I Won’t Convert, Nor Will She

Kumar-s says: June 3, 2015 at 3:06 am


After discussing for hours, Me and my girlfriend sabah have come to a conclusion that once our education gets over, we wud be working abroad.

After a year or so, we wud get married and v are not going to inform our parents about our marriage, since our parents r strict abt interfaith marriages.

Once we get a kid, we wud be returning to India and we wud tell our parents what happened.

Hope they will forgive us :'( :'( :'(

my life will be hell without sabah.

Seriously, love is blind.

M regretting for meeting sabah because there wouldn’t have been any problem if i wouldn’t have met her for the 1st time

Seriously guyz, i fell for her.

There is no question of leaving her in future.

This is the last option left.

I just need ur prayers guys.

Jai shree Ram

Again don’t comment abt converting guys, m fed up.
I won’t convert, nor will she.
V wud remain the same as before. -Kumar-s

mac’s logic

1) If the girl is Hindu, then she has to convert to Islam in order to marry a Muslim guy.

2) If a guy is a Hindu, then he has to become a Muslim in order to marry a Muslim girl.

Are we fools to follow mac’s stupid Laws? -Kumar-s

mac says: June 3, 2015 at 3:24 am

Brother kumar, this is not my logic, my logic is never to fall in interfaith marriage especially in a sensitive nation like India, my logic is stop the relationship , because it is better to forget now and start new life instead of going forward and destroying either your life or your children`s life and even in some cases entire family life.

Since you said your gf is muslim, so i gave advice based on islam, since you said you respect islam and don`t want to make her lose her religion, that you only love her, nothing else, so I gave advice based on Islam.

My advice is based on Quran, in which it tells us how to deal with interfaith relation if such situation arises in front of us. Here is the verse:

The Noble Quran, Chapter 2 ; Verse 221 “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”

Now Quran is not illogical here, if it was illogical, then it would have only said muslim women not to marry polytheist men, but infact does the opposite, it first tells men not to marry any polytheist women. Allah is all knower, he knows that you may fall in like some one very much with whom marriage is not valid.

Now the real question is whether you are polytheist of monotheist. That`s the real problem here, for which non of her family member will approve your marriage and will create trouble.

First let me clarify you in simple way what is polytheist and monotheist. Theist means those who believe in God/Allah/Bhagwan or whatever name you want to call him, Polytheist is one who believes in multiple god, he associate anything with god, he worship creation of creator(god) while a monotheist only worship the creator(god) not the creation, he worships god alone associating no partners with god.

Anyone who can easily solve your problem from this situation easily is god himself, for god it`s nothing,right.

Question you should be asking to your heart is whether you believe in one god or not.

The God depicted by Quran as well as Vedas,Upanishads and other hindu scriptures are same god. If different god created us, then we would have looked different, our blood color would have been different, etc etc. There is no doubt a bit that our god is one.

God depicted by religion followed by people who lived by the river side of Sindhu, from which later the name Hindu,Hinduism came, the term Hindu was first used by people arabian/persian muslim for the people of indian-subcontient, later the british labelled the term hinduism on the people who were neither muslim or christian in india. According to swami vivekanda, it is not hinduism but vedic religion which he called as `Vedantist`

Islam on the other hand means `submission to god`, the sentence `submission to god` in Arabic in one word means Islam, the root word for the term Islam comes from word `Salam` which means peace.

What is God and how is god as per Sanatan Dharm/Vedic Dharm or Hinduism.

1.”Ekam evadvitiyam” which means he is only one without second[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]

2. “Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah” which means Of Him there are neither parents nor lords. [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]

3. “Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam” which means His form is not to be seen; no one sees him with the eye [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]

4. “na tasya pratima asti” which means There is no image of Him

5. “shudhama poapvidham” which means He is bodyless and pure [Yajurveda 32:3]

6. “Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste” which means They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements” (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). “They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti” **** Sambhuti means created things like table, chair, idol, etc. [Yajurveda 40:9]

7. “Whatever takes form is false Only the formless endures. When you understand The truth of this teaching, You will not be born again. For God is infinite,Within the bod And the image in a mirror. As the air is everywhere, Flowing around a pot And filling it, So God is everywhere, Filling all things And flowing through them forever” [ Ashtavakra Gita /Ashtavakra Samhita 1: 18-20]

These are only few verses which I have quoted citing reference from which book i quoted. Ask this whether your muslim girl friend believes in what I quoted above, most certainly she will, as you cannot be muslim if ones concept god contradicts the characteristic of god mentioned above, now the biggest question here is whether you really believe in god as mentioned above, most of the Hindus, infact 99% of them had not read those texts , even most properly brother kumar had read this for first time, forgive me if i am wrong, i beg apology in advance. -mac

Admin says:

Hi Kumar, We sit on side line for a good reason. We have created this web site to help make young adults in love to make fully informed decision for their life. In most cases, youths in love learn of all these issues only 3 months before marriage and in some cases even after marriage. We hope you learn new things and that will help you plan your life.

Yes, mac’s logic is absurd but unfortunately that is a fact all over the world. For Islam, interfaith marriage is a tool to convert others. You will face fierce resistance from her family. However, if you could educate her well from their exclusivist minds, you could make it. Seema, Salman, Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Shamim, etc could do it, why not you? Good luck. -admin

mac says: July 10, 2015 at 11:02 pm

Admin, you again showed your bigotry towards muslims, his(kumar) father is also against this marriage. He told me his father will kill him if he marry a muslim girl.

BTW Admin, kumar started this relationship by lying, he promised her muslim gf(sabaa) that he will accept islam, and then he refused to convert to islam and now talking ill against islam. He said when the relationship became deep, he told her he will not convert and religion doesn’t between love.

It is important to point out that Sabaa wouldn’t have got into relationship with non muslim if he had not promised her to accept islam. Now he is even approaching organisation like Shiv Sena. What is this admin?

He is planning to marry her in Arya Samaj.

Bottom line is that promising her to accept islam and now planning to take her out of Islam. Admin, you know secret marriage is sin islam considered as zina? -mac

Kumar-s says: August 11, 2015 at 7:58 pm

dear admin, for marriage purpose she has become a hindu. Later i donno whether she’ll follow Hinduism or islam. -Kumar-s

Kumar-S says: August 24, 2015 at 10:40 am

v both ( me and saba ) are studying and there is still long way to go for marriage.

Right now v both r just 21yrs old.

For my marriage i’ll definitely opt Special Marriage act. -Kumar-S

Kumar says: January 11, 2016 at 12:22 am
Hello admin.

Due to my hectic schedule i can’t keep in touch with u.
But today m here to inform u an important thing.

We (me and my saba) are done with our 7th sem of BE. still one more sem to go.

So we have planned to marry on 24th of September 2016 (on my b’day). We are planning to marry according to Hindu customs first. Later we wud deciding abt nikaah.

and Admin, i would be inviting u , mac, ahmad, fi, kartar and momeen for my marriage.

Hope u ppl shower me with blessings. -Kumar

kumar says: June 20, 2016 at 3:23 am
Dear admin

Saba is already placed at TCS, but yet to receive offer letter. By the end of this Month she wud be receiving.
I already got placed in a construction company as a civil engineer. My reporting date is 25th (Saturday) of this month.
Regarding financial support, ohh yeah, my friends are doing it. Even my Muslim friends are very support to me. Now v both are living together in Bangalore. Our parents don’t have clue about it. -Kumar

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • Satyen
    June 23, 2016 1:47 pm

    I support this marriage between Kumar and Saba which will allow Saba to breath in fresh air. I thank Kumar to help a girl in freeing up from Muhammad and his ilks. Hopefully her children will not have to undergo the cruel practice of circumcision. There is nothing wrong if Saba continues worshiping Allah according to her innermost core of heart as there is only one God with different names and attributes. The biggest difference would be, in this case – trashing the Muhammad’s regressive and demeaning words against Allah. It’s Muhammad who has painted Allah having limited, cruel and partisan dictatorial attributes, devoid of love, compassion, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. Moreover, he enslaved the women. I would like to see every Muslim women be freed from his clutches irrespective of who she marries – Hindu, Christian, Budhist or even a Muslim who shuns Muhammad and his regressive views such as circumcision, Burka, Halala, polygamy and so forth.

    Only thing, if true, Kumar shouldn’t have promised to convert to Islam.

  • Kumar
    January 11, 2016 9:34 am

    No admin V have not informed our
    parents, soon i wud be informing.
    If they don’t agree then they will loose
    Most probably i wud be marrying under
    special marriage act.
    Soon we both wud become independent
    since we already got placed.

  • September 15, 2015 5:32 am

    Dear Kumar S,

    I have just read your story and would like you to consider our proposal for a TV programme. I work for a TV company and we are currently trying to find British interfaith couples who are planning on getting married to talk to us about their relationship. At this stage we are only looking for people to talk to and who may wish to take part in the programme, be it anonymously or not anonymously. You can read our post on the interfaithshaadi.org website post called ‘Can You Share Your Experience on TV’ – here is a link – https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10508

    If you want to be in touch there is an email and phone number on the post – I hope to hear from you soon.

  • August 24, 2015 8:12 pm

    Hi Kumar-S,
    What do you mean by “for marriage purpose she has become a hindu”?

  • August 12, 2015 6:34 pm

    You said she will not covert, now did she? What got changed? Was it a fake-conversion?

  • ahmad noor
    July 16, 2015 4:54 am


  • July 11, 2015 1:16 pm

    Thank you for digging more information out.

    On this, “kumar started this relationship by lying, he promised her muslim gf(sabaa) that he will accept islam”, this is absolutely wrong. This is a Hindu-??? (Jihad or what ever appropriate word).

    This is what we do not wish to see on any side, “when the relationship became deep, he(she) told her he will not convert (or please convert)”. People in love should disclose their intentions upfront. Above is lies and cheating. As soon as the other party realizes this, there will be major issues in this marriage.

    This conversion business in love relationship is wrong. If a Hindu or Muslim wishes to keep their faith 100% (and 0% the other) in married life, it will not work out in most cases.

    All Muslim youths should note this case. Even your Hindu may promise to convert, or even actually convert for marriage, a fake-conversion without true faith will not work. If conversion is important, stick with your own faith. Why to convert a rose to carnation? If you desires for a carnation, look for a carnation to start with.

    Hindus and Muslims, unless you are a true pluralist, do not bother with interfaith marriage.

  • Kumar
    June 9, 2015 10:24 am

    thanks alot admin

    • June 9, 2015 7:44 pm

      So what you learned? Any update to your love?

  • June 3, 2015 7:40 am


    You are noble,dedicated and committed person.God will be with you.WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY.

    Dont believe on the texts of Mac like person, who has anti female mentality, even though he must have realized the disgraceful life of his own mother under evil practices of Islam.

    My good wishes will always be with you and Sabah.


  • June 3, 2015 7:40 am

    mac is not your enemy but it will her family and Islamic society. Good education and financial independence will help you fight all these issues that will come between you and your love. So, focus on your school now!

    We do not buy into this conversion business and quoting what came to Muhammad’s mind. We congratulate you for your commitment not to convert and fight with superstitions/evils of our society.

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