If you (a Hindu/Jain/Sikh/Buddhist) have any dating or marriage/divorce experience with a Muslim, please share your experience here.  Please specify if there was any request for Shahadah/Sunat for you or your children. Did you know this expectation of Shahadah (religious conversion) on your first date? If you took Shahadah for your Nikaah (marriage), do you still claim yourself as a Dharmic?….how? While expressing your views keep in mind the objective……to help other young adults considering such relationships.


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • August 17, 2018 9:57 am

    I’m a brahmin girl and i love a muslim boy. It is a 4 years love story. My parents did not accept my love. His parents has accepted but with the condition that i should get converted into islam. But I don’t want to get converted. I want to live like the same. I also cannot leave that boy as I’m truly madly and deeply in love with him.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13788

    • krish
      August 20, 2018 4:32 am

      Hello Admin,

      This girl (Durga) is a fake. Some of the muslim katwa are using Hindu girl name. Can you please her email id.

  • luckyblogger
    May 15, 2018 6:48 pm

    The girl will finally fall in love with some random dude, the same for this guy. eventually a divorce and he is back being a muslim and she being a hindu whats the fuss????

  • kumar
    January 7, 2016 9:43 am


    • mohammed
      January 7, 2016 3:39 pm

      Hello brother, its not possible….

  • November 3, 2015 2:46 am

    iam a muslim guy.. i want marry a hindu girl.. how to marry ?? her family is not allowed this marriage.. bt she is interesting with me.. plz help me.. 🙁

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10688

  • July 29, 2015 5:02 pm

    I personally don’t believe in religion and all things but I respect all religions, I don’t want to become Hindu or Muslim I only want to become a true human, and I am a true human who treat each person equally. The reason behind coming to this article is, I am in a love with a Muslim girl and I am Hindu by birth . Yes I want to marry that girl because she is the only girl who listen me And I love that girl, so the thing is I want to marry that girl .

    What should I do.?

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10229

  • January 1, 2015 3:33 pm

    I have noticed there is excessive dialogue against muslims and I am not a big fan of this.

    To clarify, I am a Hindu bhramin boy. I came to this topic because of the title.

    I have loved and still in love with a wonderful muslim girl. I love her to bits because truly she is the most wonderful girl i’ve ever met. I am not a big fan of temples, but I do love the veda (Smriti, bhramana, Aranyaka and also upanishad). I know (or rather wish), the Veda is “knowledge” and not a way to segregate people, hence should have a problem in my (I accept) extreamly complicated wish.

    As of India, Hindus and Muslims go, it is sad that I cannot be with her mostly.

    We have talked to my parents first. My parents asked us how we plan to lead the married life. I gave a few pointers, I’ll try to reiterate:

    1. We will show the same love and respect we have for each other for each other’s faiths. (Hey, For me ‘Bhraman’ and ‘Allah’ is the same, only the name helps visulize a little)
    2. Whenever required we will assist the other in any ritual we would be (socially) allowed in.
    3. We will try to live as good human beings rather than try to coerce the other. (Clearly, if we loved the other person their respective religion would have a good contribution in)
    4. Yes, there will be fights, but we shall be patient as much a possible and sort it out.
    5. When it comes to children, we shall instill good human-ness into them and maybe, they could pick?
    6. When the time comes, I shall be burned, and she shall be buried.

    For which they said if the girl’s parents agree, we’ll figure out some way, even though they were looking apprehensive. They knew their reputations would be at stake and suffer, but they loved me and did want me around.

    But the girl’s parents were intensly aggressive (Shia Mogul/Sayeed) as to how bad the idea was. They did not even entertain a dialogue as to how we would work it out.
    “I will entertain non-muslims as friends and not more than that.” – Her father.

    Well, I accept him being true to what he follows, and I respect that, but it was not working for us. His concerens were mainly:
    1. Marriage where any one is muslim can only be done when the other one becomes a muslim too.
    2. (Unsaid, once one becomes a muslim, there is no going back)
    3. If he is convereted to a Shia Muslim, then what? What about his parents? What do we make of all of this? How do we do it?
    4. If she marries you, there will only be bloodstains on the bed cloth made by the sword.
    5. The society will not let you live, they will parade you naked and shame you and your families for such acts!
    6. What will happen to our reputations?
    7. How will I be sure that my daughter will be safe in a hindu home?

    And later on… (After numorous threats and what nots)

    8. If he really loves you he can come here, consider getting convereted, and get converted…and maybe we can see if something can be done.

    My parents tried talking if “there was some possible way”, but his voice silenced them and his aggression scared my relatively peaceful parents away. Her father, and my mother both were responsible to make a mess in my work place, making a tamasha with my professional life invading my personal.

    It was horrible and it is continuing to be.

    Now, Special marraige act 1954? That is one of the most useless act in the history of acts. Upon registering notices would be sent to permanent addresses (sic. parents/family) following which ANYONE (not just family/spouse-undivorced/etc) can raise a complaint (Maybe on trivial matters) and indefinately delay the marriage. Even physical force can be used as the location of the marriage is made public.

    So what option do we have? Convert and marry to be it solid and binding:

    Okay, lets review:

    1. Convert to Islam – after shadadah, I cannot go back and I will stiffle. She will be fine as the chance of physical hard will be minimized. But its not certain.
    2. Both Convert to a third religion (Like Sikh!) – She will still be in trouble.
    3. Convert to Hindu – She will be perhaps hunted(?), or their agression will multiply…while no one will rescue us.

    My opinion: Converting to Hinduism will give her maximum freedom, as well as me as to follow whatever we want to, so it is a better opion. Though she does not mind much, She says it wont solve her parents’ aggression nor will it help us live peacefully. They will come and stomp all over my workplace, forcing me to quit.

    Her opinion: Convertin to Islam will give us maximum survival chance, where she suggeted “Convert on paper” (Yeah, like fake-convert, but I’ve read your BP).

    My Opinion: Convert to new religion, Like Sikh and both take equal-ish risk. (She rightly says it would solve her issue of crazy family)

    Final Verdict: As of posting this post – There seems no possible future for us. We are still looking how to make this work, maybe a few thousand letters to the girl’s dad? lol. No. He is not stepping down on his stance, nor does he show any intention to listen, and has clearly written me off, by forcefully making her quit her work place and put her on house arrest.

    I am open for options, but time is fleeting, she may get married anytime.

    I only want us to be safe from public harm. I want to live and enjoy god discovery, and help my parter in her own discovery (if she is interested in it).

    There is no option, either in the constitution nor by socity, for this.

    Sometimes, I wonder what religion has become apart from propagating intolerace to people of differing memberships.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8996

  • November 5, 2014 11:41 am

    I m not too religious may any other person in dis world is not so religious other than religiou than an Islam becoz they are just like chemelion changing colors depending on situation.I get it and it may b offensive but it’s truth.Truth is what History teaches us.once again I m happy to be offensive for another reason that u (girl) married an Islam guy if u tell some of ur children should not undergo Islamic cceremation what would b da response from ur husband just for a change I know what u thinking.
    1.U would have completely transformed into that religion.
    *u would just say “yes”
    2 U are with religion Hindu
    *their parents go mad at u.u may thinking ur husband would have been beside.
    Dis gonna never ever happen becoz they need their blood for further ur husband go mad at u
    He may kill u if wanted.

  • Ambily Shanu
    April 22, 2013 2:47 pm

    Hi dear all,

    Me too want to share my story to all of you.Am a Hindu girl and my husband is Muslim.We were in love for 8 years.My husbands family was aware of our affair and they supported us to get marry(might be thinking that we were kidding and will forget as time passes)

    But as time passed things became serious and only becoz of religion problem the above said people started opposing.

    In my home,my parents were unaware of this relationship and they were seriously busy in searching groom for me.Am from upper class family and my area consists no Muslims.Moreover that our area people hate to love Muslims.So it was very difficult for me to reveal my love in front of parents when Shanu’s(my hubby)family was opposing and moreover that he was not having any permanant job.

    Shanu rejected many visa in fear that if he goes abroad i may get married to any other person.Me too was rejecting each and every marriage proposals for no reasons…my parents were wondering..they asked whether i have any special interest.But as i was knowing that the correct situation has not come and if a say anything it will spoil my freedom to step outside i said no.

    But the shocking thing was that we both were not sure that we will marry each other,becoz our low intellengence said we are from different caste and marriage cant be possible.Then why Shanu and me continusely rejected the offers and proposals we got?Might be we were sure that we can live without each other but we cant live with someother.Our hearts was working and brain was sleeping.

    Suddenly I got a job offer from Chennai.Our brains started working.after many fight I joined Chennai company(just to get rid from proposals)It became very easy for me to reject new proposals through phone.Shanu got his visa ready.just 4 days before leaving kerala for Dubai,I went to kerala and we sighned a marriage contract without our parents knowledge.It was just a contract so no one cud seperate us after he go to Dubai.Actually the contract will get invalid if someone opposes it,but it was just enough to scare Shanu’s parents(if needed) who were unaware of the legal points.

    Me always wished to get marry in a temple of lord Shiva.Shanu accepted that and after 2 years we went to a siva temple with friends and married as per hindu ritual again without parents knowledge.

    Shanu is third son of his family.He was looking for a chance to say our matter to his parents.We decided to say this after the marriage of his second elder brother.The second brother got married and it was Shanu’s chance.But for our surprise there parent went to marriage broker for his younger brother to search bride.When the broker asked what about Shanu,his parents said he has already fixed for himself.They ask him to take me home.I went his home.They warmly welcomed me.his mother hugged me tighly.Special food were made for me.All relatives first came to see me.One by one neighbours friends villagers every one came.Shanu and me were surprising,thinking what we thought and what happened..unable to utter a word..gang of peaople made shanu’s family also in surprise becoz they have actualy invited anyone.they didt even informed anyone.but some how every one came to know that Shanu has brought one hindu girl and arround 300 ppl came to c me that day.ppl were fill in the house as of in some marriage function.

    They planned our marriage as per Muslim ritual but the Ustad of Mosque was giving execuses for non availability of date.Me stayed at Shanu,s house for 1week before marriage.It was the most beatiful days.We were not allowed even to sit together before marriage and never they let us to be alone..But we made it..Romantic environment

    After 1week when again ustad said execuse Shanu directly went to him and said he want to change the membership from the mosque.That night we had our marriage as per muslim ritual in front of Shanu’s family,relatives friends and neighbours.and a gud supper.

    For marriage they were demanding sign of my parents saying that they are ready to send me to muslim community.This was not possible coz my parents still unaware of the relationship.and they were thinking that am in chennai.Shanu Signed on behalf of my parents(This truth is known by Shanu,Shanu’s mother and me only)

    Eveyone in Shanu’s family love me more than anyother.They respect me and hear me and my opinoin.I felt am the luckiest person in the word.

    Now this was the time for me to inform my parents.As love my parents i never thought to abscond.I informed my sister and she informed Parents.They were ready to marry me with christian guy but not with muslim.They started brainwashing,advicing,my mother and me cried daily for this matter.This situation existed for 2 months.I explained them,Am a good daughrt of you.I respect u and love u.thats y i didnt abscond.I want you to give my hands to Shanu happily.?They agreed atlast and Shanu to come.Shanu with his brother came and asked me officialy.And my parents happily agreed.They talked with relatives were relatives sais if u r making this marriage then no relatives will keep any relation with us.But my parents said we want our childrens happiness and they arranged our marriage as per hindu ritual at home where every one came except our relatives.this grand function was not informed to Shanu’s family coz of religious issue.Then we married as per Hindu marriage act and got marriage certificate.total of 5 marriages in 3 years..great!

    We lost our dozens of relatives.But my parents are happy coz Shanu is a special charector person and he took my parents in hand at the first meeting.Now they say to me that they will never let shanu go even if i leave him.They say they got a very good person as their son in law.now they dont have the sorrow of loosing dozens of relatives.

    Me have a very happy marriage life and both of our families cooperate with each other in every function and situations and are very good relationship.

    But do you know wat all udjustments we both do to keep our families relationship smooth?Whenever I go to mosque with Shanu’s family or when i parcipate in their custom i inform my parents anf accept coz hindus will accept other relogion soon.?But whenever we go to temple with my mother we will not inform Shanu’s family coz as per them after marriage me too cant enter temple.But Shanu comes with me and perform all rituals…Yes in some mean we are cheating our parents but the god we both believe is smthing different from wat they believe.We believe where love is there,god will be there.There is only one god in the universe who dot have any shape and gender.ppl believe them as per their convenience.But the same god has created us and our prayers are reached to same ears.mohhammed.jesus and krishna are born as human with supernatural powers who can hear the god.thease all came to earth to save ppl from sin and shaitans.But there is only one god known in different name.

    When Shanu come to temple,he goes to Siva idol and pray hey lord shiva please pray 4 us to Allah..whatever we believes is our religion….watever we say god can never see his children from different angles.he will never say to hate or avoid some catagory of ppl coz god only has made everyone……Our common thought on god is our strenght.We believe do good,thing good and defenetly we will get heaven.

    Now after 4 years of my marriage also i have not converted legally.While doing marriage in mosque they put my name as Shamna and they call me in that name(except Shanu)

    Now what happened means i planned to take passport.This time a big issue arrived means i shud change my address and name in certificate before applying passport.This was not at all accepted by me coz my experience letter of 5 years will go useless in which i cant change my name.moreover that i dnt want to change my identity.Shanu supported me and i took passport without informing shanu’s family(not yet informed)Shanu said he will handle the situation.

    I want to do hujj(its my own wish,no one asked me to do so).So now am trying to take 3 months class to learn islam(conversion in other language.but watever welearn my believes will be same.I was a human and will be human.I dnt have caste)it is just to get certificate of conversion so that i cud go saudi for hujj….

    Still now we live as per our wish without hurting anyone,,if hurted we will give the proper reason..following both rituals(we go church too)informing only things that shud be informed.making many adjustments and telling little lies to keep our parents and family happy.

    But we know god will not punish us coz we are in good path and for long happiness some times we can say small lies also

    I shared this much so that anyone who has no idea to solve intercaste love relationship problem cud get some idea to handle things smoothly,u both just need patience,underrstanding,adjustment.sincere love,commitment,strong heart and believe in god

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5206

    • ashish
      June 29, 2014 4:56 am

      dear, you still don’t know ur husband. as it is basic teaching in their families that they should marry women from other religions and for that they can act for entire lives widout sharing their real intentions wid a non muslim. bcoz directly or indirectly they have got a non muslim gal under their roof.
      The Koran states “A believing slave woman is better than a Mushrik woman although she may please you” Koran 2:221.
      so go through koran and u’ll realize what mistake u have done and how u have been used in a big game which muslims are playing.
      i am saying so as i am a lawyer by profession and have studied more 8 religions and found islam to be the worst….
      may god bless u…….

  • Truthseeker
    February 17, 2013 5:52 am

    Watch this video and you will and you will help everyone’s decision on switching religions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I

    • Ambily Shanu
      April 30, 2013 8:17 am

      Hi dear all,

      Me too want to share my story to all of you.Am a Hindu girl and my husband is Muslim.We were in love for 8 years.My husbands family was aware of our affair and they supported us to get marry(might be thinking that we were kidding and will forget as time passes)

      But as time passed things became serious and only becoz of religion problem the above said people started opposing.

      In my home,my parents were unaware of this relationship and they were seriously busy in searching groom for me.Am from upper class family and my area consists no Muslims.Moreover that our area people hate to love Muslims.So it was very difficult for me to reveal my love in front of parents when Shanu’s(my hubby)family was opposing and moreover that he was not having any permanant job.

      Shanu rejected many visa in fear that if he goes abroad i may get married to any other person.Me too was rejecting each and every marriage proposals for no reasons…my parents were wondering..they asked whether i have any special interest.But as i was knowing that the correct situation has not come and if a say anything it will spoil my freedom to step outside i said no.

      But the shocking thing was that we both were not sure that we will marry each other,becoz our low intellengence said we are from different caste and marriage cant be possible.Then why Shanu and me continusely rejected the offers and proposals we got?Might be we were sure that we can live without each other but we cant live with someother.Our hearts was working and brain was sleeping.

      Suddenly I got a job offer from Chennai.Our brains started working.after many fight I joined Chennai company(just to get rid from proposals)It became very easy for me to reject new proposals through phone.Shanu got his visa ready.just 4 days before leaving kerala for Dubai,I went to kerala and we sighned a marriage contract without our parents knowledge.It was just a contract so no one cud seperate us after he go to Dubai.Actually the contract will get invalid if someone opposes it,but it was just enough to scare Shanu’s parents(if needed) who were unaware of the legal points.

      Me always wished to get marry in a temple of lord Shiva.Shanu accepted that and after 2 years we went to a siva temple with friends and married as per hindu ritual again without parents knowledge.

      Shanu is third son of his family.He was looking for a chance to say our matter to his parents.We decided to say this after the marriage of his second elder brother.The second brother got married and it was Shanu’s chance.But for our surprise there parent went to marriage broker for his younger brother to search bride.When the broker asked what about Shanu,his parents said he has already fixed for himself.They ask him to take me home.I went his home.They warmly welcomed me.his mother hugged me tighly.Special food were made for me.All relatives first came to see me.One by one neighbours friends villagers every one came.Shanu and me were surprising,thinking what we thought and what happened..unable to utter a word..gang of peaople made shanu’s family also in surprise becoz they have actualy invited anyone.they didt even informed anyone.but some how every one came to know that Shanu has brought one hindu girl and arround 300 ppl came to c me that day.ppl were fill in the house as of in some marriage function.

      They planned our marriage as per Muslim ritual but the Ustad of Mosque was giving execuses for non availability of date.Me stayed at Shanu,s house for 1week before marriage.It was the most beatiful days.We were not allowed even to sit together before marriage and never they let us to be alone..But we made it..Romantic environment

      After 1week when again ustad said execuse Shanu directly went to him and said he want to change the membership from the mosque.That night we had our marriage as per muslim ritual in front of Shanu’s family,relatives friends and neighbours.and a gud supper.

      For marriage they were demanding sign of my parents saying that they are ready to send me to muslim community.This was not possible coz my parents still unaware of the relationship.and they were thinking that am in chennai.Shanu Signed on behalf of my parents(This truth is known by Shanu,Shanu’s mother and me only)

      Eveyone in Shanu’s family love me more than anyother.They respect me and hear me and my opinoin.I felt am the luckiest person in the word.

      Now this was the time for me to inform my parents.As love my parents i never thought to abscond.I informed my sister and she informed Parents.They were ready to marry me with christian guy but not with muslim.They started brainwashing,advicing,my mother and me cried daily for this matter.This situation existed for 2 months.I explained them,Am a good daughrt of you.I respect u and love u.thats y i didnt abscond.I want you to give my hands to Shanu happily.?They agreed atlast and Shanu to come.Shanu with his brother came and asked me officialy.And my parents happily agreed.They talked with relatives were relatives sais if u r making this marriage then no relatives will keep any relation with us.But my parents said we want our childrens happiness and they arranged our marriage as per hindu ritual at home where every one came except our relatives.this grand function was not informed to Shanu’s family coz of religious issue.Then we married as per Hindu marriage act and got marriage certificate.total of 5 marriages in 3 years..great!

      We lost our dozens of relatives.But my parents are happy coz Shanu is a special charector person and he took my parents in hand at the first meeting.Now they say to me that they will never let shanu go even if i leave him.They say they got a very good person as their son in law.now they dont have the sorrow of loosing dozens of relatives.

      Me have a very happy marriage life and both of our families cooperate with each other in every function and situations and are very good relationship.

      But do you know wat all udjustments we both do to keep our families relationship smooth?Whenever I go to mosque with Shanu’s family or when i parcipate in their custom i inform my parents anf accept coz hindus will accept other relogion soon.?But whenever we go to temple with my mother we will not inform Shanu’s family coz as per them after marriage me too cant enter temple.But Shanu comes with me and perform all rituals…Yes in some mean we are cheating our parents but the god we both believe is smthing different from wat they believe.We believe where love is there,god will be there.There is only one god in the universe who dot have any shape and gender.ppl believe them as per their convenience.But the same god has created us and our prayers are reached to same ears.mohhammed.jesus and krishna are born as human with supernatural powers who can hear the god.thease all came to earth to save ppl from sin and shaitans.But there is only one god known in different name.

      When Shanu come to temple,he goes to Siva idol and pray hey lord shiva please pray 4 us to Allah..whatever we believes is our religion….watever we say god can never see his children from different angles.he will never say to hate or avoid some catagory of ppl coz god only has made everyone……Our common thought on god is our strenght.We believe do good,thing good and defenetly we will get heaven.

      Now after 4 years of my marriage also i have not converted legally.While doing marriage in mosque they put my name as Shamna and they call me in that name(except Shanu)

      Now what happened means i planned to take passport.This time a big issue arrived means i shud change my address and name in certificate before applying passport.This was not at all accepted by me coz my experience letter of 5 years will go useless in which i cant change my name.moreover that i dnt want to change my identity.Shanu supported me and i took passport without informing shanu’s family(not yet informed)Shanu said he will handle the situation.

      I want to do hujj(its my own wish,no one asked me to do so).So now am trying to take 3 months class to learn islam(conversion in other language.but watever welearn my believes will be same.I was a human and will be human.I dnt have caste)it is just to get certificate of conversion so that i cud go saudi for hujj….

      Still now we live as per our wish without hurting anyone,,if hurted we will give the proper reason..following both rituals(we go church too)informing only things that shud be informed.making many adjustments and telling little lies to keep our parents and family happy.

      But we know god will not punish us coz we are in good path and for long happiness some times we can say small lies also

      I shared this much so that anyone who has no idea to solve intercaste love relationship problem cud get some idea to handle things smoothly,u both just need patience,underrstanding,adjustment.sincere love,commitment,strong heart and believe in god

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5206

      • priyanka
        June 25, 2014 12:44 am

        am in same situation…while you are doing marriage as per hindu rituals,your parents didnt ask you where is shanu’s parents???do u got children’s?? whats theira names?? which religion they are following?

  • muslim
    January 13, 2013 2:15 am

    Islam has given an esteemed rankto women. Allah Almighty announces in a verse, Should one of them, or both, attain old age in your lifetime, do not say”Ugh!” to them (as an indication of complaint or impatience), nor push them away, and always address them in gracious words. (Al-Isra Surah, 17:23)
    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announces, Heaven is under the feet of mothers. Let us touch briefly on the objection that some put forward saying there is o equality between men and women in Islam.
    Allah Almighty has instances of wisdom in infinite numbers. He creates in whatever way He pleases. He may give some peopledifferent capabilities and talents from others. No creatures can ever interfere with this will.
    Allah Almighty has not created men and women equally in all ways. To try to make these two genders equal in every way is only possible to change the nature of genders, which is impossible. The male and female natures differ from each other inmany ways. Considering the fact that judgments are made on behalf of majority, we can say that: men are superior in terms of strength, courage, and boldness whereas women are superior in compassion, tenderness, and fidelity. Both men and women may excel each other at some ways. Within family, the excelling sides of both are combined and thus the needs and happiness of the family are met.
    Since men are superior in strength, Allah Almighty, in the first place, has held men responsible for the family and protecting them from any kind of danger both physically and spiritually. This truth has been clearly written in the Holy Book: Men (those who are able to carryout their responsibilities) are the protectors and maintainers of women inasmuch as God has endowed some of people (in some respects) with greater capacity than others and inasmuch as they (the men) spend of their wealth (for the familys maintenance). Good, righteous women are the devoted ones (to God) and observant (of their husbands rights), who guard the secrets (family honor and property, theirchastity, and their husbands rights, especially where there is none to see them and in the absence of men) as God guards and keeps undisclosed (what should be guarded and private). (An-Nisa Surah, 4:34)
    Islam, on the one hand, wishes men to answer the needs of women, on the other hand, wishes women to be obedient totheir husbands. The verse above teaches us both the superiority of men and the virtue of women.
    However, being the head of the family is one thing, being superior in the religion is quite another thing. According to the Holy Quran, the criterion of the superiority is not gender but taqwa. Taqwa in short means fearing Allah, avoiding from sins, abstaining from the behaviors, manners, and words that He disapproves.
    For a family to continue its welfare and harmony it is of great importance that man be the head of the family and woman obey him. Absolute equality ruins the harmony in thefamily through when women do not obey their husbands, spoils the welfare and happiness, and mostly causes divorces.
    Just as it is necessary for a woman to obey her husband, it is also necessary for a man to maintain his wifes rights. It is a fallacy that in Islam women are slaves to men. On the contrary, inIslam women have more pleasures than men do. Because in Islam men are obliged to provide alimony for women in a case of divorce, whereas womenare exempted from that. Islam has given the duty of raising a child to women, which is the most essential and pleasurable thing for a woman to do. That is why Allah Almighty has given the feeling of compassion more to women than men have.
    Today what some call freedom of women has only brought about womens falling into debauchery and misery. However, Islam has protected their honor by ordering to remain chaste.
    Some circles present the Islamic order of veiling as the restrictionof freedom of women.
    First one need to know that veiling is not only an Islamic rule, but it is a rule of all divine religions. Nuns veiling themselvesis a clear proof to that.
    Veiling is not peculiar to women; it is a natural necessity for the whole humankind. It is impossible to see naked people around in any country. The point of debate is on its limits. In Islam women are obliged to cover all their parts which could evoke men sexual feelings. In this way, they protect their honor and chastity in the world, and win eternal bliss in the hereafter. On the other hand, when women wear immodestly, they lead men into sins, and according to the Islamic rule the one who causes is like the one who does, the same sins that men commit also go to women. The Islamic order of veiling protects women from such dangers.

  • Vidya
    January 11, 2013 10:22 am

    Firstly, I think that there are some misgivings in the article. Hindus do not worship idols! As per the Veda there is only one God, who has no form and is not male or female. We don’t pray to the idol, we use it to help visualise. We ultimately pray to God. The Quran does not speak of non-Muslims as animals for sure. Let’s not go about making stories. The Quran says that a Muslim should marry one who believes in Allah and follows his path. I actually believe that what is meant by this is that a Muslim should marry a person who believes in God. No matter what name you call this greater power as, be it Allah, Shiva, vishnu or Jesus, if you are not an atheist, you are a believer in God!

    • January 11, 2013 10:42 am

      Please read our article on idol-worshipping at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1476

      Islam does not teach to believe in ONE God, but THE God whose apostle is Muhammad. A Muslim should/cannot pray to Shiva!

    • franklyindian
      June 29, 2015 10:47 pm


      ‘ratnam loham silamruch sataru spadiga mevacha
      shaddravyani prakrutaye yanmayah pratimaah smrutah’

      Precious stones, Panjaloha (metal compound), stone, sand, wood and Spadigam (crystal) are the materials used for making idols.

      Agama Sastras give certain rules and regulations for vigraha worship in temples. The Murtis are made of stone, wood or metal.

      There are Karma Bheram (Moolavar), Utsava Bheram, Bali Bheram, Theerta Bheram, Snana Bheram and Sayana Bheram.

      The Karma Bheram (Moolavar) is made of stone like granite (Kal Thirumeni) or with cement and mortar (Suthai Thirumeni). The former can have Thirumanjanam or Abhishekam (bath) and later can not have that. A Thailakkappu (oil coating) is placed on Suthai Thirumeni.

      In Badrinath like places Mutis are from salagram shila or saligram stone or shalagram.

      Anantha Padmanaba Swamy at Trivandram moolavar idol is made with 12000 salagram stones.

      In Northern India Murtis are made from marble stone.

      Other Utsava Bheram like are made from Panchaloka (metallic compound).

      2) Agama classification of Stones:

      ‘pimbampum silaya karyam peetam sthree silayabavet
      deveenam cha shri yadhinam nirmanam sthree silanara’

      Male deities are made from male stones and their bases are from female type stones.
      For Female deities all parts are made from female type stones.
      Prabhavali (arch like thing at the back of idol, திருவாச்சி, Thiruvachi ) is made from neutral (napumsaka stone).

      3) Sculpture form to Vigraha (idol):

      (i) Prana Prathista and Avahana:

      During Prana Pratistha, the idol is said to be given life, eyes and other organs. Without this, Devata cannot be invoked in the idol. Through this, we are injecting the cosmic consciousness that enables all our vision, into the idol. In other words, we are charging the idol with the devata-ness. As the idol is given life and senses, we meditate on the form of Devata we do Dhyana. Then we invoke the Ishta Devata in that form (Avahana).

      Thus Prana Pratistha is charging the idol with god-ness while Aavahana is invoking the god-ness.

      (ii) Samprokshanam or Kumbabhisekam:

      There are various constituents in a Maha Samprokshanam. Some variations will be there. These are,

      (i) Vasudeva Punyagavachanam (Temple premises cleaning)
      (ii) Sri Sudarsana, Sukta, Dhanvantri, Lakshinarasimha like hama

      Samprokshana Angas:
      (iii) Bhagavad Prartana (Prayer for permission)
      (iv) Yajamana Sankalpa (Promise or vow or undertaking to fulfill all the rituals) and Aacharya Raksha Bandanam
      (v) Vishvaksena Aradhana (Prayers to the Chief Commandment of Lord Vishnu)
      (vi) Punyagavachanam (or Vastu Santhi is to be done in a bare ground to get that place purified)
      (vii) Mruthsangrahanam (Taking sand from the ground)
      (viii) Ankurarpanam (Making sprouted seedlings and these symbolizes fertility)

      For Nuutana Idols Installation:
      (Nayanonmilanam is for opening the eyes of new idols)
      (ix) Panca Gavya Sammelanam (Making cow products for cleaning)

      (x) Jalathi Vasam, Dhanathi Vasam, Danyathi Vasam and Sayanatjhi Vasam (Keeping the idols in water, gems, paddy and placing in sleeping position)

      (xi) Yaga salai Prevesam with (entering the place with water vessels to homa kunds having square, half circle, full circle and trianglar shapes)

      (xii) Kadasthapanam (Placing the water vessels in the yagasala and making decorations)

      (xiii) Homas (doing different homas according with the Agama Sastra) and Poornahuti (final pouring to the agni for that day)

      (Previous night of Samprokshana, after Ashtabandana Samarpanam, all the renovated moolavar idols abhisekams are done)

      On the day of Samprokshana:
      (xiv) Cow Pooja and Homas
      (xv) Poornahuthi
      (xvi) Yatradanam
      (xvii) Kada and Vigraha procession (Water Vesels and Vigrahas are taken from the yagasala). Vigraha Prathista is done in the appropriate places.
      (xviii) Prokshanam (Water is sprinkled from the Sacred Water Vessels of Yagasala to all the idols, Vimanam, Gopurams, Palipedam etc). Vishnu Temples have Samprokshana (pouring water) and other temples have Kumbhabisekam (bathing).
      (xix) Mahadeeparadhana



      Apart from Muslim myths, little is really known about the history of the Kaba. About 60 years before Christ, the Roman historian Diodorus Siculus commented that there was in Arabia a temple greatly revered by the Arabs. It is probable that he had the Kaba in mind. It was later mentioned to have existed in the 2nd century; Ptolemy, the geographer mentions it in his work, calling it the ‘macoraba’. The Kaba was a sanctuary dedicated to one or more pagan deities. The accounts of the campaigns of Abraha note that it was a place of pagan worship in the 6th century. Information on the distribution of the offices among the sons of Kusayy show that the worship of the sanctuary had developed into a regulated cult several generations before Muhammad.

      One historian (Hurgronjes) said that sacred worship may have developed around the area because the Zamzam spring was found in this waterless place.


      Pre-Islamic history tells us that many Arabian tribes were stone worshippers. This is also mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol 5, #661. The Old Testament even talks about Mideast pagan groups that worshipped stones. Muhammad incorporated the Kaba’s paganistic roots into Islam to give the Muslims a sense of identity, legitimacy, and uniqueness. He also wanted to ease the Arab’s strain of moving from paganism to Islam, by continuing the practices of their fathers.


  • priya
    November 10, 2012 10:29 pm

    Dear all,

    I am a hindu girl and in love with a muslim boy. Now we had decided to get married. The boy has decided we married in hindu then in muslim.
    As per the boy imaan the boy can perform all tituals except the saath peyre round the fire. But I am telling the boy he need to to that because it is necessary in the weeding

    Please advice

    Comment to Priya at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3384

    • November 10, 2012 11:32 pm

      @ admin,

      Please delete this comment as it was meant to be reply to Roop.

    • luckyblogger
      February 17, 2018 11:16 am

      he can convert to hinduism isnt it? why bother all the hassle? he love syou and above all Hindus are respected everywhere unlike Hindus. your kids will hvae it much easire.

  • July 14, 2012 8:55 am

    It is surprising how people respond. I am telling how Koran labels Non-Muslims as animals and subhumans, and Muslims as superior and you lecture me about all humans being born as animals.

    No cheap rhetoric, please.

    ‘Right’? What is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’? Every one does not have the same dictionary you have, beauty.

    Am I wasting my efforts? Apart from meeting the demands of my profession, this is the best work I do.

    I am tying to make people like you, if not you, do not cry later.

    When you have no problem with Koran tagging infidels as animals, showing lack of empathy in you, you still think you are fit enough to give me lectures on humanity.

    • SHAH
      November 24, 2012 7:25 pm

      I am a muslim, my wife is christian. I believe we follow Arabs and we still think of Arabs as our Master. I am Indian and accepted by Indians.
      Arabs donor accept me, they think we Indians are Mawallis(converted muslims). I believe Islam in India is a product of Arab Imperialism. These Arabs took my religion, my language, my culture and my self-respect. I believe any one can choose his/her faith but please donot compromise on culture, language and self-respect.

      These are my personal views. I do not expect others to agree with me. I cherish my values.


  • Chandni
    June 2, 2012 3:10 am

    The article on this site is biased against muslims.

    • June 2, 2012 7:10 am

      These are just opinions. And you find them biased against Muslims and felt hurt.

      But how do you feel about Islamic apartheid against Non-Muslims?

      Any sympathies towards Non-Muslims?

  • vicky
    May 25, 2012 4:41 am

    i m in love with a Muslim girl when i ask her she tell me to convert why?
    can any one tells me after conversion what i become exactly? what i get after conversion and what she lose if i don’t?

    This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1657

  • vicky
    May 25, 2012 4:34 am

    first of all i only want to ask “what is the difference between a Hindu & a Muslim ? if u remove the names of both how u differentiate between them? tell me if one of them is not human….”

    • May 26, 2012 5:18 am

      First you are not human according to Koran, you are a living animal. So, if you convert you will become a human.

      She is playing stupid games, just ditch her.

      This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1657

      • invictus
        July 14, 2012 2:39 am

        when you are born, you are born as a living animal. If that is true, and i completely agree, it should also be true that it is our DEEDS that make us human not the religion we follow. Would it not be simply the “right” thing to do…to do good?? I dont think any religion would stop you from doing that. Why waste youe efforts debating this issue when u cud do much better with the time u have. Go out…make someone smile instead. And if u cant do that, u dont deserve to say another word over here.

        • July 14, 2012 8:56 am

          @ invictus,

          It is surprising how people respond. I am telling how Koran labels Non-Muslims as animals and subhumans, and Muslims as superior and you lecture me about all humans being born as animals.

          No cheap rhetoric, please.

          ‘Right’? What is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’? Every one does not have the same dictionary you have, beauty.

          Am I wasting my efforts? Apart from meeting the demands of my profession, this is the best work I do.

          I am tying to make people like you, if not you, do not cry later.

          When you have no problem with Koran tagging infidels as animals, showing lack of empathy in you, you still think you are fit enough to give me lectures on humanity.

  • Shamim ( Muslimah wants to marry Hindu )
    April 24, 2012 3:36 am

    Salam ,Shamim here i m in difficult situation my boyfriend is a hindu. My parents dont like he talking to me, actually its high time and they are forcing me to marry a guy in my area, javed. I m in crying day and nite. I just want to marry Rahul and spend my life with him, and no one from my family is supporting me for marriage with him, due to his religion, i dont want him to change. My dad has given me warning to stop seeing Rahul. Its 1week that i saw him, i cant think anything else now. I m educated, i love my parents, but I cant stand there torcher anymore for marriage to javed, i will run away or die one day i dont know. Rahul is earning his family is nice and he will take care of me. What should i do i have very less time, i dont want to leave him

    PLEASE COMMENT AT https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1438

    • ayesha
      May 5, 2012 2:24 pm

      hi shamim,
      merry to ur love, otherwise the whole life u will curse urself for nor hearing ur inner soul.
      Waise bhi islamic hubby apni biwi ko as a contract charge karte hai. i can understand ur problem. waise bhi jab javed ko tumhare rahul ke bare me pata chalege to tumhari jindagi narak kar hi dega. meri ek mausi n bataya tha ki muslim nikah keval ek sexual agreement hi hote hai. jisme talaq ke baad phir usi se shadi karne ke pahle kisi aur se nikah karna pdta hai aur sexual relation bananr padte hai. main bhi apne bf se shadi karna chahti hun. jo ki hindu hai wo bhi mujhe bahut chahta hai, kaise bhi karke aap apni jindagi ke bare me sahi faisala lijiye.

  • Right Advice
    March 8, 2012 6:51 am

    Sooner or later the girl will realize her mistake of falling in love with this man and getting converted and brainwashed.
    Till then, God bless her parents.

  • Emelie Jönsson
    January 31, 2012 3:57 am


    I work as a researcher for Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, UR, which is one of the Public service companies of Sweden. We are making a TV-series with four programs about ethics and moral from a religious perspective, and the target group is pupils in High school here in Sweden. Our reporter/producer Erik Sandström is travelling the world to meet people with different religions and he is coming to Kolkata, India in about a week.

    I wonder if you would like to participate or help me finding a young couple who are from different religions and has a hard time because of this? We would like to interview them, film and tell their story, and we will be discreet and understand that this is a delicate matter.

    Please get back to me.
    All my best regards
    Emelie Jönsson


  • Emelie Jönsson
    January 30, 2012 9:43 am


    I work as a researcher for Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, UR, which is one of the Public service companies of Sweden. We are making a TV-series with four programs about ethics and moral from a religious perspective, and the target group is pupils in High school here in Sweden. Our reporter/producer Erik Sandström is travelling the world to meet people with different religions and he is coming to Kolkata, India in about a week.

    I wonder if you would like to participate or help me finding a young couple who are from different religions and has a hard time because of this? We would like to interview them and tell their story, and we will be discreet and understand that this is a delicate matter.

    Please get back to me.
    All my best regards
    Emelie Jönsson

  • Pareesa
    January 30, 2012 12:27 am

    I’m really happy for both of u but I need to ask u a q to converting into Muslim to marry her what u did ???

  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:12 pm

    Experience of British Shikh gir how she was targeted by her Jihadi bf to convert her into Islam


  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:10 pm

    A jihadi to get UK citizenship targetd an underage British sikh girl and made her pregnant


  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:05 pm




    Shilpa Pujari a Hindu GNIIT graduate girl,was lured in love jihad,by IMRAN MASOOM KHAN.A devastating tale of pain,suffering,black magic,black Mailing, torture, converSion.Her full story will make every one cry blood. police has registered a very strong case against imran. we sincerely thank Mumbai police for making this possible. imran is in prison now.

  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:03 pm



    Her name is Pooja Parwani.a underage girl studying at MMK college,Bandra, Mumbai.In this video she describes her tale in her own words.After this she filed a police FIR against this jihadi Shahnawaz and he is serving prison now.

  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:02 pm


    Her name was Sangeeta, now its Sanzeeda Khan.She was a south Indian girl,who has been targeted by a jihadi romeo.This muslim jihadi was already married earlier.His first wife was christian,she was also targeted under love jihad.

    In this video she is confessing to her mistake and wishes to re-correct it.She is extremely guilty now for not listening to her family and changing her statement in front of the judge.Hher body is full of marks that has been given to her by this jihadi who beats her everyday.

  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 12:00 pm


    She is a under age Maharashtrian girl.Her name is Manali Ravindra Sawant.a local criminal named Irfan made her a prey.He also fulfills her day to day financial needs so that she remains inclined towards him forever.In this video she confesses everything and wishes to get out of this ugly trap.

  • jaan
    January 20, 2012 11:59 am

    A Hindu american girl named Shayona Dhanak who’s sister and father were killed by her ex muslim bf.


  • January 2, 2012 6:43 am

    hey i am a Brahman girl and i am dating a boy who is muslim shia. i love him a lot and want to spend my whole life with him.but neither my parents nor his parents want us to marry now plz tell me what should i do ???????????????

    • Shefali
      January 2, 2012 11:14 am

      Ask him to marry you in court. Go for civil marriage.

      • January 2, 2012 10:57 pm

        this thing i know but tell how can i marry him with his parent agreement.

        • Admin
          January 8, 2012 9:57 pm

          Shefali made an excellent point…. if you are smart, go marry by the Indian Special Marriage Act 1954. There are many advantages (no easy talak, no multiple wives, no need to convert as for Nikaah, it will assure your parents that he is not a Love Jihadi, etc). If many Bollywood celebrities did it, why not you? Don’t convert (for Nikaah) to Islam just for marriage, unless you truly believe in Koranic teachings. Did you propose it to your boy friend? Let us know what he has to say.

          • January 13, 2012 1:16 am

            he is agree to marry me with this act.

          • Admin
            January 14, 2012 12:11 pm

            The Special Marriage Act is great and stick with it.
            Next, is he financially independent to support you (and your kids in the future)?
            In addition, read what Seema Maheshwari has to say to Zoya at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1017 . Good luck.

          • radha
            January 23, 2012 8:59 am

            he had his enginneering last year and helping his father in his construction work.

          • admin
            January 23, 2012 9:54 pm

            It will take a lot to make it work. It is good that he is well educated. Unfortunately he is not financially independent, at least not for the near future. For this reason, probably he cannot go against wishes of his parents. Under pressure from his parents, he may change his tune and may start asking for shahadah/nikaah.

            Best is to find fact sooner than later. You both collect courage and go present your plan to both parents. Let it be a big hangama (will be painful for all) but you may find a good way out of it. If not, we will be talking the same thing even after 3 more years. Best wishes!

          • January 24, 2012 7:35 pm

            Please provide all future communication at

  • R
    December 19, 2011 8:59 am

    Hi, I’m punjabi, in love with a muslim bora.
    We have been dating for 3 years now and recently he found out that his mom is looking for girls for him. He asked them if he could marry a hindu . His mom said she’ll disown him if he wanted to. She wasn’t even ready to agree when he said that she’d convert. What am I suppose to do?

    • atish
      December 20, 2011 12:05 am

      You should use your brain. Can you not find someone to be with where you’ll have full freedom? As a muslim you give up a lot of rights. If this is a tough choice for you you’re extremely insane

    • admin
      December 20, 2011 1:14 am

      Dear R,

      You are willing to give up your birth religion for your love, while for him, pleasing his mother is more important than love for you. Actually he should be ready to marry you even without conversion and show that he loves you more than the love of religious conversion. If he is a mommy’s boy, you will have major problems later in your life if he marries you anyways. His mother will run your life. You will have to dance at your mother-in-law’s tunes for whole your life. Is this what you dream about? May be God has something better planned for you.

      Is he financially independent? If yes, then you have some chance. Based on all videos and information on this web site, convince him that he has to make a right choice for your love. Ask him to show his true love. Convince him that after marriage, you will be extra nice to his parents and will win their love back in a few years.

      Do not convert just for the sake of marriage. Separate love and religious matters. If you convert just for namesakes, but don’t truly believe in Koranic teachings, you will have deeper problems later on. Probably it is time to stop-loss now. May be it is time to depart after wasting 3 precious years of life.

      Inspired by Bollywood movies, so many naïve youths, like you, get into trouble. Bollywood and reality of life are different things. We hope the rest learn to make wise choices in life. One should bring up all difficult questions (acceptance by parents, expectations of religious conversion, religion of children by this marriage, etc) within a few months of getting into relationships. Make “informed” decision and sooner than later. Best wishes!

  • Atish
    December 13, 2011 5:32 pm

    There are a lot of Hindu Muslim marriages in America where the Hindu doesn’t convert. Even if the Hindu converts do you really think they believe in Islam? There are a billion Muslims in the world and while most are dogmatic and super religious I know many who drink, eat pork and are pretty much atheist…and they don’t give a damn what other Muslims think cause it’s none of their business. You people are medieval man.

  • sasikumar
    November 17, 2011 10:38 pm

    yah great to listen ..
    god s one ..
    religion s one..
    but people only played in the name of god…
    the worst practice in this world called ” name of godddddd…”
    be practice.. please respect each religious faith oneanother..
    tk uuu..

  • aziz
    November 14, 2011 1:43 pm

    u might not respect ur dumy stone gods but muslims do…if u dnt bilive in ne religon nd jst pose it in ur name ofcz it wont afect..in dis life

    • Muhammad Hashmi
      November 14, 2011 6:04 pm

      What a rude comment. Me personally being a Syed HASHMI Muslim find it absolutely disgusting about how you regard other religions whether it be Hinduism/Christianity/Jews etc. It does not matter what other people post but you are supposed to represent yourself to show what your religion actually stands for. Us Muslims are supposed to show respect to other people regardless of their beliefs. You are supposed to follow the Prophets Examples.. like once when he was passing through mountains and non-muslims stoned him to the point where he bled. His army asked him whether they should kill them but all he did was turned and prayed to God and said “Oh God show them the right way” and continued to walk. Be an example and make people like you rather than hate you and your religion.

      • Funny Guy
        March 15, 2012 11:59 am

        Greeting to Md. Hashmi
        Thanks for such a Great comment I really wish all People will become like this, and start respecting all religion.. there will be no conflicts anymore.
        I really salute to people who does respects all Religion.
        You know.. All religion Says one and the same thing.. but only thing differ is that there way of saying is different. No religion ever says to harm other or disrespect other religion people.

        Just believe there is one Above our head, and that almighty will punish or take action against bad people.

        I have studies all Religion Either Kuran, or Geeta or Bible or Gurugranth.. Every where same thing is written ” God is one.. Believe him. Obey him.. and Respect his people.. as all are people of that Almighty..”

        And i trully thanks to you for being such soft spoken and a true hearted person.

  • aziz
    November 14, 2011 1:40 pm

    islam dont allow interfaith mariges thats true!
    But many people arguging here saying dat v r hapy ..havng interfaith marige i wud lyk to say nd ask them how much they practice there religion?
    4 hindus there religion might nt b imp. Bt 4 muslim islam is way of life..
    Nd any muslim guy or gal havng rltnshp wid ne non.muslim is dong wrong as per islam..
    U might liv gud in this life but hereafter wont be gud..if ne muslim deny hereafter is no more muslim.
    Its not abt u nd muslim soceity its abt u nd god!
    Ppl whu r dng it r nt realy a prctcng muslim or practicng hindu jst hypocrates sayn v r religious!

    • Funny Guy
      March 15, 2012 12:01 pm

      I suggest you just leave it to that Almighty. It will be decided by him whether they are wrong or right. The one who deserves to be punished will surely be punished.

  • ashok
    November 10, 2011 10:22 am

    dear admin,
    thank you for ur valued suggestions but in my before quiery i forget to mention some things which i like to state now. As i’ve said to u earlier tat i don’t believe in god when she asked me to get converted i’ve said i’ll get converted (only for the sake of marrying her and will perform rituals just for their satisfaction in can’t but situations ) but will never perform any rituals as a muslim there after in their absence while leading a nuclear life. (What i feel is after marriage they’ve nothing to do wit religion they are bothered only about the welfare of their daughter and how i’m looking after her as they know tat i’m a born hindu i hope they may not stress much on religious things)
    And i’m even ready for circumsisson but to her i clearly mentioned that as i’m the only son to my parents, my children should be bought up as they wish and moreover if my parents didn’t accept her just on religious basis she too was ready for a secret conversion to hindu(only for making them accept for marriage and also will perform rituals in can’t but situations only to satisfy my parents here also what i feel is as they know my girl is not a born hindu they may not stress much on religious things) and coming to my children i’ll name them wit casual names not any particular muslim or hindu names
    and finally after my children grew upto enough age we’ll let them know completely about both religions and also teach the greatness of the essence of secularism. I want a recognition to my children as good citizens of india than as a hindu or muslim.
    Once again thank you for ur suggestions.

  • ashok
    November 10, 2011 10:21 am

    dear admin,
    thank you for ur valued suggestions but in my before quiery i forget to mention some things which i like to state now. As i’ve said to u earlier tat i don’t believe in god when she asked me to get converted i’ve said i’ll get converted (only for the sake of marrying her and will perform rituals just for their satisfaction in can’t but situations ) but will never perform any rituals as a muslim there after in their absence while leading a nuclear life. (What i feel is after marriage they’ve nothing to do wit religion they are bothered only about the welfare of their daughter and how i’m looking after her as they know tat i’m a born hindu i hope they may not stress much on religious things)
    And i’m even ready for circumsisson but to her i clearly mentioned that as i’m the only son to my parents, my children should be bought up as they wish and moreover if my parents didn’t accept her just on religious basis she too was ready for a secret conversion to hindu(only for making them accept for marriage and also will perform rituals in can’t but situations only to satisfy my parents here also what i feel is as they know my girl is not a born hindu they may not stress much on religious things) and coming to my children i’ll name them wit casual names not any particular muslim or hindu names
    and finally after my children grew upto enough age we’ll let them know completely about both religions and also teach the greatness of the essence of secularism. Once again thank you for ur suggestions

  • Sajaan
    November 7, 2011 9:56 pm

    I can give more than 100 arguments why QURAN is intentionally made by human and now it is working as political umbrella. A Person borns in muslim family, make him muslim with blind beliefs. It is taught from childhood that if once say against Mohammad, he/she, never will go to heaven. No criticism or change in Quran/Muhammad. This is a mad’s intelligence to keep him safe. If one Muslim can convert a non Muslim by marry or by others process, Heaven is open for that person. Therefore Muslims do marry non muslims by any costs.

    Any where, if three muslim gathers, they make organizations, mosque and counseling how to expand community. The give funds if one person is muslim. No help or aid for non muslims.

    One male can marry many women to enlarge poulations and/or their lusts. But women are preserved only for one muslim/s and kill if any woman marry more than one husbands. Muslim girls can not marry non muslim guys. BUt they can if some one becomes muslim for heaven. Oh my GOD, how one sided exploitations are desiged in Islam for women very unlike liberty from civilization view point??????

    Muhammad will only recommend for muslims to go heaven; not for others religions even they are honest and do tons of good works. The more childs, the more mosques, the more Islamic organizatins elsewhere, the more muslim expansions will be in the world. This was Muhammad’s policy and politics and to be praised in leadership philosophy. Only Muslims to muslims are brothers. Others are Kafer /enemy. No help them. Battle with them at least from mind.

    Command in that way: “Muslims who have money and power, use that!!!!! to capture weak/poor non muslims. Marry them, convert them for your heaven. Explain that!!! Islam is peaceful, kind, have high unity, no discriminataion convert them. Make strategies to marry to convert for your heaven. Don’t care how converter’s family gets shock or not. We need Islam. Never be disrespectful on this or criticize. If you do that once, you are no longer Muslim and thus no heaven”.

    In such way Islam is proceeding in India, China, USA, Europe. The highest miseries and ill-fates for those non muslims who are in Islamic countries. It is terrible.

    A request and hope Muslims will get free from this absurd blindness which is in deeed burden and right violations for many peoples. Thanks

    • aziz
      November 14, 2011 1:54 pm

      u r pathatic than pathatic
      jst go irf.net nd find answes to ur miscnceptions
      nd bilive me islam is religon of truth nd mercy nd justice
      nd it wil prevail over all other ways of life nd religions no mater how much u hate it!
      Jst to tel u dat i hav many gud non muslim freinds but i luv god more than nethng.. Nd wnt cmpromise

      • aditya
        November 9, 2013 1:53 pm

        aziz do not talk rubbish ok.you know wat god reside in every human .if you do gud to a needy person whether its hindu it is worth 5 times of namaz.you know wat what matter in islam is knowledge of islam rather than
        mere worship.just cauz of people lik u person are thinking bad about islam.trust me islam is just a religion of love not war.if u we,hindu are kafir then tell me how we came in this world.read uraan once again bhai .in islam thre z no compulsion of religion.if u still think hindus are kafir or we are not equal to u i will say with sorrow that u do not know islam and do not deserve to be in islam

  • November 6, 2011 3:08 am

    Hey guys and girls,
    I am a Hindu and in a relationship with an Islamic girl, we both love each other and can go to any extent to live with each other…

    We both don’t have any problem with each other’s faiths, she will continue her faith as she desires and I completely support her, even my family members are welcoming…

    so what I wanna ask is that is there any problem in this or anything wrong in this??

    Thanks in advance

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=866

    • Admin
      November 6, 2011 1:31 pm


      Interfaith marriage is one amongst the most fundamental sinful actions in Islam after shrik, rebellion against parental authority and killing a person without any legal reason. For your relationship, do you have to convert to Islam by Shahadah before your Islamic Nikaah (marraige)? If yes, explain us what religious conversion has to do with your love and respect for each other’s faith? Is – a must requirement of religious conversion of a Hindu to marry a Muslim – fair? Is that Muslim-(former)Hindu union a marriage of EQUALITY?

      Lets hope your relationship will be like Hrithik Roshan-Sussanne Khan, and not like Sharmila Tagore-Pataudi (and their son Saif Ali Khan).

      Baptism, Bris or Shahadah/Sunat as a ritual is not an issue, but the thought process behind asking for it is a concern. Koran states…associating partners (like Lord Krishna?) with Allah, including worship of idols (like Ganesh’s murti?), offering prayers or supplications (like prasad) to anyone, living or dead, is the greatest of all sins. The Bible states more than 30 times that LORD their God is a Jealous and Angry God and will not tolerate praying to “other gods.” Are Lord Rama and Goddess Laxmi other gods or not comparable to Allah(God)? Christians and Muslims are taught that only believers in their faith will achieve salvation or others will get Hell of Fire on the Judgment Day. Does it mean Mahatma Gandhi will go to hell?

      I am glad your Hindu parents are supporting your relationship. How about her Muslim parents? First talk to her parents and clarify on the conversion business, then come back and we will talk more. Best wishes!

      • Prateek
        November 10, 2011 2:36 pm

        Dear Admin,
        Thanks for such nice reply…I need not convert but still her family is not happy with whats going on…as far as love is concerned we both love each other to death…and respect each other’s faiths equally and moreover we both believe in Humanity rather than Hinduism or Islam alone…

        • Admin
          November 11, 2011 1:42 am

          Prateek (and Ashok),

          It must be VERY PAINFUL for young people like you to get trapped into this religious war. Like GURUMAA answered to my question (video), it is the politicians and the priest class who want to keep this conversion business going for their personal gain and vote power. In year 2011, it is unimaginable why one person has to give up their birth religion by force (of love) just to please a Pope or an Imam.

          I could see that your Muslim girl friend is genuine and tolerant and I am sure her parents are the same way, but parents may be worrying about clashes with their community and religious leaders. If they sense that you are a weak minded, they will use double powerful to convert you. Read that is written all over this web site and then argue with your girl friend and her parent why you have to convert. Tell them how they will feel if you ask her and her parents to convert to Hinduism?

          If they argue that Hindus have to convert because it is written in Koran, then remind her that dating with an idol worshiper Hindu is also against Koran. She should have thought about Koran before asking you for a date. Now asking for conversion is the worst form of LOVE PROSYLTISM. I am sure they will not ask you to convert.

          You are born in FREE INDIA, not under thousand years of foreigner’s rule. Don’t be submissive because someone is irrational. If you convert, mean you are feeding this conversion business and it will go on for 1000 more years. If you feed a shark, it will come back for more food. It is a time for change, and the change should start with you, Ashok and Prateek. You guys are Anna Hazare (who is looking for a change against corruption) of this conversion business. Be a role model for thousands of other young adults like you.

          Assure her parents that you will take good care of their daughter and will keep her with respect. I am sure they will consider.

          They may ask…..
          “how are you planning to get married?” and
          “what will be the religion of children?”
          ……so what will you answer?

          • Prateek
            December 4, 2011 2:55 am

            Dear Admin,

            Thanks for a nice reply…now let me share some of my ideas on your page, i said I need not convert…u know till last month i never touched upon the topic of religion with her, and when i did you know what reply i got from her,”Prateek since when have you started believing in this and as far as I know we both have just one religion that is love and nothing else…”, am so happy that she thinks like this…your first question that how i am planning to get married, answer is that we will marry two times first as per islam and next as per hindus….as far as religion of children is considered they are gonna be a amalgam of both. I must say, because they will grow up with us and ofcourse, we will tell them our story, they will get the best of both worlds and will learn to respect people above everything thing….and now u’ll say that when u get married by nikah then u’ll have to convert i would say that i am much less of a hindu than i am of islam, these petty things dont matter to me, what matters to me is that our bond of love should be as tight as possible….now next thing is family, hers and mine, problem for family is created by society; she said to me that she would elope with me but i said no to this…cuz afterall they are her family, i will have to talk it out of the situation and still if nothing works then we might elope….

          • Prateek
            December 4, 2011 3:19 am

            One more thing that I wish to add:-

            It seems to me that loving somebody of other religion is more like following a protocol not feelings, i mean i dont understand, why dont people get above this…after all all religions teach and preach about love, affection, care isnt it??, then why people keep falling in the same trap again and again??….and if you really love your girl cant you just skip shahadah…or better still design a whole new system, out of you two, a new religion, all this crops up in the name of god right??

            Now I ask what exactly is god, let me answer it. God is something purely immaterial and abstract, we humans want to believe that god is present because it helps us to keep in check, its something we look upto when nothing is in our hands…its like worshipping a supreme power; and do you know why we do this because Human beings a.k.a. Homo sapiens are the most evolved form of any species present here. Just take it this way if someday a much more advanced species comes to our planet, we will start worshipping them….early man used to worship basic elements of nature (wind, air, heat etc)….now I ask why cant we worship love?? because love has everything that you can think of….
            (maybe I got a bit too philosophical, but this is just the tip of iceberg that I have in mind).


    • November 7, 2011 10:17 pm

      I can give more than 100 arguments (from science and History) why QURAN is intentionally made by human and now it is working as political umbrella. A Person borns in muslim family ,make him muslim with blind beliefs. It is taught from chdhood that if once say against Mohammad, he/she, never will go heaven. No criticism or change in Quran/Muhammad. This is amad’s intelligence to keep him safe. If one Muslim can convert a non Muslim by marry or by others process. Heaven is open for that person. Therefore Muslims do marry non muslims by any costs. Any where,if three muslim gathers, they make organzations,mosque,counseling how to expand community. The give funds if one person is muslim.No help or aid for non muslims. One male can marry many women to enlarge poulations and/or their lusts. But women are prserved only for one muslim/s and kill if any woman marry more than one hsbands. Muslim girls can not marry non muslim guys. BUt they can if some one becomes muslim for heaven. Oh my GOD , how one sided exploitations are desiged in Islam for women very unlike liberty from civilization view point?????? Mhammad will only recommend for muslims to go heaven; not for others religions even they are honest and do tons of good works. The more childs, the more mosques,the more Islamic organizatins elsewhere, the more muslim expansions will be in the world. This was Muhammad’s policy and politics and to be praised in leadership philosophy. Only Muslims to muslims are brothers.Others are Kafer /enemy. No help them. Battle with them at least from mind. Command in that way: “Muslims who have money and power , use that!!!!! to capture weak/poor non muslims .Marry them,convert them for your heaven. Explain that!!! Islam is peaceful,kind,have high unity, no discriminataion convert them . Make strategies to marry to convert for your heaven.Don’t care how convrter’s family gets shock or not” . ” We need Islam. Never be disrespectful on this or criticize.If you do that once,you are no longer Muslim and thus no heaven”. In such way Islam is proceeding in India,China, USA,Europe. The highest miseies anllfates for those non muslims who are in Islamic countries. It is in one sense terrible. Any request and hope Muslims will get free from this absurd blindness which is in deeed burden and right violations for many peoples. Thanks

  • Sherlock
    October 29, 2011 2:03 pm

    N dara patel
    I wish ppl lik u r never born
    U r a *******

  • Sherlock
    October 29, 2011 1:59 pm

    U can’t imagine how touchd I m by ur story…ts sch a rare case to find a muslim n his fmily so liberal n open minded…
    I salute u n wish thr r many ppl like u born in ths living hll calld earth..

  • Dhruv
    August 28, 2011 5:09 pm

    Om nibh: nivh: nirh: suh:

  • November 18, 2010 12:24 pm

    To Dara Patel,

    Yeah, you are worse than an animal.

  • Dara Patel
    November 17, 2010 4:21 pm

    My experience has been that parents whose daughters are taught the interfaith tolerance bit are much easier for temporary sexual relations. I have had great experiences with all 3 types of faith, muslim, xtian and hindu girls. But i reserved the roughest sex for the girls that were Hindu and had interfaith written on them. Suprisingly that aroused them even more and I had even more fun. Though I had to disappear from the picture when all these girls got the marriage rabies and wanted something “serious” i had to disappear off the seen with some excuse. (Had to make it good, if i wanted repeat booty)

    Thanks to all you interfaith lot.

    • November 18, 2010 12:24 pm

      To Dara Patel,

      Yeah, you are worse than an animal.

    • Sherlock
      October 29, 2011 2:03 am

      N dara patel
      I wish ppl lik u r never born
      U r a *******

    • luckyblogger
      March 1, 2018 5:04 pm

      if this is ur karma so be it. we all will face god someday

  • November 2, 2010 12:36 am

    Finding good in all religions? All religions are same!

    God is all love, may be. But Allah about love? It is about being a slave to him. I do not think he will care for your spouse or children. This is the problem with Islam.

  • Premkumar
    September 24, 2010 12:48 am

    What you did is very right Leona. Life is too short. And it is you who will decide about your life. Why should you listen to some stupid clergies or priests and decide your faith. You have all the capacity and intelligence to take any decision and enjoy the life. Why should you beleive in some crap which someone force on you. Do what you think is right and live. In Hinduism you are a free bird. select your own God, there are millions of them. Pray if you feel, follow the rites if you find it’s right and acceptable to you. It’s all yours. No Fatwas if you don’t follow things or freighten with Satan attack etc.. Live your life as you wish. Also the only religion which practically teaches how to attain Nirvana, only if you are intersted. The Religion which gave the world Yoga and Meditation techniques which every other religion follows. The religion which teaches to find God even in the stones, plants and animals and treat them like god. And a God which tells you that do not follow what he says blindly but think and decide if it is right only then….100% liberalised

  • LH
    September 4, 2010 6:46 pm

    Being born in a secular country, and being a hindu, I was taught to love and respect all religion. This was until I fell in love with a Muslim.

    A muslim boy courted me when I was in university. He promised me that when it comes to marriage, I would NEVER need to convert. I could stay in my religion and we could marry under civil law. I made it clear to him that I would NEVER convert to Islam under ANY circumstances. He kept promising me that I would NEVER need to convert. It was only after his promise that I agreed and went into a relationship with him.

    During our initial courtship, everything went well. But, soon, small problems started. I was always wearing the ‘pottu’ (a little black dot on the forehead which most hindu girls would wear). My boyfriend kept asking me if I would stop wearing it after marriage. I got mad at him after a while and stopped talking to him for a few days. To me, I felt that he was asking me to change a part of me that had always been there. Why should I change it when he had fallen in love with me knowing that I was a hindu? He stopped asking me when I got angry with him. But when our relationship deepened, he told me that I MUST stop wearing the ‘pottu’ and also told me that I had to stop eating pork when I was not with him. He also told me that I MUST stop eating from Chinese stalls even when I’m not with him. Out of the love I had for him, I stopped wearing the ‘pottu’ and stopped eating my favourite Chinese food.

    Four years into our relationship, the real big problems started. He told his parents about us. His parents insisted that I must convert if I were to marry him. I told him that I was willing to wait for him to get his parents’ permission but I would not be able to convert. However, his parents made life hell for him. His mother even called me and started scolding me. She then twisted our conversation and lied to my boyfriend that I had used vulgarities on her and him.

    My boyfriend started being grumpy and started taking it out on me. At first, he didn’t ask me to convert, however, as his parents kept insisting, he kept pestering me and asking me to consider converting. So, I told him that we shall see after going for the religious classes (compulsory for converting). During one of the religious classes, my ustaz asked me about my opinion of Islam. I told him frankly that I didn’t believe in Islam and if I converted, it would only be because of marriage. He got angry and told me that it would be better if I left my boyfriend. It is ‘better to cry tears of blood now than cry tears of blood later’. Those were his exact words. After that incident, I told my boyfriend that there was no way I was going to convert. This became a big issue. My boyfriend told his father and his father called the religious centre and scolded them for pushing me further away from the religion.

    Everything was status quo for a while until my boyfriend’s uncles started interfering. All of them started scolding my boyfriend and told him that he was doing a great sin. They told him that I must convert to Islam and follow the teachings of Islam. My boyfriend finally broke down when one of his uncles told him that ‘if you marry a non-muslim, your child would be a bastard’.

    It was after this incident that my boyfriend told me that I would either have to convert or leave him. He told me that it was well-known that whoever marries a muslim must convert and he doesn’t understand why I should make it a big issue. I was devastated. At this time, it was already 7 years into our relationship. I viewed this as a betrayal of trust and hypocrisy (asking me to do something that he himself would not be able to do). Our very relationship had started on the promise that I would never need to convert. By that time, it was very difficult for me to leave him as I was already deeply in love with him. I fell into severe depression because converting to Islam was also something that I really couldn’t get myself to do. I had been pushed into a corner and it was then that my deep hatred for Islam started.

    Finally, I agreed to convert (with my parent’s permission). My boyfriend’s parents then insisted that I should change my name too and add Abdullah at the back of my name. This, I refused. Again, a lot of problems but I stood firm about my name which my parents had given me.

    During my nikkah, my father was not allowed to give me off as his daughter because he was not a muslim. He was not even allowed to be my witness. The person who gave me off was someone whom I didn’t even know.

    I also realized that if anything were to happen to me, my parents will not get a share of the insurance they had bought for me. They would also not get a share in any of my hard-earned earnings because they are not muslims. According to Faraid law, a non-muslim cannot inherit from a muslim.

    A few months into my marriage, a muslim neighbour told me that I should not visit my parents because my parents have dogs and that dogs are considered dirty (I happen to love dogs). She also told me that I should start praying seriously. I just shrugged off her stupidity.

    I am sharing my story in the hope that non-muslims who fall in love with a muslim would sit back and think about what they are getting themselves into.

    [Side-note: I have to add that my boyfriend (now my husband) is not a bad person. He just happens to come from a very unhappy family where the father always verbally abused the mother and where relatives interfered in other people’s lives. I am not sure if this is a ‘islam’ thing. To keep my story short, I had missed out portions and events which led to my husband slowly realizing that Islam was not that great a religion after all. I am lucky that through some incidents, my husband began to realize that my parents and I would be the one who would stand by him when he needs help and not his muslim relatives. He also felt very bad about his betrayal to me. When he saw that I had changed from a very cheerful, chirpy person to a depressed person who was always crying, he made some compromises. After marriage, I converted out of Islam, with his knowledge. None of his family knows. He has also agreed for our children to grow up as free-thinkers.]


    • Am
      August 28, 2011 5:24 pm

      I was also thinking to mary Muslim girl but your story making me afraided but these Muslims are mostly converted from Hindus and also humans so where has gone their humanity? And one thing please give new generation a good way for interreligion marriage what should be done for making it successful?

      • admin
        August 29, 2011 7:09 am

        There are tolerant and in-tolerant people in any religion. A simple test is “NO BBS.” If her intention is ultimately to convert, end the relationship right on that point. Simple!

      • Funny Guy
        March 18, 2012 1:24 pm

        Hey have you got married ?? If So just tell me how to convince My gf’s father..

        • Macky
          January 18, 2014 6:34 am

          Hey if the guy above responds, tell me too. I too got a very angry to-be-father in law to convince.

    • ashok
      November 9, 2011 9:52 am

      Myself i’m Ashok, Though i don’t believe in god i’ve much religious tolerance. Here i’m taking this opportunity to ask u a suggestion about hindu muslim interfaith marriage. i’m also a hindu by birth and I’m in love with a muslim but the genders differ (here girl is muslim). except a few clashes regarding religious things we are very happy in our love life from the past 3 years and she’s ready to put a bindi for my sake and i’m ready to let her practise all her beliefs especially in the month of ramzan

      i’m the only son of my parents and they love me a lot but i can’t say upto what extent they can accept her. But she’s really good and ready to do anything for me. I doesn’t know much about either of the religions and she knows much about her religion (once or twice during dispute times she criticised hinduism for their idol worships) she suggested me to follow islam in order to make her parents accept for our marriage and she follows her religion in full swing at special days but will be mostly normal during other days (won’t wear burkha won’t do namaz during normal days not ever her parents do) but to be frank she’s very loving and caring for me.

      Now with our experiences can u plz quote me what sort of problems we both may face in future in the name of this stupid religions. Am i doing anything wrong by choosing her as my life partner? But there is no chance for changing my opinion, already the decision has been taken at my mind and i’m fixed to her.

      Why people won’t give 1st preference to humanity than to religion? When they will realise that we all people are born as humans and religion is nothing but a way of life?

      • admin
        November 10, 2011 12:10 am

        Dear Ashok,

        Your Muslim girl friend seems like an open-minded for the fact “she’s ready to put a bindi.” If she is truly like Salman or Seema Maheshwari, there will not be any problem and you will have a wonderful happy married life lasting forever. However it is important to be a realist and find out facts now.

        The fact that “She criticized Hinduism for their idol worships” is a MAJOR concern. Shah Rukh Khan has no reservation performing Hindu Gods’ pooja (idol worship), does it mean he is not a Muslim? Both of you should sit down and read all verses from Koran on Hindus? and discuss what it mean to you as a couple.

        You wrote, “She suggested me to follow Islam…” what does that mean? Are you willing to convert to Islam? Are you willing to have a new Muslim name (at the time of Shahadah)? Are you planning to have an Islamic Nikaah (marriage; after conversion)? Are you planning to give your children Muslim names and have sunat circumcision to announce them Muslims? Are you clear that you will never perform pooja (idol worship?) and will never entering into a Hindu temple to satisfy her request to “follow Islam?” May be you don’t mind doing all these for your love for the girl. You parents will have to accept your choices.

        There is a second option where every one sacrifices a little bit. You mentioned that she is “ready to do anything for me” then ask her that 1) you will stay what you are (never convert; and she will remain what she is) and 2) children will not be “labeled” with any religion (like sunat) till their age 21 years. Children will go to a temple and a mosque every week, and will learn from Koran and Geeta equally. Both your parents will not like it in the beginning, but when they realize the beauty of your love and TRUE respect for each other’s faith, they will love you even more. Is not that fair and beautiful? Is not that, in your words, “1st preference to humanity than to religion?”

        Please get back to us to inform which one of two options is logical and right for you?

        Also read Prateek.

        • Ashok
          November 10, 2011 10:22 am

          dear admin,

          thank you for ur valued suggestions but in my earlier quiery i forget to mention some things which i like to state now. As i’ve said to u earlier that i don’t believe in god when she asked me to get converted i’ve said i’ll get converted (only for the sake of marrying her and will perform rituals just for their satisfaction) but will never perform any rituals as a muslim there after in their absence while leading a nuclear life. (What i feel is after marriage they’ve nothing to do with religion they are bothered only about the welfare of their daughter and how i’m looking after her as they know that i’m a born hindu i hope they may not stress much on religious things).

          And i’m even ready for circumsisson but to her i clearly mentioned that as i’m the only son to my parents, my children should be bought up as they wish and moreover if my parents didn’t accept her just on religious basis she too was ready for a secret conversion to hindu (only for making them accept for marriage and also will perform rituals in can’t but situations only to satisfy my parents here also what i feel is as they know my girl is not a born hindu they may not stress much on religious things)

          And coming to my children i’ll name them with casual names not any particular muslim or hindu names. and finally after my children grew upto enough age we’ll let them know completely about both religions and also teach the greatness of the essence of secularism.

          Once again thank you for ur suggestions.

          • Admin
            November 16, 2011 9:10 am

            Dear Ashok,

            So, you are ready to convert to Islam and be circumcised, even you don’t believe in Allah(God)!?!! Is this a premeditated lie or helplessness?

            You are in a VERY SAD situation. We feel your pain and suffering. Now you are compelled to do that you do not believe in. Instead of being a happy and free bird, you are now trapped into a love-cage. It is very difficult for a single individual like you to fight against religious rigidity and selfish interest of some religious leaders (view Gurumaa). As much as you hate “stupid religions,” now you are prepared to nurture and feed them by converting. With your submission to injustice, they will be even more powerful tomorrow to convert other innocent youths. And one day, even your children will also go out and convert other innocent victims like you for the religions dogma. So when will it end? Is this fair?

            Unless Muslims tell us otherwise, the Shahadah (conversion) is not a hollow ritual devoid of meaning. Conversion to Islam is not an ON-OFF switch. If you are the one with some self-esteem, why would you do something that you do not believe in? Why would you start your married life journey in a wrong direction? Why would you make “lies and deception” a foundation of your marriage?

            Don’t convert and ultimately she will come to terms. Get married the right way, like Shah Rukh Khan, Rhithik Roshan, Fardeen Khan, Gadar, Namastey London, Jodaah bai, Seema and Salman.

            Instead of “Islam for One Day” your concept above, we recommend:

            1) Go to her Mosque, read Koran and learn more on Islam. If you find out that Islam is a better religion than Hinduism or (your) atheism, yes, then convert and accept Islam whole heartedly. Or

            2) Forget about this conversion business. You remain 100% what you are and let her be 100% what she is. Go to a court and get married. Teach your children about both faiths, secularism and humanity; and without any formal religious label on chidren. At children’s age 21, let them pick one of two religions by their own choice. In long run, you will be very happy that you took the path of truth.

            Shahadah may be a 10 minutes ritual, but it will set a new tone for your life. Further, it may have major legal implications for you: A) Lets say something happen to you the next day after Shahadah. Now, your parents may want to give you Hindu cremation final rites, while your wife wants you to have an Islamic burial. Most probably, the court will approve the Islamic burial because you are (were) legally a Muslim. B) Lets say after 5 years of marriage, now you get a divorce. For children custody battle, the court may give a judgment in favor of the Muslim spouse and may ban you from teaching them Hindu religion or atheism, because these children are Muslims, since both parents are (were) also Muslims.

            If you want an insurance against potential legal issues listed above, like you mentioned, ask her to “formally” convert to Hinduism and document it (a video and credible witnesses). However, we do not recommend this dirty conversion business for marriage, unless one really believes in that faith.

            Now about the circumcision, why would you want to cut your private part? Ouch! Most world health authorities have not endorsed the circumcision as beneficial. The foreskin has abundant nerve endings increasing your sensual feelings. After divorce you cannot get back your lost private part!

            Do not do that you do not believe in, other wise one day you will be in the position of Dee (My wife calls me Kafir, I wish I die!). Instead, working with your girl friend, spread the message of love (and not religious intolerance). Set an example. Be a role model. Bring a real change to secular India. Be bold! Be brave, like Ashok the Great! Don’t convert.

          • Infidel
            March 4, 2017 4:55 am

            If you don’t believe in religion, why are going to be converted in Islam. There are many such Hindus, who think that they don’t believe in religion but get converted or do any thing else when required. Is it not opportunism ? Moreover, why your girl friend is not willing to be converted in Hinduism ? If she loves you, love would be her highest priority. If she is not willing to convert , that means she loves her religion much much more than you. This is called LOVE JIHAD and you are the prey of the Jihad.

    • Funny Guy
      March 18, 2012 1:23 pm

      See My name Its Funny Guy.. My situation is like Society had made fun of me..

      My Situation is that, I am a Hindu and My gf is a Muslim.
      We both want to marry each other.

      The only problem is our Parents, and they are sure afraid of society and relatives.

      We both don’t want to hurt our parents.

      Suggest us some way .

      As soon as possible. Coz time for us is running out very fast..

      • March 19, 2012 2:01 pm

        In Islam there is no dating at all. And as well a Muslim woman cannot marry anyone other than a Muslim. In Islam when a Muslim wants to marry, they make an intention for marriage and seek a suitable partner either through a “Wali” (guardian) or through parents. She if she has never been married before would need one of the two. If she was divorced then she would not need either one of the two. The fact that she is doing everything against her religion which she identify with, makes me ask, “What part of Islam does she identify with?” Both are treading down a path of misery. The Muslim society IF they knew of what she did would alienate her from their social circle. (because she is a bad example of a Muslim.) Does that means you cannot convert to Islam? You can. If you are concerned about your parents thinking then this is not what would probably appeal to you. So what can you do? You can stupidly marry her and there will be upset. Or Convert to Islam and marry her and there will be upset. Sounds like you both think with your heart and not your mind. Anyone reading this and this same circumstance should well enough know that you are an example of what NOT to do. Many wish they had 20/20 hindsight, but you walk right into trouble. Is this how you are going to manage your whole life?

    • preethi
      December 21, 2017 11:20 pm

      i loved a muslim guy from the botom of my heart.im hindu.he said his parents r not gng to acept me. they want me to convert to muslim.now he is nnot talking to me.he said breakup.its realy very unbearbl fr me.im into depresn kinda thng.someone pls help me wt to do

  • seema maheshwari
    June 22, 2010 6:29 pm

    My husband and I were in Europe last week. We were visiting Vatican city and had an opprtunity to see Saint Peters Cathedral. As in all Churches, there was Holy Water in a basin. The Catholics were dipping their fingers in it and crossing themselves. I had walked on past it but my husband stopped. He dipped his fingers in the water, put some on his head (as Hindus do) and walked towards me. I looked uncomfortable. There were so many inconsistencies here. This was Catholic Holy water and he as a Hindu was putting it on his head and then wanted to put it on mine. He looked at me and said “Holy Water is Holy Water in all religions” A good lesson to be learned by all.

  • seema maheshwari
    May 18, 2010 8:41 am

    One of my Husbands favorite saying is “everyone is a Hindu”. Since Hinduism believes in Multiple Gods there is plenty of room for Jesus, Allah, Yawah etc. Hinduism for him is a way of life, not to be practiced only on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. He is the most tolerant person I know.

    I am a born Muslim. Our Abrahamic faiths on the other hand are bent on up-staging each other. I have been told both by a Christian and a Muslim that I will go to hell for not believing in Jesus and marrying a non-Muslim, respectively. These same people forget the all important message of love that was preached be various Prophets. To me only God is infallible, therefore these naysayers are truly ignorant. I have made an observation in my 37 years abroad, both in Canada, and the U.S, that immigrants from the Indian sub-continent become less tolerant of other religions. Are they feeling guilty of abandoning the homeland?

    My thoughts are random but many. My Daughters are in College, where they are repeatedly asked to declare their religion by fellow students. No one accepts it when they say that they are two different ones. They are required to put a check mark against only one (metaphorically speaking). I have counseled them to say that they are Hindus, after all Hindus believe in multiple Gods and their life will be less complicated. But God Bless them, they adamantly refuse. “We are what we are, we are happy, we won’t change and no one can make us feel bad.”

    Its complicated and God Bless all of us for trying to do our best.

    • Am
      August 28, 2011 5:28 pm

      Your Hinduism meaning is really right and i have got really hope to
      marry some muslim girl like you.

    • Funny Guy
      March 18, 2012 1:47 pm

      Hey Ms. Seema.. Please suggest me.. How your Husband convinced your dad for marriage ??

      I am in the same trouble..

      Just help me to get rid out of this Situation..

  • minnie
    May 3, 2010 2:42 pm

    Thank you for this. This is what I was looking for. I wanted more and a direction to follow things in. I’m religious, I beleive in God and Jesus, but I’m lacking in strong conviction. Tarek is pushing for me to learn more, and he is there when I have questions. He was thrilled when I took upon myself to learn more. We havent gotten to the bigger issues yet, but we will. I am very open minded. My mother is a devote Christian and my father was a Wiccan. So yes I grew upo in a household of two religions so I’m very open minded. If and when the time comes for these decissions to be made they will be and if it means that much to him I have no problem for our children to raised that way. We are both divorced, I have a child already, he does not. So this is a new learning experience for the both of us. My only thing is, right now I have no feeling to convert and he understands and has never asked me of this. I don’t think he ever will, but we will see. Thank you for this above. It means a great deal to me.

  • admin
    April 30, 2010 7:57 pm

    Minnie (#8 above),
    First find out who you are. Are you a “proud” Christian or just a “born” Christian? How much your childhood Christian teachings mean to you? How much you care for your Christian heritage?

    The Salman and may be Seema Maheshwari’s examples on this site gave you “HOPE!” Does it mean you are looking for an Interfaith Relationships with Equality?

    Instead of assuming any thing, why don’t you two sit down and answer step-wise to what is stated on this web site (from Dharmic-Muslim relationship page – slightly modified for you):

    Islam has very strict requirements for marriage. A Muslim may expect an intended … spouse to
    1) Convert to Islam by taking Shahadah oaths before marriage (Nikaah) – are you okay to have an irreversible conversion from Christianity to Islam by Shahadah?
    2) ..be given a Muslim name- are you okay if given a new Arabic name?
    3) expect the children to have Arabic names – is that okay?
    4) children have Sunat (religious circumcision) and raised in the Islamic faith – no Baptism or Sunday church visits, is that okay?
    5) will not allow ..Lord Jesus picture.. displayed in your living room – is that okay?
    6) there is no other marriage ceremony – do you wish for a church wedding?

    If you both have true “LOVE” instead of “love for man-made rituals,” propose a civil wedding (like Salman did). Let’s hope you and your intended spouse are open-minded like Salman and Seema.

    Now lets look at a deeper issue…


    Christians generally believe Lord Jesus is a (son of) God and that FAITH IN JESUS is the only way to achieve salvation and to enter into heaven. Contrary to that, Koran teaches to have FAITH IN ALLAH (God). Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle (4:171). Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! (19:34). Further, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88). Unbelievers are those that say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (5:70) and “God is one of three” (5:72). Unbelievers will get “Hell of Fire.” Further, Allah told….”Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51)

    Which God will rule in your intended married life?
    1) Will (Lord) Jesus (Christ) going to be a son of God or just an apostle?
    2) Will your children have SUNAT or BAPTISM?
    You must decide only one of two for both questions above. There is nothing like….”both” or a middle ground like SUN-TISM!! If you decide “none” for these questions, on the Day of Judgment, both Gods will be unhappy and you and your spouse will “not achieve salvation” and on top will get “Hell of Fire.”

    Tackle the inter-faith problems directly….don’t sweep them under the table. Don’t assume that you will resolve differences sometime after you get married. Pre-marital problems generally grow into “Hindenburg class disasters” after marriage. If you are not convinced for this last statement, watch interesting videos here:


    • Funny Guy
      March 18, 2012 1:56 pm

      Hey Admin..
      Please Suggest me How should i convince my Gf’s father who is a muslim..

      Please reply soon.. As time is running out for us.

      • March 18, 2012 10:20 pm

        Hi Funny guy,

        Do not rush into any decision. Follow that Prateek is trying to work out. Do not convert for a name-sake, unless your prime interest is a religious conversion. Read..Karan. Best wishes.

  • minnie bowen
    April 26, 2010 3:14 pm

    I just wanted to say thank you for sharing. I’m in a Christian-Muslim relationship here in the States. I care so much about him. I’m giving it my all to learn about Islam, and try to understand why he feels certain ways about things. Thank you so much for sharing. It gives me hope! And thank you Salman for that story it meant so much to me!

  • admin
    April 11, 2010 4:22 pm

    🙂 I Salute this Muslim, Salman (above #6).
    🙂 I Salute a Muslim, Seema Maheshvari (see a blog under the same heading on this web site).

    😛 Bravo …… Salman and Seema ……. for speaking out!!!!! You are a role model for other tolerant young adults.

  • Salman
    April 8, 2010 1:53 pm

    I do agree with what a lot of you are saying, there is no tolerance from Muslim families (who are that strict) in belief when it comes to marrying someone from the Sikh, Hindu, etc. religions. HOWEVER, I am speaking from my personal life, that my wife is Sikh and I have never asked her to convert nor could I, I love her to death, and the day I almost lost her forever was the worst day of my life and still puts me in a sweat. We have loved each other since we were kids (14-15) and her religion is a major part of who she is. I could never take that away from her. So to anyone in an interfaith marriage or considering an interfaith relationship, be as strong as my wife is and never give up our identity.

    My relatives in Pakistan know that she is Sikh and will stay Sikh, her name has not been changed and I know that a lot of people are surprised, including some of our close friends. But I don’t care what society or people say, because I always loved her like that and I always will. So I urge the young people and old, to not give up your upbringing and lose your culture. No matter who you are with, be yourself. Value what your family has instilled in you and don’t let it go.

    Maybe I’m out of Islam, I don’t know, but I do attend any Sikh akand paaths with her and we do celebrate Diwali at our home. I love my marriage and we are best friends above anything else. No one has the guts to say anything to her about her choice to stay Sikh or mine in not converting her. Don’t marry someone who doesn’t support you is what I say. Marriage is a union between 2 people, not where one should dominate. And I also want to point out that my family does love her, and my family has even to my surprise learned quite a bit about Sikhism from her! So be liberal, live and let live.

    God is just love and nothing else.

    • shilpi
      August 7, 2011 4:28 pm

      Hi Salman

      I truly Respect that you have not got your wife converted into Islam. But is it Legal for hindu-muslim to marry each other without the Former being embraced to islam? Please Reply

      • admin
        August 7, 2011 8:57 pm

        Legal? ….go to a court and register for a marriage, so that is legal as per the national law. Check with a lawyer in your country and let us know details here. If Salman could do it, why not you two? Salman is a role model for an Interfaith Marriage with Equality. If someone you love cannot show you the same respect, why would you want to bother?

        • VP
          August 13, 2011 9:29 am

          To marry with a person following other faith does not require to change the religion. But if Hindu marries Hindu, there is a protection under Hindu Marriage Act in India, by passage of time, one can pursue foreign courts to follow Indian Laws in such cases.However, it depends on many other Factors.

          VP, Lawyer from India

    • Dhruv
      August 28, 2011 5:40 pm

      You are in my eyes the real saint on the earth who gives the education
      of love by fighting himselves you are a role model for our generation, you are the one who is really spreading love.
      Om nibh: nivh: nirh: suh: sup: sah: Bhaprh: Bhudam.

  • Sanjay
    March 29, 2010 3:02 pm

    I was in a “semi-serious” relationship with a Muslim girl for several months. I say that in quotes because let’s be honest, we all knew where it was headed. Initially of course it just started out as a mutual attraction, we loved spending time together, all that good stuff. Then as we grew more emotionally attached, she began bringing up conversion. It is me converting (from Hinduism), of course, not her. At first it was easy to laugh it off, but the same question kept coming up over and over again.

    As we grew closer I discovered that she was not a very religious Muslim at all and had a much more open-minded and worldly view of God and faith than is usually taught by Islam—so really we weren’t that incompatible after all—but at the same time I found it stunning the degree to which she had been brainwashed.
    I was raised in a fairly religious Hindu household, but really I don’t consider myself “Hindu” as much as a “Hindu/Buddhist/Agnostic/ Spiritual”—but that’s beside the point. The problem lay with her family, who would surely never approve of me, not to speak of what they would think of her. She never told her family about me (nor did I tell mine), and I ended up moving away. So, gradually our relationship came to an end, but not without a good amount of stress and angst for both of us.

    Thankfully we’ve both found new significant others from similar religious backgrounds and remain decent friends, but the moral of the story is still there—for anyone from a Dharmic background considering a serious relationship with a Muslim—just know what you’re getting into. YOU’RE the one who’s going to be asked to convert, to sacrifice who you are, to turn your back on your culture and heritage. Not them. This is not something to take lightly.

  • February 8, 2010 5:58 pm

    My upbringing was liberal enough that I truly believed in equality among religions. Belief in God was more important than which God. From what I have seen of Hindu-Muslim marriages, no party has converted to the others religion. The children are being brought up in the dominant partners faith, be it the Husband or Wife. Children need an identity, specially in the US.
    In India at least, Interfaith marriages are more common among the higher classes. At that level, the thinking, eating habits, clothes, values and morals are the same, regardless of ones religions.
    Just look at the movie stars. Do you think that if Pataudi wanted to follow the dictates of Islam, he would have married Sharmila? He wanted a gorgeous and modern wife and he found that in Sharmila Tagore. However, this did not lessen his faith.

    Will write more on this later if there is any interest.

  • Romesh Khardori
    December 10, 2009 3:20 pm

    I am pretty liberal as are most Hindu friends and acquaintances of mine. I do not have problem with inter faith marriage. I do strongly resent erasing past of a partner when it comes to most Muslim-Non Muslim marriages. Names are changed and children often predetermined to follow only one particular faith. I see no greater cruelty than negating any one’s identity. What kind of love or affection would compel one to do that other than crass religious bigotry. I have admirable examples of muslim girls and men who have resisted pressures to have their spouses converted. If I had married a muslim girl I would never have forced her to convert. On the contrary I would encouraged her to stay true to her core values and heritage. I have had same discussions with my sons should they be faced with decisions in their lives.
    When Hindu boys and girls succumb to this name changing black mail they are squarely to blame themselves. Only a person who has no respect for heritage or pedigree would willingly give up their identity. When some one forces other party to change it simply shows how little respect the person imposing his/her will has for the other party.

  • Radica Nagassar from Caribbean Islands
    December 2, 2009 5:43 pm

    My six children were not raised in any one particular faith. Like their parents, they go to mosque mandir and church. I had four weddings….one was Islamic, one Hindu and two Christian. I suppose that you can say that we are an interfaith family.

    As a rule, I do not meddle in my children’s lives and prefer if they live their married lives without any in-laws around. I live by example. My husband and I are born Hindus. My husband of 37 years is a good man. We have taken the best of all Faiths and we have made the values our own!! I am sure that our upbringing would have played a crucial part in how we nurture our children though.

    My one son:
    My son had to take shahadah to marry the Imaam’s daughter. I respected my son even more when he said to his father in law to be … I love your daughter and you say I must convert to marry her ..no problem ..but please do not expect me to change. I have been nurtured by caring parents and their respect for all faiths are instilled into me. Religion is no big deal with me. The quality of our relationships is what counts.
    My Muslim daughter in law is very respectful. I compliment her parents on nurturing such a fine young lady. She and my son have given us two fine grandchildren and if she thinks it is better to bring them up close to the teachings of the Quran so be it.

    I hope this quotation clarifies my position: Religion is no big deal with me. The quality of our relationships is what counts.

  • Roop
    November 14, 2009 10:34 am

    An Interfaith Marriage form New York City

    This is a true and a living story of a couple I happen to know. The bride’s parents happen to be high caste Hindus. The “nikkah” took place a few years ago. Events are still unfolding as you read these words.

    Case of Romantic Jihad?

    A young Hindu woman (of Indo-Guyanese parentage) got married to a Muslim man who professed his undying love for her. After refusing the request for their daughter’s hand in marriage, the girl’s parents finally agreed, but not before they were assured that the union was to be solemnized by a simple “nikkah”, not an elaborate wedding, just a “getting together” celebration. At his reception, the gleaming groom declared before invited guests (Hindu and Muslim) that as an enlightened Muslim, he would allow his new bride practice Hindu rituals and observances (much like Jodhaa Akbar, wife of the Moghul Emperor).

    Despite his assurances, the bride was given a Muslim name. Next, the new couple made a honeymoon trip to Paris, France. But immediately thereafter, the groom took her on a direct flight to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for hajj (pilgrimage)! Here, an apparent change of heart took place. All of a sudden, the bride was allowed to do only things Islamic, e.g., eating halal foods and wearing the traditional Middle Eastern headscarf. Since then, whenever she visits her parents, she would refuse ‘Hindu’ foods, or participate in other things ‘haram’, e.g., participating in pujas. The holy fire is suddenly scary!

    Confused at first at her husband’s reneging on his declared promises, she soon accepted her fate with a typical Hindu woman’s stoic resignation. Now the husband makes annual trips to Mecca, leaving her as the main breadwinner of the family.
    Is this the case of another Hindu caught in the net of “romantic jihad”, and converted through an “interfaith” marriage?

    So what’s the best course of action for prospective interfaith couples?

    That’s the real question.

    • Fatima
      November 24, 2011 2:25 am

      Hello Roop,

      Its strange what happened to you after marriage. But I hear such stories from many who marry persons with different religions.

      My opinion is that people should marry persons of their own faith.

      May God Bless you

      • November 10, 2012 11:39 pm

        @ Fatima,

        Calm down. she is not referring to her case.

        At that point when she wrote this comment, she is unmarried.

    • November 10, 2012 11:21 pm

      @ Roop,

      “Is this the case of another Hindu caught in the net of “romantic jihad”, and converted through an “interfaith” marriage?”

      You should have given the answer yourself. So again, my question is: what is this?

      I will answer it in plain words: Denying what is right in-front of you. To be precise, consequences of wishful thinking.

      So dear, how are you?

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