Who’s Fault is to Fall in Love?

People fall in an interfaith love but many of them later get burned. Whose fault it to fall in love?

inzamam says: April 6, 2016 at 8:42 am

I am a Indian muslim guy. According to my point of view, Islam don’t allow to marry with a non-muslim. you (Hindu girls) should not fall in love with muslim guy, if you fell in love, just give up your relationship. Because, islam is a monothiestic religion, it prohitbits idol worship etc. So, Most of the muslim family will not accept you. If you can’t give up him and the last option is to conversion.

Mohammed says: April 6, 2016 at 9:00 am

We agree that islam doesn’t allow to marry with non muslim but what u said is wrong. How a non muslim would know that islam prohibit on interfaith? Muslim brother want to think before getting into love. If he has marginal faith in islam then what is the fault of this (Hindu) sister?

Admin says:

We bow to honest Muslims like Muhammed (above).

It is okay to be proud of one’s faith but it is not fair to pick and choose different verses for different objectives.

Muslims know that Islam does not allow Muslims to marry a non-Muslim. (Koran 2-221: You shall not wed unbelievers women, unless they embrace the Faith. A believing slave girl is better than an idolatress, although she may please you) However, how do Muslims expect their non-Muslim lover to know and understand Koran? Did the Muslim lover disclose expectation of religious conversion on their first date?

Before teaching non-Muslims about Islam, the Muslim lover should know if s/he is true a Muslim by:
1) As per one of five pillars of Islam, do you perform namaz five times a day and for 365 days/year?
2) Koran 24:30: Lower your gaze. Enjoin believing men to turn their eyes away from temptation and to restrain their carnal desires.

To disclose expectation of religious conversion after years of romantic relation is nothing but LOVE-JIHAD.

We believe equal fault also goes to non-Muslims for not following own faith and believing your Muslim lover. If in doubt about “Most of the Muslim family will not accept you,” talk to his/her Muslim parents for expectation of religious conversion, sooner than later.

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