will be a better Jain than most others. You will take her and your children to Derasar and be a strict vegetarian. You also get assurance from your family to respect her faith equally. Talk to her dad that you will truly do every thing to make your daughter happy for life. If a Jain cannot marry a Hindu, why not? Explain to her that there are many Jain-Hindu wonderful married couples, and you two will be one of them. Explain to her that her family is also very important to you too, and you will merge with them like sugar in milk. Ask her why will she marries someone just because of some caste issue, and not the one to whom you love? See what they have to reply to you. Lets talk more later. Best wishes.
So shall I wait she is saying tat her family is important so she is gonna breakup with me wat shall I do I’m really depressed I can’t able to concentrate on anything plz help me??
Hi Varum,
This interfaith marriages are always lots of headaches and take for ever to settle down. You do not have to get disappointed but keep in relationship. Hopefully it may work out in a few more years. There is no reason to get depressed, but be hopeful and enjoy your friendship meantime. Do you think your Hindu parents will accept a Jain in your house and let her practice Jainism in your home? Have you asked them?
i love a jain boy but he leaves me because his parents cannot agree our marriage bcz I’m a Kashyap girl that’s why he leaves me… even we are in relationship before 3 years
Hi Varsha,
This is the issue with interfaith marriages. The boy may be acting like a lion when he is with you but he may be less than a goat in speaking out against his parents. If he has not guts to stand behind his belief (and his love), what good it to marry such a person? After your marriage, he would dance at the tunes of his mother and would have made your life hell. As hard it seems, may be it is the best thing happened to you.
Offer him that you will follow all Jain practices and be a better Jain than him. If he truly loves you, he will talk his parents out. If he is willing to talk to you, let us know and we can give you some talking points. Best wishes.
Hi, I loved a girl. Most prettiest girl in the world. I love her so much… She is my friend. I never told her about my love. It’s one sided(from mine). I frietned to tell her, what will she respond.Also I frightened about as our religions are different. She is from jain cast and I’m from other cast. And my parents are very strict about all…..
Hi Rahul,
This is something difficult to deal with. If you really want to make it, you may have to wait for several years to convince two sets of parents. Sometimes if they don’t, you should be ready to go against yours/hers parents. For now, we recommend you just be her friend and find out if she is interested in this relationship. After that, clarify with her on religion related issue, be honest. May be plan to be friends for several more years till you both have good jobs and then think of marriage. Let us know how else way we can help.
She wants to marry me she even stoped me from marrying other girl at last moments she doest not have any fear of samaj her fear is hers parents.. Her dad is no more she has only mom as a parent she dosent want any fight or any issues in future which hurt her future i have told my parents about both of us and my parents are agreed financially i m well settled and stabled m ready to change my cast also but i dnt want to loose her in any condition m ready to talk with her parents or other family member..m ready to face their shouting or to kneel down before her family..m ready to do anything but i cant loose her plz help me…
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M a gujrati boy and in love with a jain girl we both want to marry each other but the fact is my gf or my future wife is afraid of samaj and parents she dont wants to hurt anyone .m also even ready to convert into jainism and even ready to talk to samaj for permission plz guide me where to contact samaj
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Hi Ronak,
This is a difficult issue and there is no easy answer. You cannot talk to her samaj, because they don’t want to hear you. They have made up their mind that interfaith marriages are bad. Even it is wrong for the samaj if she picked a Jain boy of her choice. Parents want to “own” their children and wish them to dance at their tune. This can change only if parents realize that they don’t have any option left.
Are you financially stable (meaning having good job)? Is the girl also well educated? Is she committed for you and ready to go against her parents (only for a short while)? If yes, tell parents that this is your choice and stick to it. It will take a year or two for parents to finally give in. Do not expect them to bend in short period. So, are you both ready for the fight against parents? It takes a lot to go against parents and is not a cup of tea for all. Read experiences of all others at and it may give you additional ideas. Best wishes.
i am a buddhist girl but in india we hail from lower caste i am in relationship with a jain boy and i am ready to become a full jain from diet to culture everything. but his parents are still not ready. we are from 10 years in a relationship. we dont wanna elope or marry secretly we need parents concern for this. so please suggest something that we can workout. do also suggest how can i become a jain legally.
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Hi,I am Anisha, m a Jain girl.. I am in love with a marwadi boy. I had to rush into telling about him to my parents because they were about to fix my marriage to a guy. It’s been 11 months of relationship. I knew this guy since my school times but we get close via social networking. He is a really nice guy and he also have introduced me to his family.all are ok from his side, but my parents disagree. They led me to leave my job and torture me emotionally at home. There is no restrictions in his family if I go to Jain mandir or to parasnath or follow my religion along with theirs. He blames himself for ruining my career and gets really frustrated and saddened at times. It’s been 6 months since I am at home. I do not want to give up either on him or on my (+)ve feelings that parents will agree, but it’s hard to keep up.. what should I do.
P.S – my home is in a village and there are no places to’s like I am in a house arrest.
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I belong to a Jain family. I love my family like no one else does and would never want to hurt them. I am in a relationship with a Rajput boy. I love him a lot, but I told him that I might leave him if my parents ask me to. I am not that courageous. My father is very strict. I made a lot of promises and I’ll take his stand. But what if still I am left with no choice but to forcefully marry a guy of my father’s choice? How will I live without him? Can I not take my own decisions? I just don’t know what to do. We both love each other a lot. We don’t decide whom to love, love just happens. I tried to suppress my feelings in the beginning, but I couldn’t. I would leave that guy and he unfortunately knows this, but will I be able to live, will I be able to see someone else in his place just because of caste issues when I know we don’t lag in any other aspect, when I know we both are best for each other and are sure about each other?
Can you please say something on it?
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try live in relationships.
dont hurt your parents – they said dont marry, ok fine
but if u stay in live in, jain parents dont have to be banned from the blessing of ahar dan
but go in it only when u have tested your spouse several times on the issue of commitment & bravery to face issues together
if nothing works, secretly start finding his/her bad habits, start mulling over it, your psychological reactions will change over time
My boyfrnd left me n said i cnt marry a jain girl bcz my family wont allow me for such..? i love him a lot.. n i wanna marry him..? .. n now he is not even talking to me.. wht should i do.. m totally broken..
This is a sad part of an intercaste and interfaith love. Guys are out to have fun with girls without any serious commitment. Read this.
Sir I love jain girl she is older than me in 2 years..we want to marry each other…I ask to u..I am a Brahman… Jain and bramhan marriage are possible or not..plz tell Me sir
Bro according to constitution yes it is possible. If u are firm about ur relation and financially independent then Marry her register ur marriage then inform ur and her parents. After all its u guys who have to spend ur life together. Cheers.
Legally, morally and ethically, YES, you can marry her. Question is how firm two of you are? Also are you two financially independent? If parents don’t agree, what will you do? Where are you planning to live after marriage? Jain-Brahmin can marry by the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act 1954. It is a good idea to talk to parents and give them a few years to come to terms and then marry. Best wishes.
if you can convert then only marry a jain girl
if you can convert then only marry a jain jain people are in minority dont mary her
I think its time to do something to solve this inter-caste and inter-religion marriages problem
I see a lot of people are suffering from this jain rigidity like me. Well m already married to a jain girl and she is at her parents home. After marriage I told her to inform her parents about us but because of ‘pajyushan’ she didnt agreed. Meanwhile, I got an opportunity to study in UK and I told her not to tell her parents by herself. But because she was being forced to see other guys she told her parents about our marriage by herself. Now her parents are trying to get us divorced. I came to India during my vacations and tried to convince them as my girl wanted, but they are not agreeing. So now its time to go back to continue my course. I am screwed between career n personal life as my dad is retired doctor and alot has been already invested on my studies. M a double MBA and have a good background. But just because of their ego my in-laws are not accepting our marriage. Any suggestions what should I do?
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people like you spoil jain girls and put stinky thoughts in their minds so that they get power even that they oppost parents .god must never forgive people like you
Dear Shrenik,
Brother 1st of all I dont know in which century you were born in..? I am sorry to say bro that because of people like you our country is not as developed against what it could be..Its because of people like you that girls dont get the equal opportunities and rights as a guy…Bro look around the world has changed..the world needs humanity more rather than hatred and divisions. I have nothing against any religion or caste bcs the almighty never asked me where I want to take birth. Trust me bro just let people live..the world will be a better place. Sorry if u felt harsh about anything. Tc. N may God give you the rationality to understand that humans (life) is more important than any caste or religion. N yeah m ready to convert to any religion or caste for my wife I dont really care. Born human be human. No hard feelings brother.
All you said make sense but we don’t understand you logic for “N yeah m ready to convert to any religion or caste for my wife”? Why will you not teach your wife that you are a human and why there is a need to fake-convert to please some religious institution?
i am a jain gujju girl. ilove a buddhist guy. my father died when i was 6yrs old. after that my n mom n family has lookafter me. my mom n whole family are against us. his family is not opposing our relation as my family does. we are in a relationship since 2 years . i know its too early to decide it but if we breakup in future then it will hurt much more. so i want an advice . please help me out. i really love him.
Hi Anjali,
Which country are you from? Generally there is no major issue marrying a Buddhist for a Jain, but that is something you should discuss. What are your parents concerns?
I am a Jain girl and in love with well educated Rajput guy. We work together. We have this great compatibility. He is vegetarian. He is ready to adopt jainism as well. He go to temple frequently with me. We both are financially independent. His parents are fine with this marriage. But my parents are not ready for inter caste marriage. I some how manage to set meeting with the guy. Still they are not convinced. They won’t allow inter caste marriage saying humara samaj me gardan chhuk jayegi. I don’t know how to convince them and make them believe that this is my ideal and one and only match. I already told them that i won’t marry someone else. They are ready for that.
This is a wrong argument with parents “i won’t marry someone else.” Instead say I will marry him in next 6 months unless you show me another guy of similar compatibility from your faith.
Parents want to run your life, but you have to decide what is right for you.
Change ur fb status to committed with that guy. Things will be sorted automatically n start posting ur both pics.
parents are right because jain community is becoming less day by day because of people like you. you should feel ashamed that you dint have control on yourself to have bf
parents must be thinking that what sins they did that girl like you was born
Hey i am a jain girl and my bf is bhramin. The problem is food. i dont it onion potato and all stuff growing underground and this would surely be a prob for his family that the girl wont cook that stuffs. what should i do ??? plzz help
After marriage, are you going to live with that Hindu family? What would you do when they have pooja ritual; will you walk out? What are you planning to teach about religion? What your bf has to say about this issue? How is he planning to protect you?
yes i will live with his family and no i wont walk out of the rituals but the only porblem is food… what about cooking food i cant cook that stuff and my bf has no idea what to do about this prob…please let me know if you have any solution
Have the boy talk to his Brahmin parents? We hope they are open minded accepting a Jain in their home. If you have wish and true love, you will have to settle for potatoes and onions issues. In marriage life, there are many more bigger issues to deal with.
We know a Jain girl married a Jain and got divorce in a few years. Yes, there was 100% Jain atmosphere there but the couple was not compatible.
Why don’t you explore Jain boys too that is recommended by your parents. If you find someone truly decent, go for it. If not, you have already a back up plan. This sounds like a business deal, but you have to be practical in life.
No i dont want anyone else i just want him he is ready to adjust with the jain food but the problem is with his parents they r too strict and will not agree for a jain girl but we’ll try to make them agree but they would say will not agree for the girl who dont cook potatoes onion and all
Best option is if you can marry and stay out side the umbrella of parents. However, this may not be possible in your case. Now you have to decide how much potato and onion important to you compared to the boy. If this food issue is not resolved, are you willing to walk away from this relationship? We are sure there are many other conflicts will come between Brahmin and Jain practices once you marry and start living in the same home. Is there any chance you find another good boy in your Jain faith?
people like you are responsible to put jain community into minority because of such unwanted thoughts
Unwanted only by narrow minded bigots like you. Please sir get off this website and get a life
female 23, I am Jain and my boyfriend is Tamilbrahmin we generally speak in English…bt tym being we r learning each others languages…from past 2 yrs we are in relationship and we love each other a lot problem is obviously a caste and main thing is communication medium ,his parents don’t know Hindi my parents don’t know Tamil language ….I don’t understand how we should deal with this, we want to try at least once to convince our parents about this..How should we do?
It all depend on your commitment for each other. Parents may have to come around. We assume you are financially independent and not counting parents to support you after marriage, is that correct? Language will be some issue but they can use sign language. Religions, food and culture will be issues too, but again it all depend on your commitment. If your parents say no, are you going to not marry this guy? If you are committed, tell parents that take is or leave it but I am going to marry. Give them a year and they may soften later. Sometimes, the differences can bring more flavors to life! Best wishes.
Like everyone else here, I am Jain and in a relationship with a guy who’s Hindu for 7 years. My parents unfortunately found my phone and read messages a year ago, and they promised me not to speak to him ever. At that time I was sure we weren’t going to get married because of my parents, so I agreed. However today I am 22 and my parents have started looking for guys, but I feel like I should consider getting married to him. He really loves me. He is smart and will be financial independent soon. I am already financially independent. I do not want to hurt my parents and they don’t know that I am still in touch with him. I feel like if I bring this up they will get hurt because first of all I broke their trust by still talking to him and secondly they would not accept himbecause of family, religion, caste, social status. They are very religious. They also would not accept that he is a meat eater. I don’t want to get married without their blessings, and he does not want that either. I have no idea what to do.
Ask him to make small changes to be acceptable to his parents. To respect Jains, ask him to quit eating meat. That is a small sacrifice for a Hindu to test how much he cares about you.
With parents, best is to tell them that you will certainly marry him only (even you are not sure). Let them boil it over. Get into rational discussion with them, not heated fights. It is possible after a year or two, they will realize that they will have to give in. Try!
Dear Arti,
I have a few friends in similar situations as you, and one of them decided that she will give up non-veg food (because her husband-to-be was Gujarati and his family wouldn’t accept a meat-eater) and another one doesn’t eat meat in front of her in-laws but eats meat in her own home (they know and still complain about it). I think asking your partner to give up meat is a big sacrifice. Admin has said “Ask him to make small changes to be acceptable to his parents. To respect Jains, ask him to quit eating meat. That is a small sacrifice for a Hindu to test how much he cares about you.” – I don’t know if I would make such a sacrifice to be honest.
Do ask him anyway, but are you going to leave him if he says “no, I cannot stop eating non-veg”???
The way to win parents over is through patience and mutual compromise (you both will have to discuss to what extent you are willing to compromise for a happy married life) and I wish you good luck in convincing them.
I love my girl alot but she is jain and i am brahmin and her parents will not accept this marriage. So how can we convince them for this marriage? Plzz do reply
Dear Yashdeep,
Religion will be an issue but that does not mean you have to give it up. First, make sure you are well educated and financially stable to take good care of her. Other point is, if possible, develop relationship with his family or someone from his family. Slowly introduce yourself that you are good and caring guy. These points will make it easy to convince her parents. Best wishes.
Im a obc girl and my bf is jain.his parants has refused to accept me just because im not jain and im from lower cast in obc . I dont know what to do .but my bf is still with me.we are not giving up on each other .but because of his parents no .my mother also refuses by saying that if his parents are not agree how can i let u be with him .i dont understand why is castisum still a huge problem in india.
Dear Kinjal,
We agree 100% with you for “why is castisum still a huge problem in india.” Are you financially stable, meaning both you have jobs? After marriage, do you have to live with his parents? If you are financially independent, you have chance of doing that is right.
Hi iam sanker! I’m brahmin ND I love a Jain girl, v bth love each other. v DNT want to leave each other at any cost. but she is afraid of her strict parents..
my parents said that they r ok with that girl and they will look after her as their own child cuz for them my happiness is important, and I do respect my parents. and I’m earning enough to give her happiness. She is the second girl child in her family and she have two younger sister. she feels like her parents r strict and her sister’s life will also get spoilt. But v both don’t want to leave each other at any situation… I din love her alone,I love her everythn… I’ll not force her to make her as brahmin, I do respect jainsm ND I’ll not restrict her not to do any Jain wrks … I too like Jain caste and I believe that all r humans rather than castism… Admin please help me… Give me a suggestion or watevr u think..Pls
Dear Sankar,
It is good that you are earning, do not wish to convert her, respect her faith and you parents also are open minded. Most times, interfaith marriage problems cannot be resolve in a short time, it takes months/years. Keep assuring her and keep in touch with her. Can you introduce yourself as a friend or college-mate to her parents and try to slowly introduce yourself? Can you meet only her mother? If someone in her family is soft on your relationship, it may go well later. Try.
Ya I will not force her to I said before I do respect jainism… Ya ive already met her parents and talked to them. But im just 22 it is not the age to talk wid them about marriage… I’m asking you the solution to get her… Am I doing everything right to get her?… Give me your view to me
You are on track. Keep meeting the parents. Accept them as your own parents. Go start visiting their derasara, especially during all major holidays. Do not be too aggressive, go slowly. Have patience; it may take 1-5 years before you may (or may not!) have her hands. There is no magic or luck that her parents will accept you in a few months, this is a reality of life.
Ya I’m practical minded… I don’t want a sudden acceptance from her parents.i want her to be mine.she is madly love with me and she can’t live with someone else,neither am I.from the day I fell for her I see her parents as mine.i will giv them a hand wen they need me.i don’t have any bad a soft character.but still some fear goes into me that what if she can’t be mine.v bth respect each other’s parents ND so v r asking their permission.i culd give her parents promise dat I’ll never make her to feel that she made a wrong choice.i know about my parents they will also not . But also sumwer sumhow a fear goes. Thanks for your words admin!
Glad you are a practical minded. Accept reality of life that you cannot always have what you want. Sorry to make you feel bad but there are less than 50% chance that she will be yours. Learn from Lord Krishna, “do your karma without expectations of fruits.” Your job is to do that you are always doing, but don’t dream of the outcome. What ever in your destiny, will happen. Best wishes.
Why there is less than 50% chance for making it?.
In general, parents wish to pick their own choice of life mate for their daughters. Do you have a (cousin) sister? This how her parents will think if she picks a Muslim or Buddhist boy? It would be better if you be a realist and don’t dream more than what is reality as of today, you will be in good shape for tomorrow. Keep working. Keep us posted how it goes. Best wishes.
But what will be the problem?.My parents will not force her to perform my religious works and she is allowed to do the day to day activities as a Jain.i have enough money to take care of her.i love her to the core.and if I have to do some Jain works as a boy ,I’m ready to do that!.Then wat will be the problem?
She will be safe like she is getting married to a Jain family.i do agree food habbits and worship way differs a lot.but we could over come it.
Shankar, you are on track. Keep in touch with her family over a long period, but don’t expect fruits of efforts overnight. We wish you the best.
Ya thanks!.
if your sister is on her place will your parents allow
Am a brahmin girl. My bf is jain. We were in relationship for 9 months. But suddenly he left me saying that his parents wont accept since am a non-jain. What should i do now? I really want to marry him. There is not that much of cultural difference between my caste and his v both are vegetarian.. i really need a solution . If i go and approach a jain priest and make him to talk to his parents , will his parents accept? Or do i have any other way to make his parents accept?
Hi Maya,
We have changed your name for privacy, we hope that is okay with you.
It will be difficult but you can try. Do the boy has guts to speak out against his parents? If he is a mommy’s boy, you will have more problems later. Try to convince them that you will do all that Jains do and will respect their faith/practices. There is no harm in trying. If it does not work out, may be it for someone better waiting for you!
I am a Hindu girl.The guy i want to marry is a Jain. Both sets of parents are very proud of their respective religion and think that it is most disgraceful to marry outside the community/religion.
We are both self dependent and well educated and our families are of similar financial background.both sets of parents are educated and working but still have this point of view that an inter-religion marriage is not the respectful and they will lose face in community.
Could anyone help with convincing my parents that jain with a Hindu?
Any proofs or pointers to convince them are welcome.
We have changed you name. It is not a good idea to disclose your real name on any public forum.
No one considers any type of Jain any less than Hindus. That is a wrong understanding.
Parents always want their son/daughter to marry their like type. This is because there will be less conflict relating to religion/culture. You have to decide how much your love worth bothering all these. However, if you feel 1) this is the perfect person, 2) you two are financially independent and 3) after marriage you do not have to live with in-laws, then go for it.
To deal with parents, sometimes, a knee jerk response may work. For example, tell your parents firm and clear that you are getting married (even not sure) this December. Let them boil over next few month. Ultimately they will come to senses. Try!
Jains have attained one of the highest literacy rate in India and are one of the major taxpayers. Jains come under minority under under Section 2 (c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 in a few states. This does not provide any benefits like OBCs but is solely to recognize that people in this group are very less in number and to ensure the preservation of this group from getting extinct and not social/educational upliftment. For more details please check this Page on
Yes if u ur love is true then unhave to marry with each other because I am also loving a jain girl only seriously she is quete but I am worried about their parents I will love her alsooi can marriage also u should marry with each other but do not trouble ur parents u should give them some time to think about I will also give but I am studying now so pls marry
Shit all religions
u know I m in love with a Jain grl and I know that she to doe’s but can’t ask her out neither can she. We love each other but still act like Best friends cos we are afraid to the damn problems in future. But if my love is real then I hope even God will help because he created only humans not religions.
It is the best strategy to be Best Friends now. You both focus on your education and get good jobs. Once you are on your own, you will have lots more power to do that is right for you.
I am a Jain girl and I want to marry a brahmin guy. His parents want me to perform all rituals and worship hindu Gods. I lil bit feel hesitating in doing so. On the other hand my parents can’t see me doing all these things, so they are against to it. His family want me to accept brahminism completely and forget about jainism. I just afraid if this condition prevails we can’t marry each other. Our families are highly religious at their ends. But we love each other & want to marry. Please help.
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About 44 years back, we (Bride: Hindu and Groom: Jain) were engaged in India / via a suggested but ultimately, love marriage. I came to US and we had a non-denominational court wedding. As a couple, we visit both, Jain and Hindu temples and participate in religious customs of both. No special ceremony was performed to declare our children Jain or Hindu. Over the years, we have celebrated both holidays; Paryushan, Janmashtami, and Diwali. And life has been wonderful!
I attribute to our successful marriage to the minimal cultural differences between Jains and Hindus, our parents’ consent, and respect for both religious beliefs.
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what about you kids are they jain
Dude have u grown up.. or still carry the same mentality !!
You can convert in jain ….but you have to follow jain rules
I think that admin is seriously selling Jain girls for money. I mean in each reply: ‘ be financially strong ‘ or ‘have a flying high salary ‘. Is this the only thing you look people look for ??? I know that in competitive world, one needs good job. But if parents like that would allow their girls to marry only those guys beyond their religion who are financially strong or I think stronger( you know it) it seriously quite weird and shows complete lack of empathy and sheer narcissism. I don’t think any religion is just a spirituality shop or just rule game. And I completely think that if this is what a religion means it is worthless. Rules must inculcate spirituality, respect for life forms, non violence and all good deeds. I am a hindu who got played in the hands of a jain girl(tears). I have many jain friends though I never made any distinction. But what so ever there are some always some nuts in all the religions. Pk movie is so true !!!
Disclaimer: I in any sense or way do not intend to harm any persons emotions. I respect all religions (including Jainism) a lot. I am deep heartedly sorry for any offence caused to anyone.
Thank you ????
Dear RDJ,
You have totally misunderstood us about being financially independent. We are not teaching to be money mongers. Instead we wish youths to have independence to make a decision for their planned interfaith married life the way the couple wishes, not the way others want. If you are only in the second year college degree and no money, one has to believe what parents tell them to do, even that may be irrational steps. Instead, if one is educated and some what independent, somehow the couple could manage their independent life and follow their planned married life, in your word “inculcate spirituality, respect for life forms, non violence and all good deeds.” We hope you understand that.
Dont believe Maratha cast persons all are fraud , dont have commitment
hii,wit the above discussion it seems in jains they dont allow there girls to marry in other castes .i dont understand one thing that then why the girls go for love..they knw how the parents are n they dont have there own opnion n the girls are not firm n not serious abot relationship then they do not have any right to exploit the boys of other castes.they got to knw any way their parents wil not allow to marry intercaste.they shud not spoil any ones life.n flirting is allowd i think bt marrige is not allowedin jainsm if girls keep the relationship wit a guy then parents shud think of it .that means she fools a another guy who marries wit her.otherwise she shud not do affairs wit another caste guy..even jain guys shud think of this before marrying a jain she is really a vergin or not
world is going ahead n tis people they still r orthodox n fowolling false rituals.unki ladkiyonko sirf majja marne ke liye maharashtrian ladke chaiye shadi ki baat ayi to unko parents yaad ate hai..they shud also strongly oppose the parents..if the personseriously wants to be a part of ones lifethey wil seriouly make an effort to b in it they wil nt give any reasons or excuses.i think all the fault of them as they refuse to marrying aftr going ahead in their relationship.although they stay in maharashtra y they hate maharashtrians or any other caste…itna hai to apne gaav mae jake rahana chiye so unka caste ka hi koi milega y they exploit other caste people?u r right samira..
i want to change to jain how can i change sujest me
i was in love wit a jain girl . her father got to known about our relationship and said her not to spoil his name . and she left me ……. y do caste matter in love … i was in love wit her,nt with her caste …. she dont even talk wit me now ….. i love her a lot .. wt shld i do to get my girl back… plz resopnd
Jain and Hindu are different religions and thus religions matters.
Even within any faith, HIndu or Muslim or Jains, within faith cast also matter.
Even within the same caste and same in all other respects, still parents may not want love marriage and wish their daughter to marry a person of their own choice.
In your case, first the girl has to agree to marry you. Try to connect with her directly. Meantime, continue your education and get a good high flying job. Your good job and proven success in life may help the other side get convinced for you (if she is still available till then). Best wishes.
I’m Kalyan i fell in love with a jain girl.. she isn’t respond for my proposal because she probably scares by her parents. One day I met with their parents to get married with Her. They said no.. even I don’t know why they replied like that
Is there any difference on hindu and jain?
why her parent rejecting you?
Yes, there are differences between Shias and Sunnis.
Yes, there are difference between Jains and Hindus, except they don’t kill each other in the name of God.
I didnt ask about shias and sunnis. . .
I ask difference between hindus and jains to ravi not excuse me !!
Dear Ravi,
Every parents feel their child is their own property and the wish their child to settle to their wishes (if they have choice). Even you were a Jain, still they may not want a love marriage but only guy of their choice. Even if your sister was in love with a Jain, your parents may decline. Parents are doing their job, that’s all.
If you wish to buy pass parents, that will be hard. First, you have to have a good paying job and financial stability. Second, you have to convince your love to be ready to go against her parents. If you could do, then your marriage may be possible. Till that time, be in relationship with her. One day may come when you both will be ready to do that is right for you. Best wishes.
hi my name is naveen n im a Marathi n I love a jain girl v both are in relationship from past 1year and my girl always worried abt our future n her parents coz of religion problem she thinks her parents will not agree for our relationship I dnt know wat to do but she can’t live without me I cnt live without her
sorry to learn of this. Keep trying. Wait for marriage till you get a good paying job, that will certainly help. Try to meet them as just her friend and slowly built relationship with them over a year, may be slowly they will start accepting you. Best wishes.
why u hav not created a separate post for this?
most of post like this u have not creating. why only hindu – muslim post not others?
rarely u are creating such like these posts why?
My name is Naveen as I said i love a jain girl n I’m a marathi guy n v love eachother a lot n the only prob is religion prob frm her parents side n few days back they got to knw abt us like someone told der parents ur girl was roaming with marathi guy n they shouted her said many thing which a parents shouldn’t tell to there children’s n she was crying the whole day the nxt day she had called me n said Naveen will quite I felt totally broken n I asked her y u wanna leave me she said my parents r worried abt the society I said is. The society is more importan den ur HAPPIENESS fr ur parents I made her understand she was conviced n I said I’m ready to do anything jst to convince ur parents n she said first do something in ur life stand in ur legs after 3years come n talk to my parents n she said she’ll wait fr me n fr 3years no txt no meet no call I agreed fr dat n now the prob is her parents I dnt knw how to convince her parents cz her parents nos my family n they think my family isn’t too good jst cz my family sake they cnt point me bad I jst need to knw how I should convince her parents if derz 99%of rejection n 1% acception I’m ready to face it but I want her in my life cz ilove her a lot
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See response here
I am rashi n am bf is Hindu(pancholi).in December m going to marry him but my question is that I don’t want to change my surname can I? And I want to follow jainism (my bf and his family doesn’t mind.they allows me) so can I write Hindu-jain as cast after marriage don’t want to want to write Hindu in a cast. Can I able to do this?
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Hindu is not a caste it’s a religion. You can write Jain in your surname. It won’t matter to them.
Please guys, before I write anything else, do not blame Jainism for this! A lot of Jains have misunderstood the religion and do various rituals without understanding their true meaning. The only reason I can think of against interfaith marriages is if the person will be able to continue practising his/her religion. I don’t think there is any Jain text which says you should not marry someone who is ‘Hindu’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Sikh’…etc. – it would be quite a useless topic to write about. In fact, Jains should be respectful of all religions as this comes under the principles of non-violence and Anekantvada.
And @Sia, I am shocked and very sad to here about your situation- this is not acceptable regardless of religion, please get help! Your husband is not a Jain, the basic principle of Jainism is non-violence, so please do not misunderstand the religion because of him and his family; it is a beautiful religion. Once again, please ask for help from someone.
Hi,I am a hindu boy an i am non-veg.. i fall in love with a jain(marwadi) girl last 3yrs back..she too in love wit me… but she is dam afraid of her family bcause her parents is strict.. i am ready to convience and talk wit her parents and ready to get converted too.. will it be easy to convience them and will it work out
Answer is … short term it will be NO. No parent will accept their children’s choice easily. Conversion is not what Jains (not like Christians and Muslims) are looking for, but you could present them that you will truly respect Jain faith and do every things to let her be a Jain. Go meet them as a friend of hers and slowly get more close to them.
Are your parents willing to accept her as a Jain? We don’t thin that should be an issue but check it out.
Are you working and financially independent? If yes, after two years of convincing, you could go ahead and get married anyways.
Nice post. Such a wonderful information about Jain Tirth and Jain Temples in India.
Jain Dharma
Sachin, what would you say to these Jain-Hindu dating couples? Can you share your thoughts? Can you ask other Jains to express their views?
Jain community especially Gujarati and Marwari community acts as a close knitted community just like Parsi community. People are more happy to communicate with their own people on social front. But when the parents come to know that their son is un love with a girl who is not a Jain, they get panicked about how this girl will adjust to their customs, traditions and beliefs. Even a guy who likes a girl other than Jain is recluse to reveal his love to his parents because he knows his parents will not accept his love. So rather he leave his love for his parents. The problem with Jain guys is that they think more about the community and not about himself. So he let goes the girl he is in love with.
guys, i am a hindu-lingayth(open) by religion and the girl i love is jain.. the thing is, i visited derasara and asked the pandit if the relationship works for marriage, and guess what he gave me a positive response. he said is if the girl is jain- digambar, there shouldnt be much issue and once u are blessed with a baby, everything goes fine…
Let us know how it goes convincing her parents, best wishes.
Am in a similar situation to yours and my boyfriend(Jain) has been unable to talk to his parents about me(Hindu). If we are blessed by a priest, can we overrule his parents’ consent? This is only to say because there are underlaying threats of him being disowned by his parents.
Good wishes to you though
No, parents may overrule the priest’s consent.
If you are (at least one) financially independent, you could overrule parents. However, it would be good to work with parents and make them convince that you will respect both faiths and respect both extended families. Keep in touch for how it goes, best wishes.
Thank you for your advice to my query on October 26 2014. I am happy to update you with the information that my boyfriend and I are married since a year, with consent from his parents. He follows Jainism while I follow Hinduism. Of course, there is still bitterness of the past but generally we all behave ourselves. I am writing this as a thank you, and to all others who may face a situation similar to ours.
Best regards,
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guys jainism n hindu religion may not create issues…both go hand in hand..ya for people who eat nonveg and they wana marry a jain person it may create issues..but at last food issues can be many jains follow hindu culture as there should not be much problems
Hi im also a hindu with love a girl she is jain, my family agreed but her father didnt agree. Im doing a job. I want my girl , so what to do
Best is to make her father assure that you will take good care of his daughter. Further, assure him that your children will follow all Jain practices and you also will respect their Jain faith in all respects. If you think her mother or sister are supportive, may increase association with them to slowly win their hearts. Even they don’t welcome you whole heartily, keep visiting them. Give a year showing parents that your love is very firm and true, they may change their minds.
If you are financially independent, if the girl is ready to go against her father and if your parents are supportive, there is not much any one could stop you from marring. Close to marriage time, the Jain father may cave-in (or after grandchild). Best wishes.
K.Thanks for ur sugstn. But she was house arrestd by her family. she was called me last time 20 days before. Til no communictn. i prmsed her next year in feb i wil mary u , her dad also knows this mattr. But why house arrested her. She cant live without me. She was crying daily i know. so what to do
This must be very painful. Is there any soft spot in her home (sister, mother, common friend)? This is a difficult situation and may take time, even a year or two.
Yes her auncle but not ful support. few days back she attampeted suscide (hand cut with blade) her uncle told me. Now she was alrite. But how can i met r cal her,
If she wil marry me her family doesnt allow to rajastan r their community is this true.
Sorry to hear of her cutting her. Keep in touch with the uncle, it takes time.
To your question, if that true, we live in 2014, why it should be?
I love a Jain girl. My parents are agree for the marriage but her parents are not agree. Her parents told her if she will marry me then they(her parents) will not be allowed to follow the religion not because of the Society but because of this inter-cast marriage will destroy there family religion if they will allow us to get married and this is as per Jain Dharma.
I wanted to know, is this only excuse they gave her or their is something truth in this?
K…im a hindu belongs to lingayath caste(vegan)….if i want to marry jain girl as u told i need convert to jainism…so what is the procedure to convert n where i should visit..?
We thought you hate Jainism, why you wish to convert? We thought Jainism don’t encourage religious conversion. Talk to her if her parents will be happy with it. Talk to her derasara. Let us know what they says.
guys, i am a hindu-lingayth(open) by religion and the girl i love is jain.. the thing is, i visited derasara and asked the pandit if the relationship works for marriage, and guess what he gave me a positive response. he said is if the girl is jain- digambar, there shouldnt be much issue and once u are blessed with a baby, everything goes fine…
Hi, I was going through some jain teachings out of curiosity, and i stumbled upon this site. After reading through post i thought i would just like to share my exp. I am a Hindu guy(nveg) married to a jain girl(pure veg),we were together for 5 yrs b4 we got married. We do have cultural differences and neither do i completely understand jainism nor does she understand mine,but the fact irrespective of our differences that we still are happy(ofcourse there are bad days too)and together is because we both respect each other beliefs and cultural values and we help each other out whenever we have to do some rituals belonging to each other faiths. So what i am trying to say is if you are with a person you want doesnt matter if he/she is from diff faith, all you need is to have faith in each other.
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Hi varun.. i m a jain gal.. n my bf is sindhi(non vegeterian) we are together from last 5years.. now he has tlked to his parents abt me..but we are thnkng abt oyr future.. the same issues discusses above.. abt our beliefs.. he dsnt eat non veg due to me.. but his families do.. i dnt knw how to tackle this thng.. i luv him lot.. n cant b widout him.. so is their anuthng which cann be soughted.. can u plzzz help me out wid this..
You will have to find some middle ground for the food habits. If you wish to remain pure veg, go for it. If your husband wishes to join, it is well and good. However you cannot expect his whole family stop eating meat if they wish to. Somehow you will have to learn to tolerate their food habit. After marriage, with your love, you may convince them to be go veg, but don’t count on it.
Jain and Hindu are similar in many respects but still are different religions. You could make faith as an issue and bring disaster to otherwise happy married life. Instead of fighting in the name of religion, we hope you will learn to be flexible with the new family (and they will reciprocate).
Is your boy friend independent minded or mommy’s boy?
Is your boy friend well educated and financially independent? Do you have to depend on in-laws for your bread, butter and house rent?
Ishika do u know telugu
I am hindu and my gf is jain we both dont belive in castng dharma and all we just have faith on god.
But our parants are different so how to convence them for marrage.we want both thing our family n each othr.
All cases are different. All parents are different. Parents will try their best to break your relationship but you will have to decide if you both are willing to go against your parents. Best way to handle this situation is to be financially independent; meaning if parents don’t agree, you will live your life on your own and will not ask one rupee for help. Can you do that?
Hello, I married to a jain boy. I life is like a hell. what to do. I don’t know how to worship in jain dharma. so I does my Brahmin chanting. my husband is forcing me to do his religion worship. the force is became intolerant. I was pregnant at that time he was not allow me to listen hindu chanting…!! if he or his mother saw me to while I was listening they fight with me. and some time my husband hit me to while I was pregnant. now I am just showing respect to their religion but I hate internally from my heart. sorry this is not reight but it happens to automatically from my heart. our marriage is a arrange marriage. if I marry to jain man who don’t know how to worship in his own religion. and forcing me to learn his.. what to do. I am Brahmin. does my religion changes after marrying with jain man? and my kids are jain or Brahmin..?? if I want to make him Brahmin then is their any way..
( My husband fight with me for Jainism but in reality he also don’t know the jain worshiping, some time he eats eggs too and drinking socially)
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You should have asked him before marriage!
In general, in any society(dharmic religion), inter religious(dharmic) marriage is basically prohibited by people and not Dharma. For example, If a jain wants to marry a brahmin girl, most of the time, it is people who prohibits it not the dharma by doctrine. Traditionally, Jainism is a one of the Darshanas. Therefore it is not a religion. jainism is a another way of understanding life. Note that Hinduism(the mix of faiths, Vedic, Atheistic, shivism, vaishnavism, shaktyam and ganapatyam), buddhism, jainism, sikhism are several ways of understanding life.
therefore, it is necessary for all of us to understand the meaning behind darshanas. Darshanam means view. How you view a life.
So hating jainism, hating hinduism, hating sikhism or buddhism is hating equally other religions as well and does not make any sense.
I am mharatriyan girl my bf is Jain v really love each other v knw each other from 14 yrs he was in my skul he stays besides me ! V like each other from 4 yrs ! Nw v got in to relationship v both waana marry each other bt his parents r strict
Nice name! Sorry to hear of your issue. All parents try to preserve their culture and do not want to change from their old past style. After marriage, do you have to live in a joint family? If so, you have to learn what it means being in Jain home as a wife. Best option for you would be to complete your education and be financially independent from both parents. After that, find a job outside your city (or away from parents). It may not be as easy as you wish, but that is the best option.
Hi Shrushti..
I m a keralite gal..a non vegetarian…I fell in love wid marvadi Jain boy 16 yrs back he …he did his best of best to be wid me n he succeeded…v r married n hv two beautiful kids..its 10 yrs nw n v r happyI had faith in him…v nvr ran away…v married wid ol our family blessings..hey were ol happy..coz they. Knew v r not going to loose our dedication towards each other..juz hv faith in ur luv n juz encourage ur boy n let him knw his ability that he can convince everybody back home.
This is a Muslim to our ears!! This is rarely heard on marriages with Muslim or Christians on this site.
Can you tell us if are you raising your children in TWO faiths? Do children feel (as their faith) as Jain or Hindu or more of one and less of other or equally 50%-50%?
m in love WITH jain boy nd m Brahmin girl we r in relation from last 2 years
but m really scared of telling about my parents about our relationship… m depppresed
Getting depressed does not help any one. Think logically. Focus on your studies and get a good job that is out of your city. Once you both are financially independent you will be able to do lots more. Meantime slowly introduce your bf to your family. Also consider all proposals your parents are showing you. In the end, do that you think is more logical and rational.
brahman guy going to marry jain girl my parents are agreed what are parrots creating a problem
Dnt ..worry…..try to convince parents of ua girl….b.coz after marriage ur thle people who have to lead ur life…….i too loving a jain girl……but I dont know what to doo…….mee.too crying for my girl…but I cant do nothinggg….ny way all the best………..
hey I am a muslim girl that is in love with a jain boy , we have been together for about 2 years and plan on getting married soon, hes is a good kind hearted and understanding boy whom is well established but I am still in collage finishing my degree.I am not to worried about what others have to say about my relationship as we live in Canada. how ever my parents may not fully agree to my marriage , his parents are pretty open minded and simple people that live in india. my only worry is his family? I have not meet them yet and do not know the extent of how they will react to a muslim bride? My boyfriends parents means a lot to him and he means a lot to me .I would like to know what it means to marry into a jain family? we had spoken about religion and neither of us are to religious. some times I feel that may change as I am only 21 and I may adapt islam at a more heavier capacity. I know if we love one other that will not change so I don’t see the need of waiting.
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Generally Jain-Hindu marriages have less problem and conflict in beliefs compared to Jain-Muslim marriage.
Here, parents need to learn of new reality of life and should not restrict their children as far as they are marrying to some one who is competent and there is no major religious conflict. If parents tries to press the spring too hard, it may bounce back for something too worst, some day.
Kiran, is she married now? Are you well educated and financially independent? If so, just convince the girl to join you ignoring parents restrictions. You live in a free country and as an adult you could do that you wish (provided the girl believes in you and you are financially independent). Good luck!!