We hate each other’s religion

Hate Me says: July 16, 2013 at 5:00 am

I am a Hindu boy, born in RSS activist family and I am also RSS activist. During my engineering I meet a girl, she is Muslim (Tabliq muslim). After 4 years of refusing feelings, we finally accepted that we love each other and living apart is painful and like a punishment. We decided to take a chance. From start we know that We both hate each other’s religion. but when we are together we never raise religious issues. next 4 years were most beautiful, blossom of love were upon us.

Then comes trouble. My parents arranged my marriage with Hindu girl. I told my love about the end of relationship, As we know from start that one day this is going to happen, after much of pain we accept the reality, We separate.

On the eve of engagement, I realized that I can’t love other girl. I cancelled the marriage, In mean time my love also find a suitable muslim bf, who knows her past with me. He accepted her.

One day we (me n my muslim gf) luckly meet each other, I realized that she is not happy, its just a passing everyday without any hope or happiness. We both feel we should spend time together last time to have memories on which we can live further life. But now time had changed we were not a happy go lucky collage guys, We had some goals in life. . we realized that religion, family, children, there marriage, financial status have there own locus. Especially families, as she n I both have younger sisters who are unmarried.

So once again we decide to buried our love.

Now I once again found that, I can’t love other girl, Even I try, I can’t kiss other girl because i am burning inside for my true love.

Six months past, I called her every single day, she cut my phone each time. Yesterday I called her, She said ‘Don’t wait for me’. But now I know She is in same situation as i am. We both know no one is going to change religion, 1951′s special marraige act is there for us.

10 years had passed now, When I first saw her and actually fall in love at first sight. -Hate Me

Admin says:

Dear Hate Me,

Sorry to hear of your failed love story. You have to realize that reality of life and your wishes may not match.

Now you have to pick from one of two choices you have: 1) Hate yourself or 2) accept reality of life and start loving it the way it is. We recommend to be a realist and start your brand new life from today. If not, even at your age 90, you will be still cursing yourself and others (and for no reason).

The fact that 1) you are an RSS guy, 2) hate Islam and further 3) she is already married, even you marry (Muslim) her, you will have a major conflict for how to raise children. For now, you are only thinking of your love and do not realize complexities of a life of Hindu-Muslim couple. For all these reasons, it is best if you forget her for good.

Narendra modiIf you do not want to marry again ever, that is okay, but you should not “Hate Me”. There are many productive things you could do in this life, but don’t hate yourself. Be a good Dharmic (if not religious) person. Narendra Modi never got married, but still (probably that is why!) contributing greatly to the society; why not you set a new example?

It is not your fault, but you are a victim of this man-made religions. If you wish, please join us here to guide youths make “informed” decisions for their interfaith love. Help them to get strength to get over demands from religious institutions and teach them about true love. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Sadiq
    August 4, 2013 7:00 pm

    You should marry the person you love, if shahrukh khan was to think like you, he would have never met gauri. You should persuade her to marry true love, you my friend. True love is hard to find, you are lucky to have it rite there….grab her with both your hands before ita too late.

  • Sophiya Ahmed
    July 20, 2013 7:24 am


    You know this:
    Saudi preacher who ‘raped and tortured’ his five -year-old daughter … was spared from punishment. The 5 year girl died of severe injuries in her private parts in front and back !!!!!

    Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns.
    The child had been repeatedly raped and burned.


    You are not just insulting respectable religion but you yourself is a devil.

  • July 19, 2013 2:48 am


    Your prophet was a rapist, who did not spare his 9 year old grand daghter.

    He married 27 women and rapeed thousands of innocent girls.
    He was madharchod, kutte ki aulad.

  • Truth4ever
    July 17, 2013 1:22 pm

    Hindu fallowed his religion by raping his own daughters as hindu god brahma raped his own daughter sarşwati


  • July 17, 2013 10:54 am

    Hello HM,

    If you both are passing through same mental agony still, why dont you both try to patch up and start a new life.

    Life does not end in one or two critical phases of life. Where there is a will there is a way also. God helps those who help themselves.

    In case she does not respond, forget the past and start a new life beliving on the almighty that some body must be waiting you to share all ups and downs of the life together.

    God bless you.

    • Satyen
      August 4, 2013 4:10 pm

      Great suggestion.

  • Satyen
    July 16, 2013 11:15 pm

    Dear brother Hate me,

    You are a sensible person but mistaken my friend. You took a wrong decision in the beginning due to tender age. Later, you took two right decisions by not marrying her and cancelling the engagement. Your first decision was wrong as each passing day you came closer to some body who you knew you will have to separate one day. This increased the intensity of pain of departing her. Now you are paying for it. But trust me, your wound will heal up and you will come up as strong as ever.

    You are definitely a very strong person and a trustworthy fellow. Your decision not to marry her has kept two bosom friends apart. In case you had married with her, there would have two friends turned foes living together. So, your present situation is far better than what it could have been.

    Have you ever thought what is love for you? Is it carnal, emotional, ideological or spiritual? It’s definitely not carnal for you as you cannot even kiss any one else than her. It’s not ideological as you both are poles apart. Probably not spiritual as you feel her bodily separation a painful one. So, in most likelihood, it could be emotional. It’s not fading as you keep fuelling it with keeping your mind attached with the old good days spent with her. This is the root cause of your problem. Try to transform this emotional love into a spiritual one by thinking ‘You are in her heart and she is in yours’. In this case, where is the separation?

    Calling to the girl is going to help neither you nor the girl. In case you feel, I can be of some service to you, get my email from the Admin.

    Arouse your good samskars and get rid of this grief.

    Jai Shri Krishna.

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