I feel guilty now for Muta marriages

Nagma says: March 15, 2013 at 9:10 am

Hi Admn,

I am Nagma , originally from an asian muslim country and now in USA.

I am a college student (21 years). In my freshman year, I met a Muslim boy (27 years), who I started talking to him. There was intense physical attraction and so he proposed that we should do a temporary marriage.

We entered into this marriage for a month period and then went our separate ways. Since then I have repeated the ‘Muta’ many times with his other Muslim friends of different age. I recently mentioned this to my sister who was horrified and said that this type of marriage is nothing but an indirect method of prostitution. It is mentioned in Quran and practiced since the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr’s time?

I feel guilty now for having repeated sexual affairs with different muslim boys. Some times these boys also offered me to their non-muslim friends for sake of money, 50% of which they used to keep.

Now one Black Christian wants to marry me. Please suggest what should I do? After 6 months my college will be over and expecting some job in a Mall. -Nagma


Admin says:

Dear Nagma,

We are really really sorry to read all these. First of all, you have to mature out for many things. You are in the USA and already 21, better take change of your life.

These Muslim boys have made you a prostitute. They have fooled you and used religion and prophet as tools.

Do not be brain washed by man-made religion. Use your own brain. Read what all these Muslim Women have to say for Islam. Look what all these Muslim guys have made you into. Now none of these or other Muslim boy will marry you because you will not be able to display bloody bed sheet on the honeymoon night. In this respect, yes Christian guy is a good option for you.

Your sister is very smart, now do not do anything without asking her.

Considering others have fooled you easily, we recommend not to get married till you are at least 25. Meantime 1) control your sex drive, 2) learn more on Islam and Women and what is in for you, 3) focus on job and save some money and 4) over next 4 years, look for a life mate who will be good in many respect (again, take advise from your sister). Best wishes. -Admin


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • Jena
    March 29, 2017 9:13 am

    Please give me something that allows married woman to have mutah with another man. She hasn’t had sexual intercourse with her husband in a year.

    • Aliya
      March 29, 2017 10:18 am

      Yes it is possible.. if A couple is not having sexual intercourse for more than 4 months the marriage is pretty much over since it is wajib to have sex. Therefore if woman is not sexually satisfied mutah is valid.

      • Mustafa
        April 1, 2017 2:29 pm

        Salam Aliya, I would like to talk with you more on this topic as I also believe in Mutah. Can you please mail me on subtlemandy@gmail.com

    • Muslim guy
      April 15, 2018 5:31 am

      Jenna – A marired woman is not allowed to enter Muta. If your not getting your needs satisfied you should approach your husbnd or else give him khula.

  • Ya Ali Madad
    September 15, 2016 2:37 am

    I have read this case on 5,6 different websites with different names and little bit changes in it. I just wanna ask something that who r these bastrads and why they are trying to degrade the image of Shiite??? Such morons deserve a tight kick on their busts and should be declared non Muslims. Shiite is in integral part of Islam and anyone who is against Shiite, is against islam

  • Jalal
    April 1, 2016 10:37 am

    first if you are Sunni Muslim (real muslim) temporary marriage is banned in Islam and its adultery, if u are so called shia moslem everything is allowed in them i refrain to comment on them.

    • Khan
      July 27, 2016 1:57 pm

      Except if u r sunni, u can do halala or misyar or whatever. Refute with facts not lies. Lanatullahe alal qazebeen.

  • January 6, 2016 5:51 pm

    If i want to do mutah with local christain girl , who maybe ready for some money, i wud include it as mahr, and explain her the procedure of reciting the siga..

    For example 2 hrs, the is it my responsible for her iddah, as they dont hv such thing in their religion..

    Their culture is so backward , u may not knw wen they had sex last time..
    So, whether they r married, divorced, single, dependent or independent. Its difficult to knw the truth..

    To the point.. Abt their iddah is it my responsibility..
    Or just after the contract end, i m free man , for another wen required

  • Imran
    December 26, 2015 6:22 am


    Dear Nagma, May Allah (Subhanahu Ta’ala) give you strength so that you over come this depression. Remember that, good and bad times are both part and parcel of this life, but life does not stops and you should not stop you’re self to start living happily again.

    Regarding those brothers and sisters who are calling MUTAH a zina. Please hold on for a second, whether you agree with Mutah or not, but do not call Mutah a zina. Fear Allah (Subhanahu Ta’ala), because you could be questioned about this on the Day of Judgement.

    The Sunni and Shia scholars they both agree that this type of marriage was allowed in Islam and many Sahabas performed it, there is no disagreement over this. The disagreement is only on the part that the Sunni’s say that it was abrogated by the Prophet (Pbuh) and the Shia’s say that it was never abrogated by the Prophet (Pbuh), but was abrogated in the Time of Umar (R.a).

    If we say that Mutah is Zinah, does that means that Islam and the Prophet (Pbuh) allowed Zinah (even if it be for a small period of time)? (May Allah forbid). It can never be the case.

    Also if you carefully study the Mutah Marraige contract, it’s exactly the same like a Nikah contract but for a specified period of time. There is a MAHR which is suppose to be given in Mutah, if the Mutah marriage is consummated and a child is born (that child gets equal inheritance rights and the name of the father), there is an Iddah period at the end of the marriage. In Zina, there is no Mahr, there is no Iddah period and the child born does not gets any kind of a right. So does the Mutah in any way sounds like Zinah?

    Both the groups (Sunni and Shia) provide set of explanations, hadiths and proofs to back their claim, in my research i have found the Shia claim to be more stronger. But, i could be wrong also and Allah knows best. Let me state honestly here that i do not belong to a Shia family, i come from a Sunni background and a sunni family.

    It’s Allah who decides what is Halal and what is Haram, he is the Al-Hakam, It’s he who will decide what is zina and what is not zina. This should be our Eeman and faith.

    Dear nagma do not feel sad, i believe you did not do zina, and even if you did, do not lose hope for pardon from the Ar-Rehman, ask for forgiveness from Allah, he is the most merciful. Think it that way, if that guy wanted to abuse the standard nikah contract, he could have still abused the standard nikah contract. There are cases in which Divorce took place in less then 30 days after consumation of the marriage.

    Those who just want to abuse the marriage system whether it be Mutah or non-Mutah, they will do it anyways. So do not feel guilty, i do not think you did Zina. And if you’re inner consciousness is telling you that you did Zina, ask for Pardon from Ar-rehman. And Allah knows best….


    • Rabia
      April 4, 2016 9:56 am

      Thanks, Imran!

      Finally a brother with some decent & well-researched/informed advice & good perspective on right & wrong, halaal & haraam and most importantly Allah’s ability & power to judge above man’s. Who am I or someone else to judge – let Allah be the judge, guys! We are too quick to divide amongst each other, and it’s perfectly OK to have differences of opinion on things, as many scholars do. But at least please don’t say nonsense like “real Muslim” vs non-“real Muslim”.

      Allah alone knows who’s a real Muslim, and who’s a fake Muslim, who has good intentions…etc. or who’s just struggling like most of us…

      Glad to have brothers like you, Imran…

    • Muslim guy
      April 15, 2018 5:43 am

      Br. Imran you have very well said that. I would also add one thing. Sister Nagma, Mutah can only be done by a girl with the permission of a father, grandfather or brother(seems mail dominating- But this is to protect the girl from the wrong men). If a girl is divorcee and she is not a virgin she can decide on her own and doesnt need permission.

      Allah is very merciful and he forgives everything except Shirk so your realization is the biggest thing. Ask for forgiveness and you shall get.

      A muslim brother in faith.

      • Danish Ahmad
        April 22, 2021 10:32 pm

        Yes, Of course

  • Moazam Aftab
    June 7, 2015 12:16 am

    Aslam – 0 – Alaikum, i feel sorry for you what they have done to you, Christians are Ahl e Kitaab but they are not Muslims, So it is better to Marry a Muslim Boy, Well if you truly remorse on what you did, then who are we to judge you. I am 26 Year Pakistani Boy , Living in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E , and i am ready to marry you, when ever you want.
    Rest is up to you

  • April 23, 2015 1:23 am

    Mutta )Temporary marriage.This is a question that the Mutta is allow or not Islam.As i know that the Mutta was allow in early age of Islam because that time the Sahaba Kiram engaged in Jihad or preeching of Islam so due to the unknown timing of their return.The mutta was conditionally allow.But when Hazrat Umer became a Khalifa.He forbed the MUTTA.Because that time the situation was changed.May Allah Guid us.
    If any one says that the Mutta is allow in this era that think about your sister,that you will be agree to do Mutta of your sister with other man.

  • Ameer
    March 25, 2014 9:04 am

    Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.527 Narrated by Ali bin Abi Talib

    On the day of Khaibar, Allah’s Messenger (saws) forbade the Mut’a (i.e. temporary marriage), and the eating of donkey-meat.

    Hence it is equal to prostiitution

    • Zulfiqar
      October 8, 2014 11:09 am

      Please also give any reference of this forbeden of Prophet SAW. Please explain Jihad ul Nikah also.

  • me
    March 12, 2014 9:32 am

    i m 50 and never married, male. i live in europe and at the age of 50, i m having muta sex. Due to so many women and freedom in europe i cant control myself. i think we need to use muta in a valid reasons and not for fun. i am always available for women and wellcome women to do more muta and contact me. descent65@hotmail.com

    • Amine
      July 17, 2014 12:25 am

      you are sick and perverted … can you offer your sister for muta, i guess NO …. Muta is HARAM

  • me
    March 12, 2014 9:29 am

    i m 50 and never married, male. i live in europe and at the age of 50, i m having muta sex. Due to so many women and freedom in europe i cant control myself. i think we need to use muta in a valid reasons and not for fun.

    • monika kamra
      August 8, 2016 4:44 am

      now i know why europeans hate u so much…u deserve it..u all muslims deserve it.. people always look muslims girls with sympathy…u know in one word, i can describe u.. u r a pervert and bastard who can even do sex with ur own sister or daughter or mother… u deserve to b in hell

  • March 3, 2014 12:23 pm

    MUST WATCH: very powerful documentary about Muta Marriage revealing shocking truths, often suppressed in the mainstream
    Assalaamu Alaikum:
    Please watch, like and share “The Ultimate Muta marriage documentary”. This is an unprecedented documentary revealing many suppressed truths about Muta marriage from the prominent Sunni “Saheeh books”. We have finally finished this powerful and comprehensive research, which is one of its kind. It exposes many shocking realities and evidence about Muta marriage, which are often kept hidden from the majority of the people. This documentary took a very long time to research and produce. It required the downloading of more than 4.8 Gigabytes worth of books on PDF, as well as hundreds of hours of work in the research and production process. This is the most comprehensive documentary on this topic to date. It addresses most of the common arguments and misconceptions about Muta, So please help to promote it so that it reaches to the widest audience possible and helps to combat all the widespread falsehood and disinformation about this topic.

    (1) Muta is in the Quran – definitions & background information
    (2) Who prohibited the two Mutas – Umar’s Famous Sermon forbidding the two Mutas
    (3) Who prohibited the Muta of Hajj
    (4) Companions who allowed Muta marriage
    (5) Companions who did Muta marriage Including Asmaa The daughter of Abubakr
    (6) Refuting the claims of the prohibition of Muta in the Quran and Hadeeth
    (7) shocking distortion and tampering of the hadeeths of Muta
    (8) Sunni invented temporary marriages Misyar Misfar etc & reasons for Muta
    (9) Common misconceptions about Muta – Muta is not Zina according to the Sunni schools of thought – instructions on how to perform Muta marriage
    Ali Mohamad, # DT#


    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7727

    • Amine
      July 17, 2014 12:31 am

      That’s all you have to say ? That will be great if you can offer your sister for a muta. The west is trying to resolve the problem of the world and you are trying to resolve a sex problem, you have a sex in your head.

  • ------
    November 20, 2013 12:43 pm

    ya shia do muta marriages not muslims

  • murad
    August 28, 2013 12:21 pm

    Hi Nagma,

    I felt very sad after reading your post that what happened to you. Boys did use you for sexual desire. But did you stop them for doing it. You also agreed to in sexual relationship with them under free will.
    So when you agree to have sex with Muslim or non Muslim person then why you just blame others.
    Please do not portray muta as licenses for prostitution because it is not. your free will to have sex with anyone has made you prostitute.
    As a muslin girl you cannot have muta with non Muslim person.
    Muta law under Islam forbids it. If you did or did not know it is your fault not Islam.
    Muta in not another name of prostitution. Muta cannot be performed with prostitute.
    Sister Nagma as you mentioned that you keep 50% of the money when u have sex with non Muslim, so in my opinion you contributed to prostitution and you were not under muta marriage.
    Muta marriage is allowed in islam. It is mentioned in quran. In islam Quran is the law. Think about if quran allows and will Prophet abolishes it. So something mentioned in quran and one of caliph abolished it who will you follow (Quran or caliph). who you are suppose to follow when something is clear in quran. this is you to decided. Everybody will be responsible for its own deeds.
    Advise given by admin is good but think but i disagree on part where all the blame is given to the boys. sister Nagma you were also involved in sexual relationship at your free will and you are in the act too. If you keep blaming others then you wont correct your self.
    My advise correct your self first.
    Think what you did that you should not have done.
    Now think if you haven’t allowed them then this act could be stopped.
    So start drawing lines where you can stop yourself.
    Start controlling yourself first. Think you are at fault too. Repair your faults first and don’t let others treat you bad.

    Allah knows the best.

  • Ali
    August 14, 2013 12:05 am


    You should simply repent, don’t be ashamed, everyone makes mistakes.

    There is also nothing wrong with Muta according to Shi’a Islam.

    You have sexual urges, you wanted to take care of them in a way you thought was okay, maybe it was not okay, but you cannot let it destroy your life.

    If I were single, I would marry you and accept you and love you as any man should, it doesn’t matter if you are a virgin or not.

    Anyone who doesn’t want you because you’re not a virgin is a crooked soul and you wouldn’t want to be married to that low life anyways.

    Stay in America if you can, you don’t want these sick judgemental people trying to kill you or abuse you.

    Find a good, open minded, honest man who won’t use you, who will treat you well. Educate your self, you are a powerful person, don’t let anyone control you.

    E-mail me if you need any advice, I hate seeing people suffer because of dogma and ridiculous culture of sexism.



  • March 20, 2013 1:28 am

    Temporary marriage was not banned at the beginning just as alcohol or slavery was not banned. So if a man came to town where he has no acquaintances, so he ‘marries’ for a fixed time depending on his stay in the town, the woman looks after his provisions and prepares his food, until the verse was revealed: “If you are in desperation and cannot afford a wife then marry a slave as you are all equal in the eys of God. But it is better that you have patience.” 4:25
    [edit]Shia view
    Shi’a believe that Umar ibn al-Khattab abolished it, not the Prophet of Islam.He is accused of publicly confessing to challenging the Prophet by saying: “I forbid you mutah which the Prophet allowed!” [1]
    He did it during the third year of his reign, 15 ah (637 CE), 6 year after the revelation of verse 4:24, in the Hadith of Umar’s speech of forbidding Mut’ah, but since he, according to them, had no authority to do so, Umar’s prohibition seems to have been temporary and applicable to one place, hence must be ignored (Muslim 2801 1, 2).
    However, like with so many narrations there are different versions and so to deduce which narration is closer to the truth, the facts surrounding the incidents need to be considered. Here are some relevant facts regarding the report that Umar removed mutah and publicly accepted to going against the Prophet Muhammad.
    The man who was doing mutah at the time of Umar was Ibn Harith. Ibn Harith was known for the lies he said and was caught lying when he denied making a young slave girl pregnant and then refused to accept the child. When Umar caught him he said that the Prophet had allowed such things.
    When Umar asked for collaboration of what he claimed then both Sunni and Shia sources say that Ali stood on the side against mutah saying: “It was forbidden many times like eating the meat of the donkey!”
    There were no children being born of mutah in the time of the Prophet in Medina once the Nikkah laws were established. As in Arab culture a child is named after the father we dont see any examples of boys who carried the names of their ‘temporary fathers.’ The only one which is mentioned is Zubair and he remained ashamed of it as his conception happened in Mecca when pagan laws were still followed by new converts.
    The Prophet never did it in Mecca or Medina despite facing so many circumstances in which it could have been justified for him to do so.
    When Umar stamped it out there was no opposition. The caliphs to follow did not reinstate it – nor Ali brought it back during his rule as forth caliph. However, when Umar tried to put a maximum ceiling on how much a woman can charge as dowry for marriage then every woman in Medina spoke against him and he had to remove his law.
    Abdullah bin Abbas who came to support Ibn Harith also changed his mind and said it was only allowed by the Prophet in desperation during the transitions from jaliliya to Islam. He compared mutah to eating pig in desperation.
    The story that says that two men were desperate for sex while travelling in the desert wanted to castrate themselves and so the Prophet allowed them to seek a woman for mutah. This story has too many gaps for it to be taken seriously as the story relies on the possibility of finding a young slender beautiful woman sitting along the desert and then agreeing to having sex for an old blanket.
    [edit]formula of al mutah

    The formula for solemnizing the permanent marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: “Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu x — I give myself to you in marriage for the marriage gift which is x.” (In place of “x” mention the agreed marriage dowry [mahr].) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.” The formula for solemnizing the temporary marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: ““Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu (x) li muddati (x) — I give myself to you in marriage for the dowry of (x) for the time period (x).” (In place of first “x” mention the agreed mahr and in place of the second “x” mention the agreed time.) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.
    [edit]The Conditions of Temporary marriage

    The woman has to say that I have wedded you myself and she must state the time period and the dowry. The man has to say that he accepted the marriage. The time period and the dowry have to be defined. the woman whose marriage was consummated (sexually) must finish her Iddat (period in which the woman can not remarry); in case she wants to marry another person. Its Iddat finishes in two menstrual periods. Therefore, she is legitimately prohibited to remarry before the termination of Iddat. Whereas, if her marriage was not consummated (sexually), she will not observe an Iddat and she has the right to conclude immediately a marriage contract with another man The woman has to be either Muslim or from the People of the Book (Christian or Jew).
    It is allowed to conclude a temporary marriage with a virgin (never married) if she is an adult, since she has the right to wed herself without the permission of her guardian, but other considerations should be taken into account – like bad reputation the girl might acquire or that she might put herself in a dangerous situation, since it is illegal to endanger oneself in Islamic law even if it were in marriage.

    The Nikah al-Mut‘ah is used various ways:
    It is used in modern times when people move from one place to another, such as from one country to another. Thus students, workers, scholars may enter into a contractual marriage under the verse of the Qur’an which allows ones emotional needs and human needs to be fulfilled if they are in another country. It always lead to permanent marriage afterwards.
    It may be used to become mahram (unmarriable) with somebody with whom they do not intend to cohabit or have a married relationship, but with whom they spend a lot of time (for example, share a house). In order to ease the hijab “modest dress” rules, they engage in a nikah al-Mut‘ah, specifying in the marriage contract that no physical contact is allowed.
    Two people who live under the same roof but are not mahram (unmarriable) and must observe hijab may engage in a symbolic nikah al-mut‘ah with the others’ offspring for a few minutes. The Nikahu’l-Mut‘ah does not need to have any practical consequence, but it will make the parent and the offspring’s husband or wife permanently mahram to each other, and thus no longer obliged to observe hijab rules.
    Young unmarried couples may decide to use nikahu l-Mut‘ah as a permissible alternative to entering into a relationship on the premise of future permanent marriage.
    It might also be seen as a cover for legalized prostitution, as the nikahu l-Mut’ah can last for as little as half an hour, and the woman receives financial compensation. In accordance with the Quran she must wait three months (iddah) before the next contract.[2]

    Nikah al-Mut‘ah resembles an ordinary conventional marriage in many, but not all, aspects. It commences in the same way as a Nikah except that a date of expiration for the marriage is added to the marriage contract and the wife’s rights are restricted to some extent. The duration is decided by the couple involved. There are no restrictions on minimum and maximum duration. If the period is longer than what can be reasonably expected to be a lifetime, it will transform into a nikah.
    During the period of the marriage, the couple are considered husband and wife, just as in a permanent marriage. At the expiration, the marriage is voided without undergoing a talaq (divorce). In case of sexual intercourse, the woman must observe the iddah (waiting period) before she can marry anyone else.
    [edit]Differences from permanent marriage
    Nikah Mut’a is referred to as a marriage but since it has no divorce it means that it was more of a contract that dissolves rather than a marriage where divorce tries to deal with issues like children’s welfare, legalities if cruelty or unfairness has happened,possibility of reconciliation etc
    The contract is agreed to be voided after a pre-set time. Hence there are no expectations on either side of any continuation of the relationship.
    The husband may void the Nikahu l-Mut‘ah earlier than agreed. A wife can’t.If he does and they have had sexual intercourse, he must give her full mahr “bride gift”. If they have not had intercourse, he must give her half that amount, though the recommended precaution is that he should give her full mahr. A distinction between a talaq (divorce) in a nikah and voiding a nikahu l-mut‘ah is made in a conversation reported in a hadith collection.[3]
    The couple do not inherit from each other. Since the marriage is not permanent, the couple is not considered a single, merged unit.
    The husband is financially responsible for any children resulting from the marriage. As it is believed that a woman should not be burdened with the responsibility of providing for a family, she is allowed to work and spend her money as she chooses.Hence it is not an equal partnership
    The wife may go out of her home against her husband’s will.In a permanent marriage a wife needs to get approval of the husband.
    The husband need not pay for the wife’s expenses. This complements the above point.
    It is permitted to marry a woman from Ahl al-Kitab “People of the Book” (followers of monotheistic religions). The difference in jurisprudence between different religions is overcome by this rule. It is understood that the Shia Nikah does not have an equivalent form among the People of the Book. Therefore, women who are of the People of the Book are unaccustomed to the special rules of Nikah, for example, the husband’s responsibility for the wife’s expenses or the wife’s not leaving her house against the husband’s wishes. These difference in religious laws make it desirable to wait with the higher level of commitment that Nikah requires until they are overcome, in order to minimize potential friction in family life.
    The wives are not counted toward the maximum of four. Since the husband is not required to support the wife, and the marriage is not permanent, the circumstances leading to the restriction of having no more than four wives does not apply.
    If a child is born then the man has a last say to accept the child to be his or not. If he refuses to acknowledge the child then his word will count and the woman will be lashed 70 times for fornication

    • F shah
      November 2, 2014 8:17 am

      Do you believe in Mutah, have you practiced it?

    • ibn abbas
      December 18, 2015 12:12 pm

      Zaheera, is your deduction from your on personal rational or issue of Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) that can be found pertaining this matter of muta, thank you

    • Mohammad Husayn
      August 9, 2017 5:35 pm

      So true. May Allah give us taufeeq to follow the truth. Aameen.
      And may Allah bless you for spreading the truth.. Ameen Summa Ameen

    • Mohammad Husayn
      August 9, 2017 5:36 pm

      Zaheera May Allah bless you for spreading the truth Aameen Ya Rabb

  • March 19, 2013 8:41 am

    I want to share this documentory that gives us a disturbing insight into the reality of Iran’s Mut’ah (prostitution) rings. It follows the stories of two Irani women who have fallen victim to the vicious cycle of living life as a Mut’ah prostitute.This really made me feel sick, how can we allow these things. I however take it with pinch of salt we all know Mu’ta is practiced in Iran.

    In such a society where they teach women to rely on men for everything, when those men happen to be drug addict or losers, the women find herself with kids to look for and no education neither chances.

    It is not a matter of religion, it is a convergence of facts and it is the same over the world.

    Except in Iran there are, compared to Canada or U.K, not the same wealth, neither public institutions. Unfortunately, when the government is uncapable, he throws it on religion.

    This film was very hard hitting, it makes you think that as western women we moan about things that dose not really matter like are hipe being to big, looking older then are years and so many other trivial things, when we seen videos like this were women can not walk outside there back gates with out fear ,who can not speak with out freedome.

    Terrible ,freedome to all women every were, not to be better then man but for us all to be the same in this life.

    Mut’ah was originally a practice done as temporary marriage. This was commonly found throughout the Arabian peninsula during what is called Jahaliyyah, or pre-Islamic times.

    And as it is reported on the Authority of Imam Ali (ra):

    The Messenger of Allah had forbidden Mutah on the day of Khaybar and had forbidden the eating of the meat of domestic camels. [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizy, Ibn Majah, Nasa`i, Tahawy, Shafii, Bayhaqy, and Hazimy]

    Today Mut’ah has been revived, but in a form which is vile and unjust. It resembles more of modern day prostitution in which a man can pay to be with a woman for as much as 15 minutes, 15 days, 15 weeks, 15 months, or 15 years…whatever it is that he prefers.

    In Iran the Shia Regime has allowed this practice and is even encouraged by the Shia religious leaders. After the revolution in Iran, the amount of Mut’ah practices rose over 600%. Women are smuggled all around the world from Iran, to Iraq, to Turkey, to Pakistan, to Afghanistan, and in some cases even to Europe.

    Women are often kidnapped or tricked into becoming Mut’ah prostitutes at a very young age and some families even force their daughters to perform the practice in order to earn an extra income.

    The Shia hadith (teachings & sayings) proclaim heretical statements of disbelief when speaking on the subject of Mut’ah. As it says in the Shia hadith:

    One who engages in Mutah once in his lifetime reaches the status of Imam Al-Hussain. One who engages in it twice becomes equal in status to Imam Al-Hasan. The one who performs it three times reaches the position of Imam Ali. And he who practices it four times acquires the level and position of the Prophet Muhammad. (Furoo al-Kafi)

    • Mufti Towheed
      December 29, 2014 6:54 am

      Mut’ah means temporary marriage which is allowed in both SHIA and Sunni Islam.

      Sunni call it Jihad un Nikah or Nikah MISYAR! (http://www.daruliftaa.com/node/6159) or (http://www.thebereans.net/forum2/showthread.php?t=49285)

      Shia call it Mut’ah which is also mentioned in Quran and their practice is more inline with Quran and Sunnah.

      Umar bin khatab, banned many sunnah’s and introduced new bid’ahs in islam. Sunnis follow Umar and abu bakar more than following quran and prophet.

      • Abrar
        June 13, 2015 2:25 am

        Mufti u are shia not muslim so you dont have any ryt to say anything of sahab. U r kafir not muslim

  • March 19, 2013 8:35 am


    “Muta Marriage” is a short term contractual relationship, lasting hours or a few days, where the man gives something of value to a woman and they “marry” and engage in sex for an agreed length of time. Once the contractual time expires the marriage is over and they go their own ways. This is legalized Islamic prostitution. Men get satisfaction and women get something of value, be it money, or clothing, or even a Quranic recital.

    Narrated Abdullah: We used to participate in the holy wars carried on by the Prophet and we had no women (wives) with us. So we said (to the Prophet ). “Shall we castrate ourselves?” But the Prophet forbade us to do that and thenceforth he allowed us to marry a woman (temporarily) by giving her even a garment, and then he recited: “O you who believe! Do not make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you.” Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 60, Number 139.

    Temporary “Muta” marriage is practiced today and often arranged by Imams and other Islamic leaders in Europe (the city centre’s where Shia Muslims cluster), America (Shia parts of Dearborn, Michigan), and of course in the Mideast. The most common victims of Muta marriage are destitute widows and orphaned girls who are sold to old men. These females are driven to extreme means to pay rent and feed themselves and their children. These females are abused by both the men who purchase them and the Islamic leaders. Muhammad’s system allows them to be abandoned and then exploited rather than responding with charity and compassion.

    Sunni Muslims do not normally practice Muta marriage. But many Sunni Muslims today are ashamed of what Muhammad did because they know that Muhammad allowed prostitution to satisfy his men’s wants. And that’s the same story with Muhammad again and again. Like Felix and his bag of tricks, Muhammad always managed to pull a “revelation” out of thin air and change the rules of the game. If one reads the “Sirat Rasulallah”, (“The Life of Muhammad”, by A. Guillaume), one will find that Muhammad allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed Muta marriage, etc. several times. Muhammad’s rules and religion depended on circumstances, not on God’s will.

    • Mufti Towheed
      December 29, 2014 6:54 am

      Mut’ah means temporary marriage which is allowed in both SHIA and Sunni Islam.

      Sunni call it Jihad un Nikah or Nikah MISYAR! (http://www.daruliftaa.com/node/6159) or (http://www.thebereans.net/forum2/showthread.php?t=49285)

      Shia call it Mut’ah which is also mentioned in Quran and their practice is more inline with Quran and Sunnah.

      Umar bin khatab, banned many sunnah’s and introduced new bid’ahs in islam. Sunnis follow Umar and abu bakar more than following quran and prophet.

  • March 16, 2013 9:59 am

    Due to such evil practices, innocent girls loose their virginity before marriage and then they opt for either Hymen repair surgery or artificial hymen kit, as female has to prove virginity on the wedding night by blood stains on the bed sheets?

    It is an irony that one side, muta marriages are encouraged and other side, girls have to be virgin and bleed on the wedding night in the islamic religion.



    • March 16, 2013 1:02 pm

      “Displaying bloody bed sheet” practice is only there in Islam. For others, it is an individual’s choice and preference.

      HRS is not the solution to the problem; actually all Islamic women should speak out against such evil practices and decline to display the bed sheet, even you were virgin.

      The HRS only prove a woman’s submission to injustice.

      Chand, we admire your views and commitment to change the world for better tomorrow.

      • mac
        September 6, 2014 11:25 pm

        wao admin wao, how can you made such statement ““Displaying bloody bed sheet” practice is only there in Islam. For others, it is an individual’s choice and preference. “”” then you also accept that rape is allowed only in hinduism.

        • monika kamra
          August 8, 2016 4:53 am

          oh u bastard, before coming to hinduism, first look at ur religion.. is rape is practised in hinduism, then terrosirm is due to muslims, and allah will nt spare u.. i m a hindu girl, but still i believe in equality and, i guess there are many muslims girls who are living life in hell, and none of u takes the charge to imrpove their condition..be a man and give them the same rights which they deserve….i m proud i m nt muslim

          • Mustafa
            April 1, 2017 2:25 pm

            Monika Kamra,
            How will you know what religion says when you are yourself someone who prays to idols? When you don’t know about God and find God in Idols then how will you know about what life is and what is right or wrong?
            Keep your views to yourself unless you wish to rot in hell ! Don’t forget Hindu marriage Act came after partition and before that Brahmins had 2-3 wives. Every religion allows it. Your ignorance makes you say something you don’t know.

    • A good Muslim
      March 9, 2014 3:54 am

      1) For Mut’a the girl must be divorced or widowed, and if she is not than the girl and person who wanna do Mut’a with her, both of them must take the permission of girl’s fater.

      2 ) If you are telling that Mut’a is a prostitution than what do you say About Nikah Misyar, which is practiced by Sunni Muslims of different countries.

      3) What do you say about the Saudi Mufti’s fatwa about Jihad Sex, due to which a lot of Tunisian girls went to Syria and came back home pregnant after doing sex with multiple Jihadi’s in one day.

      In Mut’a there is the Waiting period (like the one after the Talaq or dying of husband in permanent marriage), but in this new method from Saudi Mufti there is no waiting period, the girl can have sex with multiple men in one day.

      Think about your own rules before pointing at others’ rules.

  • March 16, 2013 9:54 am

    Hello Admn.

    Does the above life story encourage Muta marriage?
    If not, why heading shown as We should do temporary a Muta marriage?

    • March 16, 2013 1:10 pm

      Noor, thanks for your suggestion. It is corrected.
      Please keep coming back again and again to guide others.

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