Why they are against the pure love?

Sree says: October 29, 2012 at 6:42 am

I am in love with a Muslim girl. I really respect both parents and there struggles that made us to stand here. But I dint know why they are against the pure love. Do they want to live us good happy life or something else?

We both are b tech graduates and she is placed in CTS and me in VinVish technologies.

I beg them for us. Cant forget her. If she wants me even her parents force here to marry another.. then I will not leave her for sure. -Sree.

Admin says:

Sree, there is a “face-value” that you could see outside, but inside there is “Islam” in them. You got to take a year out to understand Islam very well. First, read Koran. Then go and talk to at least 100 Muslims why Hindu-boy and Muslim girl marriage is not possible. Read every thing that is written on this site and more. Discuss openly with your girl friend and let her read all these. Comeback in 4 months with more specific questions. Best wishes. -Admin

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  • suhail
    January 11, 2013 4:11 pm

    All stories fake under muslim names and Those who marry non muslims did not remain muslims and will go to hell forever life after death tell them you are not muslims. To learn about islam vist http://www.usislam.org for more ioformation about islam

  • Mumtaz
    November 3, 2012 12:52 pm

    Hello Satyen,

    Your comments are very rational and logical based on humanitarian grounds. Thanks million of times for educating underpreivileged and depressed muslim girls from the clutches of fundamentalist and cruel males.

    My school time friend is also marrying a Hindu boy, who had been working together in a private company for about 5 years together. She was also under pressure from cruel mullas for marrying a aged, useless person of her locality but she managed boldly and reported the matter in the Human right commission.

    Now she is happy. I have seen those independent and educated girls do not care fundamentalists. Education is a must for girls to fight islamic evils.

  • Satyen
    November 2, 2012 3:37 pm

    No slavery (gulami) anymore to the outdated barbaric customes such as circumcision. All educated womenfolk should think that circumcision is just an oppressive custom on Muslim babies/children as many practices on the women. You all should be determined to no to circumcise your children unless they attain the age of maturity, preferably after marriage. This is an issue that affects the wife of your child. Hence, it should be decided by the married couple. So, must stop this oppression of your child and don’t allow it where ever you can as it’s nowhere mentioned in Quraan. It has imported and thrust upon to the civilized world and though it has lost its ground in the whole non-Islamic world, it still exists among the Muslims/Jews.

    Breath in fresh air. It’s time to say no to burqa/Niqab altogether to save yourself from suffocation. Raise your voice where ever you can – in your/relative’s family, in schools, hospitals, buses/trains, marriage parties or other gatherings.

    Be your own Maulavi/Mullah. Allah has given intellect to everybody including Muslim women. Then why this dependence on Male Mullahs and Maulavis? You can have female Maulavis/Mullahs who don’t need to be certified by the Male Maulvis. Believe in Allah, but never in Muhammad’s words. Accept the good things of Quraan but not everything of it. The irrational things must be discarded.

  • November 2, 2012 10:36 am

    Hi Chand,
    OMG, what a great collection of attrocities on the poor and helpless women by fundamentalists. This is a great sin against the mankind.
    Where is the judgement day for such cruels? In fact such butchers should be chopped into the pieces?
    They are the real shaitans like prophet Muhammad?

  • Satyen
    November 2, 2012 7:08 am

    Dear Sree,

    Love has got various dimensions. I don’t know if she is dying for you. In that case, you can go an extra mile.
    As far as your side is concerned, see the another view of your love.
    Love for a person is great, greater far is love for the humanity and the ideology to be humane. Love for a person is acceptable to the extent it helps you enlarging the dimension of your love to the whole of humanity and further to even all the living being. Once you have achieved that love, you will never lose it. This love is far better than the love for a person which is lost at the death of one of the partners. What is the use of this love that afflicts you and her in future? It serves against you.

    It’s not hard to get rid of this pain if you want to. Time is the best healer. Wait for sosme time and you will feel better. Meanwhile, involve in other creative things such as studies, sports, job, family etc.

  • October 31, 2012 10:26 am

    muslims ISLAM are most intollerent and cruel religion in the world. in the name of islam lot of atrocities , coerce , crime , inhumane treatment , and harm is done to muslim womens. pakististan is eg where rape and kidnaping to non muslim women is commen , they even not allow 2 live them. why only non muslim even muslim women suffer burkha , fatwa, brutal and cruel behaviour by muslims men. does ISLAM TEACH RAPE WITH NON MUSLIMS WOMEN, FATWA, ATTACK ON world trade centre….. is this is teaching of islam. then why muslims dothis. killing innocent jews in israel does this is islam. god is one. in the name of god and misinterpretation of islam why molvis mullas, denounsing such a GREAT RELIGION ISLAM for their self interest and politics. muslims are illeterate therefore they become fundamentalist easily.

    Read more: Difference Between Islam and Muslim | Difference Between | Islam vs Muslim http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-islam-and-muslim/#ixzz2At2Rprey

  • October 30, 2012 11:46 am


    If I could be some one else,not VM, you too could be some one else and not the Amir.

    The prime duty of mankind is to raise the children in a safe environment, and properly care and educate them, so that they can progress into responsible adults. Sexual exploitation of children is a horrible crime, which totally destroy their self-esteem, and mentally condemn them to a life of psychological torment. Their innocence thus spoiled, they become part of the living dead.

    Recently Jerry Sandusky was charged with 45 counts of child molestation involving 10 young boys over a 15 year period while he was Penn State’s Football coach. The sexual abuse involved hugging, kissing, sexual touching and, in some cases, oral and anal sex.

    But what of Prophet Muhammad, who sexually abused and molested a child, namely Aisha. Muhammad, aged 51, married Aisha, aged 6, and had sex with her when she turned 9. But sexual abuse started immediately after the marriage at six, as Muhammad used to do thighing with Aisha until she became capable of sustaining penetration. All acts of sexual gratifications and penetration by an adult man with a child, whether 6 or 9, are sexual abuse and rape of the child. There is no consensual sex between a child-wife and her so-called husband. All acts of sex between Prophet Muhammad and Aisha were acts of child-rape and pedophilia. Indeed, all acts of sex between Muhammad and his sex-slave turned wives were acts of rape (Juwariyah bint al-Harith a prisoner of war captured after the defeat of Banu Musta’liq. Safiyyah bint Huyay, a prisoner of war following an assault on Khaybar. Both her father and brother had died during the war. Mariyah, a Coptic slave girl.)

    Jerry Sandusky is a monster child rapist and has been condemned to what he deserves. But he was no prophet of God. Muhammad – being an alleged prophet of God whom Muslims must emulate for eternity – by molesting and raping a child also set an ideal example, a Sunna, which Muslim men must practice at all times and place. And this horrible act is also sanctioned by Quran 65:4, which contains Allah’s divine sanction of marrying and having sex with pre-pubescent girls. Allah, the God of Islam, is pedophile monster, who gave blessings to child sex abuse and rape. And Muhammad, Allah’s pedophile prophet, practiced exactly that.

    • Amir
      October 30, 2012 11:47 pm

      So in your view marriage has no significance. any act performed between husband and wife is part of rape.
      Please don’t marry ever in life otherwise you will be raped.

  • Fa
    October 29, 2012 8:07 pm
    • October 30, 2012 12:51 am

      How would you interpret this article?

      • Amir
        October 29, 2012 4:53 am

        Article has loopholes. such as “Mushrikun, which means pagans”.

        Mushrikun is used for – mushriks.
        – One who perform Shirk.
        Shirk is associate someone with God.
        So Hindu and even Christians are mushriks.

        So marriage not possible according to Quran.

        • Aryan
          October 30, 2012 11:26 pm

          So we are free to conclude that since Hinduism Allows marriage between the it must be done by hindu ceremony. Problem solved, get the marriage done by hindu rituals.

          • Amir
            October 30, 2012 11:44 pm

            Yes, a hindu can marry other hindu by any ritual.
            but a muslim can not marry other than muslim or atleat monothiest.
            if nikah is not performed it would be like living together without marriage and attract Zina ( unlawful sex )

          • Aryan
            November 4, 2012 7:44 pm

            @Amir- its strange that you keep changing the rules and define your own, below is correction/ comments.

            Taking what you said earlier “(Muslim girl-hindu boy) marriage not possible according to Quran.”- so you say as per quran its not possible, so thr answer is hindu way. In Hinduism it allows for a hindu boy to marry a muslim or any other girl, without need for her to convert to Hinduism -that my friend IS the solution.

            “Yes, a hindu can marry other hindu by any ritual.” – @Amir it has to be hindu ritual, not any ritual, get your facts right before spreading wrong information about hinduism.

            ” but a muslim can not marry other than muslim or atleat monothiest.”-@Amir – so acc to your quran( or you), a muslim girl CAN marry any religion guy as long as he just prayes to one single god, so based on your theory, a hindu guy who is shiv bhakt, a muslim girl CAN marry him, without breaking any of your religion rules? our gods has no problem, as long as no conversionis required.

            ” if nikah is not performed it would be like living together without marriage and attract Zina ( unlawful sex )”

            – if muslim girl marry a hindu guy by ” shadi” it is perfectly married couple, there is NO penalty or zina, again “shadi” wins here as its allows the lovers to be together even though they belong to different religion.

            And plz correct your knowledge about Hinduism – it Allows for hindu boy to marry muslim girl, in any case Hinduism does not encourages conversion for marriage.

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