Anyone contemplating marriage to a member of an Abrahamic faith is fooling themselves if they believe there will not be difficulties. It is a game of “High Stakes Poker”. You cannot see which cards are in the hands of in-laws, … Read the rest
Do I have to BBS?
Your views? Is it okay for a “proud” Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Buddhist (and/or for their children) to take the BBS labeling (conversion) oath to please the intended Christian/Jew/Muslim spouse or his/her family? Does the BBS means you are giving … Read the rest
What are your views on Interfaith marriages?
Express your views on Dharmic-Abrahamic interfaith marriages. What tips you would like to offer to other young adults? Why?
Back to Forum for Interfaith Relationships with Equality… Read the rest
Is Nikaah Possible without Conversion?
For a Hindu, is the Islamic Nikaah (marriage) possible without religious conversion (Shahadah) to Islam?
Nikaah: Islamic Marriage
Shahadah (conversion): LA ILAHA ILL LALLAH MOHAMMADUR RASULULLAH. Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Prophet … Read the rest
Is this a Hindu wedding?
What are your views on what one author wrote…”Therefore, technically speaking, after conversion to Islam or Christian faith has been performed, the Hindu ceremony is a totally superfluous oxymoron – because it is a ‘Muslim to Muslim’ or ‘Christian … Read the rest
Christian-Muslim marriage : Namastey London
First, view the Namastey London movie clippings here.
What is wrong if the actor in this clipping, Imran Khan (or Susanne), converts to the intended spouse’s faith just for marriage, as long as allowed practicing his or her own … Read the rest
Your Views on this Site: Endorsement or Criticism
If you are an individual or organization wants to share your views or want to endose efforts by this site, write below. Organizers of this web site welcome any criticism and your (different) views to define Interfaith Relationships with “Equality” … Read the rest