Will I live happily after converting to Islam?

srinivas says: July 21, 2013 at 1:36 am

I am Hindu from Bangalore. I want to marry Muslim girl as we r in love from past 2 years. so how can i marry her?

I can’t live without her and even she can’t live without me. We can’t marry as we are of different religions. I know that Islam never accepts Non-Muslim (Idol worshipers) to marry Muslim until he/she accept Islam by heart.
Please read this completely and help me…

I believe that there is only one god. Even Vedas says that there is only one god. He is neither having shape nor have comparison. So I have no problem with accepting Islam. But I have 2 main problems which r hurting me so much. I can’t even decide what to do and what not to do. They are……

1. My parents (they are sentimental and emotional) have all hopes on us (on me n my brothers n i am the youngest). My mom is very sensitive. So if I accept Islam and converted to Muslim (by heart and for marriage) what will b the condition of my parents and elder brothers?? What kind of torture they may receive from society (neighbors, relatives and others)?? Will they live happily?? What will b my condition and status in society after converting to Islam??? Will I get a job opportunity?? will i live happily n am i able to follow all Islamic culture n rules as i born n grown up as Hindu??

2. I can’t live without her and can’t even imagine myself with someone else. At the worst case I may remain unmarried but can’t marry someone else. So If I remain unmarried, who will take care of me in my old age?? With whom should I share all my feelings, worries and problems???

Hinduism believes rebirth but Islam never accepts this.

According to Islam, on judgment day god will decide whether to send us to heaven or hell. If so can we choose our companion there???

According to Hinduism can we become together in our next birth???
I can’t even die or I can’t even live. I am experiencing the hell now only and it’s like a battle life and death… Please help me… Thanking you in advance -srinivas

Admin says:


You have came to a right place to get answers to all your questions. If you are in love with her and if she is equally in love with you; further, if you are willing to sacrifice for her and she is equally willing to sacrifice for you, then the answer is simple. Forget about religions and conversions, and go get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Simple! This is equality and fair to all. Both parents will be unhappy for a while but will come around.

Think! What the conversion has to do with your love? Why Hindu-Sikh, Sikh-Jain, Muslim-Christian, Jew-Hindu one of lovers has to convert from one religion to another? And which religion to convert to? Whose God will win? Which one of two religions is true and superior? We know the answer to Who’s God Will Win?: the most religions fanatic and intolerant one will win this race. So, is your girl-friend’s family more intolerant and fanatic? if so, why are you ready to tolerate someone’s intolerance for what you are?

If her first love is to Muhammad and Koran and she is a religious proselytizer out to spread Islam, then she will ask you to convert. Both of you love your religion equally and both love your parents equally, then you both must sacrifice equally and settle for the middle ground suggested. This way, both Allah and Isvara will be glad to see you happy (view Gurumaa video). If she is uneducated, ask her to come to this site to get enlightened.

If she insist that you must convert, don’t fool yourself by a FAKE-conversion. Allah and Isvara will curse you for lying. If you convert, your parents will feel hell in this life, your elder brother will feel shame to utter your name and all Hindus relatives will curse you for this FAKE-conversion. Most important of all, you will never be happily with yourself; not with your new Muslim relatives nor with your forgotten Hindu relatives.

You said, “Vedas says that there is only one god”, but Vedas, Geeta, Bible and Guru Granth Sahib did not say that Muhammad was the last messenger of Isvara and that God can be prayed only in the direction of Saudi Arabia. Remain free to pray the One God in direction of any country you desire, including Saudi Arabia; and in any form and shape. Even remain a free man to say Vande Mataram, if you feel like. Why do you wish to give away liberty that you have today? You live in a free country, remain free in your faith too.

We understand you are in love, but also know that many in love before marriage, later become unhappy after marriage. Further there are many divorces (more in interfaith marriages). Keeping this in mind, you convert only if wish to be an exemplary Muslim, but do not fake-convert.

If you wish to know what will happen after you covert to Islam, read Hindu boy and Hindu-Muslim marriages. Are you ready to recite with your sons and daughters the Koran? When you are done reading all these, get back to us. We are waiting to hear from you. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • onkar bagal
    August 1, 2016 10:02 pm

    Guys plz dont convert your religion ever.
    There is only one god and all the teaching given by bible,kuran,bhagwat gita,buddhism,puran,vedas are one.the consulion will be same but they wrote in different manner to understand that you must have that kind thinking and knowledge,if you want to know about religion,i’m taking about all religion please read the volume wrote by swami vivekanda.i think you will get your all answer.

  • kallyan
    September 5, 2013 3:28 am

    srinivas, you are talking like a donkey. you can not live without her but she can live without you. how funny? read all these blogs and understand what to do. you just convert her to hinduism and then marry her.

  • August 6, 2013 10:20 am

    Thanks Admn.

    I know about hinduism because of my hindu husband, whom I marreid about 7 years with two kids, working in a MNC with happiness all around.
    Grateful to the almighty for having taken right decision at right point of time, otherwise would have suffering from islamic cyclic of evils.

  • Ayesha
    July 26, 2013 7:14 am


    Please remain a hindu, it is the best religion on this earth with its extreme openness and high level.

    You cannot be happy as a muslim … hindu’s cannot be !!! One day you will surely lament ….. their religion had stayed in the old ages and had not updated …. and they donot want to update also.

    Please marry her in 1954 special marriage act … it is perfectly normal for interfaith marriage …. and now-a-days, most of the interfaith couples get married thru’ this.

    It is the darkness of a muslim mind for this problem to come to you !!!!
    Pls. donot accept for your good and happy life and remain a HINDU, the best religion of the world !!!!

    • July 26, 2013 8:42 am

      What do you know about Hinduism to say “its extreme openness”? Let us know about your background (just curious) and how did you got exposed to Hinduism?

  • Yash
    July 26, 2013 7:06 am


    You cannot be happy if you convert to become a muslim.

    Muslim rules and cultures are completely different from the true hindu culture you are born and lived with like showing respect and touching your elders, seeing the image of GOD in the respectable elders, praying for motherland ….

    Most importantly, muslims see hindu’s as “Kafir”s, a downclassed religion, they think hindu’s are non-believers of GOD (Which is absolute wrong because of their complete ignorance of the depth of Hindu religion !!). If you become a muslim, you have to downgrade hindu’s in your mind as lower class of people …. you will make everyone in relatives, family-members very very sad by this !!!

    Muslim religion does not allow you to touch the feet of your mother, father, does not allow your sister to tie a rakhi on your hands, does not allow to respect and pray for anything other than their God (thats they call as Allah), does not see the normal hindu respectable relations like devar-bhabi, bhai-bahen (as they are candidates for marriage if cousins … it is normal for them to marry their cousin brothers / sisters) and so on ….

    And, another question … have you seen any muslim man converted to hindu due to his love to a hindu woman ? Never !!! He always tries the other way and convert the girl to be muslim by (manytimes) blackmailing her feeling !!!!

    Why should you do a favour ? Hindu’s are very open minded but that does not mean that they have to succumb !!!

    Rather please ask her to marry in 1954 special marriage act, if she does not like to be a hindu !!!!

    I donot see you to be happy if you become a muslim.

  • Kaveri
    July 24, 2013 5:55 am

    Plzz….dnt get convert….
    the outcome will be very bad,u will lose ur existence,ur identity….
    U r a man,dnt u think so….?? Think over it…..
    I dnt understnd y our hindu guys get convert to islam, muslim guys r much more better in this regard… Hindu guys dnt respect der religion at all,nd muslims take advantage of it….
    Nd y this muslim girls r like dis,i dnt understnd if they cannot go against there family dan y they use to fll in love wid a hindu guy,so pathetic……
    Conversion is not the only option i guess….
    Do registrd marriage,where conversion is not needed…..

    if u think that GOD is one dan y there is a need to get convert to islam….??
    All the best….

    • Satyen
      July 25, 2013 9:14 pm

      Also the Hindu girls should learn from Amir Khan who never converted his Hindu wives but always raised the children as ‘MUSLIMS’ only! These children were given birth by our Hindu sisters! Now the Muslims have changed the strategy to emphasize raising the children as Muslims instead pressing hard for the conversion of the brides. Adopting this strategy, they are able to have carnal pleasures from the Hindu brides and the Muslim children as well. On the other hand, the girl is a loser in every respect as she doesn’t give birth to any Hindu from herself. Thereis a 500 hundred years of Indian history behind us. All of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afganistan used to be Hindu nations reverberating with Vedic Mantras, but now all these countries are being used to train the Jihadis to eliminatethe Hindus. It doesn’t matter what way you marry with a Muslim, you are bound to be a loser! Only way is to ask them to leave Muhammad completely including a oath in court that the children will not be raised as a Muslim i.e. follower of Muhammad. It’s the only way which people must understand sooner than later.

    • Ayesha
      July 26, 2013 12:35 pm

      Dear Kaveri,

      You are giving good advise to Srinivas. Thats so nice.

      But, are you yourself acting reasonably to your religion ?

      What yr muslim bf is doing is also not reciprocation of love, sharing which is a basis of love and marriage …. and you appear to be accepting that your religious feeling ends with you and will not be continued in your children !!!! This is a meek surrender to your muslim bf’s advances !!!!

      Please please … reconsider your decision …. love does mean surrender and weakness (like yours) but strength. Please stand up like a true hindu women for supporting your religion in your children who carry your hindu blood and NOT JUST SUPPORTING YOURSELF, HINDU WOMEN are far superior to muslims !!!!!

  • July 22, 2013 8:52 am


    You will not be happy at all after converting to islam. The pleasure of marriage after conversion shall only a nine days wonder due to ingorance of real life situations like life styles, social, parental and above evil practices of islam, which have been highlighted on this site reapeatedly.

    If you both love truely, conversion just for marriage is not desirable, both you can live happily having belief in your owns religions and respecting sentiments of each other.

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