SanJay says: Aug 24, 2012 at 11:32
I am an Hindu boy and i am in love with a muslim girl…!! it has crossed 1 year of experience b/w us both..we both love each oher very much but the only problem is our religion….Is that a serios problem…?? I am ready to face any situation and she too but i dont want her to face because i dont waana make her cry gettin me in troube…I f any probs come to me she will be broken ..We love hat much but religion stops…..I will never end my love and she tooo but i waana some comments which u think that will happen in our love..?? plz comment and say the things that would happen if i marry her…..!
Seema Maheshwari says: Aug 24, 2012 at 4:02 pm
To Kane and Sanjay, saying that you can’t live without each other is naive. If you are living outside India, then get married. However, if you live in India then, unless you are financially independent, you need the support of both families.
Unfortunately, we Indians have been brought up on a steady diet of Hindi films, where everyone lives happily ever after. Doesn’t work in real life guys. Take a stand or get on with your lives. -Seema.
Admin says:
The answer to your question “Is that (religion) a serious problem?” …. is “YES”. But it depends on individuals and your families. Like Seema said, if you are financially independent, it will make it little easy to handle.
We do not know how much your birth religion is important to you. If not, simplest will be if you agree to convert to Islam.
You have asked what will happen if you convert, here is a list:
- You will have a circumcision
- You will be given an Arabic name
- You will have Shahadah, that is conversion to Islam
- After that, you will have the Islamic Nikaah
- The Muslim girl cannot be a part of Hindu wedding because it is idol-worship prohibited by Islam.
- You cannot carry any Hindu god photos or Ganesh murti in your new married life home because, as per your Shahadah oath, there is no God but Allah
- You cannot (should not) enter a Hindu temple because Hindus pray to false gods.
- Your children will have Arabic names and circumcision
- Children will be taught only from Koran, not at all from Geeta.
- Children will not be allowed to be a part of Holi, Janmasthami and Diwali
- You will have to reduce association with your Hindu parents and friends, but you will have a new set of Muslim relatives and friends.
- Your wife may start wearing burqa
- You cannot convert back to any other religion, otherwise punishment could be stoned to death (as per Islamic law)
- If you divorce and convert back to Hindusim, you will not get child custody because children are Muslims by Indian laws.
- If you die, you will be put in a grave and given Islamic final rites.
Let us point out some advantages of converting to Islam:
- Islam is only true religion; others are false (including Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and the rest)
- Immediately after your Shahadah, you are qualified by Saria laws to have additional three wives.
- Further, if any one of them doesn’t behave well, you just give talaak, talaak, talaak and can get easy divorce and replace her with a new one.
- On the Judgment Day, you will go to heaven; while all Hindus, including Mahatma Gandhi, will get Hell of Fire.
It is possible that we may be wrong in some of above information and thus go and ask 100 other Muslims to confirm for facts and request them to speak out on this post.
Your Muslim girl friend should also know what it means marrying a Hindu. Tell her that his could happen:
- Hindu may insist on Hindu wedding where many many gods are being worshipped.
- A Hindu may fake-convert to Islam and then immediately revert back to their idols.
- Hindu relatives may be suspicious all times if you are going to proselytize others.
- You may be asked to be a vegetarian.
- If you wish to be pure Muslim in Hindu home, it will be almost impossible.
- You may not be able to enjoy Bakra-id.
- Others may not be accomodate you for your ramadan fast.
- Hindu may ask you to join them in a Hindu temple for special programs.
- You may not be able to raise children Muslims in your Hindu home.
- Children may have Hindu names.
- Your sons may not be allowed to be cut their private parts- circumcision.
- Muslim parents may not be comfortable visiting your Hindu home where multiple Gods are being worshipped.
- If you believe in the Judgment Day, what will Allah decide for you for spending your life with idol-worshippers?
Sanjay, we are not here to discourage you for your interfaith marriage, but here to help you make an informed decision. We hope you and your girlfriend find above list silly, senseless and stupid. Instead of following religious dogmas, learn to live life. Ignore all these and go marry in a court and enjoy your love. -Admin.
Also read: Koran on Hindus? (this) or {that}, Madiha, Shamim, Seema, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan
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I am muslim i have a relationship with hindu guy for last 9 years we studied together he really love me i love him too but my parents specially my mom she really dont accept our relationship she only thinks her side log kya kahenge teri wajah se kahi muh nai dikha paungi badnami etc etc…. She clearly said to me if i marry with him she dont even contact me why she so heartless every single day i suffer a lot my mother tont me everyday… Her words break me in inside what should i do???
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Hai everybody i am a hindu boy and my gf is muslim. i done one mistake that i was in truly love with her one first day of my MBA study its happens , after 2 month friendship, i just told her everything that i love her and how much i care about her , she said even i love you too we were good friends in two month keep on talking in phone, when i said i love you to her she said me 2 but my religion cant accept that i said y she said my mom dad will harm there self i said dont worry we will find a way for them whatever you say i will do like convert in muslim and all becoz i thought its really a small thing they are educated they will understand that child happiness is more important, then religion, after 2 years now she want break up becoz she said i cant do merrige with a hindu i lobe you but i merry only a muslim . She having lot passions i dont .. now in 2 year i convence my mom dad family for her and now she telling that grow up and get breakup. What to do really not understand… Yes she love me and me
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FOr me… has no limits…so when i met my life partner…hes a muslim guy..we started being frds..we knpw d barriers we hve btw our religiond…bit deres something ..which no religion pr caste can stop..
D feeling of being together tht we hve bte us..we our sensible beings ..and we took d decision to get marraied…infact i wasnt sure…at all ..being in india we all know wht actully RELIGION is all about..he ws d one whongave me d hope .yes of we want we can be together..he says “we will convince both our parents..and if u r dad dosent agree..i will not marry any other girl…for this i only require ur support ,ur being with me”
If someone is understanding this situation ..i tell u .i hve been waiting for this guy and he has come..
I know we will face d situation..
But we would love if someone would give solutions… on how we can get marraied with our parents agrrement…bcoz our parents our complete true to thier own religions…we dnt want to trouble dem ..we want thier happiness along with ours …
Can some one give us practical solutions ..which eould harm no one
Love reagards to all
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hey gaes .
I m amit .i love a girl .her name is xxxx .she is muslim n i m hindu.kio nhi chahta ki hamara pyar bna rhe sab kehte h ki bhul jao ek dusre ko .i say that i can not forget her n she can not forget me .
use father bhut hi gusse vale h ve hamari sadi kabhi nhi hone denge .or hame marenge please tell me what to do we.
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I’m 19 and a Hindu in love with a Pakistani Muslim guy,my uncles are against this even my mum at times but she supports us …they are afraid he is a Muslim and he might marry even after me…and we’re together for abt 1 year but he wants me to convert …what should I do ? I feel it’s impossible leaving him as I’m still young..he is only 21…any feedback?he always tells me he swears he loves me and will do so till the end
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Sisters its surely a jihad!!
Hi guys, i am a hindu boy n my gf is a muslim. Our relationship past 3 yrs .What should i do? We are both from India. Any one please comments. I cant live without her and she also. Plz helps
Me 2 same problem give a suggestion to me I m Hindu my gf muslim completely love in 2years and completed dgree now I had a chance to go abroad (Dubai) so leaving her here is very danger to me and him her parents can forced to marry a Muslim so please send comments for me
Why don’t you marry her, if you are of legal age? How are you planning to get married? If they ask for you to convert to Islam, are you ready?
i m a hindu boy../
i luv a muslim girl…she also luvs me so much…
but we dont knw what happen in future…/
one thing is clear that i will never change my religion..bcoz of my family…as i luv my family more than my life…so i cant go against them…my luv will alwys live//
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Adi first a fall u don’t believe in religioun OK .ur not a Hindu not a Muslim if ur living in India ur a Indian .if ur living in Pakistan ur a Muslim OK .religious is not ur problem. Problem is ur family members. Those people who believe in religioun. God made peoples not religiouns OK.u fight till death kk for more details plz contact me on fb I’manmohan Singh 16 years old.
Hi.. I am also having boyfriend
from past 1 years.. he is Muslim
and I m Hindu..we started our
relationship with a known fact
that we will not be having
future but as time passed we
came so close both emotionally
and physically.. now we want to marry each other but pretty scared to convince parents…how cud I even tell them that I want to marry with 1 Muslim boy…they will kill us…help me!!
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Hi me muslim girl,studying in B.Tech. final year and doing internship in the MNC under a Hindu boy about 5 years elder than me. I am deeply attracted towards him and wish to marry him. He is also interested in me. I have not told any one in the family. My parents shall finalize muslim groom for me.
Frankly speaking I want to live blissfully, without any restriction and so I have decided to marry him outside my faith.
Any comments from the readers of this blog?
This is fake person like massey,gulnor etc.
Hi.. I am also having boyfriend from past 2 years.. he is Muslim and I m Hindu..we started our relationship with a known fact that we will not be having future but as time passed we came so close both emotionally and physically.. but now after two years he is getting engaged to someone else and he is saying that he is doing that for sake of his family.. he don’t want to hurt them as they wont accept be coz I m non Muslim.. I m very stressed now.. I dnt understand what shall I do now… I can not forget him..
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i dont know why these casts matters in love only.. Why u parents are disagree with ur kids, they are not doing any crime , they are in love.. so wat if a girl or boy love girl or boy from other community.. Plz plz..recognize ur kids happiness.. Dont ruin their happiness.. Do not separate loving souls..plz.. Its time to tell u parents ki atleas now GROW UP.. Grow up plz see the changing world… There is nothing infront of ur children happiness
HI m an Hindu guy in love with Muslim girl like all others but the same thing why family don’t wanted to get convenced the time has changed and even after 5 to 10 yrs it will be totally different i m a hotelier working outside India my girlfriend is working in india. Wanted to marry the only thing which is stopping is religion.Why people make love so critica.Why we r being told in school every one is equal why every body reads kabir dohas that we all are same.Please help me we really love each other and just because of religion we dont want to loose each other.Tell something so that our parents gets convinced.
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Hey….actually m in love with a Muslim guy….even though we both love each other he can’t marry me in future…he has a trouble with his relatives…actually his family is educated one…they don’t even bother if he will marry to me…he’s damn sure that he will make his parents agree to accept our relation….but the thing is dat he’s scared of his neighbours…relatives…n surrounding…he loves me truly but he don’t want other people to make his parents life frustrated n full of tonts….wat can I do…I can’t leave him…as I can’t live without him…:(:'(
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Hi reema,if you really love him and he loves u too and want to live with each other until ur last breath then why are u concerned about the damn relatives they will not care u if ur ill or think of u all the time if u have the support of family then never think of the useless neighbours and relatives but for sure take the support of parents dont ever go against their will no one is more important than parents one can give up their lives for the love of their parents i wish u gud luck for ur love……
okay.. am a Hindu girl. and M IN LOVE With a Muslim guy. i am just 18.. but sill i feel at times i took a wrong decision.. yes he is secular and every thing.. but there are times when he becomes demanding and authoritative.. marriage for me as something to be thought of 10 years later.. yet i really think (as of now) its better to find someone of the same religion,. there are issues which needs to be addressed.. like eating habits, clothing, culture and thought process.. its quite different from my upbringing., i come of a liberal hindu family and my parents have always treated me as an individual, supporting me and all.. i am pursuing my medical degree.. but my guy mostly is okay to be with but at times the face that i see scares me.
trust me, no matter how much we plead about love and all , a few things wont change anything,. and please find someone of the same community.
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That was only an infactuation
(attraction) all muslim r of different attitude n aptitude
hi guys….everybody’s opinion is very true..
we must trust god because whatever we do in our live….is all about what has GOD has decided for us….
we, every body knows that everything we do or going to do is decided by GOD himself….no one can go below or beyond his boundaries…even its not in our hand to get birth or die…
GOD does it and only he can show the right way…
just mix the blood of Hindu and Muslim…and then try to find out which blood is Hindu’s and which one is Muslim’s….just respect every religion…
when we love in other caste we knowingly everything, cannot stop ourselves…
The only thing I have learnt from Life that….I am a HUMAN BEING
and I am SON/DAUGHTER of GOD….
This truth of my life can’t be changed..If GOD has wrote a MUSLIM/HINDU girl/boy as my life partner then can any power of HINDU or MUSLIM can change it?
Nothing can change GOD decision…NOTHING is going to happen according to our WISHES…its only upto GOD..GOD SMILES….
For everyone in this world GOD is the CREATOR,FATHER and MOTHER….
but when we open our eyes in the WORLD…the only GOD for us is our FATTHER AND MOTHER…
after saying this i may be wrong…we are nobody to show the path..i am sorry if have hurt someone,even if a little bit…sorry guys sorry…
am a Muslim girl and i love a Hindu guy.we love each other very
much.Our relationship is about 7 years and 4 months.I agree to go to
house as his wife but his mother says that it is impossible and she
never accept me.We married secretly in a court 7 months ago.My mother
says that it is possible if we could go to abroad.Why his mother could
not understand our feelings,she says it is impossible.We could not leave
without each other.He is a newly software engineering and i gave
recently completed my graduation so i do nothing.My question is that is
it impossible why she could not understand our very very deep
Bulituli, just click here and see what we have to say or Veena Malik have to say…
everyone should respect each others religion,you only live once when the time comes for you to die no body can help you,only then you will discover what happens after death and which was the right religion,and you know time is moving very fast these days death is around the corner,so stay cool
you are right
am a Muslim girl and i love a Hindu guy.we love each other very
much.Our relationship is about 7 years and 4 months.I agree to go to
house as his wife but his mother says that it is impossible and she
never accept me.We married secretly in a court 7 months ago.My mother
says that it is possible if we could go to abroad.Why his mother could
not understand our feelings,she says it is impossible.We could not leave
without each other.He is a newly software engineering and i gave
recently completed my graduation so i do nothing.My question is that is
it impossible why she could not understand our very very deep
Reply at
hai guys i was allso love with her one muslim girl but she said we wont accept in my family because my self non muslim person so she said leave it leave easyly said to me how can leave it
ya please give me answer ya i was total confused ya i cant do work any work allso ya so i was speaking every day but she was told are non muslim so how will convensing ya can give me ideas my friend
Do NOT convert. This fake-conversion will ruin your life. Read all that is said on this site and about Islam. If she does not respect for what you are and willing to accept you AS IS, tell her to get lost from your life.
Remind her what will she do marrying a Muslim guy who may not truly love her the way you do, may get additional 3 wives, may beat her or give talaak? Ask her to read all that is said about Islam on this site and educate her. She may change her mind.
Also read: Islamic Women Today, , Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu boy, Hymen Repair Surgery
According to Islam, being a Muslim is by belief and not by name. Just by saying Shahadah or being born with a muslim name he/she will never be a Muslim. He/she is a muslim only if they truly believe in Ones of God.
Just converting for your love means he/she doesn’t believe in it. For a muslim it is the world after is important than this one. If a girl convert to Islam to marry her boy friend. She will be considered a hindu by God as God can see what was in her heart when she converted to Islam.
This goes to the boys too. Remember one thing we can fool people not God. No one cannot judge God. There are hindus who think like a real muslim who believes in ones of God. They might by considered as a muslim by God even if they die as as hindu with a hindu name.
Hinduism is not a religion it is a way of life. It was made a religion by the british. So that it is easy for them to divide the people of India. And all the hindus see muslims as a cast. They think Allah is another God and Muslim only believe in Allah. But the truth is Muslim believe in oneness of God(Not a God by the Name Allah, for Muslim they have many names for the God and the common one is Allah).
Being a muslim he is bound by the duties of a believer to God (it doesn’t mean only praying and fasting it also means doing good and taking right path even when the wrong path is what you desire). For a muslim what ever he/she do, will be questioned by God of his/her actions. Heaven and hell what he/she gets based on the action he/she does.
Instead of asking others opinion learn both the religions and then take the decision. I would say most of the muslim are hindus by belief as they don’t know their religion (taking partners with God- When you ask someone who has died. This is another form of hinduism in Islam a true muslim will know how wrong it is). So to both muslims and hindus I ask both of them to learn each others religion and then decide which is right. To learn about a religion you can use the internet itself to know what a religion teaches.
Inter religious marriages are considered a big sin in Islam.
For a muslim the love is in this order-
1. God
2. Prophet
3. last oneself.
Forgive me if I am wrong and if i have hurt anyone. May God guide us in the right Path.
Well said. For these reasons, we highly recommend all non-Muslim not to fake-convert just for marriage. This fake-conversion will ruin lives of two families.
Marry her and be man
not hindu or muslim
god is to unite people not to seperate
local and foolish arguments of muslims and hindus will kill the world
you ar the only god who can controll you..
Marry her be proud to be an Indian
You are a hindu boy or hindu girl you can marry a muslim / christian only after conversion.. they wont convert to hindu. Thats absolute bullshit. If Love does not see any religion, caste, community why you want to convert. You are changing your identity and culture for love ? for a girl ? Muslims and Christians are united and they will do conversion. have you ever seen conversion in hinduism, because they can occupy a country, rule the world in the name of their religion. Thats complete politics, no hell or heaven. Anybody in this world have seen God, Hell or Heaven ??? Do you think your parents will be happy seeing you a muslim ?? In your lifetime do good to your family keep them happpy. Dont be a fool to convert yourself and push everybody into trouble.. If you truly love that girl she will accept you without you getting converted. Ask that girl to come out of her house and get married. Hindu’s will accept a muslim girl in their home. If not now atleast in future. Converting is like giving your authority to some people dont belong your culture…
Guys I am facing the same thing. I am a Muslim girl from Pakistan and I love an Indian Hindu guy. Its been more than a year now. He is ready to convert to Islam.
Look Sanjay ! there is no other easy way to marry your love other than changing your religion. I pray for you guys. Insha Allah everything will be fine at the end. Remember me in prayers guys !!!
You are nothing but a love-proselytizer. You think that Hindu is converting, but your lover is out to fool you. After his fake-conversion and having good times with you for a few years, he is going to be back to be what ever he is, that is a Hindu.
Do not make your married life based on lies and deceptions, it will ruin lives of both of you and both extended families.
Even if you marry, do not plan for a child for 2-3 years till you are 100% sure that you are fully compatible and can raise child without religious conflicts.
Hai guys!!!!
It doesn’t matter, She is Hindu and He is Muslim. Love is Heart of agreement. Love can change anything, if its true. Religion will never enter while we are in love each other. We live our life for happiness and our children. So, please think about yourself, Where there is Love, there is life. So, Don’t give up importance to religion for silly reasons, it will spoil you whole beautiful life and love one. Please think???. Why We are Loving???… My answer is Im sorry “I don’t know, Im crazy on Him (My Teddy is Nizam”,… What about You??..
Can you give details about your love, if one?
hey admin what u want to say about hindu guyz
There are good and bad guys in all faiths. If you are in love with someone from other faith, make sure the person respects you the way you are.
Very wrong, I know a Hindu girl that will marry a Muslim man. Im worried for the kids and especially the boy. It is upsetting.
I am in a similar position! I am Hindu and like a Muslim guy, he is a really decent guy and have known him for ages, we use to be good friends. the only problem about coming out and telling my family is the religion! Just because of the whole thing before in the past, families these days are still restricting their children between the two religions! To be honest you can’t help who you fall in love with. Half of you wants to know that the relationship will be a long term or not but the other half doesn’t want to loose your family over the decision you make.
Reply to Priya at
hi friends
every religion has different place viz Hindu has Swarga….Christian has Paradise..etc
so why fight for a life Humanity is very essential
I want to appreciate this….
Amar,sajid kartik to all
hey rehan stop this “in my religion”
about me…i m in same boat .hindu in love with muslim…but dont know how to tackle…she and me are from extremely strict families……
But a message to all specially to rehan:
whenever anything happens whether good or bad we say it might be the wish of god.
So mr. Rehan its was the wish of allah that sanjay and me too fall in love with muslim girl.
So sanjay get up ….and b a role model for me.i m only of 17
lala your mum will suck your cock in hell,
Sanjay whatever you do DO NOT CONVERT to muslim. the family will hate you as your hindu and there is no need for you to convert to another religion. your parents brought u up to be a hindu so stay one!! muslims call our hindu religion false but theres noting more FALSE then THEIR religion!!!!
Brother lala, you are 100% correct, all muslim want is that everyone becone muslim one way or the other, they consider other god as fake and only there god true. The world has seen how peaceful they really are.
God is one whether of Hindus or Muslims..
he he he he he what can i say more than that just wait for your death u’ll know what is fake n what is truth
@ Amir,
Only retards like you, your friend ‘Indian’, Shakeel, Admin and Satyen need to wait for death to know whether Islam is true or a lie.
Intelligent people with compassion can easily find that your Allah is nothing more than an imaginary deity coming out of Mohammad’s delusions.
Here comes maulana, phd in imaginary islam, where real life begins after death…so when are you going to ur real life aamir, oh btw how many virgins are you going you get? 72 is it? Hmm i wish you could get a virgin wife in this life itself. Sad dude you have to die to have real experience – all this as per your quran, interpretation by a muslim scholar.
all riligion should be respected lala
I would firstly suggest that you both become independent , so that if any problems arise within your own families and they are not supportive that you can at least manage on your own.
Also please discuss the future (kids, religious ceremonies, etc) with your girlfriend. All of these things are important to get out in the open first because after you are married it can cause problems.
What are her thoughts on both of you following your own faith? Or is someone making the other convert?
I would strongly suggest to talk about these things as they are important and will affect your future kids lives .
Please keep us updated and good luck
Hello Sanjay,
Have you attained age of maturity, are you earning and what about your muslim girlfriend, her age, and earning etc?
If you both fulfill these conditions, you need not to worry, if you both feel loyal and committed to each other, as a life partner, irrespective of any situation in the life, you can marry under special marriage act.
In the present day world, every body has a right to choose his/her spouse? Under the so called religious barriers under islamic rules, that is just keep women salves for males.
Have courage, Rome was not built in a day.
Hi Sanjay,
If you both are committed and understood each, have attained age of maturity and earning your livelihood, then there is no problem to marry. No need to change your religion either you or your muslim friend. There are so many examples like Chief Minister of J&K,s Sister , Sara Abdulla married to Sachin Pilot, Salman Khans sister married to Agnihotri and Farah Khan married to Sirish Kunder, Govinda film actor,s mother also muslim, all they maintained their own religion, but respected sentiments of religion of their spouses.
Marrying a like minded Hindu boy is more better than a orthodox muslim guy, who never treat women at par with males. Loyality and commitment from both the side is essential to have happy and prosperous life. In Hindu family even a muslim daughter in law can also become an earning hand, whereas if you are middle class(lower), your muslim inlaws may not like your spouse to go for a job.I have seen practicality of islamic laws giving too much liberty to the males but at the same time putting all restrictions on the fundamental rights of women to satisfy their egos and so called islamic prestige.
If you really love her, then there should be no problem. Dont worry about world, world has problem with everything. Dont bother about the religious issue if you love her and she loves you same, there would be no issues. Plus its inter-religion so no one religion can be super. Think it dat way, which hindu community or muslim community came forward to help his or her family when you needed help? Consider her precious and marry her,keep her happy. BTW – i m as secular person, by religion Muslim and i do no hate other religion.
yes,,,i totally agree with u admin,,,u are right…
Hindus, Muslims, Christians and the rest have their own belief system, and no one is right or wrong. Only the dating couple has to understand each other’s dogmas and their expectations from each other. An “un-informed” decision for marriage will bring pain and suffering for both and their extended families.
sorry..i just want to ask u. What are ur religion?
For me love is important, but the important one is my love to Allah. Then, our prophet. Next my parent and family, knowledge and other person
2.our Prophet (25 prophet muslim need to know)
3.parent and family
5.other person
Allah forbade muslim people marry with non muslim person. and i only marry with muslim person because i love Allah unconditionally.
Islam is not what muslim do but what Allah gave to our prophet of muhammad (Koran and As-sunnah). Many non muslim people think islam is worst. It is because they never found a real muslim person. Thank Allah because i can found many of ‘real muslim’ in my country.
A muslim person that married with non muslim person dont know a real islam (Al quran an Assuunah) and they dont have enough knowlegde abaout islam.
So if we want to know a real islam is, we need to deepen islam
My religion is – love and respect for all.
Humanity comes first over all other man-made religious dogmas.
I am sure you agree that caring for others is a real religion. Please come back to this site again and again to educate young adults in love. Allah will be happy for helping them and guiding them in a right direction.
What would you say to Sanjay?
sanjay says that “I am ready to face any situation and she too but i dont want her to face”. and my opinion is…. just convert to islam. and be a good muslim husband for his future wife.
Rayhaan, you gave one option, but how about she too is willing to face any situation for her lover, why not she convert to Hinduism? In India, generally girls follow husband’s religion. It is possible that after marriage, they will have to live with their idol-worshipper Hindu parents, so why not join them?
You said Sanjay should convert to Islam. Should the Muslim girl ask the in-laws to convert to Islam too? How about their distant Hindu relatives and Hindu friends?
Alternatively, why not Sanjay fake-convert to Islam then revert? All Muslims will be happy because he converted and Hindu too because he is a Hindu?
Why are you bringing religion in love. A muslim girl loves a hindu boy they want to get married. Why are you against it. No religion teaches that other religion is bad, specially Hinduism has no problem with a muslim wife. So according to islam (more specifically YOU) don’t want the girl to marry the guy. So are you saying that girl should convert to Hinduism and then marry him? Hinduism does not preaches hatred for other religion so she can marry him even when she is muslim.
Please let god do his job, you and me are just human, you don’t try to teach wrong things to other innocent people. God will punish you for your deeds, sooner or later.
I pray to lord Krishna – they get married soon all my best wishes to them. Sanjay brother if you need any (i mean any) help just reply to this. My wife is a muslim and i know exactly what you are going thru.
Hi Amar,
Does your wife believe in Koranic teachings that Rayhaan stated “Allah forbade muslim people marry with non muslim person”?
How did you got married, Nikaah (after Shahadah conversion), Hindu wedding or civil wedding? How do above listed items apply in your married life, or not at all?
You are a role model for others. Can you share details of your married life for other young-adults to learn from?
dont blame me like that, i never condemn other religion include your religion. in my religion belief, only muslim can enter to jannah(heaven). i gave that opinion to sanjay because i want him to enter heaven with his future wife. i just want them get a happy life at heaven. i hope u understand me.
You said “in my religion belief, only muslim can enter to jannah(heaven).” and yes, we believe, all Muslims believe in the same. Can you clarify below point?….
If only Muslims and those who follow Islamic teachings go to the jannah, how about Mahatma Gandhiji, Mother Teresa, Barak Obama, Einstein, and this World’s 4 billion some living non-Muslims and some billions who died without being a Muslim?
How about Osama Bin Ladin? He was a true Muslim and hope Allah will take him first on the Judgment Day.
in muslim belief, all non muslim people will be punish in the hell . But for muslim who did sin, they will punish in the hell, but after that, they can enter to heaven(we dont know the long time they will punish at there, maybe 100,000 year and more)and if they ask for forgiveness to Allah for their sin before they die, insyaAllah(if Allah wills it), Allah will forgive them and they will go to heaven. Although, we need to know,after he/she ask for forgiveness, they need to follow islamic teachings and try to be a good muslim.
How about osama?only Allah know about him because it is “Allah Secret”, if he was a true muslim, insyaAllah, he will go to heaven. In akhirah(judgement day), Allah will decide whether we go to heaven or hell based on our religion and amal/ibadah(what we did before).
Pls yaar respond fast i m in need of your answer
@Rayhaan- why to discount Christian paradise, and Hinduism ‘s swarg? When osama killed Christians and other religion guys then Christian and may be jews( Americans) killed osama, where will Christians guys go after death? So answer is don’t show yourself as world leader in these marriage issues. Grow up and give sensible answers. Those who give just religious angle are fools, this problem will never solve then.
so true..! i love a muslim girl with my heart..! we should all preach love..i have loads of muslim friends…and christians too..! love is whatdrives us all..! preach good good to others..if you can help someone help me..dont commit anything wrong againstanyone..give people what you have and find happiness..! that is real god.!..first see the girl as who she is ..a human..! respect her and treat her well..and keep her happy..then only all these religion things come…God can be found only through love,care and respect..!..
Some practical points out of curiosity…how are you planning to get married? Islamic wedding after conversion, Hindu wedding or Civil marriage? Have you met her parents and explain your plan to get married? Please get back to us, thanks.