Chand Osmani says: June 27, 2012 at 4:37 pm
Hi Dear Readers,
For this forum, I would like to share my life experience. Being a muslim girl, I have also married a Hindu guy. I have no words to appropriately express his kindness and humanitarian approach. My mother was victim of tremendous sorts of tortures by my father, an orthodox individual, never treated my mother as individual, very disrespectful, and negative person. My mother was deprived of two meals even. He was a person of all demerits in him, drunker, womanizer, gamblers, uneducated and whenever, my mother tried to mend his ways politely, she was beaten. One day she approached influential persons of the community for talak with him, she was blamed and humilated.
Some how she managed for some time and one day, under deep influence of alcohol, my father died. I could complete with great difficulty my 10th class with good marks and thereafter got some students to give them tuition and persuaded my further study. Some so called our relatives started pursuing my mother to get me married to an elderly muslim. I objected and did not agree. So we became the victim of muslim community in the name of religion, to exploit us. Some how I continued my efforts and gradually number of tuition needed students increased. In the meantime, I met with a Hindu Boy from a respectable family. He encouraged him to continue my study further and I passed my 12th exam as a private student and then passed out graduation. I married him and my mother did not object considering his nature and family. Now I have passed out MBA in Finance stream and working with him in a MNC. I have two loving sons and very happy with him. In laws are very cooperative and my mother also lives with me. I follow my own religion and respect Hindu religion also.
My point here is that in the name of religion women are exploited, tortured in muslim community. They are not allowed to move freely, confined to burka, even some countries, not allowed to drive vehicles, not to visit mosque, not to go for talak, irrespective of bad habits of the husband, and ABOVE ALL MALES ALLOWED TO KEEP FOUR WIVES.
What a religion based torture to the half population (women) in the muslim based community. Any muslim girl finding good hindu boy for marriage do not hesitate to marry. Hindus are more cooperative, respectful and liberal towards wives. – Chand Osmani.
Also read, Why I converted to Hinduism, Brother Rauf, Koran on Hindus?, Life is sooo bad, No Hindu girl can spend life with a Muslim, It WAS prohibited, LOVE verses ARRANGED marriages, Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
Be a friend on Facebook. Return to To share your experience, read.
Aakash Malik,
It appears that you and Mac are the same person, denying realities of cruelty and discrimination against the female creature of the almighty.If you have any comments post with logical reasoning.
LOL fake person got another name i.e. Noorjehan, he made similar comment here also
Islam is a declaration of war against infidels. Islam is an ideology of WAR. The Koran is a BOOK OF WAR. Allah is a GOD OF WAR. This war is permanent until all the infidels have converted, or paid a submission tax or have been murdered. These are the ETERNAL LAWS OF ALLAH AS SET DOWN IN THE KORAN
Infidels can be murdered by Muslims as an ETERNAL LAW OF ALLAH. Not only can they all be murdered but the wives and daughters of the murdered infidels can be taken as booty, raped, and then sold as slaves. Their sons can be sold into slavery. If there is any doubt as to the boy’s age of puberty – Muslims can pull down their pants and inspect their genital area for hairs. Even the slightest sign of hair growth means that these young men can be taken and beheaded. As an ETERNAL LAW OF ALLAH, Muslims can then loot and pillage the property of the murdered infidels, and must share the booty obtained from the sale of boys and women and the proceeds of looting with ALLAH. Muslims can own slaves as an ETERNAL LAW OF ALLAH. Slavery has been a central part of Islam since it’s creation by Muhammad. ALL THIS EVIL ARE THE ETERNAL LAWS OF ALLAH AS SET DOWN IN THE KORAN. THESE LAWS OF ALLAH ARE FOREVER. Not only that but righteous Muslims who slay and are slain murdering infidels can ascend as martyrs to the evil, sexually degenerate, depraved Islamic Paradise of eternal erections and virgins who re – generate as virgins after each sex act. THIS IS THEIR ETERNAL REWARD FOR OBEYING THESE EVIL LAWS OF ALLAH.
Again, the above ETERNAL LAWS OF ALLAH allow murder, slavery, looting and pillaging and if you are killed in the process of obeying these Laws then you can ascend to a paradise of full breasted, lustrous eyed virgins to sexually molest for all eternity. ALLAH permits the raping of female slaves. As already shown in Islam – rape is not just a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by ETERNAL LAWS OF ALLAH complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.
Unlimited sex and money were powerful motivations for Muslims to grab their swords, climb on their horses and ride off into the sunset to bring war, death and destruction to the infidels.
India paid an horrific price. The world famous historian, Will Durant has written in his Story of Civilization that “the Mohammedan conquest of India was probably the bloodiest story in history”.
Buddhism was devastated.
Persia’s civilization disappeared from history.
The holocaust of slavery was imposed on large parts of black Africa. Slavery has been an integral part of Islam since its creation by Muhammad. Islam institutionalized slavery and made its existence legal and an ETERNAL LAW of ALLAH (read articles relating to slavery further in this Website). Islam was a major player in the black African slave trade – an historical fact not well known today. Also not taught is the fact that 1.5 million Europeans were taken as slaves by Muslims.
The fact that throughout Islam’s history, this slaughter of the innocents in the worst ways imaginable, murdered in the name of and to the greater glory of God is an obscenity. The so called men of ALLAH responsible for this carnage who have – through the millenniums – for Power, Domination, and Control of society unleashed this evil deserve to be in Hell.
To take man’s natural Concept of God, a conception of Peace and Love and Goodness – an all Wise, all merciful, all Loving God for all mankind, and turn God – by bastardizing his teachings into a murderous ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) of hate, terror, intolerance, death and destruction is one of the greatest sins that can be committed against God. Islam will remain forever a black historical stain smearing all human history.
Allah is this…Allah is that….bt Chand Osmani…wht are u??
Aakash Bhai, apparently admin bursted out after my this comment ( ), so this comment from Chand Osmani is reacton to that, not chand osmani, but his other names like Winston,Amina bursted out with similar comments.
Here is Amina >>>
and here Winston >>>
Fake story i myself a Hindu well know that Muslim girl will never look at Hindu boy viceversa our Hindu Slut woman will also not hesitate to sleep with Muslim man
World history teaches that Islam is the enemy of civilization. Everyone, particularly Indian Muslims, whose forefathers were forcefully converted to Islam by the Barbaric Arabian Muslim Invaders, should immediately return back to their own great ancient religion of Hinduism.
Hello sisters,
Really proud of you. So intelligently and frankly speaking and sharing your life experience for the betterment of our female community, kept depressed for thousands of years.
Now a days, no comments from Aamir, Suhail or Zahid,Fatima, are seen.
Where are they? Muslim girls are now turning towards black persons too, to live blissful life.
All stories fake under muslim names and Those who marry non muslims did not remain muslims and will go to hell forever life after death tell them you are not muslims. To learn about islam vist for more ioformation about not belive these posts as they lie about islam.learn truth about islam from website.
Hello Muslima,
Please go through the following lines:,
Just used common sense to move away from religion. I was born in a Muslim family, hence I was a Muslim till I became an adult. Had I been born under any other religion, I would’ve been a follower of the same. And all my life I heard that Muslims would have the first right to heaven. That sounded very absurd to me and as my brain opened up i realized it was not my achievement of being born in a Muslim family that I had a birth right to heaven. Surely God cannot be so unfair. Furthermore, the history of Islam is full of bloodshed and war, and the Quran clearly allows jihad on one side and then says all humans are equal. Surely God could not reveal such hypocritical statements and I openly challenge the validity of the book. I am a God fearing human who believes every human is equal, be he/she from any religion, caste or creed. I freely choose not to follow Islam anymore as the concept is against my altruistic views on life, where a persons life and faith should be governed by his/her own free mind and logical reasoning. Not by the way of birth or what the ancestors have always believed in.
Arsalan Chatha, 24, Pakistan, now an agnostic
I left Islam. I always thought that Muhammad can not be God’s messenger or a holy man! By looking at his personal affairs, especially with women, I can not follow a man who marries each woman he meets! Also the contradictions in the Quran and the way it was written – in a way that is so difficult to understand, made me believe that this is a man made religion . Also, Islam has NO tolerance for other belief systems, and the argument that Muslims are very lucky that they were born in Muslim countries got me convinced that Muslims are so closed-minded and forgot that there are many wonderful people on this planet who are not Muslims. I think Islam is the worst thing that happened to humanity. It pushes Muslim’s backwards and that is why there is no single Muslim country is advanced or even civilized! Also on the question of prayer, they say if you do not pray 5 times a day you will be burned in hell for ever! I tried prayer of course when I was a Muslim, but I did not feel anything, I felt I am just exercising or in the Gym, I felt I am like a robot. No feeling at all. This is pure brainwashing. Now I am not sure if there is God or Not, the theory of evolution blew my mind and the fact that there are so many religions in the world and so many problems in the world made me believe that Man created God not the other way around.
Hussein, Egypt, now an agnostic
9/11 probably opened my eyes. I realized that Islam at its best couldn’t re-invent itself or adapt to the changing world. I realized also, its the reason for all failures of Arabs and Muslims. Yet Islam is apologetic to every medieval notion, the way it treats women, other non-believers and religions, solving simple problems of life other than Halal/Haraam and just branding others as blasphemous. This religion goes against my mind and values, that is why I left it.
Ahmed BenKerishan, United Arab Emirates,,
Hi Muslima Umme…….
I have already said that I too donot believe much in Quran. It is not meant for women. Sabia you are right to point out that Islamic rules are barbaric, cruel against females in muslim community, which are established by the following quotes from Quran:-
(1) A husband has sex with his wife, as a plow goes into a field. Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . ‘If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to come to him, then the angels send their curses on her till morning.
(2) Husbands are a degree above their wives. The Prophet said, ‘I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.
(3) A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.
(4) A woman’s testimony counts half of a man’s testimony. ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.’
(5) A wife may remarry her ex—husband if and only if she marries another man, they have sex, and then this second man divorces her.
and if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband divorces her. [In that case] there is no harm if they [the first couple] remarry.
(6) Slave—girls are sexual property for their male owners.
And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands [as prisoners of war).
(7) A man may be polygamous with up to four wives.
(8) A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives. Allah made it clear that the husband cannot literally keep equality between two or more wives because they themselves cannot be equal in all respects. It is too much to demand from a husband that he should mete out equal treatment to a beautiful wife and to an ugly wife, to a young wife and to an old wife, to a healthy wife and to an invalid wife, and to a good natured wife and to an ill—natured wife. These and like things naturally make a husband more inclined towards one wife than towards the other.
(9) Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives (quite apart from whether they actually are highhanded).If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great.
(10) Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls.
Prophet, when you [and the believers] divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed waiting—period and count the waiting—period accurately . . . 4 And if you are in doubt about those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, (you should know that) their waiting period is three months, and the same applies to those who have not menstruated as yet. As for pregnant women, their period ends when they have delivered their burden.
Maududi correctly interprets the plain meaning of verse 4, which appears in the context of divorce:
Therefore, making mention of the waiting—period for girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl at this age but it is permissible for the husband to consummate marriage with her. Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Qur’an has held as permissible.
In the name of above quotes, innumerable attrocities are committed on females and males enjoys all sorts of freedoms irrespective of their personal demerits to be called as a human. These are known as top 10 rules to oppress female community in the islam.
In view of the above, I request our young female community that if they get any good boy, liberal, kind hearted, sobre, educative, like minded, committed and loyal, they should not feel hesitated to marry him irrespective of community or religion.
Thats why im saying all fingers are not equal.. Thanks
Muslimah umme romaisa.
This link for you help.
My dear sister Chand this link will helps you
Another This link for you help.
Totally disagree with Chand… you have tried to prove that muslims or muslim men are coward, atrocious And unmannered…. my dear sister you really dun know about ISLAM….
All fingers are not equal.
* When she is Daughter,she opens the door of Jannah for her Father
* when she is Wife,she completes half of a religion of her Husband
* When she is a Mother, Jannat lies Under her Feet
If everyone knows the true status of Nuslim Women even the men would want to be a Muslim Womn ( Jazak ALLAH )
But In That Condition As You True Muslim Is Too
I have seen a trend that Muslim women who marry outside their religion try to propagate the same. They simply want others to do the same as well like seema, Chand etc.
They lie, cheat about their lives and even mislead people.
The facts are very different.
Believe is the single most important thing in Human and it is very important that they believe in same things.
Certain so called Muslim —if they do not believe in Allah and Quran are not Muslims and they can marry anyone.
It is the Muslim girl who always loses after marrying a non muslim. Thier kids suffer the worst. Most of them land up being divorced.
They marry in hurry and repent in leisure
@Indian:u should be dumped somewhere in the mountains of afghanistan and not given food or water for days on end.’jo apna birth religion samaj nai paya wo dusro ko sikhane chala hai.ass.dharti ka apne religion ka nai ho saka wo islam ka bi nai hai.shut ur crap right now.tere nasib me bhagwan ko samjna likha nai.dumb fool’
Hey Zeba and Chand,
Thanks for writing for the cause of muslim women community. It will be long way to improve their social life. It is perfectly true that Pakistan is the hell for women. Look how many girls are thrown in brothels in Lahore, Karachi, Peshwar by the male dominated community of Pakistan.
Muslim girls have right to enjoy their life gracefully and respectably.
Hi Admin.
I am not recommending muslim girls to marry hindu boys straightway. It is subject to personality traits of good quality husband, caring, loving, sympathetic and committed to accommopany in all phases of life. If he is so, then I am recommending not to waste time to marry (if both are matured and marriageable age) and dont get misled by the islamic so called prohibition.
There are so many things prohibited in Islam, like gambling, raping, drinking alcohol, earn interest on a capital, not to commit attrocities on innocents. Are all muslim males are following such religious teachings? How Talibanies committed and tortured women in Afganishthan with the backing of Pakistan, so called sacred land giving shelters to all dreaded terrorists of the world.
There is only one supreme power, guiding and controlling entire universe, who is remembered/worshipped by different segments in different manner.
Hi Chand Osmani
You are really luckey in few muslim girls.
Well, story appears to be fake,
However i would add – “drunker, womanizer, gamblers, uneducated” these attributes are not for muslims.
A muslim is prohibited to drink wine, gamble, having unlawful sex, and emphasized for education.
you said – “My point here is that in the name of religion women are exploited, tortured in muslim community. They are not allowed to move freely,”
i would say this is just shit and crap. Infact Islam is the only religion who protected Women from disgrace.
Islam says to the believers keep you gaze low, don’t see woman with wrong intentions, and also urges women to cover their body.
Women rights in Islam can be listened in lecture of Dr. Zakir Naik
Islam prohibits nudity, shamelessnes, unlawful sex, premarital affairs,
adultery, alcoholism to prevent Women. But others advocate this in form of Women liberalisation and freedom.
Women are allowed to ask for separation if they are not happy with their partner, but marrying polythiest is forbidden for muslim Men and Women.
hey Amir just chk out what happens in UAE and other islamic countries n then open your mouth. men can marry any no of times n women have to remain like beggars for divorce. is this what ur God tells you to do? how many Muslim countries really repsect women? give them freedom alone? they all are cowards. including you. You just treat women like animals. hell on earth creatures.
What freedom do you want? Please be explicit?
freedom of premarital affairs?
freedom of being model and item girl, who expose for money?
We respect our women. Men and women are free to fulfill their wishes until they transgress.
In other country a man can have sex relations with hundred girl, but don’t marry anyone. Do you want that culture.
Marriage is a pious relation that bind man and woman in a knot of love and care. Nobody is forced to marry ( Islam prohibits it ).
If someone marries more than once he has to take care of all and be just with all, which is difficult today, thats why it is preferable to marry only one.
amir u have real shit thots. not all women believe in exposing. why dont u wear a Burkha n rome about evrywr? u will realise how dumb u feel inside it. i pray u to be born as a women in saudi country in next birth. u will realise wat pain it seems to be born a girl in such sick countries. no freedom of voting, driving a car, leave alone going out of d house without a male company. its real sick. if ur husband tortures u n dn in the police station u need to take ur brother or some male to prove it. so wonen r just dogs for u. nothn else. sick mentality. ur quran teaches all such rubbish right? wat equality u talkn abt Mr amir? which Muslim nation shows equality? u just keep sleeping to the truth
I sent one more link to MUSLIMAH UMME ROMAISA (from to you)
This link
chand osmani i like that u married a hindu boy u r superb now tell me how can i make mind of my younger sister to sleep with a hindu man i want her to go in the bed of our maid’ son rajan who is hindu boy he likes her so much i know i want her to be his gf give me idea
Thans Chand,
I do appreciate your struggle and propagating muslim girls to marry even Hindu boys provided they are wise enough, liberal, educated and good personality traits. My point is here only why restrictions are imposed on females through religious barriers and why undue leverage is given to the males irrespective of their evils?
Dear Fathima, it is true that muslims react very violently if a muslim girl marries a Hindu girl. But in case legally you are elgible for marriage, and your husbands is a earning hand,soldly behind you, nothing could happen. You have to get your marriage reistered, then no problem. Your husband has to have good relations in his society.
Further I (a born Muslim) belong to India from a middle class family. I have married a Hindu boy after attaining age of maturity. I donot have any problem with him. Initially my parents had problems but later due to behaviour of my inlaws and husband, they are happy now. Presently I am also working in a import export house in Mumbai and my husband in IT company
Apparently you have not asked the Hindu to convert, honourable thought.
How do you manage conflicting religious views in your life? What do you teach to your children about the God?
Chand, I heard that once a muslim woman marries a hindu, she is treated badly by people of muslim community..there are cases where they resort to violence…what to do in that case???
We are glad that you are happy now. You are recommending Muslim girls to marry Hindus, even you know that it is prohibited in Islam. Apparently you are still a good Muslim, how do you justify your recommendation to marry Muslim girls to non-believers in Islam?
What do you teach to your kids about Hindu Gods? Are those idols or different way to reach Allah?
Best wishes.
Some one posted this link on my blog:
Just read the comments to feel the hypocrisy of Indian Muslim men.
And if you go to facebook page of Suhasini Haider, you will find Muslim men singing songs for her.
Who are these people? Educated ones, as they write in English.
You are still in Islam after all that?
Though, theologically and technically, you are no longer a Muslim.