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  • October 8, 2013 7:58 am

    This website is very unique and useful. I find it so because of these reasons:- 1. It presents facts without any bias and prejudices. 2. Nowhere is it evident that it is tilted towards a particular religion, on the contrary, it publishes everything whether good or bad irrespective of religions. 3. Since youth today are an emotional lot and give no significant attention to the religious stuff, this website attracts them when they read so many stories of love birds of different faiths and learn at first hand about the questions they raise and answers they receive. It is a kind of study for the young gen. and they learn in a subtle and interesting way. 4. It is very useful platform for lovers of religion and also for critics of religions to generate their respective views before the readers, this way, everyone will get an opportunity to choose what is the best for him/her. 5. I find the objective of this website very humanitarian and conducive to social awakening. 6. This website is really a guiding light for interfaith marriage seekers. 7. It will also change the way people see their faith, I have this firm belief. 8. I wish this website all success for it’s noble venture.

    • October 8, 2013 7:45 pm

      Thank you for kind words. We look forward to your contributions to educate youths in love for years to come.

  • August 28, 2011 1:54 pm is a useful web site facilitating us to share the individual experiences, opinions, statistics and surveys of various marriage cases. I am confident that the youth of the current and upcoming generations get benefited by this information posted on this web site. Marriages are some times carried away by emotional decisions. When parents or youths face this situation, you may not know how to react. This website helps the youth to make better-informed decisions which in turn helps to build a healthier society with successful ever-lasting marriage relationships, even when it is interfaith. It is an eye-opening tool for the youth to avoid taking hasty decisions which may result into broken marriages. I am glad to help and support this web site organizers. I recommend everyone to read, post and share the contents of this web site. -Satya Nemana (

  • June 17, 2011 10:21 pm

    I am wholeheartedly with InterfaithShaadi organizers in your efforts to help Hindus when it comes to interfaith marriage. “Vijayi bhava”.

    Dr. Vishwanath Ayengar
    Wappingers Falls NY USA

  • June 17, 2011 8:45 pm

    Why blame others for converting Hindus? We are to blame for our weakness to succumb. We don’t resist. Parents of A.R. Rahman changed their religion, and so did Kishore Kumar when he married Madhubala. Why are our kids converting in the United States? The parents are to blame because they are not fortifying their children. They don’t seem to care about our languages, our traditions, our way of life, when the kids are growing up. Our family values need to be protected in a powerful foreign environment. I am also as deeply concerned as you are. The Himalayas do not provide enough protection anymore. We Hindus have to do something about conversion and proselytization.


  • Shaniza
    May 1, 2011 3:31 pm

    I am really glad to be able to find this site. It is always comforting to see that there are individuals that promote love and respect of all religions. Religion is like family, you are born into it, without any choice. I think all young people are looking for answers to our questions about religion and love, and hoping for positive feedback and encouragement when it comes to a topic as complex as interfaith marriage. You and your co-authors are really doing something amazing. So congratulations and thank you for the support!

  • Student
    June 3, 2010 8:50 pm

    I have taken a look at the website and find the articles therein to be extremely well written and thought out.

    However, if we as Hindus continue to preach tolerance to our children, while people of other religions perform atrocities against our people in an attempt to instill their beliefs onto us, we will become a great but forgotten people, like the Mayans, ancient Egyptians and Romans. It is time for us to put our foot down and begin to get back those of our people who have lost their way. We must put up a last stand before its too late.

    I understand that if the website came on too strong, many potential readers would be scared away, which is why I suggest the use of subtle persuasion. There are Indians among us that are veering towards the path of conversion. Let this website at least be a place where our own Dharmic traditions are thoroughly protected and enforced.

    It is a sad thing indeed that such a meaningless series of chemical reactions in the brain produce the effect we now know as love, for which our weak-minded Hindu people will convert their holy and ancient religion in the hopes of appeasing their “partners”. I hope we will unite and grow stronger as a nation and as brothers from the same faith. We face annihilation.

  • DIS
    November 24, 2009 8:29 pm

    I am very impressed and fond with the set up. I like how there is an interplay with various religions and plenty of supplemental readings for a variety of topics. I think this is a great tool for folks to expand their horizon and learn more about their culture as well as acceptances and believes of cultures that we come across on a daily basis. I especially liked the Bollywood and Blog sections and how they strongly relate to the topics on hand through real concrete examples. 🙂

  • November 21, 2009 6:01 am

    UNITED STATES, November 22, 2009: A new website, The Forum for Interfaith Relationships with Equality, is designed to help young adults make an informed decision for marriage. Funded as a non-profit organization, the goal is to provide information and a forum for discussion for young adults of all faiths. Readers are encouraged to share their interfaith marriage experiences on various blogs.

  • October 31, 2009 9:45 am

    I am a Unitarian Universalist. I think everything written about the bible quotations in the Christianity section is true, but I agree with the section that questions how relevant it is. Only the really fundamental Christians believe in the literal translation of the bible, although, there seem to be more and more of those crazy people in this country nowadays! I really hope my kids (ages 21 & 16) don’t end up with any Abrahamic religious zealouts!

  • Victor
    October 27, 2009 5:50 pm

    I really like the mission of the website in that it is not about making decisions FOR young people, but rather providing information so that others can make more informed choices. I love it – it’s very timely and relevant to today’s age of marriage and relationships. Much more work to be done, but the site is off to a good start, and is guided by a solid and necessary mission. 🙂

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