Your family will be unwelcomed and disgraced as ‘those Hindus’

Anita says: on August 9, 2012 at 7:04 am

hello all,

this is anita a hindu punjabi girl got married to a paki muslim man 16 years ago and all i can say is this journey has been nothing but regrets, regrets, regrets!!

all girls who are dating muslim men, dont do it as there will be not path to return back to. life will be regretful unless u get that 1% lucky!

religion will become everything as u start moving in his or her muslim community and that will be the first thing they will ask u before they even decide to talk to u. u can forget holi, diwali, hindu gatherings, life will be a tug of war and ur family will be unwelcomed and disgraced as ‘those Hindus’ and it will be said like a gali.

u will be reminded that the muslim spouse did u a favor by marrying u and saving u from the kafir religion and redeemed u.

trust me i can go on and on, there is so much bitterness in my heart. still living with him for my children, cut off from the world as his family hates me for being a hindu, dont know where we belong??

every religion is good for the person who is born into it. but i feel marriage is long and u have to work on it forever so why bother bringing more mess in it. take care – Anita.

Admin says:

Sorry to hear of your story, but we are not surprised. Every one dating a Muslim hopes for him/her to be Seema, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan, but looking over blogs on this site, you are right that “unless u get that 1% lucky!”

Lets hope your daughter will be like Madiha who will rescue you.

You have made a great point, “will be not path to return back to.” First they ask for conversion to Islam by Shahadah before Nikaah. You change your name. They cut you off from your kafir family. And forget about Holi, Diwali and other Hindu festivals. Only you get is many kids ASAP, and thus you are stuck. For this reason, we recommend to any one looking for Seema, Salman or Shah Rukh Khan is to decline the BBS. These three accepted their spouse “as is” and without conversion, why not your lover will accept you as is? This way you will improve your changes of success. Simple!

For all three Abrahamic faiths, this is the issue. They are (supposed to be) exclusivist, supremacist and intolerant of other (and each other’s) faiths. They feel the Hindu should be happy to be a part of their religion, in your words “u a favor by marrying u and saving u from the kafir religion and redeemed u.” For this reason, be stubborn with your Abrahamic lover and keep chanting absolutely one mantra, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS, NO BBS….. This way the love Jihadi will run away and only good Abrahamics like Seema, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan will stay!

Lets hope you will keep coming back to this site to guide other youths. -Admin.

Also read: Madiha, Leona, Nirmla, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • September 17, 2012 10:09 pm

    i want to know from all the participants if there are any inter faith families or groups in ny for socializing??

    • September 17, 2012 10:41 pm

      This is a GREAT idea, why don’t you start a yahoo group
      You moderate it and we will direct all interested parties to your group. You accept request from people based on their writings on this forum or remove any one that you do not like. There are many girls who would love to talk to each other. Please put in action, now! Get back to us if you need help.

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