I visit Temples, Mosques, Churches and Gurudwaras

Raj says: April 15, 2016 at 8:57 pm

I am a Hindu but that does not mean I critisize any other religion. I respect every religion and I believe that if there are any controversies in the holy books like Gita, Quran, Bilble etc. it surely is false. Because according to every religion, their holy books was written by the God himself and I strongly believe that no God preaches anything that is wrong.

And I am sure as hell that no God preaches to disrespect other human beings or religion.

And for those who are critisizing others’ religion either have not read their real holy book (which teaches them not to critisize others on the basis of their birth or religion or caste) or they are too sick and obsessed with their dumb mindset that they manipulated the teachings gave by their God.

And it hurts to see Hindus, Muslims, Christians and people of other religions criticising each other. I dare say to them that they are not only humilating other religions but also their own.

A free advice for those ‘sick’ people, for your sick deeds you are going to ‘narak’ (for hindus) ; ‘jahannum’ (for muslims & ‘hell’ (for christians) and if you don’t wanna go there, try doing some good deeds or live by your God’s ideal.

Acc. to Gita (the holy book of Hindus), “every ‘karma’ you do in this life is directly linked with the consequences of your in the afterlife ” & “if you want to please Bhagwan try to live by his idols, respect him and the others he had made.”

The same goes for Islam and Christianity.

Acc. to Quran (the holy book of Islam), “if you respect the ideals and principles of Allah and if you live by them, Allah himself will be taking care of you.”

Acc. to Bible (the holy of Christians),
“Jesus will take care of you, if you take care of yourself (by doing good deeds), if you care for his Children and if you abide by the rules of nature.”

For the ‘manipulative’ ‘sick’ people, the above lines, does not mean that any God is partial. Allah, Jesus or Bhagwan (whatever you wanna call the all-mighty God) treats equally all his children, its the children who chose their own consequences.

Its just a basic law of physics, ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ (So if you do harm to others, beware your God is always there to help the others to nullify your harm.)

And its a basic statement too, ‘As you sow, so you reap’. (Beware what you are giving to others is gonna come back to you too).

And those who are trying to create misunderstandings between various religions, either you have read the wrong ‘fake’ & manipulated book or you have read some crap from the internet or you are totally dumb.

And for those who are smart enough to understand that no God is partial to his children, should understand that the book is fake and is manipulated to do good to a specific group.

And here are some controversies that I read almost everywhere on the Internet, where there is discussion about religion.

Most people say that in hindus, there is caste for different people by birth. But thats wrong, there is no discussion about one’s caste in the holy book Gita.
Bhagwan treats everybody equal and preaches that we are known by our Karma ( deeds ), not by birth.

In Islam, ‘Kaafir’ is a controversial word. People argue that being said ‘Kaafir’ is an insult, but my friends it only means ‘non-muslim’. And those who feel insulted being called Kaafir are either weak in vocabulary or they don’t want to be treated different by their muslim friend. ‘And also there is no term like ‘Kaafir’ in the holy book of Quran. Beacause as I said, God treats everybody equal.’

You would be thinking why should one listen to me, so just know few interesting things about me.

I and my family belong totally to hindu background but my family believes in four religions, namely Hinduism, Islam, Christainity and Sikh. My grandmother is a constant follower of Islam and she has been doing that since long. She never missed the evening prayers called ‘namaz’. (Once I tried to ask about how long she had been doing this, and I was slapped hard by my mother, yelling at me as if I was trying to disrespect any religion; may be she thought that I was trying to reason with as why my grandma instead of being a Hindu following Islam. Literally, I was gnawing at that moment because I was just ‘five’ back then. I never tried to ask anything ever about the equal treatment to all religion by my family.).

Many other of my family follow all religions. The best example I can give you is my elder brother, for the first seven years of his life, he was a dedicated Hindu, visiting to temples with my father more often. He was very much delighted by Bhagwan. ( He had read the whole of the Holy book Gita.)

Next seven year of his life, he was a pure believer and strong follower of Islam. He had been to almost every mosque in the cities we had been in those seven years. He had been to ‘dargah’. He went to do prayers (Namaz) on Fridays (Jhumma). He had read the holy book Quran.

Next seven years of life i.e. after 14 years of age, he is practicing Christianity, he is 19 at the moment and had read Bible and goes to attend the evening prayers at the Church, a day in a week.

As for me I am not much onto religions but that does not mean I don’t respect them. But anything I know, had been told to me by my family. And I am a regular visitor to Temples, Mosques (& Dargahs), Church and Gurudwaras.

And you know I am proud to be an Indian and I am 18 at the moment, a b-tech student and there are two places in the world where I would love to be, ‘Saudi Arabia (Land of Dreams, an Islamic country)’ and/or ‘U.S.A. (Land of Opportunities, a Christian country).

So according to the concept of the ‘manipulative”sick’ people, I might not be allowed in any of the countries because I’m niether a Muslim nor a Christian, but hey! Newsflash, my cousin is in Saudi, she is leading a great life there and my uncle is in Los Angeles, America having a great life.

And for general, in every society there exist a few bad men who try to eradicate the whole society. But that does not mean the whole society is bad. Likewise there may be a few ‘fake & sick’ religious persons, who would be troubling you on the basisi of you religion but that does not mean the whole country is sick, does it?

Beware of those few.

And for the post above, Madiha if your story is true,

And if your mother was facing violence at the hands of your father, and you were deprived of your freedom, you should have complained to the police about that and could have set an example for all those who bear such sadistic things silently. And there is no connection between religion and such things. You cannot blame religion or God for your sadistic acts or the one you face. Its your mother’s weakness that she cannot stand against wrong and its your father’s fate that he would have to face hard consequences for disrespecting his wife and thus not respecting his God.

And about ‘Hijab’ in Islam, the same goes for Hindu women, there is ‘Ghoonghat’ in hinduism, just another term to protect a woman’s modesty.

Its not like I’m being orthodox or something and I strongly don’t believe that beacause of filthy men, woman have to be bound of their freedom. But its not me its the society that blames women for anything and everything.

And if your story is a fake, and you are a Hindu or Muslim or of any other religion, making up this story just for ‘provoking’ Hindus and Muslims against each other, your are already sucessful and you don’t have the need to do so because Hindus and Muslims are pretty much against each other already (because of sick minded people like you). But beware whoever you are, Your God is watching you. And you will have to pay for that.

May your God give you all senses and bless you all!!

Love #Humanity and yell out loud #WeAreTogether.!!!

Thats all. -Raj

Also read if in relations with a Christian: Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity,

Also read if in relationship with a Muslim: Islamic Women Today, Muta, HRS, wife-beating, Muhammad, Hadith, Koran, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Christian-Muslim marriages,

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1 Comment

  • April 16, 2016 8:56 am

    Hi Raj,
    Thank you for sharing your views on God and religions. We love your pluralistic beliefs.

    Are you ever in love with or will ever consider an interfaith marriage? Considering this site is about interfaith marriages, can we ask you to share your views on our views on this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlAuY85RlcE

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