Hindu: I am ready to convert to Islam

vicky says: January 17, 2013 at 1:23 pm

i am a hindu guy. and i love a Muslim girl. we are in relation for last 4 years, now i want to marry her and i had spoke to her elder brother and i am ready to convert to Islam as it will be not permitted by my parents but i m sure that i can make them understand. but the real problem is society, the girl family is very much orthodox and they belong to typical society of Muslim background (like fully surrounded by masjid n maholla), so her brother is saying due to society its not possible also if I convert.

So please tell me that how should i convince her parents and most important the society. please give me some suggestion that can work. -Vicky


Admin says:


It is good that you are flexible and ready to convert to Islam. There should not be any problem if you really become one of “belong to typical society of Muslim background (like fully surrounded by masjid n maholla)”. For your love, will you not do this little favor?

There are many advantages converting to Islam:
• Islam is only a true religion, rest like Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism etc are all fake religions.
• By converting to Islam, now you could go to heaven. Rest like your parents, Mahatma Gandhiji and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day.
• As a Muslim, you could have four wives. Later, you could marry to three additional Hindu girls and convert them to Islam too.
• You could also beat your wives, if they don’t behave well. You are the supreme power in your home.
• If any wives don’t behave well or get old, just say talak, talak, talak and she is out of your life, simple.
• Further, any of wives don’t have any right to ask for talak, only man decide and rule.
• Why you should care for your parents, any ways they are sinners and will get Hell Fire sooner or later.

So we highly recommend you to move into that neighborhood “like fully surrounded by masjid n maholla” and start living a true Muslim life. Start reading Koran every day and start praying (in the direction) to Saudi Arabia 5 times a day. After 6 months, if you still like that life and religion, convert to Islam.

If you convert to Islam, her parents and their Mullahs will make sure you are 150% Muslim, when other Muslims may not be even 10% Muslim. Expect these after conversion:

• You will have a circumcision
• You will be given an Arabic name
• You will have Shahadah, that is conversion to Islam
• After that, you will have the Islamic Nikaah
• The Muslim girl cannot be a part of Hindu wedding because it is idol-worship prohibited by Islam
• You cannot carry any Hindu god photos or Ganesh murti in your new married life home because, as per your Shahadah oath, there is no God but Allah
• You cannot (should not) enter a Hindu temple because Hindus pray to false gods
• Your children will have Arabic names and circumcision
• Food habits: You may be non – vegetarian, while her family members may wish to eat beef or only halaal and no to pork
• Ritual of animal killing: The bride may request for qurbani on Bakr-id. Eventually children may learn all these and wish you to join for it
• Children will be taught only from the Koran, not at all from Geeta
• Children will not be allowed to be a part of Holi, Janmasthami and Diwali
• You will have to reduce association with your Hindu parents and friends and ultimately forget them. But you will have a new set of Muslim relatives and friends
• Your wife may start wearing burqa
• You cannot convert back to any other religion, otherwise punishment could be stoned to death (as per Islamic law)
• If you divorce and convert back to Hindusim, you may not get child custody because children are Muslims by Indian laws
• If you die, you will be put in a grave and given Islamic final rites.

So, are you ready to convert to Islam?

If you have any doubt, go marry by a court marriage. If Kareena did it, why not you? You will remain what you are; not converted to something you are not. You could always respect her religion, teach kids from Koran (and Gita) and visit a Mosque every Friday, if you wish. As a Hindu, you are a FREE MAN to do what you feel like, not get stuck into some religions dogmas imposed on you by Mullas (like a life imprisonment).

To your question, how to convince her parents, don’t bother with that. You both get good education and be financially independent; then do that is a right thing to do. Best wishes. -Admin

Also read::
I have decided to take up Islam
I will get converted to Islam and be circumcised
After conversion what I become, exactly?
I am ready to convert myself into muslim
(Muslims) slap and asked me not to be with a muslim girl
Atheist: If I convert to Muslim she can marry me
Is it possible that I convert to Islam just as a formality?
(Muslim) will marry me only if I convert
My wife calls me Kafir. I wish I die


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  • October 23, 2024 7:37 am

    The Allah who is worshipped in Islam is none other than “Lord Shiva”, First let us talk about the ancient Vedic culture of Arabia:

    Islam emerged in Arabia about 1400 years ago, before this the residents of Arabia had forgotten their history of the last 4000 years, and in Islam this period has been called “Jihalia”… which means, ‘Age of Darkness’. But this era of Jihalia is a lie spread by the followers of Muhammad, before Islam there was Vedic Sanatan culture, not one but thousands of proofs have been collected for this. In order to destroy the “Vedic culture” of Arabia, all the libraries, temples, schools there were burnt down on the orders of Muhammad, but many evidences are still intact.

    “Kaaba” is the Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva: After 632 AD, Islam was established here in the form of Prophet Muhammad, after the establishment of Islam, there was a large scale massacre of Hindus in Arabia. All the idols located in the Kaaba were broken by Muhammad, but even after this, Muhammad left a black stone named “Hajre-Aswad” in the Kaaba and today every Muslim definitely visits it during Hajj. Actually. Hazre Aswad’s Hazre is made up of the word “Hazar”, which is a corruption of Har, Har means Shiva in Sanskrit and Aswad is a corruption of “black”. They talk about it, there is also a Shivlinga there… which is worshiped with palm leaves. Thus, there are not one but two Shivlings in Mecca. Vedic worship method during Hajj: The Muslims shave their beard and take two unstitched clothes at the Kaaba in Mecca. Wearing one and carrying the other on the shoulder, they circumambulate the Kaaba 7 times in the anticlockwise direction, which is a ritual taken completely from Hinduism. Now, since Muhammad had established a demonic religion according to Bhavishya Purana, the custom of circumambulating in the opposite direction was kept there to keep the Muslims filled with negative energy.

    Crescent of Lord Shiva: Similarly, the crescent of Islam has been taken from Sanatan culture, the Arabs who worship Lord Shiva gave a place in Islam to the crescent on the forehead of Lord Shiva, because the thing to be seen is that there is nothing like this in the flag of Islamic Shahada and the flag of Muhammad at the time of the conquest of Mecca, it is only in other non-Arabic countries which later became Islamic countries.

    The “principle of monotheism” of Islam has also been taken from Sanatan Dharma: In Sanatan Dharma, where there are many gods, goddesses and incarnations, there is only one God, Om Shiva, because Shiva is unborn, in the same way, he was given the name of Allah in Islam. And the Shivlinga, which is the replica of that divine light, is worshipped. Kaaba’s octagonal architecture: When Muhammad destroyed all the Sanatani proofs near Kaaba and Mecca, then to repent for it, Muhammad duly established a temple in Kaaba according to the Sanatan method… One proof of this is the octagonal architecture of Kaaba, in which a temple is established by placing a quadrilateral crookedly over another quadrilateral and this is the rule in every Sanatan temple. The photo is attached with the post.

  • October 23, 2024 7:25 am

    Still time to do ghar wapasi muslims think once again

    इस्लाम में जिस अल्लाह की पूजा की जाती है, वो कोई और नहीं “भगवान शिव” ही हैं
    मीडिया डेस्क
    मीडिया डेस्क
    March 27, 2023

    पहले बात करते हैं अरब की प्राचीन वैदिक संस्कृति की: लगभग 1400 साल पहले अरब में इस्लाम का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ, इससे पहले अरब के निवासी अपने पिछले 4000 साल के इतिहास को भूल चुके हैं, और इस्लाम में इस काल को “जिहालिया” कहा गया है… जिसका अर्थ है, ‘अन्धकार का युग’। परन्तु ये जिहालिया का युग मुहम्मद के अनुयायियों द्वारा फैलाया झूठ है, इस्लाम से पहले वहाँ पर वैदिक सनातन संस्कृति थी,इसके एक नहीं हजारो प्रमाण इकट्ठे कर लिए हैं। अरब के “वैदिक संस्कृति” को नष्ट करने के लिए मुहम्मद के कहने पर वहाँ के सभी पुस्तकालय, देवालय, विद्यालय जला दिए गए थे, पर कई सबूत आज भी यथावत हैं।

    “काबा” साक्षात् भगवान शिव का ज्योतिर्लिंग:
    632 ईo के बाद यहाँ पर पैगम्बर मुहम्मद के रूप में इस्लाम की स्थापना हुई, इस्लाम की स्थापना के बाद अरब में व्यापक स्तर पर हिन्दुओ का नरसंहार हुआ। काबा में स्थित सभी मूर्तियों को मुहम्मद द्वारा तोड़ दिया गया, परन्तु इसके उपरान्त भी मुहम्मद ने काबा में “हजरे- असवद” नाम के एक काले पत्थर को वहाँ पर रहने दिया और आज हर मुसलमान हज के समय उसके दर्शन अवश्य करता है।

    असल में हजरे अस्वाद का हजरे “हजर” शब्द से बना है, जो की हर का अपभ्रंश है, हर का अर्थ संस्कृत में शिव होता है और अस्वाद “अश्वेत” का ही अपभ्रंश है।

    इस्लाम में पूजा जाने वाला दूसरा शिवलिंग:
    जिस जमजम के कुएं की ये बात करते हैं, एक शिवलिंग उसमे भी है… जिसकी पूजा खजूर के पत्तों से होती है। इस प्रकार मक्का में एक नहीं, दो शिवलिंग हैं।

    हज के दौरान वैदिक पूजा पद्धति:
    मक्का में काबा में मुस्लिम दाढ़ी साफ कर, बिना सिले २ कपड़े लेते हैं। एक पहन कर और दूसरा कंधे पर डाल कर काबा की घड़ी की उलटी दिशा में 7 परिक्रमा करते हैं, जो की पूर्णतः हिन्दू धर्म से लिया गया संस्कार है।

    अब चूँकि मुहम्मद ने भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार पैशाचिक धर्म की स्थापना की थी, इसलिए नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को मुसलमानों में निरंतर भरे रखने के लिए वहाँ पर उलटी परिक्रमा का रिवाज रखा गया।

    भगवान भोले शंकर के अर्धचंद्र:
    ठीक इसी प्रकार इस्लाम का अर्धचन्द्र सनातन संस्कृति से लिया गया है, भगवान् शंकर की पूजा करने वाले अरबवासियों ने भगवान् शिव के मस्तक पर स्थित अर्धचन्द्र को इस्लाम में स्थान दिया, चूँकि देखने वाली बात ये है की इस्लामिक शहादा के झंडे में और मुहम्मद के मक्का फतह ( के समय वाले झंडे में ऐसा कुछ नहीं है, ये केवल अन्य गैर अरबी देशो में है जो बाद में इस्लामिक देश बन गये।

    इस्लाम का “एकीश्वर का सिद्धांत” भी सनातन धर्म से लिया गया है:

    सनातन धर्म में जहाँ पर देवी देवता और अवतार बहुत हैं पर ईश्वर एक ही है, ॐ शिव, क्यूँकि शिव ही अजन्मा है, ठीक उसी प्रकार इस्लाम में उसे अल्लाह का नाम दिया गया और उस ज्योति स्वरूप परमात्मा के प्रतिरूप शिवलिंग की ही पूजा की जाती है।

    काबा का अष्टकोणीय वास्तु:
    जब मुहम्मद ने काबा और मक्का के पास स्थित सभी सनातनी प्रमाणों को नष्ट कर दिया तब उसके बाद उसका पश्चाताप करने के लिए मुहम्मद ने विधिवत सनातन विधि से काबा में मंदिर की स्थापना की… इसका एक प्रमाण है काबा का अष्टकोणीय वास्तु, इसमें एक चतुर्भुज के ऊपर दूसरा चतुर्भुज टेढ़ा करके मंदिर स्थापना होती है और प्रत्येक सनातन मंदिर में यही विधान है। फोटो पोस्ट के साथ अटेचैड है।

  • Rinku onrao
    March 1, 2024 9:57 am

    How many days takes time to convert hindu to muslim?

  • January 5, 2022 8:10 pm

    Hello my name is sneha and I am from a orthodox brahmin household, and I’m currently studying engineering. Basically I’m a student. When I say orthodox brahmin family, you can imagine I’m deeply engaged in all hindu rituals followed in our house and I also faithfully followed them. But recently I am finding myself getting unnaturally attracted to islam. Especially after I saw some zakir naik videos on YT. This thing has completely unsettled and disturbed me mentally as I am constantly feeling whether I am on wrong path following Hinduism and doing engineering. My family is very strict and even the thought of discussing with them about them is frightening to me. Inward i am started to feel to follow muslim customs. I want to wear burqa, hijab. We are strict vegetarians, but I want to eat meat. I want to become a devoted muslim wife. But I don’t understand how all this is possible. Now, even while doing puja my thoughts are somewhere else. I am finding puja meaningless now. All these things are mentally affecting. Is there any way. Plz guide.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/i-am-attracted-to-islam/

  • September 19, 2019 4:41 am

    There are so many common things in 3 religions. Check it here:

    • September 20, 2019 8:25 am

      Hi Maria,

      We agree to your summary that there are many common things in religions but you must agree that there are many more differences. Read details here.. https://interfaithshaadi.org/koran-on-hindus/

      Especially read this…
      Christians generally believe Lord Jesus is a (son of) God and that FAITH IN JESUS is the only way to achieve salvation and to enter into heaven. Contrary to that, Koran teaches to have FAITH IN ALLAH (God). Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle (4:171). Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! (19:34). Further, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88). Unbelievers are those that say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (5:70) and “God is one of three” (5:72). Unbelievers will get “Hell of Fire.” Further, Allah told….”Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51)

    • August 4, 2020 12:45 am

      I am a Hindu and my girlfriend is Muslim I want her to convert.Give suggestions.

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/hindu-muslim-convert/

  • Pramod
    February 8, 2019 8:35 am

    Can a hindu Male marry musulim girl after convert to musulim

    • February 9, 2019 10:24 pm

      Hi Pramod,
      The marriage and conversion are two different matters. You can always marry to her by the Special Marriage Act 1954 (if you are in India) where you do not have to convert. Tell us why you want to convert to Islam? Do you truly believe in Koranic and Muhammad’s teachings? Let us know your situation and we can explain you more.

    April 2, 2018 9:15 pm

    i am a hindu man 40 years of age want to convert to islam and marry a muslim woman by birth and really embracing islam very much any muslim people are there to help me.

    • April 3, 2018 7:29 am

      Who is stopping you? What help do you need?

      • Armaan
        August 9, 2018 3:46 am

        I think you are a bloody mentality hindu, but not a true follower of your holy book Gita…

        Yes, you said 200% correct that Only Islam is only truth… and you too will be in the hell fire.. keep worshipping your own hand made gods and an oval shaped stone.. what you call it ?? “Ling” .. your fate is full of “mitti-paththar and lings only” .. and at last when you will die then your own family will put you on hell fire.. and when you will keep bending they few of them will keep breaking you hardly with “laathis” … that’s in your fate.. and again you are not a muslim but a bloody bastard non-muslim… who have nothing to post except abusing Islam.

        • August 9, 2018 8:50 pm

          Heaven and hell are right here and right now. Once you die, why to worry about the dead body? Dead body is an useless material to get rid of, how does it matter how one get rid of it? We rather be done fast after death, rather than rotting in grave. Remember, you are going to rot in the grave for ever and ever, for millions more years, enjoy this life if you can.

          Here something for you… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSz64rIb6sE

          • shoeb
            January 30, 2019 12:15 am

            Dear Admin
            what you are preaching Islam is not right. please don’t spread hatred about Islam, i don’t know who you are but spreading lies about Islam is atrocious. Dear Blog readers if you really want to Convert into Islam please visit nearest mosque and consult some good scholars of Islam you’ll find one in the mosque. please don’t refer to some web surf pirate counterfeit dumb ass.

            Thanking You,
            dear admin for letting us know what deceptive strategies you are using to defame Islam.

          • sri
            February 17, 2019 11:52 pm

            I want to convert to Islam. but that should happened at my home. is it possible? or how to do it?

          • February 18, 2019 8:41 pm

            Dear Sri,
            We don’t understand your question. What is your logic/reason to convert at home and not any other place? What is your birth religion? What is your motive to convert, is that you are in love with someone?

  • Booby mir
    January 27, 2018 3:10 am

    Martha u saying right religion is fake only muslim relion is true but one thing I am believe in Allah only one but I respect baba Nanak he is a one teacher saying Allah is one but people not understand the importance of baba Nanak I will read more baba Nanak Majid there saying ilahi only one

  • Booby mir
    January 27, 2018 3:02 am

    She is right religion is fake only muslim relion is true but one thing Allah is desaid ho is Rong and right and v can’t say

  • Booby
    January 24, 2018 6:19 pm

    I think anyone no problem you except Islam and marry Muslim girls and boys so Allah is one that is true so y people want to do problem so that my think but Muslim people’s help them and come to help and girls and boys family respect that is true

    • Krish
      January 25, 2018 5:46 am

      Just check the true news about muslim world. How they treated in Islamic country. If these countires became democratic today, tomorrow more than 50% will throw away Islam.

  • Booby
    January 23, 2018 7:25 am

    Can you please help us I am studying Quran and I am saying that Allah is one Tru God in the universe so my friend is Sikh but he believed in Allah not anything he never go anywhere but he is love with Islam and he wants join Islam and he says Allah is one and no one there and I am also with him I hope you can help us to join us Islam

    • January 24, 2018 11:39 am

      We understood that two of you want to be Muslim because there is one God Allah. Is that true?

      We also read Koran and found some objectionable statements (https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=370) in it, can you explain why it is saying so?

      Allah (or God) is there in all faiths, but in Islam you have to endorse Muhammad. Christianity has Jesus and Hinduism has Rama. Thus difference between different faiths is not God, but the apostles/Devas/gurus. Get back to us why you wish to convert?

    • Krish
      January 25, 2018 5:44 am

      There is a limit for throwing fake news. But you masked mulsim crossed the limit. Dont advertize islam.

  • January 21, 2018 11:52 pm

    i am hindu girl. i want to convert to islam because i love muslim guy last 8 years. how to convert muslim.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13226

    • January 22, 2018 8:21 am

      We have changed your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay. Tell us why you decided to convert to Islam? Is that only because your boy friend is a Muslim? If he gives you a talaak, are you still wishing to continue as a Muslim? Are your parents okay with it?

      • krina
        January 22, 2018 9:16 pm

        My parents are willing to become Muslims because they are accept my love. How to convert myself.

        Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13226

      • February 23, 2024 8:45 am

        Iam subash
        Iam a hindu
        I want to change my religion
        So can you help me.

    • Krish
      January 25, 2018 4:26 am

      Very easy to convert to Islam but extremely difficult to revert back to Hinduism. The reason is once you converted , then you will know the real problem in islam and will forget your Love, life every thing only left for you will realize your past. Love is temporary and one thing remember is that jsut ask your self and your close near and dear also read the story of Hindu Girl converted to Islam and their life. DONT SPOIL YOUR LIFE BY MARRYING A MUSLIM.

      • January 30, 2018 3:48 am

        i love that muslim guy. i take any risk this is my life. i want him. he is carrying me i beleive him. i am ready to change my religion.

        Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13238

        • luckyblogger
          June 3, 2018 10:09 pm

          its very easy, go to a local mosque and you can easliy all convert, can get a lot of money as well and if your boyfriend leaves you, you can easily marry many times more. Even your dad and mom can marry as many times as they want. God bless.

    • rohit
      September 6, 2019 11:15 am

      jalli he tera halal hoge

  • Subhash
    November 27, 2017 12:50 am

    Hi I want to get converted to islam what should I do and is that possible for me? And can I marry after that??

    • November 28, 2017 7:30 am

      We have changed your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay with you.

      Are you in love with a Muslim girl? Hypothetical question…. if this girl get married to someone, will you still convert to Islam? How man other religions you have explored before deciding Islam is the best amongst all?

      Do you know that after you convert to Islam, you cannot change your mind for your life? {Bukhari 9.84.57: Muhammad: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.”}

  • Krish
    November 25, 2017 3:59 am


    Still advice you to know about the history and truth. Dont blind your fake Islamic religion. You and your entire community can’t defeat me..I HATE ISLAM AND QURAN…

    • admin
      November 25, 2017 7:35 am

      Have you read Koran? Which version? If not, you should. We highly recommend to all.

      • Shahid
        January 2, 2018 2:32 pm

        Hahha It seems that you are bribed by BJP to comment such things…..

    • Neeti
      January 20, 2018 9:04 pm

      You already seem to be a defeated person…why would they do that to you?

  • Krish
    November 25, 2017 3:57 am


    I do agree is that there are plenty of Love Jihad is happening by these communal muslim grps. but you can check in google, there are tons of mulsims are leaving Islam due to the theri islamic cult. In India only Hindu girls are getting trapped by these muslim peoples (like Mac). Libya, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and many countless countries are fled to EU and now then converted to Christian.

  • Krish
    November 13, 2017 9:03 pm


    I thought you are having little knowledge about the history and current situation, but now I confirmed that due to your islamic brain your brain cell also died. Which middle east country are you taking about? UAE?? a terror funding country? 2/3 of 56 islamic countries are almost dying. Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Somalia, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt and many many more. Dont say such stupid topic.

    There is no DALIT in the jail, 99.999999% are muslim kufer. They should be beheaded publicly. Due to bastard congress you fucking muslims are living here. Also rememebr, you hatred muslims are living peacefully because of we the HINDU (the most and best and true religion in the world), once your population crosses, then your own children blown up for the shake of islam.

    faku… religion.. check google and see how scores of ex-mulsims are saying about islam..

    • mac
      November 14, 2017 5:55 pm

      Saffron Terrorist krish said this ///There is no DALIT in the jail, 99.999999% are muslim kufer. They should be beheaded publicly. Due to bastard congress you fucking muslims are living here.///

      Wasn`t that was my first comment on him that he is a terrorist and needs to be in jail?? He proved it again.

      UAE is terror funding then what is USA,UK,India(who funds baluchis movement, safegaurds dalailama considered as terrorist by China)???

      Lets just compare Peace Index of few muslim majority countries with India. I know scientific neutral indexes don`t carry any meaning to people who have cow shit in their head and consider themselves as sons of cow , kills people for beef and then claim as peaceful, but I will present the datas for sensible readers who may pass through this comment.

      Global Peace Index,2017 ranking
      Indonesia-52(Largest Muslim nation)
      United Arab Emirates-65(Where Indian Hindus never hesitate to go, there favorite destination)
      Burkina Faso-91
      Saudi Arabia-133

      So if fanatic right wing hindus claim of Hindus being peaceful than Muslims and no Muslim majority country is peaceful than India was true, then we would have seen India and Nepal topping the list.

      P.S. I don`t believe Hindus are peaceful than Muslims or Muslims are peaceful than Hindus, there are individual people from all religions who are violent,who are peaceful. Only person seffering from inferiority complex will try to pain one community as bad based on few paramaters which goes against them.

      And your claim that 99.9999% jailers are muslim is again a reflection of your ignorace and bigotry towards muslims.

      Here is the fact
      Muslims, dalits and tribals make up 53% of all prisoners in India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Muslims-dalits-and-tribals-make-up-53-of-all-prisoners-in-India/articleshow/45253329.cms

      • November 14, 2017 9:10 pm

        If Islam is great, why it is not on the list of first 20? (source)
        New Zealand
        Czech Republic
        Do the above list proves that Christianity and Buddhism are superior to Islam?

        Now look at the bottoms a few:
        India (137)
        DPR Korea
        DR Congo
        Central African Republic
        South Sudan
        Syria (163)
        Note worst 8 are Muslim nations, why?
        You are a scientist, what are you trying to prove with this stats?

        We assume you are trying to imply that Muslims are more peaceful compared to Hindus. Do you think if all Muslims move out of India today, would Dharmic+Christian India become more chaotic? Alternatively, if India becomes mostly Muslim (like Afghanistan, Pakistan and B. Desh) today, will India become more prosperous? Please clarity what are you trying to prove.

        It is sad that it gives you joy when your motherland India looks bad on any stats while you are proud of Arabia in all respects? Hahah suggested us to read Arabic Imperialism, a great book. You should read to know why you got such mentality praising others.

        • mac
          November 17, 2017 12:55 pm

          ///We assume you are trying to imply that Muslims are more peaceful compared to Hindus. /// You bigoted stupid admin, through aside your communal glass and see with open eyes, it is kirsh being a hindu lecturing muslims on peace and that how no muslim country is safe, I only showed him except few civil war torned muslim majority countries where western invasion and interventions and west supported terrorist groups had created problems, rest all muslim nations are above India. Even countries like Syria,Libya,Yemen,Turkey were far ahead of India before war break on otheir soil. Check indexes of Syria in 2010, Libya in 2009 and compare that with India in that time.

          Coming to why most Chrisitian countries are topping the list, most of these christians countries are population less and are not geopolitically important, not to forget largest christian country USA ranks way below largest muslim country, however not to take credit away from many christian countries for achieving absolute peace in their nations and muslims must learn from them, many muslim nations in terms of peace are at worst position are needs leave war and come to peace, they are not representation of islam but greed for oil money only. Not just muslims, world should jelp these countries to make peace there, while there are some fanatic hindus in india who take advantage of those situations of those countries and try to justify their bigotry against all muslims especially indian muslims, what is the need of telling a indian muslim by a hindu that you people are violent dragging examples of iraq,syria? if so, why they don`t mention india and how it is worst than most of the muslim majority nations?

          //It is sad that it gives you joy when your motherland India looks bad on any stats while you are proud of Arabia in all respects? Hahah suggested us to read Arabic Imperialism, a great book. You should read to know why you got such mentality praising others.//
          No, you people(not all hindus) need to stop hating muslims, stop lecturing them about iraq and syria only, unless and untill you make india peaceful you have no right to criticise others on peace, you kill people for beef, murder couples for intercaste marriage, do riots like Muzaffarnagar riot, gujrat riot and expect india to be number 1 in peace index, but then when you find india in its real place, you start blaming innocent indian muslims who are strugling for life there. Pakistan is not better than India, but bangladesh is, interms of HumanDevelopmentIndexes and Peace and treating their anti-minority criminals unlike india where most big politicians are anti-minority criminal accused

          • mac
            November 17, 2017 1:01 pm

            Amazingly Admin didn`t respond to this comment by Krish but had time to make long comment on my comment that too which was my reply to krish`s comment.


            Krish says:
            November 13, 2017 at 9:03 pm


            I thought you are having little knowledge about the history and current situation, but now I confirmed that due to your islamic brain your brain cell also died. Which middle east country are you taking about? UAE?? a terror funding country? 2/3 of 56 islamic countries are almost dying. Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Somalia, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt and many many more. Dont say such stupid topic.

            There is no DALIT in the jail, 99.999999% are muslim kufer. They should be beheaded publicly. Due to bastard congress you fucking muslims are living here. Also rememebr, you hatred muslims are living peacefully because of we the HINDU (the most and best and true religion in the world), once your population crosses, then your own children blown up for the shake of islam.

            faku… religion.. check google and see how scores of ex-mulsims are saying about islam..

          • November 17, 2017 7:26 pm

            Why blame on others “west supported terrorist groups had created problems”? Why not Shia and Sunni unite? Why not Saudi, Iran and rest of Middle East Muslims make that area most safe and prosperous? Why millions Muslims have to migrate to the West like baggers?

          • mac
            November 18, 2017 5:12 pm

            Because West itself accepted it created terrorist groups in middle east, western leaders themsleves accepted they have wrongly invaded Iraq.
            There are bad people in every society, likewise there are bad people among muslims in middle east, who are supported and funded by west, those who want to uprrot stable govt of middle eastern countries are supported by west, you live in america which created problems in Syria,Iraq and Libya and countless other countries, so it doesn`t suits you when you preach peace defending western nations.

        • Krish
          November 18, 2017 5:51 am

          Dear Admin,

          what mac will say… Islam is dying now and all mulsims are praying GOD (Lord Hanuman) to save them from Mahammad.

          MAC knows verywell even a muslim cant safe from muslim world showing peace index, a fake Quran and whose GOD is ZAKIR NAIK.. what you expect from such hilarious person who dont know definition of religion.

          Recently a pakistan minister asking security from non-muslims..

          A most and dangerous religion in the universe.

          • admin
            November 18, 2017 11:32 am

            That is your wish … that Islam is dying. What we see that actually Islam is growing in number all over. Why? We believe it is because of heavy proselytism, fear of leaving Islam (death for apostasy) and force by Islamic rulers. Now Love Jihadi’s are using interfaith marriage as a tool to expand Islam. It is an unfair game but it serves the purpose of Islam to spread. We see this as a reality of our life.

          • mac
            November 18, 2017 5:16 pm

            Pakistan Minister asked for non-muslim security, that`s shows how good,liberal and secular thinking paksitan leaders are unlike indian leaders who divide people based on cow,love jihad,etc issues.

      • Krish
        November 17, 2017 1:41 am

        Feku Mac is showing me list of peace state index. Indonesia is laregst muslim but sitll they follows Hinduism.. You knows verywell. Malayesia is 60% muslim and not becoming a terrorist state (no interfaith marriage allow in Malayesia).

        Now other countries what you mentioned wrong. NONE OF THE MUSLIM COUNTRY IS SAFE TO LIVE.

        THERE ARE MANY EU COUNTRIES already banned to enter muslims (exmaple Hungary).

        Feku Islam MAC is teaching here. Your ancestor were HINDU rember.

        ALso Islam is fastest dying reliigon in the world. NO one can comment and blame HINDUISM. It is not difficult but IMPOSSIBLE TO comment Hinduism. If you have gut, give me example and I am sure will show you tons of fake and sugar coating sentence from your man made Quran.

        Now 20+ crores muslim but you people are liability/burden for HINDUstan. You people cant even generate GDP not more .05%. Check google…

        • mac
          November 17, 2017 12:38 pm

          Indianesia doesn`t follow Hinduism, they strictly follow Islam. Only cow piss drinkers like you and your likes believes it follows hinduism. Indonesia is a great example of Muslims on how they respect other religious cultures which Intolerant Indians must learn, Indian should learn from Muslim Indonesia. Problem with cow heads like you is that you consider who ever is against sangh/bjp is anti-hindu and who ever is anyway shape or form respects hindu culture is followers of Hinduism. It is the cow dung in your head which lets you believe most strict islamic adherents as followers of Hinduism hahah. Ask any Indonesian whether they believe in One god or Multiple Gods+Murti Puja, you will get your answer whether they follow Islam or Hinduism.

          Interfaith marriage is also banned in your Hindu country Indonesia 😀 as well. It is banned in Islam.

          I knew from beginning that you will find it hard to digest the authentic facts, afterall for sons of cows like you postcard news, zee news [click here to watch Zee News type Journalism] Aaj Tak [ click here to watch aajtak type journalism], hindtuva, swaraja,frustrated indian, sudharshan news are authentic source but world peace index formed by neutral bodies is false. But I am not at all surprised, you can`t expect much higer than children of cows.

          btw when did I say my ancestors were Christians, ofcourse they were hindus and I am proud of that, i am proud of the fact that my ancestor had the courage to convert and that they were lucky to come in right path.

          Islam is the fastest dying religion on Earth, okay remain happy believing that and keep fooling yourself, but guess what, after 50 years you will find muslim population in the world in increased by approx 5% from now, may be even more.

          Okay bye, go keep watching confessions and fake confessions of ex-muslims again and again and be happy watching those videos.

          Muslims cointribute .05% in GDP, so now you jumped to GDP. When did indian govt release datas on GDP contribution based on religion? Please mention me that date 😀

          Cheers for a cup of gau mutra 😀

          • mac
            November 17, 2017 12:58 pm

            Zee News type journalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYYvywQtEBA , they tell you this but never let you know about real facts.

          • Krish
            November 18, 2017 5:57 am

            MAC cheer with camel urin you GOD mahammad drinks everyday.

            There are tons of muslim drinking cow urine who are suffering life threatening diseases. Go and check in Patanjali Yoga Pitha and knows the truth about it.

            Also cheer with 72 hoor..Feku religion preacher.

            Lord Ganesh photo in Indonesia currency note.. just for your information.. Their national flag is having Lord GARUDA symbol

            What do you want more evidence. Learn more and debate here terrorist.. You live in India because of we peaceful HINDU.

            Islam is curse and liability for whole universe.

          • mac
            November 18, 2017 5:19 pm

            You again proved you have cow brain, having lord ganesha photo in a paper currency doesn`t mean they are hindus, they will be hindu when they believe lord ganesha as god, which they don`t, they believe in allah and reject idol worship, when this simple think will enter you cow head??

            An individual muslims might drink cow urine for specific purpose, but he is not drinking it for religious obligation, but why i am saying this to you who can`t differentiate things based on their nature that he believes indonesia is a hindu country.

          • mac
            November 18, 2017 5:25 pm

            Okay Indonesia is a hindu nation, now can you being a hindu marry muslim girls from indonesia legally??? hahhaha 😀

            You busted ……

            I know cheap guys like you who will say yes since you always know it is easy to marry any muslim girl anywehre in the world just by lying to her that i will convert to islam while secrectly being a hindu and after marriage revaling the true character.

        • Shahid
          January 2, 2018 2:39 pm

          Bro first go and learn proper grammar….. I am a Reverted Muslim from Hinduism……Since 4 years found out that Islam is perfect in each and every aspect…….Admin your view doesn’t matter in the least……U cnt change shit…….Islam has grown and will grow…..U or your grandchildren will witness that

          • Krish
            March 13, 2018 9:13 am

            Get the fact away. I dont care whether you converted or fake that doesnot matter. The truth is what happening in front of of your eye. Look around the world and see which religion is peace loving. Sizable amount of muslis are dying. Out of 56 Islamic countries, 40 are almost dying because of infected Islam. Tell me 20 crores mulsim in India but what contribution of national GDP? the answer is 0.0000001%. Yes I do agree muslim population is increasing due to the following factor. Also it is sure that

            1. Polygamy
            2. No abortion
            3. 4 wives and 44 children
            5. Forced conversion due to democracy in India.
            6. Hindus are most secular in the world.

            Shahid, I am damn sure your kids will follow the true path of terrorism. read M.A khan book for islamization and you will know the truth of Islam, who is a muslim too.

      • Krish
        November 18, 2017 5:46 am

        Mac…1000 yrs kahabat hai and is true forever till earth exist..you know… that.

        musalaman ki bachaa kabhi nehi sachaa, job hoga sachha, woh madarchod ka bachha..

        Hope you understand…

        • mac
          November 18, 2017 5:15 pm

          Thank you for exposing your real character once again.

          But since i don`t have cow brain in my head, so reading your comments i won`t judge entire hindu community as bad people, i know most of hindus, aren`t bad people unlike you who should have been in jail, thanks to india that you are not in jail.

          • Krish
            November 19, 2017 1:46 am

            MAC you are right.. quote your word here “most of the Hindu’s are not bad”. but the reverse is absolutely correct. Most of the muslims are extremely bad and curse for universe who follows mahhamad is their GOD. like YOU and cant believe them like you and finally they are not loyal to their motherland (HINDUstan) like you. I strongly believe supreme GOD (who ever be Bramha/Krishna/Allah) but I strongly hate islam your faku Mahammad (messenger of GOD) and QURAN.


          • mac
            November 20, 2017 11:58 am

            Yes reverse is not true for you, as I said you are a terrorist who deserved to be in Jail, only because you live in land of criminals that`swhy you are free. You are time and again proving my initial remark on you that you are a terrorist. The more you open your mouth, the more you will expose yourself.

  • Supriya
    November 6, 2017 9:15 pm

    I want to convert to Islam heartily plz dnt write any oppose replies I would need a procedure to change my religion can any one help me through procedure plz

    • admin
      November 6, 2017 9:40 pm

      No one wants you to convert without understand that faith. Otherwise, the fake-conversion will create problems for all. It is good to study and understand the faith of your choice and also compare some others? Have you studies Koran? Have you learned of Jesus and his beautiful teachings? Have you read about Buddhism?

    • shafiya
      November 7, 2017 9:33 am

      supriya, i am totally agree with admin, please see the sides of every religion, dont just go blindly. study the religion , ask yourself why you want to change faith. before changing faith you need to study it deeply and see if you agree on the views. please let me know why you are changing faith.

      • Krish
        November 13, 2017 5:30 am

        Please dont follow this stupid converted lady shafiya. She is lust her identity and destroyerd hereself.

    • Krish
      November 13, 2017 5:32 am

      Supirya.. before you convert just for a temporary love, please check google and youtube about the fact of Islam and how Hindu girls torturing in their inlaw.

      Also be loyal to your mother land rather than your fake love.

  • Pravina
    October 29, 2017 9:37 pm

    Im a Hindu girl. I want to convert to Muslim to marry a Muslim guy. I am ready to follow all the procedure. I heard that first I have to take shahadah in front of two witness.I want to know, in which language it is written and the whether the witness must me Muslim or close relatives. please tell me that how should i convince his parents and most important the society. please give me some suggestion..

    • Krish
      November 3, 2017 3:31 am


      How come you easily converted and trying to destroy hinduism and our mother land.. You are not only cheap girl but also a serious converted mulsim threat for whole nation… You so cheap person should die with out mercy

      • shafiya
        November 8, 2017 8:56 am

        stop it !! why do you feel people from other religion are threat for motherland? such a pathetic mentality. if you dont like a certain religion thats your opinion so stop saying these kind of things here.

        • mac
          November 12, 2017 2:22 pm

          Actually Krish is dangerous person and a terrorist and thus should be inside jail.

          • Krish
            November 13, 2017 5:24 am

            Mac whole world knows which religion is terrorizing. You and your quran itself is man made rule. Quran is not a spriritual book.

          • Krish
            November 13, 2017 6:03 am

            MAC.. You knows very well is that all jail in every state of India are filled up of mulsim/quranize terrorists. There is no place for Hindus.. can you request bangladesh or pakistan president to give a place in their jail.

          • mac
            November 13, 2017 6:33 pm

            krish, most of indian jails is filled with dalits and muslims because india is a oppressive country which oppress the weak and economically backward class while dangerous poisons like you roam free and elect criminals as their MLA/MP/CM/PM. Everyone knows rape victim don`t get justice, millions of rapists are roaming free, while there are news often hiting your eyes of muslims being released from jail because they were found to be innocent.
            Ex-Justice of Supreme Court Markendey katju confessed it. Here is his confession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7wLAXayrdg

            Recently India ranked worst than it`s neighbouring Islamic counterparts like Pakistan and Bangladesh in World Hostilities Indexes.
            Most of Muslim countries who ranked below India are going through civil war, while india is stable democracy, but still it ranked so low.

            Even in World Peace Index, most of Muslim countries including those from Middle East rank way better than India.

            Still there are fanatics hindu right wing extremist crying on internet everyday and spreading perception that muslims in violence while they can`t tolerate muslims eating their choice of food in home and kill them for eating them. Couple of days ago a Muslim man in india was murdered by lindu goons for taking a cow in his home which he brought from market.

            People who had entire system of caste system on how to discriminate and oppress people shouldn`t talk about peace. First they should make their home clean before cleaning others. They talk as if India ranks first in peace index, while in fact it doesn`t even feature in top 100.

            Going back to origianl topic, about muslims in jail, yes there are plenty of criminals in jail from muslim community, but guess what they are not because of islam, but because they didn`t follow islam, take nirbhaya gang rapist for example, who was drunk and raped the girl, but islamically he wasn`t suppose to even touch wine and look at other women, foget about raping. Can anyone deny this…
            We all know in which religion drinking is not an issue and in which religion it is a big sin.

        • Krish
          November 13, 2017 5:28 am


          My foot.. your original name was Poornima..You started defend your barbaric fake muslim religion after converted and your real face comeing out now. yes 99.9999% mulsims are radical and never loyal their motherland.. but they only loyal for their fake religion. Example is YOU and yes only you. You like cheap and third grade girls converted to islam. Look at whole world how many muslim countries are dying decause of islam.

          The more population of mulsim the more violation for sure. You are responsible for my mother land. Whya re you staying in India. Get out from my mother land….

  • October 28, 2017 12:36 am

    hello…..my name is aisha im 23 years and i have a bf of 24yrs we both use to be classmates and he is hindu… present im dng masters final year and he as my junr in other branch. i love him so much … he use to have fun by making jealous sometimes… but he still loves me and me too… now a days many arguments are happening…. every fight is making our relation strong!! and me feeling over possessive…!! recently i got a match ..that guy said he will allow me to study and me freedom … my parents kept me lot of pressur to marry .. they are blackmailing if i dont marry they will kill themselves… when cmg to my bf parents ..they said if there is no problem from ur family then u can get married… what should i dooo??
    if i hurt him … if he is gone mad and hurts me i cant be a human until he speaks me normally even weeks or months….. how can we be together???

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12974

  • MD Wasim ansari
    October 24, 2017 2:50 am

    Hindu sher h …Modi sher h yogi sher h …sab ki lega yogi

  • MD Wasim ansari
    October 24, 2017 2:46 am

    Hindu is father of all religions and oldest also .the moment people will realise this …all this bullshit will stop

  • ankit pandey
    October 15, 2017 11:42 pm

    because islam is true religion and i beleive in allah
    my many freind is muslim

  • ankit pandey
    September 26, 2017 11:35 pm

    hello admin sir please tell me your facebook page.

  • ankit pandey
    September 26, 2017 11:32 pm

    i love allah and oneday i will change my religion.
    insallah i will success.
    dont abuse to adin anyone otherwise the result will be very danger.

  • Ankit pandey
    September 26, 2017 11:23 pm

    asalamwalekum janab
    i want to change my religion .i am hindu and i want to be a muslim. i believe in allah. please help me .
    how i change my religion.

    • September 27, 2017 11:41 pm

      Tell us how many other faiths you have explored? Why you came to decide is Islam is the best among all others? Explain to us, we wish to know. Allah (God or Isvara), that is something we understood, but why you want to take also Muhammad with it?

  • Sunil
    September 18, 2017 9:23 am

    I am an Hindu Working as a security I am fed of with my life and I want to leave everything and want to convert in Muslim, so please suggest.

    • shafiya
      September 18, 2017 11:57 pm

      Mr sunil, what is the actual reason that you want to be muslim? converting from one religion from other does not solve the problem always. first identify the main reason to accept other religion. do research about islam and its aspects . if you like it then you can visit any mosque and ask the officials to guide you further. also ask them about the legal process to be done after conversion.

      • Krish
        November 3, 2017 4:47 am


        You converted lost your identity and a self destroyed women and curse for Hindustan.. Now you are trying to influence your fake islam to other people. Dont spread this hatred religion. There are many muslim converted women are actively trying to influence and advertise islam jealously because actually mentally died..

    • September 19, 2017 6:45 pm

      Fed up with life and converting to Islam… it does not make sense. Why you think it will solve your problem? How many other faiths you have explored? Have your considered Buddhism who teaches mind control? How about Christianity? There are just so many options.

  • Jashveer Singh Kushwah
    August 8, 2017 3:38 am

    Hello my name is jashveer Singh and I Am leave at Indore. Now i am convert to my religion so plz suzzes me how to convert

    • Mohamed
      August 8, 2017 6:09 am

      Bro…. Didn’t Understand what you says…
      Which religion currently you are and which religion you are before (in past)

      Pls make detail so that we can help you

  • Shahnawaz
    August 5, 2017 2:41 pm

    Guys, beware! This admin is not a muslim.. HE IS FAKE..

    • August 6, 2017 2:54 pm

      Hi Shahnawaz, we deleted dirty languages you wrote. That does not reflect good on Islam. Tell us what is fake?

  • shankar
    August 3, 2017 11:48 am

    Asalamu alaikum (warah)

    I’m Shankara I’m a Hindu I want to convert Islam the religion of peace after reading Quran
    I strongly believe in Allah the ultimate god, I don’t have any relatives except my mom who is very orthodox Pls help me to convert.

    • Mohamed
      August 3, 2017 6:25 pm

      Wa alaikumus salam warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu brother…

      Jazak Allah for entering into a truthful and peaceful Religion…
      Verily Allah says in the Quran in Surah Qasas (28:56)
      “Verily, you (O Muhammad) guide not whom you
      like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided.”

      Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process.All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith ( Shahada), which is pronounced as:
      I testify “ La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu
      Allah. ”

      These Arabic words mean, “There is no true god
      (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the
      Messenger (Prophet) of God.”
      Once a person says
      the Testimony of Faith ( Shahada) with conviction
      and understanding its meaning, then he/she has
      become a Muslim.
      The first part, “There is no true deity but God,” means that none has the right to be worshipped but God alone, and that God has neither partner nor son. The second part means that Muhammad was a true Prophet sent by God to humankind.

      To be a Muslim, one should also:
      – Believe that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
      – Believe that the Judgment Day (Resurrection Day) is true and will come.
      – Believe in the prophets that God sent and the books He revealed, and in His angels.
      – Accept Islam as his/her religion.
      – Not worship anything nor anyone except God.

      My suggestion is go to Mosque nearer to you and tell Imam that you want to convert he will surely guide you step by step… If you have any doubt further bro then you can ask me anytime here..

      • August 3, 2017 8:31 pm

        Shankar, to make the story complete, know that conversion to Islam is a one way street. Remember this…Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57). Also you should know Sharia laws… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiWLGEKusIg.

        How many other faiths you have considered? Have you read on Buddhism? Judaism? On what ground you picked Islam? Study all faiths and what people from that faith has brought for this world, and then decide. Considering your life can be in trouble if you change your mind, think twice and make fully informed decision. Best wishes.

        • Mohamed
          August 4, 2017 2:15 am

          Bro don’t bother about this guy… He will change your route by giving wrong information… Because of fearness about lefting Hinduism..Thekedar of religion always stops to find you the truth… If you don’t belive me then check whole website you will see promotion of Hinduism and stoping conversion from Hinduism… This is what admin wants….
          Where ever you go the next to the ryt person.. Wrong person also available… So choose the right one

          • August 4, 2017 10:13 pm

            What is “wrong information”? Muhammad saying those who leave Islam, kill them is a lie? Are Sharia law video wrong? Why are you getting nervous when we show your truth?

          • salonee misra
            October 23, 2017 2:18 pm

            A person who can leave his own ppl own religion for something else is never trustworthy. by converting you will lose respect for both.

  • shankar
    August 3, 2017 11:37 am

    Asalamu Alaikum (Warah)
    I’m a Hindu I want to convert Islam the religion of peace I have faith in Allah, I don’t have any relatives except my mom, Pls help me out to convert Islam.

    • Rabia
      August 4, 2017 5:13 am

      Dear Shankar,
      If you have studied Islam and learnt about it enough and want to convert/revert, it is an easy process. You can go to your local mosque and this can be done there by doing the declaration of faith (shahada) in front of witnesses. I am sure the mosque/other Muslims in your area can provide you with details of how to do this. They also give out conversion certificates at mosques or Islamic centres.
      Have you done enough research about Islam to understand it? There is always a lot to learn, even for Muslim-borns who have been learning about islam since childhood, but I think it’s important to understand and believe in the basics of a religion before accepting it. Good luck!

      • August 4, 2017 10:19 pm

        Hi Rabia, what is wrong that we quoted here? https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4148&cpage=2#comment-411057
        Is not these youths be given full education?

        Shankar, Allah means God, Father God, Isvara, Lord God, the Ultimate, etc. It is basically the same Super Power in different languages. Only difference is the apostle or devas or Gurus. Islam has Muhammad and Christians have Jesus. You should compare several faiths and explore all. Understand all these apostles/gurus/devas and it will help you better make you decision. Best wishes.

        • Rabia
          August 7, 2017 6:55 am

          Admin, we have had this conversation about that “kill those who change their religion” Hadith weeks ago. I even wrote to you what one imam interviewed for my book said. What is wrong with what you wrote there; you ask.

          What I personally think is wrong is that you are -whether you are aware of this or not- trying to discourage anyone who considers converting to Islam.

          You think it’s a manmade religion / book (I am referencing your quote where you replied to someone and said “because Muhammad/Allah made it so” when talking about the Qur’an.

          • salonee misra
            October 23, 2017 2:21 pm

            and who wrote quran? also a human being babe how can u trust one not the other? explain pls

          • Hanah Khan
            November 8, 2017 8:28 pm

            //trying to discourage anyone who considers converting to Islam.//

            Muslims don’t have the moral right to accuse anyone of discouraging to convert to Islam as long as they don’t provide the level playing field‒ while proselytizing of other faiths is banned in Islamic societies, what authority you have to question others on the issue?
            In Islamic nations, Muslims suck the bloodline of nonMuslims and in nonIslamic nations they have always been parasitical towards their benevolent hosts and you people have the gall to question why they discourage conversion?

            And this argument is from a liberal Muslim? How would the mac-category be?????

      • shankar
        November 8, 2017 7:57 am

        I don’t know whom I want to ask further for conversion pls help me

  • Aman
    July 25, 2017 4:01 am

    Me religion change karna chahta hu hindu to muslim .
    muje kuch bhi platform.chahiye I want

  • santosh kumar sahoo
    May 25, 2017 6:41 am

    Mujhe Muslim banaa hai

  • ASHA
    May 24, 2017 10:40 am

    Wappa no one call me my mobile please call me some one advise me i can marrie 3rd time muslim or christian because my brother running the masque in NEYVELI ARCH INSIDE he cant suffer when iam marrie thrid time please call me thanks

  • May 23, 2017 1:04 pm

    Walakum Asalam, my name Asha i got marrieed two times through my family and i got one son both husbands not with me now iam trying to marry a christian and i want to convert to as a muslim my parrents not allowing me please helps me sir to marry a christian iam working in chennai…..

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12364

    • salonee misra
      October 23, 2017 2:20 pm

      haha just marriage u keep converting so funny

  • to whom so ever its concerned...
    May 15, 2017 9:54 am

    Bhai kisse bana rha h?? kuch sharam kar….

  • Maratha girl
    April 9, 2017 5:28 am

    U asshole u said religion like hindu christian and sikh is fake …..quran does not teach that to exploit other religion…u call urself a muslim…shame on u…donkey..and u say gandhiji and mother terresa shud die…for saying this u will die soon..dont call urself a muslim …asshole

    • Akash tiwari
      July 28, 2017 3:19 am

      Great .. Hindu first ..

    • ankit pandey
      September 26, 2017 11:28 pm

      martha girl dont abuse him .he is right .all religion is fake only muslim relion is true

  • Naela
    March 6, 2017 12:38 am

    I am sorry for the answer you whoever has given here. How can you say that it is okay to beat your wife if she doesn’t behave well????? And secondly how can you say your parents would go to hell for sure???
    Do you have any reference to Quran for saying all this???
    You could have given a normal and an easy answer instead of letting a non muslim guy or a girl think that women in islam are permissible to get beaten up and there is no respect for parents be it a Hindu or a Muslim! I CONDEMN WHAT ANSWER YOU HAVE GIVEN HERE.

  • afnan
    February 13, 2017 10:53 am

    Asalamu alaikum
    I’m in love with a Hindu girl and she’s also ready to convert into Muslim
    But she wants to know whether there is any problem in Hindu religion, for converting into Muslim….?

    • February 13, 2017 9:47 pm

      Hi Afnan,
      Yes, there are major problems from many angels. First her parents will disown her. She may loose all her Hindu friends and relatives. First tell us why you want her to convert? You loved that “Hindu” girl, why you want her to be something different?

  • February 11, 2017 12:28 pm

    I converted in muslim 3 years ago for girl whom loved but as of now she trying to torture me for everytime with the help of her parents ..i never wanted to be muslim … now i want regain my cast as a hindu and believe in god….what should i do now please help

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12055

  • February 5, 2017 10:01 pm

    I am loving one Muslim girl, my parents given permission to convert Muslim, I don’t know the procedure to change, whom to contact fr this, give me suggesting how to approach with her family regarding this…. I don’t know if I change Muslim even they won’t accept means wht to do???

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12023

  • uma
    January 22, 2017 12:59 am

    I want to change my religion. please help me.

    • January 22, 2017 7:55 pm

      Can you give more details? With the name, we assume you are a Hindu. Tell us why you wish to convert? What are you looking by converting? There are many religions so you need to learn of all and find the best that will work for you.

  • January 14, 2017 3:02 am

    i am hindu but i love one muslim girl if i converted in islam my parents will not give anything to so if i converted can islam give me some thing to star new life to start new life with that girl like home some money

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11945

  • janakraj dhungana
    December 28, 2016 10:59 pm

    Believe that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
    – Believe that the Judgment Day (Resurrection Day) is true and will come.
    – Believe in the prophets that God sent and the books He revealed, and in His angels.
    – Accept Islam as his/her religion.
    – Not worship anything nor anyone except God.

    • December 29, 2016 5:24 am

      We love only following God, not glorifying others. We found that in Islam, there is too much important given to Muhammad. If someone wishes to follow only Allah but say will not wish to utter Muhammad, can he/she be a Muslim? Why a human being is given so much important?

  • janakraj
    December 28, 2016 6:58 pm

    I am hindu I want to change my religion I like muslim can you help me please

    • December 28, 2016 10:02 pm

      Dear Janakraj,

      Sure, we will be glad to help. Only we request is to do thorough study of all faiths, learn of all positive and negatives and then decide your faith for life. Let us know what attracted you to Islam that you did not found in your own faith, Christianity or Buddhism? Do you believe in God? Do you like one Guru/apostles over the other? Do you like Koran over Geeta, Bible, Torah? Let us know what you are looking for in life.

      • janakraj dhungana
        December 28, 2016 10:48 pm

        yes I Reed bible quran and hinduism . but quran is so different and nice for life . I like muslim religion . I can do everything for muslim religion . my family are hindu but I want to join muslim . but how to suggest me I am in nepal now I will be dubai after some days

        • janakraj dhungana
          December 28, 2016 10:56 pm

          Islam is only a true religion, rest like Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism etc are all fake religions.
          • By converting to Islam, now you could go to heaven. Rest like your parents, Mahatma Gandhiji and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day.
          • As a Muslim, you could have four wives. Later, you could marry to three additional Hindu girls and convert them to Islam too.
          • You could also beat your wives, if they don’t behave well. You are the supreme power in your home.
          • If any wives don’t behave well or get old, just say talak, talak, talak and she is out of your life, simple.
          • Further, any of wives don’t have any right to ask for talak, only man decide and rule.
          • Why you should care for your parents, any ways they are sinners and will get Hell Fire sooner or later. I believe it

          • December 29, 2016 5:26 am

            Would you also feel happy if you sister also converts to Islam? If she gets talaak, would you be happy that at least some man enjoyed her beating and by sex and when done, kick her out?

            One day, you may have several daughters. What kind of husband you wish for them, like you described above?

  • Regina
    December 13, 2016 9:50 am

    I am not in love with any guy nor have any muslim friends. But after going through the Islamic websites and Koran(got it from a good well-wisher who is a muslim but has never asked me to convert or she has never degraded my religion) I feel like embracing Islam. I think I’ll feel safe. Can a woman or man of age 29 convert to Islam out of their own wish and should we have any approval from our family members?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11853

    • December 13, 2016 7:45 pm

      Hi Regina,

      Direct answer to your question is YES. You do not need any approval from any one.

      We are glad you reached out to us. We talk about different faiths all times. Know one thing that every coins have two sides. The Islamic sites may tell you one sided stories but, if you were smart, you should look at the other side of coin. There are plenty of other sites that will tell you exactly the other wise.

      Tell us how many religions you have explored? Have you check Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Hinduism, atheism…? Are you going to be a Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslim, Ahmadia Muslim, …? Tell us why you picked a particular type of religion over many many other options you have? Lets talk more. Get back to us.

      • December 18, 2016 8:39 pm

        Well, since you asked. I have already explored buddhism, hinduism and i already know a lot about christianity. The question is why.?? answer is simple. In a muslim world, women are asked to wear a purhdah, which many consider a taboo in the western world and it takes away the freedom of women. But in my view, its safe. So that a woman can feel safe to walk around from the prying eyes of men who look at women as a tool of pleasure rather a human. Most importantly. For men, its safe to say that their wife will not commit adultery as its a punishable offense under sharia law. Most importantly I can see respect in Islam.

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11853

      • Ahmed
        March 9, 2017 3:10 am

        Hi Admin
        Didn’t expect such a tight slap on your face from Regina ..Right?
        Iam seeing that you always use your standard replies..talak..wife beating..and what not..LOL..
        Now put

  • Mohd Awaiz Ahmed
    October 25, 2016 3:55 am

    Assalamu alaikum. I need ur kind support urgently. I am going to marry Hindu girl very soon with her own wish she want to accept Islam and want to stay with me. I stay in Hyderabad and I want to what should I do now to change her name and to make her legally Muslim and to marry her. Need ur urgent reply as I am going to marry soon. Jazakallah khaira

  • Anonymous
    October 6, 2016 7:52 am

    This admin guy is totally misguiding people on Islam… He is using false facts and rough language. He can rise riots between different religions. He dislikes Islam and is trying to insult Islam. This website should be blocked.

  • karmega
    September 23, 2016 7:37 pm

    Sir Iam a Hindu Guy. I Love in hindu girl .But We Are Problem is sister and brother realationship.not a blood realationship for (example) own brother or sister not. its a long realation. We Are Both Family”s Not Accepted The My Love And Marriage.So I Decided The Change In Muslim Religion (Me&She)only . After Married The girl…It”s Possible (OR) Not?.. please help me sir…

    • September 24, 2016 9:02 am

      Conversion to Islam for some gain is a wrong strategy. Remember, Islam is a one way street. Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57). If you ever want to act like a Hindu, you will be in deep trouble.

      As two adults, you can always get married by the court marriage. Did you considered that?

      Are you done with your education? Are you working to support your married life? Are you expecting your parents to support you after marriage?

      • karmega vannan
        September 24, 2016 8:02 pm

        Good morning sir. I read in my respond box..Thanking your conversation…I realized sir. I complete my study and after any work get.Defenetly I will try the court marriage….

        • admin
          September 24, 2016 9:05 pm

          Please let us know how it goes. This is a major decision of life so why not to make sure you know exactly what you are getting into?

    • Abdulsami Abdullatif
      October 1, 2016 12:30 am

      dear Anuraaag
      only for the purpose of achieving a marriage you cannot accept Islam, you have to study and understand the principles of Islam and IF–IF you are convinced that there is only one almighty God, and you accept that there is only one GOD WHO IS INVINCIBLE< AND HAS NO SHAPE COLOR OR FORM< THEN YOU MAY THINK OF CONVERTING TO Islam.

  • Bijukumar
    September 18, 2016 5:37 pm

    I am hindhu I don’t like my community I would like to change islam

    • September 19, 2016 1:14 pm

      How many other religions you explored? Why you picked Islam?

  • July 19, 2016 3:15 am

    Hi I am Vinodh,

    I am a Hindu guy I married with Muslim girl with her willingness only and later we registered the marriage legally in register office.

    After few days our both parents got this new.Later her parents taken her back to home now she has changed and she don’t want to come with me but with out her I will not be alive.So I told her brother that I will change in to Islam please agree.

    Then he says that it wont work.But now I want to convert to Muslim heart fully.After I converted is she come with me.How I can approach their family to convince.Do I have to go to Islam members and go to her home or what ?

    How I can convince their parents please help me.This is my life and Death Issue.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11417

  • imran khan
    May 6, 2016 12:04 pm

    sir how do i change my religion from islam to hindu… plz suggest

    • admin
      May 7, 2016 7:39 pm

      Why you want to do that? Which country do you live in?

    • Person
      November 3, 2016 11:38 pm

      Just stop going mosques and start working on hinduism meet new people and u will definetly feel better and you will find peace

  • Sunny
    April 30, 2016 4:07 am

    I m hindu but i belive the allha
    Only allha is god not any god i like islam plz how counvert in pune city

    • Mohammed
      April 30, 2016 7:33 am

      Read the article below for Reverting to the Religion of peace

    • April 30, 2016 8:10 pm

      Hi Sunny,

      Allah mean God in Arabic. It is the same God every one pray to, including Christians, Jews and Hindus. Only difference is Hindus associate so many with Allah, Christian associate Jesus with Allah and Muslim to Muhammad. So, now tell us why you like Muhammad more than Jesus?

      Have you read Koran? If not read this https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=370

      • Mohammed
        April 30, 2016 10:28 pm

        There is a big difference between the word God and Allah(s.w.t) ,

        God :
        * The word God can be played around with, For Example, If you add “s” then it become Gods, ie, multiple god, if you add “father” then it become “God Father” or “God Mother”.

        * The full form of God is – G for Generator, O for Operator, D for Destroyer but Allah(s.w.t) beyond all of the above..

        Allah :
        * The word “Allah” cant played around with, like “Allah father” or “Allah mother”. There is nothing like Allah father or Allah mother.. It shows true oneness of creator

        * There is 99 names of Allah like rahman,raheem etc.. There is advantage of calling Allah is If you call Allah then all 99 names are included in the word Allah.

        * The another advantage of Allah is, Allah is the arabic word ” ﺍﻟﻠﻪ “, If you split the word Allah, The meaning of word Allah wont change it remain the same,

        God is not the appropriate meaning of Allah

        // It is the same God every one pray to,
        including Christians, Jews and Hindus. Only difference is Hindus associate so many with Allah, Christian associate Jesus with
        Allah and Muslim to Muhammad. So, now tell us why you like Muhammad more than Jesus?//

        No, its not the same God(creator of us) who pray christian,hindus, jews.. Christians says Jeasus(p.b.u.h) as god but there is not a single statement in complete bible where jeasus(p.b.u.h) himself says he is god or worship me..even bible says one god and trinity word doesnt exist in the bible
        Hindus says Ram as god, sita as goddess, krishna as god but veda says there is only one god..
        but muslim doesnt say muhammed(p.b.u.h) as god, he(p.b.u.h) is the servent and messanger of god..

        // Have you read Koran? If not read this https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/

        yah read this too


        • May 1, 2016 8:54 am

          We all are also servants of God. There are many apostles of God. Is it okay to follow God without uttering ever one particular servant from Arabia?

      • Anildj
        August 20, 2016 11:40 pm

        Bcoz he has mad he dont knw that all d muslim people leaving in blackfaith like:even they dnt know abt thier god sign too or identity…

        • Mohammed
          August 24, 2016 5:14 am

          // Bcoz he has mad he dont knw that all d muslim people leaving in blackfaith like:even they dnt know abt thier god sign too or
          identity… //

          Allah says in surah baqarah chapter 2 v 111
          ” produce your proof if your truthfull”

          just by saying we are leaving in blackfaith it doesnt meant actually leaves, proof us,
          let see who are leaving in black faith you or us

  • anish
    April 14, 2016 11:26 pm

    i want to change to jain how can i change sujest me

    • April 15, 2016 8:35 pm

      Is it due to a girl? Jains are not looking people to convert but if you want to convert, just start being like a Jain. Start visiting a local Derasari (temple) and learn Jainism. If it is due to a girl, she will help.

  • January 20, 2016 3:26 am

    I am a Muslim girl from Bangalore , and the one who loves me is a hindu. He wants to get converted to Islam but I don’t want him to get converted to Islam unless and until he truely believes in islam.I want him to get converted not just because to get married to me.I want him to know about Islam and he should have trust on only one god that is Allah. Then only I can think of getting married to him. So please anyone can help teaching him Islam?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10965

    • Mohammed
      January 20, 2016 4:29 am

      wa alaikumus salam sister,

      Firstly you are doing a wrong thing. . Islam doesnt teach to look at a non-mehram

      Allah says in the Quran in surah nur chapter 24 v 31
      ” And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons,”

      you should lower ur gaze when u look to the non-mehram and In islam a muslim cant marry a non muslim men untill he doesnt belive,

      Allah says in the Quran in surah baqrah chapter 2 v 221
      “.. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you.Unbelievers
      do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.”

      what if he tell u that he doesnt want to convert to islam did u still going to marry..if u still marry him without convert then remember that you are nearer to the hellfire. .
      its your decision sister. .

      • Shifna
        January 20, 2016 6:49 am

        Even I am telling the same. I don’t trust him blindly that he is gonna convert to Islam later on. That’s why I want him to learn what Islam is. Even he is interested to learn Islam. He is also ready to get converted now itself but just for my sake. But I want him to get converted for allah not for me.I want him to understand and learn about Islam. So I still haven’t taken any decision of getting married to him. I just want someone who can help him teaching Islam. If anyone could do so, please let me know.

        • Mohammed
          January 20, 2016 9:10 am

          In Sha Allah , Sure sister. . . I will find is there any person who can encourage him to bring near to islam. . then i contact you In Sha Allah

  • ravi bhati
    December 27, 2015 8:49 pm

    I am a hindu guy but I want to adopt islam what help I got from ur side and what position I got and also want change my living place from ujjain to other state and I need money and want to marry to four I read a lot on Islam past 2 years. I Intersted in teaching

    Plz contect me on ravibhati@ymail.com and my number is 7879647329

    • December 27, 2015 9:05 pm


      Are you from Ujjain? Really? Can you write us at Interfaithshaadi@gmail.com?

      How can we confirm that this guy is not lier? We have many stories similar to this.

      Can someone call at provided number (we don’t).

      • mohammed
        December 27, 2015 9:46 pm

        I dont think its was real, first let see wheather he is mailing to you on provided Address

      • Anonymous
        October 6, 2016 7:47 am

        Heyy… This admin is a partial guy.. Only have problem with Islam… And made this website only to insult and make fun of Islam. Don’t trust his answers.

    • gopi
      December 30, 2015 10:13 am

      Iam also in love with a Muslim girls

      • January 1, 2016 10:31 am

        Hi Gopi,
        This must be exciting to fall in love. Now to our experience, the girl may ask you to convert to Islam, change your name to something like Muhammad, have circumcision and forget Hinduism (follow 0%). Are you ready?

  • sunny
    December 16, 2015 7:28 am

    I want change my religion Hindu to Muslim

    • zia
      October 25, 2016 12:01 pm


  • Zaid
    December 11, 2015 12:46 pm

    Just chill guys
    And do whatever you want to do in the end good will decides to what to do with our soul not people so just be calm and decide yourself that which is the best religious for us

  • December 11, 2015 8:08 am

    Hi I am a Hindu but I love a Muslim girl I want to marry with her but she says his father never accept Hindu so I decided to convert in Islam I also like Islam so much Islam is a peaceful and lovely religion I feel very good when I in Dragah so I decided to accept Islam but how it possible please help me

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10795

    • Mohammed
      December 11, 2015 10:21 am


      My suggestion is dont fake convert or convert islam for the sake of your girl friend.. Study islam, understand it and then decide to revert it !!
      As you know that you are doing a great sin unknowngly now.. but please study and get back to the original faith and another thing is dargah is not a part of islam. . Its a big story i will tell afterwards. .

  • shbeena
    December 4, 2015 11:08 am

    Hi im shabeena.am married and i know about islam and i would like to convert into islam.but the problem is my husband.he is not ready to convert into islam and not letting myself too.i highly trust in islam and wants to convert.and im trying for this for the past two years.but im unable to.can you please help me or give me some suggestions that how to convence my husband to convert??

    • Mohammed
      December 4, 2015 8:24 pm

      Masha Allah sister.. . . Its good to hear that you have understand islam (The Religion of peace). .
      sister asking how to convience her husband to convert to islam. .
      sister i want to ask from which religion you both belongs? take him to this forum or show this videos.. In Sha Allah he will be convienced

      videos :

    • December 6, 2015 8:28 pm

      What is the religion of you and your husband?

      • shbeena
        December 7, 2015 9:40 am

        I musilm and he’s hindu.. I love him when he says to me I am converting on Islam …but now situation will changed he beat me very cruelly … Mein. Mujhko apne se alag bhi nahi hony deta na islam apnata hai… Mein chati hun ya vo islam apna le ya koi aisa tarika batye ki vo meri zindgi se nikal jaaye..

        • Mohammed
          December 7, 2015 5:35 pm

          sister, i didnt understand what you are coming to talk,. previously u have told that u would like to convert and now u are saying you are muslim. . r u reverted? or going to revert. .

        • Mohammed
          December 7, 2015 5:39 pm

          sister,. you can go to police, no man should be beat to his wife, . how can he beat. . tell ur situation to police.. .he cant force you..india is a free democratic country..

          • Omer Al Shaikh
            February 16, 2016 8:40 am

            I mean here are you really helping her or giving out suggestion.stick to your basic concept of the BLOG.people have million problem and when they post you reply???

          • Mohammed
            February 19, 2016 1:28 am

            Mr.omer al shaik

            sister clearly mentioned that her husband is beating to her very cruely
            here it is
            // now situation will changed he beat me very cruelly //
            You might think that Islam teach to beat his wife cruely what sister has mentioned. . but unfortunately it is wrong..There is not a single verse in the Quran where mention to beat cruely and hardly. ..
            Here and there i mentioned both are the correct. . If some muslim guy also beat his wife cruely than also i oppose that guy because he is going against on islam

        • admin
          December 9, 2015 5:29 am

          First beating is not allowed or accepted at all. You should not marry such guys. If he touches you to punish you, call police and have him arrested.
          He is a Hindu, why should he convert to Islam? Are you going to convert to Hinduism to marry him? This conversion expectation is silly, forget it.

          • Omer Al Shaikh
            February 19, 2016 11:49 am

            Mr.Mohammad / Admin.
            I have rechecked the post regarding where its mentioned that its allowed four weddings and the rest three can be done in heaven… That post is posted by ADMIN in reply of post that was sent on january 17,2013.thats the first post on this blog.take a look what the admin says. And please if i am mistaken with that english or phrase thats written then please explain. Look fellows all am trying to say is spread out good and right knowledge to no matter who ever is coming on the blog for a post.
            Mohammad you said about the verse – produce proof if you are truthful. I mean do i have to really answer that after you went through posts? I think it solved already…
            Getting back to the point . Spread out right information and message. And dont give such informations that is going to keep others in a complicated decission.people come on blog and read so a single post which is no t right can divert minds towards wrong.
            And just an advise, before you guys post anything make sure that what you have written means the same or not, because wrong words used and denotation is going to change the meaning and measage completely to the person infront to understand…
            I know you guys are probably indian but yeah am not saying that am good in writting. I have a contact with india.
            Am Kuwaiti Nationality but not saying that am perfect.
            You guys can do well , make sure you stick to the point and be right.

          • Mohammed
            February 19, 2016 10:40 pm

            Mr. Omer

            your are talking around the bush, you have said that, i said 4 weddings are allowed one is heaven, other 3 in heaven. . I have asked you to produce proof where i have said 4weddings are allowed , one is in earth and other three are in heaven. .
            Produce me the link which i have mentioned such thing. . do u really dont know my plain english. . .
            You have said half right and half wrong. .
            I have mentioned on many post that Islam allowed polygamy limit upto 4 and i never said in that 1 is in earth and other 3 are in heaven,

            we will only give only our opinion, Its people choice who takes our opinion or not..its their chioce we cant force any one to do

  • deepika
    October 10, 2015 11:39 am

    I am married and I want to accept the islaam plzzz guide me how I do this?

    • admin
      October 11, 2015 6:45 am

      Who did you married to? Tell us why you picked Islam and not Christianity or Buddhism to convert to?

  • jitendra
    September 18, 2015 1:25 am

    I m Hindu guy I want become muslim

    • admin
      September 18, 2015 7:37 am

      Can you explain it why? Are you in love relationship with a Muslim?
      Did you considered Christianity or Buddhism?

  • August 15, 2015 8:01 pm

    Slaam walequm.. my name is vicky and am a hindu boy.. but i love the peurity of islaam religon..so i want to convert my self into islamic boy.. i m single ( not married)….me from chandigarh.. financialy me very good.. please any one guide me how can i make muslim.. and give some tips..i can pay for your effort..

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10387

    • Mohammed
      August 15, 2015 9:39 pm

      wa alaikumus salam bro.. its happy that u are coming back to your original and true faith. . .

      follow the below link

      and u didnt want to pay any thing for this. . if u have any doubt u can ask us we will help you

    • Pakhi Begum
      August 17, 2015 1:15 am

      Pl.don’t be mislead by admin. Mr.Haque has, number of times, made it clear that he had never entered in to any Muta Marriage but did say the same to irritate communal and peace disrupting non Muslims. If you want then I will take you to his house where you can meet his wife the descendant Holy Prophet (S.W.A).
      Well come back to Islam.
      Pakhi Begum

      • Rahul
        August 21, 2015 10:42 pm

        Paki i want to talk with you on islam topic so plz give me your fb or any contect

  • Safikul
    April 12, 2015 4:12 am

    There is no God without Allah

    • June 27, 2015 3:18 am

      Hi im praveena.am married and i know about islam and i would like to convert into islam.but the problem is my husband.he is not ready to convert into islam and not letting myself too.i highly trust in islam and wants to convert.and im trying for this for the past two years.but im unable to.can you please help me or give me some suggestions that how to convence my husband to convert??

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10050

      • tooba khan
        July 3, 2015 2:35 am

        hey parveena please mail me so that we can discuss in detail..i am a muslim i really want to help you out please contact me soon

  • March 24, 2015 2:13 am

    I m a Hindhu Guy….My Lover is a Muslim…I m JUst 19 Only..She Also 19..
    My love matter leaked in her Home,they Beats her and They are planned to dicontinue her college and to send her somewhere to her relatives home…
    But She is ready to come With me…I m also need her,Without her i m just a dead body,i need her…Pls Somebody help me,what can i do???
    i m ready to marry her,she too…

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9695

    • mac
      March 24, 2015 3:31 am

      Then convert to islam from heart and tell her parents, hope allah will open the door of heaven as well as your marriage.

      • Mohammed
        March 24, 2015 11:18 am

        Aameen !

  • Vidhya
    March 19, 2015 3:33 am

    Please do not reply just for arguing. I am Muslim girl converted to Islam. We can understand Islam only if we go deep by knowledge.
    • We have single Mom and father only. If we had more than one, we will not follow them.
    Like the same a god is one.

    • See in Hinduism, God Ram doubting his wife and he not able to protect her finally, god Balaji having debts, god Krishna doing robbery, etc.. Likewise many things we can say.
    But a God is apart from all these. If we really had knowledge we can think over it.

    • See in Hinduism, how many peoples know about Bagavat keethai? Did all Hindus read that? The answer is NO. Because only specific peoples are allowed to read. Others don’t even have rights to touch that. We cannot refuse this truth. I challenge you! Until your life, a Hindu other than Brahmins cannot read Vedam. Only Brahmins are most important part there. Please think over it.

    • Also many temples now a days collecting money to do pooja and make it as a good business. Is it faith? Did peoples of all caste can go in to temple and touch your god?

    • Why do we need intermediator to pray to god? Why do we need to pay amount for dharisinam?

    What’s I am saying here is not all peoples in Islam are fair but ISLAM IS TRUE ALLAH IS THE ONLY GOD.

    • In Islam we can find how the life should be. There is no single space to go wrong.

    • It’s mandatory in Islam to bring Zakat, to poor people’s benefits, economic stability and to avoid crimes. We cannot refuse this truth.

    • You can simply say Muslims doing terrorism, but Allah not suggesting this. These are depends on individuals not religion. But with the name of religion strictly we should bring good things only.

    • Mohammed
      March 19, 2015 3:46 am

      surperb said sister. .

      now what u say on these. . u can raise question on islam via sister’s comment but it is ur misunderstanding . .

      Islam is for superior than another religion or any other humanity. .

      so leav the wrong path and come to true path

      • Mohammed
        March 19, 2015 3:52 am

        Only doing good karma is not sufficient admin

        The way of worshipping to God also most important and the right way which you go nearer to God is islam

        so it is also important to choose right faith. .

        • Vidhya
          March 19, 2015 4:15 am

          Yes I agree brother, Thank you. I missed out to mention this. Doing worship is mandatory in Islam, then only we will slip from right path.

          We can list out all fakes about Hinduism. But those hwving knowledge, will not wait for other to explain the truth.

          • Vidhya
            March 20, 2015 3:27 am

            We will not slip from right path only if we do regular prayer to allah.

          • mac
            March 20, 2015 5:31 am

            Vidhya are you convert to islam?

            BTW in Hinduism it is about karma(deeds)…
            ….in Christianity it is about imaan(belief)…
            ….in Islam it is both Imaan(belief) and Karma(deeds)…

            If people just believe in god and do all sorts of things which is against god`s commandments then it is not a good thing and you don`t want that person is heaven after death…like you did murder,rape,etc but had belief…same way just good deed is not enough, you can do good things for you own good also..so just karma is not enough..you can do good karma but if you believe in all types of terrible things like cow is god, snake is god, ram-sham is god,caste system..etc, then shirik…Islam on the other hand has both, you need both karma and belief to enter jannah or heaven or swarg. Allah swt tells us in Quran about the real winners of this world…

            Here is the verse from Quran which tell exactly what I said above…
            The Noble Quran Chapter2:verse177
            Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.[Quran 2:177]

          • Mayank
            July 19, 2015 10:07 pm

            Vidhya here i will have to disagree. You are sayıng that Hinduism is fake right? But do you have proper evidence of that. Just sayıng it for the sake of showing your religion above all won’t suffice.
            İ would like to mention that i am a free spirited hindu and as much as i respect Hinduism, i respect İslam and other religions as well.But since you are creligion

            that Hinduism is fake i will have to break silence. You said that praying is a mandate in islam right?. But my question of concern is why do you have specific times for performing these prayers? Can’t you just connect with God anytime you want? İt’s like you have set some perfect times( appointments i would rather say) in order to connect with God. But why is that? According to me their should be no boundation in talking or praying to God in terms of timings. You must be feeling that i am badmouthing your faith but let me remind you similar things happen in my religion also. Some people say that we should pray early morning and early evening in order to connect with God. But i ask them the same question. Why is there a time boundation? Aren’t you supposed to be an important entity of God? İ guess yes. Then i think everybody should be free spirited to pray whenever he wants, in happiness or in pain, in good or bad times .
            My point is every religion has flaws, yours and mine too. But these flaws have been made my people like you and me, Not God okay. And we should respect that. You cannot just come out of the blue and claim that a particular religion is fake and that too without evidence.We should not forget that we all are kids of God and no parent wants or wishes that his kids fight with each other. So why do we always keep on fighting in the name of faith and religion? I think we should have a broader perspective of understanding each others culture with respect and must also understand that humanity is the best religion. It is not necessary that every time you have to recite the name of God, helping others in need is also something that is one kind of a prayer. And trust me Allah would be much happier if he will see his followers help others and perform good deeds. Everyone just needs to expand the horizon of their understanding. Rest will go hand in hand.

          • mac
            July 20, 2015 5:48 am

            To Mayank , i partly agree with you and partly disagree.

            Actually praying is not the right word in islam, in islam we can pray to god in any time, 24*7, we don`t have to go to mosque, we don`t have to even say anything, if we from heart wills it and ask Allah, then it is also praying, in islmaic term it is called `niyat`, means `to will`, without niyat, no namaz,no roza, first thing is `niyat`. And namaz is an persie word, exact term mentioned Qur’an is salah, prayer is part of salah but salah is not prayer, we do prayer after end of the salah, and for salah, we don`t have only 5 times, 5 times is mandatory, you can pray even whole day.

            This is what you said in second part of your comment and to which i agree too. ///helping others in need is also something that is one kind of a prayer. And trust me Allah would be much happier if he will see his followers help others and perform good deeds. ////

            But do you know, these things are exactly mentioned in Quran, so you don`t have to teach these things to muslim, no offense, i am just saying this as you might have thought muslim thinks otherwise and thus you told them these things, which are actually right words btw, but a muslim knows this as Qur’an teaches him this, here is the verse from Quran in chapter 2 ; verse 177
            “Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.”

            If any muslim don`t know above verse, then he is ignorant muslim.

    • SMITH
      May 11, 2015 2:12 am

      Hi Sister, my sister loving a Muslim boy last 10 years and she is admired with Islam. She is accepted ALLAH as god. She is believing ALLAH is the only god. I have approached 3 himams but i am not getting positive response. Can u explain me the procedures. is name change is required ? my sister name meaning “beautiful” which is not having any hindu gods name. Masjeed wanted the conversion proof for marriage. how to get the same? please advise

      • admin
        May 11, 2015 6:26 am

        Get converted again, that is a proof.

      • Mohammed
        July 20, 2015 5:38 am

        Masha Allah,

        Allah has given hidaya to ur sistr. . .how she has converted. . is there any witneses?

    • fi
      July 20, 2015 4:07 am


      Read this…..you will find you are so wrong in your thoughts….it was written before 3000-4000+ yrs.

      • fi
        July 20, 2015 4:14 am

        And why people are deviating from Hinduism also happening due to accumulation of Mass Negative karma, because after the complete transition takes place, a great War will Occur (see Nostradamus Predcition about WWIII), people from all the religions will suffer. How much? shall depend upon the performance of these religions through the ages….example: Christianity & Islam are the two religions in world which have inflicted major crimes against mankind in the past (History says) so these people will suffer the maximum, after that others….after the War there will long-sustain peace and good people from all the religion who would have survived shall live happy life…

  • January 16, 2015 11:50 am

    I love muslim girl but i am not convert to muslim

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9111

  • sharleen
    January 10, 2015 12:40 pm

    muslims can never be kind.their version of kindness is domination.all are fuckers!!!!!!!!!! how can you sacrifice your aatma who is a part of parmatma.bhagwaan will never forgive you!!!!!!!!

    • Mohammed
      January 17, 2015 4:26 am

      First understand ur bhagwan. .
      who it is?
      god is one or many. .
      if u didnt understand ur god in hinduism how will u understand other religion
      non – sense

    • tooba khan
      July 3, 2015 2:40 am

      so this is how you hindus are ? abusing all the time.. you people dont even worship one GOD huhhh

  • October 3, 2014 10:05 pm

    Why allah is not getting my pray I think hindu is better then allah…….
    So I am leaving islaam I will be a good hindu
    muslims are wrong……..
    When u become a muslim you have more problem when u go to an other religion ur life become good when u can enjoy it………………….

    • chandan.j
      October 4, 2014 4:39 am

      In any faith u pray almighty from ur heart
      he will listen . religions and borders are built
      by man not god.for example u may like biryani but some
      like pasta it does not mean what u like is gud
      other is bad.there is old proverb faith moves
      mountains,have faith in your self because
      god created u so directly ur faith is in god.
      If ur born in islam follow it for ur meant to be
      god bless u with courage to face all difficult y
      inur life. A friend.

    • October 4, 2014 3:07 pm

      Yes, Islam has lots of restrictions compared Hinduism. However, if you like solid and clear structure and a big list of does and don’t, then Islam is good. However, if you wish to have many flexibilities, live life with logic and not by a book, then there are others options to consider.

      You said, “I am leaving islaam I will be a good hindu”, but other Muslim will tell you that on the Judgment Day Allah will punish you, what will you tell them? Further, now other Muslims may say the former-Muslim must be stoned to death because of apostasy, do you have guts to go against them?

      • sharleen
        January 10, 2015 12:43 pm

        you are muslim.muslims are partial and bias while hindus are impartial in their judgement.i recommend your reading of the bhagwat gita and then you will understand that Hinduism is the truest religion of the world unlike islam which is totally fake.

        • Mohammed
          January 17, 2015 4:31 am

          firstly u go.. read and understand ur bhagwat gita. .
          then after tell who is fake

    • tooba khan
      July 3, 2015 2:48 am

      no aslam please we need to discuss in detail..you are blessed that you born as a muslim ..you are blessed that you dont have to worship cows and goats…

  • Ram
    August 13, 2014 10:04 pm

    Dear friends please read a book which is on-line available if you search.That name is RANGEELA RASOOL, that book is banned by Muslim community in the world and by Indian government because this book tells truth.

    Please Read

  • RAVI
    August 8, 2014 11:40 am


    Who one provide to rights for tell the other religion fake.
    first you learn about the other religion after tell to any word for this religion. I know once you learn about the other religion other than Islam, really you convert to religion and stop the islam advertising.

  • viki
    July 4, 2014 6:47 am

    I am a hindu guy and ii love a muslimuslim girl forfor 4yrs I need toto change myy religionn also,i have caught onn girls home they would say killed me if you come to lovee relgion girl plzplz give me to change my religion

    • mac
      July 4, 2014 8:48 am

      viki, if you want to change religion then read hostory who is responisble for todays world scnerio, what was the situation of world before Mohammad(pbuh), what fisrt few president of america said about mohammad. or just copy this line to google and then search “Prophet Muhammad Honored By the U.S. Supreme Court As One Of The Greatest Lawgivers Of The World In 1935”

      or even you may check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Supreme_Court_Building

      as in islam mohammad image or idol making is banned so america couldn`t make idol of mohammad, otherwise in statues that you see of lawgivers mohammad statues would have been there

      • sharleen
        January 10, 2015 1:01 pm

        the people of US hate islam

    • July 4, 2014 10:31 am

      Do not fake-convert out of your love. Remember punishment of reverting back to your faith is punishable by stoned to death. After conversion, you will be completely taken away from your parents and current friends and will be living a life foreign to you. Did you talked to your parents?

      Read all that others have written here:

      • sharleen
        January 10, 2015 12:59 pm

        that is the true face of islam. you know only force and you can’t respect human sentiments.yours is a cannibalistic religion

        • mac
          January 13, 2015 5:31 am

          Dear Admin, who told you this “Do not fake-convert out of your love. Remember punishment of reverting back to your faith is punishable by stoned to death”

          • admin
            January 13, 2015 6:52 am

            If a former Hindu convert back to Hinduism, what is the punishment? Tell us.

    • Durgesh
      July 7, 2014 11:30 pm







    • July 22, 2014 12:02 am




    • sharleen
      January 10, 2015 12:49 pm

      if she loves u she will accept u and fight for u and bhagwat gita is considered the best religious epics.even many US CONGRESSMEN follow it and loveit.so don’t fall into this trap

  • June 8, 2014 4:15 am

    Im a hindu girl in love with a muslim boy im ready to accept islam what i can do to convert into muslim???

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8027

    • mac
      June 8, 2014 6:56 am

      my dear sister janani, you are actually a practising muslim girl and officially a hindu girl. So officially convert to islam by saying that there is only one creator and mohammad peace be upon him was creator’s last messenger just like adam…..moses,jesus peace be upon all of then were. You know what you and your family and all moderate thinking hindu family are following kuran and mohammad pbuh teachings. If u need proof then inshallah i will give u proof.

      • February 18, 2015 3:20 am

        yeah im ready for converting to islam..my bf says it requires some amount to be paid for attending some classes and officially turned into islam…how much amount will it be required..???and im from TAMIL NADU

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8027

    • sharleen
      January 10, 2015 12:50 pm

      don’t convert . u have gone astray.if he really loves u ,he will acceptu as a hindu

    • tooba khan
      July 3, 2015 2:54 am

      hi dear i will help you out please contact me asap… dont get intonthe trap again ,do what your heart says now dont change your decision ..i will guide you i will teach you islam..no amount required..i will guide you how to offer prayer ,how to read QURAN E PAK ..no amount required i am a muslim girl just contact me …i will help you as much as i can thankyou..mail me toobakhan329@gmail.com

  • Satyajeet
    June 4, 2014 11:03 pm

    Islam is an absolutely fake and terrorist religion.
    Don’t leave Hindusm the truest religion ever.

  • jayavel
    January 30, 2014 9:24 am

    i want to convert islam iam from salem in tamilnadu please give details in tamil give ur contact no

    • February 10, 2014 9:01 pm

      To start, first read Koran.

      • March 24, 2014 12:47 am

        Hi Admin

        My bf is ready to convert in ISLAM.
        But the only thing is he is scared about Circumcision
        and am also scared because his age 27. It is about the matter of life and death if anything happens to him. I cant leave without him. And he requested his parents they accepted for register marriage under special act.
        I want to change his name as muslim name
        I want to marry him in Islamic way.

        please tell me how to do this..

        Need urgent reply please please please……

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7770

        • sharleen
          January 10, 2015 12:57 pm

          u don’t love him. u r selfish.if u r really in love don’t force him to convrt ofr your sake.it is inhuman.u pighead

        • tooba khan
          July 3, 2015 2:58 am

          hi sameera this girl sharleen will just abuse you she is a shaitan she wont let you convert into a muslim …do what your heart tells you …i will help you as much as i can ..please contact me so that we can discuss in detail toobakhan329@gmail.com

    • July 22, 2014 12:14 am




  • January 24, 2013 10:03 am

    I am a hindu boy from India and live in Singapore. My love is Malaysian muslim. We both know each other for 2 years now and working in the same company. Now we have realized that we are just irreplaceable for each other. We have to workout something on this to get married. Though we have already accepted each other as husband & wife symbolically,including sexual encoungters too but at the same time we have to make it legal and with consent of our parents.

    She wants me to convert but its impossible, whereas I am ready to accept her as she is. I have an idea in mind. need help & suggestion of you guys! Please!

    The plan is:

    1. Just act of converting to islam to her parents and then get married as per Malaysian rituals (without letting my parents know)
    2. Get married as per Hindu rituals in India and get it registered legally in India / Singapore (without letting her parents know)
    3. She can practice her religion freely and i will practice mine. At the same time we both will try to understand each others religion without any force / hope of conversion
    4. We will settle down in Singapore and whenever we visit each others parents, we will not let them know it
    5. Kids – Thats an issue. She wants them to be muslim. Whereas i have proposed that we will have one hindu & one muslim. Girls as muslim & guy as hindu. In case of both boys/girls, we will raise one into hindu and one into islam.

    She don’t mind moving back to India in later years in case it is required.

    We are really trying hard to find out some examples or references, where marriage between Hindu guy & Muslim girl has happened without conversion.

    Please help us out and we will always keep you in our prayers!

    Reply to Akhilesh at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4223

    • March 24, 2014 12:37 am

      Hi Akhilesh

      How are you?

      Have you got married..?
      Am also facing same problem.
      So I would like to ask some info regarding this intercast marriage.

      Please reply if u r free to answer.

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7770

      • February 14, 2015 9:04 am

        hi Sameera,

        i am daksh read your blog and i am also facing problem to marry in muslim religion because i belong to hindu family also its a best religion in world where lots of freedom but i like muslim girl who always becomes simple and true and faith in love so please tell me the way to get marry with muslim girl while being hindu. my cell no. is +91 9795893768/9702376705 boath on whatsapp also. waiting reply soon.

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9405

      • daksh
        August 31, 2015 1:47 pm

        Hi sameera this is daksh msg u after so many times plz dont mind can we talk for a while my cell 07755001053

        • September 1, 2015 7:18 pm

          Can you share your issues and we could talk?

  • Satyen
    January 20, 2013 4:54 pm


    Correct yourself. For you, love may not have the connection with religion. However, the Muslims consider love as the inseparable from love! So, you cannot avoid thinking religion while dealing with your fiance.

    Love should be valued as long as it makes your life a happy one. Love is only a means to achieve the goal of blissful life. The time love encapsules the potentiality of straying you sooner or later from your happiness, it must be ruthlessly discarded. It may give you pains in the short term but could protect you from further agony of greater degree for much longer life. Ponder over it and take the decision. Unfortunately, love blinds most of the lovers devoid of patience and capacity to foresee the predicament. So, think again all the pros and cons before it takes it own course to destruction.

    All the best.

  • January 20, 2013 2:07 am

    Being myself in such a situation I would suggest that you respect your love above everything. Judge your Girl Friend also is she also a staunch believer of Islam like her Guardians, does she place Islamic values above your love?

    Next thing, love and religion have no connection whatsoever, so convert if you truly believe in Islam. God is everyone’s personal, so nobody in this world except you should influence your decision about your conversion.

    If she truly loves you, then she might be suggesting that you tell a lie to her parents about conversion, once married you two could live any way you want to, if you decide to tell lie (telling lies is not at all a good thing), first get married under special marriage act, in that way you will not lose your parentage.

    Keep in mind that in this world there is nobody to help you two except you and her, explain her all this and convince her to trust you, make her believe that all this conversion business is wrong.
    If you have any more question, please feel free to contact me.
    All the best.

    • January 21, 2013 2:24 am

      DO NOT LIE. This fake-conversion will lives of two youths and their extended families.
      Be bold and do that is right to do.

      Excellent advise… “first get married under special marriage act, in that way you will not lose your parentage.”

  • January 19, 2013 9:27 am

    Proving one more time that when it comes to Muslim women, it’s about headscarves and hymens — in other words, what’s on our heads and what’s between our legs — Egypt is hot and bothered over a Chinese device that fakes female virginity.

    It’s reportedly available in Syria for $15 but nobody knows if the gizmo called Gigimo is on sale in Egypt yet. Just the mere thought of a device, which is said to release liquid imitating blood, allowing a woman to fake virginity on her wedding night, has driven some conservatives crazy.

    One Egyptian Muslim scholar even went so far as to say that people caught importing the virginity-faking device into the country should face the death penalty and the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition bloc in parliament, want the kit banned on grounds it will encourage promiscuity.

    The conservatives are not content that their ideology has put headscarves on the heads of 80 per cent of Egyptian women. Now it’s the horror of uncertainty about that “good girl” they marry.

    With all the troubles Egypt faces these days — spiralling cost of living, a president in power for 28 years whose son looks likely to succeed him, etc. — why all the fuss over hymens, real or fake?

    Welcome to the hypocrisy and denial that together drum at the heart of conservative religious views on women and chastity. And in the case of Egypt, that conservatism applies equally to Muslims and Christians.

    As a Muslim, I know the Qur’an preaches chastity for men and women, but the conservative obsession with women means only females are expected to abide by the prohibition on extramarital sex. This obsession with virginity is shallow at best and deadly at worst.

    And it’s built on a lie — people in Egypt are having sex outside of marriage, as they do everywhere. Hymen reconstruction surgery was an option for sexually active women who could afford it.

    In less affluent and more rural areas, women have used body parts of animals for blood on the sheets. Now the Gigimo provides a cheaper, cleaner and non-surgical prop to maintain the lie that many men still want to believe.

    Truth be told, it’s unlikely Egyptian women will flock to the Gigimo. But it’s been worth it just to watch male hysteria as the made-in-China hymens threatened to smash their virginity god

  • January 19, 2013 8:53 am

    Book 38, Number 4359:

    Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

    The verse “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite side or exile from the land…most merciful” was revealed about polytheists. If any of them repents before they are arrested, it does not prevent from inflicting on him the prescribed punishment which he deserves.

    Now Muhammad orders an adulterer to be stoned to death (there are many Hadith on stoning to death).

    Book 38, Number 4364:

    Narrated Nu’aym:

    Ma’iz came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and admitted (having committed adultery) four times in his presence so he ordered him to be stoned to death, but said to Huzzal: If you had covered him with your garment, it would have been better for you.

    This time, Muhammad orders the hand of a petty thief chopped off.

    Book 38, Number 4367:

    Narrated AbuUmayyah al-Makhzumi:

    A thief who had accepted (having committed theft) was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him), but no good were found with him. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), said to him: I do not think you have stolen. He said: Yes, I have. He repeated it twice or thrice. So he gave orders. His hand was cut off and he was then brought to him. He said: Ask Allah’s pardon and turn to Him in repentance. He said: I ask Allah’s pardon and turn to Him in repentance. He (the Prophet) then said: O Allah, accept his repentance.

    Once again, a man who stole a shield worth just three dirhams has his hands cut off on Muhammad’s orders.

    Book 38, Number 4373:

    Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

    The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) had a man’s hand cut off who had stolen from the place reserved for women a shield whose price was three dirhams.

    A woman has her hand chopped off for selling jewellery that she had borrowed.

    Book 38, Number 4382:

    Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin:

    A woman borrowed jewellery through some known persons and she herself was unknown. She then sold them. She was seized and brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He gave orders that her hand should be cut off. It is this woman about whom Usamah interceded and of her the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said whatever he said.

    In this Hadith, Muhammad seems very eager to kill a thief, but when the people remind him that he is only a thief, Muhammad “relents” and orders his hand chopped off. The next time, he has his foot chopped off. This saga continues, with his other hand and foot being chopped off, before he is finally stoned to death.

    Book 38, Number 4396:

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:

    A thief was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He said: Kill him. The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah! Then he said: Cut off his hand. So his (right) hand was cut off. He was brought a second time and he said: Kill him. The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah! Then he said: Cut off his foot.

    So his (left) foot was cut off.

    He was brought a third time and he said: Kill him.

    The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah!

    So he said: Cut off his hand. (So his (left) hand was cut off.)

    He was brought a fourth time and he said: Kill him.

    The people said: He has committed theft, Apostle of Allah!

    So he said: Cut off his foot. So his (right) foot was cut off.

    He was brought a fifth time and he said: Kill him.

    So we took him away and killed him. We then dragged him and cast him into a well and threw stones over him.

    In this Hadith, Muhammad orders a man’s hand to be chopped off and hung around his neck.

    Book 38, Number 4397:

    Narrated Fadalah ibn Ubayd:

    A thief was brought to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and his hand was cut off. Thereafter he commanded for it, and it was hung on his neck.

    I ask my readers to bear in mind that Islam IS the example of Muhammad. The above instances are not mere history, but the normative code of conduct for Muslim societies for all time to come. Islam is unique in that it makes one man’s conduct the basis for its law (Shari’a). All of the above examples are now cast in stone, and form the basis for Shari’a law for all time.

    I have a few questions to ask of my readers after they have read the Hadith above:

    1. Was Muhammad a kind and compassionate man, as claimed by Islamic apologists?

    2. Could a man who displayed the kind of cruelty described in the Hadith above be called a Saint, let alone “the last Prophet of God”?

    3. When one sees the kind of cruelty that routinely comes out of Islamic societies, is it against Islam, or directly in accordance with it?

    4. Is anything the Taliban do against Islam? Indeed, Muhammad’s punishments seem far more brutal than what the Taliban dish out.

    5. Is there ANY place for such a barbaric cult in civilized society?

    Notice that in none of the Hadith does Muhammad show an iota of compassion to those whose hands and feet he orders chopped off. Not once does he even ask “Did you fall on bad times? Why did you do what you did?” In Muhammad’s time, if a man stole a loaf of bread to feed his hungry family, guess what? Too bad, his hands would be chopped off. There was no compassion in this man. When 1.2 billion people think this is the behaviour of the “perfect man”, that is when we see all the barbarity that Islam displays daily. Beheadings, stoning, brutal intolerance and so on. It all comes from one man and his religion.

    Add on hadith at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4197

  • paki_girl
    January 19, 2013 8:51 am

    The Kuran is full of hatred towards unbelievers. The Hadith is even worse. It goes into the gory details of the kinds of “punishments” Muhammed meted out to people for even petty offenses. Judge for yourself. I will reproduce some of the Hadith where Muhammad shows his kindness. All of them are from Sunan Abu-Dawud (the Hadith that provides most of the Shari’a law on various punishments).

    In this Hadith, Muhammad shows once again just how much he hates polytheists. It is Hadith such as this one that directly caused many Hindus to be tortured to death in the most cruel manner imaginable during the dark centuries of Islamic rule. Note that for polytheists, repenting does not save them from such a harsh fate.

    Add comments on Hadith at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4197

  • January 19, 2013 1:12 am

    The decision of a French court in Lille to annul a Muslim marriage because the wife was not a virgin has sparked anger in France. It has ignited a reaction from secularists who view the ruling as a threat to “French values”. French Urban Affairs Minister, Fadela Amara, went so far as to say that the the ruling constitutes “a real fatwa against the emancipation and liberty of women.”

    The ruling also highlights the challenges faced by many Muslim women in France who have become sexually emancipated while still retaining close connections with the traditional Islamic values upheld by their families. The tension arising from this, is never so intense than when it comes to matters of family honor, particularly as it relates to the importance of a daughter’s virginity when entering into matrimony.

    It isn’t unusual for prospective brides to be required to provide evidence of virginity. In some cases women have been required to go for gynecological exams in order to determine virginity status.

    Some women are so concerned about the prospect of bringing dishonor to the family and becoming objects of scorn, that they undergo an operation called a “hymenoplasty.” This is a procedure that reconstructs the hymen, the thin membrane usually broken during intercourse. The cost of becoming a faux virgin varies, but in a private clinic in Paris it can cost around $3,000. It should be pointed out that the procedure in France is still relatively rare, as compared to the Middle East and Latin America for example.

    Jacques Lansac of the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians opposes hymen reconstruction surgery: “Attaching so much importance to the hymen is regression, submission to the intolerance of the past.”

    The surgery may create the illusion of virginity, but the marriage will still be based upon willful deception from day one. How does living-a-lie uphold family honor? And if family honor needs to be safeguarded by deception, what value does it have over and above the importance of saving face?

    While some Muslim women feel sufficiently pressured that they are willing to make a pretense of being virgins, husbands-to-be are not required to answer for their sexual history. It is a viewpoint that is sexist and out-of-touch with modern realities.

    Any mainstream religion, not only Islam, faces the challenge of striking a balance between the social mores of the society in which it operates and traditional religious values. There needs to be a measure of understanding and tolerance, of give and take, otherwise children of future generations are going to remain in a position of conflict – torn between traditional values and a contemporary lifestyle that is more about rights than religious obligations.

    The Lille annulment created an uproar because critics view it as a threat to the rights of women. They see it as equating marriage with a commercial transaction that makes the woman appear more like goods that come with a contract, rather than a human being with dignity and value that goes beyond the mere fact of her virgin status.

    Justice Minister, Racheda Dati, has announced that the government will be appealing the ruling.

    Some of the reaction to the Lille decision has been over-the-top. Some of it has also been fomented by those who seek any excuse to cast Islam in a negative light. To call it a move toward sharia law as some have done, is ridiculous. In fact seen from the woman’s perspective the court did her a favor by annulling her marriage to a much older man who lacked the class to keep matters of the marriage bed private.

    Article 180 of the French Civil Code allows for such annulments to take place if a partner fails to fulfill an “essential” part of the pre-marriage arrangement. In the Lille case it was the honesty of the bride that was in question. The ruling wasn’t addressing virginity as an “essential quality” of marriage. Couples of other religions have used Article 180 to obtain annulments in the past.

    A number of French Muslims have expressed sympathy for the woman in this case. Abdelkibir Errami, vice president of the Islamic Center of Roubaix, close to Lille where the marriage took place, had this to say:

    The man is the biggest of all the donkeys. Even if the woman was no longer a virgin, he had no right to expose her honor. This is not what Islam teaches. It teaches forgiveness.

    • Srinivas
      January 19, 2013 3:06 am

      Do not worry yaar.

      You are not seeing the point. Allah is not to be blamed.

      See, very soon i.e.tomorrow or next week or month or year or decade or century or millennium, we will see Muslims getting rid of Mohammad and following Allah/Eshwar.

      Do not believe me ? Ask Satyen or Admin and they will enlighten you.

    • Srinivas
      January 19, 2013 3:13 am

      You are soooooooo right.

      Islam teaches forgiveness ! How ? By roasting all infidels and majority of women in hell !

      Just wire this to Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood which does not know that Islam teaches forgiveness as it is about to enforce Sharia.

      The latest news is that Muslim women, far from rebelling, are enforcing Sharia on Christian women by beating them for not covering their hair while Muslim clerics warning Coptic women that they will be raped by Muslim men if they do not cover their faces.

      But then, we will see soon…..(Golden words not be repeated.)

  • Sha Gul
    January 19, 2013 12:53 am

    Hello Vicky,

    Why dont you follow the footsteps of Anurag? If she loves you truely, she should not insist for conversion.

    God bless

  • Anurag
    January 18, 2013 1:56 am

    Hello Vicky,

    Even if you convert and marry you muslim GF, you will not be happy at all. Better not to convert and follow the advice of Admn. Islam is the most cruel land barbaric religion in the present day time, no humanity and no submissiveness. If you both are earning, you can marry under special marriage act. If not earning, forget her.

    I am also in love with a muslim girl, in HCMC, Vietnam, working in different companies but living in the same building. We have decided not to change religion but marry forever lasting relations. In the beginning, she wanted me too convert but I refused to do so. Now she has realized the realty and accepted my idea.

    Good day.

    Reply to Anurag at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4162

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