Helen says: April 2, 2013 at 11:27 am

Hi everbody

I was born an Iraqi Muslim and grew up in a moderate Muslim environment hearing the horror stories about hell, endless torture and burning, angles on both sides of your shoulders one is writing your good deeds and the other bad deeds, an other magic things that are hard for a logical human mind to accept it.

I remember when I was in Primary School sitting down in the classroom in terror thinking to myself what if judgment day is tomorrow? What if judgment day is next hour and I would go to hell? It’s a total brain poison for a little children.

At my early teens, I started wondering more and more.. I read ( asma2 allah ilhusna) and started wondering. Why would god praise himself so much? God shouldn’t be a show off; he can’t be vain!

And I must mention a few things that put me off most at that time. One of them is the inheritance law, which gives male siblings twice as much. I thought that was extremely unfair. Also the four-marriages for men that is allowed in Islam, Islam’s violence in punishment (cut this, chop that etc.).

And I started being pretty sure that Islam is a fake… Muhammad did it the profit… He fooled everyone.

So I started to explore different options to myself.

I explored Christianity, went to Sunday school to learn more.

And I found no lasting peace. Same magical stories.. Heaven / hell and so on.

So finally I decided that I better find a different path for myself. I wanted to use my own brain to examine facts and weigh them.

I came to a conclusion that there is no God: male or female God. If there was something, it might be a higher power.

I traveled to Japan a few times and I explored Buddhism. They have always emphasized to me that Buddhism is not a religion. It’s a WAY OF LIFE.

That description set very well with me. And I started learning more.

I started meditating to clear my mind and create peace within. I started to have a peaceful approach to situations in life. And I grew a lot of compassion towards people with negative attitude.

My hope for everybody is just to use your own mind/brain to examine all facts that are presented to them…

Don’t be afraid to challenge ideologies that have been taught to you since you were born.

If there is a GOD… He/She would be very happy to see the human race use their minds, with which He/She has endowed His/Her human creation most richly. He/She must be fascinated, not infuriated, by the fact that the brain He/She has given to human beings may even question His/Her existence and logically analyze things to unravel the truth of the Universe, including Himself/Herself.

Ask you self…

If there is god… What would he/she do???

I am sure he/she is not in need for people to wash up and pray for him 5 times days to praise him/her.

He/She would rather have them do some thing positive to improve their lives… plant a tree… clean the house or send flower to a sick friend and so on.

Ask your self…………..Don’t be afraid.

God is not watching you. God is in you! -Helen

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. -Vivekananda

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  • October 7, 2013 8:31 am

    Helen has beautifully absorbed the basic essence of religion and negated the darker side of all religions that intimidates us, casts fear in us, bewilders us, discriminates between two of us and creates all kinds of hindrances on the way of a peaceful living. It is not the religion that creates God for us, rather it is us and our very own vision that is responsible for causing it. God is not because there are religions, God is because we think so. God is there not because religions say so, God is there because we feel the need of it very badly. Despite so much hard logic and science, God dos not vanish away, why ? These are the reasons :- 1. We fear for our dear life and want to keep it intact by all means that is why we are compelled to come around the concept of God. How many persons on this earth are really fearless and are not afraid of their lives ? Perhaps there may be a handful but that does not make a difference at all. So till there is fear, God will survive. 2. We are a selfish lot. I do not know about animals , plants and so many other creatures but we humans are really very selfish and greedy too. We have been blessed with this wonderful life but are not least satisfied with it and it is not our sole concern to live it fruitfully and depart gracefully in death but we seek more, we seek a permanent comfort, a constant trickling of happiness, eternal life free from sorrows and when we think that we are deprived of these while during our stay on earth, we imagine Heaven , Jannat, paradise, Swarg and so on and also create an imaginary entity that we call God, Allah , Ishwar and so on. We are happy to see he end of everything on earth, end of plants, end of animals (we even kill them ), end of stories, end of relations, end of movies, end of songs, end of everything except our own end. What a hypocrisy ? It is due to such cravings of us that we have created religions along with concept of God. It is because of our strange craving that when Yaksh asked Yudhister about the greatest wonder of the world, he said that day in and day out, a man sees so many persons dying but he never thought that one day he would also follow them, rather he assumed himself as if he would remain immortal ever. This is the greatest wonder of the world. 3. Helen has rightly said that why should God need something or other to be performed for Him ? This is correct , why God will need worthless eulogy, glorification and flattering on accoutrements of his wonderful creation ? God will rather be happy if we, his creation, live our lives very meaningful and sensible. God does not need our admiration just as we humans seek mutually otherwise why should anyone give Him such an exalted status ? 4. For such persons, who run their lives without fear, without hatred, without discrimination, without hypocrisy, without animosity, without violence, then only will he feel everything good and divine that is said about God. Otherwise there is no God despite wonderful words manufactured by so many religions. 5. There is God for a person if he/she has the guts to hear that there is no God and even if dead convinced in his belief of God, never hates an atheist or any other person who wears a counter belief or an alien belief other than what he /she professes. Otherwise, his /her God is very shallow, very raw and very poor and just akin to a fallible human being like himself. 6. It is not my concern whether persons believe in God or not but how they believe or do not believe is more important. It is your way of talking that matters and not what you utter. It is your way of living that matters and not your religion and God depicted in your religion. 7. It would be better if adherents of various faiths gather in one place and make a consensus to extract that much which is relevant and discard everything else and the whole humanity usher in an utterly vibrant and meaningful religion and of course a meaningful God too. Since this is the perfect age and time due to rapid communication, free expression and constant mingling, all the right thinking persons should change the face of earth. The humanity needs a drastic make up and the time is now ! I appreciate the sentiments of Helen that provoked me to express my views in this manner, thanks a lot dear.

  • April 8, 2013 9:59 am


    Islam is totally and completely bogus – a sham and a fraud. The Koran is not the word/teachings of God but the word/teachings of Allah (the ANTI GOD) – the word/teachings of Muhammad. The Koran is a book of evil which is a very great sin and obscenity against God. As will be shown in this website, Allah was the fictional creation of Muhammad who was no prophet of any God. Muhammad invented Islam. Muhammad was Allah and Allah was Muhammad.

    Muhammad – the prophet of peace, the apostle of god, ordered 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of these acts of carnage. As the exemplary example and the perfection of humanity and the prototype of the most wonderful human conduct Muhammad massacred, beheaded, tortured, terrorized, raped, and looted in the name of God.

    In the Massacre of BanuQuraiza, Muhammad personally beheaded Jewish men and ordered the beheading of 600 to 900. To distinguish young Jewish boys from young Jewish men he ordered his SS jihadists – “the Companions” to pull down the pants of the terrified boys. Just the slightest traces of hair around the genital area and the young Jewish boy were taken away and beheaded. Muhammad took a Jewish woman as his sex slave and looted the property of the murdered Jews and sold their women and little girls that the jihadists did not want as sex slaves into slavery. Allah – the godfather and mafia chieftain of the Muhammad crime family rejoiced by creating as Eternal Laws of God – 5 teachings in the Koran celebrating the great slaughter of the BanuQuraiza Jews and enslavement of terrified women.

    At the Massacre of Kaibyr, Muhammad brutally tortured a Jewish chieftain to reveal where he had hidden the golden treasure of Kaibyr. When the chieftain refused to give Muhammad the treasure he was taken away and beheaded. This chieftain was the husband of a most beautiful 17 year old Jewish woman – Safiyaah. After murdering her father, brothers, uncles, husband – Muhammad will attack and rape Safiyaah.

    During the massacre of The Jewish Settlement of BaniMustaliq – Muhammad will capture and rape a twenty year old Jewish girl – Juwairiya. MUHAMMAD WAS THE FIRST NAZI SS MAN.

    If Islam was a true religion of peace in which Muslims prayed 5 times a day, fasted for one month yearly, abstained from alcohol, went on a pilgrimage once in a lifetime then nobody would care. But this is not the reality of Islam.

    Islam is not a religion but a political – military ideology with religious trappings masquerading as a religion. Only 10% of Islam has anything to do with religion, the other 90% is political.

    The Koran is not the bible but the Islamic Mein Kampf.

    In order to understand Islam, you must suspend all rationally and reason. Everything you have ever been taught about God, the equality of humanity, morality, golden rule, goodness and kindness must be abandoned for the irrational, immoral World of Allah – the ANTI GOD where deceit, assassination, massacre, extermination, genocide, murder, rape, slavery, terror, torture, brutality, hate, robbery, looting and pillaging are not criminal acts but holy blessed duties, halal (legal) acts as long as they are perpetrated on kafirs guarantying accession to a Paradise filled with voluminous breasted, lustrous eyed virgins that they can sexually molest for all eternity. Islam permits polygamy, pedophilla, wife beating, marriage with adopted son’s wives and unlimited sex with sex slaves. Allah is a pedophile permitting Muslim men to rape Muslim baby girls.


    Islam is anti God. Islam is a total and complete renunciation of God. While Muslims believe that there is only one God of the universe, their conception of God – a being they call Allah is not God but the ANTI GOD. This Allah (the ANTI GOD) worshipped by Muslims has divided all human beings into believers (Muslims) and non believers (kafirs i.e. YOU – Non Muslim.) Allah hates all kafirs with an intense passion. Kafirs are sub – human beings. They have zero humanity. Muslims must submit to Allah without question, non believers must submit to and be the slaves of Muslims, and Muslim women must submit to Muslim men.

    Islam means submission. Islam demands the complete surrender of all human beings to Allah.

    Islam is all about Muslim men. It is an evil ideology created by a man – Muhammad for his male followers granting them unlimited sex, riches, and political power.

    Allah hates all Muslim women with a deep seated loathing. Muslim women are vile, dirty, stupid creatures. Muslim men can have multiple wives, unlimited sex slaves, can marry and rape Muslim baby girls, beat his wives, and murder them and his daughters if they dare impugn his honor. Whereas kafirs have zero humanity, Muslim women are only just slightly higher on the human evolutionary scale having evolved to being half a human. This is the divine order of the universe ordained by Allah. This vision of the inequality of Muslim women to Muslim men, and the Eternal sub – humanness and lack of humanity of kafirs is FOREVER and can never be changed in any way.

    It is the prime directive of Islam to conquer the nations of the world for Allah by whatever means necessary. Allah seeks the extermination of all kafirs. By refusing to convert to Islam, kafirs have declared war against Islam, are a grave danger to Allah and must be destroyed. Islam is a declaration of war against kafirs. The Koran is not a holy book but a book of war. A book of genocide. Allah is a god of war. This war is permanent until all kafirs convert to Islam or agree to pay a devastating Jizya (submission tax) or are murdered.

    For Muslims, it is a holy religious duty to murder kafirs. The Quran is written in the language of terrorism. It is filled with numerous verses urging the Muslims to terrorize the non Muslims, kill them, and take possession of their lands and properties. The important points to remember is that whatever Muhammad did to terrorize the kafirs was actually the actions of God. Among the many verses which exhort Islamist terrorism, the following verses stand out as naked aggression of Allah/Muhammad on the unbelievers: 2:63, 3:151, 8:12, 8:60, 8:59, 9:5, 9:29, 9:55, 11:102, and 17:59 etc. These teachings are the Eternal Laws of Allah authorizating murder and extermination as a holy duty.

    Again as a kafir, you are not a human being to a Muslim. You have absolutely no humanity. A Muslim has the full right granted to him by God, to murder you, take your wife and young daughter(s) rape and gang rape them (no matter what the age of your daughter) take them as sex slaves or sell them into slavery to be breed like cattle for future sex slaves and profit. Your male children will be beheaded if they are young men. If there is any doubt as to whether your young son is a young man or a young boy, Muslims will pull down their pants and examine their genitals for the slightest growth of hair. Just the slightest hair growth is enough for him to be beheaded. All your property will be seized and whatever the Muslim does not want to keep as his personal property, the remainder will be sold.

    As a kafir you have absolutely NO RIGHT TO OWN ANYTHING. It is a sacrilege against Allah. All your property – your home, car, money, furniture, stocks and bonds, corporations, farms, is the property of the Muslims who have holy blood flowing through their veins. Your wife and children are the Muslim’s property to be tortured, brutalized, raped as the Muslim desires.

    If a Muslim kills or is killed murdering, raping, pillaging non – Muslims then they are guaranteed accession by God to a Paradise of full breasted, lustrous eyed virgins who regenerate as virgins after each sex act that they can sexually molest with external erections for all eternity. THIS IS THE EVIL INSANITY THAT IS ISLAM.

    Dar al-Islam and dar al-harb: the House of Islam and the House of War (By Robert Spencer)

    Islam is based on an uncompromising division of the world between Believer and Unbeliever, or Infidel: dar al-Islam (The house of Islam) and dar al-harb (the House of War). There must be a state of war between the two — though not always a state of open warfare. For Muslims have a duty to spread Islam, and to constantly expand the boundaries of Dar al-Islam, the place where Islam dominates, and Muslims rule. This is a duty, not a suggestion.

    All Muslims Must Make Jihad

    Jihad is an obligation from Allah on every Muslim and cannot be ignored nor evaded. Allah has ascribed great importance to jihad and has made the reward of the martyrs and the fighters in His way a splendid one. Only those who have acted similarly and who have modeled themselves upon the martyrs in their performance of jihad can join them in this reward. Furthermore, Allah has specifically honoured the Mujahideen {those who wage jihad} with certain exceptional qualities, both spiritual and practical, to benefit them in this world and the next. Their pure blood is a symbol of victory in this world and the mark of success and felicity in the world to come.

    Those who can only find excuses, however, have been warned of extremely dreadful punishments and Allah has described them with the most unfortunate of names. He has reprimanded them for their cowardice and lack of spirit, and castigated them for their weakness and truancy. In this world, they will be surrounded by dishonour and in the next they will be surrounded by the fire from which they shall not escape though they may possess much wealth. The weaknesses of abstention and evasion of jihad are regarded by Allah as one of the major sins, and one of the seven sins that guarantee failure.

    Islam is concerned with the question of jihad and the drafting and the mobilisation of the entire Umma {the global Muslim community} into one body to defend the right cause with all its strength than any other ancient or modern system of living, whether religious or civil. The verses of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Muhammad are overflowing with all these noble ideals and they summon people in general (with the most eloquent expression and the clearest exposition) to jihad, to warfare, to the armed forces, and all means of land and sea fighting.

    The violent injunctions of the Quran and the violent precedents set by Muhammad set the tone for the Islamic view of politics and of world history. Islamic scholarship divides the world into two spheres of influence, the House of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the House of War (dar al-harb). Islam means submission, and so the House of Islam includes those nations that have submitted to Islamic rule, which is to say those nations ruled by Sharia law. The rest of the world, which has not accepted Sharia law and so is not in a state of submission, exists in a state of rebellion or war with the will of Allah. It is incumbent on dar al-Islam to make war upon dar al-harb until such time that all nations submit to the will of Allah and accept Sharia law. Islam’s message to the non-Muslim world is the same now as it was in the time of Muhammad and throughout history: submit or be conquered. The only times since Muhammad when dar al-Islam was not actively at war with dar al-harb were when the Muslim world was too weak or divided to make war effectively.

    But the lulls in the ongoing war that the House of Islam has declared against the House of War do not indicate a forsaking of jihad as a principle but reflect a change in strategic factors. It is acceptable for Muslim nations to declare hudna, or truce, at times when the infidel nations are too powerful for open warfare to make sense. Jihad is not a collective suicide pact even while “killing and being killed” (Sura 9:111) is encouraged on an individual level. For the past few hundred years, the Muslim world has been too politically fragmented and technologically inferior to pose a major threat to the West. But that is changing.

    Sharia Law (By Robert Spencer)

    Democracy and freedom are an affront to Allah. All constitutions are offense to Allah and must be destroyed and replaced with Sharia Law.

    Large parts of the Koran are legal code and form Islamic constitutional law. Since Muslims believe that these laws come from Allah and Mohammed they are of a higher order truth than any man-made laws. Therefore, Sharia law must replace all other forms of government.

    Sharia is the legal code ordained by Allah for all mankind. To violate Sharia or not to accept its authority is to commit rebellion against Allah, which Allah’s faithful are required to combat. Under Sharia law, all kafirs are second class citizens. Women can be beaten and slavery is allowed. And just as in political Islam, Sharia law cannot be reformed.

    It is the long term goal of Islam to replace the US Constitution with the Sharia, since it contradicts Islam. For that matter, democracy violates Sharia law. Democracy assumes equality of all peoples. Islam teaches that a Muslim is a better person than kafirs and that the kafirs should submit to Islam. But in voting, a Muslim’s vote is equal to a kafir’s vote. This violates Islamic law, since a Muslim and a kafir are never equal.

    There is no separation between the religious and the political in Islam; rather Islam and Sharia constitute a comprehensive means of ordering society at every level. While it is in theory possible for an Islamic society to have different outward forms — an elective system of government, a hereditary monarchy, etc. — whatever the outward structure of the government, Sharia is the prescribed content. It is this fact that puts Sharia into conflict with forms of government based on anything other than the Quran and the Sunnah.

    The precepts of Sharia may be divided into two parts:

    1. Acts of worship (al-ibadat), which includes:

    Ritual Purification (Wudu)

    Prayers (Salah)

    Fasts (Sawm and Ramadan)

    Charity (Zakat)

    Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

    2. Human interaction (al-muamalat), which includes:

    Financial transactions


    Laws of inheritance

    Marriage, divorce, and child care

    Food and drink (including ritual slaughtering and hunting)

    Penal punishments

    War and peace

    Judicial matters (including witnesses and forms of evidence)

    As one may see, there are few aspects of life that Sharia does not specifically govern. Everything from washing one’s hands to child-rearing to taxation to military policy fall under its dictates. Because Sharia is derivate of the Quran and the Sunnah, it affords some room for interpretation. But upon examination of the Islamic sources, it is apparent that any meaningful application of Sharia is going to look very different from anything resembling a free or open society in the Western sense. The stoning of adulterers, execution of apostates and blasphemers, repression of other religions, and a mandatory hostility toward non-Islamic nations punctuated by regular warfare will be the norm. It seems fair then to classify Islam and its Sharia code as a form of totalitarianism.

    The most important teaching in Islam is that all Muslims MUST believe that the Koran is the Eternal divine word of God – the Eternal laws of God. All Muslims MUST believe that God authored the Koran and a copy of the Koran is in heaven. (Thats right – God Himself wrote the Koran and a copy is in heaven.) The Koran remains for all Muslims, not just “fundamentalists,” the uncreated word of God Himself. It is valid for all times and places forever; its ideas are absolutely true and beyond all criticism. To question it is to question the very word of God, and hence blasphemous. A Muslim’s duty is to believe it and obey its divine commands without question.

    Muslims can be killed (beheaded) for doing any of the following:

    Reviling Allah or his Messenger; (2) being sarcastic about ‘Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the Quran or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of Islam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended ‘the Prophet’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’

    This means exactly what it says. ALL MUSLIMS MUST BELIEVE that the Koran is the ETERNAL word/teachings of God to be followed without question. If a Muslim challenges or questions the Koran, HE IS NO LONGER A MUSLIM BUT AN APOSTATE OF ISLAM and can be killed.

    The Koran can never be changed not even one word. When you are reading teachings of the Koran, you are reading the word of God himself and you must OBEY. THERE IS NO CHOICE. There is no exercising free will, no employing logic, reason, rationality, morality. These teachings are for all time – FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER.

    This is the most important insanity that ALL Muslims believe – THAT MEANS ALL MUSLIMS. This belief in the KORNIC ETERNAL LAWS OF GOD is a disaster that has the potential to destroy humanity and civilization as we know it.

    Again, all the Kornic teachings of extermination,murder, rape, slavery, looting, terror, sex with little girls, the non humanity of kafirs, sexual Paradise for Muslim killers etc are FOREVER.

    They are Islam.

    Islam is not a wonderful religion of peace and love that has been hi – jacked and perverted by a few bad apples of evil Islamo – Fascists, Islamic militants, Islamic Fundamentalists, jihadists, Wahhabism, radical Islam, political Islam, Islamists etc. There has been no hijacking. There has been no perversion. These demented souls are following exactly the teachings of the Koran and in the footsteps of the Prophet – Muhammad. ITS ALL ABOUT ISLAM STUPID INFIDEL

    As already stated and what you must fully understand in order to protect your family and country against this very great evil living and flourishing among us is that the Koran defines the kafir as a subhuman who can be insulted, raped, robbed, killed, threatened or tortured. For Allah, these are holy, divine acts.

    In Islam there is no Golden Rule – treat others as you wish to be treated. The ten commandments do not apply to kafirs.

    The Golden Rule is centered on ethics, not god, and is universal to all cultures, except Islam. Indeed, the whole Islamic Trilogy (Koran, Sira and Hadith) denies the truth of the Golden Rule.

    If the Golden Rule was applied to Islam removing hate and violent teachings directed against the kafir – and the hate directed against Muslim women about 61% of the Koran would vanish, 75% of the Sira and 20% of the Hadith would also go away.

    The Golden Rule even changes Hell. Islamic Hell is primarily political. Hell is mentioned 146 times in the Koran. Only 9 references are for moral failings—greed, lack of charity, love of worldly success. The other 137 references to Hell involve eternal torture for not agreeing that Mohammed is right. That is a political charge, not a morals failure. Thus 94% of the references to Hell are as a political prison for dissenters. The Golden Rule would empty Islam’s political prison.

    The Golden Rule annihilates the ethics of cruelty. Golden Rule Islam would be a reformed Islam that the kafirs would not fear and dread. We are tired of living in fear of political Islam. We have suffered enough and would welcome an Islam that did not argue, demand, pressure, dhimmize, threaten, deceive and destroy kafirs and their civilization

    No rational, normal person can believe in the evil that is Islam.

    Muslim men who follow the evil teachings of the Koran are not going to Allah’s sexually depraved paradise of full breasted, lustrous eyed virgins but will lose their eternal souls and join Muhammad and his master Satan in the fires of Hell.

  • April 6, 2013 11:37 am

    When Muslim men die and pass to Islamic Paradise (Heaven), they expect to enter a utopian dimension where wine, milk and honey flows, fruit-trees flourish and rivers gush forth with the purist water.

    Here, they plan to be greeted by 72 young virgins of “perpetual freshness” (houris) who will lead them into palaces loaded with luxurious thrones surrounded by gold, silver and jewel plated furnishings.- a holy place where believers reclined on jeweled couches surrounded by the finest silks can experience unlimited erotic sexual pleasures.

    Islamic scholar Yusuf Ali described the virgins as “the companionship of Beauty and Grace – one of the highest pleasures of life. In the higher life it takes a higher form…The pronoun in Arabic is in the feminine gender. It is made clear that these maidens for heavenly society will be of special creation,-of virginal purity, grace, and beauty, inspiring and inspired by love, with the question of time and age eliminated.”

    The virgins, according to another Islamic commentator are “creations of God, intelligent yet soulless and created to serve the believer who goes to Paradise. They are created for the purpose of serving the believer, and as such, they don’t exactly have free will. They are described as pure, beautiful, dark eyed, lustrous, virgin, and more perfect than any human on earth. Imagine the woman of your dreams.”

    Quranic commentator Al-Suyuti (died 1505 ) explained more graphically that Muslim men in Paradise experience non-ending arousals and that ever time they have sex with one of the angelic maidens, they find her body reconstituted as “virgin.”

    “The sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint,” Al-Suyuti explained. ” Each chosen one [Muslim] will marry seventy houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all (will be appetizing).”

    Islam’s Prophet Muhammad was heard saying about Islamic Heaven: ‘The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana’a [Yemen].”

    To assure Muslim men that they will be able to fully enjoy their heavenly rewards, Muhammad said, “A man in paradise shall be given virility equal to that of one hundred men.”

    Islamic law and moral guidance for all of Islam is mostly based on the life of Muhammad and his Quranic revelations, his life as a conquering warrior and his sayings, acts, approvals or disapprovals. He was born 570 years after the death of Jesus Christ.

    Muslims say that the Archangel Gabriel manifested himself to Muhammad where he was secluded in a cave to pray.

    Gabriel, according to Islamic teachings, instructed the terrified Muhammad that he had been chosen as a messenger of God to “recite, repeat and proclaim” revelations from God. For nearly 23 years, Muhammad supposedly received “Divine” instructions

    As soon as Muhammad would receive a divine revelation and repeat it back to his followers, it became Islamic tradition or law. Muhammad recited a revelation declaring that Christ was not the Son of God another instructing Muslims that it was their heavenly duty to fight and kill Christians and Jews where ever they could be found.

    For centuries Muslim men have followed Muhammad’s specific “revelation” instructions on how and when to fight, loot, pillage, plunder, rape, torture and murder in order to further the interests of Islam and their own personal wealth in the form of “plunder.”

    Muslim women were and still are restricted to the role of wife, who is a source of comfort for her husband and mother for his children. This because Muhammad was heard to say “men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has given one more strength than the other, and because they support them from their means” and “stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display of yourselves like that of the former times of ignorance. (Surah Ahzab:33)

    When a Moslem female turns 7 years old, she is segregated from all males in and out of her extended family. From then on, no males including her father, grandfather, uncles, brothers, cousins are allowed to be present at her birthday parties or at any ceremony celebrating her accomplishments.

    At 9 years old, she must begin adhering to Islamic laws because she is considered an adult and eligible for marriage. Muhammad contracted for his wife Aisha, when she was 7 (he was 51) and consummated the marriage when she was 9.

    Aisha, was the second of 11 wives and an unknown number of concubines and female slaves who Muhammad collected during his life, which span from 570 AD until 632 AD.

    When a Muslim woman steps from her house into the public, her body must be covered from head to toe with no skin showing (hijab).

    This law, according to Islamic tradition, is a result of Muhammad becoming upset one day when he noticed several of his wives flirting with men who were visiting him. Muhammad ordered the women to retire behind a dividing curtain when speaking to the men. It was that order by Muhammad which caused the Islamic obligation of hijab. The term comes from the Arabic word “hijaba,” which means to hide from view.

    If a Muslim women gets sick, she is required to be treated by female doctors. If none are available, she must be examined through some sort of divider or go without treatment.

    Like Muslim men, Muslim women must kneel facing Mecca and pray five times a day and fast one month out of a year. Women are required to pray at home in many Islamic countries because females are not allowed in mosques. Among the countries which allow women in mosques, the women are banished to basement rooms or other segregated spaces.

    Muslim leaders explain that for Islamic prayers to be “valid” and “accepted by Allah,” the prayer must be offered with a complete presence of the heart, harmony of the inner self and uninterrupted concentration.

    They say women performing the Muslim prayer movements of standing upright, sitting, bending and prostrating is inappropriate because it distracts men from their prayers. For justification, Muslim leaders point to the Islamic tradition which states ” . . . and whoever prays behind a woman imam should repeat his prayers even if the time slot for that specific prayer has passed.”

    Muhammad was once heard saying: “from among my followers there will be some who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, to be lawful. Allah will destroy them during the night and will let mountains fall on them. He will transform the rest into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Doom” (Hadith, Volume 7, Book 69, Number 494v).

    As a result, Muslim women are ordered not to wear silk (fashionable cloths) or bright colors, play musical instruments, dance, wear make-up, date, have sex outside of marriage, play sports, watch men play (even on television), etc. If they get caught doing so, depending on the Islamic country, they will be arrested and beaten.

    Women living under Islamic laws are not allowed to work, travel, go to college, join organizations, or visit friends and relatives without the permission of their father or husband.

    They can be legally jailed or executed for violations of Islamic laws, depending on the seriousness the infraction.

    Quranic verse 24:31 warns Muslim women not to make eye contact or allow any part of their skin or jewelry to be seen by strangers, “and tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect themselves from illegal sexual acts, and not show off their adornment [to all men] and boys].” As a result of this verse, if an adult girl (9 years and older) is raped by an adult man, she will be considered at fault because she was careless and provoked the attack. Her parents will be expected to severely punish or kill her for dishonoring her family.

    If a woman is taken political prisoner, and condemned to death, Islamic law prevents her from being executed as long as she is a virgin because Muslim leaders believe virgins go to heaven. But, according to those same leaders, women involved in politics are “ungodly creatures” who do not deserve to go to heaven. To insure that an “ungodly virgin” does not enter heaven, the woman’s captors will treat her as a concubine making it legal for her to be systematically raped.

    Islamic justification for raping woman prisoners can be found because Muhammad gave permission for Muslim warriors to rape enemy prisoners “except those (captives and slaves) whom your hands possess. Thus has Allah ordained for you…..” Surah 4:24. The key words for the Islamic legal code are “whom your hands possess” and “thus Allah has ordained for you.”

    Muslim Quranic (bible) verse 4:34 instructs Muslim men to “admonish” and “beat” their wives if they become “rebellious” and that “men are the managers of the affairs of women because Allah has preferred men over women and women were expended of their Rights.”

    In an Islamic court of law, it takes the testimony of two women to override the testimony of one man. Justification for this legal tradition is found in Quran 2:282.

    Muslim women are not allowed equal right to their inheritance (Quran 4:11-12) because they are only worth half of a man’s share. In most Islamic countries, women are not allowed to vote and are certainly not allowed to be elected to public office.

    According to Islam, most women are inherently evil and their ultimate destiny is Hell fire. Muhammad explained about one of his visions, “. . . I stood at the gate of the Fire [Hell] and saw that the majority of those who entered it were women.”

    When a women asked Muhammad why there were more women in Hell than men, he replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.”

    When the woman asked what was deficient in a woman’s intelligence and religion, Muhammad answered, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man? This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? This is the deficiency in her religion.”

    Because Muhammad said, “marry such women as seem good to you, two, three, four; but if you fear you will not be equitable, then only one, or what your right hands own; so it is likelier you will not be partial,” polygamy is legal in Islam. A man may marry “four Permanent” and as many “Provisional” or temporary wives as he desires.

    Because Muhammad said, “your women are a tillage for you; so come unto your tillage as you wish,” Islam assumes not only that women are worth less than men, but that they are property who must unquestionable meet all her husband’s sexual desires. If she refuses, he has the legal right under Islamic law to deny her food, shelter, and all of life’s necessities.

    A Muslim woman does not have the right to choose who she wants to marry. She is not permitted to divorce her husband unless she can prove he is impotent or that he does not have sex with her “at least one night in every forty nights” and if he has not provided her with a minimum standard of living. In both cases, the woman would need another witness, because Muhammad said a women’s testimony counts only “half of a man’s.”

    If a Muslim women protests any of her treatment, she is reminded that “her husband can divorce her simply by repeating “I divorce you” three times and that her prayers and devotions will not be accepted by God and curses of heaven and earth will fall upon her” if she continues to rebel.

    Since Muhammad’s time, Muslim women have been made to fear the Hell Fire consequences of disobeying husbands and fathers, but what can the loyal and obedient women expect to find for herself in paradise?

    Because Paradise, is described in largely male terms, the exact nature of an equivalent reward for women remains unclear. Married women, who pass the purity test will be reunited with their husbands and children. A woman who married more than once would have to choose which husband she would prefer to join her in the after-life. She, however, remains reserved for her husbands, if one chooses to keep her.

    Men who married more than once will remain free to keep all their wives while having the privilege of being attended to by 72 pure, beautiful, dark eyed, lustrous angelic maidens, whose bodies continuously reclaims as “virgins.”

    Muslim scholars say that Muslim women in Paradise are also rebuilt young and beautiful with perpetual virginity, but that there is no Quranic promise of virgins for women.

    Although Muhammad was heard promising that “round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls,” Muslim scholars are emphatic that the pretty virgin boys in Paradise are not there for the women.

    “I am a Moslem woman. I have no face. I have no identity . . . Islam believes and promotes only one relationship between male and female and that is the relation of lust . . . I have no explanation on why God denied me everything and made men in charge of me, if there is a God. I don’t believe there ever was one.”– Dr. Parvin Darabi, a rehabilitated Muslim woman, author and activist.

  • junaid
    April 4, 2013 12:32 pm

    The crap you are writting againest islam is exposed on islamic site
    do you think that muslims(not fake muslims) believe all the lies you posted on this site. All the muslims know what is in the quran. Terrorism in the muslim countries is due to biggest terrorist organsation america and isreal. Taliban is the creationof america to keep unrest in muslim countries . One person here gives estimate total of christians killed by muslims and how many muslims were killed in gaza strip iraq war and in kashmir. America first created isreal to creat unrest in muslim countries and removed 9 lakh arabs in palastine. And then created taliban againest soviet union after that america created9/11 and then started fighting againest terrorism which she created herself. Muslims are given right to fight in self defense and give rules how to deal with thouse who fight and spread hatredness and do some injustice and creat oppression inmuslim countries. 9/11 was 100% musad opreation vist above site for more details. To know about islam vist http://www.irf.net

  • April 4, 2013 11:42 am

    About 90% of Muslims do not bother to read Quran with its translation. But still, they believe that Quran is a “miracle” of Allah. If Muslims ever bother to study Quran with an understanding of its meaning and an objective mind, they will find absurdities, hate verses, contradictions, Pseudo science, stolen stories of bible, stories of Mohammed’s wives, stories of his companions, abrogated verses, satanic verses, grammatical errors, dreams of heaven, torture of hell, Allah’s anthropomorphic face, non Arabic words, inequalities, badly copied biblical verses, humor, vulgar language ,Mohammed’s nervousness, his anger, his feelings, his hatred for Jews, his lust, his marriage with daughter in law, his atrocities, his lootings, his pedophilia, his hallucinations, his broken oaths, his broken treaties, misogynist verses, scriber’s wording and many other “miraculous” things. And they will never find any wording for peace except of some ayats of Mecca when Mohammed was weak and a poor shepherd. But they will not get the idea of missing verse of stoning, lashing and list of missing verses and the Quran which is hidden to Muslim “ummah”. Only Shia Imam has “hidden” knowledge about that part of “miraculous“ Quran.

    It is a common belief amongst Muslims that the Quran is a treasure-trove of miracles and all kinds of sciences. They universally believe that Westerners get all their sciences from the Quran. It is as much their fault as of some Western (pseudo)scientists, who find all kinds of “$cience in Quran”. Yet, they do not accept Islam, which makes it obvious that they do these to be fattened with petrodollars from the rich Saudi princes.

    We, ex-Muslims, have debunked all the deceptive claims of Quranic Sciences over the past years. But they are spread in the form of pieces in FFI forum. I have collected all the data regarding “miracles of the Quran” in this E-Book.

    Many authors have contributed to forking out the information contained in this book and credit should go mostly to them. The following main contributors deserve a special mention:

    Hector [forum, Faith Freedom International]

    Khalil Feriel [forum, Faith Freedom International]

    Ali Sina

    Abul Kasem

    I urge readers to distribute this e-book among your fellows. You can email that to anyone. If you want your offspring to live on the planet earth happily, in peace, then Islam is to be tamed or eradicated.

    We have to reach the Muslim youth before the jihadis reach them. If we can not reach them ahead of the jihadis, the world will suffer. If you want to save the world, stop terrorism and stop oppression then you will have to tell people the truth of Islam and its founder.

    Forward it to others; perhaps your email stops a suicide bomber or someone from funding terrorism. Your single click of the mouse may save human blood, which is being shed in the jihad for Islam, which, in all likelihood, will increase further in the time ahead.

    Perhaps, your distribution of this book will alleviate sufferings of the billion-plus Muslims, who are the primary victim of Islam. It will, perhaps, many nations from horrendous attacks like the 9/11 (US), 7/7 (London), 3/11 (Madrid) and 11/26 (Mumbai). Perhaps your action slowly, and eventually stop, the site meter of Islamic terror attacks, which stands at 12690 today since 9/11.

    This meter is running very fast. We do not know who will fall victim to the next Islamic terror or suicide attack: maybe me, maybe you. Your sharing of this e-book with your friends, colleagues and contacts may reduce the chances of you and I be the next victim. We at the Islam watch and Faith Freedom are working hard to save the world from the atrocious demon, called Islam.

    The work done here is voluntary. Dr. Ali Sina and M. A. Khan have left their jobs and working on this most pressing issue of our time at great personal sacrifice. You can support and help this venture in any way possible: you can promote us, give our link to others, talk about us or share our contents in other forums.

    Amaar Khan

    A Pakistani-born Ex-Muslim

  • April 4, 2013 8:28 am

    Islam is one of the most serious threats all democratic freedom loving peoples have ever faced. It is the greatest threat that western women have faced to their hard won freedoms and legal protection of their human rights since obtaining the right to vote. Islam is one of the most evil, diabolical ideologies ever created.

    Islam has the potential to change mankind and a create a new type of human being – a creature totally devoid of humanity – a creature devoid of free will and empathy living in total submission to the brutal, hateful will of God. Hitler tried to carve with a butcher knife a new type of human – Aryan Man. Islam wants to create a new human species: Homo – Islamo. It has the potential to lead to mankind’s extinction as a species.

    Muhammad invented Allah and turned him into a criminal God (The Anti God) to give political power to himself and utilize the fictional teachings received from Allah as a religious and legal justification cover for his evil criminality. There were never any revelations from Allah to Muhammad. Allah never existed except in the mind of Muhammad. Muhammad made up all the teachings of the Koran. Muhammad was Allah (the ANTI GOD) and Allah (the ANTI GOD) was Muhammad.

    In Islam, deceit, torture, murder, assassination, massacre, genocide, pillage, robbery, enslavement and rape were made halal (legal) acts, deserving of paradise, AS LONG AS THEY WERE PERPETRATED ON INFIDELS. These evil, immoral teachings became the ETERNAL LAWS OF ALLAH (the ANTI GOD)

    Islam is not a religion but an evil political – military ideology whose sole purpose is to conquer the world for Allah (the ANTI GOD). The Koran is a declaration of war against the infidels. This war is permanent until ALL infidels have converted to Islam, or are in dhimmitude (institutionalized discrimination akin to second class slavery status) or have been murdered. Your book masks this cold hard evil reality for the HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL DO NOTHING ABOUT EVIL STUPID INFIDELS.


    In order for the Koran to be the divine word of God – every word, every teaching must be PERFECT. Since God is PERFECT, every word, every teaching of God – A PERFECT GOD must be PERFECT. If only one word/teaching of the Koran is not PERFECT – if only one teaching is not PERFECTION – MORAL PERFECTION – TRANSLATABLE MORAL CLARITY – MORAL PERFECTION for ALL mankind for ALL TIME, then the entire Koran is not a work of PERFECTION and therefore not the word/teachings of God. Every word – every teaching must be non violent. There can be no words of hate – no hateful teachings. Again, every word – every teaching must be MORALLY PERFECT. If only one word, one teaching is violent – if there is only one word of hate – if only one hateful teaching – if only one violent or hateful thought, if only one word – one teaching that is not MORAL PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not a work of PERFECTION and therefore not the word/teaching of God. God cannot have some PERFECT teachings and other teachings that are IMPERFECT. In order to be the divine word of God, the entire Koran must be a work of PERFECTION – the PERFECT word/teachings of a PERFECT God. All teachings in the Koran and all Islamic texts (written or verbal) that are not PERFECT – that are not PERFECTION are not the teachings of God – A PERFECT GOD but the teachings of man – the teachings of ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.)



  • April 4, 2013 8:13 am

    The practices of degradation, exploitation, humiliation, subjugation, and physical abuse of women by Muslim men have been, and still are, time-honored traditions since the 7th century.

    Muslims’ abominable treatment of the fairer sex was established by Muhammad and copied by his Bedouin Arab followers. They swept across Arabia and into neighboring countries, butchering the male inhabitants, looting and stealing their belongings, and taking their women and children captive to be raped, sodomized, forced into slavery, and shipped off on in droves to the harems and households of the wealthy men of the day.

    Muhammad based his “right” to the above behavior on conveniently timed justifications which he passed off as “revelations” on the subject. Because he was ruthless in eliminating anyone who disagreed with him, his followers let him get away with this practice.

    After Muhammad died, the bits of bone and leaf and other materials upon which Othman wrote his utterances were organized by him into what are today called the suras of the Qur’an. They were arranged by length, the longest being first, rather than by chronology.

    It is the suras concerning women in this collection of statements, and in the thousands of comments and analyses called the Hadith by Muslim jurists and philosophers based on the words of Muhammad, which began the institutionalization of relegating women to the status of non-persons to be used and exploited in any way Muslim males chose. Those jurists and philosophers who hated women took every opportunity to craft ever more limitations on how women were to be thought of, how they were to be treated, and what they were and were not allowed to do.

    The following are “authorities” of that express the prevailing opinion of Muslim males from Muhammad’s time until today. Because it is forbidden to question or analyze the Qur’an and the Hadith, these statements, set forth 14 centuries ago, remain unchanged and written in stone to this day.

    Sura al-Baqarah 2:23: Your women are a tilth to you to cultivate so go to your tilth as ye will, and send good deeds before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will one day meet Him.

    Sura an-Nisa 4:34: As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, and beat them.

    Sura an-Nisa 4:24: And all married women are forbidden to you save those whom your right hand possesses (captives).

    Sura al-Baqarah 2:222: They question thee concerning menstruation. Say it is an illness, so let women alone at such times and go not unto them till they are cleansed.

    These are called in Islam the “golden rights and provisions for all Muslim women:”

    The right to be treated as diseased and as sex toys
    The Qur’an – 2:222; Sahahi Bukhari -3.31.172

    The right to be used as a sowing field
    The Qur’an – 2:223

    The right to enjoy another husband after the third divorce from the previous husband (hilla marriage)
    The Qur’an – 2:230; Sahih Bukhari – 8.73.107; Sahih Bukhari – 7.63.187

    The right to engage in Islamic prostitution through Mut’a marriage
    The Qur’an – 4:24;Sahih Bukhari – 8.3246, 3247, 3248;
    Sahih Muslim – 8:3252, 8:3253, 8:3258

    The right to be treated as impure or as a drunkard
    The Qur’an – 4:32; The Qur’an – 16:92

    To uphold the inalienable superiority of men over women and the right to be beaten by husbands—no questions asked
    The Qur’an – 16:92; Sunaan Abu Dawad – 11.2142; Abdur Rahman – 1 DOI, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, Women in Society”

    To uphold the right of the husband to have four wives at any time and any number sex-slaves for all times; in case of objection by any wife, the husband can beat her

    The Qur’an – 4:3; Sunan Abu Dawad – 30.2.13; The Qur’an – 23:5-6, 70:29-30

    The right to be treated as a dog, a pig, a monkey, or an ass
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.9.490, 493, 498 Sahih Muslim – 4.1039;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2155; Mishkat ul-Masabih – vol 2, p.114, Hadis no. 789

    The right of ordinary women to be treated as crows
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    The right of a Muslimah to be stupid and to become a servant
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.6.301; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Muslim women forfeit their right to travel alone
    Sahih Bukhari – 2.20.192, 193; Sahih Bukhari – 3.29.85, 4.52.250
    Abdur Rahman 1 Doi, the recognized authority on Sharia in his book, “Women in Society

    Women must keep their sexual organs ready at all times for the husband to enjoy them unhindered at any time—night or day
    Sahih Bukhari – 4.54.460, 7.62.81; Sahih Muslim – 8.3367, 3368;
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 43

    Women have the right to breast-feed an unrelated bearded man to make him haram (forbidden to her in marriage)
    Sahih Muslim – 8.3424, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3428

    Women are slaves (prisoners) and men are their masters (owners)
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 33; Hedaya – p. 47

    Islamic marriage is about sex for money (prostitution)
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2105, 2.11,2106; Milik’s Muwatta – 28.4.12;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 11.2126; Hedaya – p. 44

    If a woman wishes to get rid of her tyrannical husband she must refund the ‘sex money’ (Mahr) she received from him during marriage
    Sahih Muslim – 7.63.197, 198, 199; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 12,2220;
    Malik’s Muwatta – 29.10.32

    Women have the right to undergo female circumcision (FGM)
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 41.5251

    Women are slaves and infidels—they are not fit to join the moral police force
    Ghazali – vol 2, p.186

    A husband has the right to have sex with his wife by force (the right to rape)
    Hedaya – p. 141

    Women are cheap—you can have sex with a woman by simply teaching her how to recite a few verses from the Qur’an
    Sahih Buhkari – 6.61.547, 548; Ghazali – vol 2, 31

    Barren women should be confined at home—they are fit only to be in the house-prison
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 24; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.29.3911

    A woman has no say when her husband decides to add more wives in his harem; she can’t even ask her husband to divorce her
    Sahih Bukhari – p. 141

    A wife has the right to decorate her husband when he goes out to have sex with his other wives
    Sahih Bukhari – 1.5.270

    A woman should never be selected or elected as a ruler
    Sahih Bukhari – 5.59.709; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Muslim women uphold the right of Islamic Jihadists to rape captive women right in front of their vanquished husbands
    The Qur’an – 4:24; Sahih Muslim – 8.3371, 3373, 3374, 3377;
    Sunaan Abu Dawud – 2.11.2150, 8.77.598

    Women are devils; they are as dirty and filthy as private parts are
    Sahih Muslim – 8.3240, 3242; Ghazali – vol 2, p. 26, vol 2, p. 43

    Fear the company of women—they bring bad luck
    Sahih Bukhari – 7.62.30, 31; Bukhari – 4.52.110, 111;
    Malik’s Muwatta – 54.821, 22; Sahih Muslim – 36.6603. 6604;
    Ghazali – vol 3, p. 86, 87

    Women have very little intelligence—their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man

    The Qur’an – 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud – 3.40.4662

    Women are less human—they get one-third of blood money, no booty (for Jihad) for them
    Malik’s Muwatta – 43.64b; Sahih Muslim – 19.4458

    Women are worse than dead persons—they cannot follow a bier
    Sahih Muslim – 4.2039

    Men should always oppose women
    Ghazali – vol 2, p. 34

    Women are easily expendable—a divorced woman gets no maintenance or alimony from her ex-husband
    Sahih Muslim – 9.3519, 3522

    A woman has the right to stay at home solely to provide sex to her husband
    Hedaya – p. 54

    A woman becomes a harlot when she wears perfume
    Mishkat al-Masabih – vol 2, p. 255

  • April 4, 2013 8:07 am

    How is Islam a true religion, due to_

    1.Marrying 4 wives,
    2. Mutta marriages,
    3. Female genital mutiliation,
    4. 72 virgins inheaven for terrorists?
    5. Burqa and other restrictions on women,
    6. Women are fields to be ploughed like any thing,
    7. Women just sex object,
    8. Wife beating, torturing,
    9. No education for females,
    10.Sex with dead wife,
    11.Proof of virginity on wedding night for bride and not male?


    • zahid
      April 7, 2013 10:49 pm

      Islam is only true and perfect religion.
      1. Marring 4 women up to women who want to become 2nd 3rd and 4th wife of married men.
      2. Beating of wife not allowed as prophet said thouse men are good who are good to women
      3. Women are field used

    • zahid
      April 7, 2013 11:47 pm

      Islam is only true and perfect religion.
      1. Marring 4 women up to women who want to become 2nd 3rd and 4th wife of married men.
      2.FGM is not allowed in islam as prophet never did this practice. to her daughters It is cultural. In my country this practice women are not undergo FGM only males go this practiceis not d
      3.mutta marriage banned in islam. If it is allowed in some parts of muslim world then it is up to women who want to do this type of marriage by knowing this marriage will lost in some months.
      4.Beating of wife not allowed as prophet said thouse men are good who are good to women. Beating of wife is allowed only allowed if she did something bad. Women cannot be beaten instantly after she do something bad. Islam asks first taught her you are doing wicked things . If she did not come to right path. Then do not sleep and talk to her for some weaks. If she did not come to right path then beat her lightly.
      4. Not given in quran that you should not give education to women. Instead of this prophet it is right of every muslim(women are also muslims) to get knowledge.
      5. Women are tilth actual ayah is
      2.223. Your women are like a tilth for you (where you plant seedto obtain produce), so come to your tilth as you wish, and send ahead (good issue) for(the future of) your souls. Act in due reverence for God, keeping within the bounds of piety and obedience to Him (both in your relationswith your women andbringing up offspring,as in all other matters). And know that you are to meet with Him; and give glad tidings to the believers (of what they will find in His Presence).
      Women are compeard to tilth as women are the field of mankind. Where mankind grows.
      6. No sex with dead wife the hadith which reports this is week as this hadith contridict the teaching of quran. Thouse hadith which contridict with quran are false.
      7. No proving virginity in quran

  • SecularSushant
    April 4, 2013 1:11 am


    Kudos to you for finding a way of life.
    Some of the things you say are what Hinduism and its branched religion Buddhism and Jainism preach.

    God is within you. God is your conscience.

    I feel extremely happy to have read your wonderfully written note and wish that there are many more people like you around.

    I specially liked where you say, if there is a higher power, why does She/He need to feel important by wanting his creation to wash five times a day and pray, why even go to a church every Sunday.

    Washing purifies us they say…. of the dirt, the sweat and everything and hence preparing us for prayer. But isn’t the dirt, the sweat and everything else also Gods creation?

    Why can only men pray in the main section of a mosque, why can only men be Imams or Popes? Hey presto, that’s because men wrote the books that people now so blindly follow.

    I say, drop the books and the Christ, the Mohamed and the Gurus.

    Adapt a way of life, a way of life which is all about longevity of the human kind, love, compassion and respect.

    Forget about doing the right deeds to attain heaven when you die, CREATE A HEAVEN WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE.

    • April 4, 2013 9:56 am

      Sushant, we agree. Helen expressed it superbly, a great message.

  • April 3, 2013 7:48 pm

    Islam is the true religion, and Allah is the only God who created you, the heaven, and the Hell. Say what ever you like, but one day you’ll realise the truth. Plz don’t misguide people when you know in deep your heart that there is GOD who created you and gave you all the things you have, and know that he can take away everything in one second.


  • April 3, 2013 7:36 pm

    I absolutily did not agree with you,,, when these kind misunderstand arize, we should ask ourselves who creates us, the creation or the creater,,,,,, Islam is peace,,,, and if islam meant violance than there will be no peace around the worl,,,, It is good to knw our basic principales before we write publicly masseges like this..

    Just sharing,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • April 3, 2013 11:44 am

    Hello every body,

    Evidence of institutional Islamophobia in Germany’s security services

    Saturday, March 23, 2013

    Employees of the department tasked with observing militant Islamists reportedly throw around deeply offensive, Nazi-affiliated words in private of the kind which would be unthinkable in a public setting.

    These range from Herrenrasse, the German for “master race” to Muselmann – originally a German word meaning “Muslim man” later used by the Nazis as a slang word for emaciated death camp inmates who had surrendered to their fate – to Ölauge, a derogatory name for “greasy” dark-eyed foreigners.

    In one case currently the subject of an internal investigation, an agency employee is said to have offended co-workers in his office by positioning a doll of a Teutonic Knight with his sword pointing at a miniature mosque, wrote the paper.

    Employees of the department tasked with observing militant Islamists reportedly throw around deeply offensive, Nazi-affiliated words in private of the kind which would be unthinkable in a public setting.These range from Herrenrasse, the German for “master race” to Muselmann – originally a German word meaning “Muslim man” later used by the Nazis as a slang word for emaciated death camp inmates who had surrendered to their fate – to Ölauge, a derogatory name for “greasy” dark-eyed foreigners.

    In one case currently the subject of an internal investigation, an agency employee is said to have offended co-workers in his office by positioning a doll of a Teutonic Knight with his sword pointing at a miniature mosque, wrote the paper.

  • April 2, 2013 10:37 pm

    We love your message and agree “God is in you!”

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