I Thought Christians are Chill Types but…

Ritu says: April 19, 2019 at 4:10 am

Hi Admin,

I am a Hindu girl, fell for a protestant Christian guy.
During our initial phases, I never felt he is any different than Hindus..
Gradually I started realising, although he is a good guy, he is conservative and orthodox Christian.
I also found out that his parents and even he wants our baby (after marriage) to be Christian and be baptised.
I dont believe in Christianity but I always thought Christians are chill types but doesnt look like that to me.

Initially he told me the child will follow both cultures and is free to decidde. On my arguments, that I dont want my child to be baptised or attend Sunday schools as they will brain wash his mind, he became adamant that the child will be Christian..

I only ask: if there any law which will help me as being the mother, the child has my blood and thus, has my religion. If I dont want this conversion non sense.
What should I do?

Are christians not really cool? Is whatever I read about the conversion, the hell and the narrow mentality true?
Will I suffer if I marry out side my religion?
I am really scared and I have read several articles here.

Please help and comment. -Ritu

Admin says:

Hi Ritu,
It is very smart of you to reach out to us. We have guided some 1200 youths and written a book on this subject and will have most answers that you are looking for.

Q: If there any law which will help me as being the mother
A: No, unless you agree now to raise children Christian. The church will want that agreement because they cannot tolerate you give exposure of Hinduism to your children.

Comment: If I don’t want this conversion non sense.
A: We are 100% with you. You are on track, keep baptism and church out of your married life and you are set to go.

Q: Are christians not really cool? Is whatever I read about the conversion, the hell and the narrow mentality true?
A: Yes, Christianity is cool in Bollywood movies but you should know that Christins have killed millions of innocent people, more than Islam. Fundamentally, Christianity is an exclusivist, supremacist and monotheist faith. Read a flavor of the Bible here. Their fundamental belief is–we are born with sin and only baptism is a way to wash your sins. Many Christians will even tell honestly that Mahatma Gandhiji will go to hell because he was not baptized. Yes, they are narrow minded in the sense that only Jesus saves, while Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus will not.

Q: Will I suffer if I marry out side my religion?
A: No, but if you don’t accept their narrow minded teachings, you will not survive there. Find out if he is a religious fanatic, if yes, don’t marry him.

Comment: I am really scared and I have read several articles here.
A: Smart, it is good to make fully informed decision. Simply tell him that you nor your children will be baptized. At their age 21, they will make decision for their own Fatih, what ever that is. If he does not agree, why will you want to marry such religious fanatic?

We have seen European and many American Christians no longer carry their fundamental supremacist exclusivist ideologies but Indian Christians are 1000 years behind in opening their minds and are not ready to be pluralists.

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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