White American Christian man with Malaysian Muslim

American Christian says: April 27, 2016 at 7:53 pm

I am a white American Christian man who fell in love with a beautiful Malaysian Muslim graduate student studying in The United States. I want to marry her and live with her in the US. She is so afraid to tell her parents back home of our relationship. She insists upon me fake-converting for the sake of her family.

I am not very religious nor is she so the thought of fake-converting does not bother me too much. I have read the Koran and to be quite honest found it to be a beautiful book. When reading it I admit that It feels like I am listening to the same God of the old testament. It may very well be the continuation of gods word. I do however have a very big problem with the obvious man made stories and writings contained within the Hadith and the Sunnah and cam not find myself to believe any of them as accurate nor God sent. But that is a discussion for another time.

My big question is that if her and I were to marry and we visit Malaysia is there any legal exposure for her? When she becomes a US Citizen someday and no longer must carry the silly little card when visiting Malaysia will she still be subject to the Malaysian Sharia Police?

What is the downside of fake-converting. And if I truly do believe that the Koran is the truth but believe that the other man made books are nonsense, can I be considered a Muslim enough to be accepted by her family.

Thank you.-American Christian

Also read: Malaysia Marriage laws, Sharis Laws that all non-Muslims should know, A Hindu cannot marry a Malaysian Muslim, Singapore marriage laws, Indian marriage laws, DON’T Fake-convert (focus on Malaysia laws), Koran on Hindus?, Islamic Nikaah without conversion is not possible, InterfaithShaadi does not recommend this: I am in Singapore and married to a Muslim without conversion,
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  • mac
    May 7, 2016 2:38 am

    Dear American Christian, only a muslim can marry another muslim as per Quran. Doesn’t matter how much religious he/she is. If you by heart a muslim you can marry her without any fear of she being exposed to sin for marrying you. Now how to convert to islam, converting to islam is very easy, infact you don’t have to convert, you have to accept islam i.e there is only one god and muhammad pbuh was messenger of god, from your heart. Now since you are from christian background, so you have to aware that when you say so, you also accept the fact that Jesus pbuh was not god but messenger/prophet of God. If you believe quran is god sent revelations and muhhammad,jesus,moses….pbu.them were messengers and there is seperate god who is all powerful then you are basically muslim, next is how much you can practice the deen i.e islamic rituals and rules laid down by god directly as well via prophet muhhammad.
    Hope it helps.

  • American Christian
    April 29, 2016 1:14 am

    Please understand that with respect to Islam, I am an outsider looking in. This gives me a unique perspective that someone who has lived with these traditions their whole life does not have.

    The verse that you quoted above is nowhere to be found in the Koran and if the Koran is Gods final word then it seems to me that the following verse makes it pretty clear that only god has the authority to make rules and no one else.

    42:21 Or do they have partners who decree for them a sharia which has not been authorized by God? If it were not for the word already given, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors will have a painful retribution.*

    • April 29, 2016 8:18 pm

      On “Koran is Gods final word,” Lord Buddha and Mormon saints got messages from God after Muhammad. Do you believe Muhammad’s words are the final words and all later faiths are fake?

      As an outsider, we read Torah, Bible and Koran. We found many harsh statements for unbelievers in the Old Testament. Later, Jesus, a progressive thinker, brought lots of good changes. We found Koran is easy to read and has a simple message to follow God. However, like the Old Testament, Koran also has lots of harsh words for unbelievers. Allah said not to associate a human to Him but in all practicality, Muhammad is very closely linked to Allah; like once cannot be a Muslim and pray to Allah without uttering “Muhammad.”

      We feel this world will be better with pluralistic (freedom of faith) thinking and not intolerating others. The same should be true in interfaith marriages (accept others the way they are). What are your views on this?

  • April 28, 2016 10:00 pm

    Hello AC,

    We have 8 years experience dealing with about 1000 youths just like you. We would love to talk about your life situation at length. Ask your girl to join here.

    As far Malaysia is concerned, you do not have any problem unless you decide to settle in Malaysia. If not, being an American, you can always go visit Malaysia for 3 months and come back. You do not have to convert for touring purpose. If there is ever an issue, American Embassy will fight for you and bring you back safe to America.

    Fake-conversion is something we don’t recommend. Why to make lies and deception a foundation of your life? Why not be truthful and honest? It will be hard for all in short run, but in a long life, only truth will win.

    Conversion to islam is a one way street. Muhammad said, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57). Also view this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiWLGEKusIg . So, are you ready to be a Muslim even after your talaak?

    You said you read Koran. Can you explain some of verses here in bold?

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